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Web Results (119)



Two George Washington script signatures...

Item #686115

October 10, 1789


* (2) President George Washington acts

* First year of his administration

Most of the first column of page 2 contains not one but two of the very desirable Acts of Congress each signed in script type by President George Washington and in block type by Vice President John Adams. This title was one of just a few to use the "script&... See More  

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Three Acts of Congress signed by George Washington...

Item #686108

July 07, 1790


* President George Washington

* Two Acts of U.S. Congress

Most of the middle column on page 2 is taken up with three Acts of Congress, all headed with a nice engraving of a heraldic eagle and each signed in type by: George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson.

Most of page 2 is taken up with reports from congress. Page 3 ha... See More  

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Two Acts of Congress signed by George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams...

Item #686073

April 02, 1791

GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, Philadelphia, April 2, 1791 

* President George Washington

* Two Acts of U.S. Congress

The front page has reporting on: "The Bank Bill under Consideration". The back page has two Acts of Congress, headed with an engraving of a heraldic eagle, each signed in block type by: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams. The bkpg. also has an ... See More  

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Hamilton, Washington, and Adams...

Item #686060

November 23, 1791

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov. 23, 1791  Most of the first column of the front page is taken up with the: "Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the Estimates for 1792" which is signed in type: Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury.

The front page also contains a: "Report of the Trustees of the Sinking Fund" signed by the Vice President: John Adams. Taking ... See More  

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Hamilton, Washington, and Adams...

Item #686059

November 23, 1791

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov. 23, 1791  Most of the first column of the front page is taken up with the: "Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the Estimates for 1792" which is signed in type: Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury.

The front page also contains a: "Report of the Trustees of the Sinking Fund" signed by the Vice President: John Adams. Taking ... See More  

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Tonnage Act: further defining the historic Tariff Act of 1789...

Item #686042

July 22, 1789

GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, New York, July 22, 1789  

* Tariff Act of 1789 (Tonnage)

* George Washington signs

* 1st major piece of legislation

Most of page 2 and a bit of page 2 are taken up with "Sketches of the Proceedings of Congress" providing interesting insight into the discussion of the very new federal government.

Page 3 has the full text of: "An Act Im... See More  

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Tonnage Act: further defining the historic Tariff Act of 1789..

Item #686033

July 24, 1789


* Tariff Act of 1789 (Tonnage)

* George Washington signs

* 1st major piece of legislation

The entire front page is taken up with ads including 7 illustrated ship ads.

Page 2 has an address to George Washington from the governor & council of North Carolina, which is followed by his reply which carries ove... See More  

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John Adams and the XYZ Affair...

Item #685709

July 04, 1798


* re. the XYZ Affair

* France relations

* John Adams

The front page, most of pg. 2 & some of page 5 are taken up with a lengthy letter from the U.S. ambassadors to the French ministers of state concerning the XYZ Affair, including an introductory note signed by the President: John Adams.

Four pages, nice cond... See More  

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The rights of women... John Adams on the XYZ Affair...

Item #685693

March 24, 1798

THE WEEKLY MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, March 24, 1798  An uncommon title which lasted only from Feb., 1798 thru June, 1799, during which time it was suspended for 6 months due to the death of the editor.

Contents include a wide range of eclectic articles, one of which is: "The Rights Of Woman" which is a serialized article, this portion taking over 3 1/2 pages.

The back 1 1/2 pages ar... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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John Adams on the XYZ Affair...

Item #685689

March 10, 1798

THE WEEKLY MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, March 10, 1798 

* The XYZ Affair

* France relations

* John Adams

An uncommon title which lasted only from Feb., 1798 thru June, 1799, during which time it was suspended for 6 months due to the death of the editor.

Contents include a wide range of eclectic articles with the back 2 1/2 pages taken up with "Intelligence". It begins with ... See More  

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A John Adams Proclamation... Rights of women...

Item #685686

March 31, 1798

THE WEEKLY MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, March 31, 1798  An uncommon title which lasted only from Feb., 1798 thru June, 1799, during which time it was suspended for 6 months due to the death of the editor.

Contents include a wide range of eclectic articles, one of which is: "The Rights Of Woman" which is a serialized article, this portion taking 1 1/2 pages. The back two pages are taken ... See More  

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Scathing comments about Callender...

Item #685598

September 01, 1802

AURORA GENERAL ADVERTISER, Frankford, Sept. 1, 1802

* President Thomas Jefferson

* James Callender squabble

Note that this issue was published in nearby Frankford to escape the Yellow Fever epidemic in Philadelphia.

This is a significant issue on the James Calendar/Thomas Jefferson controversy (see information at the bottom). After having been denied a lucrative federal position by Jeffers... See More  

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On Jefferson paying Callender's fine...

Item #685587

August 23, 1802

AURORA GENERAL ADVERTISER, Frankford, Aug. 23, 1802

* President Thomas Jefferson

* James Callender squabble

Note that this issue was published in nearby Frankford to escape the Yellow Fever epidemic in Philadelphia.

Page 2 has an interesting 2 column comparison of "Callender versus Callender" as reported in the Richmond Recorder, headed: "The Recorder is 'a paper' sa... See More  

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Three John Adams script signatures on the front page...

Item #684279

August 21, 1799

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 21, 1799 

* President John Adams : script signatures on front page

Close to half of the front page is taken up with three Acts of Congress, each signed in script type by the President: John Adams. The first concerns: "...regulating the grants of land appropriated for military services, and for the society of the United Brethren for propagating the G... See More  

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On the XYZ Affair, with letters from President Adams...

Item #684097

June 27, 1798

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, June 27, 1798 

* The XYZ Affair

* France relations

* John Adams

The first column has a brief document signed by the President: John Adams, as an introduction to a lengthy document regarding the XYZ Affair and relations with France.

Page 2 has yet another related document signed by: John Adams as well as one from the French diplomat, one of the principals i... See More  

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Delinquent subscribers must pay up... John Adams documents...

Item #683813

March 20, 1799


* Nice 18th century American publication

The front page begins with a notice: "To Delinquent Customers" notes that: "...a settlement must take place immediately...To prevent the unpleasant business of suing is the occasion of delaying the period of settlement to the time above mentioned." signed in ... See More  

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John Adams script signatures... Trenton the federal capital...

Item #683004

October 19, 1799

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Oct. 19, 1799 

* Two President John Adams script signatures

* Nice ad for King Harry the Eighth Playing Cards

* Trenton, New Jersey serves as Federal Capital

* Moses Gill proclamation and script signature

The front page features two Acts of Congress, each signed in script type by the President: John Adams. One is a conclusion from a previous issue for regu... See More  

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Adams's inauguration: the peaceful transfer of power...

Item #682538

March 13, 1797

THE CONNECTICUT COURANT, Hartford, March 13, 1797

* John Adams inauguration

* Thomas Jefferson

A very historic issue as it reports the true test of the great American republic: the peaceful transfer of power. 

Page 2 has a report noting in part: "On Saturday at twelve o'clock...soon after his election, JOHN ADAMS as President of the United States attended in the Chamber of th... See More  

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Two Acts of Congress signed by John Adams...

Item #680460

August 31, 1799

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 31, 1799 

* President John Adams

* Land Acts of Congress

The front page has two Acts of Congress, each signed in script type: John Adams. One is to authorize the sale of: "...certain lands between the Great and Little Miami rivers in the territory of the United States north-west of the Ohio...". Other items include: "Rumors of a N
... See More  

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Six letters signed by President John Adams...

Item #679570

May 26, 1798

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, May 26, 1798

* President John Adams

A nice issue for display as the front page contains not just one but six letters, each signed in type by the president: JOHN ADAMS. There are two more letters signed by Adams on page 2.

These letters are in response to letters sent to him by people or groups in Lancaster &  Harrisburg, Penna., and also Burlington &... See More  

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Launch of the U.S. brig President Adams...

Item #679233

August 07, 1799

THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, Aug. 7, 1799  Most of the front page is taken up with: "Robespierre--The Detested", the famous name from the French Revolution.

A page 2 item from Pittsburgh has: "A new brig, the property of the United States, called President Adams, was launched on Rouge River, six miles from Detroit...She carries 18 guns & is remarkab... See More  

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Very displayable... Four George Washington script signatures...

Item #679021

March 30, 1796

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, March 30, 1796  

* President George Washington - John Adams

* Four Acts of Congress signed in type

The front page features not one but four Acts of Congress, each one signed in script type by: Go. Washington, President of the United States. Each is also signed in block type by the Vice President, John Adams.

One of the Acts is: "...for allowing compens... See More  

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Thomas Jefferson and John Adams...

Item #677516

May 27, 1797

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, May 27, 1797  Page 3 has 1 1/2 columns taken up with a speech prefaced with: "Yesterday...the senate...waited on the President...at his house, when the Vice-President presented the following answer to his address to both houses, at the opening of the session:" The address begins: "Sir, The senate of the United States request you ... See More  

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George Washington, John Adams, and a list of the House...

Item #677515

May 20, 1797


* President George Washington

Half of the front page is taken up with the "Speech" of the President to Congress on this special session he requested two deal with the troubling XYZ Affair. The speech carries over to page 2 where it is signed in type: John Adams.

Page 2 has an address of the General Assembly of Rh... See More  

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Washington ends his political career...

Item #677475

March 04, 1797


* President George Washington's birthday

* Political career comes to an end (John Adams)

Page 2 has a report on the celebration of George Washington's birthday, including the list of 13 toasts. A similar report from Morristown, New Jersey, on page 3 but with 16 toasts.

Page 3 has the: "Objections of the Pres... See More  

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Details on the Presidential election of 1796...

Item #677066

February 22, 1797


* John Adams presidential election

* Thomas Jefferson as vice president

Page 2 has a report from the "Proceedings of the Columbian Federal Congress" concerning the process for tallying votes for President & Vice President: "...that the two Houses shall assemble in the chamber of the House of Represen... See More  

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George Washington is elected President of the United States...

Item #677063

February 20, 1793

NATIONAL GAZETTE, Philadelphia, Feb. 20, 1793

* President George Washington

* Historic 2nd election victory

Nearly three-quarters of the front page is taken up with an address: "To ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Secretary of the Treasury of he United States". This is followed, on page 2, with a second analysis of America's financial situation.

But by far the most significant ite
... See More  

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Honor bestowed upon President John Adams...

Item #676971

August 30, 1797

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 30, 1797  Page 2 has a "Tribute of Respect" from the American Academy of Arts & Sciences written: "To John Adams, L.L.D., President of the United States of America" concerning an honor given to him. This is followed boy: "The President's Answer", signed in script type: John Adams.

Four pages, a bit irregular at the blank ... See More  

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Four script signatures of John Adams... Frigate "Constitution"...

Item #676959

August 09, 1797

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 9, 1797 

* President John Adams

* 4 Acts of Congress signed

* USS Constitution under construction

The full first column of the front page has four Acts of Congress, each one signed in script type by the President: John Adams.

Also, page 2 has a letter signed in block type by the President: John Adams. Page 2 also has an update on "Naval Articles&... See More  

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Script signature of John Adams...

Item #676955

July 22, 1797

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 22, 1797  

* President John Adams & Thomas Jefferson

The front page has a full column taken up with two Acts of Congress under the heading: "Laws Of the United States - By Authority", each signed in script type by the President: John Adams, and in block type by Thomas Jefferson. Displayable as such. 

Four pages, nice condition.... See More  

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President John Adams signs in script type...

Item #676952

July 08, 1797

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 8, 1797  

* President John Adams

* Acts of Congress

The last column of the front page is taken up with two Acts of Congress, each signed in in type by the President, John Adams, one in script type & the other in block type. Page 2 begins with a third Act signed in script type by John Adams.

Four pages, nice condition.... See More  

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Foreign currency will no longer be legal tender in the United States...

Item #676886

August 01, 1797

NEW YORK MAGAZINE OR LITERARY REPOSITORY, August, 1797  The issue is filled mostly with an eclectic collection of articles, while the back several pages contain news items of the day.

Among the articles is an interesting one: "Improvements Suggested in Female Education" which takes nearly 3 pages.

Near the back is: "A PROCLAMATION" signed in type by the President, John A... See More  

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Foreign currency will no longer be legal tender in the United States...

Item #676885

August 01, 1797

NEW YORK MAGAZINE OR LITERARY REPOSITORY, August, 1797  The issue is filled mostly with an eclectic collection of articles, while the back several pages contain news items of the day.

Among the articles is an interesting one: "Improvements Suggested in Female Education" which takes nearly 3 pages.

Near the back is: "A PROCLAMATION" signed in type by the President, John A... See More  

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Includes the full page plate: rarely found... Launching the frigate 'United States'...

Item #676880

May 01, 1797


* President John Adams - Congress

* USS United States launching

The issue is filled mostly with an eclectic collection of articles, while the back several pages contain news items of the day.

Perhaps the most notable content is the: "President's Speech" which takes 5 1/2 pages. This was his speech of May 15, 17907, Ad... See More  

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Adams calls a special session of Congress due to the French-American crisis... Launching the frigate 'United States'...

Item #676879

May 01, 1797

NEW YORK MAGAZINE OR LITERARY REPOSITORY, May, 1797  The issue is filled mostly with an eclectic collection of articles, while the back several pages contain news items of the day.

Perhaps the most notable content is the: "President's Speech" which takes 5 1/2 pages. This was his speech of May 15, 17907, Adams calling for the first special session of Congress to consider the wo... See More  

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John Adams is elected President of the United States...

Item #676792

February 01, 1797


* John Adams presidential election

* Thomas Jefferson as vice president

The most notable report is the announcement that John Adams has been elected President of the United States.

A report near the back notes in part: "Yesterday, agreeable to a provision of the Constitution...the members...assembled...to count the votes ... See More  

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John Adams and Thomas Jefferson...

Item #676376

March 14, 1798

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, March 14, 1798  

* President John Adams acts of Congress

* Thomas Jefferson and Increase Sumner

The front page features two Acts of Congress, each signed in script type by the President: John Adams, and in block type by the Vice President: Th. Jefferson, one for defraying expenses for a treaty with Indians.

Also on the front page is a Mass. Act signed in sc... See More  

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Script signatures by President John Adams...

Item #672549

November 08, 1800

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov. 8, 1800  The front page contains four Acts of Congress, each signed in script type by the President: John Adams, and in block type by the Vice President: Th. Jefferson, making this a displayable newspaper. One of the Acts is concerning the United States Mint and another rations for Indians..

Four pages, never-trimmed margins, nice condition.... See More  

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Spaniards & Indians on the frontier...

Item #669097

July 19, 1797


* President John Adams

The front page has the: "Message of the President of the United States to both Houses of Congress..." regarding the Spaniards & Indians on the frontier, signed in type: John Adams. Page 2 has much reporting on the: "Proceedings of the Columbian Federal Congress".

Four pag... See More  

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Presidential proclamation signed by John Adams...

Item #669094

April 05, 1797


* Nice 18th century American publication

* President John Adams proclamation

The front page has reports from the: "Proceedings of the Columbian Federal Congress". Page 3 has: "A Proclamation" concerning a need to convene Congress, signed in type: John Adams.

Four pages, nice condition.... See More  

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The Georgia militia writes to the President...

Item #668983

November 16, 1798

FEDERAL GAZETTE & BALTIMORE DAILY ADVERTISER, Nov. 16, 1798  Page 2 has a letter from the Georgia militia to the President concerning the troubling situation with the French, followed by his response to them signed: John Adams.

Four pages, handsome masthead, minor foxing, nice condition.

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President Adams responds to the residents of Rowley...

Item #668964

October 19, 1798

FEDERAL GAZETTE & BALTIMORE DAILY ADVERTISER, Oct. 19, 1798  Pages 2 and 3 contain an address to the President from the inhabitants of Rowley, Mass., to which he gives his "Answer" signed: John Adams.

Four pages, handsome masthead, nice condition.

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Responses from the President, John Adams...

Item #668962

October 15, 1798

FEDERAL GAZETTE & BALTIMORE DAILY ADVERTISER, Oct. 15, 1798  Page 2 has an address to the President by the inhabitants of Kanhawa County, with the response signed: John Adams. Also an address from the grand jurors of Hampshire County to the President, with the response signed: John Adams.

Four pages, handsome masthead, nice condition.

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John Adams responds to the grand jury in Maine...

Item #668955

September 27, 1798

FEDERAL GAZETTE & BALTIMORE DAILY ADVERTISER, Sept. 27, 1798  Page 3 has an address to the President by the grand jury of the district of Maine (then part of Mass.) concerning the on-going troubles with France, followed by: "The Answer" signed in type: John Adams.

An interesting report: "There are now in the United States seven Universities, sixteen Colleges, and sixty Aca... See More  

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Beating Obamacare by 212 years...

Item #668954

September 26, 1798


* President John Adams

Page 2 contains the full text of: "An Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen" which was signed into law on July 16, 1798 with the signature of the President: John Adams.

This Act of Congress authorized the deduction of 20 cents per month from the wages of seamen for the sole purpose of ... See More  

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U.S. is building more frigates...

Item #668936

August 03, 1798

FEDERAL GAZETTE & BALTIMORE DAILY ADVERTISER, Aug. 3, 1798  Page 3 has the: "Answer to my Fellow Citizens of the County of Richmond, in Virginia" signed in type: John Adams.

Also a brief report: "At Philadelphia a 44 gun ship is building; at Portsmouth, a 20; at Newburyport, a 22; at Boston (expected) a 32; at Warren, a 20; and at several other ports."

Four pages, ha... See More  

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Giving permission for the President to borrow money...

Item #668931

July 26, 1798


* President John Adams

Page 2 has over half a column taken up with: "AN ACT To Enable the resident of the United States to Borrow money for the Public Service" signed at its conclusion: John Adams.

Four pages, handsome masthead, foxing to an upper corner, nice condition.... See More  

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Two letters signed in script by George Washington...

Item #668117

January 16, 1796

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Jan. 16, 1796 

* President George Washington letters signed in script

Page 2 has a letter from the President to Congress signed in script type: Go. Washington. Also on pg. 2 is a letter from the French to Washington, with his reply also signed in script type: Go. Washington.

This title was one of very few which used script type for the President, which is mo... See More  

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Jefferson versus Callender...

Item #666994

August 24, 1802

THE BALANCE & COLUMBIAN REPOSITORY, Hudson, New York, August 24, 1802 

* President Thomas Jefferson

* James Callender squabble

Pages 2 and 3 have much interesting content on the on-going feud between Thomas Jefferson and James Callender.

Callender had a reputation as a "scandalmonger", due to the content of some of his reporting, which overshadowed the political content.... See More  

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Jefferson versus Callender...

Item #666988

August 03, 1802

THE BALANCE & COLUMBIAN REPOSITORY, Hudson, New York, August 3, 1802 

* President Thomas Jefferson

* James Callender squabble

Inside has about a full page of interesting content on the on-going feud between Thomas Jefferson and James Callender, including a lengthy letter signed by the latter.

Callender had a reputation as a "scandalmonger", due to the content of some of ... See More  

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