Web Results (1302)



Harvey Gantt breaks the color barrier....

Item #622169

January 28, 1963

THE PARSONS SUN, Kansas, January 28, 1963

* Harvey Gantt break the color barrier

* 1srt Negro enrolled in a South Carolina college

* Clemson University Tigers

The front page has a three column headline: "Color Wall Broken In South Carolina" with caption: "Negro Enrolled at Clemson College" (see) 1st report coverage on Harvey Bernard Gantt becoming the 1st Negro to enrol... See More  

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Sugar Ray Robinson vs. Jake Lamotta...

Item #621748

February 06, 1943

THE TIMES-PICAYUNE, New Orleans, February 6, 1943

* Sugar Ray Robinson vs. Jake Lamotta

* 2nd fight - Robinson's 1st ever loss

* Boxing - Boxers

This 22 page newspaper has one column headlines on page 9: "ROBINSON WIN STRING BROKEN" and "La Motta Floors Negro as He Takes Decision". This was the famous second fight in which LaMotta beat Robinson.

Other news, sports... See More  

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Jews on the continent...

Item #621264

May 31, 1845

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., May 31, 1845 

* Judaica - Jewish

* Slave for sale ad

The front page has nearly half a column headed: "The Jews On The Continent" (see ) followed by an ad: "A Private Sale, a Negro Boy 18 years old...".  Much other news of the day.

Four pages, some front page staining & a bit irregular at the spine.... See More  

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Judaica report...

Item #621243

July 14, 1847

EVENING POST, New York, July 14, 1847  Page 2 has a report with a small heading: "The Jewish Sabbath" which reports: "The Journal des Debats publishes a letter dated in Konigsburg, May 6th, which states that 700 Jews of that city had agreed to transfer...their Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. This measure is regarded as...proof of the tendency felt by Jews to assimilate themsel... See More  

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Maryville, Missouri Negro lynching...

Item #621023

January 12, 1931

FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Massachusetts, January 12, 1931 

* Raymond Gunn lynching 

* Maryville MO Missouri

* Burned atop a schoolhouse 

The front page has one column headings: "Mob Burns Negro To Death On School Roof" "Building Made Funeral Pyre; Victim Chained To Prevent His Escape" and more. (see) Early, same day 1st report coverage on the lynching of Negr... See More  

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Officers for the Negro troops...

Item #621008

March 24, 1863

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, March 24, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Remarkable Article by the Richmond Whig" "It Urges Mutiny & Revolt by Our Soldiers' "It Says they Will starve in the Impoverished South" "Tall Lying About the Recent Cavalry Fight" "The Affair at Port Hudson" "The Yazoo Pass  Expedition"... See More  

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Abraham Lincoln's position...

Item #620635

January 30, 1861

NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 30, 1861 

* Abraham Lincoln about to change America

Near the top of the front page is: "Important From Springfield" "The Position Of the President Elect" noting in part: "...stating that Mr. Lincoln had written to his Congressional friends recommending conciliatory measures...country may rest assured that in Abraham Lincoln they have a Repub... See More  

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The Lawrence catastrophe... Slavery...

Item #619430

January 16, 1860

THE NEW YORK HERALD, January 16, 1860 

* Pemberton Mill disaster

* Lawrence, Massachusetts

* African slave trade

Page 5 has: "The Lawrence Catastrophe" "More Bodies Recovered - Proclamation of the mayor of Lawrence - Tuesday Next to be Observed as a Day of Prayer - Relief for the Sufferers, Etc." Various related subheads as well. This was the collapse of the Pember... See More  

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Coal Creek, Indiana race riot...

Item #618744

April 19, 1878

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, April 19, 1878

* Coal Creek, Fountain County, Indiana

* Race riot - Negro scabs vs. locals

* Coal mining - miners

The front page has a brief article headed: "Riotous Militiamen" "Three Negroes Shot By A Company Of Drunken" "Militiamen At Coal Creek, Indiana" (see)

Other news of the day. Complete in 8 pages, minor margin wear, generally nice.... See More  

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March from Selma to Montgomery...

Item #618450

March 16, 1965

THE PRATT TRIBUNE, Kansas, March 16, 1965 

* Selma to Montgomery, Alabama 

* Martin Luther King Jr.

The front page has a five column headline: "Negro Leaders Meet On Plans To Resume Highway March To Capitol" (see)

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 12 pages, a few small binding holes along spine, otherwise nice.... See More  

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Sam Jones.... 1st Negro to throw a no-hitter in Major League Baseball...

Item #617765

May 13, 1955

LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, May 13, 1955

* Sam Jones - Chicago Cubs

* 1st Negro to throw a no-hitter in Major League Baseball

The sport's section (page 11) has a two column heading: "HOW IT'S GETTING TO BE IN TOSSING NO-HITTERS IN THE MAJOR LEAGUES" First report coverage on the 1st Negro pitcher to throw a no-hitter in the MLB.

Other news, sports and adver... See More  

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Duluth, Minnesota lynchings...

Item #617503

June 17, 1920

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 17, 1920 

* Duluth, Minnesota lynchings (1st report)

* 3 negro circus workers hanged 

* Isaac McGhie - Nate Green - Elmer Jackson 

Page 2 has a one column heading: "Troops on Guard In Duluth After Three Lynchings" with subhead. (see)

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 22 pages, light browning, minor spine wear, ge... See More  

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Piracy... Slave up-rising suppressed...

Item #616957

March 21, 1829

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Maryland, March 21, 1829  A lot of the news in this newspaper is government related from different regions of America. Featured in this issue is a great report on piracy with nice details of a capture. Also within this issue is a small report of slave uprising in Louisiana. This has interesting news of the day throughout. 

Sixteen pages measur... See More  

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University of Michigan prints from 1887...

Item #616767

July 09, 1887

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 9, 1887 

* University of Michigan - U-M

* Ann Arbor buildings prints

Nice, tipped-in double page centerfold: "The University Of Michigan, At Ann Arbor" features 9 illustrations of the notable buildings on the campus, including: "The Library" "The Museum" "The Medical School" "The School Of Dentistry"... See More  

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Prelude to the Civil War... Georgia to secede... Much more...

Item #616536

January 19, 1861

NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 19, 1861 

* Southern secession

* Fort Sumter tensions

* Prelude to the Civil War

Among the one column heads on the ftpg. are: "The National Troubles" "Animated Debate on the Kansas Bill" "Passage of the Army Bill in Committee of the Whole" "Latest Dispatches from the South" "Declaration of the Georgia Convention in Favo... See More  

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Haywood Patterson found guilty... Scottsboro Boys....

Item #616429

April 10, 1933

THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 10, 1933

* Scottsboro  Boys rape case

* Haywood Patterson

The front page has one column headlines: "NEGRO FOUND GUILTY IN SCOTTSBORO CASE; JURY 0UT 22 HOURS" "Verdict Carries Sentence of Death After One Juror Had Held Out for Life Term" and more. (see) 1st report coverage on Haywood Patterson being found guilty of rape in the famous Scottsb... See More  

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Negro Woman execution...

Item #615968

April 23, 1881

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, April 23, 1881

* Lunenburg County, Virginia

* Negro Woman hanging - execution

This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many interesting advertisements. The front page has an article headed: "A Hanging Horror" "The Execution of a Colored Woman in Virginia" and more with smaller subheads.

Complete in 12 pages, a little ma... See More  

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Tazewell, Tennessee...

Item #615567

August 17, 1862

THE NEW YORK HERALD, August 17, 1862 

* Tazewell TN Tennessee

* Baton Rouge LA Louisiana

Among the ftpg. Civil War heads are: "Interesting From New Orleans' "The Negro Brigade Controversy Still Pending" "Commerce & Trade Increasing" "General Butler's Measures to Relieve the Poor of New Orleans' "A Grant Melee Between the Police & A... See More  

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Hampton County, South Carolina Negro lynching...

Item #615556

July 28, 1882

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, July 28, 1882

* Hampton County, South Carolina

* Martin Beckett - Negro lynching

This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many advertisements. The front page has an article headed: "Chronicles Of Crime" "Later Details of the Lynching of Martin Beckett in South Carolina" "After a Severe Struggle with the Jailer the C... See More  

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Virginia's governor and the former slaves...

Item #615538

July 12, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, July 12, 1865 

* Georgia Emancipation

* Slaves and Masters

The front page has: "Georgia: Address of Provisional Governor Johnson, His Views On Emancipation." which takes over a full column. Other reports inside include: "VIRGINIA", "Governor Pierpoint and the Negroes", "Their Late Rebel Masters Trying to Get Rid of Them&q
... See More  

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Naples is captured by the Austrians...

Item #615527

May 16, 1821

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C.., May 16, 1821  The front page has historic content on the history of Italy with the top of the page: "The Fate Of Naples Decided!" and within the article is: "...The papers announce the important fact that the Neapolitians have FAILED IN THEIR ATTEMPT TO ESTABLISH A FREE GOVERNMENT! They have signed a convention with the Austrians &... See More  

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Charles Dickens... Slave ship captured...

Item #615503

May 22, 1841

THE NEW WORLD, New York, May 22, 1841 

* Charles Dickens

* African slave trade

Primarily a literary newspaper with several pages containing a chapter of "Barnaby Rudge, by Charles Dickens". The back page has a brief article: "Slavers Captured" which mentions: "...with upwards of one thousand slaves on board..." (see).

Sixteen pages, 10 by 14 1/2 inches, n... See More  

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Voice of the Nation of Islam...

Item #615496

June 18, 1971

MUHAMMAD SPEAKS, Chicago, Illinois, June 18, 1971  This newspaper was one of the most widely-read ever produced by an African American organization. Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad began the publication on May 1960 as a weekly publication. It was distributed nationwide by the Nation Of Islam and covered current events around the world as well as relevant news in African American commun... See More  

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Item #615380

April 25, 1850

EMANCIPATOR & REPUBLICAN, Boston, April 25, 1850  Although the title would seem to imply this is an anti-slavery newspaper, the content is almost entirely political, plus advertisements as well.

Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, a few minor archival mends.

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Marianna, Arkansas Negro lynching..

Item #614267

May 27, 1883

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, May 27, 1883

* Marianna, Arkansas

* Negro lynching

* Lee County

This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many advertisements. Page 2 has an article headed: "CALENDAR OF CRIME" "A Negro Fire-Bug Murdered by a Mob at Marianna, Ark." and more. (see)

This issue is not fragile as newsprint back then was made of cotton and l... See More  

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1879 Negro exodusters..

Item #613356

April 20, 1879

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, April 20, 1879

* Negro Exodusters begin

* Wyandotte KS Kansas

This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many advertisements. Page 3 has an article headed: "The Colored Immigrants" "Brief Description of Their Reception and Condition at Wyandotte" and more. (see) Text takes up more than a full column.

This issue is not fra... See More  

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Very early boxing...

Item #611422

July 30, 1811

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, July 30, 1811

* Tom "The Moor" Molineaux

* African-American bare-knuckle boxer

Page 3 has a one paragraph report about a boxing match near London between Molineux, the famous black man from New York, and a young Englishman named Rimmer. The report states in part: "...In the course of 15 minutes the black pounded his antagonist most tremendo... See More  

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Details of a slave case brought to trial...

Item #611282

October 26, 1848

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 26, 1848  The top of page 3 has an article: "Important Slave Case Decision" which begins: "The Case of Lewis Pierrie, alleged to be the slave of Robert Tilghman of New Orleans, came up again before Judge King..." followed by much detail concerning the case (see).

Four pages, nice condition.

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Slave ad... Texas and the United States government...

Item #610839

May 10, 1836

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., May 10, 1836  The middle of the front page has a detailed ad headed: "100 Dollars Reward" for a runaway: "...Negro Man named NED, about six feet high, dark copper color..."with additional descriptions (see). Page 3 has nearly two column concerning Texas beginning: "The Texian subject has assumed an aspect entirely new as... See More  

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Gov. Brownlow offers a reward for the captuure of the former governor...

Item #609917

May 10, 1865


* Very rare Civil War title - closing events

* William Gannaway "Parson" Brownlow

W. G. Brownlow, or  Parson Brownlow, was a fascinating personality to say the least. He regarded anyone who disagreed with him about religion or politics as an enemy. The circuit-riding Methodist parson turned t... See More  

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Rolling Fork, Mississippi riot...

Item #608861

December 12, 1875

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, December 12, 1875

* Rolling Fork MS Mississippi

* Negro massacre - riot

This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many interesting advertisements. Page 4 has an article headed: "SATAN SMILED" "Notorious Negroes Precipitate the Rolling Fork Riot" "The Rolling Fork Riot" See image for text here.

Complete in 12 p... See More  

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Daniel Sickles... Afrcian slave trade...

Item #607094

March 04, 1859


* Daniel Sickles' wife

* Philip Barton Key murder

* African slave trade

The front page has an article headed: "The Sickles Tragedy" See image for text here.

Page 2 has a lengthy article headed: "The Slave-trade and the Right of Search" Text takes up over 1 1/2 columns

Other news of the day. Complete in 8 pages, nice condition.... See More  

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Slavery & the South...

Item #607032

February 21, 1859

NEW YORK DAILY TIMES, February 21, 1859

* African slave trade

* Pre Civil War South

Page 8 has an article headed: "Defenders Of The Slave-Trade". See image for text.

Other news of the day. Complete in 8 pages, minor spine wear, nice condition.

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Fugitive slave case...

Item #606649

December 05, 1857

NEW YORK DAILY TIMES, December 5, 1857

* Fugitive slave case

* Pre-Civil War

The front page has an article headed: "Fugitive Slave Case in Indiana" See image for text.

Other news of the day. Complete in 8 pages, nice condition.

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Panchita slaver case...

Item #606472

July 28, 1857


* Slaver Panchita  case

Page 2 has an article headed: "THE SLAVE-TRADE" "Curious Case Of The Panchita" and more. Text takes up over four columns.

Other news of the day. Complete in 8 pages, minor spine wear, otherwise nice.

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The fugitive slave John Anderson... Seceding from the Union...

Item #606331

February 04, 1861

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Feb. 4, 1861 

* John Anderson - fugitive slave

* Pre Civil War Southern tensions

Inside has: "A Southern Diarist" "Later From California" "Arrival of the Pony Express" "News From Kansas" "Movements of Mr. Lincoln" "The Case of the Fugitive Anderson", the latter concerning the trial of the famed fugitive slave... See More  

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Nicholasville, Kentucky Negro lynching...

Item #605110

May 01, 1867

WORCESTER EVENING GAZETTE, Worcester, Massachusetts, May 1, 1867

* Nicholasville, Kentucky

* Jessamine County Negro lynching

Page 3 has a small one column heading: "Lynch Law revived in Kentucky". See image for text.

Other news of the day with several interesting advertisements. Complete in 4 pages, minor spine wear, nice condition.... See More  

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Negro suffrage...

Item #605003

January 31, 1867

WORCESTER EVENING GAZETTE, Massachusetts, January 31, 1867

* Negroes suffrage

* District of Columbia

Page 2 has a small one column heading: "Negro Suffrage" See image for text here.

Other news of the day with several interesting advertisements. Complete in 4 pages, minor spine wear, nice condition.

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Capture of a slave ship... Lincoln offered as a compromise candidate for President...

Item #602895

June 21, 1860

NEW YORK TIMES, June 21, 1860 

* Famous slaver "Wildfire"

* African slave trade print fame

Page 2 has small one column headings: "The Captured Slaver" "Reception Of The Negroes At Key West--How They Fare" This is a notable slave ship, made somewhat famous by the print of it found in the June 2, 1860 issue of Harper's Weekly.

Other news of the day. Com... See More  

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Carbondale, Illinois negro lynching...

Item #602390

February 06, 1874

EVANSVILLE DAILY JOURNAL, Evansville, Indiana, February 6, 1874

* Terre Haute, Indiana ghost

* Carbondale, Illinois negro lynching

This uncommon title has news of the day with several interesting advertisements.

The front page has one column headings: "LYNCH LAW" "Hanging, by a Mob, of a Negro Murderer at Carbondale..." See image for text.

Page three has one column hea... See More  

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1st Negro high school in Kentucky...

Item #602369

October 08, 1873

EVANSVILLE DAILY JOURNAL, Evansville, Indiana, October 8, 1873

* 1st Negro high school

* Louisville KY Kentucky

This uncommon title has news of the day with several interesting advertisements.

The front page has one column headings: "Kentucky" "The First Colored High School in Kentucky". See image for text.

Complete in 8 pages, minor spine wear, otherwise in nice condi... See More  

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First World Series to include African American comes to close...

New York Yankees Win World Series...

Item #601852

October 07, 1947

THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE-TIMES, Pennsylvania, October 7, 1947 

* New York Yankees Win World Series

* First World Series to include an African American

* Jackie Robinson - Brooklyn Dodgers

The sport's section (page 14) has a six column headline:

"N.Y. Pitching, Hitting, Deciding Factor"

with subheads, related photo and box scores. This was the first World Series to incl... See More  

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White slave trafficking... Walter Johnson... Coney Island...

Item #601066

May 19, 1913

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 19, 1913 The front page of the issue has a one-column headline "SAYS SLAVE TRUST EARNS MILLIONS" with subheads "Rockefeller Report Reveals Astounding Conditions Throughout the Borough of Manhattan"; "Traffic Not 'Economic'"; "Denounce Dance Halls and Makes Charge that Real Estate Agents Are Leagued with Procurers in 'Clearing Hou... See More  

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Watkins Glen, New York...

Item #600949
HARPER'S MONTHLY, New York, June, 1871  Inside has a twelve page article: "An Excursion To Watkins Glen" that includes fullpg. illustrations of the "Entrance To Watkins Glen" & "Glen Alpha" and nearly halfpg. illustrations of "The Cathedral" "The Cascade" "The Well" and a few others. Article: "The Horrors of Santa Doming... See More  

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1903 color comics... Punch and Judy...

Item #600947

December 06, 1903

THE SUNDAY PRESS, Philadelphia, Dec. 13th, 1903

* Punch and Judy - Negro

* Billy Bounce

Children's and Comic Section. The front page of this section has two color comics with one titled: "Punch And Judy Up To Date" The back side of this section has two color comics titles: "The Teasers: Bobby Gets Himself Into More Trouble" and "Billy Bounce Team Rolls A Race&q... See More  

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Anna Elizabeth Dickinson death....

Item #600772

October 25, 1932

THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 25, 1932

* Anna Elizabeth Dickinson death

* Anti slavery - Women's rights

Page 19 has one column headlines:


"Had Been Hoping to Celebrate 90th Birthday Next Friday Until Just Before End"

"Woman's Rights Champion"

and more with photo. (see) See images for 1st report coverage on t... See More  

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Ironton, Missouri Negro lynching...

Item #600728

July 31, 1882

THE CLEVELAND LEADER, Cleveland, Ohio, July 31, 1882

* Ironton, Missouri

* Negro lynching

The front page has a one column heading: "A Negro Lynched for Attempting in Outrage an Old Lady". Actual report is on page 2 under: "Negro Lynched". See images for text. Other news and advertisements of the day. Complete in 8 pages, minor margin wear, otherwise in good con... See More  

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Friars Point, Mississippi Negro lynchings...

Item #600572

January 17, 1876

THE CLEVELAND LEADER, Cleveland, Ohio, January 17, 1876

* Friars Point, Mississippi

* Negroes - lynchings

This 8 page issue has news of the day with several interesting advertisements throughout.

Page 5 has one column headings: "Mississippi Justice" "Four Negroes Lynched at Friars' Point" See image for text here.

Complete, a little spine wear, otherwise in good con... See More  

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Walton, Kentucky Negro lynching....

Item #600413

September 06, 1879

THE CLEVELAND LEADER, Ohio, September 6, 1879

* Walton, Kentucky

* Negro lynching

This uncommon 8 page issue has news of the day with several interesting advertisements throughout.

The front page has one column headings: "Twenty Shots In His Body" "While Tied To A Tree By A Posse Of Citizens" See image for text.

Complete, a little margin wear, otherwise in good con... See More  

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Jackie Robinson & Bob Feller... inducted into the Hall of Fame...

Item #600368

January 24, 1962

LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, January 24, 1962 

* Bob Feller & Jackie Robinson inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. 

* Jackie Robinson becomes 1st African American to be so honored 

Page 6 has a one column headline: "Robinson, Feller Join Hall of Fame" 1st report coverage on Bob Feller and Jackie Robinson being inducted into Baseball's hal... See More  

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