Small newspaper from an Alaska mining town...
Item #702907
July 04, 1901
ALASKA FORUM, Rampart, Alaska, July 4, 1901
* Yukon-Koyukuk
* Klondike gold rush era
* Very rare publication
This is the volume 1, number 41 issue of a newspaper from this mining town which lasted only until 1906. Gregory (Union List of American Newspapers) notes that only the Alaska Historical Society has scattered issues of this title and they do not have this date.
Various local ... See More
Rare and early title from Honolulu...
Item #702904
February 22, 1845
THE POLYNESIAN, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, Feb. 22, 1845
* Very rare 19th century Hawaiian publication
One of the earliest newspapers we have offered from Hawaii, and fourteen years earlier than the few of this title we offered in recent years.
The "first series" of this title existed for just 1 1/2 years from 1840 to 1841. It proved unprofitable and was shut down. Th... See More
Death of famed actress Jean Harlow...
Item #702902
June 08, 1937
SAN FRANCISCO CHRTONICLE, California, June 8, 1937
* Actress Jean Harlow death (1st report)
* 1930's sex symbol - Blonde bombshell
The top of the front page has a photo headed: "HER UNPLAYED ROLE - Death Rewrote Her Script", which is followed by the related article: Death Ends Career of Jean Harlow. She was 26 years old. The article includes in part: "Jean Harlow, t... See More
Edmund Halley (23 years old)... Significant issue on the Popish Plot...
Item #702887
April 10, 1679
THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, April 10, 1679
* Early mention of Edmund Halley (he was only 23 years old)
* Popish Plot (to kill King Charles II)
The back page has not one but two items concerning the Popish Plot in England, a contrived conspiracy to accuse Catholic leaders of plotting to kill King Charles II.
A report from Dublin notes: "A Proclamation has
... See More
Very early report of Washington's inaugural address, plus his election as well...
Item #702876
April 01, 1789
THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, April, 1789
* President George Washington
* Election victory & inauguration
Certainly the most notable content is found in "The Chronicle" section near the back where the latest news was reported, which covers the election & inauguration of President George Washington.
The full text is shown in the photos, however some ite... See More
Provincial Congress meeting (1775)...
Item #702716
December 23, 1775
PENNSYLVANIA EVENING POST, Philadelphia, Dec. 23, 1775
* Meeting of a Provincial Congress
* Early American Revolutionary War
Front page report mentions the meeting of a Provincial Congress in Charlestown, South Carolina. Interesting ftpg. letter concerning a runaway slave on board a British ship. Pg. 2 has political reports from New York & Philadelphia, including men
... See More
* Meeting of a Provincial Congress
* Early American Revolutionary War
Front page report mentions the meeting of a Provincial Congress in Charlestown, South Carolina. Interesting ftpg. letter concerning a runaway slave on board a British ship. Pg. 2 has political reports from New York & Philadelphia, including men
Thomas Jefferson's inaugural address...
Item #702705
March 14, 1805
BOSTON GAZETTE, March 14, 1805
* President Thomas Jefferson
* Inauguration - inaugural address
Page 2 has the lengthy: "President Jefferson's Speech" which is his inaugural address, introduced with: "This day, at 12 o'clock, Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States, took the oath of office & delivered the following Inaugural Speech..." which tak... See More
Lewis and Clark begin their epic Voyage of Discovery...
Item #702702
November 26, 1803
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL & MASSACHUSETTS FEDERALIST, Boston, Nov. 26, 1803 (at a slightly reduced price)
* Lewis and Clark Expedition begins
* Louisville, Kentucky - Ohio River
Page 2 has several items concerning the recent Louisiana Purchase, but certainly the most significant is a report from Louisville noting: "Capt. Clark, and Mr. Lewis, have left this place in the prosecution of th... See More
Campaign newspaper supporting Zachary Taylor for President... Great political cartoon for a masthead...
Item #702595
August 10, 1848
THE BATTERY, Washington, Aug. 10 1848
* Great political themed masthead engraving
* Supporting Zachery Taylor for president
This was a campaign newspaper supporting Zachary Taylor for President and Millard Fillmore for Vice President.
In the era before radio, television, and the internet it was not uncommon for political parties to create short-lived newspapers to support their can... See More
Campaign newspaper supporting Zachary Taylor for President... Great political cartoon for a masthead...
Item #702591
July 13, 1848
THE BATTERY, Washington, July 13, 1848 This was a campaign newspaper supporting Zachary Taylor for President and Millard Fillmore for Vice President. And it is the volume 1, number 2 issue.
In the era before radio, television, and the internet it was not uncommon for political parties to create short-lived newspapers to support their candidate and publicize their political platform. Such ne... See More
Jefferson's first inaugural address...
Item #702589
March 20, 1801
MIDDLESEX GAZETTE, Middletown, Connecticut, March 20, 1801 A fine issue as the front page contains in its entirety the inaugural address of Thomas Jefferson's term.
This is a report from Washington, the address prefaced with a letter from him: "Sir, I get leave through you, to inform the honorable House of Representatives of the U. States, that I shall take the oath which the const... See More
On the Lewis & Clark Expedition, reported on the front page...
Item #702570
March 05, 1806
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, March 5, 1806
* Thomas Jefferson message to U.S. Congress
* First published information on Lewis and Clark
The front page has a nice "Message" to the Congress signed in type by the President: Th. Jefferson, with much concerning the Lewis & Clark Expedition, including: "...Capt. Meriwether Lewis...was appointed, with a party of men, to ex... See More
Terrific foldout map of St. Augustine, Florida, & vicinity... And a map of Chagre, Panama...
Item #702514
* Early and rare 18th century maps
* St. Augustine, Florida as English camp
* Atlantic Ocean - West Indies
Certainly the prime feature of this issue is the terrific foldout map titled: "A View of the Town and Castle of St. Augustine, & the English Camp before it June 20
... See More
* Early and rare 18th century maps
* St. Augustine, Florida as English camp
* Atlantic Ocean - West Indies
Certainly the prime feature of this issue is the terrific foldout map titled: "A View of the Town and Castle of St. Augustine, & the English Camp before it June 20
Cornwallis surrenders to Washington at Yorktown...
Item #702513
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1782 This issue contains the very historic report of the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia. An inside page has a nice report headed: "Extract of a Letter from Sir Henry Clinton" which begins: "...I had the honour to acquaint your Lordship with my fears respecting the fate of the army in Virginia. It no... See More
The Boston Massacre: two great reports...
Item #702493
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1770* The Boston Massacre
* Historic reporting
Certainly the most notable item in this issue is the report on the Boston Massacre.
The entirety of page 2 is taken up with an excellent & historic report of the Boston Massacre, headed: "AMERICAN AFFAIRS" and the article prefaced with: "The following Report of the Committee of t... See More
Great & rare political cartoon on the Boston Port Bill... Twenty pages discussing the Boston Port Bill...
Item #702485
THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, April, 1774
* Boston Port Act of 1774 - Act
* Very rare illustration - print
* Pre Revolutionary War tensions
Over 20 pages within this issue are taken up with: "Debates Of A Political Society" which go into considerable detail discussing the ramifications of the historic Boston Port Bill. Also discussion of other concerns w
... See More
* Boston Port Act of 1774 - Act
* Very rare illustration - print
* Pre Revolutionary War tensions
Over 20 pages within this issue are taken up with: "Debates Of A Political Society" which go into considerable detail discussing the ramifications of the historic Boston Port Bill. Also discussion of other concerns w
Rare political cartoon on America... Continental Association...
Item #702484
THE TOWN & COUNTRY MAGAZINE, London, Dec., 1774* Rare pre Revolutionary War political cartoon on America
A focus of this issue is a full page political cartoon concerning America, such items rarely found in periodicals of the say.
The heading of the cartoon is: "American In Flames" and the facing page has descriptive text on it. It reads in part: " will... See More
Death of the President, in a Washington, D.C. newspaper...
Item #702416
April 05, 1841
THE GLOBE Semi-Weekly edition, Washington, D.C., April 5, 1841
* President William Henry Harrison
* Washington, D.C. death - 1st report
The upper right corner of the front page has what appears to be almost a news bulletin headed: "Death Of The President", datelined "April 4, two o'clock, A.M." and beginning: "It is with deep regret we announce that WILLI... See More
Terrific letter from William Clark to his brother on the Lewis & Clark Expedition...
Item #702414
November 13, 1806
BOSTON GAZETTE, Nov. 13, 1806
* Lewis and Clark Expedition letter
* Safe return - homeward bound
Taking nearly a full column on the front page is an extraordinary letter that is prefaced with: "TRAVELS IN AMERICA". The following letter presents an interesting and authentic account of the important discoveries which have been made by Captains Clark and Lewis, in their success... See More
England declares war against France: The French & Indian War begins...
Item #702243
May 22, 1756
* England declaration of war w/ France
The most significant item in this issue is: "His Majesty's Declaration of War Against the French King" which was the official beginning of the French & Indian War. It was prompted by England & France not being able to compromise on the border between their colonies in North... See More
Phillis Wheatley arrives in London...
Item #702240
June 22, 1773
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 22, 1773
* Phillis Wheatley's London arrival
* Famous Woman servant turned poet
Certainly the most notable report is found on the back page, which contains: "Last Thursday the celebrated negro girl Phillis, the Poet, whose extraordinary talents have lately been taken notice of in the News Papers, arrived in London from Boston in New England. She ... See More
Thomas Edison invents the phonograph...
Item #701605
December 22, 1877
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Dec. 22, 1877
* Inventor Thomas Edison
* The phonograph invented
* Best title to have this in ?
Page 2 has an extremely significant article headed: The Talking Phonograph" which begins: "Mr. Thomas Edison recently came into our office, placed a little machine on our desk, turned a crank, and the machine inquired as to our health, asked how we ... See More
1783 Washington's farewell orders to his Army... The treaty that ended the Revolutionary War...
Item #701554
December 01, 1783
* General George Washington
* Farewell address to Continental Army
* Post American Revolutionary War
Eighteenth century American magazines are increasingly difficult to find, let alone an issue from the Revolutionary War era.
This issue begins by printing the complete text of: "General Washington's Farewell Orders to the Armies of the Un... See More
Terrific political cartoon from the Revolutionary War...
Item #701553
February 01, 1778
THE WESTMINSTER MAGAZINE, London, England, February, 1778
* American Revolutionary War era
* Very rare political cartoon illustration
The prime feature of this issue is a great full page plate which is a political cartoon concerning England as it relates to the American colonies (click here to see a high-resolution photo of the cartoon).
A page has an: "Explanation of the... See More
Uncommon American title from the Revolutionary War...
Item #701521
January 19, 1780
THE CONNECTICUT JOURNAL, New Haven, Jan. 19, 1780
* American Revolutionary War
* Rare single sheet issue
Most of the front page is taken up with a document concerning relations between Holland and England. The back page has a document from D. Diego Joseph Navarro, governor of Cuba., regarding declaring war against Great Britain (see). The back page also has an item from Congress conce... See More
The yacht 'America' wins the first of what will become the America's Cup race...
Item #701518
August 25, 1851
THE TIMES, London, Aug. 25, 1851
* 1st America's Cup
* Yacht "America" wins
Nearly half of page 5 is taken up with very detailed accounts of: "The Cowes Regatta" in England, which would become known as the famed America's Cup race.
This was the very first of this iconic race, and since won by the yacht "America" it would forever become known as t... See More
Very significant & rare "pillar cartoon" issue, putting the Constitution into effect...
Item #701466
February 13, 1788
* United States Constitution
* Ratification of the states
* Pillar illustration - cartoon
This is one of the most desired & elusive issues of this title to be had, as it contains one of the cherished "pillar cartoons". The only other newspaper we have discovered that used the pillar cartoons is the Independent Chronicle,... See More
England's last ditch effort to reconcile with America...
Item #701400
October 31, 1778
* British last attempt - peace with America
The entire front page and a portion of page 2 are taken up with an historic document headed: "MANIFESTO and PROCLAMATION" by General Henry Clinton.
Once France entered the war on the side of the colonists, Lord North became alarmed & sent commissioners t... See More
New Orleans document for the sale of a woman slave...
Item #701390
March 05, 1849
New Orleans slave sale document: A part-printed, part-handwritten document headed "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. State of Louisiana" for the sale of a slave.
The full text can be seen in the photos, however portions include: "...he does...grant, bargain sell, assign, convey, transfer and deliver...Unto Sean Nontanee...of this city...purchasing for himself, his heir and assigns, a negro... See More
Nice on the Battle of Rhode Island...
Item #701316
September 10, 1778
* Battle of Rhode Island
* General Nathanael Greene
* In a American publication
The front page has a few small bits relating to the Revolutionary War in America. Page 2 begins with a lengthy account of a battle between a British & a French ship.
Page 3 has a listing of: "...the Killed, Wounded a... See More
In a pro-South newspaper: Lincoln's inaugural address on the front page...
Item #701259
March 08, 1865
THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, March 8, 1865
* Abraham Lincoln's inauguration
* Inaugural address on the ftpg.
* Closing weeks of the Civil War - pro-Confederate title
Among the front page reports is: "Inauguration of President Lincoln--His Address" which contains his address in full, ending with the immortal words: "With malice towards none, with charity for all, wit... See More
Washington's Farewell Address to the army...
Item #701133
November 08, 1783
* General George Washington
* Farewell address to Continental Army
Taking over a full column on page 1 and a bit of page 2 is the historic document headed: "General Washington's Farewell Orders to the Armies of the United States" and datelined "Rocky Hill, near Princeton, Nov. 2, 1783&q... See More
Reports from the closing months of the Revolutionary War...
Item #701131
April 09, 1783
THE FREEMAN'S JOURNAL, Philadelphia, April 9, 1783
* American Revolutionary War
* Closing events - John Dickinson
Fully half of the front page is a lengthy letter: "To His Excellency John Dickinson, esq., President" of Pennsylvania, which relates to the paper currency of America. The balance of the front page is a letter: "To Robert Morris" that begins: "M... See More
Reference to the Stamp Act...
Item #701127
March 23, 1767
* Rare pro British Colonial publication
* American taxation - re. stamp act
Over 1 1/2 columns of the front page are taken up with: "Dr. Franklin's Pieces in Behalf of North America", signed in type: Homespun.
Also on the front page is a letter mentioning: "...I know not with what ... See More
Capture of Ethan Allen, and so much more...
Item #701119
November 24, 1775
* Ethan Allen captured
* American Revolutionary War
The front page has a bit noting: "...letter from General Burgoyne at Boston wherein he says that 20,000 men would be a feeble reinforcement to the army there, in their present situation." Page 2 has various tidbits relating to the war, a few including: "... See More
John Hancock sees a need to prepare for war... John Penn hopes for a reconciliation with England...
Item #701114
March 02, 1775
THE PENNSYLVANIA EVENING POST, Philadelphia, March 2, 1775 All of the front page & most of page 2 are taken up with: "From Brydone's tour through Sicily and Malta, Letter XXI" with a Palermo dateline.
Page 3 has a nice item from the Provincial Congress in Cambridge dated Feb. 15 and signed in type by: John Hancock, President, which begins: "Whereas it appears to t
... See More
Page 3 has a nice item from the Provincial Congress in Cambridge dated Feb. 15 and signed in type by: John Hancock, President, which begins: "Whereas it appears to t
Boston almanac for 1780...
Item #701104
January 01, 1780
* 18th century American almanac
* Revolutionary War era
A Pocket Almanac for the Year ofd our Lord 1780...fourth of American Independence, Calculated for trhe Use of the State of Massachusetts Bay in New-England, Boston, printed by T. & J. Fleet.
A wonderful almanac for during the Revolutionary War, complete in apprise. 40 pages. Each month has a blank leaf upon which notes were penned b... See More
Map of the Hudson River region... Franklin on the exchange of prisoners...
Item #701099
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1778 * Rare Revolutionary War New York map
* Benjamin Franklin letter - Ethan Allen
Of great significance is the very nice foldout map headed: "Map of Hudson's River with the Adjacent Country", which shows from Crown Point & Ticonderoga, south to Philadelphia, & also from Long Island to Lake Ontario with consi... See More
Beginning of the Impressionist movement in France...
Item #701064
May 13, 1876
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 13, 1876 (at a special price)
* Impressionism - art movement begins (historic)
This is an exceedingly significant newspaper on the founding of the Impressionist movement in art.
Page 2 has an inconspicuous yet quite historic report which essentially reports on the beginning of the Impressionist movement in the art world in France. Those artists now known as the &... See More
Huge map of the Mississippi River dated June 1, 1775...
Item #700671
January 01, 1783
COURSE of the RIVER MISSISSIPI [sic] from the Balise to Fort Chartres; Taken on an Expedition to the Illinois, in the latter end of the Year 1763 by Lieut. Ross of the 34th Regiment: Improved from the Surveys of that River made by the French".
London, Printed for Robt. Sayer No. 53 in 'Fleet Street, Published as the Act directs, 11 June 1775"
A noted map dealer
London, Printed for Robt. Sayer No. 53 in 'Fleet Street, Published as the Act directs, 11 June 1775"
A noted map dealer
Treaty of Peace ending the Revolutionary War: abridged version...
Item #700633
THE POLITICAL MAGAZINE, London, October, 1783 * Historic Treaty of Paris (peace)
* End of the Revolutionary War
Near the back is the full text of: "The Definitive Treaty between Great Britain & the United States of America, signed at Paris, the 3rd day of Sept. 1783" which consumes over two pages, and includes the signatures of John Adams, B. Franklin, and John Jay... See More
Wonderful 1729 handwritten document from Massachusetts Bay...
Item #700615
November 19, 1729
An early colonial document concerning the sale of a parcel of land in Massachusetts. It begins: "To all People to whom this...shall come greeting to: Know you that we Joseph Keith, Samuel Keith and John Keith all of Bridgwater in the County of Plymouth within his majesties province of Massachusetts Bay in New England, for and in consideration of..." with various details on the money... See More
The 1969 Stonewall Uprising: watershed event for the LGBQT movement...
Item #700539
July 03, 1969
VILLAGE VOICE, Greenwich Village, New York City, July 3, 1969
* Stonewall riots - uprising - rebellion
* LGBT - gay community protests
* Birth of the gay pride civil rights movement
* The best issue to be had (very rare)
The Stonewall Riots, also called the Stonewall Uprising, began in the early hours of June 28, 1969 when New York City police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay club l... See More
From the closing days of the Revolutionary War...
Item #700387
April 03, 1782
* Rare American Revolutionary War publication
Taking all of the front page is a poem: "The Political Balance; or, The Fates of Britain and American compared. A Tale." which obviously relates to the Revolutionary War.
Page 3 reports under "Philadelphia" include: "On
... See More
* Rare American Revolutionary War publication
Taking all of the front page is a poem: "The Political Balance; or, The Fates of Britain and American compared. A Tale." which obviously relates to the Revolutionary War.
Page 3 reports under "Philadelphia" include: "On
Earliest newspaper in your collection?
Item #699837
December 28, 1641
NOUVELLES, Paris, France, December 28, 1641
* Earliest newspaper in your collection?
The heading roughly translates to: "Ordinary News"." This issue predates the earliest English language newspaper we have in our inventory. It was the "sister" publication of the "Gazette", the very first regular newspaper published in France, started in 1631 by Th&eac... See More
Rare advertisement for the Woodstock Music Festival, and in the Village Voice...
Item #699534
August 14, 1969
THE VILLAGE VOICE, Greenwich Village, New York, August 14, 1969 A significant newspaper on the Woodstock Music Festival.
It is worth noting that "The Village Voice" was an American news and culture paper, known for being the country's first alternative newsweekly. So it is notable that this newspaper would have an advertisement for Woodstock, and perhaps one of just a few sele... See More
Burgoyne takes Ticonderoga: a day by day account…
Item #699145
August 25, 1777
* Siege of Fort Ticonderoga
* American Revolutionary War
* General John Burgoyne victory
"Extraordinary" issues were printed when notable reports were received outside the normal publishing schedule, created to get the news to the public as quickly as possible.
This issue was printed to report the taking of Ticonderoga by General B... See More
Homer's "Seesaw--Gloucester... American baseball in London...
Item #699092
September 12, 1874
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 12, 1874
* Famous Winslow Homer print
Although there are many very nice prints within, the most desired is the full page print by Winslow Homer: "Seesaw--Gloucester, Massachusetts".
Also within is a full page: "The American Baseball Players in England--Match between the Red Stockings and the Athletics..." plus a half ... See More
Election of Patrick Henry sets the stage for his famous speech... So much more...
Item #699033
March 17, 1775
THE VIRGINIA GAZETTE (with Supplement), Williamsburg, Mar. 17, 1775
* Very rare Colonial Virginia publication
* Election of Patrick Henry
This newspaper was published by Alexander Purdie, a distinction to be made since there were three newspapers of this title printed in Williamsburg during the early period of the Revolutionary War.
The entire front page is a terrific letter: "T... See More
The historic Funding Act of 1790...
Item #699027
August 07, 1790
* United States Funding Act of 1790
* President George Washington signs
* Also John Adams & Thomas Jefferson
Taking about a full page of text including almost all of page 2 is: "An Act making Provision for the Debt of the United States" which is signed in type by John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington.
T... See More
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gifts and birthday newspapers page.