Web Results (1302)



Relating to Uncle Tom's Cabin... The Fugitive Slave bill...

Item #679337

August 19, 1852

THE NATIONAL ERA, Washington, D.C., Aug. 19, 1852  Among the reports in this anti-slavery newspaper are: "Gen. Pierce and the Fugitive Slave Law". The back page has an ad for: "Little Eva, Uncle Tom's Guardian Angel. A song composed & dedicated to Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom's Cabin. Poetry by John G. Whittier..." with more.

This newspaper ... See More  

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1905 London, Kentucky Negro lynching...

Item #679249

October 17, 1905

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Oct. 17, 1905

* London, Kentucky

* Laurel County lynching

* Negro Virgil Bowers

The front page has a one column heading: "KENTUCKY MOB HANGED NEGRO" with subhead. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper.

Complete with 6... See More  

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Adolf Hitler opens the 1936 Summer Olympics...

Item #679222

August 01, 1936

FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Fitchburg, Massachusetts, August 1, 1936

* Olympics open in front of the Nazi Party

The front page has a three column, three line headline: "Olympic Games Given Rousing Sendoff Today At opening Ceremonies",  with subheading: "Huge Throngs Pack Stadium Despite Heavy Downpour; Roar Greeting to Hitler", and more. Coverage continues on an inside page... See More  

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1903 Booker T. Washington's San Diego visit...

Item #679203

January 06, 1903

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Jan. 6, 1903

* Booker T. Washington address

* Educator, author & orator

* African American leader

* President George Marston

The top of page 3 has a two column heading: "WASHINGTON'S WORK FOR THE NEGRO RACE" with subhead. (see) Lengthy text. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to... See More  

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Pre-release color ad for "12 Years a Slave", in a Los Angeles newspaper...

Item #679175

October 13, 2013

LOS ANGELES TIMES, Oct. 13, 2013 (Calendar Section)

* Pre-premiere ad for "12 Years a Slave"

* Steve McQueen - Chiwetel Ejiofor & Michael Fassbender

* Best Picture, Director, Foreign Actor and Supporting Actor, etc.

Page D7 has the best full-page ad for "12 Years a Slave" from the leading newspaper of the entertainment industry - the Hollywood area's prime publi... See More  

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1901 Dexter, Texas Negro lynching...

Item #679159

August 21, 1901

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Aug. 21, 1901

* Dexter, Texas

* Cooke County

* Negro lynching

Page 3 has a one column heading: "A Negro's Awful Crime Expiated At The Stake". (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper.

Complete with 8 pages, small lib... See More  

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1905 Sulphur Springs, Texas Negro lynching...

Item #679119

August 11, 1905

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Aug. 11, 1905

* Sulphur Springs, Texas

* Hopkins County lynching

* Negro Thomas Williams

The front page has a one column heading: "NEGRO BURNED AT THE STAKE" with subhead. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper.

Compl... See More  

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1902 Murders of Lena & Tommy Peterson...

Item #678838

April 14, 1902

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, April 14, 1902

* Murders of Lena and Tommy Peterson

* "After Church" Des Moines, Iowa killings

The top of the front page has a two column headline: "NEGRO KILLED TWO CHILDREN" with subhead. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from... See More  

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1902 Hallsville (Lansing), Texas Negro lynching...

Item #678796

May 22, 1902

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, May 22, 1902

* Hallsville (Lansing), Texas

* Harrison County

* Negro lynching

The top of the front page has a two column headline: "NEGRO BURNED AT THE STAKE" with subhead. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper.

Compl... See More  

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Missouri Compromise... Mordecai Noah & his Jewish refuge island...

Item #678715

March 11, 1820

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 11, 1820 

* Missouri Compromise

* Maine and Missouri become states

* Mordecai Manuel Noah... Grand Island... Jewish settlement

The top of the front page has an article which announces the approval of the Missouri Compromise: "The bills for the admission of Maine and Missouri into the union have been respectively signed by the president... See More  

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1902 Nicholasville, Kentucly Negro lynching...

Item #678698

February 06, 1902

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Feb. 6, 1902

* Nicholasville. Jessamine Co., Kentucky

* Thomas Brown - Negro lynching - hanging

The front page is a one column heading: "STRUNG UP THE NEGRO WRETCH" with subheads. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper.

... See More  

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The death of famed singer Marian Anderson...

Item #678654

April 09, 1993

LOS ANGELES TIMES, April 9, 1993 

* Marian Anderson death

* African American Contralto

* Lincoln Memorial concert fame

The bottom of the front page has a report headed: "Rich-Voiced Contralto Marian Anderson Dies" with subhead: "the pioneering black singer overcame prejudice to gain wide acclaim" and photo. (see)

The article carries over to page 34 with much detai... See More  

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1902 Corinth, Mississippi Negro lynching...

Item #678481

September 29, 1902

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Sept. 29, 1902

* Thomas Clark burned at the Stake

* Corinth, Mississippi Negro lynching

The top of page 2 has a one column heading: "NEGRO BURNED AT THE STAKE" with subhead. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper.

Comp... See More  

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1902 Leesburg, Virginia Negro lynching...

Item #678465

August 12, 1902

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Aug. 12, 1902

* Black and white lynchings - hangings

* Lexington, Lafayette County, Missouri

The top of the front page has a two column heading: "TWO LYNCHED IN MISSOURI" with subhead. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in pa... See More  

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On the Fifteenth Amendment...

Item #678443

April 09, 1870


* 15th Fifteenth Amendment

* Right to Vote - African Americans

* Celebration of the ratification

The front page has an entire column reporting on the celebration regarding the passage of: "The Fifteenth Amendment" allowing African-American men the right to vote.

Four pages, some discrete archival mends, good condition.... See More  

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Capture of the slave ship "Brothers"... California gold... Indian Wars...

Item #678328

November 15, 1858

THE NEW YORK HERALD, Nov. 15, 1858  The 1st column of page two has: "Arrival of Another Captured Slaver at Charleston", which tells of the capture of the slave ship 'Brothers". Another related article providing additional details is found on page 4.

Page 2 also has: "Our California Correspondence - A Visit to Fraser River - The Gold Diggings and the Yield of the Preci... See More  

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Annual Message... President James Buchanan...

Item #678326

December 07, 1858

THE NEW YORK HERALD, Dec. 7, 1858.


* President James Buchanan

* State of the Union Address

* Much regarding slavery, the slave states, Kansas, etc.

The first column of the front page has: "NATIONAL AFFAIRS", "THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE", "New Political Epoch in the United States", and more, which provide the text followed by commentary regardin

... See More  

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Capture of Fort Pillow... The Chenango disaster... Paducah, Kentucky...

Item #678319

April 17, 1864

THE NEW YORK HERALD, New York City, April 17, 1864.

* The capture of Fort Pillow and negro slaughter

* USS Chenango boiler explosion

* Paducah, Kentucky

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration. Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "THE CHENANGO DISASTER" "Additional Details of the Shocking C... See More  

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1901 Richmond, Missouri Negro lynching...

Item #678317

March 02, 1901

EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, March 2, 1901

* Richmond, Ray County, Missouri

* Negro lynching - hanging

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "ANOTHER LYNCHING" with subheads. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper.

Complete with 8 pages, ... See More  

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Early anti-slavery themed newspaper...

Item #678308

July 20, 1843

NATIONAL ANTI-SLAVERY STANDARD, New York, July 20, 1843  As the title would suggest, an anti-slavery newspaper from 18 years before the Civil War.

The entire front page is taken up with a lengthy article: "Position & Duties of the North With Regard to Slavery". Inside includes: "Colored Infant School" "A Dialogue Between Pompey, a Colored Lad, and Charles, A S
... See More  

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Odell Waller final words... Battle of El Alamein...

Item #678283

July 03, 1942

THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 3, 1942

* Odell Waller final words

* Battle of El Alamein

* World War II Egypt

Page 19 has the final words of Odell Waller, an African-American sharecropper from Gretna, Virginia, executed for the fatal shooting of his white landlord (source wiki). Additionally, the front page has a five column headline: "BRITISH SWEEP AROUND AXIS FLANK IN EGYPT, U. S. AND R... See More  

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Fortress Monroe, Jacksonville, Yorktown... and a new Delmonico's...

Item #678258

April 07, 1862

THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 7, 1862 
The front page has: "FROM THE SOUTHERN COAST", "Threatened Attack by the Rebels upon Jacksonville, Fla.", "NEWS FROM FORTRESS MONROE", "Cannonading Heard in the Direction of Yorktown", "GEN. BURNSIDE'S OPERATIONS", "NEWS FROM WASHINGTON", and more. The inside has news regarding
... See More  

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Reporting on the John Brown Harper's Ferry insurrection...

Item #678216

November 11, 1859

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Nov. 11, 1859

* John Brown's insurrection - invasion - raid

* Harpers Ferry WV West Virginia trial

 Page 5 has 1 1/2 columns of reports headed: "JOHN BROWN'S INVASION" "The Case of Cook" with subheads including: "More Precautions--What is the Chivalry of the South?--The Engine Room at Harper's Ferry".

Eight pages, some ink du... See More  

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John Brown's slave insurrection at Harper's Ferry...

Item #678214

November 14, 1859


* John Brown's insurrection - invasion - raid

* Harpers Ferry WV West Virginia

Page 4 has 2 small items on the Harper's Ferry insurrection, and page 5 has: "The Murder at Harpers Ferry--Discourse By The Rev. Mr. Remington At Brooklyn".

Page 7 has: "JOHN BROWN'S INVASION" "Sentences of Coppic, Cook, Green, an... See More  

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Much on John Brown...

Item #678211

November 07, 1859

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Nov. 7 1859  

* John Brown's insurrection - invasion - raid

* Harpers Ferry WV West Virginia

* Just after Brown's execution

Page 4 has: "Old Brown's Fate" "The Slanderer of John Brown" and pages 6 and 7 have a wealth of reporting headed: "John Brown's Invasion" worth carious subheads including; "A Revival of Wrath&qu... See More  

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Much on John Brown's funeral, etc...

Item #678210

December 12, 1859

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 12, 1859 

* Post John Brown execution (hanging)

* Much on the funeral services - burial

Almost the entirety of page 6 is taken up with: "The Burial Of John Brown" "The Passage of the Body to North Alba" "The Funeral" "Speeches of Mr. McKim and Mr. Phillips" "John Brown's Last Will" "Charlestown Intelligen... See More  

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The famous anti-slavery newspaper... Fugitive slave Daniel Webster...

Item #678150

April 15, 1859

THE LIBERATOR, Boston, April 15, 1859  This is the famous anti-slavery newspaper by famed abolitionist publisher William Lloyd Garrison with a masthead engraving showing slaves being sold, then emancipated.

Articles include: "The Slave Case at Harrisburg" followed by: "Proceedings in the Fugitive Slave Case, being that of fugitive slave Daniel Webster, about whom various repor... See More  

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The famous anti-slavery newspaper...

Item #678147

February 04, 1859

THE LIBERATOR, Boston, Feb. 4, 1859 

* Rare anti-slavery publication

* Early pre-Civil War era

This is the famous anti-slavery newspaper by famed abolitionist publisher William Lloyd Garrison with a masthead engraving showing slaves being sold, then emancipated. This is from shortly before the outbreak of war when the slavery issue was a source of much political tension.

Articles incl... See More  

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The famous anti-slavery newspaper...

Item #678144

December 16, 1864

THE LIBERATOR, Boston, Dec. 16, 1864  This is the famous anti-slavery newspaper by William Lloyd Garrison, featuring a terrific masthead with 3 vignettes including a slave auction and slaves being emancipated.

Among the articles are: "Negro Suffrage" "The Destruction of Slavery in Kentucky" "The Object of the Rebel War" "On American Slavery" "Unio... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Willard vs Johnson championship fight... Suffrage convention...

Item #678029

April 06, 1915

THE FAIRMONT TIMES, Fairmont, West Virginia, April 6, 1915  The front page of the issue has a three column, two line headline "Terrific Steam Behind Jess' Punch to pit and jaw Ended Johnson's Chances" with subheads "Crafty Warfare and Ageing Negro in Opening Frame of Havana Championship" "Bout Much Admired But Not Sufficient to Stem the Tide of Youth and "... See More  

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From New Orleans during the Confederacy...

Item #678020

October 19, 1861

THE DAILY DELTA, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 19, 1861  Truly Confederate newspapers from New Orleans are very difficult to find, as Admiral Farragut entered the mouth of the Mississippi in mid-April, 1862 and finally took New Orleans on April 28. Shortly thereafter Benjamin Butler moved in and took control of the city, it surrendering without a fight. So "Confederate" issues fro... See More  

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1905 Belmont, Missouri Negro lynching...

Item #677896

May 13, 1905

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, May 13, 1905

* Belmont, Mississippi County, Missouri

* Tom Witherspoon Negro lynching - lynched

Page 2 has a one column heading: "NEGRO HANGED BY MISSOURI MOB" with subhead. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper.

Compl... See More  

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Death of Napoleon Bonaparte... Slave trade... William Wilberforce...

Item #677871

September 08, 1821

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 8, 1821  Beginning on page 2 is a report of the death of: "Napoleon Bonaparte" which is prefaced with: "The following particulars are interesting, and seem necessary to assist in affording an account of the exit of the man who, for so many years, had occupied the attention of all the civilized world..." with a subhead: "Official A... See More  

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The infamous General William Walker...

Item #677746

November 26, 1858

NEW YORK HERALD, Nov. 26, 1858 

* William Walker (filibuster)

* Nicaragua expedition

Near the top of the front page is a brief report on: "The Slave Trade" followed by a report: "Commodore Spaulding's Arrest of Walker".

This latter item concerns the infamous General William Walker, who organized several private military expeditions into Mexico and Central ... See More  

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The history of gold mining thru 1858... Slavery in South Carolina...

Item #677743

December 27, 1858

NEW YORK HERALD, Dec. 27, 1858  Fully one-third of the front page is taken up with: "OUR GOLD MINES" "The Gold Crop of the United States for Twenty Years" which offers a nice synopsis of gold mining thru that time.

Page 4 has: "the Purchase of Cuba--Mr. Branch's Bill..." and: "The African Slave Trade Question in the South Carolina Legislature".

Ei... See More  

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America prohibits the importation of slaves (1807)...

Item #677725
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, March, 1807  Under: "Abstract of Foreign Occurrences" is a brief yet notable report: "The American Congress has passed a bill for the abolition of the slave trade, by a majority of 24---the numbers being ayes 73, noes 49." This refers to the significant "Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves" which was signed into la... See More  

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Banned from hotel, Elgin Baylor refuses to play...

Item #677557

January 17, 1959

THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 17, 1959

*  Elgin Baylor refuses to play in West Virginia

* Negro team members banned from "white's only" hotel

The 1st column of the front page has heading: "Baylor, N.B.A. Star, Balks at Hotel Ban", which states in part: "Elgin Baylor, rookie star of the professional Minneapolis Lakers, refused to play tonight... in protest...&... See More  

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Fort Laramie Treaty... Fugitive slave law & lynching law...

Item #677419

October 30, 1851

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, DC, Oct. 30, 1851  Page 3 has: "The Treaty with the Prairie Indians" noting: "The Treaty was concluded and signed by the Commissioners and Indians on the 17th September. It guaranties to the latter the payment of $50,000 annually, in money or goods, for fifty years, upon their faithful compliance during that time with the terms of the treaty.... See More  

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1908 Hemphill, Texas Negro lynchings...

Item #677360

June 23, 1908

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, June 23, 1908

* Hemphill, Sabine County, Texas

* Negroes lynchings - hangings

Page 4 has a one column heading: "NEGRO LYNCHING AT HEMPHILL, TEXAS" with subhead. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper.

Complete with 8 p... See More  

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Rare baseball Negro League reporting....

Item #677138

May 17, 1943

THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 17, 1943

* New York Black Yankees vs. Cubans

* Rare Negro League baseball reporting

The sport's section (page 19) has one column headings: "CUBANS TURN BACK BLACK YANKEES, 10-2" "Capture Negro League Opener, Then Battle to 5-5 Tie" See photos for text and score graph here. Uncommon to find reporting on the less popular Negro Leagues durin... See More  

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Duck Hill, Mississippi Negro lynchings...

Item #677084

April 14, 1937


* Roosevelt Towns & Bootjack McDaniels Negro lynchings

* Duck Hill, Montgomery County, Mississippi

The front has a one column heading: "SQUABBLE OVER LYNCH BILL AS MOB KILLS TWO" with subhead. (see) First report coverage on the lynching of Negroes Roosevelt Towns and Bootjack McDaniels at Duck Hill, Mississippi is actually on page 2. Alw... See More  

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Booker T. Washington... First African-American on a stamp...

Item #676994

April 08, 1940

THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 8, 1940

* Booker T. Washington

* First African-American on a  postage stamp

* Philatelic, stamp collecting interest

Page 21 has a report announcing what would be the first African-American to appear on a United States postage stamp, the article is headed: "Farley Sells First. B. T. Washington Stamp And Lauds 'Negro Moses' at Tuskegee." (see)... See More  

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Early and uncommon title from Baltimore...

Item #676877

July 16, 1811


* Uncommon publication

* Slavery advertisements

A typical newspaper of the day with various news and a wealth of advertisements.

Among the back page ads are: "NEGROES - Wanted immediately about fifteen young Negro Slaves, Male and Female, from ten to twenty years old, for which the highest price in cash will ... See More  

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Early and uncommon title from Baltimore...

Item #676868

September 28, 1811


* Uncommon publication

* 3 slavery notices

A typical newspaper of the day with various news and a wealth of advertisements.

Among the ads are: "Runaway Negro" with details, and another: "NEGROES - Wanted immediately about fifteen young Negro Slaves, Male and Female, from ten to twenty years old, for which ... See More  

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Panama... Diamond mines... Stephen A. Douglas on slavery...

Item #676822
HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE, New York,  September, 1859  This issue contains "Something About Diamonds" which takes 12 pages and contains many illustrations on mining and cutting. Also included are: "Tropical Journeyings - Panama" (which includes content and an image related to General Morgan's capture of Panama along with several other related prints of Old... See More  

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First mention (?) of Jackie Robinson in 1939...

Item #676739

October 29, 1939

CHICAGO SUNDAY TRIBUNE, section 2 (sports) only, Oct. 29, 1939

* Jackie Robinson 1st mention (?) on the national stage

* UCLA Bruins college football

* 1st Negro in MLB baseball fame

This is a significant issue for any Jackie Robinson collector, as this is the very first mention of him in the prestigious Chicago Daily Tribune. The report is actually of a U.C.L.A. football game as he was a ... See More  

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Lylerly murders.... Salisbury, North Carolina....

Item #676560

July 14, 1906

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, California, July 14, 1906 

* Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina

* Issac Lyerly family murders (1st report)

* Pre-Negro lynchings

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "FIVE MURDERED IN NORTH CAROLINA TOWN" with subheads. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era.

Complete wi... See More  

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1910 Tong Wars... re. Bow Kum murder

Item #676430

July 02, 1910

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, July 2, 1910

* New York City Tong War

* re. Bow Kum slave girl murder

* On Leong Chinese - Four Brothers

The front page has a three column pictorial headed: "Tong War in Chinatown, New York, Result of the Murder of Slave Girl" with subhead. (see) Nice for display. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era... See More  

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Death of Jay Gould... Black scholar William Sanders Scarborough...

Item #676399

December 15, 1892


* William Sanders Scarborough

* African American scholar

* Isaac Mayer Wise - Jews

* Jewish Rabbi

 The full front page is a photo of: "The Late Jay Gould" with page 4 having an accompanying article of the same heading. Yet another page is filled with six photos of: "The Birthplace & Some of the Residences of ... See More  

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University of Georgia integration in 1961...

Item #676181

January 12, 1961

THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 12, 1961 

* Charlayne Hunter-Gault & Hamilton Holmes

* University of Georgia 1st African-American students

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "GEORGIA STUDENTS RIOT ON CAMPUS; TWO NEGROES OUT" with subhead and photo of Hunter-Gault leaving campus. Coverage continues on page 20 with another photo of Hunter-Gault sitting in a cla... See More  

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