Web Results (353)



Crisis in the South...

Item #688106

December 17, 1860

NEW YORK HERALD, Dec. 17, 1860  

* Pre Civil War tensions - Southern crisis

* Abraham Lincoln as president elect

Among the one column headlines on the tensions building in the South prior to the Civil War are: "THE NATIONAL CRISIS" "The Reaction at the Court" "Fears of the Abolitionists in Boston and Brooklyn" "The Police Out In Force" "Impo... See More  

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Civil War map of Cape Hatteras...

Item #688105

January 29, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, Jan. 29, 1862  

* General Ambrose Burnside

* North Carolina expedition

* Cape Hatteras map

The front page features a nice Civil War map headed: "The Burnside Expedition. Map Showing Hatteras Inlet, Caper Hatteras & Loggerhead Inlet".

Several front page column heads on the Civil War including: "The Burnside Expedition" "Most of the Fleet &... See More  

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Map of the Vicksburg vicinity...

Item #688089

July 13, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD July 13, 1862  The front page features a nice & detailed Civil War map headed: "The Bombardment Of Vicksburg - Location of the City & the New Canal--Present Position of the Union Fleets." 

There are many ftpg. one column war heads including: "The Siege of Vicksburg" "Sketch of Vicksburg & Surrounding Country" "Strength of th... See More  

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Battle of Shiloh with a Proclamation by Lincoln...

Item #688030

April 11, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, April 11, 1862 

* Battle of Shiloh - Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee

* President Abraham Lincoln proclamation of thanks

Nice coverage of the Battle of Shiloh and more.

Among front page column heads: "THE GREAT VICTORIES" "Important Details of the Battle at Pittsburg, Tenn." "Heroic Conduct of the Troops engaged in the Conflict" "Graphic... See More  

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Map on General Buell in Tennessee...

Item #687846

September 06, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, September 6, 1862  

* Battle of Antietam close

* General Don Carlos Buell w/ map

The front page has a nice Civil War map headed: "Operations Of Buell In Tennessee".

Among the front page column heads are: "The Rebels Threatening the Line of the Potomac" "The Rebels Passing Through Thoroughfare Gap" "McClellan's Order to the Army&q... See More  

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Large map of Burnside's accomplishments....

The death of Commodore Uriah P. Levy...

Item #687618

March 25, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, March 25, 1862 

* Uriah P. Levy death (1st report)

* 1st Jewish commodore of U.S. Navy

* American Civil War - Jews

The most notable content within this issue is the very brief, but historic page 7 report of the death of Commodore (Admiral) Uriah P. Levy, the first U.S. Jewish Commodore, war of 1812 war hero, and credited as to having abolished the disciplinary procedu... See More  

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Civil War map takes up the entire front page...

Item #687484

May 27, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, May 27, 1862 

* Rare full page Civil War map & more

* Peninsula campaign - George McClellan

The entire front page is taken up with a huge and very detailed Civil War map with a banner heading: "THE IMPORTANT STRATEGIC MOVEMENTS IN VIRGINIA" along with: "Scene Of Operations in Front of Richmond, in the Valley & on the Line of the Upper Potomac--Th... See More  

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Two front page Civil War maps...

Item #687248

October 13, 1861

NEW YORK HERALD, Oct. 13, 1861  The front page has two maps titled: "THE AFFAIR AT CHICAMACOMICO" and "THE FIGHT AT SANTA ROSA ISLAND" which is in Florida near Pensacola Bay.

Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "THE REBELLION" "Advance of the Rebels on the Potomac" "Battle Between the Rebels and Col. Wilson's Regiment Near For... See More  

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News from "the rebellion"...

Item #685467

September 19, 1861

NEW YORK HERALD, Sept. 19, 1861  Among the ftpg. column heads on the Civil war are: "THE REBELLION" "Important News From Maryland" "Rebel Demand for the Surrender of Lexington" "Important News From Kentucky" & much more.

Eight pages, a little wear along the spine, generally nice.

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Sickening revelations at the Wirz Andersonville Prison trial...

Item #684454

September 08, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, Sept.  8, 1865 

* Andersonville Prison - Camp Sumter

* Captain Henry Wirz trial - Georgia

The back page has half a column with: "THE WIRZ TRIAL" "Continuation of the Sickening Revelations" "Early Adjournment of the Court on Account of Wirz's Illness".

The front page has much under: "National Politics" including: "M... See More  

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Brutalities unveiled at the Wirz trial...

Item #684450

September 22, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, Sept. 22, 1865 

* Andersonville Civil War prison in Georgia 

* Captain Henry Wirz trial

Front page column heads include: "THE WIRZ TRIAL" "Another Chapter of Brutality and Horrors" "Howell Cobb Desired to Hang All the Yankee Prisoners" "Suggested Punishment for the Georgia Ladies who Collected Supplies for the Sufferers" &qu... See More  

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Andersonville's Henry Wirz to be executed today...

Item #684449

November 10, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, Nov. 10, 1865 

* Day of Execution of Captain Henry Wirz

* Andersonville Civil War prison - Georgia

Among the front page column heads are: "Washington" "The Execution of Wirz to Take Place To-day" "No Likelihood of a Reprieve from the President" "Preparations of the Prisoner to Meet His Doom".

Eight pages, a bit irregular at the ... See More  

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Reconstruction: rebels seek pardon...

Item #684447

June 26, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, June 26, 1865  Among the front page column heads are: "WASHINGTON" The President Determined to Maintain Freedom of Political Discussion for All" "The Southern Refugees Versus the Southern Delegation" "Additional Rebels Pardoned & Seeking Pardon" "and more.

Eight pages, small ink blotch near the bottom, nice condition.

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Reconstruction in Virginia & South Carolina...

Item #684435

June 27, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, June 27, 1865  Among the front page column heads relating to reconstruction efforts after the Civil War are: "VIRGINIA" "The Right to Vote Extended to the Virginia Rebels" "The Status of the Negro Established: "The Health of Jeff. Davis" "The President Worn Out by Incessant Exertion" "The Reconstruction of South Carolina"... See More  

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Jefferson Davis is inaugurated as President...

Item #682679

February 25, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, Feb. 25, 1862 

* Jefferson Davis inauguration

* President of the Confederacy

* Nashville, Tennessee map

The front page features a nice map of: "THE CITY OF NASHVILLE" which includes the city streets.

But of most significance is the front page report headed: "Inauguration of Jeff. Davis as President of the Bogus Confederacy" "Scenes and Ceremo... See More  

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Lincoln's last public speech and last proclamation...

Item #682496

April 12, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, April 12, 1865   

* Civil War is over speech

* Abraham Lincoln's last public speech

* Presidential proclamation 128

* Just 2 days before his assassination

This issue was printed just 2 days prior to Lincoln's assassination, with the front page containing what is noted as Lincoln's last speech.

The front page heads include: "OUR VICTORIES" ... See More  

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Terrific display issue on Lincoln's assassination...

Item #682478

April 16, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, April 16, 1865 

* Abraham Lincoln's assassination

* John Wilkes Booth- Ford's Theatre

This date was a Sunday, and only rarely were Sunday newspapers bound into volumes held by libraries. As such, this date is arguably more scarce than the issue of April 15.

And when it comes to graphic appeal, it could also be argued that this edition of the 16th surpasses tha... See More  

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The horrors of the Andersonville prison...

Item #682236

September 02, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, Sept. 2, 1865 

* Andersonville prison trial

* Henry Wirz

The prime content is at the top of the bkpg. with reports on the trial of Henry Wirz, the "demon" jailer of the Andersonville Prison camp: "THE WIRZ TRIAL" "The Horrible Case of the Age Resumed" "More Testimony as to the Inhumanity of Wirz" "Awful Condition of the Pris... See More  

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Great & huge Civil War map... Grant continues his successes...

Item #682131

May 12, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, May 12, 1864  

* Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse

* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

* Battle of Rocky Face Ridge - Georgia MAP

The front page has a wealth of Civil War news with nice first column heads including: "GRANT !" "Our Continued Success" "The Rebels Driven to Their Breastworks" "General Assault on the Enemy's Works&q... See More  

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Terrific full page Civil War map, plus another map as well...

Item #682128

May 13, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, May 13, 1864  

* Battle of Spotsylvania Court House - Virginia

* Generals Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

* Terrific full page Civil War map of campaign

Although the front page has over half a column of stacked heads on the Civil War, beginning with: "GRANT ! " with much more, the prime content would be the single sheet Supplement" issue attached, th... See More  

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Sherman's work in Georgia...

Item #682113

August 19, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 19, 1864  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "GRANT" "Gallant Conduct of the Troops Under General Hancock" "Storming & Capture of Rebel Works" "Brilliant Cavalry Operations" "SHERMAN" "Sharp Fight At Dalton" "Impetuous Charge of the Colored Infantry" "The Rebels Driven Bac... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Surrender of Dalton is demanded...

Item #682112

August 18, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 18, 1864 

* Second Battle of Dalton

* Joseph Wheeler's raid

* Battle of Guard Hill

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "SHERIDAN" "Excitement in the Shenandoah Valley" "Reported Readvance of the Rebels" "Washington to be Again Attacked" "Fighting At Front Royal" "SHERMAN" "Th... See More  

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Sherman & Grant in 1864...

Item #682110

August 17, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 17, 1864  

* William T. Sherman

* Ulysses S. Grant

Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "SHERMAN" "Additional Details of the Contest of the 6th Instant" "General Palmer Relieved by General Jeff. C. Davis" "Escape of One of Stoneman's Brigade Commanders from the Rebels" "GRANT" "Brill... See More  

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Two Civil War maps...

Item #682097

August 16, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 16, 1864  The front page features a very nice & detailed Civil War map headed: "SHERMAN'S LATEST MOVEMENT".

Among the front page column heads on the war are: "FARRAGUT" "Additional Details of the Brilliant Naval Battle in Mobile Bay" "SHERIDAN" "SHERMAN" "The Rebel Lines of Retreat from Atlanta Entirely Cut ... See More  

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The Rebel invasion...

Item #682090

August 09, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 9, 1864  

* Battle of Moorefield, West Virginia

* Last Confederate invasion of the North

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "THE INVASION" "Defeat of the Rebels Near Morefield by General Averill" "Official Reports of the Victory at New Creek" "Retreat of the Rebels from Maryland" "GRANT" "... See More  

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Rebels fail at mine exploding...

Item #682089

August 08, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 8, 1864  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "GRANT" "The Rebel Experiment in Mine Exploding" "Complete Failure of the Effort" "Rebel Forgeries" "The Attack on Mobile" and more inside as well.

Eight pages, great condition.

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Sherman's march thru the South...

Item #682082

August 04, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 4, 1864  

* Battle of Folck's Mill - Cumberland

* William T Sherman - Atlanta campaign

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "SHERMAN" "Operations Before the City of Atlanta" "The Macon Railroad Destroyed" "News from the Southwest" "Rebel Accounts" "GRANT" "HUNTER" "Re... See More  

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Grant and Lincoln meet...

Item #682080

August 03, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 3, 1864  

* Abraham Lincoln visits Grant in the field

Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "GRANT" "Review of the Operations on Saturday Last" "Our Losses in the Assault on the Rebel Works" "A Flag of Truce Prevailing on Monday" "The Dead Buried & the Wounded Cared For" "The Interview... See More  

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Great map of Petersburg, and so much more...

Item #682016

August 01, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 1, 1864  

* Battle of the Crater

* Petersburg, Virginia

The front page is dominated by a large Civil War map headed: "PETERSBURG, The Work Done by Grant--What He Has Overcome...".

Additional there is a diagram showing the: "Profile Of Burnside's Mine" as well as another diagram as well.

Among the front page column heads on the war ar... See More  

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Sherman closes in on Atlanta...

Item #682014

July 30, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, July 30, 1864  

* First Battle of Deep Bottom - Virginia

* William T. Sherman's march on Atlanta

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "GRANT ! " "The Fighting At Deep Bottom" "Defeat of the Rebels & Capture of Their Works" "The Rebels Driven Back" "The Casualties" "SHERMAN" "The... See More  

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Sherman is advancing upon Atlanta: with a map...

Item #682001

July 21, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, July 21, 1864  The front page is dominated by a huge map headed: "ATLANTA AND ITS VICINITY" showing concentric circles around it, as General Sherman makes his advance towards this significant Confederate city.

Front page column heads include: "SHERMAN" "The Advance of the Grand Army of the Southwest" "Rebels Taken by Surprise" "Op... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Latest reports from the Civil War...

Item #681997

July 18, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, July 18, 1864  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "The Late Invasion" "No Rebels to be Found Near Washington or Baltimore" "Grant" "Important from New Orleans" "Abandoned Plantations in the South" "General Banks Declares for Moral Power Rather than the Sword" and more.

Eight pages, very nice con... See More  

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War efforts of Ulysses S. Grant & his officers...

Item #681994

July 04, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, July 4, 1864  

* James H. Wilson & August Kautz Raid

* Richmond-Petersburg Virginia Campaign

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "GRANT ! " "Additional Details of the Operations of the Cavalry under Gen. Wilson" "60 Miles of Railroad Track Destroyed" "Late Numbers of Negroes, Horses, and Mules Gathered by His F... See More  

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The final rebel invasion...

Item #681988

July 17, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, July 17, 1864  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "The Rebel Invasion" "Skirmishing With the Enemy's Rear Guard" "Gen. Grant's Plans for Capturing the Invaders" "The Fight Near Jackson, Miss." "The Rebels Repulsed in All of the Engagements" and much more.

Eight pages, very nice condition.

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1864 Sherman's Atlanta campaign...

Item #681987

July 16, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, July 16, 1864

* General William T. Sherman

* Pre-march to the sea Atlanta

Among the front page column Civil War heads are: "SHERMAN" "Additional of the Union Army at the Defences of Atlanta" "Additional Details of the Crossing of the Chattahoochee" "Rebel Speculations as to Sherman" with more war reports inside as well.

Eight pages, ... See More  

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Rebels advancing upon Washington, D.C...

Item #681984

July 13, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, July 13, 1864  

* Rebels 2nd Northern attack

* Washington D.C. captured ?

Nearly two-thirds of the first column is taken up with nice Civil War heads including: "INVASION" "Rumored Attack on the Northern Defenses of Washington by 15,000 Rebels" "Fighting at Silver Springs, Near Washington" "Reported Cavalry Fight at Westminster" ... See More  

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Great reports on Sherman, Sheridan, and Grant...

Item #681976

June 19, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, June 19, 1864  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "SHERMAN" "The Campaign In Georgia" "The Battle of Resaca" "Retreat of the Rebels" "Hot Pursuit by Our Forces" "SHERIDAN!" "Brilliant Victory Near Gordonsville" "Complete Rout of the Rebel Cavalry" and then: "GRANT" &... See More  

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Movements of General Grant...

Item #681969

June 28, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, June 28, 1864  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "GRANT" "They Cross the James with All Their Trains" "Gradual but Sure Advance of General Grant's Circumvaliating Lines" "Fierce Assaults by the Rebels...Repulsed by Our Forces" "Additional Rebel Accounts" & more.

Eight pages, very nice condition.... See More  

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U.S. Grant near Petersburg...

Item #681962

June 24, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, June 24, 1864 

* General Ulysses S. Grant

* Overland Campaign

* White House Landing

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "THE WAR" "The Latest from General Grant's Forces Near Petersburg, Va." "Attack of Fitzhugh Lee and Wade Hampton at the White House" "The Rebels Repulsed & Driven Back by Union Gunboats&q... See More  

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Civil War map of Sherman in Georgia...

Item #681960

June 23, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, June 23, 1864 

* General William T. Sherman

* Pre March to the Sea operations

The prime feature of this issue is the nice ftpg. Civil War map headed: "SHERMAN'S OPERATIONS IN GEORGIA--Scene of Our Advance from June 12, to June 20".

Among the many front page one column heads are: "SHERMAN" "Brisk Fighting" "The Enemy Driven Back&q... See More  

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Huge Civil War map of Petersburg...

Item #681950

June 22, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, June 22, 1864 

* Second Battle of Petersburg, Virginia

* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

The front page is dominated by a huge Civil War map headed: "PETERSBURG. The Three Rebel Lines of Intrenchments." Plus the first column has nice war heads: "WAR" "Operations Around Petersburg" "Appearance of the Rebel Rams on the James River&qu... See More  

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Featuring two Civil War maps...

Item #681948

June 21, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, June 21, 1864  

* Second Battle of Petersburg

* U.S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

* Battle of Trevilian Station

* Two Civil War maps

The front page features a very nice Civil War map headed: "The Struggle At Petersburg--Lines of Rebel Intrenchments Carried by Our Troops."

Also nice first column heads: "THE WAR" "Operations At Petersburg" &qu... See More  

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Chattanooga... Treatment of Negro soldiers...

Item #681877

September 25, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Sept. 25, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "General Grant's Department" "Change in the Military Policy of the Rebels" "The Contraband Negroes in Arkansas" "Their Treatment By Our Troops" "The Plantation Free Labor System" "The Butchery of the Beckham Family" "Three of the Negro P... See More  

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Lincoln suspends Habeas Corpus...

Item #681868

September 16, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Sept. 16, 1863 

* Abraham Lincoln proclamation

* Habeas Corpus suspended

Being a "triple sheet" issue the entire ftpg. is taken up with advertisements. Inside has much reporting on the Civil War including: "Charleston" "A White Flag Flying Over the Shattered Walls of Fort Moultrie" "Union Forces in Possession of Half of James Island&q... See More  

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Rebel currency & a rebel bank... Battle at Culpepper...

Item #681867

September 15, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Sept. 15, 1863 

* Battle of Culpeper Court House

* Charleston SC South Carolina

Among the war-related reports inside: "The Rebel States" "Proposal For a Confederate Bank" "Depreciation of Rebel Currency" "Meade's Army" "Brilliant Cavalry Fight at Culpepper" "Charleston" "The Evacuation of Morris Islan... See More  

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Tennessee redeemed... Front page map...

Item #681857

September 06, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD,  Sept. 6, 1863  

* Tennessee Map - Kingston

* Charleston, South Carolina

The front page is dominated by a large Civil War map headed: "ALL TENNESSEE REDEEMED. The Capture of Kingston--Chattanooga & Knoxville Outflanked...".

Various column heads on the Civil War as well including: "Charleston" "The Rebels Have Fifteen-Inch Guns" &... See More  

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New York City draft names... Yankees victorious in Charleston Harbor...

Item #681800

August 29, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 29, 1863  

* Completed New York City draft list

* Second Battle of Charleston Harbor

Almost the entire front page is taken up with a huge list of names from New York City pulled for the controversial draft. A terrific list for genealogical purposes.

War reports inside include: "Latest News from Charleston" "Forts Sumter & Wagner Occupied by Gen... See More  

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Charleston in flames, Beauregard wants a truce, which is denied...

Item #681799

August 28, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 28, 1863  The front page has a nice print of: "THE REBEL TORPEDOES" with 3 views of it.

First column heads include: "CHARLESTON" "Sumter a Mass of Rubbish" "Shelling of Charleston & Forts Moultrie, Gregg and Beauregard" "The City In Flames" "Indignation of Beauregard" "Application for a Truce..." ... See More  

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Diagram of historic Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor...

Item #681797

August 26, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 26, 1863  

* Fort Sumter diagram

* Charleston, South Carolina

* Artillery strikes

The top of the front page features a: "Diagram Of Fort Sumter" with the "References" beneath.

Nice first column related heads including: "CHARLESTON" "Very Late & Very Important" "The City of Charleston Shelled" "Fort Sumte... See More  

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Siege of Fort Sumter... War events near Chattanooga...

Item #681796

August 25, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 25, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "SIEGE OF FORT SUMTER" "Interesting Correspondence Between General Gilmore and General Beauregard" "Details of the Bombardment of the 18th Inst." "Important From Tennessee" "General Rosecrsans' Army in Front of Chattanooga" "Fire Opened on the City... See More  

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