Web Results (98)



Nice map of portions of Canada...

Item #667291
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1758  Certainly the prime feature of this issue is the very nice & detailed foldout map titled: "A Plan of the City & Harbour of Louisburg; shewing that part of Gabarus Bay in which the English landed, also their Encampment during the Siege in 1745." Within this map is a large inset in the upper left which is: "A Map of the I... See More  

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Oswego during the French and Indian War with an in-text map...

Item #667290
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1757 

* Forts Oswego and Ontario

* French and Indian war with map

Inside has is a quite lengthy article titled: "An Historical Account of American Affairs during the Two last years, with a particular journal of the Siege & Surrender of Oswego" with this text taking over six pages.

This text also includes a report headed &qu... See More  

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Map of Havana, Cuba...

Item #667199
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1762  Although typically missing from most issues, this magazine still contains the full page plate titled: "Plan of the City and Harbour of Havanna" which also includes a key as to the various points of interest.

An article: "Weak State of the Island of Jamaica" but the map of Jamaica is lacking.

Near the back of the issue is... See More  

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Major event at Crown Point, the French & Indian War...

Item #667159
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1759 

* Fort Crown Point - New York

* Field Marshall Jeffery Amherst

* french and Indian War

An inside page contains a great report on one of the more significant battles of the French & Indian War, headed: "Letter from Maj. Gen. Amherst to Mr. Secretary Pitt, dated Crown Point, August 5" which gives a day-by-day
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Terrific 18th century ship illustration...

Item #667124
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1748  Certainly a prime feature is the terrific, full page illustration of: "A Ship Of War" with considerable detail, and with most of the facing page having the "Explanation to a Ship of War of the third Rate with Rigging, &c., at Anchor".

The "Explanation" numerically identifies 148 parts noted on the plates as well ... See More  

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Anti-Catholic sentiment... Much on the Jacobite Rebellion...

Item #667110
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, November, 1745  There is a tremendous amount of content concerning the Jacobite Rebellion with articles: "A Short Account of the Rebellion in 1715 continued" "Remarks on the Young Pretender's Declaration" and further on: "Progress of the Rebels" which takes 3 pages, and "Carlisle Taken by the Rebels"
... See More  

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Death of Jonathan Swift... Early printing of "God Save the King"... Battle charts...

Item #667109
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1745  A highlight of this issue is the interesting and unusual full page engraving of: "A Plan of the City of Edinburgh" which has much detail, showing the castle as well, and includes a rather large key to various locations as well. Further on is a very detailed article: "Description of the City of Edinburgh".

Another si
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Death of Jonathan Swift... Early printing of "God Save the King"... Battle charts...

Item #667108
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1745  A highlight of this issue is the interesting and unusual full page engraving of: "A Plan of the City of Edinburgh" which has much detail, showing the castle as well, and includes a rather large key to various locations as well. Further on is a very detailed article: "Description of the City of Edinburgh".

Another si
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Nice map of Jamaica...

Item #666213
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1762  This magazine still has the full page plate of "A Map Of the Island of Jamaica" which shows much detail. This map measures 5 by 8 inches and has tiny binding holes above the top margin, not touching the map. There is also a report which relates to it titled: "Weak State of the Island of Jamaica".

There is also another art... See More  

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Very descriptive of St. Lucia...

Item #660235

April 01, 1782

THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, April, 1782  Inside has over a full page article: "An Account of  the Island of St. Lucia" which is very descriptive. The accompanying map called for is lacking. The other plate called for is lacking as well.

Complete in 56 pages, 5 1/4 by 8 1/4 inches, very nice condition.

Formatted very much like the Gentleman's Magazine but a much more s... See More  

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Anti-Jacobite Creed... The importance of Nova Scotia...

Item #659531
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1748  The issue begins with an: "Extract of a Letter Giving an Account of a Survey of the N. West Coast of England..." with a small print on page 2 (see). Also in this issue: "Of the Invention of Shorthand" with a full page of characters of words (see); "An Anti-Jacobite's Creed, Alluding to Indiscriminate Charges in ... See More  

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Map of road from London to Berwick & York... Indians visit London...

Item #657760
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1766 Articles within this issue include: "...Act for Opening & establishing certain ports in the Islands of Jamaica and Dominica for the more free importation and exportation..." "On the Doctrine of Original Sin" 'An Improvement in Common Watches" which includes a print of the gears and workings of a watch (see), and mo... See More  

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Ancient coins, the violin (or viola), the moon...

From during the French & Indian War...

Item #657335
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1757  A very nice magazine from during the French & Indian War from the "mother country" with a wide range of varied content including news of the day, political reports, literary items, and other unusual tidbits. This was the first periodical to use the word "magazine" in its title, having begun in 1731 and lasting until 190... See More  

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Reward for capturing privateers off Cape Henlopen and Long Island... Battle at Fontenoy...

Item #656765
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, June, 1745  There is a half page headed: "Plantation News" with reports from Boston, New York, and Jamaica. The New York report notes offer of a reward: "...to all privateers who shall take or destroy any enemy's privateer on their coast between Cape Henlopen and the east end of Long Island...".

Among many articles in
... See More  

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An eighty year span of news from England...

Item #649310
(8) GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England  A nice lot of eight issues, one from each decade from the 1730's thru 1809. A nice group of complete issues covering a period of 80 years, each with full title/contents page which features an engraving of St. John's Gate. Each is complete, but may exclude plates/maps (if called for). Nice condition.

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Full page engravings from the 1700's to early 1800's...

Item #649224
(10) A lot of ten engraved plates from "Gentleman's Magazine", London, all from the 1700's to early 1800's (though not dated). The lot may include foldouts, prints of buildings, diagrams, maps, etc. A few defects at the margins, some of the fold lines of multi-panel plates may be archivally mended from the reverse, but otherwise nice condition.

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Shamokin, Pennsylvania... Crown Point, Albany, New York... Susquehanna River...

Item #648710
GENTLEMAN’S MAGAZINE, London, England, July, 1756  This issue begins with a nearly 3 page article: "An Account of the Siege & Capture of Port Mahon" on the island of Minorca, in the Mediterranean. During the Seven Years' War in Europe, of which the French & Indian War was an extension in North America, Spain regained the island from Great Britain in 1756 after the ... See More  

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Much on China, incuding the Great Wall...

Item #648709
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, June, 1742  There is a full page plate showing: "The North and West Prospects of the Famous Runic Obelisk at Bew Castle in Cumberland" (see).

There is also a halfpg. print showing: "Further Observations on the Comet" with some text as well.  There is a small library stamp on this pg. not not touching any print or text.

... See More  

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Proclamation to apprehend the Young Pretender...

Item #648582
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, August, 1745  Over 13 pages at the beginning of the issue are taken up with reports on events in Parliament under the guise of: "Proceedings & Debates in the Senate of Lilliput" as direct reporting on Parliamentary events was prohibited.

Over a page is taken up with: "Mr. Yate's Defence of his Theory" conc
... See More  

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A Free Thinker's Religion... On Conjugal Love...

Item #647194
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1732  The issue begins with 26 pages of "A View of the Weekly Disputes & Essays in this Month". This section has various reports from the many newspapers in England including the London Journal, The Craftsman, Applebee's Journal, Universal Spectator, Fog's Journal, the Free Briton, the Weekly Register, and more. These newspa... See More  

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American Indies... early masonic...

Item #647076
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1738  One of the articles within begins: "I have orders...the British subjects complain in the strongest manner of the oblique ways & unjust means which the Spanish officers in the West Indies make use of for condemning & confiscating their ships..." with more, taking almost an entire pg. (see photos for portions).

Among t... See More  

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H.M.S. Victory reported lost at sea...

Item #646467
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1744 

* HMS Victory has been lost... 255 years later it is found!

Certainly the most notable report in this issue is the report of the sinking of the British ship H.M.S. Victory. A report dated February 5, 2009 from the "Best Syndication News" service brings this event into the 21st century with its breaking news reading: &
... See More  

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Plate of the Great White Owl... Map of English canal...

Item #646260
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1771  Most of a column is taken up with: "Mr. Brahm's Observations on the American Coast" which seems to deal with areas in Florida and the Caribbean (see). There is also a brief article on "The Great White Owl" which begins: "This elegant species is found in the countries round Hudson's Bay & in the Northern ... See More  

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Letter from the Sugar Planters...

Item #644393
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, July, 1736

* "Letter from the Sugar Planters" "Quakers Perverse Humour Shewn" and more... 

* Nice 18th century British magazine... 

A very nice pre-Revolutionary War magazine from the "mother country" with a wide range of varied content including news of the day, political reports, literary items, and ot... See More  

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Fort Augusta in Jamaica...

Item #644282
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1763  Among the articles noted in the table of contents are: "Life of the Celebrated Christina, Queen of Sweden" "Monstrous Credulity of Papists" "History of Canterbury & its Cathedral" "Inflammatory Fevers, Sore Throats, etc." & more. In the "Historical Chronicle" is a report beginning: ... See More  

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Two European maps...

Item #643503
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1758  The prime features of this issue are the two maps, one being a full page plate titled: "A Map of the Rhine Between Wesel & Duseldorp..." (see), and the other a foldout map measuring 8 by 10 1/2 inches titled "A Complete Chart of the Coast of France from Ostend, to Cape Finisterra, including the Opposite Coast of the British Chan... See More  

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Battling the Spanish in the Caribbean...

Item #643444
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November, 1741  This issue includes over 1 1/2 pgs. on "The New Governour's Speech to the General Court or Assembly of New England" with a larger head of: "State of the War in America". This is concerning the battles with the Spanish in the Caribbean, specifically mentioning Cuba (see photos for portions).

This issue also features... See More  

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From America's West Coast...

Item #643209
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, January, 1743  Two full pages are taken up with charts headed: "Ships Taken by the Spaniards from Jan. 20, 1742 to Jan. 20, 1743" (see photos for portions).

Among other articles within this issue are:

* "On the Shameful Management of the War, & the Reason of it."

* "Method to Prevent Smuggling of Tea"
... See More  

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View of the Northern Coast of Russia...

Item #643201

* Illustration of the Northern Coast of Russia

Perhaps the best feature in this issue is the article: "...Discoveries of the Russians on the N.E. Coast of Asia", with accompanying view shown at the top of an included plate/print (see images).

Among the other interesting items are: "A Description of the Province
... See More  

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Three great plates on the Seven Years' War...

Item #642780
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1759  Of prime interest are the 3 full page plates on the Seven Years' War, the first titled: "A Map of the Part of Westphalia in which the French Army Were Defeated , Aug. 1, 1759" which shows much details (see), the plate titled: "Line of Battle of the Allied Army Before the Engagement on the First of August, 1759", plus ... See More  

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A map of the Rhine River... Cape Breton...

Item #642773
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1758  The prime feature is the full page plate titled: "A Map of the Rhine Between Wesel & Dusseldorph [Dusseldorf]...".

One of the articles: "The Best Way of Constructing the Arches of Bridges" includes a nice print of a bridge arch. Near the back is the "Historical Chronicle" which has various news events of the day,... See More  

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The French & Indian War... Map of Emden, Germany...

Item #642772
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1758  A rather lengthy article inside this issue begins: "The experience of the campaigns in 1755 and 1756 had convinced our commanders in chief that there would be no end of the war on either side so long as our armies aimed at nothing further than traversing from place to place either for the defence or attack of a few straggling forts in a ... See More  

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Barton Booth's obituary...

Report from the American colonies... Lord Baltimore...

Item #642689

* The death report of Barton Booth

* Poem (extracts) written by Lord Baltimore

* Value of crops in the American colonies

Probably the most notable item is the obituary of Barton Booth (page 269), one of the most celebrated dramatic actors of the early-mid 1700's.

Another interesting article has: "Extracts of a Poem to Lord Baltimo... See More  

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Trouble in America...

Item #642514
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1769  Among the articles in this issue are: "A Description of the Copper Mine at Ecton Hill"; over two pages on: "A Continuation of the Most Interesting transactions in America..." continued from the January issue, which has some great reading concerning the troubles between America & England, one portion noting: "Re... See More  

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A comet study in 1744...

Item #639932
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1744  Over 13 pages at the beginning of the issue are taken up with reports on events in Parliament under the guise of: "Proceedings & Debates in the Senate of Lilliput" as direct reporting on Parliamentary events was prohibited.

Among various other articles found in this issue as noted in the table of contents are: "Why Polit
... See More  

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Death of Jonathan Swift... Early printing of "God Save the King"... Battle charts...

Item #639043
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1745  A highlight of this issue is the interesting and unusual full page engraving of: "A Plan of the City of Edinburgh" which has much detail, showing the castle as well, and includes a rather large key to various locations as well (see). Further on is a very detailed article: "Description of the City of Edinburgh".

... See More  

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French and Indian War...

Item #629784
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1755  Contains an interesting variety of articles from during the French & Indian War in America, among which are: "Scheme For a New Lottery" "Account of American Pine" "Description of a Flying Lizard"; "Description of the City of Lisbon" and much on the earthquake there; plus many other articles.

Nea... See More  

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Death of Edmund Halley... Russia to Persia...

Item #628341
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1742 Near the back of the issue under the heading: "A List of Deaths for the Year 1745" is a short & inconspicuous entry--although historically significant--reading: "Dr. Edmund Halley, Astronomy Professor to his Majesty, aged 82." This is the famed Edmund Halley for whom Halley's comet is named, and who was the first m
... See More  

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Treatment in the West Indies... Early Masonic item...

Item #616630
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1738  One of the articles within begins: "I have orders...the British subjects complain in the strongest manner of the oblique ways & unjust means which the Spanish officers in the West Indies make use of for condemning & confiscating their ships..." with more, taking almost an entire pg. (see photos for portions).

Among the
... See More  

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Settling Georgia...

Item #616459
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1735  Near the back is a section headed: "Monthly Intelligencer" with news reports from various parts of England & Europe with one report under the heading: "Plantation Affairs" including: "From Georgia, that the 27th of December last the Indian Princes...arriv'd there in good health, pleas'd with their voyage. ... See More  

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Map of Maestricht... Troubles in Boston...

Item #615630
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1748  Among the items in this issue are a full page map headed: "Plan of the Late Fire in Cornhill" with a listing of the various tenants displaced by the fire; "Observations of a New Comet" with a related small print; "Description of the Imperial City of Aix La Chappelle"; "Account of the Fortress of Maestricht&q... See More  

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Torture device illustrated... Madras, India...

Item #609768
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1747 One page has an interesting engraving of: "...a cruel machine...supposed to be made use of by the rebels to extort confession..." with the text going on to describe its use (see). Another page has a print of: "...a Stone found in Cast Steeds Garden..." with an inscription (see).

Another page is taken up with: "A Suc
... See More  

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John Peter Zenger & freedom of the press...

Item #607276
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1737

* Ad regarding John Peter Zenger's "freedom of the press" trial

The back page has a small note of the publishing of a book, reading: "The Tryal of John Peter Zenger, who was lately tried & acquitted for printing and publishing a Libel against the Government." This is the famed Zenger trial--publisher of the New... See More  

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Details on the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle...

Item #593905
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE,  London, October, 1748  One of the better items in this issue is discussion of the proceedings at Aix la Chapelle towards the treaty that would end tthe War of the Austrian Succession in Europe. A bit further on is: "The Substance of the Articles of the Definitive Treaty of Peace" which takes over a full page.

Lacking the plate and map called for.... See More  

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Map of Germany... French & Indian War...

Item #585531
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1760 

* Battle of Quebec

* Map of the war in Germany

* French and Indian War

A feature of this issue is the "French Account of the Raising the Siege of Quebec" which takes over half a page (see for portions). There is also: "A Description of a Water Mill of a New Construction..." for grinding sugar cane in Jamaica, which in... See More  

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Just after the Revolutionary War...

Item #579451
THE EUROPEAN MAGAZINE, London, April, 1782  Certainly one of the less common titles from the 18th century, formatted much like the more popular "Gentleman's  Magazine". This was the first year of its existence, and it would publish until 1826. The first article is: "Anecdotes of His Excellency the Duke  of Portland..." which includes a full page plate of him ... See More  

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Pre and post war perspective from Britain...

Item #180019
(8) GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England  A nice lot of eight issues, one from each decade from the 1730's thru 1809. A nice group of complete issues covering a period of 80 years, each with full title/contents page which features an engraving of St. John's Gate. Each is complete, but may exclude plates/maps (if called for). Nice condition.

If an image(s) is shown, it is only representative of the style and condition of what you will receive. Actual items will vary.

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Full page engravings from the 1700's to early 1800's...

Item #180035
(10) A lot of ten engraved plates from "Gentleman's Magazine", London, all from the 1700's to early 1800's (though not dated). The lot may include foldouts, prints of buildings, diagrams, maps, etc. A few defects at the margins, some of the fold lines of multi-panel plates may be archivally mended from the reverse, but otherwise nice condition.

If an image(s) is shown, it is only representative of the style and condition of what you will receive. Actual items will vary.

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