Web Results (296)



The first successful magazine in the country...

Item #681106

April 14, 1744

THE CHRISTIAN HISTORY, Boston, April 14, 1744  This was the first successful magazine in America although formatted unlike typical magazines. It was exclusively a chronicle of the Great Awakening in America, exclusively of secular news reports. It was preceded by just a few magazines which lasted but a couple of issues--one of which was by Ben Franklin. Even this title lasted but a few short ... See More  

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Sinking of the U.S.S. Maine...

Item #679009

March 05, 1898

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 5, 1898 

* USS Maine sinking disaster

* Spanish-American War prelude

* Havana Harbor, Cuba

The front page has a full page illustration of" "Washington's Birthday Celebration at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia".

Two full pages includes 16 photos of: "Destruction of the U.S. Battleship 'Maine in Havana Harbo... See More  

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Battle of Manila: Spanish-American War...

Item #679006

June 25, 1898

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 25, 1898 

* Battle of Manila Bay, Philippines

* Admiral George Dewey's victory

* Spanish-American War

Full ftpg: "The Auxiliary Cruiser 'St. Paul' On Scout Duty". Two fullpgs. showing the harbor of Santiago. Nice fullpg: "Battle of Manila--Adm. Dewey's Squadron Swinging Around the Ellipse". Nice illus. of: "R... See More  

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America is not about to compromise with England...

Item #678064
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1778 

* No compromise w/ England

* American Revolutionary War

Among the articles within are: "The Theory of Insulating Bodies Examined, & some of the Supposed Properties which Electricians have ascribed to Glass, proved by Experiments not to Exist" which includes reference to Ben Franklin. Also: "On the Worshiping o... See More  

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Famous "Unite Or Die" engraving in the masthead...

Item #677502

December 07, 1774


* Benjamin Franklin's "Unite Or Die" cartoon

If there was one graphic which represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption. 

The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead
... See More  

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The Shays' Rebellion... Benjamin Franklin re-elected... Two plates...

Item #677333
THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, November, 1786  

* Benjamin Franklin

* Daniel Shay's Rebellion

The issue begins with: "A Description of Bones Found Near the River Ohio" which includes a foldout plate as well (repair to the reverse). 

Also within the issue: "A Short Description of the Crotalus Horridus, or Rattlesnake" "A Short Dissertation on Ec... See More  

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Letters by Benjamin Franklin...

Item #676179
THE AMERICAN MUSEUM, Philadelphia, July, 1787, Second Edition (1789)  Among the articles are: "Remarks & Facts Relative to the American Paper Money, By Dr. Franklin" "Letter from Dr. Franklin to a Friend, on the Subject of the North East Storms" "Letter from Dr. Franklin to a friend, Containing an Account of a Remarkable Whirlwind" "Letter from Dr. M. to... See More  

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Ben Franklin letters...

Item #670618
THE AMERICAN MUSEUM, Philadelphia, Sept., 1790  A nice issue with a full title/contents page with an embellishment at the top.

Included within are two item by Ben Franklin: "Letter on the Death of Persons Struck with Lightning--by Dr. Franklin" and "Extracts of Letters form Dr. Franklin to Monsieur Dubourg, the French Translator of his Works" .

The back page has an "... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

(Added to Catalog #344 after the hardcopy was released - only available on-line.)

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The Great Awakening... Christian revival in New-Londonderry, PA...

Item #653754

May 21, 1743

THE CHRISTIAN HISTORY, (Boston), May 21, 1743  This was the first successful magazine in America although formatted unlike typical magazines. It was exclusively a chronicle of the Great Awakening in America, exclusively of secular news reports. It was preceded by just a few magazines which lasted but a couple of issues--one of which was by Ben Franklin. Even this title lasted but a few short ... See More  

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Battle of Savannah... Captain Cook...

Item #653341
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1780 

* Siege of Savannah - Georgia

* Benjamin Lincoln letter

* Captain James Cook - South Seas

Near the back is a section headed: "Advices Received from America" which includes: "Gen. Lincoln's Letter to Congress on the defeat of the combined Army before Georgia" with a dateline of Charleston, Oct. 22, 1779. This... See More  

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Anger over the Trail of Tears... Franklin quote...

Item #649956

August 01, 1829

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 1, 1829  The top of the ftpg. has a small bit about Martin Van Buren, Secretary of State at the time, being granted an honorary doctorate of law degree from Rutgers' College.

Inside has an article: "Slavery In Colombia" as well as: "Georgia And The Cherokees" being a letter from the brother of a chief and his anger at their ... See More  

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Nice Harper's Weekly group, just after the Civil War...

Item #649309
(5) HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, a lot of five issues from just after the Civil War. Dates are August 12, August 19, September 23, November 11, and December 2, 1865. A wealth of great prints including: 'New Westminster, Capital of British Columbia'. Halfpg: 'Trial of Mowing Machines' & 'The Richmond Election--the Polling at the 1st Market House'. Nice doublepage cente... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

This item is not eligible for free shipping.

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The first successful magazine in the country...

Item #645581

March 10, 1744

THE CHRISTIAN HISTORY, (Boston), March 10, 1743,4  (year noted as such as it was 1743 or 1744 depending on which calendar was used).

This was the very first successful magazine in America, preceded by just a few magazines which lasted but a couple of issues--one of which was by Ben Franklin. Even this title lasted but a few short years.

As the subtitle reads: "Containing Accounts of t... See More  

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On Ben Franklin's will... Northwest coast of America...

Item #638619
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London,  August, 1790  Included is: "Remarks on the Slave Trade Occasioned by Bruce's Travels". Near the back is a brief bit  noting: "The common council at Paris paid to the illustrious Franklyn [Franklin]  tribute of homage, singular in its nature but due from a free & enlightened city to the memory of a man who gave libert... See More  

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Franklin Prophecy antisemitic speech....

Item #623320

March 10, 1937

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 10, 1937

* Benjamin Franklin "Prophecy" "Forgery"

* Antisemitic speech - Jewish - Jews

* Charles A. Beard expose

Page 9 has one column headings that include: "FRANKLIN FORGERY EXPOSED BY BEARD" "Anti-Semitic 'Prophecy' Cited in Germany Was Discredited by Historian 2 Years Ago" and more. (see)

Other news, sports and ... See More  

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Final items regarding the Revolutionary War...

Item #617546
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, June, 1782  The issue begins with 8 pages of "Proceedings In Parliament", the first 3 of which have much concerning America with mention of an exchange of prisoners, Mr. Laurens, Ben Franklin, Lord Cornwallis, General Burgoyne, and more.

Near the back is the "Historical Chronicle" with the latest news reports of the day, including men... See More  

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America is not about to compromise with England...

Item #615582
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1778  Among the articles within are: "The Theory of Insulating Bodies Examined, & some of the Supposed Properties which Electricians have ascribed to Glass, proved by Experiments not to Exist" includes reference to Ben Franklin; "On the Worshiping of the Primitive Christians to the East" , and more.

The most significant c... See More  

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1933 Bank Holiday Ordered...

Item #576559

March 10, 1933

LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, March 10, 1933 

* United States Bank Holiday 

* The Great Depression 

* Franklin D. Roosevelt

This 8 page newspaper has a four column headline on the front page: "ROOSEVELT ASKS RIGHT TO CUT VETERANS' BENEFITS" with subhead. (see)

This action would have the desired effect of stopping the panic run on the nati... See More  

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Carole Lombard Killed in 1942...

Item #575174

January 19, 1942

THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, Boston, Massachusetts, January 19, 1942 

* Hollywood Actress Carole Lombard dies in plane crash

This 14 page newspaper has a one column headline on page 7: "Carole Lombard's War Work Praised By Treasury Head"

Other news of the day throughout. Good condition.

wikipedia notes: When the US entered World War II at the end of 1941, Lo
... See More  

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E.W.Kemble prints

Item #177846

October 29, 1910

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 29, 1910  Contains a great double page print, "Old Man Ananias: 'Welcome, Theodore; That Plank Makes You A Life Member' ", drawn by E.W.Kemble.  Also by Kemble is "The Political Juggler On The Slack Wire".  The front page has "The Late David B. Hill".  Additional prints, news of the day, and period adv... See More  

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General Custer... Displayable prints...

Item #177845

June 18, 1910

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 18, 1910  The front page has the print, "In Honor of Custer". Inside has:  "Dignity and Impudence", Blazing a Trail for Motorists", From Grand Opera To Gilbert And Sullivan", "Beating the Monroe Doctrine", "The Schoolboy and the Aeroplane", and more.  However, perhaps the two most displayable print... See More  

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Southampton golf...

James Montgomery Flagg print...

Item #177843

January 22, 1910

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 22, 1910  This issue contains the wonderful double page centerfold print, "Their Daughter's Voice", by James Montgomery Flagg (has two small staple marks from being bound).  Another print of note is, "You've Got To Cut Loose, Mr. President, If You Ever Expect To Reach The Top", by E.W. Kemble.  Two pages are dedicate... See More  

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Indianapolis Motor Speedway... Orville & Wilbur Wright...

Item #177842

August 14, 1909

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Aug. 14, 1909  The prime content within this issue is the page 7 and 8 article with prints: "How the Wrights Made Good - The Story Of Their Successful Flight With A Passenger At Fort Myer, Virginia, Which Fulfilled The Government Test And Provided The Practical Value of The Aeroplane" (see). Of additional significance is the article (with prints) regar... See More  

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Prelude to the Revolutionary War...

Item #569699
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, May 28, 1774  Most of the front page is a report headed: "The Journal of a Voyage...for making Discoveries towards the North Pole by the Hon. Commodore Phipps..." (see for beginning). 

A full column on pg. 2 has reports from Boston (see) concerning strained relationships with England, and mentioning Ben Franklin (see). This is followed by a lette... See More  

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LaGuardia elected mayor of New York City...

Item #569043

November 08, 1933

ALBANY EVENING NEWS, New York, November 8, 1933 

* Fiorello Henry La Guardia elected mayor of New York City   

This 36 page newspaper has a two column photo on the front page with caption: "New York Victors and Vanquished"

Also a nice seven column headline on page 2: "LAGUARDIA SWEPT INTO OFFICE BY 250,000 PLURALITY"

Other news of the day. Light bro... See More  

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Item #177680

December 07, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY,  New York, December 7, 1912

This issue has a color cover sheet over it and the front page of this issue has a photo called "A Snap-Shot From the Balkans."

In this issue there is an illustration called "The Woes of a President-Elect" by C. J. Budd. There are photos of "The War in the Near East" and a photo of "A Battle Photograph fr... See More  

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(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Item #177679

November 30, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 30, 1912  This issue has a color cover sheet over it and the front page of this issue has an illustration called "'Good-by, Ambassador, We Are Sorry to Have You Leave Us" by C. J. Budd.

In this issue there is an illustration called "Lost Ball: Penalty--One Omelet!" by Kemble. The double page illustration is called "The Deat... See More  

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Item #177345

November 16, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 16, 1912

This issue has a color cover sheet over it and the front page of this issue has a photo called "The War in the Near East."

In this issue there is an illustration called "The Elephant: 'Well, You've Helped Rip Me Apart and 'Downed' Yourself! Now I Hope You're Satisfied'" by Kemble. There is an article... See More  

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President Woodrow Wilson....

Item #177344

November 09, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 9, 1912

This issue has a color cover sheet over it and the front page of this issue has a photo called "Woodrow Wilson--President-Elect of the United States."

In this issue there is a photo of "Thomas R. Marshall--Vice-President Elect of the Untied States" and another photo of "President-Elect Wilson and His Family." There... See More  

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Item #177360

October 19, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 19, 1912

This issue has a color cover sheet over it and the front page of this issue has an illustration called "The Power Behind the Throne" by C. J. Budd.

In this issue there is an article called "The Disruption of Mexico" by Elisha Hollingsworth Talbot. There is also the third part of the story "Alice in Blunderland--The Plai... See More  

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Item #177675

September 28, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 28, 1912

This issue has a color cover sheet over it and the front page of this issue has a photo called "The Dogs of War."

In this issue there is an ad for the book "Mark Twain--A Biography" and an article called "Progress of the Campaign." Also in this issue there is a full page illustration of "The National Pest--A... See More  

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Item #177672

August 31, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 31, 1912

This issue has a color cover sheet over it and the front page of this issue has a photo called "The Man Higher Up."

In this issue there is an article called "Progress of the Campaign." The double page illustration is called "Passing On the Ballots--'A Vote for Taft is a Vote for Sherman'--'A Vote for Roosevel... See More  

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Item #177661

June 15, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 15, 1912

The front page of this issue is a photo of "Senator Winthrop Murray Crane."

This issue has an illustration called "His Master's Voice" by C. J. Budd. There are two photos taking up the center page. The one on the left is of Abraham Lincoln and is called "Prophecy" and the one on the right, which is of Theodore Rooseve... See More  

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Death of Wilbur Wright...

An Exhibition of Inca Treasures.....

Item #177660

June 08, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 8, 1912

The front page of this issue is a photo of "The Greatest of Aviators--The death of Wilbur Wright from typhoid fever...."

This issue has an illustration called "The Revolutionist" by Kemble. There is also an article with photos called "An Exhibition of Inca Treasures" by Walter L. Beasley and there is another article by... See More  

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Item #177659

June 01, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 1, 1912

The front page of this issue is a photo of "The Ruling Passion."

This issue has an illustration of "'Down With the Bosses!' 'I will Name the Compromise Candidate. He will be Me!'--T.R." by Kemble. There is an article of "How Theodore Roosevelt was Appointed Assistant Secretary of the Navy" by Mrs. Bella... See More  

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"Titanic" sunk.... "Carpathia" with "Titanic" survivors....

Item #177655

April 27, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 27, 1912  The front page of this issue is a photo of "Some of the Pitiful Seven Hundred. A boatload of the "Titanic's" survivors just before they were succored by the 'Carpathia' ".

This issue is in two parts. The first part has an illustration of "'The Wise Custom Which Limits the President to Two Terms Regards Th... See More  

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"Titanic" sunk....

Item #177654

April 20, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, April 20, 1912  There is a full, color, cover page on this issue. The front page of this issue is a photo of "The Lost 'Titanic.'"

This issue is in two parts. The first part has an article of "Quarreling at the coal-bin" by Edward Hungerford and an article of "Improving the Aeroplane" by Albert S. Levino.

The second p... See More  

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Item #177653

April 13, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York,  April 13, 1912

The front page of this issue is a photo of "The Colonel in Action."

This issue has an article of "Quarreling at the coal-bin" by Edward Hungerford and an article of "San Francisco at Home - 1915" by Hamilton Wright. The double page illustration is of "'The Fishing Season'" by Kemble. There is ... See More  

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Item #177652

April 06, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 6, 1912

The front page of this issue is a photo of "A Master Journalist."

This issue has an illustration of "'The Peepul Must Rule, William.' 'Yes, Theodore--The Peepul Must Rule.' (In Chorus: 'But As We Direct.'" by Kemble. There is also a spread of "Canvases at Two Picture-Shows" and there is an arti... See More  

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The burial of the 66 men from the "Maine"....

Item #177651

March 30, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 30, 1912

The front page of this issue is a photo of "The "Maine's" Last Muster."

This issue has an illustration of "Having a Bully Time" by Kemble. There are photos of "England's Furnace Goes Out" and an article of "Great Britain's Labor Crisis" by Sydney Brooks. The double page illustration is... See More  

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The sinking of the "Maine"....

Item #177650

March 23, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 23, 1912

The front page of this issue is a photo of "A New Masterpiece For America."

This issue has an illustration of "The Issue" by Kemble and photos of "One Kind of Recall" which says that "Judge Thornton Massie, Attorney William Foster and Sheriff Lew Webb were shot down and killed in the county court-house at Hillsv... See More  

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A Tribute to William Dean Howells.... Wall Street...

Item #177648

March 09, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 9, 1912

The front page of this issue is a photo of "The New Wall Street."

There are two parts of this issue.The first part of this issue has an illustration of "'I Believe in Giving Every Man a Square Deal'--Theodore Roosevelt" drawn by Kemble. There is an article with photos called "Is there Money in the Air?" by Alb... See More  

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Cardinal Farley comes to America....

Item #177642

January 27, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 27, 1912

The front page of this issue is a photo of "America's New Prince of the Church."

This issue has an illustration of "Weighing Them In" by Kemble. There are photo spreads of "America's Greeting to Cardinal Farley" and "How They Welcomed His Eminence." There is a photo of "Here the Democrats wil... See More  

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(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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The Wall Street Fire....

Item #177641

January 20, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 20, 1912

The front page of this issue is a photo of "Princeton's New Head."

This issue has an illustration of "'Hoopla! Here We Are Again!'" by Kemble. There is an article of "Zapata--The Mexican Attila" by Richard Barry and there is a half page photo of "Birds of a Feather Flock to Paris." The double ... See More  

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(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Item #177639

January 06, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 6, 1912  The front page has a photo of "Mexico's 'Enfant Terrible.'" This issue also has an illustration of "The Motorist: 'One Thing's Certain--They Can't Accuse Me of Being a 'Joy-Rider''" by Kemble. There is an article with photos of "Across America by Auto" by John Guy Monihan. The dou... See More  

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(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Item #177633

December 02, 1911

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 2, 1911

This issue has a full, color cover before the front page. The front page of this issue is a photo of "On the Firing Line in Tripoli."

This issue is has an illustration of "The Opening of Congress" by Kemble and there is an article of "One Hundred Years of a Great Church" by John Hobart. There is also a page of &quo... See More  

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(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Item #177631

November 25, 1911

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 25, 1911

This issue has a full, color cover before the front page. The front page of this issue is an illustration of "Balfour's Successor."

This issue is has an illustration of "The Little Fellow: 'Come, Mister President, You Can't have the Center of the Stage All the Time" by Kemble. There are photos of "How Georg... See More  

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Mark Twain ad....

Item #177629

November 11, 1911

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 11, 1911

This issue has a full, color cover before the front page which features "For President - Woodrow Wilson". The front page of this issue is an illustration of "It Takes Grit to Remove Grime" by Kemble.

This issue is has illustrations of "In the Field of Art" and photos of "Philadelphia's Double Consecration... See More  

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Theatrical Issue.....

Item #177627

October 21, 1911

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 21, 1911

This issue has a full, color cover before the front page. The front page of this issue is a photo of "The Most Talked-Of Living Novelist."

This issue is has photos of "Julia Sanderson"; "The Advent of the Irish Players"; "Grace George"; "Popular Actors in New Roles"; "Hazel Dawn"; &quo... See More  

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Color cover by W.H.D. Koerner... Print by E.W. Kenble...

Item #177626

October 14, 1911

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 14, 1911 (with color cover by W.H.D. Koerner)

This issue has a full, color cover before the front page. The front page of this issue is a photo of "Winfield Scott Schley, U. S. N."

This issue has an illustration of "The Spear That Knows No Brother" by Kemble. There is a photo of "What the "Hawke" did to the "Olymp... See More  

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