Joseph Smith denies Millerism... The Somers Mutiny...
Item #685091
April 15, 1843
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, April 15, 1843 The back page has a report: "Mormonism vs. Millerism" which includes: "In the Nauvoo paper called the 'Times & Seasons'...Joe Smith, the Mormons prophet addresses a communication to the editor...'Therefore, hear ye this O Earth! the Lord will not come to reign over the righteous in his world in 1843, nor u... See More
British Mormons heading to Nauvoo... Fugitive slave George Latimer...
Item #685090
April 08, 1843
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, April 8, 1843
* Fugitive slave George Latimer
* Escape - trial & emancipation
* British Mormons headed to Nauvoo
The back page has a very brief item: "Mormons" "A streamer recently passed Natchez, with 500 English Mormons on board, bound for Nauvoo."
But a lengthier report on: "The Latimer Case" noting in pa... See More
Orrin Porter Rockwell, the Mormon bodyguard...
Item #685085
March 25, 1843
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, March 25, 1843
* Porter Rockwell - Utah Territory lawman
* Bodyguard and friend of Joseph Smith arrest
* Mormons - Mormonism - Latter Day Saints
* Attempted murder of Governor Lilburn Boggs
The back page has a small report: "Mormons" noting: "Orrin Porter Rockwell, the Mormon, who has been accused of being the person who attemp... See More
Made insane by Millerism...
Item #685083
March 18, 1843
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, March 18, 1843
* William Millerites - Millerism
The back page has a report headed: "Millerism" which is about the Millerites, followers of the teachings of William Miller, who in 1831 first shared publicly his belief that the Second Advent of Jesus Christ would occur in roughly the year 1843–1844. Coming during the Second Great Aw... See More
Nice article on the Millerites...
Item #685082
March 11, 1843
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, March 11, 1843
* William Millerites - Millerism
The back page has an interesting report headed: "Millerism In Philadelphia" which is about the Millerites, followers of the teachings of William Miller, who in 1831 first shared publicly his belief that the Second Advent of Jesus Christ would occur in roughly the year 1843–1844. Comi... See More
Death Of John Jay... Pirates hanged, and slave ships captured...
Item #685033
May 30, 1829
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 30, 1829 Pages 1 and 2 have an article concerning the death of John Jay with a biography of his life & accomplishments.
John Jay was an American diplomat, patriot, one of the founding fathers of the United States, signer of the Treaty of Paris of 1783, second governor of New York, and the first Chief Justice of the United States.
Also an artic... See More
Critical thoughts on Mordecai Noah's plans for a Jewish homeland... A curious parallel to Mormon efforts a few years later...
Item #685000
January 21, 1826
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 21, 1826
* Mordecai Manuel Noah
* Jewish homeland on the Niagara River
The prime article is: "Re-assemblage of the Jews" which has a letter somewhat critical of the efforts of Mordecai Manuel Noah to create a homeland for the Jews on Grand Island in the Niagara River.
This is followed by some responses by Mr. Noah.
Some have draw... See More
Curious connection on two undeciphered texts, one being the Mormon golden plates...
Item #684998
May 03, 1823
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 3, 1823
* re. Golden Plates - Mormons
* Latter Day Saints manuscript
* Mormonism - Joseph Smith
An inside page has an interesting article with a small heading: "Curious Manuscript", which reports on: "...the discovery of a curious manuscript at was not Chinese, Arabic, Syric-French, Spanish or English, but what it... See More
Curious connection on two undeciphered texts, one being the Mormon golden plates...
Item #684997
May 03, 1823
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 3, 1823 An inside page has an interesting article with a small heading: "Curious Manuscript", which reports on: "...the discovery of a curious manuscript at was not Chinese, Arabic, Syric-French, Spanish or English, but what it was no one could tell..." with further detail.
This "curious manuscript" was re... See More
A possible Mormon connection? Two influencing events?
Item #684989
April 05, 1823
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER Baltimore, April 5, 1823
* Jews and Mormons ?
An inside page has a brief report noting: "...that the society for meliorating the condition of the Jew, are now engaged in a negociation for 20,000 acres of land in the 'Genesee country' for a Jewish colony. Will the Jews work on it?"
In brief, this was an attempt by Elias Boudinot to create a land ... See More
On Joseph Smith and his failed presidential campaign in 1844...
Item #684973
June 22, 1844
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, June 22, 1844
* Mormons leader Joseph Smith
* Election campaign for president
* 1st presidential candidate to be killed
It is not known by many today that Joseph Smith, leader of the Latter-Day Saints, ran for president of the United States in 1844.
After several years of harassment and persecution in Missouri and Illinois, Smith wrote to fiv... See More
On Joseph Smith and his failed 1844 presidential campaign...
Item #684972
June 22, 1844
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, June 22, 1844
* Mormons leader Joseph Smith
* Election campaign for president
* 1st presidential candidate to be killed
It is not known by many today that Joseph Smith, leader of the Latter-Day Saints, ran for president of the United States in 1844.
After several years of harassment and persecution in Missouri and Illinois, Smith wrote to fiv... See More
Rare & lengthy account of Joseph Smith running for President...
Item #684969
June 08, 1844
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, June 8, 1844
* Joseph Smith running for U.S. president
* Mormons - Mormonism - Latter-Day Saints
It is not known by many today that Joseph Smith, leader of the Latter-Day Saints, ran for president of the United States in 1844.
After several years of harassment and persecution in Missouri and Illinois, Smith wrote to five men expected to be can... See More
From Nevada City, California...
Item #684838
December 20, 1879
NEVADA DAILY TRANSCRIPT, Nevada City, California, Sept. 13, 1879
* Rare Old west publication
This town (formerly known as Deer Creek Dry Diggins) was the most important mining town in California in the 1850's. It is situated close to the Nevada border a bit northwest of Lake Tahoe. The historic district today is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Four pages... See More
From 'Deer Creek Dry Diggins'...
Item #684643
April 23, 1870
WEEKLY NATIONAL GAZETTE, Nevada, California, April. 23, 1870
* Rare old West publication
* Gold mining town
This town (formerly known as Deer Creek Dry Diggins) was the most important mining town in California in the 1850's. It is situated close to the Nevada border a bit northwest of Lake Tahoe. The historic district today is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
... See More
Account of an 1812-1813 expedition from Louisiana through Texas...
Item #683900
August 28, 1819
THE WEEKLY REGISTER (Supplement), Baltimore, Aug. 28, 1819 (note - this does not include the Supplement to the entire volume XVI - vol. 16).
Page 42 begins: "Province of Texas", which includes a "brief history of an expedition in 1812 and 1813, from Louisiana into the Texas" and "The expedition carried on against the government of Spain in the Provine of Texas, which... See More
Slaves of the captured Amistad slave ship...
Item #683756
March 01, 1839
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Feb. 29, 1840 Near the top of the front page is a small heading: "The Amistad Schooner" which reports on the case of the Amistad slave ship, made famous recently by the 1997 Stephen Spielberg movie of the same name.
The article mentions: "The British government...have been actively interposing in the affairs of the in... See More
Death of the 'hero of Lake Erie' Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry...
Item #683325
October 02, 1819
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 2, 1819
* Oliver Hazard Perry death
* American Naval commander
* Hero of Lake Erie
Page 7 has over half a page headed: "Missouri--Slave Question" as it relates to the on-going debates on what is known as the Missouri Compromise.
This is followed by: "Death of Commodore Perry" which notes near the beginning: "...we ... See More
Mordecai Noah & his plans for a Jewish refuge in America...
Item #683320
January 29, 1820
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 29, 1820
* Mordecai Manuel Noah
* Jewish homeland on the Niagara River
Inside has over 2 pages taken up with: "The Slave Question" as it relates to the on-going Missouri Compromise debate.
Another page has: "The Jews" which concerns the famed Mordecai Noah, considered the first American-born Jew to rise to national promi... See More
Mordecai Noah & his plans for a Jewish refuge in America...
Item #683319
January 29, 1820
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 29, 1820
* Mordecai Manuel Noah
* Jewish homeland on the Niagara River
Inside has over 2 pages taken up with: "The Slave Question" as it relates to the on-going Missouri Compromise debate.
Another page has: "The Jews" which concerns the famed Mordecai Noah, considered the first American-born Jew to rise to national prominence.... See More
Martin Van Buren's annual address to the nation...
Item #683308
December 28, 1839
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 28, 1839 Being so close to the nation's capital it is not surprising that much of the content is on politics of the day, including a wealth of reporting from Congress.
The prime feature would be the complete and lengthy text of the annual state-of-the-union address of President Martin Van Buren. The address takes over 4 page and is signed in... See More
Inquiring on the illegal smuggling of slaves into the United States...
Item #683279
January 22, 1820
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 22, 1820 Inside has nearly two pages taken up- with: "The Slave Question" as it relates to the on-going discussion of the situation with Missouri joining the Union.
Also within: "Civilization of the Indians" which includes two letters signed in type by J. C. Calhoun as Secretary of War. Additionally, in the Supplement there are... See More
Inquiring on the illegal smuggling of slaves into the United States...
Item #683278
January 22, 1820
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 22, 1820 Inside has nearly two pages taken up- with: "The Slave Question" as it relates to the on-going discussion of the situation with Missouri joining the Union.
Also within: "Civilization of the Indians" which includes two letters signed in type by J. C. Calhoun as Secretary of War. Additionally, in the Supplement there are... See More
Inquiring on the illegal smuggling of slaves into the United States...
Item #683277
January 22, 1820
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 22, 1820 Inside has nearly two pages taken up- with: "The Slave Question" as it relates to the on-going discussion of the situation with Missouri joining the Union.
Also within: "Civilization of the Indians" which includes two letters signed in type by J. C. Calhoun as Secretary of War. Additionally, in the Supplement there are... See More
Inquiring on the illegal smuggling of slaves into the United States...
Item #683275
January 22, 1820
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 22, 1820
* African slave trade - slaves
* United States Navy inquiry
* John C. Calhoun
Inside has nearly two pages taken up- with: "The Slave Question" as it relates to the on-going discussion of the situation with Missouri joining the Union.
Also within: "Civilization of the Indians" which includes two letters signed i... See More
Lee, Magruder, Meade, & others well before the Civil War... Coins...
Item #683196
October 22, 1836
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 22, 1836 Inside includes "General Order" signed by President Andrew Jackson, concerning the assignment of various military officers. Among the list are various names which would become more famous during the Civil War including Lt. Meade, Lt. Lee, Lt. Magruder, and various others.
Also two charts of: "Popular Statistics", one n... See More
Lee, Magruder, Meade, & others, well before the Civil War...
Item #683195
October 22, 1836
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 22, 1836 Inside includes "General Order" signed by President Andrew Jackson, concerning the assignment of various military officers. Among the list are various names which would become more famous during the Civil War including Lt. Meade, Lt. Lee, Lt. Magruder, and various others.
Also two charts of: "Popular Statistics", one n... See More
Lee, Magruder, Meade & others, well before the Civil War.
Item #683192
October 22, 1836
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 22, 1836 Inside includes "General Order" signed by President Andrew Jackson, concerning the assignment of various military officers. Among the list are various names which would become more famous during the Civil War including Lt. Meade, Lt. Lee, Lt. Magruder, and various others.
Also two charts of: "Popular Statistics", one n... See More
President Harrison's inaugural address...
Item #683191
March 06, 1841
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, March 6, 1841
* William Henry Harrison
* Presidential inauguration
* Inaugural address
Taking most of the front page, all of pgs. 2 & 3 & half of page 4 is: "The Inaugural Address" of Gen. William Henry Harrison, March 4, 1841...", which was obviously very lengthy, so lengthy & delivered outdoors on a very cold & wet d... See More
President Harrison's inaugural address...
Item #683189
March 06, 1841
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, March 6, 1841
* William Henry Harrison
* Presidential inauguration
Taking most of the front page, all of pgs. 2 & 3 & half of page 4 is: "The Inaugural Address" of Gen. William Henry Harrison, March 4, 1841...", which was obviously very lengthy, so lengthy & delivered outdoors on a very cold & wet day that he caug... See More
Slaves and their African homeland...
Item #683185
June 24, 1820
NILES WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 24, 1820 Page 2 has: "Colony of Free Blacks in Africa" which is: " asylum for such of our free blacks as are willing to return to the country of their ancestors..." taking about 3/4 of a column.
Also: "Piracies begins: "Three persons have just suffered death at Boston for piracy & murder...". Further on is a ... See More
Very early Mormon report...
Item #683180
September 08, 1832
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 8, 1832
* Very early report on the Mormons
Within this issue is a rather brief article with a small head: "Mormonism", the full report reading: "Two preachers of this sect have lately visited Boston, and soon made 15 converts to their strange doctrines--some of whom are respectable persons--5 also had joined at Lynn. Certain o... See More
Formalizing the United States flag... One new star for each new state...
Item #683178
May 09, 1818
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 9, 1818 The last two pages contain a rather inconspicuous yet very historic report from Congress, being a printing of: "An Act to Establish the flag of the United States" with the text including in part: "...the flag of the United States be thirteen horizontal stripes, alternate red and white, that the union be twenty stars, white in ... See More
Formalizing the United States flag... One new star for each new state...
Item #683176
May 09, 1818
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 9, 1818
* United States Flag revision
The last two pages contain a rather inconspicuous yet very historic report from Congress, being a printing of: "An Act to Establish the flag of the United States" with the text including in part: "...the flag of the United States be thirteen horizontal stripes, alternate red and white, that ... See More
The Maryland "Jew Bill" finally passes... Inaugural address of John Quincy Adams...
Item #682592
March 05, 1825
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 5, 1825
* Inaugural address of John Quincy Adams
* Approval of the Maryland "Jew Bill"
Without question the most notable content is the page 3 report headed: "Maryland" which states in part: "The legislature of this state adjourned on Saturday last. The 'Jew bill', as it is called--or a bill to alter t... See More
The "Wasp" is captured... Madison's state-of-the-union address...
Item #682591
November 07, 1812
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 7, 1812
* USS Wasp captured - War of 1812
* James Madison state of the Union Address
There are at least two notable reports in this issue, the first being the annual state-of-the-union address by the President, signed by him in type: James Madison. This was the first war-time annual message and much of this 2+ page "Message" deals with th... See More
Early on the Santa Fe Trail...
Item #682221
July 09, 1825
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 9, 1825
* The Santa Fe Trail creation
* Missouri - New Mexico
Inside has an early report on the Santa Fe Trail, headed: "New Mexico" which mentions in part: " belonging to an expedition fitted out for trading to Santa Fe, from St. Louis, in 1822, arrived here...left Santa Fe in August last & states that the trade of ... See More
War is declared, beginning the War of 1812...
Item #682105
June 20, 1812
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 20, 1812
* War of 1812 declaration by United States
* James Madison proclamation
An inside page has a lengthy: "Declaration of War" which takes over 1 1/2 columns and is signed in type by the President: James Madison. This is followed by related reporting from the "Committee on foreign relations..." which takes over 2 page... See More
The will of Stephen Girard...
Item #681484
October 19, 1833
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER Baltimore, Oct. 19, 1833 Among the many articles are: "Festival of Vine Dressers" "Steamboat Disasters" "Lander's Second Voyage Up the Niger"; a report from a famous Indian language newspaper: "From the Cherokee Phoenix" "Stephen Girard's Will" which takes almost 4 pages.
Girard personally saved... See More
Death of LaFayette... New Jewish synagogue...
Item #681204
June 21, 1834
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 21, 1834
* General LaFayette death
* Jewish Synagogue
Page 11 has a very early report of the death of Lafayette: "...By a late arrival we learn that the good LAFAYETTE died on the 20th May in the 77th year of his age. The papers are filled with tributes of respect to his memory. He was the illustrious link between the past age & th... See More
The United States to buy Texas from Mexico...
Item #681184
January 02, 1830
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, January 2, 1830
* on the purchase of Texas from Mexico
One of the articles is headed: "Gen. Bravo and The Texas" with portions including: "...on the subject of ceding the Texas to this country...The letter is a ...passionate declamation against the acquisition of Texas by the United States, & of vehement accusations against our countr... See More
Death of Vice-Presdent George Clinton... Statehood of Louisiana...
Item #680643
April 25, 1812
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, April 25, 1812 Inside has a report headed: "George Clinton -- Dead !" which includes: "... It is with feeling of unmixed veneration for the character of the revolutionary hero, the patriot and statesman, combined in one, that we announce that the venerable GEORGE CLINTON IS NO MORE. He expired about 9 o'clock yesterday morning, at his lodgin... See More
James Monroe's inaugural address...
Item #680641
March 10, 1821
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 10, 1821
* President James Monroe
* Inauguration - inaugural address
Beginning at the bottom of the front page is: "Inaugural Speech", which has a prefacing paragraph which includes: "On Monday last, the 5th of March, in the great hall of the house of representatives...chief justice Marshall administered the oath of office to... See More
Last signer of the Declaration of Independence dies... Jackson re-elected...
Item #680468
November 17, 1832
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 17, 1832
* Andrew Jackson re-elected President
* Death of Charles Carroll : signer of the Declaration of Independence
The front page has a lengthy editorial which begins:
"The presidential election has so far proceeded as to render the result certain, that "Andrew Jackson of Tennessee" will be re-elected president, and 'Martin ... See More
The Seminole and Creek Indians in Florida...
Item #680424
November 26, 1836
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 26, 1836 Among the many items in this issue is: "War In Florida" concerning the Seminoles and Creeks, taking the equivalent of a full page. Also: "Tennessee Volunteers" "Voyage In Search of Lost Whalers" "From Liberia" and more.
Sixteen pages, 8 1/2 by 12 inches, some very minor foxing, other in nice conditi... See More
Davy Crockett heads for Texas...
Item #680070
December 26, 1835
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 26, 1835
* Rare Davy Crockett report
The front page includes: "The emigration to Arkansas is very great--'with large droves of negroes'...exclusive of those who are about to join the people of Texas. Col. Crocket has left Little Rock, with his followers, for Texas. Many others had the same destination." Just over 2 mon... See More
Military career of Henry Dearborn... Early on wine...
Item #679685
May 16, 1812
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 16, 1812 Inside has nearly 2 pages taken up with a quite detailed biography of the military history of: "Major-General Henry Dearborn, Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Army" with a great on his career in the Revolutionary War. Also: "Cultivation of the Vine" takes over half a page concerning vineyards.
Sixteen pages, 6 by 9 3/4 inche... See More
It triggered the great Financial Panic of 1837...
Item #679106
May 13, 1837
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 13, 1837
* Panic of 1837
* Financial crisis
The front page has a notable report: "Suspension of Specie Payments" which would be the trigger which stated the Financial Panic of 1837. On May 10, 1837, banks in New York City suspended specie payments, meaning that they would no longer redeem commercial paper in specie at full face valu... See More
Interesting report from the Council of War... Need for the Erie Canal...
Item #678202
May 14, 1814
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 14, 1814
* Early Erie Canal planning
The first 3 pages have a detailed report: "Internal Navigation - The Advantages of the Proposed Canal from Lake Erie to Hudson's River..." which would be the famed Erie Canal. It is signed in type by: Robert Fulton.
Inside has almost 8 pages under the heading: "Events of the War&qu... See More
Death of Napoleon Bonaparte... Slave trade... William Wilberforce...
Item #677871
September 08, 1821
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 8, 1821 Beginning on page 2 is a report of the death of: "Napoleon Bonaparte" which is prefaced with: "The following particulars are interesting, and seem necessary to assist in affording an account of the exit of the man who, for so many years, had occupied the attention of all the civilized world..." with a subhead: "Official A... See More
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