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Search for the killers of the Lindbergh baby...

Item #673825

May 13, 1932

PITTSBURGH SUN-TELEGRAPH, Pennsylvania, May 13, 1932 

* Charles Lindbergh Jr. baby kidnapping

The bold, banner headline reports: "BABY'S SLAYERS GOT RANSOM, POLICE HINT" with a subhead; "Hoover Orders Wide Search For Fiends". Also two related photos, one: "The Wooded Grave That Was Baby Lindy's".

Present are pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 & 12 of ... See More  

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Bruno Hauptmann dies in the electric chair...

Item #673155

April 06, 1936

THE GREENSBORO PATRIOT (weekly), North Carolina, April 6, 1936 

* Bruno Hauptmann execution (1st report)

* Charles Lindbergh baby kidnapping

The ftpg. has reports headed: "Bruno Hauptmann Pays For Crime" "Dies In Chair Without Word Of Confession" "Walked Calmly to Electric Chair, Millions Think He Had Accomplices In Kidnap-Killing of Lindbergh Child" plus ... See More  

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The first non-stop flight across the Atlantic Ocean...

Item #672686

June 16, 1919

THE GLOBE, Bethlehem, Penn., June 16, 1919 

* 1st Non-stop Transatlantic airplane flight (historic)

* John Alcock & Arthur W. Brown

It may be a surprise to many that Charles Lindbergh was not the first to fly non-stop across the Atlantic (his was the first solo flight). Eight years previously the pair of John Alcock & Arthur Brown made the historic flight. The front page has a ... See More  

Discounted by 50% (as shown) through Monday, October 14, 2024!

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Charles Lindbergh receives Medal of Honor...

Item #671669

March 22, 1928

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 22, 1928

 * Aviator Charles Lindbergh

* President Calvin Coolidge

* Receives Medal of Honor

* Transatlantic airplane flight

The front page has a one column heading: "COOLIDGE PRESENTS MEDAL TO LINDBERGH" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on aviator Charles Lindbergh receiving the Congressional Medal of Honor from President Calvin Coolidge.... See More  

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Charles Lindbergh's ticker tape parade...

Item #671053

June 14, 1927


* Aviator Charles Lindbergh welcome home

* Ticker tape parade in New York City

The front page has a banner headline: "WEATHER STOPS 'LINDY'S' FLYING TO CAPITAL" with subheads and a photo of the New York ticker-tape parade for Charles Lindbergh headed "When 'Lindy' Came Home".

Complete in 1... See More  

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Ruth Elder... Transatlantic flight...

Item #670533

October 13, 1927

TAUNTON DAILY GAZETTE, Mass., October 13, 1927

* Ruth Elder - Woman aviator & actress

* 1st Transatlantic flight try (Woman)

The top of the front page has a nice banner headline: "RUTH ELDER ALIGHTS ON OCEAN AND IS TAKEN SAFELY ABOARD DUTCH TANKER BARENDRECHT" with subheads and related photo. (see)

Fourteen pages, light toning and some wear at the margins, generally good. Sho... See More  

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Serial killer & rapist Albert Fish murder trial......

Item #667997

March 21, 1935

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 21, 1935

* Albert Fish trial - declared insane

* Serial killer, child rapist and cannibal

* "The Boogey Man" - "Gray Man"

* "Brooklyn Vampire" - "Werewolf of Wysteria"

The top of the back page has a one column heading: "FISH HELD INSANE BY THREE EXPERTS" with subheads. (see) I suspect this is one of the few public... See More  

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1932 Lindbergh baby safe ?....

Item #665169

April 07, 1932

FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Extra, April 7, 1932

* Charles Lindbergh Jr. baby kidnapping case

* Bizarre headline suggests all is well

This was one of the most famous crime mysteries of the 20th century which ended with the execution of Bruno Hauptmann. Here is a very odd banner headline that suggests the Lindbergh baby might be returned safely: "RETURN OF LINDBERGH BABY EXPECTED SOON" an... See More  

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Charles Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping Trial...

Item #664293

October 16, 1935

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Oct. 16, 1934


* Charles Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping Trial

* Bruno Hauptmann on the stand

* Court testimony

The top of the front page has a three column headline: "HAUPTMANN ON THE STAND SHOUTS DENIAL OF MURDER; HE AND WIFE OFFER ALIBI" with subheads. (see) More inside with testimony.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in
... See More  

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Charles Lindbergh baby kidnapping...

Item #664292

March 04, 1932


* Charles Lindbergh baby kidnapping

* Early reporting w/ photo

* "Crime of the Century"

The front page has a banner headline: "Lindbergh Refuses To Dispense With Police Aid; Receives Secolnd Ransom Note Demanding $50,000" with subheads and photo. (see) Address label affects appearance of the headline. (see)

Complete with all 12 pa... See More  

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USS S-4 (SS-109) submarine sinking... G.K. Chesterton... Lindbergh...

Item #663882

December 18, 1927

THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 18, 1927

* USS S-4 (SS-109) submarine sinking

* G.K. Chesterton on the influence of American economics

* Much on Charles Lindbergh with displayable images

The top of the front page has a four column headline: "SUBMARINE S-4 SINKS WITH 40 ABOARD IN DEEP WATER OFF PROVIDENCE; HIT BY DESTROYER, WHICH IS BEACHED", with subheads and related photos (see ima... See More  

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Charles Lindbergh resigns his military post....

Item #662452

April 28, 1941


* Charles Lindbergh quits his military post

* Aviator - Atlantic Ocean solo flight fame

The front page has a great banner headline announcing: "LINDBERGH QUITS THE ARMY" with subheads and photo. (see) Nice for display.

Complete with all 30 pages, light toning at the margins, small library stamp within the masthead, small binding holes along... See More  

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Charles Lindbergh's Anti War Address...

Item #661840

May 24, 1941

NEW YORK TIMES, May 24, 1941 Front page, 3 line, 1 column head: "Lindbergh Joins In Wheeler Plea To U.S. To Shun War" & subheads: "22,000 at Madison Sq. Garden Peace Rally Cheer Leaders Attack on Intervention" "Roosevelt Assailed" "Call for Return to Isolation Stand Demanded". Text of Lindbergh and Wheeler speeches inside, plus photos.

Also included i... See More  

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Death of John D. Rockefeller.... Lindbergh's have a 3rd son...

Item #661578

May 24, 1937

OMAHA BEE-NEWS, Nebraska, May 24, 1937  The entire back page is taken up with 9 photos concerning the death of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. with A banner headline: "Where John D. Rockefeller Died in Sleep---97nd Birthday Portrait".

Also a ftpg. banner headline: "Third Son Is Born to Lindberghs in England" with a photo of: "Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh".

Twenty pages, ... See More  

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Bertha Kalich death... Yiddish theatre star...

Item #659963

April 19, 1939

THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 19, 1939

* Bertha Kalich death (1st report)

* Jewish actress - American Yiddish Theatre

* Charles A. Lindbergh called to duty

The top of page 23 has a one column heading: "MME. KALICH DIES; FAMOUS ACTRESS" with subheads and photo. (see) I suspect this is one of the few publications to report this particular event as other titles in our inventory do not.... See More  

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Robert H. Goddard.... early rocketry...

Item #659799

September 24, 1935

THE NEW YORK TIMES, September 24, 1935

* Robert H. Goddard rockets - rocketry 

* Joe Louis (Brown Bomber) vs.  Max Baer... 

* Heavyweight boxing championship fight

Page 25 has one column headinghs:

"LINDBERGH STUDYING BIG GODDARD ROCKET" with "Colonel and H.F. Guggenheim Inspect in Nex Mexico Projectile for Stratosphere Flight" (see)

Also a banner head... See More  

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Robert H.Goddard... Rockets....

Item #659710

September 26, 1935

THE NEW YORK TIMES, September 26, 1935

* Robert H. Goddard - rockets - rocketry

* Joe Louis (Brown Bomber) vs. Max Baer

* Heavyweight boxing championship fight

Page 18 has one column headings: "LINDBERGH ENDS STUDY OF GODDARD ROCKET" and "Colonel and H. F. Guggenheim Fly From Roswell, N. M., After Three-Day Visit" (see)

The sport's section (page 27) has a banner he... See More  

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Charles Lindbergh daily airmail service begins from Mexico....

Item #659026

March 10, 1929

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 10, 1929

* Aviator Charles Lindbergh inaugurates

* 1st daily airmail service from Mexico to U.S.

The front page has a one column heading: "LINDBERGH AT BORDER WITH MEXICAN MAIL" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on aviator Charles Lindbergh making the very 1st daily airmail flight from Mexico to the United States. (Mexico City to Brownsville, Tex... See More  

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Charles Linbergh flies to Mexico in 1929...

Item #658645

February 25, 1929

THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 25, 1929 The front page has a one column heading: "LINDBERGH LANDS IN MEXICO CITY; GOES TO FIANCEE" with subheads. (see) He would wed Anne Morrow about a month later.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 48 pages, a little irregular along the spine, nice condition.

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Charles A. Lindbergh family flees America...

Item #656165

December 23, 1935

CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, December 23, 1935

* Charles A. Lindbergh flees America

* American reporter Lauren "Deac" Lyman

* Pulitzer Prize winning exclusive story - part 1

The front page has a great banner headline: "LINDYS FLEE U. S. KIDNAPERS" with subheads. (see). Nice for display. Four related photos on the back page. This is Lauren 'Deac' Lyman's Pulitzer P... See More  

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1928 Charles Lindbergh & Floyd Bennett...

Item #656061

April 25, 1928


* Aviator Charles Lindbergh

* Flight to Quebec, Canada

* Floyd Bennett near death

The front page has a nice banner headline: "LINDY FLIES TO SICK FLYER" with subheads. (see) Nice for display. Two related photos on the back page.

Complete with all 46 pages, this is the "rag edition" printed on very high quality newsprint meant for i... See More  

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First Woman to fly the Atlantic in 1928...

Item #655667

June 05, 1928


* Woman aviator Amelia Earhart
* About to make history

* Airplane "Friendship"

Less than 13 months after Charles Lindbergh's heralded accomplishment, Amelia Earhart became the first woman to achieve the feat. The front page has a one column heading: "WEATHER HOLDS UP FRIENDSHIP" with subheads. (see) Weather wou... See More  

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Charles Lindbergh receives Nazi medal...

Item #653270

October 20, 1938

THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 20, 1938

* Charles Lindbergh a Nazi sympathizer ?

* Receives: "Service Cross of the German Eagle"

* Field Marshall Hermann Goering - Adolph Hitler

Near the bottom of the front page is a two column heading: "Hitler Grants Lindbergh High Decoration After Bitter Attacks on Flier by Russians" (see) First report coverage on Hermann Goering presen... See More  

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1927 Charles Lindbergh welcome home ...

Item #652170

June 18, 1927

THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 18, 1927

* Charles Lindbergh welcome home (St. Louis)

* Transatlantic solo airplane flight hero

The top of the front page has a three column headline: "LINDBERGH FLIES TO ST. LOUIS WELCOME; SIRENS AND CHEERS GREET TIRED FLIER; ARMY PLANS NON-STOP FLIGHT TO HAWAII" with subheads. (see) Lengthy reporting continues on pages 2 & 3 with a few related phot... See More  

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Charles Lindbergh Latin America tour ends...

Item #651053

February 14, 1928

THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 14, 1928

* Charles Lindbergh & his "Spirit of St. Louis"

* "Good Will Tour" of Latin America countries

* Airplane flights end - welcome home w/ photo

The top of the front page has a two column headline: "LINDBERGH ENDS LONG TOUR BY 15 1/2 HOUR FLIGHT IN FOG FROM HAVANA TO ST. LOUIS" with subheads. (see) Lengthy 1st report cover... See More  

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Charles Lindbergh Latin American tour...

Item #650677

February 08, 1928

THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 8, 1928

* Charles Lindbergh & his "Spirit of St. Louis"

* "Good Will Tour" of Latin American countries

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "HAITI CELEBRATES ON LINDBERGH VISIT; HOP TO CUBA TODAY" with subheads. (see) Lengthy coverage on Charles Lindbergh's "Good Will Tour" of 16 Latin America countr... See More  

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Charles Lindbergh & Anne Morrow photo...

Item #649850

June 20, 1929

THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 20, 1929

* Aviator Charles Lindbergh

* Anne Morrow post honeymoon

Page 3 has a two column photo with caption: "First Public Appearance Of The New 'We'" One column headings include: "LINDBERGH AND WIFE TAKE TO AIR AGAIN" "Fly at Mitchel Field, Where Colonel Tries Out New Safety Biplane" and more. (See)

Other news, sports and adv... See More  

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Charles Lindbergh Latin American tour...

Item #649629

February 06, 1928

THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 6, 1928

* Charles Lindbergh & his "Spirit of St. Louis"

* "Good Will Tour" of Latin American countries

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "LINDBERGH RECEIVES HONORS AND ACCLAIM AT SANTO DOMINGO" with subheads. (see) Lengthy coverage on Charles Lindbergh's "Good Will Tour" of 16 Latin America countr... See More  

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Early aviation... pioneer aviators...

Item #648418

April 29, 1928

ROTOGRAVURE SECTION of the New York Times, April 29, 1928

* Early 20th century aviators - aviation

* Charles Lindbergh, Floyd Bennett & more

The front page has 10 related photos regarding early aviation with some famous aviators of the time including Charles Lindbergh, Floyd Bennett, Baron Von Huenefeld and more. Nice for display.

Other topic throughout. Complete rotogravure section on... See More  

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Mary Pickford & Douglas Fairbanks divorce...

Item #648139

January 11, 1935

THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 11, 1935 

* Mary Pickford & Douglas Fairbanks divorce

* Charles Lindbergh baby kidnapping murder trial

* Great depression era original

The top of the front page has a two column heading: "Mary Pickford Obtains Divorce In Surprise 3-Minute Hearing" with subhead. (see) First report coverage continues inside with photos of the couple. Also front ... See More  

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USS Macon airship...

Item #648119

April 23, 1933

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Rotogravure section 7 only, April 23, 1933

* USS Macon maiden flight photo

The top of the front page of this pictorial section has a nice photo of the USS Macon in it's hangar getting ready for her maiden flight. Nice for display. (see) Page 3 has photos of Charles Lindbergh and Adolph Hitler.

Other topics throughout. Ten pages, minor margin wear, generally nice.... See More  

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Transatlantic flight of the Columbia...

Item #647901

June 04, 1927

THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 4, 1927

* 1st Tranatlantic flight of the Columbia

* Wright-Bellanca WB-2 airplane

* Clarence Chamberlin & Charles Levine

* Charles Lindbergh finishes European visit


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Charles Lindbergh's air mail flight... Panama...

Item #647621

February 04, 1929

ALBANY EVENING NEWS, New York, February 4, 1929

* Aviator Charles Lindbergh

* Air mail flight to Panama

The front page has a three column headline: "LINDBERGH BLAZES PATH OF MIAMI-PANAMA MAIL" with subheads and map (see photos). 1st report coverage on Charles Lindbergh's historic 1st air mail flight to Panama.

This issue contains other news, sports and advertisements of the... See More  

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Charles Lindbergh & Babe Ruth...

Item #646796

January 29, 1928

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Rotogravure section only, January 29, 1928

* Aviator Charles Lindbergh

* "Good Will Tour" - Latin America

* Babe Ruth & the Hot Dog King

This rotogravure section only has 3 front page photos regarding the Lindbergh's "Good Will Tour" of  Latin America countries. Much more Lindbergh related photos inside as well

Also on the front page is... See More  

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Tarzan and the Lion Man - serialized story...

Item #646267

November 11, 1933

LIBERTY magazine, New York, Nov. 11, 1933  The color cover has a comic print of a young boy daydreaming of his sweetheart while scorching his pants instead of ironing them.

Inside has the first installment of a serialized story: "Tarzan and the Lion Man" by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Other articles: "The Real Reason for Lindy's Latest Flight" which includes a photo o

... See More  

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Charles Lindbergh makes the headlines again...

Item #646091

October 30, 1927

DOUGLAS DAILY DISPATCH, Arizona, Oct. 30, 1927  Banner headline for Charles Lindbergh some 5 months after his historic flight across the Atlantic: "22,350 Mile Tour Gives Lindbergh New Air Record" with subhead: "Youthful Aviator Visits Every State In Union In Three Months & Three Days; Sees Millions" plus a photos of him, his mother, and his plane (see).

Eight pages, ... See More  

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AT&T profited during the stock market crash...

Item #645452

September 19, 1929

NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 19, 1929 

* Pre stock market crash of 1929

This issue offers an interesting diversion from the typical narrative of the millions lost in the stock market crash of 1929, which would happen just over a month from this date. The bottom of the ftpg. has: "A.T.& T. Valued in Market at $4,047,241, 500, Up $138,198,500 in Day, With Shares 307 1/2". There was... See More  

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Serial killer & rapist Albert Fish pleads insanity......

Item #642117

January 08, 1935

THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 8, 1935

* Albert Fish pleads not guilty

* By reason of insanity

* Serial killer, child rapist and cannibal

* "The Boogey Man" - "Gray Man"

* "Brooklyn Vampire" - "Werewolf of Wysteria"

The top of the back page has a one column heading: "PLEA OF INSANITY ENTERED FOR FISH" with subheads. (see) I suspect this is o... See More  

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Charles Lindbergh flies "Spirit of St. Louis"....

Item #642070

May 01, 1928


* Aviator Charles Lindbergh

* "Spirit of St. Louis" airplane

* Smithsonian Institute in Wash. D.C.

The front page has a one column heading: "'WE' FLY TOGETHER ON FINAL JOURNEY" with subhead. (see) First report coverage on Charles Lindbergh flying his famous airplane for the last time.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the ... See More  

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Charles Lindbergh's air mail flight... Panama...

Item #639283

February 05, 1929

THE DAY, New London, Connecticut, February 5, 1929

* Aviator Charles Lindbergh

* Air mail flight to Panama

The front page has a three column heading: "Lindbergh Flies to Havana, Then Starts Off for Belize; Opening New Air Mail Route" with subhead. (see) First report coverage on Charles Lindbergh's historic 1st air mail flight to Panama.

Other news, sports and advertisements o... See More  

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Jim Mollison Atlantic Ocean flight....

Item #638910

August 22, 1932

THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 22, 1932

* Jim Mollison

* Airplane - aviation

* 1st solo Atlantic flight (W to E)

The front page has a one column heading: "5,000 HAIL MOLLISON, HERE AFTER SEA HOP; FLIGHT BACK SPEEDED" with subheads. Much more on page 3 with related pictorial. Coverage on the first solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean from West to East. Maybe not as significant as Lin... See More  

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Jim Mollison Atlantic Ocean flight....

Item #638884

August 20, 1932

PRESCOTT JOURNAL MINER, Arizona, August 20, 1932

* Jim Mollison makes it

* Airplane - aviation

* 1st solo Atlantic flight (W to E)

The front page has a banner headline: "LONDON FLYER MAKES NEW BRUNSWICK SAFELY" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on the first solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean from West to East. Maybe not as significant as Lindbergh's flight but sti... See More  

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Charles Lindbergh... Return on Destryer from successful Atlantic Ocean flight...

Item #637881

May 24, 1927

THE DETROIT NEWS, Detroit, Michigan, May 24, 1927

* Charles Lindbergh... Atlantic Ocean flight success

* Trip home to begin

This 20 page newspaper has a nice banner headline on the front page: "WARSHIP OFFERED LINDBERGH", with related subheads. Photos of Lindbergh's mother also present, with additional coverage. A nice headline for display. This was only two days after his his... See More  

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Ruth Rowland Nichols aviation feat.....

Item #629882

December 11, 1930

THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 11, 1930

* Ruth Rowland Nichols breaks record

* Transcontinental airplane flight (time)

* Charles A. Lindbergh

The front page has a one column heading: "RUTH NICHOLS SETS RECORD FROM COAST" with subheads. (see) Article continues inside with photo of Nichols. First report coverage on Ruth Rowland Nichols breaking the transcontinental airplane flight r... See More  

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Charles Lindbergh wins Harmon Trophy....

Item #629590

December 14, 1928

THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 14, 1928

* Aviator Charles A. Lindbergh

* Airplane inventor Orville Wright

* Harmon Trophy presentation

Page 5 has a one column heading: "LINDBERGH SHARES HONOR WITH WRIGHT" with subheads that include: "Inventor Escorts Ocean Flier to Conference Platform to Receive Harmon Trophy" and more. (see) First report coverage on Orville Wright presen... See More  

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Lindbergh receives Air Force Cross....

Item #628756

May 31, 1927

THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE TIMES, Pennsylvania, May 31, 1927

* Transatlantic Paris flight

* Charles Lindbergh receives Air Force Cross (UK)

* King George of England

The front page has two column headline: "MORE ROYAL HONORS CONFERRED TODAY ON CAPT. LINDBERGH" with subheads. (see)

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 16 pages, a few biding slits along the spine,... See More  

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First Woman to fly the Atlantic...

Item #626418

June 13, 1928

THE DAY, New London, Connecticut, June 13, 1928 

* Woman aviator Amelia Earhart
* About to make history in airplane "Friendship"

* Early aviation era original

Less than 13 months after Charles Lindbergh's heralded accomplishment, Amelia Earhart became the first woman to achieve the feat. The front page has one column headings: "MABEL BOLL FLIES TO HARBOR GRACE&qu... See More  

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Charles Lindbergh predicts ocean air travel...

Item #625965
THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 9, 1930

* Charles Lindbergh radio broadcast

* Predicts Worldwide air travel

* Commercial airplane flights over oceans

The front page has a one column heading: "LINDBERGH, ON RADIO, SAYS OCEAN AIR LINES ARE COMING NEXT" with subheads. (see) Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famous publication.

Other news, sports and ad... See More  

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Charles Lindbergh receives gold medal....

Item #622181

August 16, 1930

THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 16, 1930

* Charles Lindbergh receives Congressional gold medal

* President Herbert Hoover - White House

The front page has a one column heading: "LINDBERGH RECEIVES MEDAL FROM HOOVER" with subheads. (see) Text continues on page 3 witgh photo. (see)

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 28 pages, rag edition, a little spine wear a... See More  

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Charles Lindbergh...

Item #622155

June 09, 1927

TAUNTON DAILY GAZETTE, Massachusetts, June 9, 1927.

* Charles Lindbergh's coming home

* On board the USS Memphis - light cruiser

The front page has a two column headline: "ALL WASHINGTON IS PREPARING FOR A RECORD GREETING" with subhead. (see)

Other news of the day. Complete in 12 pages, light browning, a little margin wear, otherwise good. Should be handled with care.

... See More  

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