Web Results (1482)



Thomas Jefferson and John Adams...

Item #677516

May 27, 1797

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, May 27, 1797  Page 3 has 1 1/2 columns taken up with a speech prefaced with: "Yesterday...the senate...waited on the President...at his house, when the Vice-President presented the following answer to his address to both houses, at the opening of the session:" The address begins: "Sir, The senate of the United States request you ... See More  

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George Washington, John Adams, and a list of the House...

Item #677515

May 20, 1797


* President George Washington

Half of the front page is taken up with the "Speech" of the President to Congress on this special session he requested two deal with the troubling XYZ Affair. The speech carries over to page 2 where it is signed in type: John Adams.

Page 2 has an address of the General Assembly of Rh... See More  

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Frigate United States' launch is delayed... Buonaparte Proclamation...

Item #677511

April 29, 1797

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, April 29, 1797  Page 2 has a report from Philadelphia noting; "The launch of the United States frigate, which was reported to be intended for tomorrow, will not take place till some future day..." with more detail.

The back page has a: "Proclamation" signed in type: Buonaparte concerning his victories in Italy.

Four pages,... See More  

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Famous "Unite Or Die" engraving in the masthead...

Item #677502

December 07, 1774


* Benjamin Franklin's "Unite Or Die" cartoon

If there was one graphic which represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption. 

The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead
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Washington ends his political career...

Item #677475

March 04, 1797


* President George Washington's birthday

* Political career comes to an end (John Adams)

Page 2 has a report on the celebration of George Washington's birthday, including the list of 13 toasts. A similar report from Morristown, New Jersey, on page 3 but with 16 toasts.

Page 3 has the: "Objections of the Pres... See More  

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Two letters from Thomas Jefferson...

Item #677453

November 12, 1796

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Nov. 12, 1796  The front page contains two letters from Thomas Jefferson both concerning relations with France. Neither are signed in type by him.

The back page has 2 notices for the sale of western lands in the Northwest Territory.
Four pages, very nice condition.

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Two replies signed by John Jay...

Item #677452

November 09, 1796

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Nov. 9, 1796  Page 3 has the New York House Assembly's response to the governor's address, followed by the governor's "Reply" signed in type: John Jay. Then also the State Senate's response to Jay's address which is again acknowledged by him signed in type: John Jay.

Just prior to Jay becoming New York's secon... See More  

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Signed by John Jay...

Item #677450

November 02, 1796

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Nov. 2, 1796  Page 3 has over 1 1/2 columns taken up with the: "Governor's Speech" signed by him in type: John Jay.

The back page has five notices for the sale of land, most in the "West", two from the Northwest Territory.

Four pages, great condition.

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A fight between elderly ladies...

Item #677415

August 27, 1796

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Aug. 27, 1796  Page 2 has a curious report: "Amorous Fracas!" The report from Ireland begins: "The boxing match which lately happened between two elderly maiden ladies of fashion...having made some noise....we are happy to lay the cats and the consequences before our readers..." which is what follows.

Four pages, a few stra... See More  

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Critical piece on Thomas Paine and his works...

Item #677414

August 17, 1796

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Aug. 17, 1796  Page 3 has over half a column taken up with a critical report on Thomas Paine and his works. A few bits include; "Tom Paine treats every subject, government, religion, finance, with equal profoundness and knowledge...with absolute shallowness and ignorance. In his Common Sense (the real merit of which work was that it boldly... See More  

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The death of Major John Mills...

Item #677413

August 10, 1796

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Aug. 10, 1796  Page 2 has a report from Fort Washington of the death of Major John Mills, who during the Revolution fought at the siege of Boston, Battle of Saratoga, Battle of Monmouth and the Northwest Indian War. 

Much reporting on the Napoleonic War in Europe.

Four pages, very nice condition.

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Pinckney's Treaty ratified...

Item #677412

August 06, 1796


* Pinckney's Treaty of San Lorenzo

Taking all of the front page is a detailed report from the province of Lower Canada, concerning trade with the United States.

Among the many notices is one concerning the purchase of land lying in the "Triangle" in the northwest corner of Pennsylvania by the Pennsylvania Po... See More  

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Thomas Paine's latest pamphlet...

Item #677408

July 23, 1796

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, July 23, 1796  Page 3 has nearly half a column headed: "Thomas Paine" concerning a pamphlet he wrote on: "...the Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance...". A smaller article mentions Hamilton.

The front page has an ad placed by the "Pennsylvania Population Company" concerning the sale of large acreage ... See More  

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The 'Population Company'... Celebrating the 4th of July...

Item #677406

July 16, 1796

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, July 16, 1796  The front page has an ad placed by the "Pennsylvania Population Company" concerning the sale of large acreage lots in the "Triangle Presque Isle". An "Aaron Burr" is listed as one of the managers of the company. 

The back page has a reproof on the 4th of July celebration in Hudson, New York, in... See More  

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Letters from Charleston, Jamaica, and Nova Scotia...

Item #677374
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1749  Over half a pg. has a: "Copy of a Letter from one of the Settlers in Nova Scotia dated Chebucto Harbour, July 28, 1749". Over half a pg. has: "Extracts of Some Letters from Carolina" datelined "Charles-Town" (Charleston) with news from that colony. There is also: "The Humble Address & Representati
... See More  

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Delaware & Pennsylvania ratify the Constitution...

Item #677363
THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, December, 1787

* United States Constitution ratification

* Pennsylvania and Delaware ratify

 The first article in this issue is: "A Description of Boston".

Near the back of the issue is "Intelligence" which has the latest news reports of the day, including an historic one noting: "The deputies of the state Convention of D... See More  

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The Shays' Rebellion... Benjamin Franklin re-elected... Two plates...

Item #677333
THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, November, 1786  

* Benjamin Franklin

* Daniel Shay's Rebellion

The issue begins with: "A Description of Bones Found Near the River Ohio" which includes a foldout plate as well (repair to the reverse). 

Also within the issue: "A Short Description of the Crotalus Horridus, or Rattlesnake" "A Short Dissertation on Ec... See More  

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Getting the Spanish to leave Natchez...

Item #677327

September 20, 1797

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Sept. 20, 1797  Page 3 has a nice report prefaced with: "The Following State of the Negociation relative to the American and Spanish Limits..." which concerning the Spanish leaving Natchez.

Four pages, never-trimmed margins, nice condition.

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Situations with the Indians...

Item #677322

November 07, 1795

THE HERALD; A GAZTTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Nov. 7, 1795  Page 3 has a report from Augusta, Georgia, being a letter signed by Timothy Pickering concerning a treaty with the Creek Indians. This is followed by a report from the Knoxville which begins: "Notwithstanding the Creeks have solicited the mediation of the President...to restore peace between them and the Chickasaws...that no p... See More  

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Much on the controversial Jay Treaty with England...

Item #677319

July 25, 1795

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, July 25, 1795  The front page has nearly two columns taken up with article #4 on a: "Vindication of the Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation, with G. Britain" being the Jay Treaty. 

Page 3 begins with a nearly full column report on a special meeting to consider the controversial Jay Treaty, printed in larger-than-normal type... See More  

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Senate has problems with the Jay Treaty...

Item #677317

July 15, 1795

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, July 15 1795  Page 3 has a report from "Pittsburgh" noting in part: "...accounts from General Wayne's head quarters any Greenville inform us that the Indians were coming in from all quarters to the Treaty...". This is followed by a report from Albany concerning the Indians.

The back page has: "More About the Treaty... See More  

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Trouble with the Indians...

Item #677256
THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, (Philadelphia), October, 1786  The first article is: "Some Observations on the Structure of the Surface of the Earth in Pennsylvania and the Adjoining Countries..." which takes nearly 5 pages. Also within is the continued: "Sketch of the Life of the Late Nathaniel Greene, Major General of the Forces of the United States of America" which takes nearl... See More  

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Washington's concerns about apportioning numbers for Congress...

Item #677133

April 07, 1792


* President George Washington

* United States Congress

Page 3 has a letter from the President to Congress concerning his thoughts on apportioning representatives for the House according to the first census. Hid notes his two objections. Signed in type: G. Washington.

Four pages, untrimmed margins, nice condition.... See More  

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A report on the Treasury...

Item #677131

August 25, 1788

THE DAILY ADVERTISER, New York, Aug. 25, 1788  All of page 2 is taken up with a report concerning the U.S. Treasury. Page 3 has some news of the day, but most of the issue is taken up with a wealth of advertisements including 11 illustrated ship ads.

Four pages, very nice condition.

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Latest war news from the middle of the Revolutionary War...

Item #677118

December 26, 1778

THE PROVIDENCE GAZETTE & COUNTRY JOURNAL, Rhode Island, Dec. 26, 1778  The entire front page and half of page 2 are taken up with the  second half of the: "Treaty of Amity and Commerce Between the Most Christian King and the United Starters of North America", this being the treaty of assistance between French and the colonies, which did much to support the American cause ag... See More  

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Details on the Presidential election of 1796...

Item #677066

February 22, 1797


* John Adams presidential election

* Thomas Jefferson as vice president

Page 2 has a report from the "Proceedings of the Columbian Federal Congress" concerning the process for tallying votes for President & Vice President: "...that the two Houses shall assemble in the chamber of the House of Represen... See More  

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George Washington is elected President of the United States...

Item #677063

February 20, 1793

NATIONAL GAZETTE, Philadelphia, Feb. 20, 1793

* President George Washington

* Historic 2nd election victory

Nearly three-quarters of the front page is taken up with an address: "To ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Secretary of the Treasury of he United States". This is followed, on page 2, with a second analysis of America's financial situation.

But by far the most significant ite
... See More  

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Two script George Washington signatures...

Item #676983

September 02, 1795

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Sept. 2, 1795 

* President George Washington

* 2 Acts of Congress signed

The front page has an address: "To The President of the United States" by the "...subscribers, merchants & traders of the city of Philadelphia." which carries over to page 2.

Most of the document is taken up with a very lengthy list of names of those who signed... See More  

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Sam Adams and Thomas Jefferson...

Item #676980

July 15, 1795

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 15, 1795  Fully half of the front page is taken up with three Acts of  the Mass. legislature, each signed in type by the governor, Samuel Adams.

The ftpg. also has lengthy letter concerning the Jay Treaty signed in type by: Thomas Jefferson.

Four pages, very nice condition.

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Lyrics of a song by a captive Indian...

Item #676974

November 08, 1797

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov. 8, 1797  

* Indian captive writes song before execution

The back page has the lyrics of a "Song, By a Captive Indian, while his conquerors were preparing for his Death. Written by the Lady of Mr. John Hunter." The front page has: "Tennessee Eloquence".

Also a notice for an exhibit of "The Elephant" & two ads for "P... See More  

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Honor bestowed upon President John Adams...

Item #676971

August 30, 1797

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 30, 1797  Page 2 has a "Tribute of Respect" from the American Academy of Arts & Sciences written: "To John Adams, L.L.D., President of the United States of America" concerning an honor given to him. This is followed boy: "The President's Answer", signed in script type: John Adams.

Four pages, a bit irregular at the blank ... See More  

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Natchez and Fort Recovery...

Item #676964

October 07, 1797

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Oct. 7, 1797  Page 2 has a report: "From Presque Isle (on Lake Erie)...that Ensign Callender had arrived there with information that the inhabitants of the Nartches [Natchez] had rebelled & hoisted the tri-coloured flag. That a detachment of Federal troops had been marched against them & that the Indians had been defeated in an attempt to take Fort Rec... See More  

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Detailed review of the militia...

Item #676962

September 27, 1797

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Sept. 27, 1797  

* General William Hull

* United States military

Page 2 has an interesting article: "Review Of Militia" commanded by Major-General Hull, with various particulars. The back page features 14 illustrated ship ads.

Four pages, nice condition.... See More  

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Four script signatures of John Adams... Frigate "Constitution"...

Item #676959

August 09, 1797

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 9, 1797 

* President John Adams

* 4 Acts of Congress signed

* USS Constitution under construction

The full first column of the front page has four Acts of Congress, each one signed in script type by the President: John Adams.

Also, page 2 has a letter signed in block type by the President: John Adams. Page 2 also has an update on "Naval Articles&... See More  

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Script signature of John Adams...

Item #676955

July 22, 1797

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 22, 1797  

* President John Adams & Thomas Jefferson

The front page has a full column taken up with two Acts of Congress under the heading: "Laws Of the United States - By Authority", each signed in script type by the President: John Adams, and in block type by Thomas Jefferson. Displayable as such. 

Four pages, nice condition.... See More  

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President John Adams signs in script type...

Item #676952

July 08, 1797

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 8, 1797  

* President John Adams

* Acts of Congress

The last column of the front page is taken up with two Acts of Congress, each signed in in type by the President, John Adams, one in script type & the other in block type. Page 2 begins with a third Act signed in script type by John Adams.

Four pages, nice condition.... See More  

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Uniforms of the United States Navy described... The Constellation is launched...

Item #676887

September 01, 1797


* United States Navy uniforms

* USS Constellation launching

The issue is filled mostly with an eclectic collection of articles, while the back several pages contain news items of the day.

Near the back is is more than a full page taken up with: "Uniform For the Navy of the United States of America" which includes qu... See More  

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Foreign currency will no longer be legal tender in the United States...

Item #676886

August 01, 1797

NEW YORK MAGAZINE OR LITERARY REPOSITORY, August, 1797  The issue is filled mostly with an eclectic collection of articles, while the back several pages contain news items of the day.

Among the articles is an interesting one: "Improvements Suggested in Female Education" which takes nearly 3 pages.

Near the back is: "A PROCLAMATION" signed in type by the President, John A... See More  

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Foreign currency will no longer be legal tender in the United States...

Item #676885

August 01, 1797

NEW YORK MAGAZINE OR LITERARY REPOSITORY, August, 1797  The issue is filled mostly with an eclectic collection of articles, while the back several pages contain news items of the day.

Among the articles is an interesting one: "Improvements Suggested in Female Education" which takes nearly 3 pages.

Near the back is: "A PROCLAMATION" signed in type by the President, John A... See More  

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Still has the full page plate...

Item #676883

July 01, 1797

NEW YORK MAGAZINE OR LITERARY REPOSITORY, July, 1797  The issue is filled mostly with an eclectic collection of articles, while the back several pages contain news items of the day, some of which can be seen in the photos.

Quite rare in the this issue still contains the full page plate, which relates to the first article on the front page. Typically such plates are missing.

Certainly one of... See More  

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Settling the Natchez area... Albany's North Dutch Church...

Item #676882

June 01, 1797

NEW YORK MAGAZINE OR LITERARY REPOSITORY, June, 1797  The issue is filled mostly with an eclectic collection of articles, while the back several pages contain news items of the day. Among the news reports is content concerning settlement in the Natchez vicinity. Also a report of the laying of the cornerstone of what is now known as the First Reformed Church in Albany, or the North Dutch Churc... See More  

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Includes the full page plate: rarely found... Launching the frigate 'United States'...

Item #676880

May 01, 1797


* President John Adams - Congress

* USS United States launching

The issue is filled mostly with an eclectic collection of articles, while the back several pages contain news items of the day.

Perhaps the most notable content is the: "President's Speech" which takes 5 1/2 pages. This was his speech of May 15, 17907, Ad... See More  

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Adams calls a special session of Congress due to the French-American crisis... Launching the frigate 'United States'...

Item #676879

May 01, 1797

NEW YORK MAGAZINE OR LITERARY REPOSITORY, May, 1797  The issue is filled mostly with an eclectic collection of articles, while the back several pages contain news items of the day.

Perhaps the most notable content is the: "President's Speech" which takes 5 1/2 pages. This was his speech of May 15, 17907, Adams calling for the first special session of Congress to consider the wo... See More  

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Working with the Indians...

Item #676841

April 01, 1797

NEW YORK MAGAZINE OR LITERARY REPOSITORY, April, 1797  The issue is filled mostly with an eclectic collection of articles, while the back three pages contain news items of the day. The news reports include some talk of a treaty with the Indians.

Certainly one of the less common 18th century American magazine titles, existing from just 1790 to 1797.

No plates are present.

Complete in 56 pag... See More  

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Working with the Indians...

Item #676840

April 01, 1797

NEW YORK MAGAZINE OR LITERARY REPOSITORY, April, 1797  The issue is filled mostly with an eclectic collection of articles, while the back three pages contain news items of the day. The news reports include some talk of a treaty with the Indians.

Certainly one of the less common 18th century American magazine titles, existing from just 1790 to 1797.

No plates are present.

Complete in 56 pag... See More  

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Working with the Indians...

Item #676839

April 01, 1797

NEW YORK MAGAZINE OR LITERARY REPOSITORY, April, 1797  The issue is filled mostly with an eclectic collection of articles, while the back three pages contain news items of the day. The news reports include some talk of a treaty with the Indians.

Certainly one of the less common 18th century American magazine titles, existing from just 1790 to 1797.

No plates are present.

Complete in 56 pag... See More  

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Washington's state-of-the-union address, from the nation's capital...

Item #676836

December 01, 1795


* President George Washington

* State of the Union Address

The issue is filled mostly with an eclectic collection of articles, while the back three pages contain news items of the day.

The most notable content is the: "President's Speech" being Washington's state-of-the-union address for the year, signed in ty... See More  

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A desire to break away from Massachusetts...

Item #676833

March 01, 1795

NEW YORK MAGAZINE OR LITERARY REPOSITORY, March, 1795  The issue is filled mostly with an eclectic collection of articles, while the back four pages contain news items of the day.

Among the news reports is mention that: "A convention of delegates from the 3 counties of York, Lincoln and Cumberland, in Maine, have published an address...on the subject of a separation from the state of Ma... See More  

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A desire to break away from Massachusetts...

Item #676832

March 01, 1795

NEW YORK MAGAZINE OR LITERARY REPOSITORY, March, 1795  The issue is filled mostly with an eclectic collection of articles, while the back four pages contain news items of the day.

Among the news reports is mention that: "A convention of delegates from the 3 counties of York, Lincoln and Cumberland, in Maine, have published an address...on the subject of a separation from the state of Ma... See More  

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Houdon's famous Washington sculpture... Washington is inaugurated...

Item #676826

March 01, 1793


* George Washington's inauguration

* Jean-Antoine Houdon's sculpture

 The issue is filled mostly with an eclectic collection of articles, while the back leaf contains news items of the day.

Among the news reports is a notable one from Philadelphia: "Houdon, the famous French sculptor, who paid a visit to this country ... See More  

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