"...fight it out if it takes all summer..."
Item #682130
May 13, 1864
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 13, 1864
* Battle of Spotsylvania VA Virginia
* General Robert E. Lee
* Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's famous quote
The front page has nice first column heads on the Civil War including: "THE GREAT CONTEST" "Gen. Grant Says the Result is So Far Much in Our Favor" "Heavy Fighting on Wednesday" "Lee Sends In a Flag of Truce" "Ge... See More
Terrific full page Civil War map, plus another map as well...
Item #682128
May 13, 1864
NEW YORK HERALD, May 13, 1864
* Battle of Spotsylvania Court House - Virginia
* Generals Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee
* Terrific full page Civil War map of campaign
Although the front page has over half a column of stacked heads on the Civil War, beginning with: "GRANT ! " with much more, the prime content would be the single sheet Supplement" issue attached, th... See More
Second Battle of Petersburg... Civil War...
Item #681973
June 18, 1864
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 18, 1864
* Second Battle of Petersburg
* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee
* Gettysburg two week away
Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "THE GREAT CONTEST" "Grant's Rapid Progress" "Capture of Petersburg" "Retreat of the Rebels Across the Appomattox" "Bravery of the Negro Troops" "... See More
Civil War map shows from Richmond to Petersburg...
Item #681961
June 23, 1864
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 23, 1864
* Second Battle of Petersburg w/ map
* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee
The front page is dominated by a nice & very detailed Civil War map headed: "From Richmond To Petersburg".
The first column has war-related heads: "THE GREAT CONTEST" "From Gen. Grant's Army" "No Heavy Fight Since Saturday" "Sk... See More
Huge Civil War map of Petersburg...
Item #681950
June 22, 1864
NEW YORK HERALD, June 22, 1864
* Second Battle of Petersburg, Virginia
* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee
The front page is dominated by a huge Civil War map headed: "PETERSBURG. The Three Rebel Lines of Intrenchments." Plus the first column has nice war heads: "WAR" "Operations Around Petersburg" "Appearance of the Rebel Rams on the James River&qu... See More
Featuring two Civil War maps...
Item #681948
June 21, 1864
NEW YORK HERALD, June 21, 1864
* Second Battle of Petersburg
* U.S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee
* Battle of Trevilian Station
* Two Civil War maps
The front page features a very nice Civil War map headed: "The Struggle At Petersburg--Lines of Rebel Intrenchments Carried by Our Troops."
Also nice first column heads: "THE WAR" "Operations At Petersburg" &qu... See More
Rebels are beaten and routed...
Item #681947
June 20, 1864
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 20, 1864
* Second Battle of Petersburg
* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee
Over half of the first column is taken up with a nice stack of Civil War heads including: "THE GREAT CONTEST" "Petersburg Not Yet Occupied" "Rebel Outer Works Captured" "Gen. Butler Moves Towards the Railroad" "Rumor that He is Driven Back by ... See More
Large Civil War map: Battle of Spotsylvania Court House...
Item #681890
May 14, 1864
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 14, 1864
* Battle of Spotsylvania Court House
* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee
* Civil War Overland Campaign w/ map
The front page is dominated by a large & detailed Civil War map headed: "THE CAMPAIGN IN VIRGINIA".
Most of the first column is a long stack of Civil War heads including: "THE GREAT CONTEST" "Comes Up With Lee's Rear... See More
Nice front page Civil War map of the events before Richmond...
Item #681639
June 03, 1864
NEW YORK HERALD, June 3, 1864
* Battle of Totopotomoy Creek
* Cold Harbor - Hanover County, Virginia
* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee
* American Civil War map
Dominating the front page is the nice Civil War map headed: "IN FRONT OF RICHMOND, The Battles on the Topopatomoy and at Coal Harbor".
First column heads on the Civil War include: "GRANT!"
... See More
* Battle of Totopotomoy Creek
* Cold Harbor - Hanover County, Virginia
* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee
* American Civil War map
Dominating the front page is the nice Civil War map headed: "IN FRONT OF RICHMOND, The Battles on the Topopatomoy and at Coal Harbor".
First column heads on the Civil War include: "GRANT!"
One of the best display issues from the Civil War...
Item #681637
June 01, 1864
NEW YORK HERALD, June 1, 1864
* Battle of Cold Harbor - Virginia
* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee
* Large front page related map
A terrific issue for display as the front page is dominated by a huge Civil War map headed: "RICHMOND IN SIGHT ! The New Field of Operations...".
Great column heads include: "ON TO RICHMOND!" "Splendid Success of Gran... See More
Grant, Butler, and Sherman...
Item #681636
May 31, 1864
NEW YORK HERALD, May 31, 1864 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "BUTLER" "GRANT!" "SHERMAN!" "The Entire Grand Army in Motion En Route for Richmond" "Engagement Between McPherson's Corps & the Rebels" "The Rebels Defeated & Driven Back" "General Lee's Daughter Goes to Join Her Father in Ric... See More
Yankees occupy Wilmington, N.C... Robert E. Lee offers pardon to deserters...
Item #678189
March 06, 1865
THE DAILY PROGRESS, Raleigh, North Carolina, March 6, 1865
* Rare Confederate publication
* General William T. Sherman
* Coastal march in Carolinas
* Battle of Wilmington NC
Raleigh was one of the last major cities of the South to fall into the hands of Sherman, surrendering on April 13, 1865, just one day before Lincoln was assassinated. This rare Confederate title is from the lat... See More
Sherman's success in the South... Robert E. Lee's appeal for arms, and to deserters...
Item #678187
February 28, 1865
THE DAILY PROGRESS, Raleigh, North Carolina, Feb. 28, 1865
* Rare Confederate publication
* General William T. Sherman
* Coastal march in Carolinas
* Robert E. Lee makes a plea
* Final weeks of the Civil War
Raleigh was one of the last major cities of the South to fall into the hands of Sherman, surrendering on April 13, 1865, just one day before Lincoln was assassinated. This rar... See More
Sherman's march thru Georgia... Robert E. Lee offers pardon to deserters...
Item #678186
February 23, 1865
THE DAILY PROGRESS, Raleigh, North Carolina, Feb. 23, 1865
* Rare Confederate title
* Civil War nears the end
* Sherman's victory march
Raleigh was one of the last major cities of the South to fall into the hands of Sherman, surrendering on April 13, 1865, just one day before Lincoln was assassinated. This rare Confederate title is from the latter weeks of the Civil War.
The no... See More
Editorial is pessimistic on the progress of the war...
Item #678184
February 13, 1865
THE DAILY PROGRESS, Raleigh, North Carolina, Feb. 13, 1865
* Rare Confederate title
* Civil War nears the end
* Southern pessimist
Raleigh was one of the last major cities of the South to fall into the hands of Sherman, surrendering on April 13, 1865, just one day before Lincoln was assassinated. This rare Confederate title is from the latter weeks of the Civil War.
The front page ... See More
1905 death of General Fitzhugh Lee...
Item #677887
April 28, 1905
THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, April 28, 1905
* Fitzhugh Lee death (1st report)
* Confederate cavalry general
* Robert E. Lee's nephew
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "GEN. FITZHUGH LEE IS STRICKEN" with subheads. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fra... See More
War movements of Robert E. Lee...
Item #675379
September 07, 1861
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Sept. 7, 1861 Inside pages have war-related column heads including: "THE WAR FOR THE UNION" "The Occupation of Pickets" "Movements of General Lee" "The Intentions of the Rebels" "The Next Collision" "From Hatteras Inlet" "Abandonment of Ocracoke Forts" and more.
Eight pages, never-trimmed margins, nice c... See More
Joe Johnston and Robert E. Lee...
Item #674892
October 20, 1863
THE WORLD, New York, Oct. 20, 1863 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Joe Johnston's Troops en Route to Northern Georgia" "Rebel Raids in Northern Mississippi" "Fight & Reported Defeat at Colliersville" "Rebel Accounts of a Federal Victory" "Enemy Driven from Greenville Beyond Bristol" "Lee's Army Withdr... See More
Robert E. Lee's movements north...
Item #674890
October 14, 1863
THE WORLD, New York, Oct. 14, 1863 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "From Virginia" "Another Advance Northward by General Lee" "Retreat of the Union Army Across the Rappahannock" "Gallant Fight by Buford's & Kilpatrick's Cavalry" "Final Retirement of Lee's Army to the Rapidan" "News From Charleston&... See More
Robert E. Lee's report...
Item #674185
November 10, 1863
THE WORLD, New York, Nov. 10, 1863 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "From the Southern States" "Gen. Lee's Official Report of His Late Operations in Virginia" which takes over half a column & is signed in type: R. E. Lee, General; "Jeff Davis At Charleston" "Gen. Bragg & His Troubles" "News From Tennessee" &... See More
Document signed by Jeff Davis...Capture of Yazoo City...
Item #674082
July 22, 1863
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, July 22, 1863
* John Morgan's raid ending
* Yazoo City & Jackson, Mississippi
* Post Gettysburg Robert E. Lee
Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "Morgan's Invasion Ended" "Battle at Geiger's Creek" "Rebels Defeated & Driven to a Bluff" "They Then Unconditionally Surrender" "Morgan &am... See More
Robert E. Lee makes a failed move...
Item #672227
October 16, 1863
THE WORLD, New York, Oct. 16, 1863 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Desperate flank Movement by Lee!" "Attempt of the Rebels to Get Between Our Army & Washington" "Enemy Driven Back by the Second Corps" Probable Battle at Bull Run" "Recrossing of the Tennessee by Wheeler's Troops" "Important Movement of Bragg... See More
Military command have changed...
Item #672226
October 23, 1863
THE WORLD, New York, Oct. 23, 1863 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Division of the Mississippi" "Departments of the Cumberland, Tennessee, Ohio, and Vicksburg Included in Gen. Grant's Command" "Gens. Hooker & Sherman to Command their Respective Corps" "Escape of General Lee Across the Rapidan" "The Grant Battle Avo... See More
General Lee's and General Bragg's armies...
Item #672225
October 29, 1863
THE WORLD, New York, Oct. 29, 1863 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: Gen. Grant's Dept." "Grand Flanking Movement by Lee's and Bragg's Armies" "Rebels Marching from Virginia to Tennessee" "The Line of the Rappahannock to be Defended by Lee" "Cavalry Right at Bealton Station" "Daring Raids by the Enemy" &... See More
Robert E. Lee's last battles...
Item #666556
August 16, 1865
THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 16, 1865 The notable content takes nearly two columns on page 3 headed: "LEE'S LAST BATTLES" "A Personal Photograph-'Uncle Robert' and hiss 'Iron Gray'--Pathetic Parting Scene Between Lee and his Men". The article reflects upon the Surrender to Grant, and "The Scenes Between the General and His Men".
Other en... See More
On trying Robert E. Lee and others as traitors...
Item #666548
June 21, 1865
THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, June 21, 1865 From just after the end of the Civil War but still with some nice war-related reports including: "Missouri - The Cry for Blood--Incendiary Military Order" "The Alleged Indictment of General Lee" "Plantation Labor--The Negroes Idling--Crops Suffering" "The Colored Gentlemen on the Rampage...Mutiny Among Negro T... See More
On trying Robert E. Lee and others as traitors...
Item #666547
June 21, 1865
THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, June 21, 1865 From just after the end of the Civil War but still with some nice war-related reports including: "Missouri - The Cry for Blood--Incendiary Military Order" "The Alleged Indictment of General Lee" "Plantation Labor--The Negroes Idling--Crops Suffering" "The Colored Gentlemen on the Rampage...Mutiny Among Negro T... See More
A pro-South newspaper from the North...
Item #666542
August 17, 1864
THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 17, 1864 Among the articles on the ftpg. are: "Monstrous Impudence" "Another Account--A Letter to General Lee" "Horrible Crimes of Negro Soldiers" "The American Union Passing Away" and more.
Articles within: "A General Who Fights Women & Children" "Gen. Paine and the She Secesh" "News From ... See More
Grant, Butler, and Sherman...
Item #662180
May 31, 1864
NEW YORK HERALD, May 31, 1864 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "BUTLER" "GRANT!" "SHERMAN!" "The Entire Grand Army in Motion En Route for Richmond" "Engagement Between McPherson's Corps & the Rebels" "The Rebels Defeated & Driven Back" "General Lee's Daughter Goes to Join Her Father in Ric... See More
Victory at the Rappahannock... Lincoln letter to the ladies...
Item #650768
November 12, 1863
* Second Battle of Rappahannock Station
* George G. Meade vs. Robert E. Lee
* Abraham Lincoln letter re. emancipation
The top of the ftpg. has column heads on the Union victory at the Battle of the Rappahannock: "From Gen. Meade's Army" "Official Report of the Passage of the Rappahannock" "Presentation of Battle Flag... See More
Capture of Dalton... Defeat of the rebels under Robert E. Lee...
Item #643934
May 14, 1864
THE WORLD, New York, May 14, 1864
* Battle of Spotsylvania Court House
* Battle of Rocky Face Ridge - Georgia
Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Dalton Ours" "Retreat of the Rebel Army Under Joe Johnston--The Place Occupied by Gen. Sherman on Thursday" "BEYOND THE PO" "Utter Defeat of the Rebels Under Lee" "The Enemy I... See More
General Butler is removed from command...
Item #620729
January 11, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, Jan. 11, 1865
* Guerrilla leader John S. Mosby wounded
* General Benjamin Butler removed
Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "THE SOUTH" "Rebel Particulars of Stoneman's Raid" "Mosby Still Alive" "Army of the James" "General Butler's Removal" "General Lee & Not Jeff. Davis Responsib... See More
Morgan's raid into Kentucky, in his own words...
Item #618243
August 05, 1862
DAILY COLUMBUS ENQUIRER, Georgia, Aug. 5, 1862
* Very rare Confederate publication
* General John H Morgan's Kentucky raid
Certainly one of the less common Confederate titles from the Civil War. Columbus is in Southwest Georgia on the Alabama border very near Montgomery.
Over one-third of page 2 is taken up with the very lengthy & detailed: "Official Report of Col. John... See More
The intents of Robert E. Lee...
Item #610794
October 21, 1863
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Oct. 21, 1863 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Late Southern News" "The torpedo Attack on the Ironsides" "More Mob Indications In Richmond" "The Effect of the Freedom Proclamation in Mississippi" "Gen. Rosecrans Relieved of His Command" "Gen. Grant in Command of the Armies of the Ohio, the Cumber... See More
Robert E. Lee is appointed General-In Chief...
Item #604598
January 28, 1865
NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 28, 1865 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "News From Rebel Sources" "The Appointment of General-In-Chief--Jeff. Davis's Views On the Matter" which is concerning Robert E. Lee, with the lengthy message signed in type: Jefferson Davis (see). Also: "The Rebel Iron-Clad Raid" "The Peace Bubble" "Re... See More
Battle of Spotsylvania Court House...
Item #603386
May 18, 1864
BOSTON DAILY JOURNAL, Boston, Massachusetts, May 18, 1864
* Battle of Spotsylvania Court House
* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee
* Battle of New Market - Virginia
The front page is entirely taken up with ads, while much of pages 2 & 4 are taken up with Civil War reports, including articles headed: "The Virginia Campaign" "Lee Strongly Fortified" "Grant Prepa... See More
Two documents signed by Robert E. Lee...
Item #599788
February 17, 1865
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Feb. 17, 1865 Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "FROM SHERMAN'S ARMY" "Rapid Progress Of His Troops" "They Are Nearly Up to North Carolina" "Charleston Entirely Isolated" "Gen. Lee's Address to the Army & the Country" is signed by him in type: R. E. Lee, General, as is the following &quo... See More
Confederate soldiers anniversary...
Item #599530
January 20, 1906
STAUNTON DISPATCH, Virginia, January 20, 1906
* Stonewall Jackson
* Robert E. Lee
* Confederate generals
The front page has one column headlines that include: "LEE-JACKSON", "Anniversary Celebrated Here Yesterday By Veterans" and more.
Other news of the day. Complete in 8 pages, light browning, minor margin wear, otherwise good. Should be handle... See More
Sherman in pursuit of Johnston... Pressing on Robert E. Lee...
Item #599028
May 24, 1864
NEW YORK TIMES, May 24, 1864 Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "THE GRAND CAMPAIGN" "The Great Flank Movement Against Lee" "Our Army Rapidly Pressing Southward" "Gen. Sherman Again in Pursuit of Johnston" "Gen. Butler's Army" "The Rebels Assume the Offensive" "Our Rifle Pits Seized--Part of Them Re... See More
Sherman in pursuit of Johnston... Pressing on Robert E. Lee...
Item #599027
May 24, 1864
NEW YORK TIMES, May 24, 1864 Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "THE GRAND CAMPAIGN" "The Great Flank Movement Against Lee" "Our Army Rapidly Pressing Southward" "Gen. Sherman Again in Pursuit of Johnston" "Gen. Butler's Army" "The Rebels Assume the Offensive" "Our Rifle Pits Seized--Part of Them Re... See More
Robert E. Lee for president ?....
Item #598641
May 05, 1866
* General Robert E. Lee
Page 4 has a small but interesting report with a one column heading: "Gen. Lee For President". See image for text here. Other news of the day throughout. Complete in 8 pages, nice condition.
Government buys R.E. Lee's estate... Morgan's escape from jail...
Item #598603
January 20, 1864
THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 20, 1864
* Rare Anti-Yankee title
* Robert E. Lee's estate
* John Morgan's escape
Among the various "Late News" on the front page is: "A sale of confiscated property in Virginia, opposite Washington, took place...The Arlington estate, thek property of Gen. Robt. E. Lee, was bought in by the government for $26,000...The Arlington... See More
The Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse aftermath...
Item #598294
May 25, 1864
THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, May 25, 1864
* The Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse aftermath
* Ulysses S. Grant's March
* General Robert E. Lee falls back to Richmond
This issue includes considerable details regarding the aftermath of the Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse. It includes the following headlines: "GRANT'S MARCH", "HIGHLY ENCOURAGING PROGRESS"... See More
Cornwallis attacked 10,000 provincials...
Item #597522
July 14, 1777
EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, July 14, 1777 Page 2 has: "...advice was received of a very considerable body of the rebel army commanded by Arnold and Sullivan having stole a march and got in the rear of our reserve, had obliged Lord Cornwallis to alter his front & post picquet guards all around him, by which the battalions are greatly weakened." Also: "General Lee, ... See More
Sherman in pursuit of Johnston... Pressing on Robert E. Lee...
Item #597310
May 24, 1864
NEW YORK TIMES, May 24, 1864
* William T. Sherman
* Joseph E. Johnston
* Robert E. Lee
Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "THE GRAND CAMPAIGN" "The Great Flank Movement Against Lee" "Our Army Rapidly Pressing Southward" "Gen. Sherman Again in Pursuit of Johnston" "Gen. Butler's Army" "The Rebels Assum... See More
News from the Revolutionary War...
Item #597077
May 24, 1777
EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, May 24, 1777 Page 2 has a few reports concerning the Revolutionary War including: "From Connecticut that the jail in that colony are filled with loyal Americans who are treated in the most barbarous manner. Some are chained on their backs to the floor & others so loaded with irons that they can hardly walk...General Lee has a good room in New Yor... See More
Reflecting upon the Civil War...
Item #596781
August 05, 1865
ARMY & NAVY JOURNAL, New York, Aug. 5, 1865 Obviously a military-themed publication so a nice title for Civil War content, even for reports from shortly after the end of the war.
The front page report, in part, reflects upon events of just one year prior noting: "...This week a year ago our columns were laden to repletion with accounts of the Burnside Mine, or the tremendous Hood a... See More
Reports from Robert E. Lee and General George Meade...
Item #592382
March 30, 1865
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, March 30, 1865
* General Robert E. Lee
* Confederates falling apart
* Nearing the end of war
Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "FROM GEN. GRANT" "A Congratulatory Order" is signed by General Geo. G. Meade, and is concerning the battle at Fort Steadman; "Gen. Lee's Official Report" is signed by him in type: ... See More
Duel of Generals Lee and Clarkson... Washington at West Point...
Item #592340
December 03, 1779
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Dec. 3, 1779 Inside has: "...Our fleet and army at New York have had a happy escape from the vengeance D'Estaing pronounced against them...passenger...says that every thing was quiet when he came from New York excepting some little skirmishing in the back settlements...repulsing an attack on Long Island & making a descent in the Jersies where ... See More
Report signed by Robert E. Lee...
Item #591108
February 10, 1865
NEW YORK TIMES, February 10, 1865
* Robert E. Lee & Jefferson Davis
* Last few months of the Civil War
Among the front page one column war-related heads are; "THE PEACE CONFERENCE" "Message From Jeff. Davis to the Rebel Congress" "Report of the Rebel Commissioners" "Davis Speaks at a Public Meeting in Richmond" "He will 'Never Conse... See More
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