Web Results (179)



A book on the territories in America...

Item #689380

November 04, 1686

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Nov. 4, 1686 

* Among the earliest of English language newspapers to be had

The back page has an advertisement for a book: "The Present State of His Majesties Isles and Territories in America..." with mention of the various colonies, islands, etc.

A single sheet newspaper, 6 1/2 by 11 inches, a stain at the bottom margins, nice condition.
... See More  

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Edmond Andros off to America to be governor...

Item #689379

October 25, 1686

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Oct. 25, 1686 

* Sir Edmund Andros sets sail

* Dominion of New England governor

The back page has a quite rare & notable mention of one of the more famous governors of colonial America, Edmond Andros.

The report, from Deale, England, mentions: "Yesterday sailed out of the Downes the Kings-Fisher, having on board Sir Edmond Andros, His Majesties Go... See More  

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Jews not included in the surrender...

Item #689375

October 07, 1686

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Oct. 7, 1686 

* Morean War

* Jews - Jewish

The back page has a report of a capitulation near Turkey which has a brief Judaica mention: "...The same day the besieged hung out a white flag & sent deputies to the Captain-General; they told him that seeing God was against them, they had resolved to surrender the place, with all the cannon, ammunition, ... See More  

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Battle of Buda... King James II appoints a new Caribbean governor...

Item #689374

August 19, 1686

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Aug. 19, 1686  The front pafge has a report from Vienna noting: "Upon the advice of the march of the Grand Viper to relieve Buda, the council of war hath been several times assembled here in the Emperor's presence; and orders have been sent to all the Imperial troops, which were dispersed in small bodies to join the army before Buda..." wit... See More  

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Samuel Johnson is found guilty of sedition and rebellion...

Item #689370

June 24, 1686

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, June 24, 1686  

* Samuel Johnson found guilty of seditious libel - rebellion

* Among the earliest of English language newspapers to be had

The back page has a report from Westminster noting: "This day Samuel Johnson was brought to tryal at the King's Bench-Bar upon an information of High Misdemeanor, for writing and publishing two scandalous and se... See More  

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Addresses from Massachusetts and Connecticut...

Item #688851

March 17, 1683

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, March 17, 1683 

* Among the earliest of English language newspapers to be had

The back page has a report from "Whitehall" noting: "There have been presented to His Majesty, very Loyal Addresses from the governor and council of New Plimouth, in behalf of the General Court there and the Colony. And from the Governor and General Assembly of the C... See More  

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Congress responds to the King's Proclamation that the colonies are in open rebellion...

Item #687385

December 21, 1775

THE NEW-ENGLAND CHRONICLE or the ESSEX GAZETTE, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Dec. 21, 1775  

* King George III of England

* American colonies in rebellion

* U.S. Congress addresses conflict

* American Revolutionary War

Certainly the most historic content is found on page 3, being Congress' response to the King's proclamation of August 23 in which he refused to receive the conci... See More  

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Fate of Col. Hayne... The Asgill Affair... Keep fighting, or not

Item #687347

May 02, 1782


* American Revolutionary War

The front page begins with a lengthy report headed: "Office of Finance" signed by: Robert Morris

Page 2 begins with a very fine & detailed letter from Col. Stewart to Earl Cornwallis dated Sept. 9, 1781, being an account of the Battle of Eutaw Springs, South ... See More  

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The first issue of this Revolutionary War title we have offered...

Item #687322

February 23, 1779

THE ROYAL AMERICAN GAZETTE, New York, February 23, 1779  

* American Revolutionary War

* Extremely rare publication

* Loyalist - support to the British cause

This is an exceedingly rare title, in fact the very first we have offered. It was published by Alexander and James Robertson, beginning in January, 1777 and existed until some tim in 1783.

Brigham's "History & Bib... See More  

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A challenge to Napoleon: invade England if you dare...

Item #686117

August 29, 1803

BOSTON GAZETTE, Aug. 29, 1803  The entire front page is taken up with a list of "Wholesale Pricers Current, at Boston". Page 2 has much concerning the situation in Europe with Napoleon Buonaparte including an article: "National Spirit" from London, noting in part: "...Let him come then, this Corsican Consul, if he dare. An island gave him birth--it may be the fate of ... See More  

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The surrender of West Florida to the Spanish...

Item #685811
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1780  

* West Florida surrendered to Spanish

* Revolutionary War from the enemy

The issue begins with 5 pages of the "Summary of the Debates in Parliament" which includes some discussion of the American situation, one bit noting: "...could see no difference in point of turpitude between an endeavour to detach France from Ameri... See More  

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Genuine London Gazette newspaper from 1675...

Item #685345

December 19, 1670

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Dec. 19, 1670

* Among the Earliest of English language newspapers to be had

This is the world's oldest continually published English language newspaper, having begun in 1665 and is still printing in London to this day. And this is a very early, genuine issue. As was the case with most newspapers of the 17th century, this is complete as a single sheet, measuri... See More  

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Buonaparte has lost the confidence of his army...

Item #682998

September 11, 1799


* 18th century American publication

Inside has much on the war in Europe including: "Army of Italy" "Army of the Danube" and other datelines from Vienna, Zurich, London, etc.

Page 3 has: "Latest News of Buonaparte in Egypt" which includes: "...Buonaparte has lost the confidence of hi... See More  

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President Washington makes some appointments...

Item #682847
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, February, 1790   Among the articles are: "On the Use of Cosmeticks" "American Natural History...Of the Birds" & much more.

Near the back is a full page plate of music, as well as: "The Gazette" which has the latest news reports from Winchester, Va. New London, and Boston. Also a list of appointments by the President.

... See More  

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King Philip's War: the first war in America...

Item #682795

August 19, 1675

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, August 19, 1675 

* King Philip's War - Metacomet

* New England Colonists vs. Indians

* First war in America (historic)

The significance of what is known as "King Philip's War" is lost with most Americans, but the event cannot be over-stated. This was America's first war, and the only newspaper in existence to report it was this title.... See More  

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The notorious pirate Captain Kidd is executed !

Item #682668

May 26, 1701

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, May 22-26, 1701 

* Infamous pirate Captain William Kidd

* Historic & extremely rare report

* Execution - hanging

The London Gazette is the oldest continually published newspaper in the world, having started in 1665 and is still publishing today.

This issue contains on page two an exceedingly significant report--perhaps the rarest and mo
... See More  

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Quite rare set of the 'North Georgia Gazette & Winter Chronicle'...

Item #682561

March 20, 1820

NORTH GEORGIA GAZETTE AND WINTER CHRONICLE, the complete set of 21 issues bound in a volume including the half-title, First edition.

A weekly newspaper edited by Edward Sabine and written by members of the first Parry expedition (1819-1820) while at their winter quarters at Winter Harbour on Melville Island during them attempt to discover a North West Passage. It was circulated among the men in m... See More  

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Day of thanksgiving in Boston... an abacus... music writing machine....

Item #682411
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1748  Interesting articles: "Invention of Writing Music by Playing It" with two small illustrations; "Articles For a General Peace"  "Introduction to Heraldry" "A Religious Tax Proposed" "Proclamation Against Commerce with France".

There is also content regarding the war in America & p... See More  

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Genuine London Gazette newspaper from 1676...

Item #681513

December 14, 1676

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, December 14, 1676

* Among the earliest of English language newspapers to be had

This is the world's oldest continually published English language newspaper, having begun in 1665 and is still printing in London to this day. And this is a very early, genuine issue. As was the case with most newspapers of the 17th century, this is complete as a single sheet, mea... See More  

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First Woman to fly the Atlantic...

Item #681392

June 04, 1928

TAUNTON DAILY GAZETTE, Mass., June 4, 1928 

* Woman aviator Amelia Earhart
* About to make history

* Airplane "Friendship" - 1st stage flight

Less than 13 months after Charles Lindbergh's heralded accomplishment, Amelia Earhart became the first woman to achieve the feat. The top of the front page has a five column headline: "THE FRIENDSHIP HOPS OFF FOR TREPASSEY ... See More  

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Jews are banished from Vienna, Austria...

Item #680363

July 28, 1670

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, July 28, 1670 

* Jews are expelled from Vienna (Austria)

* The synagogue has been removed!

* Extremely rare reporting

* Only the 5th year of L.G.'s publication

The top of the front page has a report from Vienna noting: "The Jews have offered great sums of money to the Emperor to dispence with his order for their banishment, or at least to give le... See More  

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Genuine London Gazette newspaper from 1681...

Item #680316

March 02, 1681

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, March 2, 1681

* Among the earliest of English language newspapers to be had

This is the world's oldest continually published English language newspaper, having begun in 1665 and is still printing in London to this day. And this is a very early, genuine issue. As was the case with most newspapers of the 17th century, this is complete as a single sheet, measuri... See More  

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Barbadoes and New York...

Item #680146

July 25, 1670

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, July 25, 1670  

* Among the earliest of English language newspapers to be had

An early issue of the world's oldest continually published English language newspaper, having started in 1665.

The front page begins with a report noting: "The 15th instant arrived here the Expedition of London, laden with horses and others goods, bound for the Barbados,... See More  

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Ship from Boston has tobacco, sugar and beaver...

Item #680128

December 10, 1666

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Dec. 10, 1666

* Among the earliest of newspapers to be had

* Early report re. America - Boston Harbor

 Issues of this very famous title--the world's oldest continually published English language newspaper--from the year of the Great Fire of London and the final year of the Great Plague, are quite rare.

The front page has a report: "On Fri
... See More  

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All is good in the American colonies of New England...

Item #680119

October 31, 1667

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Oct. 31, 1667 

* Among the earliest of newspapers to be had

* Early New England - America mention

An early issue of this still publishing newspaper which began in 1665.

The back page has a report noting: "...This day came in a vessel from New England, where all things continue in a good condition...".

Complete as a single sheet issue, 7 by 11 in... See More  

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Death report from the Great Plague...

Item #680094

January 01, 1666

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Jan. 7, 1666 (1667 by today's calendar) 

* Among earliest of newspapers to be had

* Report on the great plague (rare)

An early issue of the world's oldest continually published English language newspaper, having begun in 1666. This is issue #119.

The front page has a report from Norwich, England, reporting on the deaths from the Great Plague which ... See More  

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Period mention of the great London Fire...

Item #680005

January 28, 1666

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, January 28, 1666 (1667 by today's calendar). 

* The Great London Fire period coverage

* Among the earliest newspapers to be had

It is very rare to find any period mention of the great London Fire of 1666 in newspapers of the day, certainly one reason being the death of publications in print at that time--very few beyond the London Gazette.

The back pag... See More  

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Reference to the 1666 Great Fire of London...

Item #679631

October 04, 1666

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Oct. 4, 1666 

* The great plague

* London fire report

One of the greatest calamities and more notable events to strike London in its long history is the Great Fire which destroyed much of the city in September, 1666. 

Finding period references to it are exceedingly difficult, as the number of newspapers publishing in 1666 was extremely small, this tit... See More  

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Mention of Virginia, and a Great Plague report...

Item #679605

June 18, 1666

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, June 18, 1666 

* Among the earliest of newspapers to be had

* Deaths re. the Great Plague

* Very early Virginia mention

Various reports from many locations throughout Europe, many of which are military in nature.

The front page event has mention of the colonies with: "...fleet from Ireland of 38 vessels...passed lately by the mouth of this harbor, an... See More  

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A report on Great Plague from 1666...

Item #679604

June 07, 1666

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, June 7, 1666 

* Among earliest of newspapers to be had

* Report on the great plague (rare)

A notable issue from the year when the Great Plague was raging, and also from the year of the Great London Fire.

The issue is filled with various reports from throughout Europe, much of it military reporting including an account of what I believe to be the Four Days&... See More  

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Report from the Great Plague of 1666...

Item #679603

May 31, 1666

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, May 31, 1666  

* Among earliest of newspapers to be had

* Report on the great plague (rare)

A notable issue from the year when the Great Plague was raging and also from the year of the Great London Fire.

The issue is filled with various reports from throughout Europe, much of it military reporting. The bottom of the back page has a death report which ... See More  

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Report from the Great Plague of 1666...

Item #679601

May 10, 1666

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, May 10, 1666  

* Among the earliest of newspapers to be had

* Report on the great plague (rare)

A notable issue from the year when the Great Plague was raging and also from the year of the Great London Fire.

The issue is filled with various reports from throughout Europe, much of it military reporting. A front page item from Falmouth notes: "The ... See More  

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Report from the Great Plague of 1666...

Item #679600

May 03, 1666

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, May 3, 1666  

* Among earliest of newspapers to be had

* Report on the great plague (rare)

A notable issue from the year when the Great Plague was raging and also from the year of the Great London Fire.

The issue is filled with various reports from throughout Europe, much of it military reporting. A back page item notes: "...eight persons condemn... See More  

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A Great Plague report from 1666...

Item #679599

April 26, 1666

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, April 26, 1666  A notable issue being from the year when the Great Plague was raging, and also from the year of the Great London Fire.

The issue is filled with various reports from throughout Europe, much of it military reporting. The bottom of the back page has a death report which ties it specifically to this significant year: "The Account of this Weeks Bi... See More  

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The Great Plague of 1666...

Item #679596

March 29, 1666

THE LONDON GAZETTE, London, March 29, 1666 

* Among the earliest of newspapers to be had

* Update on the great plague (rare)

Front page news from "Spain" includes: "The Queen of Spain in Acknowledgment of the good services and fidelity of the Servants and Family of the Late King....".

From "Venice" is a report stating, in part: "We have very great p... See More  

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First naval battle of the Revolutionary War between the British & French...

Item #678013

June 27, 1778

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, June 23-27, 1778 

* Naval conflict between the Belle Poule vs. the Arethusa

* British and French frigates - 1st naval battle

* Action of 17 June 1778

A  very notable issue reporting a significant naval event in the Revolutionary War. The front page & nearly half of pg. 2 are taken up with letters headed: "Victory, at Sea" which give deta... See More  

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The French surrender Alexandria...

Item #677737

October 22, 1801


* Capitulation of Alexandria

* French expedition of Egypt

This "extra" edition--published outside the regular printing schedule to get historic news into the hands of the public quickly--notes on the front page, with a dateline of "Head-Quarters, Camp before Alexandria, Sept. 5, 1801" fro Egypt, includes: &... See More  

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England and the U.S. formally exchange the ratified Jay Treaty...

Item #677732

October 31, 1795

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Oct. 31, 1795  

* The ratified Jay Treaty

* England & U.S. exchange

Page 3 has a report of the formal exchange of the recently ratified Jay Treaty by the two Secretaries of State.

Datelined at Downing St., it notes: "The Ratifications of the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation between His Majesty and the United States of America, signed the ... See More  

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Famous "Unite Or Die" engraving in the masthead...

Item #677502

December 07, 1774


* Benjamin Franklin's "Unite Or Die" cartoon

If there was one graphic which represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption. 

The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead
... See More  

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Friendly address to the Jews... Capitulation of Guadalupe...

Item #676665
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, June, 1759  Among the articles are a continued: "Life of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland" "Friendly Address to the Jews" which takes a full page; "Articles of Capitulation between their Excellencies & the Inhabitants of Guadelupe, etc." and "Gazette Account of the Taking of Guadaloupe" which takes more than ... See More  

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Mention of Newfoundland and the West Indies in a 1697 newspaper...

Item #672696

July 05, 1697

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, July 5, 1697 

* Among the earliest of English language newspapers to be had

The first column of the front page has a few mentions of the "new world" amongst shipping notices, including: "The ships of the Flora, which returned lately from the West Indies, are now unlading...6 English merchant ships bound home and one for Newfoundland..." a... See More  

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Repairing St. Paul's Covent Garden...

Item #669083

December 02, 1795


* St. Paul's, Covent Garden

Page 2 has an item from London headed: "St. Paul's Covent Garden" noting: "...repairs of which near 5000 pounds have...been expended was entirely destroyed by fire. The flames broke out in the cupola...".

Page 3 has a report of a meeting between Indian chiefs ... See More  

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New governors in Jamaica, Barbados, and Maryland...

Item #666866

August 10, 1710

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Aug. 10, 1710  The back page has a notable report: "The Queen hath been pleased to appoint the Honourable Lord Archibald Hamilton to be Captain-General and Governor in Chief of the island of Jamaica...Robert Lowther Esq. to succeed Milford Crow, Esq., in the government of Barbadoes; and Colonel Corbet to succeed Colonel Seymour in the government of  the ... See More  

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The Quakers of New York send thanks to the Queen of England for repealing the "cruel law"...

Item #666858

September 29, 1707

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Sept. 29, 1707  The front page begins with an: "...address of the people call'd Quakers in Long Island, and near Connecticut colony...presented to Her Majesty...".

The document notes in part: "We, the dutiful & loyal subjects of the Queen called Quakers, inhabiting in Long Island and places adjacent, and near Connecticut Colony think our se... See More  

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King of England gets support from London concerning the insult from the king of France...

Item #666856

October 02, 1701

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Oct. 2, 1701

* James Francis Edward Stuart

* "The Old Pretender"

The ftpg. has a letter: "To  the King's Most Excellent Majesty" from the mayor and council of London, supporting the king in the insult from the king of France who considers the king of England as the "pretended" king.

As a bit of background, James II was the... See More  

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The siege of Lisle in the War of Spanish Succession...

Item #666833

September 27, 1708

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Sept. 27, 1708  Most of this issue, including the entire front page, is taken up with reports on the siege of Lisle, with headings including: "Journal From the Camp before Lisle" and "From the Camp before Lisle" and "From the Camp at Lannoy" and again: "From the Camp before Lisle".

The Siege of Lille was the most promin
... See More  

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Stop by and visit the President...

Item #666386

April 03, 1799

THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, April 3, 1799  Inside has: "Of Buonaparte and Egypt" "Invasion of Naples" as well as a report from the London Gazette which includes a letter signed by: Horatio Nelson, from on board his ship 'Vanguard'. Page 3 has: "Another Victory" and a report from Boston: "The PRESIDENT of the United States wil... See More  

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Four century set of the London Gazette...

Item #661817

January 01, 1671

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England.  A collection of four issues of this--the world's oldest continually published English language newspaper--each one hundred years apart. Issues are dated 1671, 1771, 1871 and 1971.

Interestingly, the format of this title did not change much over the years save for the number of pages increasing with the years. The 4 issue collection comes in a custom-made 4 s... See More  

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On John Paul Jones... Reflections on the Revolutionary War...

Item #660197

August 01, 1780

THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, August, 1780 

* John Paul Jones

* Revolutionary War

Just for all of us is an article: "On The Advantages & Amusement Derived from Newspapers" which takes nearly 2 pages. Also a great article on the famous naval hero John Paul Jones: "Anecdotes Of Paul Jones" .

There are several pages of "Parliamentary History" which inclu... See More  

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1751 - reports from throughout the world... a Highwayman robs a Post Office...

Item #652458

June 01, 1751

THE LONDON GAZETTE, June 1, 1751 This issue has period advertising and news from throughout the world, including reports from Parma, Rome, Turin, Vienna, Berlin, Hague, Middleburg, and Whitehall. Another article is in regards to The East-India House, and there is an interesting detailed report of a Post Office being robbed by a Highwayman.

The front page has a partial (3/4ths) red tax stamp.

Com... See More  

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