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Latest news from the war front...

Item #690464

November 27, 1944

STARS & STRIPES, London Edition, Nov. 27, 1944  This was the: "Daily Newspaper of U.S. Armed Forces in the European Theater of Operations" as noted in the masthead. Penciled at the top is "War Dept."

The front page reports: "450 B29s Set Fires In Osaka, Main Jap Industrial Center" "Truman Sees More Men Ion Pacific Than in Europe" " Yank Link-U... See More  

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From Nazi Germany...

Item #690133

March 07, 1940

BERLINER ILLUSETRIRTE ZEITUNG (Berlin Illustrated Newspaper), Germany, March 7, 1940  This was the "Life" magazine of Germany from during the Nazi era and the beginning months of World War II. Hitler had invaded Poland just 7 months prior.

The issue has some war-related photos. The issue is focused on Nazi propaganda.

Tabloid-size, complete in about 40 pages, nice condition.... See More  

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From 1940 Nazi Germany...

Item #690132

March 21, 1940

BERLINER ILLUSETRIRTE ZEITUNG (Berlin Illustrated Newspaper), Germany, March 21, 1940  This was the "Life" magazine of Germany from during the Nazi era and the beginning months of World War II. Hitler had invaded Poland just 7 months prior.

The issue begins & ends with with war-related photos, one including Herman Goring. The issue is focused on Nazi propaganda.

Tabloid-size, ... See More  

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Gen. George S. Patton in 1944....

Item #689295

December 02, 1944


* General George S. Patton

* World War II - WWII

* Battle of the Bulge prelude

The front page has a banner heading: "Patton Drives Germans Across Saar in Nine Mile Front" with subheads. (see) Coverage of Patton's movements just a few weeks prior to the Battle of the Bulge. Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this W... See More  

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France-Italy armistice....

Item #689009

June 24, 1940

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, June 24, 1940

* France-Germany armistice

* Adolph Hitler - Nazis

* German occupation zone set

The front page has a banner headline: "BRITAIN ASSAILS NAZI TERMS, CALLS PETAIN REGIME 'SLAVE'" with subheads. (see) Coverage on the surrender of France to Germany

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 14 pages, a li... See More  

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Charlie Chaplin's 1944 Mann Act case...

Item #688956

February 17, 1944


* Actor Charlie Chaplin

* Actress Joan Barry

* Mann Act case - paternity

The front page has a nice banner headline: "PROBE CHAPLIN BLOOD TEST" with subheads. Nice for display. Two related photos are on the back page. Nice color illustration re. Hitler's eventual demise also on the front page.

Complete with all 32 pages, light toning at th... See More  

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Austrian Anschluss referendum in 1938....

Item #688295

April 11, 1938


* Austrian Anschluss referendum

* Adolph Hitler - German election

The front page has a one column heading: "99% OF GERMANS AND AUSTRIANS VOTE FOR UNION" with subhead. (see) Related photo and heading is on the back page. (see) Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famous publication.

Other news, sports and adver... See More  

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Adolf Hitler calls for the extermination of Jews......

Item #688217

January 31, 1939

FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass., January 31, 1939 

* Hitler calls for Jewish extermination

The top of the front page has a three column headline: "British Premier Lauds Hitler's Speech; Cites Promises Duce Made" with subheads. (see) Text of Hitler's speech is on page 4. This is considered one of the more blatant statements by Hitler calling for the extermination of the Jews... See More  

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Attack on Mers-el-Kébir... Operation Catapult...

Item #687812

July 05, 1940


* Attack on Mers-el-Kébir

* Operation Catapult - North Africa

* Royal Navy vs. French fleet

The front page has a nice banner headline: "BRITISH NAVAL VICTORY TOLD; Churchill's Story; French Ordered to Fire on English Ships" with subheads. (see) Nice for display. Five related photos are on the back page. Always nice to have notable ev... See More  

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A German newspaper in the 'East Country'...

Item #687592

March 22, 1943

DEUTSCHE ZEITUNG IM OSTLAND, Germany, March 22, 1943  The title translates to: "German Newspaper In The East Country" with the banner headline translating to: "Crisis In The East Finally Overcome" with a front page photo of Adolf Hitler. Most of the content seems to be war-related.

Six pages, minor margin & fold wear with some foxing, generally good.... See More  

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Assassination attempt upon Adolf Hitler...

Item #687569

November 09, 1939

SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER, Washington, Nov. 9, 1939

* Adolph Hitler assassination attempt

* Pre Operation Valkyrie

* Bürgerbräukeller - George Elser

The two-line banner headline announces: "HITLER ESCAPES DEATH BY BOMB; 6 DIE, 61 HURT" with a photo showing Hitler: "In Munich Beer Cellar...". The subhead notes: "Blast Wrecks Munich Hall Shortly After Lead... See More  

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Churchill's very famous: "This was their finest hour..." speech...

Item #687075

June 19, 1940


* This was their finest hour

* Winston Churchill speech

* World War II - WWII

The top of page 2 has a one column heading: "CHURCHILL DARES GERMAN ARMY TO INVADE ENGLAND'" with subhead. (see) This was Churchill's famous speech to the House of Commons in which he concludes with the famous passage: "...Let us therefor
... See More  

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President Roosevelt dies...

Item #687013

April 12, 1945

THE DENVER POST--EXTRA, April 12, 1945 

* Franklin D. Roosevelt FDR death

* Great issue for display

Above the masthead is a huge headline in type measuring nearly 4 inches tall: "ROOSEVELT DEAD" With subhead: "President Dies At Warm Springs Of Cerebral Attack" with a photo headed: "The President Is Dead" and captioned: "Franklin D. Roosevelt".

T... See More  

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Liquidation of Jewish property in pre-war Germany....

Item #686952

April 27, 1938


* Jews to lose property - Jewish holocaust

* Pre Kristallnacht - Hermann Goering

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "Acts to Seize Reich Property Of Alien Jews" with subhead. (see) First report coverage on Hermann Goering's decree requiring registration of all Jews with assets exceeding 5,000 Reichsmarks, whether... See More  

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Munich Agreement of 1938... Sudetenland....

Item #686338

September 29, 1938

CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, September 29, 1938

* Munich Agreement (same day)

* Adolph Hitler - Neville Chamberlain

* Sudetenland - Czechoslovakia concession ?

* Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain

* Appeasement speech re. Adolph Hitler's aggression

The front page has a nice banner headline: "4 MEN DEBATE EUROPE'S FATE; British, French and Italian Chiefs to Meet Hitler Today" ... See More  

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Jewish Holocaust... Nazi atrocities... Cold-blooded murder...

Item #686238

June 04, 1944

This issue is being offered as a piece of history.  Issues with content related to the numerous atrocities perpetrated upon humanity during this era help to verify what some feebly attempt to deny. It's interesting to note that many such reports never made it to the front page... and in the case of numerous newspapers... never made it to print at all. We at Rare Newspapers offer such item... See More  

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Battle of the Bulge prelude... George S. Patton...

Item #686169

November 27, 1944

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 27, 1944 

* Third United States Army

* General George S. Patton 

* World War II - WWII

* Battle of the Bulge prelude

The front page has a banner headline: "3D ARMY GAINS 5 MILES, SPLITS MAGINOT LINE" with subheads that include: "Patton's Forces Mile From St. Avold, Key Town Below Saarbruecken" and more. (see) Much more on other Wo... See More  

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Gen. George S. Patton... Battle of the Bulge prelude...

Item #686054

December 07, 1944

THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 7, 1944 

* General George S. Patton 

* World War II - WWII

* Battle of the Bulge prelude

The top of the front page has a five column headline: "3D ARMY POURS ACROSS THE SAAR" with subheads that include: "Third of Sarreguemines Is Taken as Patton Speeds Offensive" and more with related map headed: "Patton's Men Force Foe Ba... See More  

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Adolf Hitlet Reichstag speech re. Austria photos...

Item #686009

March 06, 1938

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Rotogravure section only, March 6, 1938

* Adolph Hitler's speech to Reichstag

* re. Czechoslovakia & Austria Germans

The front page of this rotogravure section has few related photos regarding Adolph Hitler's speech to the Reichstag about Anchluss. (see)

Four pages, rag edition, some spine wear, generally nice.... See More  

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1942 Alien Control Order... Japanese...

Item #685867

February 21, 1942

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Mass. Feb. 21, 1942

* Alien Control Order issued

* U.S. Japanese citizens - Japs

* Franklin D. Roosevelt

The top of the front page has a for column headline: "U. S. MAY MOVE ALL JAPS FROM WEST COAST; ARMY IS GIVEN WIDE AUTHORITY" with subheads. (see)

Complete with 16 pages, light toning and a little wear at the margins, generally nice.... See More  

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Nazi ringleaders are indicted in 1945...

Item #685557

October 19, 1945

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Mass., October 19, 1945 

* Nazi leaders are given indictments

* Hermann Goering - Rudolph Hess

* Which led to the Nuremberg Trials

The top of the front page has a two column heading: "Humanity's Case Against Hitler Regime Set Forth In Historic Indictment" with subhead. (see)

Complete with 26 pages, light toning and a little wear at the margins, ge... See More  

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Planning for surrender in 1945...

Item #685511

August 12, 1945

NEW YORK TIMES, Aug. 12, 1945 

* Japan's surrender terms stated

* Douglas MacArthur to be in charge

* V-J Day days away

The front page has a nice banner headline: "ALLIES TO LET HIROHITO REMAIN SUBJECT TO OCCUPATION CHIEF; M'ARTHUR IS SLATED FOR POST" with various related subheads and a photo of: "Gen. Douglas MacArthur" .

Complete 1st section with 44 page... See More  

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Capitulation of Czechoslovak...

Item #685466

September 27, 1938

TAUNTON DAILY GAZETTE, Massachusetts, September 27, 1938

* German occupation of Czechoslovakia

* Adolph Hitler & the Nazi Party

The top of the front page has a banner headline: "CZECHS DEFY GERMANY" with subhead. (see) Coverage on the capitulation of Czechoslovakia by Adolph Hitler and Germany.

 Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 12 pages, ligh... See More  

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U.S. ignorant of the "White Race" in 1940 ?...

Item #685393

October 03, 1940


* United States ignorant of the "white race" ?

* Benito Mussolini - Prime Minister of Italy

* World War II - WWII - FRONT LEAF ONLY **

The front side has a nice banner headline in bold lettering: "U.S. 'MOST IGNORANT' NATION, SAYS IL DUCE" with subhead. (see)

FRONT LEAF ONLY (pages 1 & 2), nice for display as such.... See More  

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Allies storm Sicily, Italy in 1943...

Item #685391

July 12, 1943

DAILY NEWS, WAR EXTRA, Los Angeles, July 12, 1943 

* Invasion of Sicily Italy

* Operation Husky

The bold banner headline announces: "SEIZE KEY SICILIAN PORTS" with subheads. More inside including a photo of General George S. Patton.

Complete with 36 pages, larger tabloid size issue measuring 19 1/2 x 13 1/2 inches, light wear along the central fold and spine, generally nice ... See More  

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"Silver Shirts" founder is arrested...

Item #684327

April 04, 1942

PHOENIX GAZETTE, Phoenix, Arizona, April 4, 1942 

* William Dudley Pelley's arrest

* Founder/leader of the "Silver Shirts of America"

The front page of "front page #2" has the full banner headline: "'SILVER SHIRTS' LEADER IS ARRESTED", with subhead: "Faces Prison Term Up To 20 Years, Heavy Fine".  The coverage tells of the arrest... See More  

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Adolf Hitler's death w/ many photos...

Item #683950

May 02, 1945

LOS ANGELES EXAMINER, May 2, 1945  Above the masthead is the banner headline: "DOENITZ, NEW REICH FUEHRER, ORDERS NAZIS TO CONTINUE WAR" with a subhead noting: "Mystery Surrounds Hitler Death Cause" Also a large photo of a stern Adolph Hitler headed: "Finis to Mein Kampf" and a small photos of Doenitz: "New Nazi Fuehrer".

Page 3 is filled with photos o... See More  

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Eisenhower to lead in the D-Day invasion...

Item #683906

December 24, 1943

THE CALL BULLETIN, San Francisco, California, Dec. 24, 1943

* D-Day invasion leader named

* General Dwight D. Eisenhower

* Terrific headline for display

Very nice & bold, two-line banner headline above the masthead reads: "EISENHOWER NAMED INVASION LEADER!" A nice front page photo of him as well, with more on him inside.

Complete in ten pares, small binding holes at the lef... See More  

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Dramatic headline announcing the death of FDR...

Item #683886

April 12, 1945

THE DAILY OLYMPIAN, Olympia, Washington, April 12, 1945

* Franklin D. Roosevelt FDR death

* Great issue for display

 The two-line, very bold banner headline announces: "PRES. ROOSEVELT DIES SUDDENLY ! " with the initial dispatch announcing his death set in 3 column format rather than the more typical 7 column format. The front page also features a large photo of: "Frankl... See More  

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Adolf Hitler speech in Berlin, Germany....

Item #683503

September 27, 1938

CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, September 27, 1938

* Adolph Hitler speech on Czechoslovakia

* "Blessed Are The Peace-Makers"

* Sportpalast, Berlin, Germany

The front page has a banner headline: "DON'T MARCH ! HITLER TOLD" with subheads. (see) Complete text of this speech appears on page 6. Related photo and map are on the back page. First report coverage on Adolph Hitler'... See More  

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Dwight Eisenhower to lead D-Day attack....

Item #683489

December 25, 1943

CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, December 25, 1943

* General Dwight D. Eisenhower

* Chosen to lead D-Day by FDR

The front page has a one column heading: "ALLIED INVASION ARMY TO BE LED BY EISENHOWER" with subhead. (see) More inside with a few related photos.

Complete with all 26 pages, light toning at the margins, small library stamp within the masthead, small binding holes along the spine... See More  

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Adolf Hitler becomes Commander-in-Chief....

Item #683314

February 05, 1938

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 5, 1938

* Adolph Hitler - Nazi Party

* Assumes as Commander-in-Chief

* All German armed forces

The top of the front page has a four column headline: "HITLER ASSUMES CONTROL OF ARMY; RETIRES 15 GENERALS AND SHIFTS 25; RIBBENTROP MADE FOREIGN MINISTER" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on Adolph Hitler assuming the title of Commander-in-Chief, thu... See More  

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Mussolini kicked out...

Item #683251

July 26, 1943

DAILY NEWS, WAR EXTRA, Los Angeles, July 26, 1943 

* Italy - Benito Mussolini ousted

* Pietro Badoglio takes over

* World War II - WWII

The bold banner headline above the masthead announces: "ITALY DECLARES MARTIAL LAW" with subhead and photo of Mussolini. Nice for display. More on pages 2 & 3.

Complete with 28 pages, larger tabloid size issue measuring 19 1/2 by 13 1/2... See More  

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Adolf Hitler becomes Commander-in-Chief....

Item #683242

February 06, 1938

SECTION 4 ONLY of the New York Times, Feb. 6, 1938

* Adolph Hitler - Nazi Party

* Assumes as Commander-in-Chief

* All German armed forces

The front page of this section has three related photos with small heading: "'All Power to The Fuhrer'" with various subheads. (see) Coverage on Adolph Hitler assuming the title of Commander-in-Chief, thus taking personal command of th... See More  

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Death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt...

Item #682398

April 13, 1945

BUFFALO COURIER EXPRESS, New York, April 13, 1945 

* Franklin D. Roosevelt FDR

* Warm Springs, Georgia

* World War II - WWII

The front page two-line banner head: "PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT DIES; OATH IS TAKEN BY TRUMAN" with photos of both. One of the subheads: "Stroke Is Fatal While on Visit To Warm Springs".

Complete in 22 pages, toning at the central fold, a few mino... See More  

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Death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt...

Item #682397

April 13, 1945

BUFFALO COURIER EXPRESS, New York, April 13, 1945 

* Franklin D. Roosevelt FDR

* Warm Springs, Georgia

* World War II - WWII

The front page two-line banner head: "PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT DIES; OATH IS TAKEN BY TRUMAN" with photos of both. One of the subheads: "Stroke Is Fatal While on Visit To Warm Springs".

Complete in 22 pages, a little right margin wear, generally ... See More  

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General George Patton dies in 1945...

Item #682331

December 21, 1945

BUFFALO EVENING NEWS, New York, December 21, 1945

* General George S. Patton death (1st report)

* Automobile accident or assassination ?

The front page has a banner headline: "GEN. PATTON SUCCUMBS TO CRASH INJURIES" with subheads. (see)

Forty-four pages, mostly loose along the spine, some wear along the central fold with archival mending on page 2 and a little text loss. A little... See More  

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Dramatic headline on the death of President Roosevelt...

Item #682045

April 12, 1945

THE DAILY SENTINEL, Grand Junction, Colorado, April 12, 1945  

* Franklin D. Roosevelt FDR death

* Great issue for display

The screaming banner headline--in red ink--takes the top on-third of the front page: "ROOSEVELT DIES TODAY" with the subhead: "President Dies, Cerebral Hemorrhage This Afternoon at Warm Springs, Ga. Truman Notified; Cabinet Is Called" with photo... See More  

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Mussolini is ousted...

Item #681453

July 26, 1943


* Italy - Benito Mussolini ousted

* Pietro Badoglio takes over

* World War II era

The bold banner headline announces: "MUSSOLINI OUT" with: "King Takes Over Command of Army; Marshal Badoglio Appointed Premier" and various subheads. Great for display.

Complete with all 3 sections (32 pages), light toning along central fold a... See More  

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FDR nominated for 3rd term.... 1st & only time ever...

Item #681232

July 19, 1940


* President Franklin D. Roosevelt FDR

* Nominated for 3rd term (1st & only time in U.S. history)

The front page has a nice headline: "IT'S FDR, WALLACE; But It Came After a Revolt" with subheads and related photo. More on the following pages.

Complete with all 26 pages, light toning at the margins, small library stamp within the head... See More  

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Death of Adolph Hitler in a Nazi newspaper...

Item #680763

May 02, 1945

EVENING PRESS, Island of Guernsey, May 2, 1945 

* Adolph Hitler death

* Nazi Germany fallen apart

* In a German occupation issue (very rare)

This is a terrific newspaper, as this island in the English Channel was under Nazi control during WWII, and as such all the news reports were pro-Nazi although in English, given the residents were English speaking.

This issue carries a very brie... See More  

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Fantastic broadside on the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt...

Item #680012

April 12, 1945

THE SCIO TRIBUNE--EXTRA !, Linn County, Oregon, April 12, 1945 

* Very unusual broadside extra

* Franklin D. Roosevelt FDR death

* Great for display

The photos tells it all. We have never seen a newspaper with such a dramatic presentation on the front page. The publisher wanted to use larger letters than the width of his newspaper would allow so he set all the type below the masthead ... See More  

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Allied propaganda newspaper dropped from planes...

Item #679980

June 10, 1944


* Very rare WWII air drop issue

A most fascinating single sheet newspaper, which translates to "News For The Troops", published by the Psychological Warfare Division of the Allied forces and dropped by Allied aircraft over Germany during the closing year of the war. This newspaper/leaflet was created to counter Goebbels' propaga... See More  

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Notable cartoon on the plight of Jewish refugees...

Item #679880

July 03, 1938

NEW YORK TIMES, July 3, 1938 

* Jewish refugees political cartoon

* Escaping Adolph Hitler & Nazi Germany

The top of an inside page (E-3) has a very notable political cartoon concerning the plight of Jewish refugees trying to flee Nazi Germany, notable enough that it is a feature display in the National Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.

This cartoon was created in anticipation... See More  

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Nazi-occupied Belgium...

Item #679269

November 05, 1942

BRUYSSELER ZEITUNG (Brüssels Newspaper), Belgium, Nov. 5, 1942  From Nazi-occupied Belgium with a wealth of war-related reporting. The main headline notes: "Setback For Roosevelt's Party". 

Presumed complete in 6 pages, good condition.

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The surrender document is about to happen... An emaciated General Wainwright...

Item #678942

September 02, 1945


* Japan officially surrenders

* Douglass MacArthur

* USS Missouri signing

* World War II is over (V-J)

The 2-line banner headline reports the official end of World War II with the signing of the surrender document on board the battleship Missouri the following day: "TRUMAN, M'ARTHUR AND NIMITZ BROADCAST SURRENDER SIGNING" with var... See More  

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Japan says they will surrender...

Item #678939

August 14, 1945

LOS ANGELES TIMES, August 14, 1945

* Japan Surrenders (day of)

* Great issue for display

* World War II over

 The 2-line banner headline announces: "SURRENDER NOTE ON WAY, TOKYO RADIO ANNOUNCES" with various related subheads. The ftpg. photo shows General Eisenhower & others. 

The complete first section (of 2) with pages 1-12, various wear at the margins with some ... See More  

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Battle of Okinawa ending... General Buckner is killed...

Item #678817

June 19, 1945

NEW YORK TIMES, June 19, 1945

* Battle of Okinawa, Japan ending

* General Simon B. Buckner death

* Tenth United States Army commander


General Buckner was killed during the closing days of the Battle of Okinawa... See More  

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Hitler invades in Austria in 1938...

Item #678296

March 15, 1938

LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, March 15, 1938 

* Germans capture Vienna, Austria

* Adolph Hitler

* Pre-World War II

This 6 page newspaper has a two column headline on the front page: "HITLER TELLS WORLD ABSORPTION OF AUSTRIA GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT," with subheads.

Other news of the day throughout. Lite browning with minor margin wear, otherwise in nice conditi... See More  

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Odell Waller final words... Battle of El Alamein...

Item #678283

July 03, 1942

THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 3, 1942

* Odell Waller final words

* Battle of El Alamein

* World War II Egypt

Page 19 has the final words of Odell Waller, an African-American sharecropper from Gretna, Virginia, executed for the fatal shooting of his white landlord (source wiki). Additionally, the front page has a five column headline: "BRITISH SWEEP AROUND AXIS FLANK IN EGYPT, U. S. AND R... See More  

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