Washington to again be the commander-in-chief of the Army...
Item #684125
August 18, 1798
* Rare 18th century publication
* George Washington to be Commander again
Nice engraving in the masthead. The news reports are mostly from England but the front page has: "America and France" and the troubling relationship between the two. Also a report that: "...the venerable Washington has accepted the Command... See More
Handsome masthead... News from New York...
Item #684122
July 28, 1798
* Rare 18th century publication
* Turn of the 19th century
Nice engraving in the masthead. The news reports are mostly from England but page 3 has news from New York concerning relations with France. Included are reports concerning the French representative, Talleyrand, and what became known as the XYZ Affair which would lead t... See More
On the XYZ Affair, with letters from President Adams...
Item #684097
June 27, 1798
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, June 27, 1798
* The XYZ Affair
* France relations
* John Adams
The first column has a brief document signed by the President: John Adams, as an introduction to a lengthy document regarding the XYZ Affair and relations with France.
Page 2 has yet another related document signed by: John Adams as well as one from the French diplomat, one of the principals i... See More
John Adams signature in script type...
Item #684089
May 30, 1798
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, May 30 1798 The front page contains a full column Act of Congress concerning the "...settlement of limits with the state of Georgia & authorizing the establishment of a government in the Mississippi territory." which is signed in script type by the president: John Adams, and in block type by: Thomas Jefferson. Yet another Act carries over to page 2 w... See More
Listing of the United States Navy...
Item #683823
August 28, 1799
THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, Aug. 28, 1799 Page 3 has a chart listing: "United States Navy - Vessels In Service" as well as a list of "Vessels Building" listed by name, number of guns, and their commanders. Included are the United States, Constitution, Constellation among the frigates, plus others noted as "Ships" "Brigs" and &q... See More
Death & funeral of the governor: Increase Sumner...
Item #683820
June 12, 1799
* Increase Sumner death - funeral
* Massachusetts governor
The front page has a list of the: "Government of Massachusetts for the Year 1799" which begins with the governor, Increase Sumner. And then page 3 has over a full column on his death, headed: "Grievous Mortality" which begins: "The pai... See More
Nice on the Battle of the Nile...
Item #683814
November 14, 1798
* Lord Horatio Nelson victorious
* Battle of the Nile
* Napoleon Bonaparte
Page 2 has a report from "Knoxville" concerning a treaty with the Cherokees. Page 3 has: "Nelson Victorious, and Buonaparte Defeated" which is fine reporting on the Battle of the Nile, taking nearly 1 1/2 column.
Four page... See More
The Yellow Fever epidemic in 1798...
Item #683678
October 31, 1798
THE SPECTATOR, New York, Oct. 31, 1798
* Philadelphia yellow fever epidemic
An unusual issue being single sheet rather than the typical 4 pages due to the on-going Yellow Fever Epidemic which ravaged much of the Eastern United States at that time.
There are several front page reports concerning the epidemic including numbers of recent deaths from the fever.
Four pages, never-trimmed,... See More
An American magazine from 1795...
Item #683614
August 01, 1795
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, August, 1795 The bulk of the issue is taken up with a wide range of eclectic articles. Among the articles are: "The Test of Virtue" "Advice to Females on the Management of a Lover" "Anecdotes of Ignatius Loyola" "On the Utility of Trees in Cities" "On the Greek Fire" "On the Arabs" and so much mor... See More
Boston magazine from the 18th century...
Item #683613
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, September, 1795 Articles within include: "Account of Warren Hastings" "The Delights of Benevolence" "Description of a Highland Hut" "The Cacique of Ontario" "On Ascending Thunder" and more.Near the back is the "Monthly Gazette" with the latest news including a report that: "A Treaty of Peac... See More
Church in Rhode Island is set afire...
Item #683552
May 30, 1727
THE POST BOY, London, May 30, 1727
* Early American report
Among the front page reports is one datelined from "Boston in New England" noting: "By letters from Rhode Island...we hear that about one o'clock that night a parcel of combustible matter was laid, and by all circumstances willfully set on fire under the porch floor of their old church, which if it had burnt ... See More
Very early, short-lived, colonial newspaper...
Item #683461
July 12, 1753
* Rare Colonial New York original
* Short lived publication
This rare newspaper lasted for less than one year, publishing but 52 issues. Primarily moral and political essays, it gave offense to men in power and was "suppressed by authorities", as Brigham relates.
A fine opportunity to purchase at a reasonable price a very e... See More
Very displayable French criminal broadside from 1794...
Item #683390
May 02, 1794
Interesting French criminal broadside announcing the acquittal of a trial against Etienne Michaud. Headed in large type at the top (translated): JUDGMENT OF THE CRIMINAL COURT of the Department of Rhone, Who Declares Etienne Michaud Acquitted of The Charge Against Him." followed by details of the result of the trial.
There is a "dateline" at the middle: "Du 17 Floreal, l... See More
Payments to Loyalists... Death of Tippoo...
Item #683375
June 27, 1786
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 27, 1786 Inside has: "American Loyalists" which notes: "On the report of the bill for granting the sum of 55,000 pounds as a temporary relief to the American Loyalists...desired to know...whether it was intended to allow such Loyalists as were in England during the times of the troubles in America the same as those actually on the spot... See More
Two opinions on how peace should be negotiated... Building a navy...
Item #683369
August 03, 1782
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 3, 1782
* Ending the Revolutionary War ? peace ?
All of the front page & part of page 2 are taken up with: "Letters From an American Farmer Describing Certain Provincial Situations, Manners, and Customers not General Known..." which offers some interesting thoughts on the culture of the Americans at that time.
Pg. 3 includes: "The... See More
"Peace is near at hand"... Huddy/Asgill Affair...
Item #683364
September 17, 1782
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 17, 1782
* Revolutionary War Era
* 18th century
* From The Enemy
Page 2 has news from America, including: "...steadily pursue the plan lately adopted for carrying on the American war...that he saw & conversed with the deputies from the New England colonies...with Sir Guy Carleton to know what terms had been proposed by this country to Co... See More
Early map of the Caribbean Islands...
Item #683352
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1756 The first two pages are devoted to the "Caribee Islands" [Caribbean] primarily limited to text on Barbadoes.But of greater significance is the great and desirable foldout map labeled: "A Map of the CARIBBEE ISLANDS Shewing which belong to England, France, Spain, Dutch, & Danes...". This map folds out to 8 1/2 by 13 1/2 ... See More
First image of a balloon flight in any periodical? "Peter the Wild Boy"...
Item #683345
February 01, 1785
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1785
* Jean-Pierre Blanchard
* 1st English Channel crossing print
* "Peter the Wild Boy"
Perhaps the most notable content is the foldout plate with various images, the largest of which is a terrific engraving of: "The Flight of M. Blanchard and Dr. Jeffries from Dover Castle" to France, as noted at the bottom of the ... See More
Work towards putting the Jay Treaty into effect...
Item #683306
May 23, 1796
FEDERAL GAZETTE & BALTIMORE DAILY ADVERTISER, May 23, 1796 The front page is filled with ads including 22 illustrated ship ads. All of page 2 is taken up with discussion on carrying into effect the Jay Treaty with England.
Three slave related ads appear on page 3. The back page is full of ads as well including three more slave ads.
Four pages, purple-tinted staining does not affect rea... See More
Quite rare & early newspaper... An encounter with highwaymen...
Item #683254
January 01, 1736
* Rare publication
A very rare title, and early as well for a folio-size newspaper (measures 9 1/2 by 15 in.).
This title only published for just 4 years. A few essays plus a good variety of news reports of the day including a page 3 report of a stagecoach passenger's encounter with highwaymen (robbers).
Fou... See More
London life, at the end of the Revolutionary War...
Item #683252
May 06, 1783
THE GENERAL EVENING POST, London, May 6, 1783 As might be expected the news reports are almost entirely European, just the end of the Revolutionary War. No war-related reports are within.
Four pages, good condition.
Map of the Balkan Peninsula... Turkey, Bulgaria, and more...
Item #683207
SUPPLEMENT TO THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, 1770 * Map of Turkey, the Balkan Peninsula, and more.
This "Supplement" issue was produced at the end of the year. The prime content is the very nice & very detailed map, labeled in the cartouche as: "A New and Accurate Map of TURKEY IN EUROPE Drawn from the Best Authorities...1770".
This map shows the Balkan ... See More
John Adams script signatures... Trenton the federal capital...
Item #683004
October 19, 1799
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Oct. 19, 1799
* Two President John Adams script signatures
* Nice ad for King Harry the Eighth Playing Cards
* Trenton, New Jersey serves as Federal Capital
* Moses Gill proclamation and script signature
The front page features two Acts of Congress, each signed in script type by the President: John Adams. One is a conclusion from a previous issue for regu... See More
Will Loyalist merchants in Charleston be left in the lurch? Land in Canada for the Loyalists...
Item #683002
November 26, 1782
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 26, 1782
* Revolutionary War Era
* 18th century original
* From The Enemy
Page 4 is entirely taken up with the petitions of various merchants in Charleston to General Leslie (military commander of British troops in the city) recalling a commercial agreement of two years prior, now suspect given the planned evacuation of the British from Charleston... See More
President Washington makes some appointments...
Item #682847
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, February, 1790 Among the articles are: "On the Use of Cosmeticks" "American Natural History...Of the Birds" & much more.Near the back is a full page plate of music, as well as: "The Gazette" which has the latest news reports from Winchester, Va. New London, and Boston. Also a list of appointments by the President.
... See More
On the Equality of Sexes... References to George Washington...
Item #682845
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, March, 1790* 18th century Woman's suffrage ?
* George Washington mention
The first page has: "Description of the Court House in Salem", lacking the plate called for.
Other articles include: "On the Equality of Sexes" "Preliminary of the Constitution of France" and much more.
At the back is: "The Gazette&qu... See More
George Washington signs an Act of Congress...
Item #682825
April 03, 1795
* President George Washington
Close to half of the back page is taken up with: "An ACT...." of Congress relating to duties on refined sugar, signed in type at its conclusion: Go. Washington, President.
Page 3 has a report on the capture of the ship Amsterdam, with details.
Four pages, very nice condition... See More
General Orders from Pittsburgh...
Item #682809
April 29, 1795
FEDERAL INTELLIGENCER & BALTIMORE DAILY GAZETTE, Maryland, April 29, 1795 Quite rare to find an issue with this title, as it began Oct. 30, 1794 and continued until just Dec. 30, 1795 as such. It previously had life as another title, and existed under yet another title after the latter date, existing just over a year with this title.
Page 3 has from Pittsburgh: "General Order"... See More
Early issue of America's first successful newspaper...
Item #682697
August 23, 1739
* Among the earliest of American newspapers to be had
Above the title is "New-England", likely to distinguish this newspaper from the city of Boston in England.
This very rare title was the first successful newspaper in the colonies, having begun in 1704 and lasting until the British occupation of Boston in 1776. It was only pre... See More
The notorious pirate Captain Kidd is executed !
Item #682668
May 26, 1701
THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, May 22-26, 1701
* Infamous pirate Captain William Kidd
* Historic & extremely rare report
* Execution - hanging
The London Gazette is the oldest continually published newspaper in the world, having started in 1665 and is still publishing today.
This issue contains on page two an exceedingly significant report--perhaps the rarest and mo
... See More
* Infamous pirate Captain William Kidd
* Historic & extremely rare report
* Execution - hanging
The London Gazette is the oldest continually published newspaper in the world, having started in 1665 and is still publishing today.
This issue contains on page two an exceedingly significant report--perhaps the rarest and mo
Parliament discusses the slave trade...
Item #682633
May 27, 1789
THE DIARY, OR WOODFALL'S REGISTER, London, May 27, 1789 Beginning on page 2 and carrying over to page 2 is a report headed: "Slave Trade" from the House of Commons, taking over half a page in total.
Four pages, never-trimmed margins, full red tax stamp on the front page, very nice condition.
Cook's voyage to the Northwest coast, with the rare plate of natives from Oonalashka...
Item #682586
THE UNIVERSAL MAGAZINE, (London), December, 1784.* HMS Resolution - Royal Navy
* Captain James Cook
* Third Voyage - Gulf of Alaska
Included also is the "Supplement" issue.
This magazine--much more scarce than the Gentleman's Magazine--published in serial form the account of: "Captain Cook's Voyage to the Northern Hemisphere...", this issue containing reports ... See More
Reporting from colonial America...
Item #682584
THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, June, 1755 Always one of our favorite magazines if only because of the very nice engraving at the top of the title page, showing the skyline of London at the time. Within is a very nice foldout map of the county of Glamorgan (located in the southern portion of Wales), measuring 8 by 9 inches showing much detail, & includes a related article.Articles includ... See More
Early Georgia... Map of the English Channel...
Item #682582
* Article on the weather in Georgia
* Map of Havre De Grace, the English Channel, Isle of Wight
The first article is: "A Description of Havre de Grace" which takes over a full page and is accompanied by a nice foldout map showing part of the English Channel including the Isle of Wight off the coast of Southampton and a
... See More
* Article on the weather in Georgia
* Map of Havre De Grace, the English Channel, Isle of Wight
The first article is: "A Description of Havre de Grace" which takes over a full page and is accompanied by a nice foldout map showing part of the English Channel including the Isle of Wight off the coast of Southampton and a
Louis XVI, with print of the guillotine...
Item #682565
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1793 * King Louis XVI of France execution w/ print (historic)
This issue contains the: "Minutes of the Proceedings of the National Convention of France" which takes 4 pages with considerable detail on the trial of Louis XVI with a subhead: "The Final Judgment of Louis XVI" which has text which includes: "...Is Louis ... See More
Map of the Caribbean island of Tobago...
Item #682559
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE SUPPLEMENT, London, For the Year 1778 * Map of the Caribbean island of Tobago
* American Revolutionary War era
A very nice "Supplement" issue published at the end of the year, & from the Revolutionary War.
Perhaps the best item in this issue is the very nice foldout map titled: "A Map of the Island of TOBAGO, Drawn from an Actual Survey by ... See More
Adams's inauguration: the peaceful transfer of power...
Item #682538
March 13, 1797
THE CONNECTICUT COURANT, Hartford, March 13, 1797
* John Adams inauguration
* Thomas Jefferson
A very historic issue as it reports the true test of the great American republic: the peaceful transfer of power.
Page 2 has a report noting in part: "On Saturday at twelve o'clock...soon after his election, JOHN ADAMS as President of the United States attended in the Chamber of th... See More
Mary Wollstonecraft, one of the earliest feminists...
Item #682416
April 21, 1795
KENTISH GAZETTE, Winchester, England, April 21, 1795
* Mary Wollstonecraft - feminist
This newspaper has one of the more decorative & beautiful mastheads of the era. Note the two very detailed engravings on either side, one being the fabled Canterbury Cathedral. The back page has a brief item mentioned Mary Wollstonecraft, one of the earliest woman's rights advocates, with ment... See More
Terrific 18th century ship illustration...
Item #682414
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1748 * Great 18th century ship illustration
Certainly the feature item in this issue is the terrific, full page illustration of: "A Ship Of War" with considerable detail, and with most of the facing page having the "Explanation to a Ship of War of the third Rate with Rigging, &c., at Anchor".
The "Explanation" n... See More
Nice item on Sir Christopher Wren...
Item #682413
September 08, 1716
THE POST BOY, Sept. 8, 1716
* British architect Christopher Wren
* Rare publication w/ nice masthead
Near the top of the back page is a very significant item on the famous architect Sir Christopher Wren.
The report reads: "Christopher Wren, Esq., is removed from being Clerk of his Majesty's Works, and is succeeded by John Mercer Esq., formerly belonging to Mr. How's Offi... See More
News from America...
Item #682412
March 01, 1787
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1787 Included near the back is nearly a full page of: "American News" beginning with mention that Virginia has created duties on imports, with details. From New York is mention that: "Congress have lately concluded a negociation with the Court of Lisbon in respect of trade..." with some details. A few other items as well.
Included... See More
Day of thanksgiving in Boston... an abacus... music writing machine....
Item #682411
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1748 Interesting articles: "Invention of Writing Music by Playing It" with two small illustrations; "Articles For a General Peace" "Introduction to Heraldry" "A Religious Tax Proposed" "Proclamation Against Commerce with France".There is also content regarding the war in America & p... See More
Uncommon title...
Item #682355
February 15, 1753
THE SCOURGE, London, Feb. 15, 1753
* Rare publication
A very curious and uncommon newspaper from England done in editorial format, popular with other titles at that time as well. It was published "By Oxymel Busby, Esq." as noted in the masthead. This newspaper lasted but 81 issues.
Single column format with 6 pages, 7 1/4 by 11 1/4 inches, very nice condition.... See More
Great map showing North America... On taxing America without their consent...
Item #682287
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1776 The prime feature of this issue is the great map showing all of the western hemisphere titled: "A New Projection of the Western Hemisphere of the Earth on a Plane shewing the proportions of its several parts nearly as on a Globe, By J. Hardy, at Eton College." The map is dated at the bottom: "by F. Newbery, Ludgat
... See More
Cabinet positions in Washington's new government include John Jay as first Chief Justice...
Item #682219
November 01, 1789
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November, 1789 Near the back is a report headed: "America" which details the power of the Executive Dept. of the new federal government, including: "The Executive Power, which forms one of the branches of ours new Government...to fill the different departments are appointed as follows: Mr. Jefferson, Secretary of State; General Knox, Secre... See More
The immigrant issue in America in 1787...
Item #682214
May 01, 1787
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1787 Included is a brief section headed: "American News" which references the end of the Shays' Rebellion in Massachusetts, and also mention that: "...from Philadelphia...that thirty thousand emigrants have arrived there since the war; that twenty thousand Germans and Dutch occupy a tract of 50 miles; and that grants have been made of... See More
America must remain vigilant...
Item #681751
January 19, 1793
DUNLAP'S AMERICAN DAILY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, Jan. 19, 1793 Page 3 has a great letter beginning: "The important struggle now is how America shall preserve her Liberty and Equality! For it is unbecoming her after she has contended with the power of Great Britain & conquered, that she must depend solely on the success of France for their continuance!...".
Four pages, nev... See More
Famous "Unite Or Die" engraving in the masthead...
Item #681728
November 16, 1774
THE PENNSYLVANIA JOURNAL; AND THE WEEKLY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, November 16, 1774 If there was one graphic which represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption. The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead of this newspaper, shows a snake cut into various pieces, each with a
... See More
Naval reports from the French & Indian War in America...
Item #681528
March 22, 1759
THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, March 22, 1759 Page 2 has naval reports from the French & Indian War: "The Phila, Capt. Farmer, from New York...was taken the 17th of February by the Sampson privateer of Bayonne..." with more reports mentioning New York and South Carolina.
Four pages, 9 1/2 by 14 1/2 inches, red tax stamp on the front page, great condition.... See More
Madison proposes Amendments to the Constitution... Early edition of the Bill of Rights...
Item #681502
June 13, 1789
* Early edition of the "Bill of Rights"
* United States Constitution - Amendments
* President James Madison
An exceedingly significant issue which has, on page 3, a preliminary draft of the Bill of Rights described as "...the Amendments to the New Constitution, proposed by the Hon. Mr. Maddison [sic]...".... See More
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