Web Results (1709)



Ice Yachting... Mark Twain Anecdote...

Item #177290

February 04, 1905

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 4, 1905  Front page illustration "The Upheaval" by W. A. Rogers; Ice-Yachting and Skate-Sailing on the Shrewsbury River, in New Jersey; Match Games of "Curling" in and Around New York; The Automobile Show at the Madison Square Garden, New York; Plans for the New Terminal Station of the New York Central Railroad at Forty-Second Stree... See More  

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Item #177289

January 28, 1905

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 28, 1905 Front page Photo, John Kean, U. S. Senator From New Jersey; A Session of the Hungarian Parliament Afger the Recent Riot in the Chamber of Deputies; "Scene at the Recent Metropolitan Musicale Given at the Home of the Late W. C. Whitney" by W. Granville Smith; and other advertisements of the day. See photos for full details. ... See More  

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Flag-Ship 'Kearsarge'...

Item #177284

July 30, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 30, 1904  Front page illustration "There's Life in the Old Man Yet" by W. A. Rogers; Views at Esopus--Snap-Shots Taken at Judge Parker's Estate on the Hudson; The Visit of the North Atlantic Squardron to Portugal--Snap-Shots of Scenes on the Flag-Ship "Kearsarge"; How The Japanese Care for Their Wounded--Views in the Field Hospit... See More  

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Air-Ship trials...

Item #177282

December 03, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 3, 1904  Front page Photo, Joseph W. Folk, Democratic Governor-Elect of Missouri; Snap-Shots of the Harvard-Yale Football Game at New Haven on November 19; Snap-Shots of Some Recent Air-Ship Trials at St. Louis; The Comparative Exhibit of Native and Foreign Art in New York; .and other advertisements of the day. The issue is complete in 12-16 pages, in ... See More  

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George Washington Universtiy...

Item #177281

December 31, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 31, 1904  Front page illustration "Looking Forward" by W. A. Rogers; Robert Marion La Follette, Governor of Wisconsin; Prominent Representatives of Capital and Labor Meet--The Annual Dinner of the National Civic Federation in New York City; Troubles of the Russian Forces in Manchuria--Difficulties Encountered in Securing Supplies From the C
... See More  

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Niagara's Carnival of Ice... Niagara Falls...

Item #177280

December 24, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 24, 1904 Front page Photo, Ex-Governor Winthrop Murray Crane, Now Senator From Massachusetts; James Smith, Jr., Ex-United States Senator From New Jersey, and the Receiver for the United States Ship Building Company; Chinese View of the War--Photo Showing Pilgrims Coming to Worship at a Shine in Manchuria While the War is in Progress; A Peril of Mountain... See More  

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Item #177278

November 26, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 26, 1904 Front page Photo, General Nogi, The Japanese Commander, Studying a War Map at His Headquarters Before Port Arthur; The Statue of Frederick the Great, Presented to America by Emperor William, and Unveiled at Washington, November 19; The First Photos Taken of Scenes in and Around Port Arthur During the Present Siege; Double page Photo, The End of... See More  

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Item #177277

November 19, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 19, 1904  Front page Photo, President Roosevelt and His Sons; General Prince Fushimi, Who has Just Come to America to Represent the Emperor of Japan at the St. Louis Fair; Snap-Shots of the Recent Beagle Trials on the Estate of the Late W. C. Whitney at Westbury, Long Island; The Airship "California Arrow" in Flight at the St. Louis Fair; The... See More  

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New York City's Rapid Transit...

Item #177276

November 12, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 12, 1904  Front page Photo, Marquis Hirobumi Ito; Vice-Admiral Rojestvensky, Commander of the Russian "Baltic Fleet Which Attacked the British Trawlers in the North Sea; Snap-Shots of Four Leading Players in the Football World--Captains at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Columbia; Henry Watterson; Photos Taken at the Opening of New York's New Su... See More  

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Women's Golf Championship...

Item #177275

November 05, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 5, 1904 Front page illustration "Either is "Good Enough for Me" by W. A. Rogers; Mr. Dumont Clarke, President-Elect of the New York Clearing-House; Prominent Contestants in the Women's Golf Championship on the Merion Links at Haverford; The Last Days of the Campaign--The Fireworks Display in Madison Square at the Republican Mass ... See More  

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Lauching of Battleship "Nebraska"...

Item #177274

October 29, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 29, 1904  Alexander E. Orr, President of the Board of Rapid Transit Commission Which has Directed the Building of New York's New Subway; A New Automobile Record From Chicago to New York--Messrs. B. B. Holcomb and Laurence Duffie in the Columbia Car, With Which They Reduced the New York-Chicago Record to 58 Hours 45 Minutes; Caricatures by Japane... See More  

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Bird's-eye view of the St. Louis Fair Grounds...

Item #177270

October 01, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 1, 1904  Front page illustration "Oh, the bulldog on he bank, and the bullfrog in the pool; the bulldog...." etc., etc." by W. A. Rogers; Frank W. Higgins, Republican Nominee for Governor of New York State; Photograph of the Delegates at the Republican State Convention in Saratoga on September 14; Members of the Eighth International ... See More  

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Racing at Saratoga...

Item #177266

September 03, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 3, 1904 Front page illustration "A Vision of November 8" by W. A. Rogers; A New Portrait of Mark Twain, Painted by the Italian Artist E. Gelli, to be Exhibited at the World's Fair at St. Louis; The End of the Racing Season at Saratoga--Snap-Shots of Scenes and Incidents; Secretary Taft, Members of the Philippine Commission, and Invit... See More  

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Pope Pius X...

Item #177261

July 23, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, July 23, 1904  Front page illustration "A Noble Effort" by W. A. Rogers; Celebrating the Semicentennial of the Republican Party at Jackson, Michigan; William F. Sheehan; Thomas F. Ryan; Mr. W. D. Howells at Oxford--The Group of Distinguished Nominees on Whom the English University Recently Conferred Degrees; Double page Photo, The First Public Appearance o... See More  

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Item #177256

June 11, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 11, 1904  Front page illustration "He Wants Them Both" by W. A. Rogers; Japanese Troops Leaving the Shanagawa Railroad Station for the Front; The Eighteenth Brooklyn Handicap, Run at Gravesend, Long Island, May 26; Alton Brooks Parker; With the Japanese Troops--Snap-Shots Taken in the Field; President Clarence H. Mackay and His Lieutenan... See More  

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St. Louis Fair...

Item #177254

May 28, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 28, 1904  Frontpage illustration "What Are You Doing Here?" by W. A. Rogers; Russian Wounded in a Japanese Red Cross Hospital at Chemulpo, Korea; Honoring A Japanese Naval Officer, Lieutenant-Commander Hirose, Who was Killed at Port Arthur; Double page illustration "A Daily Scene at the World's Fair--Sketch Made on the Grounds From t... See More  

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St. Louis Fair...

Item #177253

May 21, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 21, 1904  Frontpage illustration "Modern War" by W. A. Rogers; Russian Troops on their Way to the Scene of War--The Departure of Reinforcements for the Front; Japanese Troops Disembarking From Transports at Chemulpo; Double page Photo, A New View of the Wreck of the Russian Gunboat  "Korietz" in Chemulpo Harbor; At the St. ... See More  

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Russia and Manchuria... Ohio...

Item #177249

April 23, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 23, 1904 Frontpage illustration "On the Road" by W. A. Rogers; War-time Scenes From Russia and Manchuria; Inside the Russian Fortifications at Vladivostok; Multiple articles on the State of Ohio; Doublepage photo, Night View of Columbus, the Ohio State Capital; and other advertisements of the day. The issue is complete in 12-16 pages, in goo... See More  

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Life in Japan... Southern California...

Item #177246

April 02, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 2, 1904 Frontpage illustration "The Performance Has Begun" by W. A. Rogers; Snap-Shots From the Scene of War; General Kuropatkin and Russian Artillery Officers in the Field; Every-Day Life in Japan--How the Children are Cared For; Multiple articles on the State of Southern California; Persons and Places of Importance in the Far Eastern Crisi... See More  

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Fighting in Russia...

Item #177245

March 26, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 26, 1904 Frontpage illustration "The Coming of Spring" by W. A. Rogers; Russian Troops in Manchuria on Their Way to the Front; St. Petersburg in War-Time--Troops Leaving for the Front; Doublepage illustration "A View of the Torpedo Attack Upon Russian War-Ships at Port Arthur" by Sydney Laurence; Doublepage Map, "The Scene of ... See More  

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Japan and Russia...

Item #177240

February 20, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 20, 1904  Frontpage illustration "Sisyphus Tries it Again" W. A. Rogers; The Exodus of Non-Combatants From Manchuria by Way of the Trans-Siberian Railroad; The Mountainous Country of Korea, Over Which Japan is Reported to be Marching Troops to Meet the Land Forces of Russia; On Board the Japanese Armored Cruiser "Asama," One of... See More  

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Calvary in Italy...

Item #177238

February 06, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 6, 1904 Frontpage illustration "The Dog in the Manger" by W. A. Rogers; Edward Everett Hale, New Chaplain of the Senate; Pictures at the Seventy-Third Annual Exhibition of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; Rough-Riding in Italy--A Cavalry Drill Near Rome and other advertisements of the day. The issue is complete in 12-16 pages, in go... See More  

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Item #177237

January 23, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 23, 1904  Frontpage illustration "Rough Riding" by W. A. Rogers; Photo, The Commander-In-Chief of the Army of Panama Swearing Allegiance to the New Republic; Scenes From the Prize Contests in Tobogganing at St. Moritz, Switzerland; Paintings at the National Academy Exhibition and other advertisements of the day. The issue is complete... See More  

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Chicago Theatre Fire...

Item #177235

January 09, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 9, 1904  Frontpage illustration "Mr. Hearst's Boom" by W. A. Rogers; Photo, W. H. Taft, Next Secretary of War; A New Invention for Perfecting X-Ray Photography; Chicago's Theatre Fire, The Stage of the Theatre in Ruins; Scenes at the Iroquois Theatre Fire and other advertisements of the day.

The issue is complete in 16 pages ... See More  

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The Christmas issue...

Item #177233

December 12, 1903

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 12, 1903  Front page illustration "The Golden Pool; Doublepage illustration "Christmas in the Navy"; "The Race is not always to the Swift" by W. Granville Smith; "Too Much Santa Claus" by W. T. Smedley; Doublepage illustration "New the Other Half Dines on Christmas Day" by T. de Thulstrup; "An Em
... See More  

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Item #177231

November 28, 1903

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 28, 1903 Frontpage illustration "Give Her a Generous Slice" by W. A. Rogers; "The End of the Football Season" by The Kinneys; A Recent Portrait of the Author of "The Martyrdom of and Empress," and "A Keystone of Empire," Which was Published Last Week; "The New Fourteen-Million-Dollar Station at Washingto... See More  

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Niagara Falls...

Item #177230

November 21, 1903

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 21, 1903  Frontpage illustration "Held Up the Wrong Man" by W. A. Rogers; Where a City Camps Out in Winter; A Vermont Marble Quarry; Recognition of the New Panama Republic; "The Birlds" of Aristophanes at America's Greek Theatre; Cross-Country Riding by Italian Officers; A Scientist's View of Niagara by John M. Clarke;a... See More  

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Item #177228

November 07, 1903

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 7, 1903 Frontpage illustration "I Come to Buy, Not to Beg, Sir" by W. A. Rogers; Article, Canada and the Alaska Boundary Award; Photo, The Training of Italian Cavalry Officers; Trial Trip of the Submarine "Protector"; Unveiling the New Sherman Statue in Washington; "Alexander's Painting of Dr. Francis L. Patton"; a... See More  

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Item #177227

October 31, 1903

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 31, 1903 Frontpage illustration "The Rammany Inferno" by W. A. Rogers; Article, The Decision of the Alaska Boundary Commission; Photo, America Wins the Alaska Boundary Award; Where a False Step Means Death; The Queen of England, Dowager Empress of Russia, Duchess of Cumberland, and King of Denmark at Cards; Multiple Articles on the State o... See More  

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Item #177226

October 24, 1903

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 24, 1903 Frontpage illustration "The Slough of Despond" by W. A. Rogers; Photo, A Fox-Hunting Episode; Incidents of the Recent Storm in New York; A Successful English Air-Ship; An Oil-Well on Fire in the New Texas Oil-Fields; Doublepage, photos, The Storm Centre in the Balkans--Revolutionists Preparing for War; "Tammany Waiting for th... See More  

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Item #177225

October 17, 1903

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 17, 1903  Frontpage illustration "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" by W. A. Rogers; Shipping a Circus Across the Pacific; The New Columbia Statue, by Daniel C. French; Another Deadly Invention for Modern Warfare; Where the Sealskins Came From; Doublepage illustration "The New Bridge System in New York City" by Vernon Howe Bailey; Sam Pa... See More  

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Item #177221

September 19, 1903

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 19, 1903  Frontpage illustration of The Statue of Liberty; Photo, The First Photograph at Close Range Taken of Professor Langley's Air-Ship; Physical Training for College Girls; "A New Portrait by William M. Chase"; The National Shooting Match at Sea Girt; Doublepage illustration "Target-Practice on a Man-Of-War--Finding the Ra... See More  

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Item #177213

August 01, 1903

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 1, 1903  Frontpage illustration of The Statue of Liberty; Photos The Expert Horsemanship of the American Woman; The Acting Pope During the Interregnum; Article, The Pope as a Politician by Sydney Brooks; The Launching of the "Ersatz Kaiser" at Kiel; "James M'neill Whistler" by Frederick Deppel; Doublepage illustration &q... See More  

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Item #177210

July 04, 1903

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 4, 1903 Frontpage illustration of the Statue of Liberty; "A Newly Discovered Portrait of Washington" by John Trumbull; Photo of "Reliance,"  "Constitution," and "Columbia" Crossing the Line; Looping the Loop in an Automobile; Decorative Art at the World's Fair; Doublepage illustration "The Day We Celebra... See More  

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Item #177206

June 13, 1903

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 13, 1903 Frontpage Photo of The Tornado in Gainesville, Georgia; In the Path of the Georgia Cyclone; The Floods in the West; Doublepage illustration "The Last Hours of Cadet Days" by Fietcher C. Ransom; article about Poe; and other news and advertisements of the day. See photos for full details. ... See More  

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Item #177205

June 06, 1903

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 6, 1903 Frontpgae illustration "Discussing the Yacht Races; Defending the Panama Canal; The Fight for an Open Port; The President in the West; Doublepage illustration "What She Didn't Declare" by James Montgomery Flagg; other news and advertisements of the day. See photos for full details.

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Item #177198

April 18, 1903

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 18, 1903  Frontpage photo Americans of To-morrow XXXI- Henry L. Stoddard; The President's Trip West; Harnessing a Glacier; The Edison of To-Day; Doublepage illustration "Vanderbilt--Neilson" by Granville Smith; article Racing on the Sand; and other news and advertisements of the day. See photos for full details. ... See More  

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Amelia Earhart... Bing Crosby...

Item #211582

March 25, 1939

LIBERTY magazine, New York, March 25, 1939. This is the complete issue of this popular title with a nice color cover showing a Irish looking high-stepping dancer with hat and cane (see photo). The back page has a nice color ad for Camel cigarettes.  Includes a stories entitled "Lady with Wings - The Life Story of My Wife, Amerlia Earhart, part 3" and "America's Richest Actor (Bing Crosby... See More  

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Comedian William Evans Burton Death In 1860...

Item #211068

February 11, 1860

NEW YORK HERALD, Feb. 11, 1860 Page 7 has: Obituary William Evans Burton, Comedian. Quite a lengthy obituary of this famous comic actor. Other news of the day includes: "The Gale On Thursday Night" "The Most Violent Hurricane Experienced for Several Years" "Sporting" and much more. Several interesting advertisements as well. 12 pages in good condition.

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Early movie stars Harold Lloyd, Gloria Swanson...

Item #210941

July 06, 1924

THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, Detroit, Michigan, July 6, 1924

Within this Sunday edition is a nice section on film and theater, which includes over half a page of photos of stars of the day (see below), including John Gilbert, Gloria Swanson, Harold Lloyd, Laurette Taylor & others. The facing page has a nice advertisement for Gloria Swanson in the film "Manhandled" (see photo).

Many ... See More  

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"The Wizard of Oz"...

Item #177192

March 07, 1903

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 7, 1903 Frontpage illustration William the Teuton; The Outlook for Coal (with Clarence Darrow as the attorney); Roosevelt and Cleveland; "The Wizard of Oz"; and other news and advertisements of the day. See photos for full details.

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Item #177190

February 21, 1903

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 21, 1903 Frontpage illustration George Washington;  American Wireless Telegraphy; and other news and advertisements of the day. See photos for full details.

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Item #177189

February 14, 1903

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 14, 1903  Frontpage photo Americans of To-Morrow, XXVII - Peter Cooper Hewitt;  John Hay and the New Treaty;  The Day Before Lent in New Orleans; By Balloon Over the Irish Sea; The New Passenger Station in Chicago; New Electric Locomotives; and other news and advertisements of the day. See photos for full details.... See More  

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Item #177188

February 07, 1903

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 7, 1903 Frontpage photo Americans of To-Morrow, XXVI -John S. Sargent;  The New York Charity Ball; A Dramatic Coast Scene; Luxury in Automobiles; and other news and advertisements of the day. See photos for full details.

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Item #177187

January 31, 1903

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 31, 1903  Frontpage photo Americans of To-Morrow, XXV -Edwin A. Alderman; The Subway and its Stations; Experiments just Made in Telephoning without Wires; To the Jews a Stumbling-block and to the Greeks Foolishness; Automobiling; and other news and advertisements of the day. See photos for full details.... See More  

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1959 Death Of Comedian Actor Lou Costello...

Item #209813

March 04, 1959

THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, Michigan, March 4, 1959. This 32 pages newspaper is in nice condition and has a two line, two column headline on the front page: "Famed Comedian Lou Costello Dies" with a one column photo of him also on the front page. Other news of the day including another interesting front page headline: "WE PASS MOON TODAY; NEXT TARGET: THE SUN" with details. Plenty of advertisemem... See More  

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Mark Twain on Christian Science...

Item #177185

January 24, 1903

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 24, 1903  Frontpage photo Americans of To-Morrow, XXIV -William B. Leeds; The Outlook for Currency Legislation; fullpage illustration "The Great Social Event of the Season at the White House; The Culture of Unknown American Tribes; fullpage illustration "A Twentieth-Century Creation" (Belmont Hotel) by Pettit; "More from Mark Twain a... See More  

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Item #177182

January 03, 1903

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 3, 1903 Frontpage photo Americans of To-Morrow, XXI.- George B. Cortelyou; fullpage illustration "The First State Dinner of the Season in the New White House"; Progress Under the Sea; The Future of Niagara; fullpage illustration "The New York Public Library - Astor, Tilden, and Lenox Foundations" by Pettit;  Automobile Trucks; ca... See More  

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Charles Dickens... Race Horse Cresceus...

Item #177181

March 15, 1902

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 15, 1902 Frontpage photo Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt; several pages of photos of Prince Henry's American Tour; full page photo Memorial Services for President McKinley; Cresceus's Wonderful Campaign; The Tammany Man; fullpage illustration "American Editors. XII.-Charles Emory Smith" by W.A. Rogers; fullpage photo The Railroad Nearest the No... See More  

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Mark Twain on Christian Science...

Item #177180

December 27, 1902

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 27, 1902 Frontpage photo Americans of To-Morrow, Robert H. McCurdy; The Fate of Trust Legislation; fullpage illustration The Keystone of the Venezuelan Situation; First American Cable Across the Pacific; fullpage illustration "Dr. Lorenze in the New York Hopitals" by Ranson; New York's Museum of Art with photos; fullpage illustration "... See More  

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