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Web Results (52)



From during the French & Indian War...

Item #208979
THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, 1759 A nice Scottish newspaper from this significant year during the French & Indian War, however this issues does not have any noteworthy content relating to the war. But much news of the day, mostly from Europe, and many ads as well. Relatively nice condition with some light browning or dirtiness, small folio-size measuring about 9 1/2 by 14 1/2 inche... See More  

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From the period of the French & Indian War...

Item #208451
THE DAILY ADVERTISER, London, 1758 As the title might suggest the emphasis was on advertisements with a tremendous number found within this complete, four page issue. This is a nice issue from during the period of the French & Indian War in America although I do not find any such content in this issue. There is various current news on the front page. Folio-size, partial red-inked tax stamp on ... See More  

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