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Tunnel along the Whitewater Canal...

Item #541167

January 21, 1840

THE MADISONIAN, Washington DC, Jan. 21, 1840.

* General William Henry Harrison for President

* Whitewater Canal tunnel

A page 3 item from a Cincinnati paper says that Gen. Harrison was seen for the first time since the nomination, and that he was involved in the contract of a tunnel along the Whitewater Canal that passes through his farm at North Bend. Mentions that: "We have never se... See More  

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Charles Dickens to publish a new work of humor...

Item #539430

September 18, 1839

THE MADISONIAN, Washington City, Washington, September 18, 1839 

* Charles Dickens... 

* Uncommon title... 

Page 3 has a short item reading: "Mr. Charles Dickens, the immortal Boz, has announced, through his publishers, Messrs. Chapman and Hall, another new periodical work of humor, to appear on the 1st of August next! The name is of course kept a profound mystery.&qu... See More  

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William Henry Harrison, 1840...

Item #220368

February 06, 1840

THE MADISONIAN, Washington, dated Feb. 6, 1840.


* William Henry Harrison

* Campaign Song

Page 3 has a brief letter from Luzerne County containing the lyrics of an Irish Song in honor of Harrison, sung to the Air--Spring of Shillalah. Other news of the day with some advertisements. 4 pages in good condition.
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1812 James Madison....

Item #220103

January 31, 1812

SALEM GAZETTE, Salem, Mass., Jan. 31, 1812.


* James Madison Army Law

* Salem  Massachusetts

On the front page under The New Army Law is: An Act To Raise And Additional Military Force. Takes two columns on the front page and concludes on page 2, signed in type: James Madison. Other news of the day with some ads. Has a foxing spot in the first head, bit of lite rubbi
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Two-headed snake killed in 1839...

Item #219551

October 26, 1839

THE MADISONIAN, Washington, Oct. 26, 1839.


* Two-Headed Snake found and killed

* Leavenworth Iowa

Page 2 has a report from a Leavenworth, Iowa, paper about a snake killed on a farm. Says the snake was two feet in length had a head at each end, and could crawl both ways, plus a few other details. Mentions that the snake might be the only one of its kind ever known in America. O
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1840 Washington D.C....

Item #217957

January 11, 1840

THE MADISONIAN, Washington, Jan. 11, 1840.


* Uncommon title

* New Year's song

Front page has lyrics: The Hero Of The Thames Song Written For The Celebration Of New Years Eve, By The Unionist And Others. Also has an Extract From An Address Delivered by Gen. Harrison, at Vincennes, Ind. To Gen. Willam Harrison" "Dissolution Of The Vsn Buren Party" and more. 4 pages in nice condit
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1810 Trade with France Resumes.....

Item #215364

November 12, 1810

CONNECTICUT MIRROR, Hartford, Nov. 12, 1810.

* Trade with France resumes

* President James Madison proclamation

The front page has A Proclamation reinstating trade with France, signed in type: James Madison. Madison did so because he thought the Berlin and Milan Decrees had been rescinded by France. Such was not the case and the French continued to harass American shipping
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Pennsylvania Deer Hunting 1839...

Item #215183

November 30, 1839

THE MADISONIAN, Washington, November 30, 1839


* Pennsylvania Deer Hunting

* 1839 Washington D.C.

Front page topical report: Deer Hunting In Wyoming (Pa.) Obviously discusses hunting red deer but also mentions Wilkesbarre, Luzerne, and Harveys Lake.

Other news of the day includes: "New Lead Mines" "The National Convention" "Election Of President&q
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Martin Van Buren Act 1840....

Item #215036

August 07, 1840

THE MADISONIAN, Washington, Aug. 7, 1840.


* Martin Van Buren

* Treasury Act

On the front under The Subtreasury Bill is: An Act to provide for the collection, safe-keeping, transfer and disbursement of the public revenue. Known as the Independent Treasury Act, it is signed in type: M. Van Buren. Other news of the day includes: "Libel Suits" "North Carolina Election" "The Reported
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1810 James Madison & The French...

Item #212900

November 14, 1810

CONNECTICUT COURANT, Hartford, Nov. 14, 1810.


* James Madison

* Trade With France & U.K.

Page 2 has A Proclamation which reinstated trade with France and forbade any trade with Great Britain, signed in type: James Madison. Believing that Napoleon had rescinded the Berlin and Milan Decrees, Madison issued the aforementioned proclamation. He was, however, deceived by the French, and
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Harrison & Tyler....

Item #208908

June 04, 1840

THE MADISONIAN, Washington, June 4, 1840. Has news of the day. Page 3 has a nice engraving supporting the Harrison-Tyler ticket. Nice to have in this uncommon title from Washington. 4 pages in nice condition.  DO NOTE that the issue you recieve will differ in date than the pictured issue.  However it will be of similar content and condition.

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Steamboat Lexington Destroyed...

Item #206434

January 18, 1840

THE MADISONIAN, Washington, Jan. 18, 1840 Pg. 3 report: "Appalling Calamity" "Steambot [sic] Lexington Destroyed By Fire, And Nearly Two Hundred Lives Lost!", plus "Further Particulars". Says the boat left New York and that the fire occurred near Eltons Neck. Traces of foxing.

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James Madison declaration... U.S. census...

Item #201241

June 14, 1811

UNIVERSAL GAZETTE, Washington City, June 14, 1811  The back page has a declaration issued by the President suspending certain building regulations in the city of Washington, signed in type: James Madison.

Lite staining and occasional foxing at the corners, lite foxing to unrelated text on the back page.

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George Washington through Andrew Jackson...

Presidential Collection I - covering 7 administrations...

Item #180100
(7) Presidential Collection I - a seven-issue set of American newspapers containing one issue each from the administrations of George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, and Andrew Jackson, providing a single-day snapshot of the atmosphere during each administration. This is set one of a six-part series.

1) Geo Washington, 4/30/1789
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If an image(s) is shown, it is only representative of the style and condition of what you will receive. Actual items will vary.

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"Extra" containing Honorable Robert's Smith's address to the People...

Item #150675

July 03, 1811

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL EXTRA, Boston, July 3, 1811 A four page extra containing the "Hon. Robert's Smith's Address To the People of the United States" being his explanation that led to his resignation as Secretary of State. Sources say that he was actually dismissed by President Madison.

Complete in four pages, 15 by 10 inches, untrimmed and in good condition.

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Martin Van Buren...

Item #151175

December 25, 1839

THE MADISONIAN, Washington, Dec. 25, 1839 Taking three columns on pg. 2 and five columns on pg. 3 is the President's "Message". It is signed in type: M. Van Buren. Acid-free tape mend to an irregular tear near the masthead, plus a small, barely noticeable tape mend in the text of the address, otherwise very good. Nice to have in a Washington paper.

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Item #180079
THE MADISONIAN, Washington City, 1837-1841 A lot of 10 issues of this uncommon title from the nation's capital. Mostly political and Congressional content, plus various ads. Great name for a newspaper from Washington!

Traces of foxing, otherwise in very good condition.

The issues may be all from one year or a blend of several - but will be within the 1837-1841 range.

Wholesale Lot: typically more than one item/set available!

If an image(s) is shown, it is only representative of the style and condition of what you will receive. Actual items will vary.

This item is not eligible for free shipping.

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