Web Results (1302)



Concerns for political troubles in creating a new government...

Item #650328
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1784 

Among the articles are: "Ancient Customs Elucidated--The Feast of Yule" "History of the Race of Gypsies Further Illustrated" which takes nearly 3 pages; "An Account of the Experiments Made by the Aerostatic Machine of M.M. Montgolfier" the famous balloonist (see); and more.

There is over half a page on the Q... See More  

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Discussing the Navy... The slave trade...

Item #650285

April 14, 1821

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, April 14, 1821  Over two pages are taken up with a lengthy & detailed report headed: "Navy of the United States" with discussion on costs of operations, etc. The report is signed in type by: John Rodgers. Nearly 1 1/2 pages are taken up with: "Slave Trade" which has much discussion on this controversial subject.

Complete in ... See More  

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Slave uprising in Jamaica...

Item #650281

February 25, 1832

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Feb. 25, 1832  Within this issue is an article with a small heading: "Jamaica" with the report beginning: "We have awful details of the late proceedings of the slaves in this island One hundred and fifty estates had been laid waste by fire...More than two thousand slaves had been killed or executed--hung up by scores, and without much... See More  

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Voice of the Nation of Islam... Muhammad Ali...

Item #650069

February 23, 1968

MUHAMMAD SPEAKS, Chicago, Illinois, February 23, 1968 This newspaper was one of the most widely-read ever produced by an African American organization. Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad began the publication on May 1960 as a weekly publication. It was distributed nationwide by the Nation Of Islam and covered current events around the world as well as relevant news in African American communit... See More  

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Madison's review of the year 1815... Chart notes values of slaves...

Item #650012

December 09, 1815

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 9, 1815 

* President James Madison

* State of the Union Address

The notable content is the full text of the President's annual state-of-the-union address signed in type: James Madison. He reviews all that happened in 1815 with much on the details of the end of the War of 1812.

Several state statistical charts including one for North Caro... See More  

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The slave trade in 1860...

Item #649871

August 25, 1860

NEW YORK TIMES, August 25, 1860  The front page has: "The Slave-Trade" "Case of Achorn--Decision Rendered--The Captain and Mate Discharged." The report includes the text of the decision (see).

Eight pages, binding slits at the spine, minor printing flaw to the ftpg., otherwise good.

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Sufi Abdul Hamid arrested... Antisemitism...

Item #649505

January 20, 1935

THE NEW YORK TIMES, section 2 only, January 20, 1935

* Sufi Abdul Hamid arrested

* African-American Islam convert

* Anti-Semitism rhetoric in Harlem

The front page of this section has a one column heading: "HARLEM'S 'HITLER' JAILED FOR SPEECH" with subheads that include: "Court Calls Sufi Abdul Hamid 'Imposter and Faker' Before 150 Negro Followers" ... See More  

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P.T. Barnum - "The Mammoth Opera Scheme"...

American slave trade...

Item #649082

June 03, 1858


* The African slave trade

* P.T. Barnum's letter to the editor

The front page has an article headed: "The Slave-Trade And The American Flag". See image for text. Page four has an interesting letter to the editor entitled:  "The Mammoth Opera Scheme", signed in type by P.T. Barnum.

Other news of the day. Complete in 8 pages, a ... See More  

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Amazing Grace... Abolishing slavery (British) discusion...

Item #648711
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, January, 1807  Within this 90+ page issue is a report headed: "Proceedings In the First Session of the Third Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland, 1806", which begins: "Lord Grenville brought in a Bill for abolishing the Slave Trade, which was read the first time." This brief report was the init... See More  

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African-American jockey wins the Kentucky Derby...

Item #648552

May 14, 1891

THE OMAHA DAILY BEE, Nebraska, May 14, 1891 

* 1891 Kentucky Derby victory

* Issac Burns Murphy - Negro jockey

Inside has a report of the running of the 1891 Kentucky Derby, won by the horse Kingman, ridden by Hall of Fame African-American jockey Isaac Burns Murphy.

The pg. 7 heads note: "Kingman's Easy Triumph" "He Wins the Kentucky Derby by Scarcely More Than a Ca... See More  

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Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson...

Item #648146

October 02, 1830

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 2, 1830  Among the articles within are: "Negro Cloths", a letter signed in type: Andrew Jackson declining an offer to attend a public dinner in Knoxville; "Virginia Gold" "Origin of the Slave Trade"; a letter to John Adams concerning "Anticipated Revolutions" signed in type: Thomas Jefferson, datelines "M... See More  

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Carl B. Stokes... First African-American Mayor of a large U.S. city...

Item #647897

November 09, 1967

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, November 9, 1967

* Carl  B. Stokes becomes 1st African-American mayor of a large U.S. city

* Elected mayor of Cleveland, Ohio

* Richard G. Hatcher becomes 1st African American mayor of Gary, Indiana

The front page has a four column heading: "Negro Elected Mayor in Gary, Ind.; Stokes Apparent Victor in Cleveland" First report coverage on ... See More  

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Little Rock, Arkansas Negro lynching...

Item #647815

May 05, 1927

THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 5, 1927 

* Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas

* African American John Carter lynching

Page 29 has one column headings that include: "LITTLE ROCK MOB LYNCHES A NEGRO" "Drags Body Through Street Behind Auto and Burns It in Colored Quarter" "Youth Alleged to Have Confessed Attack on White Woman and Her Daughter" and more. (see) Firs... See More  

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The Denmark Vesey slave revolt... Would one day fuel Frederick Douglass' battle-cry for freedom...

Item #647595

July 13, 1822

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 13, 1822  The back page has a report of the Denmark Vesey slave revolt, noting that six slaves were executed in Charleston.

Denmark Vesey was a former slave who purchased his freedom and then planned what would have been one of the largest slave rebellions in the United States. Word of the plans were leaked and authorities at Charleston arrest... See More  

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Mustering out Negro troops...

Item #647559

September 20, 1865

THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 20, 1865 

* Henry Wirz trial

* Jefferson Davis

From shortly after the end of the Civil War but still with war-related reports including: "Returned Soldiers" "The Real Abolition Platform of Ohio" "Mustering Out Negro Troops" "The Wirz Trial" "Trouble Brewing in the Abolition Camp" "Jefferson Davis&q... See More  

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Early from Florida...

Item #647352

February 19, 1848

THE FLORIDIAN, Tallahassee, Florida, February 19, 1848 

* Rare antebellum publication

Nineteenth century newspapers from Florida are uncommon, particularly those from before the Civil War. Here is such an issue from the capital city of Florida, five years before the Civil War.

The front page has various literary items including: "Natural History of Humbugs". Pages 2 & 3 h... See More  

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Memoirs of John Carter, John Duckworth, & F.A.S. & Count de Choiseul-Gouffier...

Item #647109
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1817

Whereas the issue includes reports from the Americas, including one from Haiti mentioning the building of a college with recommendations by William Wilberforce, perhaps the most interesting material are the multi-page memoirs of sculpture/architect John Carter, F.A.S., Admiral John Duckworth & Auguste de Choiseul-Gouffier. Also included are ... See More  

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1936 Dalton, Georgia negro lynching...

Item #646811

September 07, 1936

THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, September 7, 1936 

* A.L. McCamy Negro lynching 

* Dalton, Whitfield County, Georgia

The front page has a small one column heading: "Suspect in Attack Lynched by Mob" (see) First report coverage on the lynching of Negro A. L. McCamy in Dalton, Georgia

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 22 pages, light toning &... See More  

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Brief item on the Creole slave ship mutiny case...

Item #646665

June 11, 1842

NILES'S NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, June 11, 1842 

The back page has an article headed: "The Creole Case", which concerns a slave ship upon which the slaves mutinied, a rather infamous event in American history.

The Creole case was the result of an American slave revolt in November, 1841 on board the Creole, a ship involved in the United States slave trade. As 128 slaves gai... See More  

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From the Confederate Congress...

Item #645701

January 27, 1862

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Jan. 27, 1862 

* From the Confederate capital

A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederate states with the front page taken up various advertisements and news, including; "The Northern Congress" "The Emancipation Question" "The Only Compromise With the Rebels" as well as "Notes Of The War".

The inside pa... See More  

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Zeb Pike explores the Mississippi... Comm. Truxton...

Item #645608

June 25, 1806

 COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, June 25, 1806 

* Zeb Pike Explores The Mississippi River

Page 2 references: "...a letter from St. Louis...says Lieut. Pike returned a few since for reconnoitering the head waters of the Mississippi--All I can understand of his tour is, that the Mississippi heads out of a large lake, and runs a considerable distance very narrow and deep.--The climat... See More  

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African-American soldiers... Cricket match...

Item #645256

November 01, 1879

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 1, 1879  The full ftpg. is a Thomas Nast political cartoon showing Blacks & captioned: "The Next Debut - Now Let General M.C. Butler, of South Carolina, Show How Bulldozing Is Done."

Prints inside include a halfpg: "The Avery Institute, Charleston, S.C."; a fullpg: "International Cricket Match at Phila." "The Ute War-... See More  

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Death of Cab Calloway, in a Los A ngeles newspaper...

Item #644760

November 20, 1994

LOS ANGELES TIMES, November 20, 1994

* Cab Calloway death (1st report)

* African American jazz - scat singer

* Cotton Club, Harlem, New York City

Neat the bottom of the front page is a two column heading: "Cab Calloway, Legendary Hi De Ho Man of Jazz, Dies" with photo. (See) Nice to have this report in a newspaper from the capital of the entertainment industry.

The complete firs... See More  

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Andy Jackson... Return of Indian land in Georgia...

Item #644140

March 21, 1820

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 21, 1820  Most of pg. 2 is taken up with: "General Jackson's Memorial", continued in a future issue. The ftpg. has a document to the Senate signed by the President: James Monroe, concerning the return of land to the citizens of Georgia by various Indian tribes (see).

No fewer than 4 runaway slave reward ads. Four pages, nice condi... See More  

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First African-American to win the Kentucky Derby...

Item #643703

May 05, 1898

THE NORTH AMERICAN, Philadelphia, May 5, 1898 

* Kentucky Derby

* Plaudit - horse

* Willie Simms

The top of pg. 3 has column heads on the Kentucky Derby. The winning jockey was Willie Simms, an African-American. He also won in the 1896 running as well. His name is only mentioned in the results (and misspelled; see). Heads include: "Kentucky Derby Won By Plaudit" "Aristo... See More  

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Reflections on Booker T. Washington's famous speech at the Atlanta Exposition...

Item #643439

September 19, 1895

THE OMAHA DAILY BEE, Nebraska, Sept. 19, 1895 

* Atlanta Cotton States and International Exposition Speech

* Booker T. Washington - African-American political leader

Just the day prior noted African-American spokesman Booker T. Washington spoke before a predominantly white audience at the Cotton States & International Exposition in Atlanta, a speech which would go down in history a... See More  

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Andrew Jackson addresses the people of Florida...

Item #643243

November 10, 1821

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 10, 1821  Perhaps the best item in this issue is the report headed: "General Jackson" which is his address to the citizens of Florida in which he announces the temporary organization of the government of Florida. This address takes over a full page and is signed by him in type: Andrew Jackson, Gov. of the Floridas.

Among the other reports in thi... See More  

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Abolishing slavery... America is flourishing economically...

Item #640633
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, June, 1791  Taking nearly 2 pages is: "An Expository Address to the People of England on the Late Memorable Decision Against the Abolition of the Slave Trade". Among the news reports near  the back are a few items headed: "America"  beginning: "America has now to boast a flourishing trade & a wise and upright administrat... See More  

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Ringgold, Louisiana Negro lynching...

Item #640025

February 20, 1933

THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 20, 1933 

* Nelson Nash, Negro lynching - hanging

* Ringgold, Bienville Parish, Louisiana

Page 4 has one column headings: "MOB LYNCHES NEGRO IN LOUISIANA SLAYING" "Police Say Prisoner Confessed Killing of Bank Cashier, Who Died Protecting His Wife"

First report coverage on the lynching of Negro Nelson Nash in Ringgold, Louisiana.... See More  

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Major Jimmy Stewart, pilot in World War II...

Item #639505

April 14, 1944

NEW YORK TIMES, April 14, 1944 

* Jimmy Stewart as a World War II pilot

* American Hollywood movie actor

Page 3 has a small, rather inconspicuous report of famed actor Jimmy Steward  co-piloting a Liberator plane over Germany. Headed: "Stewart Co-Pilot in New Attack" it includes: "Maj. Jimmy Stewart, former film star, led one group of Liberators over Oberpfaffenhof... See More  

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Reports from the Confederacy...

Item #639394

February 03, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, February 3, 1864 

* Rare rebel title

A newspaper from the capital of the Confederate states, the city through which all news reports flowed during the Civil War. The front page has much on the war with items headed: "From the Blackwater Region" "The Enemy at New Bern, North Carolina" "From Charleston" "Arrest of Ex-Se... See More  

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Print of Notre Dame University... Stage coach robbery...

Item #638642

August 17, 1885


* Old West stage coach robbery

* University of Notre Dame

The ftpg. has some interesting articles including; "Battling With A Burglar" "Midnight Encounter with a Murderous Negro at Texarkana" "Slain by a Saloon-Keeper--Result of a Drunken Spree...".  "Daring Stage Robbery which is from Phoenix which reads... See More  

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On Ben Franklin's will... Northwest coast of America...

Item #638619
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London,  August, 1790  Included is: "Remarks on the Slave Trade Occasioned by Bruce's Travels". Near the back is a brief bit  noting: "The common council at Paris paid to the illustrious Franklyn [Franklin]  tribute of homage, singular in its nature but due from a free & enlightened city to the memory of a man who gave libert... See More  

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Lengthy report on the national currency... Seizure of Florida...

Item #638180

March 18, 1820

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 18, 1820  Taking over 3 pages is a continued report from the  Secretary of the Treasury on the "National Currency". Also within is over a page on the: "Seizure of the Floridas", followed by: "The Slave Question". Nearly 4 pages of reports from "Congress" as well.

Sixteen pages, 6 by 9 1/4 inches, good c... See More  

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Memorial service for Medgar Evers...

Item #637750

July 15, 1963

THE EVENING TELEGRAM, Herkimer - Ilion, New York, July 15, 1963  The front page has a two column, two line headline "Honor Medgar Evers Memory In Rainy Capitol Ceremony" which took place in Albany. "...Some of the demonstrators sat on the massive stone staircase of the Capitol, near the carving of the head of a Negro and a broken chain, a symbol of the freeing of the slaves. It... See More  

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Medgar Evers assailant arrested... 125,000 rally in Detroit along with Martin Luther King...

Item #637703

June 24, 1963

THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 24, 1963  The front page has a column-wide article "SUSPECT CHARGED IN EVERS MURDER" with subhead "Mississippi Salesman, 42, Seized After Fingerprints on Rifle Are Checked". "Byron de La Beckwith, known as an outspoken white supremacist, was charged with murder today in the ambush slaying of Medgar W. Evers, Negro Civil rights leader...".... See More  

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Earl Wilson throws 1st African American no-hitter...

Item #637096

June 27, 1962

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, June 27, 1962

* Earl Wilson throws no-hitter

* Boston Red Sox

* 1st African American in AL

* Major League Baseball - MLB

The very top of the front page has a banner headline: "Wilson Hurls No-Hitter for Boston Red Sox" with subheads and photo. (see) First report coverage on Boston Red Sox pitcher, Earl Wilson, pitching the very no-hitter for... See More  

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St. Joseph, Missouri Negro lynching...

Item #636897

November 29, 1933

THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 30, 1933.

* Lloyd Warner Negro lynching

* St. Joseph MO Missouri

* Verne C. Miller slaying

* Gangster era gunman - bootlegger

The top of page 2 has a one column heading: "MISSOURI OPENS LYNCHING INQUIRY" with subheads. (see) Coverage on the lynching of Negro Lloyd Warner in St. Joseph, Missouri.

The back page has a one column heading: "MILLER,... See More  

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Haywood Patterson death sentence... Scottsboro Boys....

Item #636799

December 02, 1933

THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 2, 1933

* Scottsboro  Boys rape case

* Haywood Patterson death sentence

The front page has a one column heading: "SCOTTSBORO NEGRO AGAIN CONDEMNED" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on Haywood Patterson sentenced to death for rape in the famous Scottsboro Boys case. Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famo... See More  

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Racing at Saratoga... Will of a former slave... Anti-slavery agitation...

Item #636138

August 09, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, Aug. 9, 1865  The front page has: "Sports of the Turf - The Second Day of the Saratoga Meeting - The Coveted Bauble Won by the Horse Kentucky", Page 3 has: "Death of an Ex-Slave at the Almshouse - His Will" which has the will of Denison wherein he leaves all his worldly belongings to the person that had been attending to him. Page 4 has "The Anti-Slave... See More  

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Fenian Movement... Wirz Trial... Negro Troops...

Item #633138

September 29, 1865

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Sept. 29, 1865  The front page has: "The Fenians" "Meeting of the Magistrates of Cork County - Priest Denouncing Fenianism" which includes: "...We understand that this society, which has been so extensively developed all over the country, became the subject of remark last Sunday from the pulpits of the several Catholic chapels in this neighborhood. T... See More  

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First African-American President of the United States...

Item #629582

November 05, 2008

USA TODAY, November 5, 2008  This 48 page newspaper has a nice two line banner headline on the front page: "America makes history, Obama Wins! " with subheads and nice color photo of Obama with family. Much more on the inside pages in the 1st section. (see)

Nice condition.

Our post on the History's Newsstand Blog:

Regardless of your view on the recent U.S. election, one

... See More  

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Honoring Horatio Nelson... Wilberforce on slavery...

Item #629229
SUPPLEMENT FOR THE YEAR 1797 for Gentleman's Magazine, England. Within this supplement issue, which was published at the end of the year, is a report beginning: "Mr. Wilberforce said that it were only wasting the time of the House to go to any length into a subject which had already undergone such full & frequent discussions...suffered themselves to be influenced by their feelings; it... See More  

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America in a flourishing state...

Item #629138
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1792  Inside has most of a column taken up with news headed: "America" which begins: "This country was never in so flourishing a state as at present; the increase of people, riches, and agriculture is almost incredible...The present war with the Indians has for  while stopped emigration to the Western territories..." with m... See More  

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James T. Scales lynching... Pikeville, TN...

Item #628347

November 24, 1944

THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, November 24, 1944 

* James T. Scales, Pikeville, Tennessee lynching 

* Great World War II coverage 

The back page has one column headings: "YOUTH IS LYNCHED AT A REFORMATORY" "Negro Taken From Tennessee Jail and Shot After Warden's Daughter Is Slain" (see) First report coverage on the lynching of Negro teen James T. Scale... See More  

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Voice of the Nation of Islam...

Item #626815

April 16, 1971

MUHAMMAD SPEAKS, Chicago, Illinois, April 16, 1971  This newspaper was one of the most widely-read ever produced by an African American organization. Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad began the publication on May 1960 as a weekly publication. It was distributed nationwide by the Nation Of Islam and covered current events around the world as well as relevant news in African American commu... See More  

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From the capital of the Confederacy...

Item #625653

April 06, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, April 6, 1864

* Rare rebel title

There is much war-related content on the front page with heads & reports including: "The War News" "...All is quiet along General Lee's lines......" and smaller heads including: "Deserters From The Yankee Navy" "Alleged Defaulter" "Colonel Henry T. Gantt..." "Dea... See More  

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19th century illustrated circus ad...

Item #623223

June 16, 1846

SALEM GAZETTE, Salem, Massachusetts, June 16, 1846

* Illustrated circus advertisement

* 19th century Salem, Massachusetts

Page 3 has an ad: ""Mammoth Circus! Grand Entertainment with Great Addition In Interest, Splendor &c." re. the Rockwell & Stone Circus. Has details, plus an engraving of an equestrian performance."

News of the day includes: "Dreadful St... See More  

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Hazard, Kentucky Negro lynching...

Item #622894

January 25, 1934

THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 25, 1934.

* Rex Scott Negro lynching

* Hazard, Kentucky

* Perry County

The back page has one column headings "KENTUCKY MOB HANGS NEGRO TORN FROM JAIL", "Sheriff and Posse Reach Scene as Masked Crowd Disperses--First Lynching of 1934" First report coverage on the lynching of Negro Rex Scott in Hazard, Perry County, Kentucky.

Other news, spor... See More  

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Negro lynching in 1891 Arkansas

Item #622296

July 20, 1891

THE MEMPHIS APPEAL-AVALANCHE, Tennessee, July 20, 1891

* Dermott, Chicot County, Arkansas

* Negro lynching - lynched - hanging

The front page has a a one column heading: "A SUNDAY LYNCHING" with subheads. (see)

Other news and advertisements of the day. Complete in 8 pages, light browning, a little margin wear, otherwise good. Somewhat fragile and should be handled carefully.... See More  

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