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Large chart of the land battles of the War of 1812...

Item #673048

May 04, 1816

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 4, 1816  Pages 2 and 3 are taken up with a very extensive chart of the: "LAND BATTLES" of the recently-ended War of 1812, columns headed "Place of Action" "When Fought" "Commander's Names" and more.

The top of page 4 has a chart: "A Comparative View of the Aggregate Loss of the American and British Ar... See More  

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Large chart of the land battles of the War of 1812...

Item #673057

May 04, 1816

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 4, 1816  Pages 2 and 3 are taken up with a very extensive chart of the: "LAND BATTLES" of the recently-ended War of 1812, columns headed "Place of Action" "When Fought" "Commander's Names" and more.

The top of page 4 has a chart: "A Comparative View of the Aggregate Loss of the American and British Ar... See More  

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Act protecting American industries against foreign competition...

Item #686196

May 06, 1816

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, May 6, 1816  Page 2 has: "AN ACT to regulate the duties on Imports and Tonnage" signed in type by the President: James Madison. This was an important piece of legislation that continued the protective duties established in the War of 1812 and which provided a shield for developing American industries against stiff foreign competition in the postwar era... See More  

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James Lawrence and his famous quote: "Don't Give up the Ship"...

Item #600286

May 11, 1816

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 11, 1816  Perhaps the best content in this issue is a nice back page report on a monument erected to the memory of famed Naval hero James Lawrence, which includes at the bottom his very famous quote: "...His dying words were, 'DON'T GIVE UP THE SHIP' ".

Among the other reports in this issue are: an article titled: "Natural... See More  

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Increasing the size of the U.S. Navy... On the defense of Fort McHenry...

Item #673058

May 18, 1816

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 18, 1816 

* United States Navy & Fort McHenry

* George Armistead & James Madison

All of pages 1, 2 & part of page 3 are taken up with honors to those who defended Baltimore in September, 1814 when invaded by the British, including a letter datelined from Fort McHenry signed: Geo. Armstead.

Inside has: "An Act to Abolish the E... See More  

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Five laws of the United States and a Proclamation...

Item #673059

May 25, 1816

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 25, 1816  Inside has over a full page taken up with five "Laws of the United States", most dealing with military affairs, and each signed in type by the President, James Madison, and H. Clay, Speaker of the House. Also: "A Proclamation by the President of the United States" concerning an act for granting bounty land to Canadian vo... See More  

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