Web Results (202)



Indian troubles in South Carolina...

Item #693425

July 26, 1760

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 26, 1760  Most of the first column of the front page is taken up with: "America - Extract of a Letter from South Carolina" concerning troubles with the Indians, including: "...You have heard of the Cherokees breaking out in war against us...the Creek Indians have broke out also..." with more.

Eight pages, 8 by 10 3/4 inches, nice condit... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Mass. governor speaks on the French & Indian War...

Item #693423

July 15, 1760

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 15, 1760 

* Governor Thomas Pownall speech

* Province of Massachusetts Bay

* French and Indian War

One-third of page 5 is taken up with news reports headed: "America" with Boston datelines.

Most of the report is a speech by the governor concerning the ongoing French & Indian War, one bit noting: "...his Majesty having nothing so ... See More  

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Front page reports on the French & Indian War...

Item #693422

July 05, 1760

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 5, 1760  The front page begins with a report headed: "America" with a New York dateline noting news from the French & Indian War including: "...Sixteen 24 pounders with mortars...are gone to Oswego. Col. Williamson commands this train...The enemy sends out constant parties towards Crown Point & Ticonderoga..." and more.

Eight pa... See More  

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The peace treaty should result in better relations with Indians, and greater trade...

Item #693409

November 19, 1763

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 19, 1763  

* French and Indian war

* re. Paris Peace Treaty

Over half of the first column on the front page is taken up with reports headed: "America" with a New York dateline.

The article concerns the future of the colonies now that a peace treaty has been formalized [Treaty of Paris ending the French & Indian War], along with hopes t... See More  

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Early Jamaica...

Item #693374

March 12, 1763

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, March 12, 1763  Page 5 has half a column of reports from Jamaica under the heading: "America" with various naval & shipping reports.

Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 11 inches, very nice condition.

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Reflecting upon the Battle of Quebec...

Item #693365

February 03, 1763

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Feb. 3, 1763   Page 2 has a "...letter from an Officer at Quebec to his Friend in Holland" which begins: "Among the many glorious actions performed by the British arms so justly celebrated, I think one of the most considerable has been least mentioned, I mean the gallant behavior of the army at Quebec..." with the balance of the article refle... See More  

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Dealing with a pirate ship...

Item #693217

March 07, 1771

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, March 7, 1771  Page 2 has: "America" with a report from Charleston concerning a fire at the wharf. Another page has a report from Newport, Rhode Island which notes: "...a large white-bottomed Bermudas built Sloop, had turned Pirate and captured a French schooner with 3000 dollars...and also robbed another. That an armed vessel was dispatched in qu... See More  

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A patriotic plea, and much more...

Item #692922

March 01, 1768

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, March 1, 1768  Page 2 has a report headed "America" noting: "Letters from Pensacola's...say 'The island & city of New Orleans are still to all appearance under no particular government. The French and Spaniards seem to share it...' " and a bit more. Also on page 2 is a report from New York with sundry items.

Page 6 has a repo... See More  

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Jews to build a synagogue in Corsica...

Item #692894

January 14, 1768

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 14, 1768  

* Jews - Jewish - Judaica

The back page has an: "Extract of a Letter from New York" which mentions that the governor of Turks Island: "...lately agreed to lay such heavy taxes on the rest of the inhabitants that many of the settlers are determined to leave the place." And also a report from Corsica states: "...that... See More  

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News from America...

Item #692891

January 09, 1768

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 9, 1768  Page 6 has reports headed: "America" with news from Philadelphia, Boston, and Newport, the latter reporting an attack by Indians. The Boston report mentions the salaries of the governors of New York & Mass at 2500 pounds sterling and the governor of New Hampshire at 1000 pounds sterling, plus more.

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/4 inches... See More  

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Men to set the boundary line between New York & New Jersey...

Item #692870

February 17, 1770

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Feb. 17, 1770  The back page has an: "Extract of a Letter From New York" concerning several men chosen as commissioners: "...for settling the boundary line between the Colonies of New York and New Jersey, met at Hartford..." with a bit more.

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/4 inches, very nice condition.

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Five issue lot from before the Revolutionary War...

Item #692758

August 16, 1766

(5) THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, A group of five issues dated Jan. 7, 1758, May 15, 1760, Jan. 20, 1763, Jan. 5, 1768, & Jan. 30, 1772. Each issue is complete in 8 pages and is in good condition, a few with some damp staining & a little foxing or fold rubbing. A nice little group lot providing a flavor of life in England from the period when tensions were growing with its American coloni... See More  

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Great account of the Siege of Quebec...

Item #692193

June 28, 1760

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 28, 1760 

* Siege or Second Battle of Quebec

* British commander James Murray

Pages 4 and 5 contains the report from 'The London Gazette Extraordinary' on the historic Siege of Quebec, or Second Battle of Quebec. This was a French attempt to retake Quebec City, Canada, which had been captured by Britain the previous year. The siege lasted for... See More  

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Report from a letter datelined at Monterey, California, 1786...

Item #690427

May 19, 1787

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, May 19, 1787  Inside has a very rare, early account of a visit to California as part of a voyage to explore the Bering Sea (off Alaska) by Jean-François de Galaup de la Pérouse. It notes in part: "...following melancholy intelligence imparted by one of the companions of Mons. de la Peyrouse during the latter's voyage round the world; it is... See More  

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The coronation of King George III...

Item #689557

September 29, 1761


* George III of the United Kingdom

The front page begins the report on the coronation of King George III. "This day his Majesty King George the Third, and Queen Charlotte, were crowned in the abbey church of Westminster, with the ceremonies accustomed upon that great and glorious solemnity...". The artic... See More  

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Historic Proclamation by the King formally ending the Revolutionary War...

Item #689194

February 15, 1783

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, February 15, 1783 

* End of Revolutionary War

* King George III proclamation

* The cessation of hostilities

Certainly the prime--and very historic--content takes over one-third of the back page, headed: "By the KING, A PROCLAMATION Declaring the Cessation of Arms, as well by sea as land, Agreed Upon Between his Majesty's the most Christian King,... See More  

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Americans need to produce their own goods... Creeks vs. Choctaws...

Item #687575

January 21, 1768

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, Jan. 21, 1768  The front page has over half a column of reports headed: "America", carrying over to page 2, with datelines from Providence and Boston. The first report is on a call for a meeting to promote industry & manufacture so as to not depend as much on foreign imports due to the taxes. Another item mentions: "...that the inhabitants have ha... See More  

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Marriage of Ben Franklin's daughter... Colonists distressed by duties..

Item #687574

January 19, 1768

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, January 19, 1768  Page 2 has a letter from Pittsburgh mentioning: "It is feared here that an Indian war will break out in the Spring...on an act of hostility committed by a party of Indians on their return to their settlements among the six nations, from an unsuccessful war in which they had been engaged with the Cherokees...they plundered & murdered ten of... See More  

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Early issue of this famous British newspaper...

Item #687087

May 16, 1758

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, May 16, 1758  Various European news reports with datelines from the Admiralty Office, London, Holland, Ireland, Falmouth, Portsmouth & elsewhere. The back page has a letter from Kingston, Jamaica. 

Eight pages, 8 by 10 3/4 inches, very nice condition.

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Payments to Loyalists... Death of Tippoo...

Item #683375

June 27, 1786

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 27, 1786  Inside has: "American Loyalists"  which notes: "On the report of the bill for granting the sum of 55,000 pounds as a temporary relief to the American Loyalists...desired to know...whether it was intended to allow such Loyalists as were in England during the times of the troubles in America the same as those actually on the spot... See More  

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Two opinions on how peace should be negotiated... Building a navy...

Item #683369

August 03, 1782

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 3, 1782 

* Ending the Revolutionary War ? peace ?

All of the front page & part of page 2 are taken up with: "Letters From an American Farmer Describing Certain Provincial Situations, Manners, and Customers not General Known..." which offers some interesting thoughts on the culture of the Americans at that time.

Pg. 3 includes: "The... See More  

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"Peace is near at hand"... Huddy/Asgill Affair...

Item #683364

September 17, 1782

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 17, 1782 

* Revolutionary War Era

* 18th century

* From The Enemy

Page 2 has news from America, including: "...steadily pursue the plan lately adopted for carrying on the American war...that he saw & conversed with the deputies from the New England colonies...with Sir Guy Carleton to know what terms had been proposed by this country to Co... See More  

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Will Loyalist merchants in Charleston be left in the lurch? Land in Canada for the Loyalists...

Item #683002

November 26, 1782

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 26, 1782 

* Revolutionary War Era

* 18th century original

* From The Enemy

Page 4 is entirely taken up with the petitions of various merchants in Charleston to General Leslie (military commander of British troops in the city) recalling a commercial agreement of two years prior, now suspect given the planned evacuation of the British from Charleston... See More  

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Government's role in the public welfare vs. debt...

Item #681266

May 14, 1768

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, May 14, 1768  Inside is an interesting article on the role of Government and Providence in relation to public welfare and government debt.  It begins: "The political disease seems to be near a crisis...". Several hundred years later the topic continues to be at the forefront of public discourse. 

Also within is a mention of "A Portugal Merchant&... See More  

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Growing tea in the Carolinas rather than importing it...

Item #681263

March 03, 1764

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, March 3, 1764  Page 6 has a curious article headed: "Of The Culture of the Tea Plant in Carolina" is an interesting report on attempts to grow tea in the colonies for their own consumption. It is signed: Americanus.

Eight pages, 8 by 10 3/4 inches, very nice condition.

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Just before the storming of the Bastile...

Item #681132

July 18, 1789

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 18, 1789 

* Beginning of the French Revolution

An inside page has a lengthy report from Paris headed "Commotions In France" which covers much of the early events of the French Revolution.

Portions include: "The palace of Versailles is guarded by 3 lines of soldiers & the King has little to fear while the Marshal de Broglio is about... See More  

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A petition from the people of Halifax, Nova Scotia...

Item #680668

January 03, 1758

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 3, 1758  Inside has over a full page headed: "America" with a Halifax, Nova Scotia dateline, beginning: "The following Memorial, signed by the principal merchants & freeholders in Halifax was...delivered to the Lieutenant Governor."

Eight pages, 8 by 11 inches, various chipping at the margins, good condition.

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Early on Botany Bay (Australia)...

Item #680376

July 27, 1790

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 27, 1790 

* Early Botany Bay - Australia voyage

* The life of Alessandro Stradella (composer)

The front page has much on the life and eventual fate of the great 17th century composer, Alessandro Stradella. The inside also has a mention of "Governor Phillip's Voyage to Botany Bay", which was a 21-volume contemporary account of the establ... See More  

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Washington to be dictator of America for life?

Item #680055

July 07, 1789

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 7, 1789 

* President George Washington

* Dictator of American for Life ?

Page 4 has an: "Extract of a Letter From New York" which begins: "His Excellency General Washington, our new congressional President, and perhaps I might add Dictator of America for life, gave a very sumptuous entertainment on Thursday the 4th inst. on account of ... See More  

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Cherokee movements in the Carolinas...

Item #679950

January 19, 1762

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 19, 1762  Over one-third of the front page is headed: "America" with various reports from Charleston concerning the movement of the Cherokee Indians since peace had been proclaimed.

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, tiny hole in the front leaf affects one word in the noted article, nice condition.

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A new town near Hispaniola...

Item #679946

June 06, 1767

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 6, 1767  Inside has most of a column headed: "America" with datelines from Philadelphia, New York & Kingston, Jamaica. 

One report notes that: "...Gov. Seymour...had already planned a town which was to be built on the Grand Key, and to be called by the name of Shelburne. As these islands lie so contiguous to Hispaniola...is imagined... See More  

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Byron's around-the-world voyage in the Dolphin...

Item #679940

April 18, 1767

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 18, 1767

* Commodore John Byron

* HMS Dolphin

* World voyage

Inside has half of a page taken up with: "Further Extracts from A Voyage round the World in his Majesty's Ship the Dolphin, Commanded by the Hon. Commodore Byron".

Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 11 inches, very nice condition.... See More  

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Very early tennis report...

Item #679939

April 14, 1767

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 14, 1767 

* Very early tennis

The front page has: "A Further Account of the Patagonian Indians". Inside has a rare & very early tennis report: "Yesterday the great match at Tennis between Tomkyns and Maccon was determined in favour of the latter; many of the nobility were present, and considerable bets depending." Also a repo... See More  

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Dismissing an agent...

Item #679938

April 02, 1767

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 2, 1767  Inside has an "Extract of a Letter from Boston (New England)" concerning the dismissal of Mr. Jackson as an agent for the colony of Massachusetts, signed by the governor: Fra. Bernard.

Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 11 inches, nice condition.

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Pensacola, Florida, is growing rapidly...

Item #679930

February 17, 1767

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Feb. 17, 1767 

* Very early Pensacola, Florida

Page 2 has a report from Charleston, South Carolina, noting that: "They write from Pensacola, that the town continues to increase prodigiously..." with other news.

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, very nice condition.

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The invasion and capture of Martinique, with the treaty...

Item #679926

March 23, 1762

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, March 23, 1762  

* Invasion of Martin Martinique

* Seven Years' War - West Indies

Inside has four pages taken up with a fine & detailed account of the invasion of Martinique, part of the Seven Years' War. Included are the: "Articles of Capitulation of the Citadel of Fort Royal in the Island of Martinico, the 4th of February, 1762" with all 19... See More  

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First inauguration of George Washington...

Item #679892

July 16, 1789

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 16, 1789 

* President George Washington

* First inauguration (historic)

Certainly one of the more desirable events to have in a period newspaper is the first inauguration of George Washington. American issues with such content are virtually unobtainable today, and reports in any newspapers worldwide are extremely uncommon.

Here is a nice report of t... See More  

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Persevering during non-importation...

Item #679854

August 02, 1770

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 2, 1770  Page 6 has a report headed: "America" from Charleston which begins: "There cannot be a more striking proof of the virtue & patriotism & the determined resolution of our merchants to persevere in the most strict observance of the non-importation agreement than...".

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, very nice, clean condit... See More  

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A slave uprising on board a slave ship...

Item #679848

August 20, 1772

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 20, 1772  The back page has a: "...Letter from on Board the Louisa, Capt. Laurence Hill, dated at James Town in Virginia" which begins: "We set sail from this place on the 2d of April bound to the Guinea coast for slaves..." when they came upon a boat crowded with men, very emaciated, rescued them, and inquired as to their situation. The... See More  

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Angry Boston freeholders... Destroy Fort Pitt...

Item #679813

December 19, 1772

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, Dec. 19, 1772  The second page has the follow-up petition from the Freeholders of Boston expressing once again their concern about the salaries of the judges of the Superior Court, as well as a request for a special meeting of the General Assembly to discuss this important and alarming matter.

A reply from the Governor says their reasons are insufficient and they have n... See More  

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Sam Adams is selected...

Item #679779

July 21, 1772

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 21, 1772 

* Samuel Adams chosen for clerk

* House of Representatives

* Pre Revolutionary War era

Page 6 contains a report from a Boston letter concerning political events in that town, and which mentions "...the House then made choice of Mr. Samuel Adams for their clerk...". The article goes on to report other political happenings, taking ... See More  

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On Captain Cook's second voyage to the South Seas...

Item #679777

July 14, 1772


* Second voyage of James Cook

A one paragraph report on the second page mentions: "We are assured that Capt. Cooke...with some other learned Gentlemen, have actually set sail in order to make new discoveries in the South Seas..." with a bit more.

This was his second trip, the purpose of the mission was to determine if a continent extended... See More  

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News from New York.. .Jonathan Swift...

Item #679709

March 03, 1768

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, March 3, 1768 

* News from New York

* Red tax stamp (partial)

* Letters from Jonathan Swift

The front page has: "America", which includes news from New York. Inside has "Letters Written by the late Jonathan Swift" which include the text of one of his recently published letters from 1735.

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/2 inches, very nice... See More  

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Blacks to have rights of citizenship in New York ? Washington to move to England?

Item #679259

July 23, 1785

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 23, 1785 

* General George Washington to move his residence to England (?)

* Blacks to have citizenship rights in New York (?)

Page 2 has a report from New York with some news from the Assembly of the state which includes: "...very warm debates also have taken place upon the question of admitting Blacks, Mulattoes, Mustees, Quadroons...the the r... See More  

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Confirming the treaty of peace is concluded...

Item #674651

November 13, 1783

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 13, 1783 

* Treaty of Paris (peace) concludes

* End of the Revolutionary War

Page 2 has a report from Parliament concerning the work on the treaty to end the Revolutionary War, which includes a very historic statement. Bits include: "...The definitive treaties of peace between the Court of Great Britain and those of France and Spain and the Unit... See More  

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Enemies of their country are outlaws from the United States...

Item #674627

October 11, 1783

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, Oct. 11, 1783  Page 2 has an item headed: "America - Extract of the Proceedings of the Assembly of the State of New York." which lists various men who: "...have not only given every aid & assistance to the enemies of their country, but have put themselves n arms to enslave the same...being enemies of their country, be, and are for ever outlawed from th... See More  

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Beware of those who might subvert the American cause...

Item #673958

April 19, 1783

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 19, 1783  Page 2 has over half a column headed: "American News" which is taken up with a great document from the Senate of Virginia, warning all to be careful not to be involved with those who might secretly try to promote the motives of England: "...to defeat the malice of those who are.., or may have been suspected to act as the emissaries... See More  

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American to continue to maintain a military...

Item #673949

April 08, 1783

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 8, 1783 

* United States military

* General George Washington

Page 2 has a brief item: "Letters from Philadelphia say that Congress have resolved to keep up a military force, consisting of regular effective men, and that Gen. Washington had been applied to for his opinion as to the number necessary to be maintained, their pay, quarters, and mod... See More  

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Hopes of resurrecting trade with the American colonies...

Item #673896

February 22, 1783

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Feb. 22, 1783 

* Post American Revolutionary War

* Trade with the enemy to resume ?

Several items concerning the reestablishment of trade between America and England including: "We hope & trust that the stipulations of the treaty are such as will revive our injured trade & restore our commercial intercourse with our American Brethren...declar... See More  

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Tyburn, England in 1873... 'God's Tribunal' - off to the Executioner...

Item #672699

November 06, 1783

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 6, 1783 As stated in Wikipedia: "Tyburn was a village in... present-day London... For many centuries, the name Tyburn was synonymous with capital punishment, it having been the principal place for execution of London criminals and convicted traitors, including many religious martyrs. It was also known as 'God's Tribunal', in the 18th century.&qu... See More  

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