Barack Obama becomes America's first African-American president...
Item #552589
November 05, 2008
CHICAGO TRIBUNE, Illinois, November 5, 2008
* Barrack Obama elected President of the United States
* Hometown newspaper of first African-American president
Presidential election newspapers have always been a mainstay of any historic newspaper collection, and ideally collectors try to find such an issue from the victor's hometown.
This newspaper is special for three reasons: 1) it is ... See More
The Lusitania....
Item #177838
September 28, 1907
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 28, 1907 There is a front page illustration, "Little Nippon Trusts Noble Ally Did Not Hurt His Honorable Toe" by W. A. Rogers. There are two illustrations, one of "The Husking Bee" by Harold Matthews Brett, and the other by James Montgomery Flagg called "Science." There is also a photo of "The ... See More
Andrew Johnson's annual message...
Item #550991
December 03, 1866
LANCASTER INTELLIGENCER, from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, dated December 3, 1866
* President Andrew Johnson State of the Union Address
* Post civil war news
The "President's Message" takes four columns on page 2 & 1 1/2 columns on pg. 3, signed in type: Andrew Johnson.
Other news of the day includes: "Negro Suffrage In The District" and more with several advertiseme... See More
Struggle for the throne of Hawaii...
Item #549655
December 02, 1820
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 2, 1820 Within is a report headed: "South Sea Islands" which reads in part: "Since the death of Tamahamaha, king of the Sandwich Islands, we hear there has been a desperate battle fought for the right of succession to the crown. It terminated in the dethronement of the young prince, son of the king--and the queen mother reigns in his... See More
Early Flight...
Item #177815
August 27, 1910
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, August 27, 1910 Full front page photo: A New Triumph In The Science Of Flight. the photo shows John B. Moisant standing next to the plane he recently flew with a passenger aboard, across the British Channel between Calais and Tilmanstone.
The flight set a record for two persons in one plane.
Unrelated report inside: The Aeroplane In War So... See More
Early Summer resorts...
Item #548074
August 04, 1836
NEW-YORK TIMES, New York, NY, August 4, 1836
* Early Summer resorts
* Long Beach and more
* Original 19th century reading
A pg. 2 report says: "It is estimated that... 2000 citizens of Philadelphia are absent from the city at this time. At least 500 are at Cape May..." plus mention that the others are at Brandywine Springs, Long Beach, Long Branch, Saratoga, York Springs & Ye... See More
Early shark fishing...
Item #548067
July 13, 1827
BOSTON RECORDER & TELEGRAPH, Massachusetts, July 13, 1827
* Early shark fishing
Page 3 has a report: "A New Haven papers says, that 17 large sharks were taken in that harbor July 2d, at one haul in a seine for taking white fish..." plus mention that most of the white fish escaped because of the damage to the nets caused by the sharks.
Other news of the day includes: &quo... See More
Governor Simon Snyder... Runaway ad...
Item #547685
December 21, 1815
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, from Washington D.C., dated December 21, 1815.
* Pennsylvania Governor Simon Snyder
On pg. 2 under “Pennsylvania” is the “Governor’s Message”, signed in type: Simon Snyder. The back page has a reward ad for a runaway “Negro Man named David”.
Other news of the day includes: "Congress" "Banking Fraud" &quo... See More
Charlie Chaplin...
Item #547027
February 15, 1944
PM DAILY, New York, N.Y., dated February 15, 1944.
Headlines on the frontpage read "Poles Backing Down Before Soviet" "Hearst Cries Out For Disunity" "Negro Fliers Helped Hold Bridgehead Below Rome" "lewis' Stooge Tells GOP Lewis Can Be Had". The paper features other war news and stories of the day.
This also features an article on Charlie Chaplin be... See More
Item #546577
January 20, 1944
PM DAILY, New York, N.Y., dated January 20. 1944.
Headlines on the frontpage read "Answering Stimson oOn Labor and the War" "Russians Blast - Nazis at Leningrad & 'Appeasers' in U.S., Britain" "Higher Food Prices" "Bolivian Riddle" "The Negro Seeks Equality - A Tale of Four Cities". The paper features other war news and stories of the day.... See More
Item #545946
May 10, 1942
PM SUNDAY, New York, N.Y., dated May 10, 1942.
Headlines on the frontpage read "What's Coming? - An Answer by Vice President Wallace" "Our Sea Attack Will Continue - Gen. Mac Arthur" "Jean Muir Demands Fair Deal For Negro Themes in Movies". The paper features other war news and stories of the day.
This is a complete issue in two-sections and is in nice conditi... See More
President Johnson's State of the Union Address...
Item #545554
December 04, 1866
UNION DEMOCRAT, Manchester, New Hampshire, Dec. 4, 1866 The "President's Message" to Congress begins on pg. 2 and concludes on pg. 3, signed in type: Andrew Johnson. This was his annual state-of-the-union message.
Other news of the day includes: "Condition of the Negro in 'Freedom'" "Woman's Rights" "The Fenians" and more w... See More
Industrial Series....
Item #177004
December 28, 1912
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 28, 1912
This issue is an Industrial Issue and has a color cover sheet over it. The front page of this issue has a photo called "A Recent Ceremony at the Vatican."
In this issue there is an illustration called "Mere Man and the Suffragette" by Kemble. There are photos of "Strange Air and Sea Craft from Europe" and there ar... See More
Item #177638
September 07, 1912
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 7, 1912
This issue has a color cover sheet over it and the front page of this issue has an illustration called "T. R.: 'Follow Me. Can't You See I'm Moses?'" by Rollin Kerby.
In this issue there is an article called "Progress of the Campaign" and an article called "The Ball-player between Games" by Edward ... See More
Item #177661
June 15, 1912
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 15, 1912
The front page of this issue is a photo of "Senator Winthrop Murray Crane."
This issue has an illustration called "His Master's Voice" by C. J. Budd. There are two photos taking up the center page. The one on the left is of Abraham Lincoln and is called "Prophecy" and the one on the right, which is of Theodore Rooseve... See More
The sinking of the "Maine"....
Item #177650
March 23, 1912
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 23, 1912
The front page of this issue is a photo of "A New Masterpiece For America."
This issue has an illustration of "The Issue" by Kemble and photos of "One Kind of Recall" which says that "Judge Thornton Massie, Attorney William Foster and Sheriff Lew Webb were shot down and killed in the county court-house at Hillsv... See More
Early Flight...
Item #177637
November 05, 1910
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 5, 1910 Full front page photo: "Aviation Meet at Belmont Park, Long Island", with a crowd of spectators. Fullpg. inside has nine photos from the Aviation Meet. Other photos and illustrations with text throughout this 32 page issue.
Colonel Mosby hangs six prisoners....
Item #177340
December 09, 1911
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 9, 1911 (our last issue)
The front page of this issue is a photo of "The American Who May Cause War."
This issue is has an article with some illustrations of "Sizing Up the Presidential Timber" by McKee Barclay. There is a double page illustration of "Mosby's Death Raffle" by Sidney w. Riesenberg and there is a full pa... See More
Governor Foss....
Item #177620
September 02, 1911
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 2, 1911
This issue has a full, color cover before the front page. The front page of this issue is a photo of "The End of a Record-Breaking Flight."
This issue has an article which includes "A Woodcut in an Issue of "Harper's Weekly" of the Period" of "After Bull Run" by James Barnes. There is a full page ill... See More
Governor Woodrow Wilson.... Baseball... Coney Island...
Item #177618
August 19, 1911
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 19, 1911 The front page is a photo of" "Admiral Togo in America."
A full page is taken up with: "Some Chips from the Diamond" by Kemble, being a collection of ten somewhat comic prints of baseball players. The players include Honus Wagner, Christy "Matty" Mathewson, Ty Cobb and Johnny Evers, among others.
The double p... See More
President Taft's New Secretary....
Item #177612
June 24, 1911
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 24, 1911
The front page of this issue is a photo of "Two Samurai on Their Travels."
This issue has a double page illustration of "The President and His Secretary--Mr. Taft and His New Assistant, Charles Dewey Hilles, In the White House Executive Offices" by T. de Thulsstrup and there is a full page illustration of "Giving the Schoo... See More
Industrial Issue.... Suffrage...
Item #177607
May 20, 1911
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 20, 1911
The front page of this issue is a photo of "Marching on to Suffrage."
This issue has an illustration of "A Gallery of Golf Enthusiasts--I.--The Laird of Skibo" by Kemble. There are photos of "The March of 3,000 Women" and "Six Hundred Bankers from all America Consider the Newest Aspect of the Trust Question."... See More
New York's New Library....
Item #177604
April 29, 1911
... <a href="">See More</a>
Item #177601
April 08, 1911
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, April 8, 1911
There is a full color cover page on this issue. The front page of this issue is an illustration of "Revenge is Sweet" by Kemble.
This issue has a photo of "New York's Democratic Senator" and an illustration of "Champ Clark and His Friends." There is a photo of "The Burning of New York's State C... See More
Item #177598
March 18, 1911
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 18, 1911
The front page of this issue is a photo of "Our Representative at the Coronation."
This issue has an illustration of "Dame Columbia: "Gracious Me, How that Boy Does Grow!"' by Kemble. There is a photo spread of "Twenty Thousand U. S. Troops for Police Duty" and a full page illustration of "The Doorway t... See More
Rebellion in Mexico....
Item #177595
February 25, 1911
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 25, 1911
The front page of this issue is a photo of "The Late Archbishop Ryan."
This issue has an illustration of " 'Who Said Stand Pat?' " by Kemble. There is also a photo spread of "The Rebellion in Mexico." Plus, there is a photo of "A Bird-Man's Notable Flight" and articles of "Unique Copper ... See More
Item #177593
February 11, 1911
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 11, 1911
The front page of this issue is a photo of "The Scene of Last Week's Dynamite Disaster."
This issue has an illustration of "Old Doctor Quack: "Now,Then, As a Final Dose Take This Pill, It Will Make You Good and Strong for 1912" by Kemble. There is a photo spread of "What Thirty Tons of Dynamite Did." Ther... See More
The Death of Paul Morton....
Item #177591
January 28, 1911
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, January 28, 1911
The front page of this issue is a photo of "The Late Paul Morton."
This issue has an illustration of "Suggestion for a Statue to be Placed in One of Our Public Parks or on the Peace building at the Hague." by Kemble. There is a photo of "Mrs. J. Borden Harriman" and there is an article with photos of "Tab... See More
Item #177590
January 21, 1911
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 21, 1911
The front page of this issue is a photo of "William F. Sheehan."
This issue has an illustration of "Uncle Sam: "What Do You Fellows do in this Short Session of Congress?" Statesman: "Oh, Jest Set Around and Think." Uncle Sam: "Is That All?" Statesman: "Oh No; Sometimes We Jest Set."" b... See More
Tribute to Mark Twain....
Item #177588
December 31, 1910
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 31, 1910
There is a full color cover page on this issue. The front page of this issue is an illustration of "Step Lively, Please!"
This issue has an illustration of "Ring Out the Old, Ring in the New" by Kemble. Also in this issue is a full page illustration of "The Vampires" by Harry Grant Dart. There is also a full page ... See More
Item #177575
September 10, 1910
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 10, 1910
This issue's front page is a photo of "Feasting the Sailors of the Atlantic Fleet."
This issue has an illustration of "In Training for the Fall Events--'Say, Murray, We've Got to Trim Him Down a Good Deal Before We Can Get in Good Running Shape.' " by Kemble. The double page illustration is of "The Six... See More
Mayor Gaynor Shot.....
Item #177573
August 13, 1910
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, August 13, 1910 This issue includes two front pages, something that is very unusual. The second front page was probably added after the newspapers were printed for the week when Mayor Gaynor was shot. The first front page of this issue is a photo of "Getting on at Panama" and the second one is of "The Attempted Assassination of Mayor Gayn
... See More
Boxing... James J. Jeffries and John A. Johnson...
Item #177569
July 09, 1910
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 9, 1910
The front page of this issue has a photo of "Harvard Makes a Clean Sweep".
This issue has photos of "James J. Jeffries and John A. Johnson" and there is an article of "Johnson Wins the Great Fight." There is also "A Recent Portrait of Mrs. Leslie Carter." There was a double page illustration of "The Lead... See More
Several Presidents of New York Banks....
Item #177562
April 23, 1910
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 23, 1910
The front page of this issue has an illustration of "'Cowboys of the Air.' "
In this issue, there is an illustration of "The Speaker of the Lower House--As He Hopes it Will Be." by H. T. Webster. This drawing then has "With Apologies to A. Canoiani, the Italian Sculptor, Whose Statue, "Dante in Hell," wa... See More
Railroading in the Winter....
Item #177555
February 26, 1910
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 26, 1910
The front page of this issue has an illustration of "The Bully's Waterloo" by William L. Jacobs.
In this issue, there are photos of "Railroading at its Worst"; "The Song of the Sea"; "On of the Children of Destiny" and "The Play and its Players." The double page illustration is of "Unc... See More
Paris Flooded....
Item #177552
February 05, 1910
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 5, 1910
The front page of this issue has a photo of "Where the Paris Floods Did Their Worst."
There are photos of "The Flooded Section of Paris" and "A Superior Representative of 'The Inferior Sex.'" Also in this issue is an article and photos of "Canada's Athletic Prowess" and the double page i... See More
King Edward VII Goes Hunting.... death of Frederic Remington...
Item #177550
January 08, 1910
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 8, 1910
The front page of this issue has a photo of "An Interpreter of the West", portrait of Frederic Remington who recently died.
There is an article of "The Price of Peace" by Major R. C. Croxton, 9th U.S. Infantry. Also in this issue are several photos of "His Majesty Goes Shooting" and there is an article of "... See More
James Montgomery Flagg print...
Two Thanksgiving-themed prints...
Item #177544
November 27, 1909
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 27, 1909 (no color cover)
This issue has a photo of "A Militant Man of Letters" and a poem with illustrations called "Thanksgiving" by Francis Medhurst and illustrations by J. A. Williams. There are photo spreads of "Chicago's Outdoor Art Exhibit" and "The Play and the Players." There is a photo of "Mm
Illustration by James Montgomery Flagg...
Item #177533
June 26, 1909
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 26, 1909 There is a color cover on this issue. The front page of this issue has a photo of "Diversions of a Statesman."
This issue has a photo of "London From an "Invader's" War-Balloon" and a photo spread of "Our New Summer Capital"; plus a photo of "A Star Among "The Midnight Sons." This issue... See More
Item #177530
July 24, 1909
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 24, 1909 There is a color cover on this issue.The front page of this issue has a photo of "The Executive Wink--Mr. Taft's Contribution to the Presidential Humanities--The Successor to Mr. Roosevelt's Illustrious Smile."
This issue has a photo spread of "A Summer Camp for New York Newsboys"; "Getting Ready for the Hu... See More
Cipriano Castro....
Item #177522
May 15, 1909
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 15, 1909 There is a color cover on this issue.The front page of this issue has a photo of "The Man Without a Country", Cipriano Castro.
This issue has a photos of "Chips From the World's Workshop" and a portrait by S. Muller Ury of "Mrs. Clark Williams, of New York." There is also a double page illustration spread o... See More
Frank Marshall White... W. J. Biggs... Kemble...
Item #177521
May 08, 1909
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 8, 1909 There is a color cover on this issue.The front page of this issue has a photo of "The New "Sick Man of Europe"--Mahomet V."
This issue has a photos and an article on "Fostering Foreign Criminals" by Frank Marshall White and "The New Order in Turkey." There is a photo spread of "The Opening of the ... See More
Remembering Abraham Lincoln....
Item #177220
February 13, 1909
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 13, 1909 The color cover of Abraham Lincoln (by Stanton Palmer) is not included. However, all other Lincoln related coverage (prints and text), as shown in the images, are present - including the standard cover with which includes Abraham Lincoln.
This issue has photos and an article of "Lincoln's Last Hours" and an illustration of... See More
Hanover Court House....
Item #540554
May 28, 1862
NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, New York City, New York, May 28, 1862
* Hanover, Virginia...
* Baltimore, Maryland...
This 8 page newspaper is in good condition (except for little margin wear) due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout fr... See More
Mary Anderson....
Item #177022
January 09, 1909
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 9, 1909 The front page has a photo captioned: "Where Many Thousands Perished."
Also present are: "Europe's Appalling Calamity"; "The Tragedy on the Mediterranean"; "Mary Anderson, That Was"; and there are illustrations of "The Senatorial Hall of Fame" by Kemble and a double page photo spread of &q... See More
King Edward's Sixty-Seventh Birthday....
Item #177349
November 28, 1908
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 28, 1908 The front page of this issue has a photo of "The Hothead of Europe" which is relating to Kaiser William.
This issue has a photo of "The Most Eloquent Woman in the World" and "King Edward Enjoying his Sixty-Seventh Birthday." There is a photo of "A Prima Donna By Right and Role"; and a double
... See More
This issue has a photo of "The Most Eloquent Woman in the World" and "King Edward Enjoying his Sixty-Seventh Birthday." There is a photo of "A Prima Donna By Right and Role"; and a double
The Greatest Ball Game Ever Played ~ Chicago Cubs and New York Giants...
Item #177012
October 17, 1908
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 17, 1908 The front page of this issue has an illustration by W. A. Rogers called "'Giddap, Bill!' "
This issue has photos of "The Greatest Ball Game Ever Played" between Chicago Cubs and New York Giants on October 8, 1908; "Pittsburgh Celebrates its Hundred-and-Fiftieth Birthday"; "The Socialist Pr
... See More
This issue has photos of "The Greatest Ball Game Ever Played" between Chicago Cubs and New York Giants on October 8, 1908; "Pittsburgh Celebrates its Hundred-and-Fiftieth Birthday"; "The Socialist Pr
Item #177509
August 29, 1908
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 29, 1908 The front page of this issue has an illustration by W. A. Rogers called "But He Daresn't Let Go!"
This issue has photos of "Mob Rule in Lincoln's Town"; "The Republicans Inform Mr. Sherman"; "Mr. Bryan Accepts"; "The End of the Great Zeppelin Air-ship"; "The Future King of England a... See More
Olympics in London....
Item #177507
August 15, 1908
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 15, 1908 The front page of this issue has an illustration by W. A. Rogers called "'Which 'Opposition' Will You Have, Mr. Pulitzer?' "
This issue has photos of "Awarding the Olympic Prizes" which includes and photo of "Queen Alexandra presenting the Marathon Trophy to Hayes, the American Winner." The
... See More
This issue has photos of "Awarding the Olympic Prizes" which includes and photo of "Queen Alexandra presenting the Marathon Trophy to Hayes, the American Winner." The
Baseball in 1908....
Item #177494
May 02, 1908
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 2, 1908 There is a front pg. illustration, "A Hard Proposition" by W. A.. Rogers - Negro Vote - Labor Vote. In this issue, there is an article with photos of "The Scourge of the Yaquis" by Marc M. Reynolds; photos of "As New York Grows Upward"; "Baseball In 1908" by E. B. Moss"; "Opening New York's Baseb... See More
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