Web Results (157)



Lengthy letter from Santa Anna on the Mexican War...

Item #682630

June 10, 1847

NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, June 10, 1847  Some nice reporting from the Mexican War including a full front page column headed: "Very Late from the City of Mexico" which includes a lengthy letter to the Mexican Minster of War, signed in type: Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna.

More on page 2 with: "A Day in Advance of the Mail" "Arrival of Col. Doniphan at Parras" "Hi... See More  

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Reporting the Mexican War...

Item #682622

June 23, 1847

NEW YORK DEAILY TRIBUNE, June 23, 1847  Good content from the Mexican War including Relations With Mexico" "Further From Mexico" "Incidents of War" and other items.

Four pages, nice condition.

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Reporting the Mexican War...

Item #682621

May 31, 1847

NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, May 31, 1847  Good content from the Mexican War including front page: "Gen. Scott's Proclamation" "Lieut. Col. Fremont" "Later from Matamoros" "From Northern Mexico & California" and more.

Good page 2 war content with: "Important From Mexico" "Reported Defeat ofd Col. Doniphan" "Americans Lost 7 ... See More  

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Taylor's state-of-the-union address...

Item #682237

December 25, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 25, 1849 

* President Zachary Taylor

* State of the Union Address

* Best publication to be had ?

Most of the ftpg. is taken up with reports from "Congress" including several mention of "...Mr. Davis, of Mississippi..." which was Jefferson Davis, who would become the President of the Confederacy.

Much of pages 4 ... See More  

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News flash on the Mexican War...

Item #681708

May 07, 1846

NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, May 7, 1846  The front page has a news flash on the Mexican War headed: "Important" "From the Army of Occupation" "Matamoros Blockaded!" "Lieut. Porter and Three Men Killed!"

Four pages, nice condition.

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The Halls of Montezuma...

Item #681036

May 29, 1847

THE WEEKLY HERALD, New York, May 29, 1847  The top of the front page features a print of: "The New Steam Ship Washington - The First American Ocean Mail Steamer" with related text.

Also on the ftpg. is a large view of: "The Main Plaza In The City of Mexico - View Of the Halls of the Montezumas" with related ftpg. reports on the Mexican War.

Eight pages, nice condition.... See More  

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Much reporting on the Mexican War as it nears its end...

Item #680944

October 12, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 12, 1847  Page 3 has much reporting on the Mexican War including: "Major Lally's Command" which has reports of the killed  & wounded at Cerro Gordo, National Bridge, Paso Ovijas, and at Lasanimas.

Also a report headed: "A Little Later From Vera Cruz" which has much, taking over a full column. There is also ... See More  

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Rare print of General Stephen Kearney...

Item #680501

November 11, 1848

SATURDAY EVENING POST, Philadelphia, Nov. 11, 1848  Page 2 has a very nice & rare print of "General Kearney", a hero of the Mexican War and the "conqueror of  New Mexico and California" who had recently died. Quite uncommon to find newspaper prints of Mexican War officers.

Four pages, large folio size, never bound nor trimmed, 3 folds with mild fold & margin ... See More  

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Abraham Lincoln... from small beginnings... when he was an unknown...

Item #679449

April 27, 1848

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., April 27, 1848 

* Early in Abraham Lincoln's political career

This newspaper contains on the front page reports from the: "House of Representatives" which includes the results of a vote showing under the "yeas" the name "Lincoln" inconspicuously listed among many others. Plus page 3 has additional coverage from ... See More  

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For veterans of the Mexican War...

Item #678789

June 01, 1888

THE VEDETTE, Washington, D.C., June, 1888  This little title is: "Devoted To The Interests of Veterans of the Mexican and Late Wars".

The back leaf is lacking, so 14 of 16 pages. Front leaf is loose with loss to an upper corner, 9 1/2 by 12 inches, toning to the front leaf.

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When Abraham Lincoln was an unknown...

Item #678568

July 22, 1848

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 22, 1848 

* Early in Abraham Lincoln' political career

This newspaper contains on the front page reports from the: "House of Representatives" which includes the text of discussion, with each speaker's name noted in capital letters. "Mr. Lincoln" spoke twice.

Additionally, page 4 has continued reporting from Cong... See More  

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Much mention of Kit Carson in the mutiny trial of John C. Fremont...

Item #678414

December 18, 1847

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 18, 1847  Page 2 has nearly two columns taken up with reports concerning the court martial of John Fremont for mutiny & other charges, including a letter signed in type: J. C. Fremont.

Pages 2 & 3 have much on the Mexican War headed: "The President's Message--No. III".  And the back page has more on the: "Army Cou... See More  

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News from the Mexican War...

Item #675081

September 24, 1847

THE DAILY UNION, Washington, D.C., Sept. 24, 1847  Page 3 has; "The Battle of Mexico" as well as: "Latest News From Chihuahua" "Satisfactory stare of Things Between Americans & Mexicans--The Mexicans Adhere Rigidly to Col. Doniphan's Treaty" and: "From Santa Fe" with even more reports.

Four pages, very nice condition.

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Considerable reporting on the Mexican War...

Item #675080

September 23, 1847

THE DAILY UNION, Washington, D.C., Sept. 23, 1847  The inside pages have much reporting on the Mexican War, including: "The New Regiments" "General Pillow" "General Pierce" "Peace with Mexico" and an interesting letter from: Headquarters 1st Brigade 3rd Div. U.S.A at Mexsoque, Mexico.

Four pages, very nice condition.

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Considerable reporting on the Mexican War...

Item #675079

September 10, 1847

THE DAILY UNION, Washington, D.C., Sept. 10, 1847  Page 2 has: "Glorious News From Mexico: Battles of Penon and San Angel" "Defeat of Santa Anna--City of Mexico at our Feet--General Valencia Routed--Suspension of Arms--Probability of a Speedy Peace...". These reports take 4 full columns with considerable detail.

Four pages, very nice condition.

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Latest from the Mexican War...

Item #675077

September 09, 1847

THE DAILY UNION, Washington, D.C., Sept. 9, 1847  Page 3 has a column headed: "Defeat Of the Mexicans - General Scott's Advance to the Capital" which includes several dispatches including one datelined from Vera Cruz and another from Orizaba. Also: "The Troops for Mexico...".

Four pages, very nice condition.

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News from the Mexican War...

Item #675074

September 20, 1847

THE DAILY UNION, Washington, D.C., Sept. 20, 1847  Page 3 has much reporting from the Mexican War including a very lengthy letter: "From The Army" which takes over 1 1/2 columns. Also a report: "From the Army of Gen. Taylor" taking over half a column.

Four pages, nice condition.

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News from the Mexican War...

Item #675073

September 08, 1847

THE DAILY UNION, Washington, D.C., Sept. 8, 1847  Page 3 has at least two reports on the Mexican War, headed: "The Last Skirmish at the National Bridge" which takes nearly 1 1/32 columns; and; "From Matamoras".

Also a report headed: "Mr. Buchanan on Slavery" and the back page has a document signed: "By the President of the United States" James K. Polk.... See More  

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Early Tallahassee...

Item #674459

March 27, 1847

THE FLORIDIAN, Tallahassee, March 27, 1847  Nineteenth century newspapers from Florida are uncommon, particularly those from before the Civil War. Here is such an issue from the capital city of Florida, three years before the Civil War.

The front page includes various reports from the Mexican War including: "From The Army - The Army News" "From the Army--Late & Very Import... See More  

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Early Tallahassee... The Mexican War...

Item #674458

March 27, 1847

THE FLORIDIAN, Tallahassee, Florida, March 27, 1847  Nineteenth century newspapers from Florida are uncommon, particularly those from before the Civil War. Here is such an issue from the capital city of Florida, 14 years before the Civil War.

The front page includes various reports from the Mexican War including: "From The Army - The Army News" "From the Army--Late & Very ... See More  

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Reporting the Mexican War and more...

Item #671932

July 08, 1847

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 8, 1847  The front page has: "Late From Vera Cruz" with news on the Mexican War taking over half a column. Inside includes: "The News From Mexico" "A Visit to Lake Superior" "A Faithful Negro" and more.

Four pages, some damp staining to the lower half, generally good.

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Much on the Battle of Buena Vista, and other reports on the Mexican War...

Item #666789

April 06, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., April 6, 1847 

* Battle of Buena Vista

* Mexican War

Page 2 has close to two very detailed columns concerning the historic Battle of Buena Vista, an American victory over a larger Mexican force.

The two reports are headed: "Battle of Buena Vista" and then: "Santa Anna--His Position--The Consequences of the Battle of Buena ... See More  

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A great wealth on the Mexican War...

Item #666787

April 02, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., April 2, 1847 

* Battle of Buena Vista

* Mexican-American War

* General Zachary Taylor

Page 3 has much on the Mexican War including: "Latest From Gen. Taylor's Army" "Vera Cruz" "The Battle of Buena Vista" "Investment of Vera Cruz" and a letter from Sacrificio, near Vera Cruz.

Four pages, very... See More  

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Great wealth of information on the Mexican War...

Item #666784

March 29, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 29, 1847  Over one-third of page 3 is taken up with: "Correspondence Between Gen. Taylor and the War Department" concerning events in the Mexican War. Several letters are including, 2 by Winfield Scott.

Also: "Exciting News from Mexico" includes a letter from New Orleans, and then: "Repulse of Santa Anna--Three Da... See More  

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Much on the Mexican War...

Item #666783

March 26, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 26, 1847  Page 3 has fine reporting on the Mexican War with: "From Mexico", and a letter from New Orleans, then: "Gen. Scott's Movements" "Later From Mexico" and "Late From Tampico".

Four pages, very nice condition.

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A great wealth of content on the Mexican War...

Item #666782

March 20, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 20, 1847  Page 2 has a great wealth on the Mexican War, the focus being the lengthy: "Proclamation by the General Commanding the Army of the United States of America: To the People of Mexico". It begins: "After manly years of patient endurance, the United States are at length constrained to acknowledge that a war now exists ... See More  

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The Taos, New Mexico Revolt...

Item #666780

March 18, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C.,  March 18, 1847 

* Taos Revolt - New Mexico

* Mexican-American War

Page 3 has over half a column headed: "Important From New Mexico"  which has a subhead: "Insurrection at Taos".

This was the Taos Revolt, an insurrection in January 1847 by Hispano and Puebloan allies against the United States’ occupati... See More  

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The Mexican War, and a visit to Japan...

Item #666779

March 15, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C.,  March 15, 1847  The front page has eight Acts of Congress, several relating to the Mexican War.

Page 3 has much on the Mexican War including: "From Santa Fe" "Important From Mexico" and "The War". Also a lengthy report: "Commodore Biddle's Official Account of His Visit to Japan.

Four pages, very nic... See More  

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The Mexican War...

Item #666778

March 12, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C.,  March 12, 1847  Page 3 has reports on the Mexican War including: "War News" and a letter from New Orleans with some content on Santa Anna, and then a report headed: "From the Army".

Four pages, very nice condition.

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Rousing letter from Santa Anna...

Item #666741

March 05, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 5, 1847 

* Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

* Mexican-Amercian War

There is some fine reporting on the progress of the Mexican War, as page 3 has: "Official News From The Army" "News From Mexico" which includes a lengthy & detailed letter from the "U.S. Squadron off Anton Lizardo" which has much on Santa... See More  

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Much on the Mexican War...

Item #666738

February 26, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Feb. 26, 1847  Over half of page 3 is taken up with reports on the Mexican War, with items headed: "An Important 'Sign' " "Important News From the Army" "Later From Tampico - Critical Situation of the Volunteers from the Ondiaka--Reported Conflict with the Mexicans" which has two letters from Tampico. Then: ... See More  

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Commentary on the Mexican War...

Item #666735

February 08, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Feb. 9, 1847  Page 3 has some interesting editorial commentary on the Mexican War, with: "The War, And It's Present Objects". This is followed by: "The City of Mexico or Peace".

Four pages, nice condition.

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Latest from the Mexican War...

Item #666733

February 05, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Feb. 5, 1847  Page 3 has two columns on the Mexican War all headed: "The Mexican War" with a great wealth of detail.

Four pages, nice condition.

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Latest from the Mexican War...

Item #666732

February 01, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Feb. 1, 1847  Page 3 has much on the Mexican War, continuing on page 4 as well. Included: "Honors to the Brave" "General Taylor's Letter" "The Mexican Army" "Interesting From the Army" and an interest report from a soldier's diary.

Four pages, nice condition.

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Latest from the Mexican War...

Item #666731

January 29, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Jan. 29, 1847  The top of the back page has a column headed: "From The Seat Of War" datelined at Matamoros. It provides the latest information on events in the on-going Mexican War.

Four pages, nice condition.

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Much on the Mexican War...

Item #666730

January 15, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Jan. 15, 1847  Page 3 has a great wealth of reporting on the Mexican War with: "Further From Mexico" "Official - The 'Rumors' From the Rio Grande" "Latest From Monterey" "Very Late From the Gulf of Mexico" and a detailed letter signed in type by: Z. Taylor.

Four pages, nice condition.... See More  

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Latest news from the Mexican War...

Item #665762

March 05, 1847

NEW YORK HERALD, March 5, 1847  Page 3 has a column with a nice stack of heads on the Mexican War: "To The Latest Moments" "Highly Important From Mexico" "Later From the Army" "The Whole Command Moving To Vera Cruz" "Movements of the Mexicans" 'Renewal of Hostilities in the Neighborhood of Saltillo" "Santa Anna Will Probably to a... See More  

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Mexico's independence in 1821...

Item #665138

January 05, 1822

FARMERS' CABINET, Amherst, New Hampshire, Jan. 5, 1822 

* Mexican War of Independence ends w/ Spain

Page 2 has a very historic report announcing the independence of Mexico: "MEXICO INDEPENDENCE" with the report noting in part: "...the following article from a letter dated 'Mexico, Sept. 28, 1821. The general (Iturbide) entered this city yesterday at the head of 2,... See More  

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Fine content on the closing events of the Mexican War...

Item #658831

November 15, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 15, 1847 

* Battle of Contreras & Churubusco

* Mexican War - Mexico

The front page has over a full column letter signed in type by Winfield Scott, headed: "Battles of Contreras and Churubusco - Report of Major General Scott" which offers tremendous detail on these military events from near the end of  the Mexican W... See More  

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Mexican War nears its end: Mexicans want to negotiate a peace...

Item #657900

September 29, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Sept, 29, 1847  Page 3 has much of a column taken up with fine report on the closing battles of the Mexican-American War, headed: "The Late Battles In Mexico". Near  the beginning is: "Our arms are again victorious, but at a fearful cost of life and blood...". The American army was advancing very close to Mexico City: &q... See More  

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Terrific report as the Mexican War nears its end...

Item #657897

September 16, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Sept. 16, 1847 

* Battle for Mexico City

* General Winfield Scott victory

* Mexican-American War ending

Much of page 2 is taken up great & very detailed accounts of the final battles of the Mexican War before the Armistice, as General Scott advances upon Mexico City.

The page begins with column heads: "THE LATE VICTORIES IN MEX... See More  

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Mexican War... D.C. properties up for sheriff sale...

Item #657896

September 15, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Sept. 15, 1847  All of pages 1 & 2 are taken up with a huge chart of "City Property To Be Sold For  Taxes", several on Pennsylvania Ave. Likely some now notable residences on the list.

Page 3 has some fine content on the Mexican War with: "From Buena Vista" and: "The Battle of Buena Vista" and; "Late ... See More  

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Latest news from the Mexican War...

Item #657895

September 11, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Sept. 11, 1847  Page 3 contains several items relating to the Mexican War including:  "North Carolina Volunteers" "The Present Aspect of New Orleans" "The News form the Seat of War" which includes letters datelines from Orizaba, Vera Cruz and Jalapa with many reports taking over 1 1/2 columns.

Four pages, good... See More  

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Several reports from the Mexican War...

Item #657894

September 01, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Sept 1, 1847  Page 2 has: "The State of the War in Mexico--Constructing a Government". Page 3 includes: "Latest From Tampico" with reports on the Mexican War, in addition to: "Departure of Troops" "General Pillow" which includes a letter datelines from Puebla, Mexico & another from New Orleans; "F... See More  

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Much reporting on the Mexican War...

Item #657824

August 28, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Aug. 28, 1847  Page 2 has over a full column headed: "The Annexation - A Letter From Gen. Sam. Houston" signed by him in type: Sam. Houston.

Page 3 has nearly 2 columns of reports from the Mexican War headed: "Seven Days Later From Gen. Scott" which includes a lengthy letter datelines: "Camp at Bridge, 24 miles from Ver... See More  

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Much on the Mexican War...

Item #657823

August 16, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Aug. 16, 1847  Fully half of page 3 is taken up with a great wealth of news from the Mexican War, all under the heading: "One Month Later From Gen. Scott".

With the reporting are various letters datelined: "U.S. Flagship Mississippi", "Headquarters of the Army" "Puebla, Mexico" and "Vera Cruz". ... See More  

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Has General Winfield Scott entered Mexico City?

Item #657768

August 14, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Aug. 14, 1847 

* Occupation of Mexico City ?

* General Winfield Scott

* Mexican-American War

Page 3 has news from the Mexican War under the heading: "From The Rio Grande". This report focuses on whether General Winfield Scott had entered Mexico City, on letter noting: "It is rumored here for a week past that Gen. Scott had... See More  

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The Mexican War: the capture of Tabasco... Early news on California...

Item #657766

July 30, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 30, 1847 

* Tabasco, Mexico captured

* Mexican-American War

* Matthew C. Perry

Fine content on the  Mexican War with page 2 having 1 1/2 columns taken up with a lengthy & detailed report headed: "The Capture of Tabasco" "Extract of a Letter from an Officer on Board the U.S. Steamer Spitfire at Tabasco".

... See More  

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Early fromm New Mexico... The Mexican War...

Item #657728

July 28, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 28, 1847  Page 3 has half a column concerning: "Interesting from Santa Fe" with early reports from the territory of New Mexico (see). Also a report: "California Affairs--A letter dated Monterey, Feb. 1" talks of setting up the government there.

There are reports on the Mexican War under: "On the Progress of the War... See More  

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The Mexican War...

Item #657727

July 23, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 23, 1847 

* Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

Page 3 has reports on the Mexican War with items headed; "Official" "Important From Mexico", this latter report taking a full column which includes a report from Santa Anna noting: "...The army of the enemy being upon the eve of moving upon this capital with a view to at... See More  

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