Jake LaMotta vs. Billy Fox... Infamous fixed match...
Item #688873
November 15, 1947
THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 15, 1947
* Jake LaMotta vs. Billy Fox
* Fixed boxing match - Mafia
* 'Raging Bull' fame
The sport's section (page 12) has a banner headline: "Fox Knocks Out LaMotta in Fourth Round Before Crowd of 18,340 at Garden" with subheads that include: "NEW YORK VETERAN STOPPED FIRST TIME" and more with a nice three... See More
1931 Golden Gloves boxing vs. France...
Item #688140
May 31, 1931
* First Golden Gloves boxing tournament vs. Europe (France)
* Soldier Field- United States boxers - Best title to be had
The front page has a nice banner headline: "U.S. BOXERS BEAT FRANCE: 5-3" with subheads. (see) Sport's section has round by round description and two related photos. Seven more related photos are on the back page. Great to... See More
Early Tucson, from twelve years before statehood...
Item #687619
August 11, 1900
ARIZONA DAILY STAR, Tucson, Aug. 11, 1900
* Rare old West publication
* Turn of the 20th century
* Bob Fitzsimmons boxing victory
A territorial newspaper as Arizona did not join the Union until 12 years later.
The top of the front page has column heads: "FITZSIMMONS THE WINNER" "He Does the Trick Easily in the Sixth Round" with more on the Bob Fitzsimmons vs. ... See More
Joe Louis to become champion for 1st time....
Item #687362
June 20, 1937
SPORT'S SECTION ONLY of the the Chicago Tribune, June 20, 1937
* Joe Louis (Brown Bomber) vs. James Braddock
* World heavyweight boxing championship
* Site of the fight is established - best title (rare)
The front page of this section has a banner headline: "BRADDOCK FIGHTS LOUIS AT SOX PARK JUNE 22" with subheads and related pictorial. (see) Nice for display. This would be ... See More
Jewish boxer Benny Leonard...
Item #687063
July 24, 1923
* Benny Leonard - Jewish boxer
* Lightweight boxing championship
The front page has a great banner headline: "LEONARD KEEPS HIS TITLE" with subhead. (see) Nice for display. Reporting continues in the sport's section with round per round coverage and photo. First report coverage on the lightweight championship boxing match between Benny Leon... See More
Early report on boxing...
Item #686767
October 30, 1790
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Oct. 30, 1790
* 18th century bareknuckle boxing
Page 2 has an article: "Boxing" which is a very early report of the sport. The match is between "Big Ben" and the "Tinman".
Other items including a page 3 article on: "Duelling" "King of France's Demand" "the Art of Joking" "King of Sweden" a... See More
Jack Johnson's New York City welcome...
Item #685983
July 10, 1908
THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, July 10, 1910
* Post Jack Johnson vs. James J. Jeffries
* re. Heavyweight boxing championship bout
* Boxing's first "Fight of the Century"
The front page has a one column heading: "THOUSANDS OF BLACKS GREET JOHNSON IN NEW YORK" with subheads. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. ... See More
The real "Cinderella Man" to win the boxing title...
Item #685666
June 11, 1935
THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 11, 1935
* Cinderella Man famous upset win (2 days prior)
* Heavyweight boxing title fight
* James Braddock vs. Max Baer
The sport's section (page 28) has a banner headline: "Impressive Exhibition Given by Braddock as He Finishes Boxing Drills Here" with subheads. (see)
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 44 pages, this is t... See More
Chambers and Edwards battle for the lightweight boxing championship...
Item #685007
September 05, 1872
NEW YORK HERALD, Sept. 5, 1872
* Arthur Chambers vs. Billy Edwards
* Lightweight boxing championship
Nearly half of page 4 is taken up with the notable lightweight boxing match between Arthur Chambers and Billy Edwards.
First column heads include: "THE LIGHT WEIGHTS" "The Fistic Battle Between Chambers and Edwards for the Championship and $2,000" "The Gatheri... See More
Jack Dempsey comeback try fails... Boxing...
Item #683796
February 19, 1932
SECTION 2 ONLY (Sports) of the Chicago Tribune, Feb. 19, 1932
* Jack Dempsey vs. King Levinsky
* Comeback tour ends in defeat (last fight)
* Heavyweight boxing exhibition bout
The top of the front page of this section has a nice banner headline: "LEVINSKY DEFEATS DEMPSEY BEFORE 22,000" with subheads. Nice for display. Three related photos are on the back page. (see)
Complete wi... See More
Rocky Marciano wins heavyweight boxing title...
Item #683601
September 25, 1952
* Rocky Marciano wins heavyweight boxing title
* Knocks out Jersey Joe Walcott in 13th round
The front page of the sport's section has two related photos with headings: "The Punch Of The Year" and "Dethrones A Champions" Also a two column heading: "Joe to Fight Rocky Again; Pilot Agrees" (see)
Complete with 38 pa... See More
Rocky Marciano knocks out Joe Louis...
Item #683496
October 27, 1951
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Oct. 26 & 27, 1951
* Rocky Marciano (The Brockton Blockbuster)
* Joe Louis (Brown Bomber)
* Heavyweight boxing fight
The top of page 8 of the 27th has a four column heading: "Marciano Is Newest Ring Idol" with subheads and photo of Louis. (see) You also get the Oct. 26th issue which has pre-fight coverage with photo of each boxer containing the tale-of-the... See More
Rocky Graziano wins Middleweight title....
Item #682822
July 17, 1947
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Mass., July 17, 1947
* Boxer Rocky Graziano victory
* Boxing middleweight title fight
* vs. Tony Zale
The front page has a two column heading: "Rocky Graziano Stops Zale in Sixth Round" with subhead. (see) First report coverage on Rocky Graziano becoming the new middleweight boxing champion of the World.
Complete with 24 pages, light toning and a little we... See More
Morrissey and Heenan will fight for the boxing championship...
Item #682725
October 20, 1858
NEW YORK HERALD, Oct. 20, 1858 Page 4 has nearly a full column report on: "The Prize Fight Today" between Morrissey and Heenan (The Benicia Boy). Column subheads include: "Morrissey and the Benecia Boy--Condition of the Men--Who Will be Champion--How the Betting Ranges--Amount of Money Staked". The result would be reported in the next day's newspaper.
Eight pages, go... See More
1946 Joe Louis vs. Billy Conn fight...
Item #682689
June 20, 1946
THE NEW YORK TIMES,, June 20, 1946
* Joe Louis vs. Billy Conn
* Heavyweight boxing championship bout
The top of the front page has a one column heading:
"LOUIS STOPS CONN IN EIGHTH ROUND AND RETAINS TITLE" with subheads. (See) Much more reporting on page 27 with headings, photos and round per round coverage. Loads of text, too much to photograph here.
Complete ... See More
Boxing's first world championship... The Pony Express....
Item #682682
May 07, 1860
* John C. Heenan vs. Tom Sayers
* First World boxing championship match
Page 5 has a one column head: "Four Days Later From Europe" "The Prize Fight" "Letters From Heenan" "He Claims the Belt or Another Fight". This was the famous match with Sayers, considered as boxing's first world championship. "...Not h... See More
1918 John Lawrence Sullivan death...
Item #682378
February 02, 1918
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Feb. 2, 1918
* John Lawrence Sullivan death (same day)
* 1st Heavyweight boxing gloved champion
Page 6 has a one column heading: "SULLIVAN, EX-WORLD CHAMP DIES" (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper. Rare as such.
Complete... See More
Babe Ruth boxing with his daughter... Ty Cobb gets a golf lesson...
Item #682027
January 31, 1931
POLICE GAZETTE, New York, January 31, 1931
* Babe Ruth & boxing
* Ty Cobb & golf
This tabloid calls itself: "The Leading Illustrated Sporting Journal In the World" as noted in the masthead, although it has its share of "tabloid" photos as well.
Among the many sports-related photos inside is a quarter page showing the Babe boxing, captioned: "Bambino Tunes U... See More
Sugar Ray Robinson wins...
Item #681691
December 10, 1955
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Springfield, Massachusetts, December 10, 1955
* Sugar Ray Robinson wins
* Middleweight boxing crown for 3rd time (comeback)
This 40 page newspaper has a three column headline on the front page: "Robinson Knocks Out Olson" with subhead: "Sugar Ray Scores Sensational Kayo at 2.51 of Second Round to Take Middleweight Crown for Third Time" and a nice t... See More
Jess Willard defeats Johnson for the heavyweight title...
Item #681685
April 06, 1915
THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL, Memphis, Tennessee, April 6, 1915
* Jess Williard vs. Jack Johnson
* The "Great white hope" defeats 1st Black Boxing Champion
* Heavyweight boxing title fight (1st report)
The first column of the front page has stacked heads reporting on the heavyweight boxing championship, with: "WILLARD WINS FISTIC HEAVYWEIGHT CROWN," "Kan... See More
Tiger Flowers 1st Negro middleweight champ...
Item #681665
February 27, 1926
TAUNTON DAILY GAZETTE, Mass., February 27, 1926
* Tiger Flowers vs. Harry Greb
* 1st African-American middleweight champ
* Boxing - boxers
Page 12 has a one column heading: "GREB LOST HIS TITLE TO THE COLORED BOY" with subhead. (see) First report coverage on Theodore 'Tiger' Flowers becoming the 1st African-American middleweight boxing champion.
Complete with 12 pages, ... See More
1915 Bandit War... Texas raids by Mexicans...
Item #681456
April 02, 1915
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, April 2, 1915
* Jess Williard - "The Great White Hope"
* Negro champion Jack Johnson
* Heavyweight boxing title fight (pre-fight)
The top of page 8 has a two column heading: "JOHNSON DETERMINED TO FIGHT SAM M'VEY SATURDAY IN HAVANA" (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Ve... See More
Muhammad Ali's 2nd pro fight...
Item #681233
December 28, 1960
THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 28, 1960
* Muhammad Ali - Cassius Clay
* 2nd professional boxing match
* Very rare report when still unknown
In the sport's section (page 34) under a one column heading: "BOWDRY DEFEATS PASTRANO IN BOUT" is a brief and inconspicuous report reading: "In a preliminary, the Olympic light-heavyweight champion, Cassius Clay of Louisville, scored a... See More
Famous Tom Sayers & John Heenan boxing match...
Item #680899
April 30, 1860
NEW-YORK TRIBUNE, April 30, 1860
* John C. Heenan vs. Tom Sayers
* Famous boxing match - fight
Appearing at the top of the first column on pg. 6 are headlines reporting one of the most famous boxing matches of the nineteenth century involving John Heenan, the American champion, and Tom Sayers, the English champion.
In the third column under "The Great Fight" is a detailed a... See More
1898 James J. Jeffries boxing...
Item #680885
March 23, 1898
THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, March 23, 1898
* James J. Jeffries vs. Peter Jackson
* Heavyweight boxing fight - match
The front page has a one column heading: "PETE JACKSON WHIPPED" with subheads. (see) This was prior to Jeffries gaining the World heavyweight title. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues th... See More
Lou Gehrig named 'Captain' of the Yankees...
Item #680473
April 13, 1935
ALBANY EVENING NEWS, New York, April 13, 1935
* Lou Gehrig becomes Yankees team captain
* Early Joe Louis boxing match
The top of page 12 has a one column heading: "GEHRIG NAMED YANK CAPTAIN" with subhead. (see) Only a few men have ever held the title of Captain of the Yankees with Derek Jeter being the latest. Also early reporting on boxer Joe Louis with photos on page 8.
Compl... See More
A 'boxing match' between women of fashion...
Item #680431
August 27, 1796
THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Aug. 27, 1796 Page 2 has a curious article headed: "Amorous Fracas!" beginning: "The boxing match which lately happened between two elderly maiden ladies of fashion in the vicinity of Merrion Square..." with the details.
Four pages, very nice, clean condition.
1899 James J. Jeffries heavyweight boxing...
Item #680111
November 04, 1899
THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Nov. 4, 1899
* James J. Jeffries vs. Tom Sharkey
* Heavyweight boxing championship
* 1st ever on film - motion pictures
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "A TERRIFIC BATTLE" with subheads. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not tota... See More
1913 photo of boxer Packey McFarland...
Item #679997
December 11, 1913
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Dec. 11, 1913
* Patrick "Packey" McFarland photo
* Lightweight & welterweight boxing
* "Best fighter never to become champion"
The top of page 14 has a two column photo of Packey McFarland with brief text. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not tot... See More
1907 Jimmy Britt vs. Battling Nelson boxing...
Item #678508
August 01, 1907
THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Aug. 1, 1907
* Jimmy Britt vs. Battling Nelson
* World "White" lightweight title
The top of page 3 has a four column heading: "JIMMY BRITT THE VICTOR IN A TERRIFIC BATTLE" with subheads and round by round description. Lengthy text. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to fi... See More
1902 heavyweight boxing title fight...
Item #678420
July 26, 1902
THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, July 26, 1902
* James Jeffries - Heavyweight boxing title
* Robert "Bob" Fitzsimmons
The top of page 2 has a one column heading: "JEFFRIES KEEPS CHAMPIONSHIP" with subheads. (see) A related article on the front page with one column heading: "FAKE ALLEGED IN PRIZEFIGHT" and subheads. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condit... See More
A fight between elderly ladies...
Item #677415
August 27, 1796
THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Aug. 27, 1796 Page 2 has a curious report: "Amorous Fracas!" The report from Ireland begins: "The boxing match which lately happened between two elderly maiden ladies of fashion...having made some noise....we are happy to lay the cats and the consequences before our readers..." which is what follows.
Four pages, a few stra... See More
Jake LaMotta defeats Sugar Ray Robinson...
Item #676997
February 06, 1943
THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 6, 1943
* Jake LaMotta defeats Sugar Ray Robinson (1st defeat)
* Famous Middleweight boxing match
The sport's section (page 17) has one column headings: "ROBINSON'S STREAK ENDED BY LAMOTTA" "Harlem Fighter Suffers First Loss in 130 Bouts Before 18,930 at Detroit" "Bell Saves Ray In Eighth" "Left to Head Floors Him ... See More
1910 James J. Jeffries training photos...
Item #676920
April 30, 1910
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, April 30, 1910
* Upcoming Jack Johnson vs. James J. Jeffries
* Heavyweight boxing championship bout
* Boxing's first "Fight of the Century"
* In training photos a few months prior
The front page of the sport's section (page 7) has a headline: "Jeffries Stops Heavy Training Stunts to Give Finny Tribe A Workoutl In Fine Condition" with... See More
Boxer James Sheady's death...
Item #676086
March 06, 1886
THE WHEELING INTELLIGENCER, West Virginia, March 6, 1886
* James Sheady death
* Boxer - boxing
The front page has small one column headings: "Brutal Prize Fight" "Near Fayetteville, West Virginia, Which Ends in Murder" See images for text here.
Other news and advertisements of the day. Complete in 4 pages, large sized paper measuring 25 x 19 1/2 inches, a little irregul... See More
1903 Bob Fitzsimmons wins 3rd boxing title.
Item #675934
November 26, 1903
THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Nov. 26, 1903
* Bob Fitzsimmons wins Light Heavyweight title
* vs. George Gardiner - boxing championship
The top of page 2 has a two column headline: "CROWD HISSED THE PUGILISTS" with subhead: "Fitzsimmons Won the Fight--Gardner Stood up for Twenty Rounds" and round by round description. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition b... See More
1903 James J. Jeffries boxing title fight...
Item #675857
August 15, 1903
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Aug.15, 1903
* James J. Jeffries vs. James J. Corbett
* Heavyweight boxing title fight (1st report)
The top of page 2 has a two column heading: "CORBETT HAD LITTLE SHOW" with subhead and round by round description. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally ... See More
Jess Willard wins the heavyweight boxing title...
Item #675801
April 06, 1915
THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Georgia, April 6, 1915
* Jess Williard vs. Jack Johnson
* The "Great white hope" defeats 1st Black Boxing Champion
* Heavyweight boxing title fight (1st report)
Among the front page heads: "Vicious Right Swing to Johnson's Jaw Wins Title for Jess Willard" with a full-figure photo of him headed: "New Heavy-Weight Champion".
... See More
Floyd Patterson retains his heavyweight title...
Item #675765
August 19, 1958
SPORT'S SECTION ONLY of The Des Moines Register, Iowa, Aug. 19, 1958
* Floyd Patterson vs. Roy Harris
* Heavyweight boxing title fight
This is the sports section only, with a nice banner headline: "PATTERSON KEEPS TITLE ON T.K.O. IN 12TH" with related subheads, and two photos, one showing a bloodied Roy Harris attempting to stand.
Contains 8 pages, very nice condition.... See More
Nelson Mandela to be released from prison...
Item #675741
February 11, 1990
LOS ANGELES TIMES, Feb. 11, 1990
* Nelson Mandela freed (day of)
* South African president
* Buster Douglas knockouts Mike Tyson
* Famous Heavyweight boxing upset
The front page has a report on the same day Nelson Mandela would be released from prison after serving 27 years with headline: "S. Africa to Free Black Leader Mandela Today" with related photo. (see) More on page... See More
Muhammad Ali's 1st fight back...
Item #675473
October 27, 1970
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass. October 27, 1970
* Muhammad Ali first fight back
* Heavyweight boxing vs. Jerry Quarry
The top of page 7 has a five column headline: "Ali Returns To Ring After 3 1/2 Years For 3rd-Round TKO Win Over Quarry" and more.
Complete with 10 pages, light toning at the margins, some small binding slits along the spine, generally nice.
wikipedia notes: In... See More
Max Baer... Heavyweight boxing title fight...
Item #675408
June 15, 1934
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass., June 15, 1934
* Max Baer vs. Primo Carnera
* Heavyweight boxing title fight
* Great headline for display
The top of page 8 has a two column heading: "Fight World Acclaims Baer New Heavyweight Champion; Carnera Stopped in 11th Round" with nice photo of Baer.
Complete with 20m pages, light toning at the margins, a few tiny binding holes along the s... See More
Baseball continues during th Civil War...
Item #675347
July 26, 1862
WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, July 26, 1862 Basically a sports-themed newspaper. Inside has 2 1/2 columns taken up with reports on: "Base Ball" games and developments. Included are box scores for 9 games.
Other sports reports as well including for: "Fistiana" (boxing).
Sixteen pages, decorative masthead, nice condition.
Game of wicket, pre-Civil War....
Item #675271
February 14, 1857
PORTER'S SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, Feb. 14, 1857 Under the heading: "Out-Door Sports" are two letters to the editor from Troy, N.Y., concerning the "old game of wicket". It includes a quite small diagram of the "ground plan" of the game.
Under "Fistiana" (boxing) is a detailed report: "Hard-Fought Fight In England, Between Tom Sayers &am... See More
Volume one issue of a sporting newspaper...
Item #675246
January 24, 1857
PORTER'S SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, Jan. 24, 1857 A rather famous sporting newspaper, with a sporting-themed masthead, calling itself: "A Chronicle of the Turf, Field Sports, Literature and the Stage". This is a volume one issue.
Reports are headed: "The Turf" "Draught Of The Seine" "Our Chess Department" "Out Door Sports" "Fist... See More
Muhammad Ali is stripped of his boxing crown...
Item #674758
April 29, 1967
THE RUSSELL DAILY NEWS, Kansas, April 28 & 29, 1967
* Cassius Clay changes name to Muhammad Ali
* Stripped of the Heavyweight boxing title belt
* For avoiding Vietnam War military draft
The April 28th issue has a one column heading on the front page: "Clay Refuses to Take Oath After Passing Exams" (see) The April 29th issue has a one column heading on page 4: "Cla... See More
Jeffries wins the heavyweight title... front page illustration
Item #674580
June 10, 1899
THE BETHLEHEM TIMES, Penn., June 10, 1899
* James Jeffries wins heavyweight boxing title
* w/ illustration - vs. Robert Fitzsimmons
The top of page 3 has one column headings: "JEFFRIES IS CHAMPION" "Easily Defeats Fitzsimmons In The Great Battle" and more with illustration of Jeffries. Also round by round coverage.
Complete with 8 pages, light even toning, 2 larg... See More
1988 The Mike Tyson vs. Michael Spinks...
Item #674086
June 28, 1988
LOS ANGELES TIMES, June 28, 1988
* Mike Tyson vs. Michael Spinks
* Heavyweight boxing title fight
* "once and for all" knockout
* Boardwalk Hall - Atlantic City
The top of the front page has a three column photo showing Mike Tyson knocking out Michael Spink with brief text.
The front page of the sport's section has a banner headline: "Tyson Does a Minute-and-a-Half Wal... See More
Joe Louis beats German Max Schmeling..
Item #673590
June 23, 1938
THE GREENSBOROUGH PATRIOT, (Greensboro), North Carolina, June. 23, 1938
* Joe Louis (Brown Bomber)
* Max Schmeling (German fighter)
* Famous rematch - boxing
Page 5 of this issue has a one column heading: "LOUIS SMASHES DOWN SCHMELING FOR WORLD TITLE - Brown Bomber Beats German To Floor In Little Over Two Minutes". First report coverage on the heavyweight boxing championship betw... See More
Jackie Fields win Welterweight boxing title....
Item #671345
March 26, 1929
CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, section 2 (sports) only, March 26, 1929
* American professional boxer Jackie Fields
* Wins World Welterweight boxing title
* Best title to be had ? (rare)
The front page has a nice banner headline: "FIELDS WHIPS THOMPSON; WINS WELTER TITLE" with subheads and photo of Fields. (see) Nice for display. Great to have in this Chicago publication, Fields hometown.... See More
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