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Boston Red Sox wins 1915 pennant...
Item #586054
October 01, 1915
THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Georgia, October 1, 1915
* Boston Red Sox wins pennant
This 12 page newspaper has a five column headline on page 9: "Red Sox Clinch American League Rag" with subheads that include: "RED SOX CINCH RAG IN AMERICAN" and more (see photos). 1st report coverage on the Boston Red Sox winning the 1915 American league pennant. Interesting they call it a &... See More
Item #177778
October 02, 1915
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, New York, October 2, 1915
This issue has a color cover page before the title page which has an illustration by Enright. On the back of the cover page there is a photo of "James F. J. Archibald."
In this issue, there are several articles including "Patten in Pink Whiskers" by Operative No. 48; "The War's Blind"; "Matthew Vassa... See More
Thomas Edison as chairman...
Item #628054
October 02, 1915
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Oct. 2, 1915
* Thomas Alva Edison
The color cover shows soldiers scaling the side of a mountain. Items within include: "The Exchange of Severely Wounded Prisoners" "The Development of the Army Pistol" The Naval Advisory Board of Inventions" which includes a photo of: Thomas A. Edison, Chairman. More articles concerning the militar... See More
Interesting feature on the evangelist Billy Sunday...
Item #653068
October 03, 1915
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE, Nebraska, Oct. 3, 1915 Note: this is "Part Two" of the issue with pages 1-12, but it does have its own masthead.
A fine issue on the popular evangelist Billy Sunday, with a banner headline: "Hand That Grips the Trail Hitter" and subheads; "Here is "Billy's' Good Right Hand That Pulls the Pilgrim Down the Sawdust Trail & Welcome... See More
1915 Clifton-Morenci Strike in Arizona...
Item #680121
October 05, 1915
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Oct. 5, 1915
* The Clifton-Morenci Strike
* Labor difficulty in Arizona
* Copper miners - mining - mines
The front page has a banner headline: "Thousands of Arizona Strikers March on Clifton" with subhead. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile f... See More
Leaders of the 1915 baseball pennant fight...
Item #680373
October 07, 1915
LESLIE'S WEEKLY, New York Oct. 7, 1915 The front cover is a nice, dramatic color print reflecting the action in the early years of World War I captioned: "Directing The Big Guns". Articles within include: "Great Britain's Zeal for War"; The Truth about Alaska - A Land of Great Opportunities"; "Seen in the World of Sport" including photos the leaders... See More
Leaders of the 1915 baseball pennant fight...
Item #624008
October 07, 1915
LESLIE'S WEEKLY, New York Oct. 7, 1915 The front cover is a nice & dramatic color print reflecting the action in the early years of World War I, captioned: "Directing The Big Guns". Articles within include: "Great Britain's Zeal for War"; The Truth about Alaska - A Land of Great Opportunities"; "Seen in the World of Sport" including photos the l... See More
Woodrow Wilson becomes engaged to Edith Bolling Galt...
Item #586057
October 07, 1915
THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Georgia, October 7, 1915
* President Woodrow Wilson's engagement
This 14 page newspaper has a three column headline on the front page: "President Woodrow Wilson to Wed Mrs. Norman Galt of Washington" with subheads and photo (see photos). This is 1st report coverage on the engagement of President Woodrow Wilson to Edith Bolling Galt.
Other news, sports... See More
Invasion of Servia begins....
Item #568173
October 08, 1915
SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, Springfield, Massachusetts, October 8, 1915
* World War I beginning
* Invasion of Servia
This 22 page newspaper has two column headlines on the front page: "INVASION OF SERVIA BEGINS" "400,000 Teutons Cross Border" "RUSSIANS BOMBARD BULGARIAN PORT" "Big Austro-German Drive Starts" and more. (see)
Other n... See More
Billy Sunday... in 1915...
Item #578140
October 08, 1915
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE, Nebraska, October 8, 1915
* Evangelist Billy Sunday
* Re: Women
This 8 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page that include: "SUNDAY ASSAILS WIVES WHO SHUN MOTHERS' CARE", "Arraigns Pleasure Seekers", "Don't Worry If You Don't Wed", and more (see images).
Other news of the day. Complete with usual browning,... See More
Item #177779
October 09, 1915
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, New York, October 9, 1915
This issue has a color cover page before the title page which has an illustration titled "At the Front" by Morris. On the back of the cover page there are photos of "At the Rio Grande."
In this issue, there are several articles including "At the Front--With Willie Hearst" by H. D. Wheeler; "What Wall... See More
Regarding Tyrannosaurus...
Item #630862
October 09, 1915
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, October 9, 1915
* Tyrannosaurus Rex in a science-themed magazine
* Includes images and supporting text
Includes the full front page illustration: "Tyrannosaurus, The Largest Flesh-Eater That Ever Lived." Also has a full page report inside: "Tyrannosaurus, A Cretaceous Carnivorous Dinosaur" and "The Largest Flesh-Eater That Ever Lived&q... See More
Terrific Boston Red Sox wis 1915 World Series game...
Item #694323
October 12, 1915
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Oct. 12, 1915
* Boston Red Sox wins World Series game 4
* A young Babe Ruth on the team
* Philadelphia Phillies 1st ever W.S.
* Curse of the Bambino a few years away
The front page has a terrific banner headline in red lettering: "RED SOX WIN ANOTHER" with subhead and score. Inning by inning descriptions inside. Great for display
Surprisingly this is... See More
Boston Red Sox 1915 World Series....
Item #582973
October 13, 1915
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE, Omaha, Nebraska, October 13, 1915
* Boston Red Sox World Series, with Babe Ruth on the team
* Philadelphia Phillies 1st ever World Series
* Start of the so-called "curse" ?
This 12 page has one column headlines on the front page that include: "BOSTON TAKES THIRD STRAIGHT FROM PHILLIES", "Red Sox, with Shore on the Mound, Again Defeat
1915 U-Boat submarine battles....
Item #568226
October 15, 1915
FITCHBURG DAILY SENTINEL, Massachusetts, October 15, 1915
* German U-boats
* Submarines
* World War I
This 16 page newspaper has two column headlines on the front page that include: "BRITISH SUBMARINE WINS NAVAL BATTLE" and more. (see) Tells a early submarine use during World War I. Other news of the day.
Usual browning with minor margin wear, otherwise in good condition.... See More
Pancho Villa false death report....
Item #568227
October 16, 1915
FITCHBURG DAILY SENTINEL, Fitchburg, Massachusetts, October 16, 1915 This 12 page newspaper has two column headlines on the front page that include: "VILLA WAS KILLED, IS MEXICAN REPORT" and more.
Of course this was not true as he did not die until 1923.
Other news of the day with World War I reporting. Usual browning with minor spine wear, otherwise good.... See More
Item #177780
October 16, 1915
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, New York, October 16, 1915
This issue has a color cover page before the title page which has an illustration titled "'Where the dickens did I bury that Tariff issue bone?'" by Morris. On the back of the cover page there is a photo of a message by Captain Kruger.
In this issue, there are several articles including "Postal Savings and the War"... See More
Russia and Italy vs. Bulgaria... Suffragist vote...
Item #622636
October 20, 1915
THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 20, 1915 The front page has a three-column, three-line headline "Russia and Italy Declare War on Bulgaria and Allies Warn Greece; Bulgars Cut the Nish Railroad" with subheads "Italian Fleet on the Way " "Allies Reject Greek View of Treaty and Land More Troops" "Some Marching overland" and more. There are additional articles ... See More
Nice color cover on World War I... Photos of baseball players...
Item #623190
October 21, 1915
LESLIE'S WEEKLY, New York Oct. 21, 1915 The color cover is a nice illustration from World War I captioned: "Waiting for the Range." (see) Other prints within include a photo of "Mrs. Galt Whose Engagement to President Woodrow Wilson is Announced" "In the Wake of the Battle" "The Truth About Alaska - the New Freedom for Labor" plus... See More
1915 Edith Cavell firing sqaud execution....
Item #680123
October 22, 1915
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Oct. 22, 1915
* Edith Cavell - firing squad execution
* World War I British nurse
The front page has four column heading: "FACES FIRING SQUAD LIKE HEROINE" with subhead. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper. Rare as such.
... See More
Women's Suffrage movement photo....
Item #586885
October 23, 1915
SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, Springfield, Massachusetts, October 23, 1915
* Women's suffrage movement
* Front page photo
This 22 page newspaper has a nice front page Women's suffrage photo with caption: "Victory" (see photos).
Also one column headlines also on the front page that include: "SUFFRAGE PROSPECT", "Will Parade Today", "With "Victory... See More
Item #177781
October 23, 1915
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, New York, October 23, 1915
This issue has a color cover page before the title page which has an illustration titled "The Patriot" by Enright. On the back of the cover page there is a photo of "Poor Old Brix!"
In this issue, there are several articles including "Cardui: The Story of a Nostrum" by Robert C. Bicknell, Ph. G., M.D.; &... See More
1915 Clifton-Morenci Strike in Arizona...
Item #680125
October 23, 1915
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Oct. 23, 1915
* 5 mile Suffrage parade - suffragettes
* Fifth Avenue - New York City
The front page has a three column heading: "Huge Suffrage Parade By Women In New York" with related pictorial. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this er... See More
Item #208380
October 28, 1915
LIFE MAGAZINE, New York, October 28, 1915. A great issue for framing and displaying!
Item #177782
October 30, 1915
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, New York, October 30, 1915
This issue has a color cover page before the title page which has an illustration titled "Too Close for Wings Stuck on With Wax" by Charmberlain. On the back of the cover page there is an illustration with a poem titled "Chinese Lyrics" by Pai Ta-Shun.
In this issue, there are several articles including "War ... See More
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