Web Results (202)



French & Indian War news...

Item #668852

March 15, 1757

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, March 15, 1757  Page 6 has half a column headed: "America" which is a: "Letter from an Officer of Lord John Murray's Regiment, dated Schenectady". This has some nice content on the French & Indian War, & includes: "...we were ordered to join the regiment at Albany, from which place the New-Englanders had gone up to attack Cro... See More  

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Northwest Passage... Admiral De Fonte's letter...

Item #653060

July 23, 1768

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 23, 1768  The front page has the conclusion of the lengthy letter from Admiral De Fonte, "giving an Account of the most material Transactions in a Journal of his from the Calo of Lima in Peru, on his Discoveries to find if there was any North-West Passage from the Atlantic Ocean into the South and Tartarian Sea," followed by considerable text. The... See More  

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Conflict between the Cherokee and Iroquois Nations... Smoking the Calumet of Peace...

Item #652387

February 13, 1768

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, February 13, 1768  As inside report under the heading, "AMERICA - New York," tells of a visit from South Carolina by a number of chiefs of the Cherokee Nation requesting the U.S. government mediate a dispute between the Cherokee Nation and the Six Nations of the Iroquois. Included is a mention that on the day after their arrival, "...three of the Mohawk Ch... See More  

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Reports from America...

Item #652297

June 04, 1768

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 4, 1768  Multiple inside page reports are from various locations in America including a letter from Massachusetts Bay and two articles from New York.

Also included are excerpts from Voltaire's new satire: "The Man of Forty Crowns" which is accompanied by a lengthy review which concludes with: "...This plausible discourse made me reflect ... See More  

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Independent spirit of those from Vermont...

Item #651190

September 20, 1783

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 20, 1783  The bkpg. has a report: "Private letters from New York mention that the inhabitants of the new State of Vermont are determined to encounter every danger, and even to form alliances with the Indian nations, rather than be incorporated with, or, as they conceive, subjected to the control of any of the United American States...".

Earlier ... See More  

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All happy in Portugal that a treaty with America has been finalized...

Item #650137

July 29, 1783

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 29, 1783  Page 4 has a report: "...from Lisbon says, that a treaty of commerce and amity is near being concluded on between  that Court & the United States of America, which has given great joy to the people in general there, and look upon it a a very happy event as they expect great advantages will arise by trading with the Americans."

... See More  

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Loyalists are leaving Charleston with their slaves...

Item #649648

April 10, 1783

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 10, 1783  Page 4 has: "American News" which includes: "The fleet left Charlestown [Charleston] bar on the 18th...part of which having on board Loyalists & their negroes, was conducted to St. Augustine by the convoy...part went to New  York with his Majesty's ships...having on board  troops and inhabitants, many families of ... See More  

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New York, Williamsburg, and Boston reports...

Mount Vesuvius erupts...

Item #649332

February 16, 1768

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, February 16, 1768  As inside report, "An account of the Great Eruption of Mount Vesuvius, the 10th of October, 1767...", which provides considerable details of the great eruption of 1768. Other articles include reports from New York, Williamsburg, Virginia, and Boston (see images).

Complete in 8 pages, 9 by 12 inches, only minor rubbing, nice condition.... See More  

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Pre-Revolutionary War era lot...

Item #649258
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, London, 1760's  A lot of 10 issues of this famous & popular newspaper at a bargain price.  A good set to show the state of affairs in England and the world shortly before the American Revolution.  All are complete in 8 pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, & are in nice condition.

If an image(s) is shown, it is only representative of the style and condition of what you will receive. Actual items will vary.

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Pre-Stamp Act to just prior to the Revolutionary War...

Item #649252
(10) THE LONDON CHRONICLE. A collection of ten issues, one from each year 1763 thru 1772, crossing the critical period from the just prior to the Stamp Act to just before the outbreak of the pre-Revolutionary War tensions. Each is 4-8 pages, may have slight imperfections, but in overall nice condition.   

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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The death of Prince Edward, Duke of York...

Item #646274

September 17, 1767

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, September 17, 1767

* Multiple reports from America

Page two has multiple reports from Charles-Town, South Carolina [current Charleston] which tell of robberies and other hostilities, some of which are described as "worse than the most savage Indians." See images for the graphic details. Page 6 has additional reports from Elizabeth-Town, New Jersey [cu... See More  

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Supporting the Americans... Trouble with the Creek Indians...

Item #646146

April 16, 1774

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 16, 1774  Over a full column on page 6 is taken with with a report from Charleston relating to the trouble with the Creek Indians (see).

The back page has an item which notes: "A writer treating of the present disputes relative to the Bostonians says, 'It is true, we did assist America in the late war, but did they not assist us, for whilst we ke... See More  

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A hostile ship encounter off Long Island...

Item #645898

December 09, 1760

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Dec. 9, 1760  Page 5 has over half a column headed: "America" with a New York dateline. The report details a hostile naval encounter off Long Island between the ships Sampson and the Winchester.

Eight pages, 8 by 11 inches, very nice condition.

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More on Moody's book on America...

Item #645129

January 02, 1783

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 2, 1783  Page 2 has some content concerning independence of America (see), and page 5 is entirely taken up with the continued: "Further Extracts From the Printed Narrative of Lieutenant James Moody's Exertions and Sufferings in the Cause of Government in North America".

The bkpg. has a paragraph noting: "...advices came from America, no ... See More  

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New York Loyalists are nervous that the British will abandon them...

Item #644622

August 15, 1782


* New York loyalists

* Revolutionary War Era

* 18th century

* From The Enemy

Page 2 has a letter from New York noting: "The people here are in a great consternation on a rumour among us, that, the British forces are to evacuate this & every part of America, which has had such an effect on the Loyalists that some of them have already sent... See More  

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Peace with dishonor is not acceptable...

Item #644618

August 06, 1782

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 6, 1782 

* Revolutionary War Era

* 18th century

* From The Enemy

Page 4 has an interesting report which explains how the British soldiers  fighting in America are paid (see). Page 5 has news headed: "America" with datelines from Charleston and Annapolis mentioning in part: "...in an excursion he made to Amelia twp. last week fel... See More  

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Meeting with the Indians... Acts of the Mass. Assembly...

Item #640219

June 27, 1767

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 27, 1767  Page 6 has over half a column with news from America which includes mention of a few Acts passed by the Mass. governor, including: "An Act for laying out and establishing a new street in the town of Boston" with others. Also a letter from Charleston with mention of a meeting with the headmen of the Creek Indian nation.

Eight pages, 8 1/... See More  

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Congress needs to protect American ships in the Mediterranean...

Item #638703

April 21, 1787

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 21, 1787  Inside has a "Letter from New York" which mentions in part: The Congress have it in contemplation to send some vessels of force into the European seas, particularly into the Mediterranean, to protect the trade of the United States..." with more.

Eight pages, never bound nor trimmed, 9 by 12 inches, very nice condition.

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The importance of Canada...

Item #638423

October 18, 1760

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 18, 1760  Two-thirds of page 2 is taken up with: "A Succinct View Of The Importance of Canada" being a lengthy chart which provides details on the navigation of the various rivers, and other information. Also most of a page taken up with: "...account is given of the French Ecclesiastical Government at Louisbourg in the Island of Cape Breton&q... See More  

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Pre Revolutionary War...

Item #633380

July 10, 1766

THE LONDON CHRONICLE OR, UNIVERSAL EVENING POST, July 10, 1766  Various news from London and other parts of Europe also with some interesting advertisements as well.

Complete in eight pages measuring 8 1/2 by 11 1/2 inches, in nice condition, with a partial red ink tax stamp.

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News from America... Georgia prohibits noted exportations...

Item #631130

August 30, 1766

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 30, 1766  Page 2 has: "AMERICA. Baltimore Town, Maryland", which mentions the inhabitants' efforts to raise funds for a statue in honor of General William Pitt.

Page 6 has reports headed: "America" with 3 datelines from Charleston, noting Lord Charles Montagu as the new governor of South Carolina; that Georgia has prohibited the exp... See More  

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News from America...

Item #621173

July 25, 1765

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 25, 1765  Inside has nearly a full column of reports from New York and Charleston headed "America" which has some news concerning relations with Indians (see).

Eight pages. 8 1/4 by 11 1/4 inches, some foxing, generally nice.

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Birth of a prince... Poem on playing cards...

Item #620546

November 05, 1767

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 5, 1767  Page 2 has a report announcing the birth of a son to King George III, with: "This day about noon the Queen was happily delivered of a Prince...This great event was soon after made known by the firing of the Tower guns. Her majesty is, God be praised, as well as can be expected; and the young Prince is in perfect health." This was Prince E... See More  

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Death of famed composer Gluck...

Item #619643

January 01, 1788

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 1, 1788 

* Christoph Willibald Gluck death

* Classical music composer

* Italian & French opera

Page 3 has a report on the death of notice composer Christoph Gluck, beginning: "The death of Gluck, the celebrated musical composer who died suddenly of an apoplectic fit the 17th ult. at Vienna in his 73rd year..." with more, taking two-thi... See More  

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The death of Lord George Gordon...

Item #619181

November 05, 1793

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, November 5, 1793 

* Lord George Gordon death

* British politician

Page 5 has a report of the death of Lord George Gordon. (see hperlink) Lord George Gordon is primarily known for his 1780 involvement in the "Gordon Riots" which he led, an anti-Catholic protest against the Papists Act of 1778. He also converted to Judaism for which he was ostrac... See More  

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Governor dissolves the South Carolina General Assembly...

Item #613400

February 20, 1773

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Feb. 20, 1773  Inside has reports from Charleston concerning politics and noting that the Governor had dissolved the colonial General Assembly (see).

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, light dirtiness, generally good.

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North Carolina governor censures the Assembly...

Item #612734

May 29, 1773

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, May 29, 1773  Inside has a report headed: "America" with news from Charleston including mention that: "...his Excellency Josiah Martin,  Governor in Chief of North Carolina, gave his assent to 25 bills & rejected 17. His Excellency then...censured the conduct of the Common House, prorogued the General Assembly...& the next day dissolved the sa... See More  

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On the death of King George II...

Item #605020

October 30, 1760

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, October 30, 1760  Page 2 has: "The Lord Marshal's Order for a General Mourning for his late Majesty King George the Second.' (see)  Also a report from the "London Gazette Extraordinary" headed: "A Proclamation Requiring all persons being in Office of Authority of Government at the Decease of the late King, to proceed in the Execu... See More  

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Dismissing an agent...

Item #603435

April 02, 1767

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 2, 1767  Inside has an "Extract of a Letter from Boston (New England)" concerning the dismissal of Mr. Jackson as an agent, signed by the governor: Fra. Bernard (see).

Eight pages, 88 1/4 by 11 inches, some damp staining & minor margin wear.

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The best of patriots...

Item #602351

September 13, 1774

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 13, 1774  Inside has a lengthy letter sent to America, by a "...a noble Lord in a very high office" (see). It also has a letter from New York which begins: "Every body here, high and low, are in a combustion. Those who have nothing to lose are our warmest Patriots & declare they will hazard their All for their dear country..." with ... See More  

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The Bennington Mob... Gage coming to America...

Item #602070

April 07, 1774

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 7, 1774  Page 2 has an item noting: "Yesterday some dispatches arrived in town from Governor Hutchinson, of Massachusetts Bay...We hear that Lieut. General Gage is preparing to embark for Boston in New England in consequence of his appointment to succeed Governor Hutchinson during his Majesty's pleasure." A fateful decision that would set the... See More  

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Creating Trumbull County...

Item #602021

March 03, 1774

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, March 3, 1774  An inside page has over a full column concerning how to deal with the American situation. See photos for the full text.

Another page has reports from Boston and New York headed "America" and includes: "...on Thursday last the Tea, which was saved out of Capt. Loring's brigantine, was landed at the Castle by order of the Officer... See More  

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News from America...

Item #601642

September 10, 1765

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 10, 1765  Page 7 has a: "...Letter from a Person of the First Distinction in Virginia to his Friend in London", and the back page has some reports from America as well.

Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 11 1/4 inches, minor foxing at the margins, generally nice.

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News from Quebec...

Item #601561

July 11, 1765

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 11, 1765  Page 2 has a letter from Quebec telling of the activities there, noting: "...We have had balls, assemblies, etc. in town; sleighing, bear-hunting & fishing in the country...General Murray intends to establish a playhouse..." with more (see).

Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 11 1/4 inches, nice condition.

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Great report on non-importation in Boston...

Item #601354

November 30, 1769

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 30, 1769 

* Non-Importation agreement

Page 6 has most of a column headed: "America" with reports from Boston, New Haven and Williamsburg, the former having a great report concerning non-importation, including: "We are assured that the merchants of this town, considering that the period to which their late agreement to withhold the impor... See More  

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Americans resolved not to submit to the yoke of oppression...

Item #601345

November 09, 1769

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 9, 1769  Page 6 has a great letter from a gentleman in Boston to a friend in London, beginning: "The Americans are firm & resolved not to submit to the yoke of ministerial oppression: All the merchants have entered now into bonds not to import any goods from England upon any terms whatsoever..." with more (see).

Eight pages, 8 by 11 1/4 inche... See More  

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Side effects of the Revenue Acts...

Item #601336

October 19, 1769

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 19, 1769  The back page has a letter from Philadelphia which includes: "It is with much pleasure I acquaint you the Act of Parliament imposing a duty on paper, glass, etc. imported from Great Britain into the American provinces operates in the most profitable manner for them...Our farmer wives, daughters & servants now employ that time in carding, ... See More  

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News from Charleston and Boston...

Item #601333

October 10, 1769

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 10, 1769  Page 6 has a brief report from Charleston concerning: "...the Indians in that quarter behave with much insolence since the King's troops have been withdrawn...". The back page has a letter from Boston.

Eight pages, 8 by 11 1/4 inches, very nice condition.

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Angry that the governor dissolved the General Assembly...

Item #601268

August 26, 1769

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, Aug. 26, 1769  Page 2 has most of a column taken up with reports headed "America" with Boston, Williamsburg, and Philadelphia datelines. The Boston report ends with: "...Resolved...when the governor of the Province had wantonly dissolved the General Assembly & arbitrarily refused to call another upon the repeated dutiful petition of the people." T... See More  

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Non-importation in South Carolina...

Item #601145

August 12, 1769

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 12, 1769  Half of page 6 is taken up with a very nice report from South Carolina concerning the work of that colony to compel all residents & merchants to abide by a non-importation agreement, and also that they will: "...encourage & promote to the utmost of our power, the use of the North American manufactures in general, and those of this pro... See More  

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Peace with the Indians at Detroit...

Item #601128

July 25, 1769

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 25, 1769  Page 2 has reports headed: "America" with datelines from Philadelphia & New York, the latter noting: "...the disputes with the Indians at Detroit were amicably adjusted & peace again settled...".

Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 11 1/4 inches, very nice, clean condition.

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Essay II from Atticus on tensions between England & America...

Item #601087

July 08, 1769

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 8, 1769  The front page has half a column headed: "America" with datelines from Boston, Charleston & Philadelphia. The Boston report concerning exposing those merchants who chose not to conform to the non-importation agreement, noting in part: "Inasmuch as some persons among us have...preferred their own supposed private advantage to the ... See More  

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The manumission of slaves... Marquis La Fayette...

Item #600170

November 15, 1788

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, November 15, 1788 Page 5 has nearly two columns with various reports from American regarding American Indians, as well as a brief article from New York from: "...The Society for promoting the manumission [freeing]of slaves, and protecting such of them as have been or may be liberated...", which mentions the presence of Marquis La Fayette among others.

Eight pages, ... See More  

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Reports from America...

Item #599705

January 09, 1773

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 9, 1773  Inside has most of a column headed: "America" with two reports datelined New York and one from Boston (see).

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, some fold foxing, nice condition.

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Preaching in the colonies... Protection against the Indians...

Item #598597

February 11, 1764

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Feb. 11, 1764  The front page has an article beginning: "I beg a little room in your Chronicle for a few words on the proposals from New England for propagating the Gospel...". Inside under "America" is a New York dateline mentioning the preaching of the Rev. Mr. Whitefield, and also concerning "...An act providing for 300 effective men.... See More  

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Success in converting & educating the Cherokee Indians...

Item #598590

June 11, 1767

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 11, 1767  Inside has reports from Boston and Charleston headed: "America" (see) with reports datelined Boston and Charleston, the latter noting: "Mr. Hammerer, who came over from England with intent to civilize and convert the Cherokee Indians, has met with more success than some persons seemed to expect...have elected him head man over them ... See More  

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Boundary dispute with the Cherokees...

Item #597350

December 25, 1770

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Dec. 25, 1770 

* Cherokee Indians

Page 2 has a short item headed "America" with a Charleston dateline concerning a meeting with Indians over a border dispute.

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/4 inches, great condition.

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News from America...

Item #597349

June 29, 1773


* New York-Massachusetts boundary dispute

Inside has a report headed: "America" which includes a report of a planned meeting between the governors of New York & Massachusetts over the boundary line dispute. Also reports from Newport, New London, and Philadelphia (see).

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/2 inches, very nice condition.... See More  

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Critical of Boston failing to honor the Non-imporatation Agreement...

Item #596510

September 22, 1770

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 22, 1770 

* Non-importation agreement

The top of page 3 has an item headed: "Intelligence True & Extraordinary" which is a critical report on the Bostonians failing to hold to the non-importation agreement, noting: "There are now lying on the tales of New York Philadelphia, Virginia, Carolina...pamphlets containing an authentic lis... See More  

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Need to unite on the non-importation issue...

Item #596362

October 18, 1770

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 18, 1770 

* Pre Revolutionary War tensions

Page 6 has reports headed "America" from Boston, Newport, Marblehead, Philadelphia & New York, including: "...Resolved, That we will adhere to & support the non-importation agreement...so long as a majority of the colonies who have entered into similar agreements shall adhere to & p... See More  

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