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Chalybeate water found in 1816....

Item #218044

August 05, 1816

 INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Aug. 5, 1816.


* Chalybeate water found at Chappaqua New York

A page 2 report says: A chalybeate spring has been discovered at Chapequa....about three miles from the Hudson River, and 30 above New York....and its waters...containing iron enough to cause a beneficial effect, and not enough to do harm. Other news of the day includes: "Civilization... See More  

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The first "learned society"...

Item #680898

August 15, 1816

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C. August 15, 1816  The second page carries an article "A number of the citizens of the District of Columbia, impressed with the importance of forming an association for the purpose of promoting useful knowledge, met on the 28th day of June, 1816,... agreeably to public notice the committee appointed as aforesaid reported the following draft of a con... See More  

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