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President Madison signs Acts of Congress... Execution of Richard Smith...

Item #685991

September 03, 1816

NEW HAMPSHIRE PATRIOT, Concord, Sept. 3, 1816  The middle of the front page is taken up with 3 Acts of Congress and a "Resolution", each signed in type by the President: James Madison.

The back page has nearly 2 columns on: "The Execution" of Richard Smith for the murder of Capt. John Carson. There is much written about him on the internet.

Four pages, various cases, goo... See More  

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Appalachicola, Florida... Slave or free?

Item #673060

September 14, 1816

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept.  14, 1816  Starting on the front page and continuing within is a great article describing  a banquet held in Paris to celebrate American Independence, which illustrates the great relationship held between both nations.

Another article within describes the mass migration of Negroes from in and around New Orleans to Appalachicola, Florida.... See More  

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Gallipolis, Ohio... The Chickasaw and Cherokee Indians...

Item #671376

September 21, 1816

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 21, 1816  Nearly a full page has: "Gallipolis, Ohio" which provides a brief but historic background of this community.

Two separate articles illustrate a great contrast on relationships between various Indian Tribes and the new settlers: "Chickasaw Notice" and "Huntsville, (M.T.)". The former is a letter from William ... See More  

Discounted by 50% (as shown) through Thursday, August 15, 2024!

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Slave advertisements from the nation's capital...

Item #683740

September 26, 1816

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington D.C., Sept. 26, 1816  This issue has not one but three runaway slave advertisements with two on page 3 and the other on the back page.

News of the day and other ads. Four pages, foxing, good condition.

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