Web Results (852)



Brigham Young's elders willing to give themselves up... Mormons on the move...

Item #705270

June 22, 1858

NEW YORK TIMES, June 22, 1858 

* Utah War - Mormons

* Brigham Young

The front page has a one-quarter column with Mormon news: "From Utah" "Plenty of Provisions at Camp Scott--Safety of Capt. Marcy's Command--Trade with the Valley, etc."

One of the reports includes: "...a letter from Fort Bridger dated May 21st which says that Brigham Young's principal ... See More  

Item from Catalog 346 (released for September, 2024)

(Added to Catalog #346 after the hardcopy was released - only available on-line.)

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Joseph Smith as a candidate for President...

Item #704481

May 18, 1844

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, May 18, 1844

* Mormons leader Joseph Smith

* Election campaign for president

* 1st presidential candidate to be killed

Page 2 has a report under: "Political--Presidential" which discusses the various candidates for the presidency. Included in the discussion is mention of Joseph Smith, leader of the Mormons.

It is not known by many to... See More  

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Yosemite diagram and discoveries...

Item #704187

October 18, 1865

NEW-YORK TRIBUNE, Oct. 18, 1865  The front page has a detailed, column-wide diagram and a wonderful account of a visit the Yosemite Valley and surrounding region: "From The Missouri To The Pacific...XVI" "Yosemite--Its Discovery--Our Party--View From Inspiration Point--Entering the Valley" & more.

The report begins: "See Yosemite and die! I shall not try to descr... See More  

Item from Catalog 346 (released for September, 2024)

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1928 Bond Dance Hall Explosion...

Item #703962

April 15, 1928

KANSAS CITY JOURNAL, Missouri, April 15, 1928

* Bond Dance Hall explosion disaster

* West Plains, Missouri unsolved mystery

* Coverage in closest large city to the disaster

The front page has 1 1/2 columns of coverage of the horrible Bond Dance Hall fire in West Plains, Missouri with articles headed: "SCREAMS HAUNT BLAST WITNESS", & "BLAST PROBE ON WHEN TOLL MOUNTS... See More  

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Spiritualism, mediums exposed in 1884...

Item #703486

May 26, 1884

ST. LOUIS DAILY GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, May 26, 1884

* Spiritualists - mediums - seances

* Clairvoyant - seer exposed

This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many interesting advertisements. The top of page 7 has a one column heading: "A SHAM SEANCE" with subheads. (see images) Text takes up over a full column.

Complete in 10 pages, nice condition.... See More  

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Douglas MacArthur lands in 1945 Japan....

Item #703466

August 30, 1945

NEW YORK POST, August 30, 1945 

* U.S. occupation of Japan begins

* General Douglas MacArthur takes over

* USS Missouri (Big Mo) in Tokyo Bay

* Official Pearl Harbor report is released

The front page has a headline: "M'ARTHUR RULES JAPAN" with reporting on page 3 including related photo and more.

Complete with 40 pages, tabloid size, some spine wear, small library stam... See More  

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Exploring the Yellowstone... Westward expansion...

Item #703105

January 15, 1820

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 15, 1820 

* Yellowstone expedition - American frontier

Certainly the best is the lengthy report headed: "Expedition to the Yellow Stone" which has some great detail on this expedition, which is a very early report. The text takes over 3 pages and includes a half pg. chart headed: "Statement Showing the Movement of the Troops com... See More  

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Lewis and Clark begin their epic Voyage of Discovery...

Item #702702

November 26, 1803

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL & MASSACHUSETTS FEDERALIST, Boston, Nov. 26, 1803 (at a slightly reduced price)

* Lewis and Clark Expedition begins

* Louisville, Kentucky - Ohio River

Page 2 has several items concerning the recent Louisiana Purchase, but certainly the most significant is a report from Louisville noting: "Capt. Clark, and Mr. Lewis, have left this place in the prosecution of th... See More  

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Huntsville, Texas penitentiary horrors...

Item #702627

March 27, 1875

ST. LOUIS DAILY GLOBE, Missouri, March 27, 1875

* Texas State Penitentiary "Walls Unit"

* Huntsville, Texas horrors

This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many interesting advertisements. Page 10 has an article headed: "HOPELESS HORROR", with subheads: "Crime Against Criminals in the Texas Penitentiary" & "A Terrible Tale of Tortu... See More  

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Pony Express - collecting mail for the very first run...

Item #702621

April 02, 1860


* Pony Express - prior to 1st trek

* Saint Louis, Missouri

Page 3 has a very interesting article concerning the beginning of the Pony Express service, outlining the charges. The text is headed: "The California Pony Express" and is datelined St. Louis, with portions including: "We learn...that they commence receiving despatches for the Cal... See More  

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1883 Alfred Packer cannibalism trial...

Item #701362

April 14, 1883

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, April 14, 1883

* Alfred Packer trial

* Saguache, Colorado

* Cannibalism - murders

This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many advertisements. Page 3 has an brief article headed: "The Trial of Packer" See image for text here.

This issue is not fragile as newsprint back then was made of cotton and linen rags, allowing them to re... See More  

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Mormon state in New Mexico ?......

Item #701072

April 27, 1876

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, April 27, 1876

* Mormons - Mormonism

* Emigration to New Mexico

This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many advertisements. Page 4 has an editorial headed: "A Mormon State" See images for text here.

This issue is not fragile as newsprint back then was made of cotton and linen rags, allowing them to remain very pliable and easy... See More  

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The hanging of a murderer...

Item #699921

March 29, 1879

THE MISSOURI REPUBLICAN, St. Louis, March 29, 1879  The front page has over half a column with a very detailed report headed: "THE GALLOWS" "Execution of Knox Martin for Murder at Nashville" "12,000 People  Assemble to See the Show" "The Culprit Makes a Full Confession of His Guilt" "He Wills His Body to Two Physicians, Who Attempt Resuscitati... See More  

Item from Catalog 346 (released for September, 2024)

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Details on the Fort Robinson Massacre...

Item #699889

January 14, 1879

THE MISSOURI REPUBLICAN, St. Louis, Jan. 14, 1879  Page 7 begins with a report taking most of a column headed: "THE CHEYENNE MASSACRE" "Circumstantial Narrative of the Indian Insurrection at Fort Robinson" "Further Revenge of the Soldiers for the Death of a Comrade at the Hands of the Savages". There are many subheads as well.

This reports on the "Fort Robi... See More  

Item from Catalog 346 (released for September, 2024)

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St. Peter's Cathedral... Curling...

Item #699107

January 22, 1870

HARPER'S WEEKLY New York, January 22, 1870  The full front page is taken up with a print of: "The Ecumenical Council-Head of the Procession Entering the Grand Nave of St. Peter's."

Inside is a full page illustration of "Curling, or Bonspiel" with an associated article; one-third page illustration of: "Chinese Coolies Crossing the Missouri River".  T... See More  

Item from Catalog 345 (released for August, 2024)

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Rare, short-lived Texas newspaper from its first capital...

Item #699045

January 07, 1888

THE OLD CAPITOL, Columbia, Texas, Jan. 7, 1888  Yes, Columbia--now known as West Columbia--was the first formal capital of Texas, established in 1836. A quite rare title which existed for less than 2 years. Only one institution has a substantial holding of this title and its file is not complete.

Content includes: "HOUSTON--Terrible Collision of Two Passenger Trains on the Missouri Paci... See More  

Item from Catalog 345 (released for August, 2024)

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The Civil War in the West, with a map...

Item #699021

December 10, 1861

NEW YORK HERALD, Dec. 10, 1861 The front page features a nice & detailed Civil War map with a large heading: "THE WESTERN SEAT OF WAR" with a much more detailed subhead. The front page also has some nice first column heads including: "The Struggle In The West" "Strategic Positions Held by the Rebels..." "The Feeling in Kentucky & Missouri at the Present T... See More  

Item from Catalog 345 (released for August, 2024)

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Jesse Owens wins Olympic gold in Berlin...

Item #698755

August 03, 1936

ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, August 3, 1936  

* Jesse Owens 100-meter gold medal victory

* Olympic games in Berlin Germany

* In front of Adolph Hitler & Third Reich

The front page of the sports section has headlines on Jesse Owens' performance at the Berlin Olympics: "Missouri Girl Wins Heat In 11.4 Seconds; Owens Gains Title" "Jesse Owens Is Bright Star at Opening ... See More  

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Building a railroad to the Rocky Mountains...

Item #698735

March 18, 1852

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 18, 1852 

* Early railroad construction in the West

The front page has: "Fugitive Slaves" as well as: "Export of Gold From California" which includes a chart. Also: "From Texas" and "From El Paso" "A Patriot of the Rio Grande".

Page 2 has: "A Plan for Constructing a Railroad over the ... See More  

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Eads Bridge opening... St. Louis...

Item #698685

July 10, 1874


* Eads Bridge construction completed - opening

* East St. Louis, Illinois & St. Louis, Missouri

* Mississippi River - Riverfront area

Here is a uncommon publication from the capital of the Confederacy just a decade earlier. This issue measures 25 x 18 inches.

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "The Great Bridge Of the World&quo... See More  

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Monitor versus Merrimac... Map of New Madrid...

Item #698416

March 15, 1862

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, March 15, 1862    

* Battle of Hampton Roads, Virginia

* Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack (CSS Virginia)

* Civil War ironclads

Page 5 contains some historic one column headlines including: "The Damages To The Merrimac," "The Condition of the Minnesota," "The Merrimac Hemmed In,"  "The War In the South-West," "... See More  

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Confederate newspaper from Louisiana...

Item #698274

September 15, 1861

SUNDAY DELTA, New Orleans, Sept. 15, 1861 

* Rare Confederate publication

* From the deep South

Among the front page items are: "The War On the Potomac" "The War in Missouri" "The War in Western Virginia" "The Civil War in America".

Inside includes: "The Fight In Western Virginia" 'Rosecranz's Army Badly Whipped" "Fed... See More  

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Liberal governor of Missouri and the women's rights movement...

Item #697855

February 15, 1871

THE DOLLAR WEEKLY SUN, New York, Feb. 15, 1871  Page 2 has: "Gratz Brown In Trouble - A Woman's Rights Delegation Surrounding Him - The Great Liberal Fights Shy of the Movement..." with more.

Also: "A Slave Trader's $40,000" "The Trouble at West Point" "The Great Postal Fraud" and more.

Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, nice condition.... See More  

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Prints of Nellie Bly upon completing her around the world trip...

Item #697682

February 08, 1890


* Nellie Bly - American journalist

* Around the World - welcome home prints

Although there are many prints within this issue, arguably the most interesting is the half page print captioned: "Around The World In Seventy-Two Days and Six Hours--Reception of Nellie Bly at Jersey City on the Completion of Her Journey" which ... See More  

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Jess Sweetser in 1926... Defeats Bobby Jones... British Amateur Final...

Item #697283

May 28, 1926

THE OMAHA EVENING BEE, Nebraska, May 28, 1926

* Jess Sweetser - British Amateur Tournament

* Defeats Bobby Jones in the semi-final round

This 16 page newspaper has a banner headline on page 13: "Bobby Jones Beaten in British Golf Tournament", with subheads, and tells of Jess Sweetser victory over Bobby Jones in the British Amateur Championship semi-finals. Jess would win the tourn... See More  

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The short-lived newspaper for "Tiny Town", Missouri...

Item #696927

May 25, 1925

THE TINY TOWN TIMES, Tiny Town, Missouri, May 25, 1925 

* Very rare miniature publication

This is a very fascinating little newspaper.

You can read much about "Tiny Town" on Wikipedia, but to be brief, "Tiny Town was the first complete city built in miniature & had over 1000 structures. A smaller village was complete in 1919 while the larger full version was complete... See More  

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Confederate from Winston, North Carolina...

Item #696915

January 24, 1862

WESTERN SENTINEL, Winston, North Carolina, Jan. 24, 1862

* Rare Confederate publication from the Civil War

 This is a very rare title from the Confederacy. According to Brigham only four institutions in the United States have any holdings of this title from the Civil War, most just a few scattered issues. The American Antiquarian Society has no issues recorded from this era.

Among the ... See More  

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Slaves fleeing into Union camps...

Item #696871

January 31, 1863

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 31, 1863  The full front page is a print: "Army Beef" showing soldiers shooting cattle, with 2 smaller vignettes.

Inside has a full page: "Contrabands Coming Into Camp in Consequence of the Proclamation", referring to the recent Emancipation Proclamation. It shows many African-Americans and presumed slaves. Also a full page with 2 print... See More  

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Making a living lecturing on the outlaw Jesse James...

Item #696652

June 07, 1882

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, June 7, 1882  Keeping in mind that Jesse James was killed in nearby St. Joseph just 2 months previous, page 4 has an article: "The James Lecture". The article talks of the ethics of making a living by speaking about Jesse James, and including members of James' family as part of the presentation. One bit notes: "...That the widow should se... See More  

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Thomas Edison inventions...

Item #696615

October 31, 1878

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, Oct. 31, 1878  This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many interesting advertisements. Page 2 has an article headed: "When Edison Was A Boy" with subhead.  Text takes over a full column.

Eight pages, nice condition.

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'Bleeding Kansas'... P.T. Barnum's misfortunes...

Item #696541

April 25, 1856

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, April 25, 1856 (due to printing error the year is missing on page 1 but appears at the top of pages 2-8) 

* Bleeding Kansas

* Missouri border invasion

* War on slavery

* P.T. Barnum

Page 5 has over a column of reporting concerning the slavery vs. anti-slavery factions in Kansas as they work towards statehood.

The article is headed: "The Prospects Of Kansas&quo... See More  

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'Bleeding Kansas'...

Item #696520

April 29, 1856

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, April 29, 1856  

* Bleeding Kansas

* Missouri border invasion

* War on slavery

Page 4 has: "Questions Unanswered" which relates to the Kansas slavery issue. Also a report from Washington begins: "Every day's development and every hour's reflection and observation confirm the fact that Kansas is doomed to slavery unless she is rescued by the vot... See More  

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1856 'Bleeding Kansas'...

Item #696516

May 19, 1856

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, July 2, 1856  

* Bleeding Kansas

* Missouri border invasion

* War on slavery

Pages 4, 5 and 6 have a terrific wealth of content concerning the slavery/anti-slavery tensions in Kansas. Page 8 has related content as well.

Some articles are headed: "From Kansas" which reports from Lecompton: "For the time being, Kansas is relieved from the immediate peri... See More  

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1957 Ruskin Heights, Kansas City tornado...

Item #695662

May 21, 1957


* Ruskin Heights, Kansas City F5 tornado disaster

* May 1957 Central Plains tornado outbreak sequence

The front page has a nice banner headline: "TORNADO HITS KC; 14 DIE" with lead-in: "More Than 100 Hurt in Kansas, Missouri" and subheads. (see) Nice for display.

Complete with 38 pages, small library stamp within the masthead, some small... See More  

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The war In Missouri--Federal Atrocities...

Item #695621

January 17, 1862

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Jan. 17, 1862 

* Rare rebel publication

Half of the front page is taken up with ads while the other half is filled with Civil War reports, headed: "Notes Of the War" and having many subheads including: "The War In Kentucky--A Yankee's Account of the Military Situation" "A Change of Plan" "The War In Missouri--Fede... See More  

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Cartridge factory explosion... Civil War news...

Item #695331

March 31, 1862

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, March 31, 1862  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "The Killed & Wounded at Winchester" "Beaufort, N.C. Occupied" "Fort Macon Not Yet Surrendered" "Bombardment of Island No. 10" "The War in Arkansas" "A Skirmish In Missouri" "Affairs In Tennessee" "The Latest From Key Wes... See More  

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Two maps of Pamlico Sound & environs...

Item #695328

January 29, 1862

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Jan. 29, 1862  The front page has two Civil War maps, one: "Showing the Position of Hatteras Inlet and Roanoke Island" and the other a: "Diagram Showing Hatteras Inlet & Where the Vessels Were Wrecked".

Many front page column heads on the Civil War including: "War Against Treason!" "Great Difficulty In Passing Hatteras Bar" &... See More  

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Unusual front page graphic...

Item #695321

August 15, 1861


* General Nathaniel Lyon

* United States Army

* 1st Union Gen. to be killed

The front page features a nice print of: "The Late Brigadier General Lyon" which is unusual, as typically front page graphics from the Civil War era were maps and not prints of famous men.

The first column features a lengthy stack of headlines including: &... See More  

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Front page print of industrialist Thomas A. Scott... Civil War reports...

Item #695318

November 19, 1861

THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Nov. 19, 1861  The front page features a print of "Thomas A. Scott", with a biographical sketch of him as well.

Scott was an American businessman, railroad executive, and industrialist. In 1861, President Lincoln appointed him to serve as U.S. Assistant Secretary of War, and during the American Civil War railroads under his leadership played a major role ... See More  

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Two front page Civil War maps...

Item #695274

February 13, 1862

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Feb. 13, 1862  A very graphic & displayable issue as the front page features not one but two Civil War maps, one captioned: "Albemarle Sound & the Point of Attack of the Federal Fleet", with related text, and the other headed: "Roanoke Island".

Both the first and last columns have nice stacks of Civil War headlines including: "VICTORY! ... See More  

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From Maine, before statehood... Jefferson, Aaron Burr...

Item #694504

November 02, 1807


* Early 19th century Northern New England

* Aaron Burr trial - Thomas Jefferson

At this time Maine was part of Massachusetts, not becoming a state until 1820 as part of the Missouri Compromise. So this issue is from 13 years before statehood.

Page 2 has most of a column on: "Col. Burr's Trial" for High Treason glints the ... See More  

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Much on the Presidential election of 1860... The Pony Express...

Item #693435

August 25, 1860

THE WORLD, New York, Aug. 25, 1860  Page 4 has a lengthy list of news items under: "THE PONY EXPRESS" with a dateline of St. Joseph, Missouri.

Over half of page 7 is taken up with much on the: "Political War" which has much commentary on the coming Presidential election, presented state-by-state, with much mention of Abraham Lincoln as well.

Eight pages, slightly irregul... See More  

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Very historic report on the fugitive slave case of Anthony Burns: he had to return to his owner... On the recent Kansas-Nebraska Act...

Item #693267

June 08, 1854

NEW YORK OBSERVER, Secular Department (there was also a 'Religious Department' edition), June 8, 1854  

* Fugitive slave Anthony Burns

* Escape - capture and trial verdict

Page 3 has a very notable report with a small head: "The Boston Fugitive Slave Case" which was an historic event in Boston. Most of this report relates to the verdict of the case.

 This was th... See More  

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In three days the Kansas-Nebraska Act would be the law of the land...

Item #693263

May 27, 1854

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., May 27, 1854  

* Kansas-Nebraska Act - slavery question

The front page begins some reports from "Congress" relating to the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Then further on there are reports from the Senate with a subhead: "Nebraska and Kansas Bill".

Over half of page 2 is taken up with the: "Debate In Senate - The Nebraska Question... See More  

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Frank James after his criminal career... Murder of Mormon missionaries...

Item #693098

September 07, 1884

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Sept. 7, 1884  Page 4 has an article: "FRANK JAMES" "The Peculiar Way in Which His Moberly Friends Reversed Themselves".

Frank James, was a bit of a novelty at the time. He was a Confederate soldier and guerrilla; in the post-Civil War period he was an outlaw. The older brother of outlaw Jesse James, Frank was also part of the James–Younger... See More  

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1880 Leadville, Colorado booming...

Item #692860

February 15, 1880

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, Feb. 15, 1880

* Leadville, Colorado on the rise

* Silver mining boomtown

This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many advertisements. Page 2 has an article headed: "Growth Of Leadville" "An Old Mining Camp and a New City" and more. (see) Text takes up just over a full column.

This issue is not fragile as newsprint bac... See More  

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On the Mormons... Alcoholic congressmen...

Item #692181

August 10, 1850

THE GREENSBOROUGH PATRIOT, (Greensboro), North Carolina, August 10, 1850  Rarely are we able to secure antebellum newspapers from this city.

Page 2 has a nice article: "Locusts, Crickets and Gulls of the Salt Lake Country" which is: "...an interesting account of his visit to the Mormon encampment in the western deserts. They were out casts from Missouri and Illinois, who had f... See More  

Item from Catalog 346 (released for September, 2024)

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Advancing into Virginia...

Item #691762

June 18, 1861

THE WORLD, New York, June 18, 1861  Page 4 begins with column heads including: "The Southern Rebellion" "Skirmishing Near Washington" "Troops Advancing Into Virginia" "A New Rebel Battery on the Potomac" "Reported Landing of Federal Troops In South Carolina" "War Movements in Missouri" Capture of a Rebel General" "The ... See More  

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The Mexican War... Sale of land in Florida & Missouri...

Item #691653

June 12, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 12, 1847  The front page has 2 documents: "By the President of The United States" concerning the sale of public land in Florida and Missouri, each signed in type: James K. Polk.

All of page 2 and a bit of page 3 are taken up with a very lengthy editorial: "What We Are Fighting For--New Grounds of the War".

Also within:... See More  

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Wealth of Civil War reporting in this "Evening Edition"...

Item #691489

July 20, 1861

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, July 20, 1861  

* First Battle of Bull Run beginning - Manassas

* 1st major battle of the American Civil War

This is the very uncommon "Evening Edition" which is filled with war-related news on the front page. Most editions of the Tribune have only ads on the front page.

Among front page column heads are reports on the battle of Bull Run: "From Fairfax... See More  

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