Web Results (1482)



Beautiful masthead... On the Battle of Eutaw Springs...

Item #682666

December 29, 1781


* Rare 18th century American publication

* Great masthead engraving for display

I have always thought this newspaper has one of the finest masthead, featuring an uncommonly large engraving with an Indian and an angel on either side of the "Journal", plus a 3-masted ship & other embellis... See More  

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Parliament discusses the slave trade...

Item #682633

May 27, 1789

THE DIARY, OR WOODFALL'S REGISTER, London, May 27, 1789  Beginning on page 2 and carrying over to page 2 is a report headed: "Slave Trade" from the House of Commons, taking over half a page in total.

Four pages, never-trimmed margins, full red tax stamp on the front page, very nice condition.

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A displayable 18th century newspaper...

Item #682602

October 02, 1716

THE POST BOY, London, Oct. 2, 1716 

* Rare title w/ nice masthead

One of the nicer mastheads of the 18th century as it features two handsome engravings (see). Various news reports from Europe. The back page is mostly filled with advertisements and notices.

Complete as a single sheet newspaper, measures 8 1/4 by 14 inches, very nice condition.... See More  

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Cook's voyage to the Northwest coast, with the rare plate of natives from Oonalashka...

Item #682586
THE UNIVERSAL MAGAZINE, (London), December, 1784.

* HMS Resolution - Royal Navy

* Captain James Cook

* Third Voyage - Gulf of Alaska

Included also is the "Supplement" issue.

This magazine--much more scarce than the Gentleman's Magazine--published in serial form the account of: "Captain Cook's Voyage to the Northern Hemisphere...", this issue containing reports ... See More  

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Reporting from colonial America...

Item #682584
THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, June, 1755  Always one of our favorite magazines if only because of the very nice engraving at the top of the title page, showing the skyline of London at the time. Within is a very nice foldout map of the county of Glamorgan (located in the southern portion of Wales), measuring 8 by 9 inches showing much detail, & includes a related article.

Articles includ... See More  

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Early Georgia... Map of the English Channel...

Item #682582

* Article on the weather in Georgia

* Map of Havre De Grace, the English Channel, Isle of Wight

The first article is: "A Description of Havre de Grace" which takes over a full page and is accompanied by a nice foldout map showing part of the English Channel including the Isle of Wight off the coast of Southampton and a
... See More  

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Louis XVI, with print of the guillotine...

Item #682565
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1793 

* King Louis XVI of France execution w/ print (historic)

This issue contains the: "Minutes of the Proceedings of the National Convention of France" which takes 4 pages with considerable detail on the trial of Louis XVI with a subhead: "The Final Judgment of Louis XVI" which has text which includes: "...Is Louis ... See More  

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Map of the Caribbean island of Tobago...

Item #682559

* Map of the Caribbean island of Tobago

* American Revolutionary War era

A very nice "Supplement" issue published at the end of the year, & from the Revolutionary War.

Perhaps the best item in this issue is the very nice foldout map titled: "A Map of the Island of TOBAGO, Drawn from an Actual Survey by ... See More  

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Adams's inauguration: the peaceful transfer of power...

Item #682538

March 13, 1797

THE CONNECTICUT COURANT, Hartford, March 13, 1797

* John Adams inauguration

* Thomas Jefferson

A very historic issue as it reports the true test of the great American republic: the peaceful transfer of power. 

Page 2 has a report noting in part: "On Saturday at twelve o'clock...soon after his election, JOHN ADAMS as President of the United States attended in the Chamber of th... See More  

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Terrific map of the "West Indies"... Hebrew customs discussed...

Item #682427
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1740 

* Early and rare 18th century map

* West Indies & Southeast America

Certainly the prime feature of this issue is the terrific foldout map titled: "An Accurate Map of the WEST INDIES, Exhibiting not only  all the Islands possessed by the English, French, Spaniards, & Dutch, but also all the Towns and Settleme
... See More  

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Mary Wollstonecraft, one of the earliest feminists...

Item #682416

April 21, 1795

KENTISH GAZETTE, Winchester, England, April 21, 1795 

* Mary Wollstonecraft - feminist

This newspaper has one of the more decorative & beautiful mastheads of the era. Note the two very detailed engravings on either side, one being the fabled Canterbury Cathedral. The back page has a brief item mentioned Mary Wollstonecraft, one of the earliest woman's rights advocates, with ment... See More  

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Terrific 18th century ship illustration...

Item #682414
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1748 

* Great 18th century ship illustration

Certainly the feature item in this issue is the terrific, full page illustration of: "A Ship Of War" with considerable detail, and with most of the facing page having the "Explanation to a Ship of War of the third Rate with Rigging, &c., at Anchor".

The "Explanation" n... See More  

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Nice item on Sir Christopher Wren...

Item #682413

September 08, 1716

THE POST BOY, Sept. 8, 1716 

* British architect Christopher Wren

* Rare publication w/ nice masthead

Near the top of the back page is a very significant item on the famous architect Sir Christopher Wren.

The report reads: "Christopher Wren, Esq., is removed from being Clerk of his Majesty's Works, and is succeeded by John Mercer Esq., formerly belonging to Mr. How's Offi... See More  

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News from America...

Item #682412

March 01, 1787

GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1787  Included near the back is nearly a full page of: "American News" beginning with mention that Virginia has created duties on imports, with details. From New York is mention that: "Congress have lately concluded a negociation with the Court of Lisbon in respect of trade..." with some details. A few other items as well.

Included... See More  

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Day of thanksgiving in Boston... an abacus... music writing machine....

Item #682411
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1748  Interesting articles: "Invention of Writing Music by Playing It" with two small illustrations; "Articles For a General Peace"  "Introduction to Heraldry" "A Religious Tax Proposed" "Proclamation Against Commerce with France".

There is also content regarding the war in America & p... See More  

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Uncommon title...

Item #682355

February 15, 1753

THE SCOURGE, London, Feb. 15, 1753 

* Rare publication

A very curious and uncommon newspaper from England done in editorial format, popular with other titles at that time as well. It was published "By Oxymel Busby, Esq." as noted in the masthead. This newspaper lasted but 81 issues.

Single column format with 6 pages, 7 1/4 by 11 1/4 inches, very nice condition.... See More  

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Great map showing North America... On taxing America without their consent...

Item #682287
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1776  The prime feature of this issue is the great map showing all of the western hemisphere titled: "A New Projection of the Western Hemisphere of the Earth on a Plane shewing the proportions of its several parts nearly as on a Globe, By J. Hardy, at Eton College."  The map is dated at the bottom: "by F. Newbery, Ludgat
... See More  

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Cabinet positions in Washington's new government include John Jay as first Chief Justice...

Item #682219

November 01, 1789

THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November, 1789  Near the back is a report headed: "America" which details the power of the Executive Dept. of the new federal government, including: "The Executive Power, which forms one of the branches of ours new Government...to fill the different departments are appointed as follows: Mr. Jefferson, Secretary of State; General Knox, Secre... See More  

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The immigrant issue in America in 1787...

Item #682214

May 01, 1787

GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1787  Included is a brief section headed: "American News" which references the end of the Shays' Rebellion in Massachusetts, and also mention that: "...from Philadelphia...that thirty thousand emigrants have arrived there since the war; that twenty thousand Germans and Dutch occupy a tract of 50 miles; and that grants have been made of... See More  

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Building a lighthouse on Cape Henry... Treasury Dept. document on the historic Funding Act of 1790...

Item #682060

September 29, 1790

GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, New York, Sept. 29, 1790 

* Cape Henry Lighthouse (Virginia Beach)

* Funding Act of 1790

The front page has a short item signed: H. Knox, Secretary of War, concerning payments to wounded veterans of the Revolutionary War. The front page also has a notable item headed: "Treasury Department" concerning the historic Funding Act of 1790, wher
... See More  

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America must remain vigilant...

Item #681751

January 19, 1793

DUNLAP'S AMERICAN DAILY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, Jan. 19, 1793  Page 3 has a great letter beginning: "The important struggle now is how America shall preserve her Liberty and Equality! For it is unbecoming her after she has contended with the power of Great Britain & conquered, that she must depend solely on the success of France for their continuance!...".

Four pages, nev... See More  

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Famous "Unite Or Die" engraving in the masthead...

Item #681728

November 16, 1774

THE PENNSYLVANIA JOURNAL; AND THE WEEKLY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, November 16, 1774  If there was one graphic which represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption.  The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead of this newspaper, shows a snake cut into various pieces, each with a
... See More  

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Naval reports from the French & Indian War in America...

Item #681528

March 22, 1759

THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, March 22, 1759  Page 2 has naval reports from the French & Indian War: "The Phila, Capt. Farmer, from New York...was taken the 17th of February by the Sampson privateer of Bayonne..." with more reports mentioning New York and South Carolina.

Four pages, 9 1/2 by 14 1/2 inches, red tax stamp on the front page, great condition.... See More  

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Madison proposes Amendments to the Constitution... Early edition of the Bill of Rights...

Item #681502

June 13, 1789

GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, New York, June 13, 1789 

* Early edition of the "Bill of Rights"

* United States Constitution - Amendments

* President James Madison

An exceedingly significant issue which has, on page 3, a preliminary draft of the Bill of Rights described as  "...the Amendments to the New Constitution, proposed by the Hon. Mr. Maddison [sic]...".... See More  

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Benjamin Franklin receives an award...

Item #681445
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November, 1753  Near the back is a small & inconspicuous item reading: "At the anniversary meeting of the Royal Society the prize medal of gold was voted to Ben Franklyn, Esq. of Maryland, for his electrical discoveries."  

Note that not only did they spell his name wrong but they have his home colony wrong.

At the back is the &q... See More  

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The new American states struggling with money issues...

Item #681443

June 01, 1787

GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, June, 1787  Included near the back is nearly half a page headed: "American News" which begins: "The present state of America is rather to be deplored than envied..." concerning its financial situation, including; "...America, like every other rising state, must have much to struggle with before it can arrive at opulence...".

Inc... See More  

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William Cobbett's famous newspaper...

Item #681382

March 05, 1798

PORCUPINE'S GAZETTE, Philadelphia, March 5, 1798 

* Rare 18th century American publication

This was William Cobbett's important and controversial--but short-lived--daily newspaper.

Cobbett was a prolific & controversial publisher who often wrote under the pen-name of "Peter Porcupine." He was famous for sniping at his political opponents, usually those of a Jeffer... See More  

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Consequences of peace with England...

Item #681294

December 14, 1782

THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, Dec. 14, 1782 

* Revolutionary War Era

* 18th century

* From The Enemy

The front page begins with a report: "Doctor Franklin told a gentleman...at Paris that when a pacification between America and England should happen, it was the intention of Congress to appoint consuls in Dublin & other sea ports of this Kingdom to superintend all co... See More  

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The king and work towards a peace treaty...

Item #681293

December 10, 1782

THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, Dec. 10, 1782  

* Revolutionary War Era

* 18th century

* From The Enemy

Page 2 has an address to the King of England in response to his recent speech. A few bits include: "...graciously pleased to direct your measures to promote a cordial reconciliation between Great Britain and America...our satisfaction that your Majesty...has laid the fo... See More  

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Government's role in the public welfare vs. debt...

Item #681266

May 14, 1768

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, May 14, 1768  Inside is an interesting article on the role of Government and Providence in relation to public welfare and government debt.  It begins: "The political disease seems to be near a crisis...". Several hundred years later the topic continues to be at the forefront of public discourse. 

Also within is a mention of "A Portugal Merchant&... See More  

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Growing tea in the Carolinas rather than importing it...

Item #681263

March 03, 1764

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, March 3, 1764  Page 6 has a curious article headed: "Of The Culture of the Tea Plant in Carolina" is an interesting report on attempts to grow tea in the colonies for their own consumption. It is signed: Americanus.

Eight pages, 8 by 10 3/4 inches, very nice condition.

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Rare mention of John Paul Jones...

Item #681166

October 08, 1782

THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, Oct. 8, 1782

* John Paul Jones

* Revolutionary War Era

* 18th century

* From The Enemy

 Page 3 has a report with rare mention of John Paul Jones: "...letters were received from New York...when every thing remained quiet...It is said  to be the squadron under Paul Jones, which sailed from Boston in August last, and not three French frig... See More  

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The Asgill Affair: Asgill has been set free... British to leave New York...

Item #681156

August 03, 1782

THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, Aug. 3, 1782  Page 3 includes: "Lord Shelburne's scheme for prosecuting the American war is to withdraw the troops from New York, but to keep Charles-Town and to carry on hostilities chiefly at sea. The troops at New York to be sent to he West Indies...Advice received from Boston that two vessels were lately launched there...and that frigates ar... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Benedict Arnold is determined he can subdue America... Washington & the Asgill Affair...

Item #681154

July 18, 1782

THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, July 18, 1782  

* American Revolutionary War Era

* 18th century from The Enemy

Page 3 has much reporting from America concerning the end-of-war events.

It begins with a report headed "America" from Savannah concerning a skirmish with the Creek Indians. Also: "...65 mounted Rebels, under the command of Paddy Carr...crossed the Alat... See More  

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Just before the storming of the Bastile...

Item #681132

July 18, 1789

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 18, 1789 

* Beginning of the French Revolution

An inside page has a lengthy report from Paris headed "Commotions In France" which covers much of the early events of the French Revolution.

Portions include: "The palace of Versailles is guarded by 3 lines of soldiers & the King has little to fear while the Marshal de Broglio is about... See More  

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Death of John Hancock in his hometown newspaper...

Item #681123

October 09, 1793

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Oct. 9, 1793 

* John Hancock death (1st report)

* Declaration of Independence signer

* 1st Massachusetts Governor

* From his hometown (rare)

Curiously, the ftpg. includes "A Proclamation for a Day of Public Thanksgiving By His Excellency John Hancock, Governor..." carrying over to pg. 2 where it is signed by him in type: John Hancock.

Contrast t... See More  

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Great account of the Asgill Affair, and the Toms River Blockhouse Fight...

Item #681112

July 16, 1782

THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, July 16, 1782  

* American Revolutionary War

The back page has some great content concerning the Toms River Blockhouse Fight with the report of the execution of Capt. Huddy.

It is followed by two letters relating to the controversial execution, which threatened to derail peace treaty talks. It would lead to a retaliatory threat to execute Capt. Ch... See More  

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The first successful magazine in the country...

Item #681106

April 14, 1744

THE CHRISTIAN HISTORY, Boston, April 14, 1744  This was the first successful magazine in America although formatted unlike typical magazines. It was exclusively a chronicle of the Great Awakening in America, exclusively of secular news reports. It was preceded by just a few magazines which lasted but a couple of issues--one of which was by Ben Franklin. Even this title lasted but a few short ... See More  

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General Clinton's letter on the Loyalists...

Item #681060

April 27, 1782

THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, April 27, 1782  

* Revolutionary War Era

* 18th century

* From The Enemy

Page 3 has reports under the heading: "America" including: "...that the army under the Count de Rochambeau have leveled their works, and quitted their posts at York-Town, Virginia. Also a letter sent too Gov. Franklin, President of the Board of Directors of A... See More  

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A full size, single sheet newspaper...

Item #680968

October 27, 1730

THE DAILY POST, London, Oct. 27, 1730  A single sheet newspaper of folio size with  front page news from London & elsewhere in Europe, with the back page taken up with ads.

Red tax stamp at the bottom of the back page. Measures 10 by 16 1/2 inches, the back page has some staining at the spine margin, otherwise good condition.

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Capture of Ethan Allen...

Item #680937

October 21, 1775

THE PENNSYLVANIA LEDGER, Philadelphia, Oct. 21, 1775 

* Ethan Allen captured

* Revolutionary War

The front page includes a letter: "To the King" which references the American situation & includes: "...Let then, royal Sire, the liberty of England and America be ever in your heart, then shall the people be free, and America shall yet be happy in the full enjoyment of ... See More  

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Secret societies... Free Masons... Illuminati... numismatics...

Item #680808
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1798  The prominent feature of this issue would be the nearly 9 pages dedicated to the review of a new publication" "Proofs of Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe, carried on in the Secret Meetings of Free Masons, Illuminati, and Reading Societies; collected from good authorities", by John Robison, Profe... See More  

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A conversion of a Jew... "Of a small Venomous Serpent..."

Item #680791
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1750  Over a page is taken up with: "Of a small Venomous Serpent...." which includes on page 2 a print of it. Another article is: "An Account of the Conversion of Daniel Tnangam Alexander, an Eminent Jew" to the Protestant religion.

There is a continued article on: "Lewis XIV Greatest of Monarchs" by M. de Voltair... See More  

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Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown, in an American newspaper... Masthead modeled after one of Paul Revere's...

Item #680790

December 14, 1781

THE INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, December 14, 1781  

* Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown

* American Revolutionary War ending

This issue contains one of the most historically significant letters from the Revolutionary War, being Cornwallis' official announcement of his surrender to Washington at the Battle of Yorktown.

The report consumes all of page 3, prefaced with: "... See More  

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The very historic Duche letter to General Washington... Battle of the Kegs...

Item #680789

February 19, 1778

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Feb. 19, 1778 

* Jacob Duché - 1st chaplain to the Continental Congress

* Famous letter to General George Washington

* American Revolutionary War

A nice feature of the masthead is a great engraving taken after (modeled from) one done earlier by Paul Revere, showing a patriot soldier with a sword in one hand and a scroll reading "Independence&... See More  

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With both the die number and plate number...

Item #680695

October 06, 1789

THE DIARY; or, WOODFALL'S REGISTER, London, October 6, 1789  

*  Red tax stamp w/ plate & die #

* Uncommon publication

* 18th century original

As seen in the photo the front page includes a nice red-inked tax stamp which not only has the restrike die number but the plate number as well: "No. 10" in the lower right corner. This four page newspaper has c... See More  

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A petition from the people of Halifax, Nova Scotia...

Item #680668

January 03, 1758

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 3, 1758  Inside has over a full page headed: "America" with a Halifax, Nova Scotia dateline, beginning: "The following Memorial, signed by the principal merchants & freeholders in Halifax was...delivered to the Lieutenant Governor."

Eight pages, 8 by 11 inches, various chipping at the margins, good condition.

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Significant & rare Judaica print... Burgoyne in Parliament to answer for Saratoga...

Item #680658
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE London, May, 1778  Certainly the most significant item in this issue is the very nice foldout engraving which is described on the contents page as: "An Inside View of the Jews Synagogue at Amsterdam, and of the Ceremony of sounding the Horn on New Year's Day".

This plate folds out to 8 1/4 by 8 3/4 inches, has minor foxing, and a library stamp in a ... See More  

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Great foldout map of "West Florida" from Pensacola to New Orleans...

Item #680579
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, February, 1772 

* Nice map of "West Florida"

* Pensacola, Florida, to New Orleans, Louisiana

* Plate of a rare bird from the Hudson Bay

Certainly the most notable item in this issue is the very nice foldout map titled: "A Map of Part of WEST FLORIDA" from Pensacola to the Mouth of Iberville River, with a View to shew t... See More  

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Two Acts of Congress signed by John Adams...

Item #680460

August 31, 1799

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 31, 1799 

* President John Adams

* Land Acts of Congress

The front page has two Acts of Congress, each signed in script type: John Adams. One is to authorize the sale of: "...certain lands between the Great and Little Miami rivers in the territory of the United States north-west of the Ohio...". Other items include: "Rumors of a N
... See More  

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