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1915 Clifton-Morenci Strike in Arizona...

Item #680125

October 23, 1915

EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Oct. 23, 1915

* 5 mile Suffrage parade - suffragettes

* Fifth Avenue - New York City

The front page has a three column heading: "Huge Suffrage Parade By Women In New York" with related pictorial. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this er... See More  

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1906 Dora Montefiore & English suffrage...

Item #679539

May 24, 1906

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, May 24, 1906

* Dora Montefiore - Women's suffragist

* Woman suffrage in England

The top of the front page has a two column heading: "ENGLISH WOMEN IN OPEN REVOLT" with subhead. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper... See More  

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An 'uproar' at the woman's rights convention...

Item #679333

September 12, 1853

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Sept. 12, 1853 

* "Mob Convention" - Woman's suffrage

Page 2 has a report concerning: "The Women's Rights Convention" held in New York.

A few bits note in part: "...Among the speakers in defence of the rights of women were Lucretia Mott...and Mr. R. C. Burleigh. The latter was loudly hissed, whereupon he r... See More  

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1902 Paterson, New Jersey fire disaster...

Item #678700

February 15, 1902

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Feb. 15, 1902

* Susan B. Anthony's 82nd birthday

* Women's rights activist and social reformer

* National Woman Suffrage Association

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "MISS ANTHONY WAS HONORED" with subhead. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issue... See More  

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Country's leading women's suffrage publication...

Item #678549

October 20, 1900

THE WOMAN'S TRIBUNE, Washington, D.C., Oct. 20, 1900

* Rare title

* Women's suffrage

Their motto in the masthead: "Equality Before The Law". This was the country's leading women's suffrage publication having begun in Beatrice, Nebraska, before moving to Washington, D.C. Published by Clara Bewick Colby, a women's rights activist & suffragist leader, she was ... See More  

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1913 Emmeline Pankhurst arrested...

Item #678507

May 26, 1913

EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, May 26, 1913

* Emmeline Pankhurst arrested in London

* British suffragette - Woman's suffrage leader

The front page has a two column heading: "MRS. PANKHURST AGAIN PLACED UNDER ARREST" with subhead. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from ... See More  

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The famous anti-slavery newspaper...

Item #678144

December 16, 1864

THE LIBERATOR, Boston, Dec. 16, 1864  This is the famous anti-slavery newspaper by William Lloyd Garrison, featuring a terrific masthead with 3 vignettes including a slave auction and slaves being emancipated.

Among the articles are: "Negro Suffrage" "The Destruction of Slavery in Kentucky" "The Object of the Rebel War" "On American Slavery" "Unio... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Willard vs Johnson championship fight... Suffrage convention...

Item #678029

April 06, 1915

THE FAIRMONT TIMES, Fairmont, West Virginia, April 6, 1915  The front page of the issue has a three column, two line headline "Terrific Steam Behind Jess' Punch to pit and jaw Ended Johnson's Chances" with subheads "Crafty Warfare and Ageing Negro in Opening Frame of Havana Championship" "Bout Much Admired But Not Sufficient to Stem the Tide of Youth and "... See More  

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1913 Emmeline Pankhurst released from jail...

Item #677685

April 12, 1913

EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, April 12, 1913

* Emmeline Pankhurst released

* HM Prison Holloway - hunger strike

* British suffragette - Women's suffrage leader

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "BRITISH OFFICIALS RELEASE NOTED SUFFRAGETTE LEADER" with subhead. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very har... See More  

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Suffragist Lilian Lenton's 1913 hunger strike...

Item #677668

April 02, 1913

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, April 2, 1913

* Suffragist Lilian Lenton

* Hunger strike - force fed

* Release from Holloway Prison

The top of page 7 has a two column photo with heading: "Jailed Suffragets (sic) Starve Selves; Get Sick And Then Blame The Government" with text. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard t... See More  

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Supreme Court ruling on women's right to vote...

Item #677595

March 30, 1875

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 30, 1875

* Minor vs. Happersett

* Supreme Court does NOT back Women's Suffrage

Page 2 column 6 of this issue contains: "...A QUESTION INVOLVING A WOMEN'S RIGHT TO VOTE", followed by an article detailing the court's decision.

Complete with 12 pages, light toning at the margins, generally nice. Should be handled with care.

Note: &q... See More  

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1912 Women's Suffrage...

Item #677591

February 02, 1912

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Feb. 2, 1912

* Women's Suffrage movement

* President Theodore Roosevelt

Page 2 has a two column heading: "ROOSEVELT FAVORS SUFFRAGE; HOME DUTIES FIRST, HOWEVER" with subhead. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper.

... See More  

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The Woman's Congress of 1873... suffrage...

Item #677572

October 17, 1873

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Oct. 17, 1873

* Women's suffrage

* Woman's Congress

* Mary Livermore & more

The top of page 5 has a one column heading: "THE WOMAN'S CONGRESS" Text takes up almost a full column.

Complete with 8 pages, nice condition.... See More  

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1870 Women's Suffrage... Susan S. Anthony...

Item #677570

May 14, 1870


* Early Women's suffrage meeting in Manhattan

* Susan B. Anthony - Lillie Devereux Blake

Page 5 has an article headed: "Woman's Suffrage Association" with subhead. (see)

Other news of the day. Complete with 12 pages, minor margin wear, generally very nice.... See More  

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1869 Women's Suffrage...

Item #677550

August 02, 1869

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Aug. 2, 1869

* Early Women's suffrage talks

The top of page 3 has a once column heading: "Woman's Suffrage" and more. (see)

Complete with 8 pages, nice condition.

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1913 Militant suffragette Olive Wharry...

Item #677244

March 07, 1913

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, March 7, 1913

* Militant suffragette Olive Wharry

Near the bottom of the front page is a one column heading: "SUFFRAGETTE IS SENTENCED TO 18 MONTHS" (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper.

Complete with 24 pages, two sm... See More  

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Elizabeth Cady Stanton shines at the Woman's Suffrage National Convention...

Item #675633

January 10, 1878

THE SAN DIEGO UNION, California, Jan. 10, 1878  

* National American Woman Suffrage Association

The front page has half a column taken up with: "Woman's Suffrage National Convention" with a nice account of the meeting in Washington, D.C. One bit mentions: "...None of the long speeches thus far, except those of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Mrs. Hooker, have risen above m... See More  

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The noted Jane Addams...

Item #674114
YOUNG WOMEN, Chicago, May, 1896 

* Young Women's Christian Temperance Union

An interesting magazine published by the Young Women's Christian Temperance Union whose focus was the outlaw of alcoholic beverages. They also worked to promote women's right to vote.

The front page features a photo of the renowned "Miss Jane Addams". Addams was an American settlement acti... See More  

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19th Amendment fails by a single vote...

Item #673641

October 02, 1918


* 19th Amendment fails by one vote in Senate (see note)

The front page has one column heading: "SENATE DEFEATS EQUAL SUFFRAGE - resolution Fails of Concurrence by one Vote in the Upper House of United States Congress - May Be Revived Later".

Page 5 continues with column 3: "THE SUFFRAGE VOTE - Detail of Senate Ballot Which ... See More  

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President Wilson backs suffrage movement...

Item #673626

October 01, 1918

THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, Boston, Mass., October 1, 1918 

*President Wilson's Suffrage speech to the Senate

The front page of this issue has the heading: "PRESIDENT WILSON URGES SUFFRAGE IN SENATE SPEECH". , which reports on the historic speech he gave before the United States Senate. Additionally, the article includes the text of his speech and continues on pg. ... See More  

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Suffragist leader, Tennie Claflin, is married into royalty...

Item #673564

February 16, 1888

GREENSBORO NORTH STATE, North Carolina, Feb. 16, 1888  The front page has an interesting article on the notable Tennessee (Tennie) Claflin, who with her sister, Victoria Woodhull, were leading women's suffrage leaders. The article is headed: "Viscountess Of Montserrat" "Well Remembered Tennie C. Claflin Bears that Title and is Visiting Here".

Eight pages, very nice co... See More  

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Ohio, Kansas, and New York ratify Suffrage Amendment....

Item #673509

June 19, 1919

THE GREENSBORO PATRIOT, North Carolina, June 19, 1919  This 8 page newspaper has a one column headline on the front page: "THREE MORE STATES RATIFY SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT", followed by a paragraph description of the events for each state: Ohio, Kansas and New York.

Additionally, the front page has a one column heading: "THE ANTI-SUFFS WILL FIGHT TO THE FINISH", describin... See More  

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The Women's International Council is formed...

Item #673312

April 05, 1888

GREENSBORO NORTH STATE, North Carolina, April 5, 1888  The front page has a report on the historic 1st meeting of the International Council of Women which was held in Washington, D.C., and was presided over by Susan B. Anthony. The front has: "THE WOMEN'S COUNCIL ENDED", followed by considerable details of the meeting. The article states the closing session began with prayer, en... See More  

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Jeff Davis, voting for African-Americans...

Item #672978

December 22, 1865

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 22, 1865  Among the front page column heads are: "The Case of Jeff. Davis" "Endorsing the President's Annual Message" "Negro Suffrage in the District" "The Constitutional Amendment" and more.

Eight pages, never bound nor trimmed, good condition.

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Did Edwin Booth kill the President? Reconstruction...

Item #672829

June 11, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, June 11, 1865 

* Trial of the conspirators

* Edwin Booth ?

The front page has: "The Trial - The Evidence on Saturday" being that of the Lincoln conspirators. One bit notes: "...after the assassination of the President I heard...that it was Edwin Booth who assassinated the President..." with more

Page 2 has much on Reconstruction including:
... See More  

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Lucy, Lady Houston death...

Item #657967

December 30, 1936

THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 30, 1936

* Lucy, Lady Houston death

* British philanthropist & suffragette

* Political activist - aviation pioneer

The top of page 21 has a one column heading: "LADY HOUSTON DIES AT HOME IN LONDON" with subheads and photo. (see) First report coverage on the death of Lucy, Lady Houston.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete wi... See More  

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1928 Emmeline Pankhurst death... suffragette...

Item #656039

June 14, 1928


* Emmeline Pankhurst death (1st report)

* British political activist & suffragette

* Women's suffrage leader - right to vote

The front page has a one column heading: "Noted Leader of Suffrage Fight Is Dead" (see). First report coverage on the death of Emmeline Pankhurst, British leader on Women's suffrage.

Complete with all 38 pag... See More  

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Women's Suffrage in 1920....

Item #654585

August 20, 1920

FITCHBURG DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, August 20, 1920


* Woman's Suffrage (19th Amendment)

* about a week prior

The front page has a two line, two column heading: "RATIFICATION OF SUFFRAGE MAY BE RECONSIDERED," with the subhead: "Such is the Statement of Speaker Walker of the Lower Branch of the Tennessee Legislature." A related front page article has: &quo... See More  

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Feminist Ruth Hale death... Women's rights...

Item #643652

September 19, 1934

THE NEW YORK TIMES, September 19, 1934

* Feminist leader Ruth Hale death

* Women's rights - Woman's suffrage

* Founder of the Lucy Stone League

The top of page 19 has one column heading: "RUTH HALE IS DEAD; FEMINIST LEADER" with subheads and photo. (see) I suspect this is one of the few publications to report this particular event as other titles in our inventory do not.

... See More  

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Mary Garrett Hay death... suffragist...

Item #640661

August 31, 1928

THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 31, 1928

* Mary Garrett Hay death (1st report)

* Temperance worker & suffragist leader

The top of page has a one column heading: "MARY GARRETT HAY DIES SUDDENLY" with subheads and photo. (see)

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 40 pages, this is the rare rag edition that was produced on very high quality newsprint, with a ... See More  

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Carrie Chapman Catt & Octave Thanet...

Item #636918

January 10, 1934

THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 10, 1934

* Carrie Chapman Catt honored

* American women's suffrage leader

* Octave Thanet (Alice French) death

The top of page 19 has a two column photo headed: "Noted Women's Leader Is 75 Years Old" and one column heading: "MRS. CATT HONORED ON 75TH BIRTHDAY" with subheads. (see)

The top of page 21 has a one column heading: "OC... See More  

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Charles Dickens... Washington Territory...

Item #636642
HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE, New York, September, 1870  Within this is issue is a 5+ page article "Footprints of Charles Dickens" which begins "Charles Dickens was dead. It was hard to realize, but realized it was at last; and then there was no look or voice in London but repeated it over and over -- Charles Dickens is dead!..."

Also within the issue are articles &q... See More  

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Charles Dickens... Washington Territory...

Item #633480
HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE, New York, September, 1870  Within this is issue is a 5+ page article "Footprints of Charles Dickens" which begins "Charles Dickens was dead. It was hard to realize, but realized it was at last; and then there was no look or voice in London but repeated it over and over -- Charles Dickens is dead!..."

Also within the issue are articles &q... See More  

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Russia and Italy vs. Bulgaria... Suffragist vote...

Item #622636

October 20, 1915

THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 20, 1915  The front page has a three-column, three-line headline "Russia and Italy Declare War on Bulgaria and Allies Warn Greece; Bulgars Cut the Nish Railroad" with subheads "Italian Fleet on the Way " "Allies Reject Greek View of Treaty and Land More Troops" "Some Marching overland" and more. There are additional articles ... See More  

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Anna Elizabeth Dickinson speech...

Item #615365

April 20, 1872

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, April 20, 1872

* Woman's rights - suffrage

* Anna Elizabeth Dickinson

The back page has an article headed: "THE PEOPLE'S PARTY" "Miss Anna E. Dickinson's Lecture At Cooper Institute" and more. (see) Text takes up about 1 1/3 columns.

Other news of the day. Complete in 8 pages, very nice condition.... See More  

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Julia Ward Howe...

Item #613097

May 20, 1873

THE EVANSVILLE JOURNAL, Indiana, May 20, 1873

* Julia War Howe

* New England Woman Suffrage Association

This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many advertisements. The front page has an article headed: "Woman Suffragists in Mass Meeting" See image for text here.

This issue is not fragile as newsprint back then was made of cotton and linen rags, allowing them to ... See More  

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Very early woman's suffrage newspaper...

Item #610666
WOMAN'S JOURNAL, Boston, Chicago & St. Louis, 1879  As noted at the top of the front page: "...devoted to the interests of Woman, to her educational, industrial, legal and political Equality and especially to her right of Suffrage." Editors listed include Julia Ward Howe, Lucy Stone, & Mary A. Livermore. Each issue contains numerous articles related to woman's suffra... See More  

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Suffragist leader Emmeline Pankhurst...

Item #605450

October 21, 1913

THE OMAHA DAILY BEE, Omaha, Nebraska, October 21, 1913  The front page has a column wide headline "Militant Leader Free to Go Where She Will In Land" with subheads "Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst Released from Detention and Deportation Order Reversed" "Admitted Own Recognizance" "Action Follows Conference of Wilson and Labor Secretary" "Highly Elated Over... See More  

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On Susan B. Anthony being allowed to vote...

Item #605288

March 02, 1874

NEW YORK TIMES, March 2, 1874  Page 2 has: "A Woman Suffrage" "the Arrest of the Rochester Inspectors for Accepting Miss Anthony's Vote--Gen. Butler's Opinion" which concerns Susan B. Anthony voting at a Rochester election. It includes an encouraging note signed by General Benjamin Butler (see). Page 5 has: "The Temperance Meet5ing at Harry Hill's".

... See More  

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John Surratt indicted...

Item #605021

February 23, 1867

WORCESTER EVENING GAZETTE, Worcester, Massachusetts, February 23, 1867

* Negroes suffrage

* District of Columbia

Page 3 has a one column heading: "Surratt In Court". See image for text.

Other news of the day with several interesting advertisements. Complete in 4 pages, minor spine wear, nice condition.

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Negro suffrage...

Item #605003

January 31, 1867

WORCESTER EVENING GAZETTE, Massachusetts, January 31, 1867

* Negroes suffrage

* District of Columbia

Page 2 has a small one column heading: "Negro Suffrage" See image for text here.

Other news of the day with several interesting advertisements. Complete in 4 pages, minor spine wear, nice condition.

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Women's suffrage passed in Senate...

Item #601484

June 05, 1919

THE SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, Springfield, Massachusetts, June 6, 1919

* Women's suffrage passed in Senate

* Women to vote in 1920 elections

The front page has one column headlines that include: "STATES EAGER TO BE FIRST FOR SUFFRAGE", "Race Seems to Be Between Wisconsin, Texas, Illinois and Michigan", "Marshall Signs The Amendment" and mo... See More  

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Anna Elizabeth Dickinson death....

Item #600772

October 25, 1932

THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 25, 1932

* Anna Elizabeth Dickinson death

* Anti slavery - Women's rights

Page 19 has one column headlines:


"Had Been Hoping to Celebrate 90th Birthday Next Friday Until Just Before End"

"Woman's Rights Champion"

and more with photo. (see) See images for 1st report coverage on t... See More  

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Reconstruction... The South after the war... Arizona...

Item #600291

June 26, 1865

NEW-YORK TRIBUNE, New York, June 26, 1865

* Post Civil War reconstruction in the South

The front page has the following one column headlines: "RECONSTRUCTION", "The South Carolinians & the President", "Plain Words by the Chief Magistrate", "Conditions to the Readmission of the Palmetto State", "The Abandonment of Slavery Essential", &quo... See More  

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Charles Ponzi arrested... Wall Street scam...

Item #598054

August 14, 1920

THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 14, 1920

* Charles Ponzi goes to jail

* Stock Market

* Women's suffrage

The front page has one column headlines that include: "PONZI GOES TO JAIL; RIVAL OPERATORS ARE ALSO TAKEN", "Crowd Storms Offices", "Forty Additional Counts Placed Against 'the Wizard,' Who Fears for Life" and more.  This was ... See More  

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Charles Ponzi finally exposed...

Item #597654

August 10, 1920

THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 10, 1920

* Charles Ponzi finally exposed (1st report)

* Wall Street scheme - Stock Market

* Women's suffrage

The front page has one column headlines that include: "STOP PONZI CHECKS; SAY HE'S BANKRUPT" "Bank Commissioner Declares His Account Is Overdrawn--3 Note Holders File Petition" "Is Solvent, "Wizard" Says" and... See More  

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The death of Harriet May Mills... suffragist...

Item #594394

May 16, 1935

ALBANY EVENING NEWS, Albany, New York, May 16, 1935

* Harriet May Mills death

* Syracuse, NY suffragist

This 40 page newspaper has one column headings on the front page: "HARRIET MILLS IS DEAD AT 77" and "Pioneer in Woman Suffrage Dies After Long Illness" with small photo. 1st report coverage on the death of Harriet May Mills, famed suffragist from Syracuse, New York.

... See More  

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Women's Suffrage ratified in Massachusetts...

Item #588950

June 26, 1919

LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Leominster, Massachusetts, June 26, 1919

* Women's Suffrage - Woman

This 8 page newspaper has two column headlines on the front page that include: "STATE LEGISLATURE RATIFIES WOMAN SUFFRAGE" and more (see photos). This contains coverage on the ratification of Women's Suffrage in the state of Massachusetts.

Other news of the day. Light brownin... See More  

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Women's Suffrage movement photo....

Item #586885

October 23, 1915

SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, Springfield, Massachusetts, October 23, 1915

* Women's suffrage movement

* Front page photo

This 22 page newspaper has a nice front page Women's suffrage photo with caption: "Victory" (see photos).

Also one column headlines also on the front page that include: "SUFFRAGE PROSPECT", "Will Parade Today", "With "Victory... See More  

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1914 Women's suffrage...

Item #586086

February 04, 1914

THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Georgia, February 4, 1914

* Fight for Women's Suffrage

* Another early defeat

This 12 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page that include: "WOMAN SUFFRAGE RECEIVES A BLOW FROM DEMOCRATS", "Majority Members of the National House, in Caucus, Refuse to Create a Committee on Suffrage" and more. See photos for text.

... See More  

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