Jury convicts gangster Al Capone, reported in a Chicago newspaper...
Item #710301
October 18, 1931
* Al 'Scarface' Capone guilty
* Infamous tax evasion conviction
* Best title to be had - very rare
* Inventor Thomas Edison death
The front page has the perfect headline for any collector of gangster-era newspapers, particularly being in a Chicago title: "U.S. JURY CONVICTS CAPONE". The sub-headline: "Gang Monarch Guil... See More
Edison's latest telephone in 1879...
Item #710222
September 27, 1879
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, September 27, 1879
* Inventor Thomas Edison telephone invention
* Carbon button transmitter and 'chalk" receiver
The cover features "Meier's National and Astronomical Clock". Inside the issue is "Reynier's Electric Lamp"; "Tucker's Surf Boat"; "Edison's New Telephone" with very descriptive... See More
Gold mining in Johannesburg... Book plates of women of the world...
Item #709990
February 22, 1896
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT, New York, February 22, 1896 The front cover of the issue contains a very large illustration "Mining at Johannesburg -- Natives on the Way to Their Work". Also in the issue is wonderful prints and article of "BOOK PLATES OF CELEBRATED WOMEN OF THE WORLD" which are fascinating prints of the engravings these women made famous. "The New Po... See More
Television coming to your home in 1939 ?...
Item #709869
October 21, 1938
* David Sarnoff announces home television
* RCA - Radio Corporation of America invention
* Home entertainment about to modernize - TV
Near the bottom of the front page is a two column heading: "Television Ready for Home; Sets to Go on Sale by Spring" with subhead. (see images)
Complete with 30 pages, light toning and a little wear at the mar... See More
The death of Marchese Guglielmo Marconi...
Item #709863
July 20, 1937
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 20, 1937
* Guglielmo Marconi death (1st report)
* Wireless telegraphy inventor
The front page has one column headings that include: "MARCONI IS DEAD OF HEART ATTACK", "Wireless Inventor Succumbs at His Home in Rome at the Age of 63" "HIS CAREER STARTED AT 21" "He Patented His System in 1896 and Then Went From Success to Success&qu... See More
Making incandescent lamps in 1883...
Item #709026
June 30, 1883
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, June 30, 1883 This issue has much invention news and illustrations including front page illustration(s) headed: "WRIGHT AND MACKIE'S MACHINERY FOR MAKING INCANDESCENT ELECTRIC LAMPS". These illustration(s) also have related text as well.
This issue is 16 pages and in nice condition.
Charles Lindbergh invents artificial heart ?...
Item #708939
June 21, 1935
THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 21, 1935
* Charles Lindbergh & Dr. Alexis Carrel
* Perfusion pump (artificial heart) invention
* Albert Einstein gets Harvard honorary degree
The top of the front page has a two column heading: "Carrel, Lindbergh Develop Device To Keep Organs Alive Outside Body" with subhead. (see) First report coverage on the invention of the Carrel-Lindbergh perfus... See More
1966 Frank Zappa & The Mothers of Invention...
Item #708320
December 01, 1966
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, Dec. 1, 1966
* American musician - guitarist Frank Zappa
* "The Mothers of Invention" rock band (early)
* Timothy Leary - Allen Ginsberg - Ralph Metzer
* Psychedelic celebration at Village Theatre
The front page has a photo of Frank Zappa with a page 32 editorial on the first New York appearance of The Mothers Of Inventio... See More
Isaac Newton Lewis death... gun inventor...
Item #707395
November 10, 1931
THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 10, 1931
* Isaac Newton Lewis death
* Lewis Gun inventor - WWI era
* Osman Ali Khan & Mahatma Gandhi
Page 25 has a one column heading: "COL. LEWIS, FAMOUS INVENTOR, DEAD" with subheads and photo. (see) First report coverage on the death of Isaac Newton Lewis, United States Army officer and the invenotr of the Lewis Gun.
Other news, sports and adv... See More
Soviets shock the world: Sputnik is launched...
Item #706881
October 05, 1957
MIRROR NEWS, Los Angeles, October 5, 1957
* Sputnik 1 (1st report)
* World's 1st orbiting artificial satellite
* Space race begins
A very significant report in the space race, with a banner head reading: "RUSS 'MOON' SECRET CODE BAFFLES U.S." with a related diagram showing the track of Sputnik.
This event shocked the American scientific community and sufficient... See More
Bicycles... The "accidental" discovery of x-rays... Biltmore estate...
Item #706879
February 01, 1896
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Feb. 1, 1896 Page 3 has a notable report "Prof. Roentgen's Discovery" [Wilhelm Röntgen] which is the accounting of how the discovery of x-rays was made by accident.
The front page shows the United States Navy Yard in New York. Also within the issue are articles: "A Twenty-Five Cent Bicycle" made of wood; Mr. Vanderbilt's estate... See More
Building the Brooklyn Bridge...
Item #706032
March 10, 1877
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, March 10, 1877
* Brooklyn Bridge - East River
* Under construction print
The front page has a large illustration: "The Foot Bridge Over The East River, New York." as well as three diagrams relating to the construction of the foot bridge, and a report: "The East River Bridge." better known today as the Brooklyn Bridge.
Sixteen pages, ... See More
Early on the Brooklyn Bridge...
Item #706031
August 11, 1877
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Aug. 11, 1877
* Brooklyn Bridge - East River
* Under construction illustrations
The front page features a print of: "The Great Suspension Bridge Between New York & Brooklyn - The Cable Fastenings", being the famous Brooklyn Bridge. Much inside, including: "Havens' New Telephone" and a nice print: "The Great Suspension Bri... See More
Electric Edison torpedo...
Item #704807
July 26, 1890
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, July 26, 1890 The front page has an illustrations "The Sims-Edison Electric Torpedo -- The Torpedo at Full Speed -- Sectional View of the Torpedo" with an accompanying article. Inside the issue is: "The Steel Cruiser Chicago, as She Appeared in the Mediterranean"; "Redwood Logging in California"; and more illustrations, articl... See More
Very early bicycle prints...
Item #704619
June 12, 1869
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York June 12, 1869 The front page has a very nice & curious print captioned: "Sturdy and Young's Circular Velocipede" with a related front page article titled: "Improved Combination Pleasure Velocipede". An inside page also has a print of: "Price's Improved Bicycle" with a related article as well.
Sixteen pages, nice conditi... See More
Louis Pasteur... The inventor of the Polka...
Item #704617
October 12, 1895
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Oct. 12, 1895 The front page features a photo of Louis: "Pasteur" with a lengthy article on him as well. Also on the front page is an article: "The Inventor of the Polka".
Other articles with illustrations include: "The Tool Steel Industry" "An Automatic Double Chisel Mortising Machine", a full page print of: "The A... See More
First lottery in America... Electricity experiments...
Item #704602
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, April, 1745 A feature of this issue is a terrific, three page graphic representation of the: "Situation of his Majesty's Fleet & the Combined fleets of France and Spain in the Mediterranean...when Adm. Mathews made the Signal to engage the enemy..." showing the various positions of the ships (see photos). This is highly unus
... See More
The evolution of the motorcycle...
Item #704505
December 21, 1901
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Dec. 21, 1901 Perhaps the most notable article is: "The Evolution of the Motor Cycle" which has great text and also includes 4 photos of very early motorcycles.
The front page is taken up with a print of the: "Giant Sand Wheel for the Calumet & Hecla Mining Company" with an article inside.
Sixteen pages, an early repair to page 2... See More
Cars at the Paris Show... The stenophile...
Item #704453
February 03, 1906
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT, New York, Feb. 3, 1906 The front page is filled with photos with a caption: "Motors, Accessories, and Light Cars Exhibited at the Paris Show" which describes a few of the various attractions seen at the Paris Show.
Additional articles and/or illustrations include: "Exchange of Gases in the Liver", "The Bee Louse", "Riv... See More
On the founding of television in 1929...
Item #704346
December 21, 1929
THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 21, 1929
* John Baird - father of television
* TV in it's infancy - inventions
Page 22 has one column headings: "WALKER TELEVISED AT DEMONSTRATION", "Astonished at Clearness of Voice and Images Reproduced by Baird Device" (see) A very significant report during the infancy of television, an invention which would change not only the world ... See More
Creating billiard balls...
Item #704251
March 04, 1865
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, March 4, 1865
* Early billiards - pool - snooker
The front page features a nice print of a: "Lathe For Turning Billiard Balls" with a lengthy article taking over one-third of the page. A nice issue for any billiards or pool collector.
Inside has an illustrated article: "Allen's Supporter For Fractured Legs".
Sixteen pages, nice c... See More
Billy the Kid, Pat Garett, Virgil & Wyatt Earp, Frank Stilwell, Johnny Behan...
Item #704204
August 10, 1881
THE TOMBSTONE EPITAPH, Arizona, August 10, 1881
* Best Old West title to be had
* Pre Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
Few could argue for a more recognizable title from the Old West, nor could any town be more linked to the romance of the West than this one. Tombstone is steeped in Western lore, and the several movies done concerning the gunfight at the O.K. Corral have kept this town in ... See More
1965 Yoko Ono 's "Cut Piece" art performance...
Item #704148
March 18, 1965
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, March 18, 1965
* Yoko Ono - pre John Lennon - Beatles
* "Cut Piece" art performance - Carnegie Hall
* Fluxus movement - art performances (experimental)
Page 13 has a small advertisement: "YOKO ONO Carnegie Recital Hall" (see image) Not mentioned in the ad, this was for her famous "Cut Piece" performance.... See More
Abraham Lincoln the inventor - a buoying apparatus...
Item #704122
December 01, 1860
* Invention by Abraham Lincoln
* Buoying vessels over shoals
Page 4 has a great article headed: "The President Elect's Mode of Buoying Vessels" which also includes a nice illustration of the device captioned: "Abraham Lincoln's Apparatus For Buoying Vessels." (see).
The text, taking most of a column, ... See More
Georgetown to be the nation's capital?
Item #703549
THE UNIVERSAL ASYLUM & COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, October, 1790 The issue begins with the continued: "History of the Life & Character of Benjamin Franklin, L.L.D." which takes 6 pages & includes 4 letters signed by him in type from 1753 & 1754: B. Franklin.Other articles include: "On the Invention of Porcelain in Europe" "Thoughts on Educatio... See More
1968 Frank Zappa & The Mothers of Invention...
Item #703395
January 11, 1968
THE VILLAGE VOICE, Greenwich Village, New York, Jan.11, 1968
* American musician - guitarist Frank Zappa
* "The Mothers of Invention" rock band
* Sally Kempton editorial with photo
The front page has a heading: "Zappa & the Mothers: Ugly Can Be Beautiful" with lead-in: "Anti-Idols" and photo showing Zappa with his wife. (see images) I suspect this to be an... See More
Founding the Lick Observatory... Property values in Northern California...
Item #702558
March 01, 1876
WELDON & LEONARD'S REAL ESTATE CIRCULAR & PRICE LIST, San Francisco, California, March 1, 1876
* Lick Observatory, Mount Hamilton founding
The ftpg. has: "Another Monument" which begins: "When James Lick executed his deed of gift, donating his immense property to various benevolent & scientific societies of this state, he provided that $750,000 should be ... See More
Transitor radio invention in 1949... Axis Sally...
Item #702496
March 11, 1949
THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 11, 1949
* Early Transistor radios invention described
* "Axis Sally" Mildred E. Gillars found guilty
The top of page 50 has a one column heading: "TINY RADIOS MADE BY ARMED FORCES"
The top of the front page has a two column heading: "'Axis Sally' Is Found Guilty; Sentence on Treason Delayed" with subhead. Related photo on p... See More
The Wright brothers fly!
Item #702433
January 30, 1904
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 30, 1904 Near the back is an article marking perhaps the most significant development of the 20th century, that being manned flight.
Note this issue is the month following the Wright brothers' first flight at Kitty Hawk.
The article is headed: "Progress of Science - The Problem of Flight" and the text includes: "...In a test near
... See More
Note this issue is the month following the Wright brothers' first flight at Kitty Hawk.
The article is headed: "Progress of Science - The Problem of Flight" and the text includes: "...In a test near
Focused on patents...
Item #702164
May 01, 1872
THE PATENT RIGHT GAZETTE, New York, May, 1872 Still has the original outer wrappers, upon which is printed: "A Monthly Illustrated Journal of the Industrial Arts Especially Devoted to The Sale, Description and Illustrations of Patents...".
Nice to still have the decorative outer wrappers.
Sixteen pages plus the outer wrappers, 10 1/2 by 13 1/4 inches, good condition.
Details of a horrible crime... Thomas Edison & P. T. Barnum...
Item #702034
June 15, 1878
ST. LOUIS GLOBE DEMOCRAT, June 15, 1878 The top of the ftpg. has column heads: "SENT TO SEE SATAN" "The Revolting Alliance Formed by Fiendish Quartet" "A Farmer & His Voluptuous Wife Their Victims" '"How the Latter Gave Battle to the Lecherous Brutes" "Three of Whom Expiated Their Crime on the Gallows". The article takes nearly ... See More
Death of actress & inventor Hedy Lamarr...
Item #701773
January 20, 2000
LOS ANGELES TIMES, Jan. 20, 2000
* Hedy Lamarr death (1st report)
* Austrian-American movie - film actress
* Inventor re. Bluetooth - Wi-Fi - GPS
* Best publication to be had ?
The bottom of the front page has a small photo with brief text. The top of page 22 has a heading that reads: "Hedy Lamarr; Screen Star Called Her Beauty a Curse" with another photo. (see) Nice to ha... See More
Thomas Edison invents the phonograph...
Item #701605
December 22, 1877
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Dec. 22, 1877
* Inventor Thomas Edison
* The phonograph invented
* Best title to have this in ?
Page 2 has an extremely significant article headed: The Talking Phonograph" which begins: "Mr. Thomas Edison recently came into our office, placed a little machine on our desk, turned a crank, and the machine inquired as to our health, asked how we ... See More
Orville Wright invents "automatic stabilizer"....
Item #701520
January 05, 1914
THE TIMES, Los Angeles, Jan. 5, 1914
* Orville Wright 0 Wright Brothers fame
* "Automatic stabilizer" invention
* Wright Model E airplane aeroplane
The top of the front page has a photo of Orville Wright along with illustration of the Wright Model E with heading: "Says He Has Revolutionized Flying". (see) Also one column headings that include:... See More
1903 Alexander Graham Bell photo...
Item #701105
May 02, 1903
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, from New York, dated May 2, 1903
* Alexander Graham Bell cover photo (nice for display)
The full front cover of the issue features a photo of "Alexander Graham Bell" which also features his signature below it. An article is content within. Also within the issue is the latest Atlantic Line "Kaiser Wilhelm II".
This is a complete issue in 16 pa... See More
Death of Henry Ford...
Item #701075
April 08, 1947
LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Leominster, Massachusetts, April 8, 1947
* Henry Ford death
* Automobile pioneer - Detroit MI
* 1st report
This 10-page newspaper has a five-column headline on the front page: "Henry Ford Dies At Dearborn, Mich." with subheads and nice photo of Ford (see photos). Great for display!
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Little spine wear... See More
Early photography... Inauguration of Franklin Pierce...
Item #700954
March 12, 1853
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, March 12, 1853 An early issue of this famous scientific magazine, still published today.
Page 3 has; "Daguerrotyping" which is on early photography. Page 5 has: "The Inauguration" which reports on the inauguration of Franklin Pierce.
Various illustrations of the latest inventions & improvements of the day.
Eight pages, good condition.... See More
On the invention of the electric light...
Item #699893
January 20, 1879
THE MISSOURI REPUBLICAN, St. Louis, Jan. 20, 1879 Page 2 has over a full column taken up with much detail on a controversy on the invention of the electric light, this one concerning Professor Draper and his involvement, with much mention of Thomas Edison as well.
Eight pages, nice condition.
1917 Ferdinand von Zeppelin death...
Item #699769
March 09, 1917
* Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin death w/ photo
* Inventor of the German Zeppelin rigid airships
* Luftschiffbau Zeppelin manufacturing Co. founder
The front page has a one column heading: "COUNT ZEPPELIN DIES IN BERLIN" with subhead and photo of Count Zeppelin. (see images)
Complete with 12 pages, light toning at the margins, irregular alo... See More
Statue of Liberty on display in Paris before being shipped to the United States...
Item #699597
September 07, 1878
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Sept. 7, 1878
* Statue of Liberty construction
* Frederic Auguste Bartholdi
The prime feature would be: "Bartholdi's Colossal Statue of Liberty" which shows the head on display in Paris. Included is a related article noting the final size would be 105 feet high plus an 82 feet pedestal. The bust itself was 29 1/2 feet high and 13+ feet in d... See More
Mechanical baseball pitcher...
Item #699578
June 26, 1897
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, June 26, 1897 Inside has a full page with 4 illustrations of: "The Mechanical Baseball Pitcher" with a lengthy article on this as well. Fascinating item, and an early pitching machine!
Other items within include: "Third Rail Electrical Equipment of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad" which includes illustrations on the front page... See More
Inventor Thomas A. Edison... 1913 Rathenau medal...
Item #699551
January 20, 1913
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Jan. 20, 1913
* Inventor Thomas A. Edison photo
* Walter Rathenau medal recipient
* Battery powered safety lamp invention
The top of the front page has a two column photo headed: "EDISON IS TO RECEIVE RATHENAU MEDAL FOR NEW SAFEGUARDING INVENTION" with subhead and text. (see images) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from ... See More
50th anniversary issue of Scientific American...
Item #699421
July 25, 1896
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, July 25, 1896 This is their 50th anniversary issue and within its 68 pages is a terrific recounting of the many mechanical & industrial achievements since the first year of this title's existence. Included are photos of some notable inventions, including the telephone, Edison with his phonograph, plus so much more.
The front page features "Facsimi... See More
Two firsts: ads for very first electric toy train, and first automobile ad...
Item #698980
October 22, 1898
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Oct. 22, 1898 For the model railroad hobbyist & car enthusiast this issue has two significant advertisements.
First, an illustrated ad for the very first electric toy train: "Carlisle & Finch Co." of Cincinnati, Ohio. The ad is for their toy "Electric Railways, $3.50 to $7." Carlisle & Finch was the creator of the very fir... See More
Thomas Edison's last will and testament...
Item #698878
October 29, 1931
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass., October 29, 1931
* re. Thomas Alva Edison death
* Official last will and testament
The top of the front page has a two column heading: "Edison Left Most of Estate To Two Sons" with subheads. (see images)
Complete with 20 pages, light toning at the margins, a few small binding holes along the spine, generally in nice condition.... See More
Published by P. T. Barnum... Early view of Sydney, Australia...
Item #698866
June 18, 1853
ILLUSTRATED NEWS, New York, June 18, 1853 P.T. Barnum was the co-owner (see photos) of this early illustrated newspaper which preceded both "Leslie's Illustrated" and "Harper's Weekly". This effort by Barnum and the Beach brothers would last for only 48 issues.
The text on the front page is: "The Pacific Railroad" and the print shows: "Thomas H. Be... See More
First ever automobile advertisement...
Item #698704
October 01, 1898
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Oct. 1, 1898 This is a very significant magazine in the history of automobiles, as the noted reference work "Kane's Famous First Facts" states that the mentioned advertisement was the very first automobile ad ever published in America.
A back page advertisement is headed: "The Winton Motor Carriage" and describes the fine features... See More
How cartoons are made...
Item #698557
October 14, 1916
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Oct. 14, 1916 The entire front page is taken up with an illustration captioned: "Animated Cartoons In the Making: Filming the Successive Drawings." showing a man doing just that. An inside page is entirely devoted to: "Animated Cartoons in the Making--How 16,000 Drawings are Prepared & Photographed in Producing 1000 Feet of Motion Picture Film"... See More
Two firsts: very first electric toy train ad, and first automobile ad...
Item #698543
October 22, 1898
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Dec. 3, 1898
* 1st electric toy train: ad for Carlisle and Finch
* 1st automobile advertisement - horseless carriage
For the model railroad hobbyist & car enthusiast this issue has two significant advertisements.
First, an illustrated ad for the very first electric toy train: "Carlisle & Finch Co." of Cincinnati, Ohio. The ad is ... See More
Article written by Robert H. Goddard, when he was 24 years old...
Item #698246
June 29, 1907
* Robert H. Goddard article
* Gyroscopes for steering
* Very early at 24 years old
Inside has a nearly half-page article titled: "The Use Of The Gyroscope In The Balancing And Steering Of Aeroplanes, by Robert H. Goddard."
The article is accompanied by 3 illustrations.
This is very early for this famous rocket ... See More
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