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Item #208967
THE GENERAL EVENING POST, London, 1783 A nice "typical" folio-size newspaper of 4 pages from the concluding year of the Revolutionary War, the year in which the Treaty of Peace was signed. There is a wealth of news of the day on the front page and inside pages with some ads scattered throughout as well. Some wear at the margins, various light browning & mild wear, generally good. The pho... See More
Huge map of the Mississippi River dated June 1, 1775...
Item #700671
January 01, 1783
COURSE of the RIVER MISSISSIPI [sic] from the Balise to Fort Chartres; Taken on an Expedition to the Illinois, in the latter end of the Year 1763 by Lieut. Ross of the 34th Regiment: Improved from the Surveys of that River made by the French".
London, Printed for Robt. Sayer No. 53 in 'Fleet Street, Published as the Act directs, 11 June 1775"
A noted map dealer
London, Printed for Robt. Sayer No. 53 in 'Fleet Street, Published as the Act directs, 11 June 1775"
A noted map dealer
More on Moody's book on America...
Item #645129
January 02, 1783
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 2, 1783 Page 2 has some content concerning independence of America (see), and page 5 is entirely taken up with the continued: "Further Extracts From the Printed Narrative of Lieutenant James Moody's Exertions and Sufferings in the Cause of Government in North America".
The bkpg. has a paragraph noting: "...advices came from America, no ... See More
Historic Proclamation by the King formally ending the Revolutionary War...
Item #689194
February 15, 1783
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, February 15, 1783
* End of Revolutionary War
* King George III proclamation
* The cessation of hostilities
Certainly the prime--and very historic--content takes over one-third of the back page, headed: "By the KING, A PROCLAMATION Declaring the Cessation of Arms, as well by sea as land, Agreed Upon Between his Majesty's the most Christian King,... See More
Ben Franklin creates a medal honoring the end of the Revolutionary War...
Item #702586
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1783 Near the beginning are 15 pages of: "Summary Proceedings in the Third Session of the Present Parliament" which include some discussions concerning America. Another article concerns the tune Yankee Doodle, particularly details on the presumed author of the famous tune (questionable) who had recently died. It notes: "Your readers, &a... See More
The King declares Americans are free & independent...
Item #703511
March 01, 1783
* Provisional Articles of Peace
* Ending the Revolutionary War
* America declared independent
* Kong George III of England
One of the best features of this issue is the masthead engraving which features a very patriotic theme: "All Hands with One Inflamed Enlightened Heart." signifying the 13 unit... See More
Portugal relaxes shipping restrictions due to the independence of America...
Item #623714
March 27, 1783
DREWRY'S DERBY MERCURY, England, March 27, 1783 Page 2 has an item from Lisbon reading: "Since the Declaration of American Independence on the part of Great Britain, the court of Lisbon have thought proper to withdraw their prohibitions against the entry of American vessels into their harbours & to publish an ordinance...'As the independence of the United States of American ... See More
Reports from the closing months of the Revolutionary War...
Item #701131
April 09, 1783
THE FREEMAN'S JOURNAL, Philadelphia, April 9, 1783
* American Revolutionary War
* Closing events - John Dickinson
Fully half of the front page is a lengthy letter: "To His Excellency John Dickinson, esq., President" of Pennsylvania, which relates to the paper currency of America. The balance of the front page is a letter: "To Robert Morris" that begins: "M... See More
Loyalists are leaving Charleston with their slaves...
Item #649648
April 10, 1783
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 10, 1783 Page 4 has: "American News" which includes: "The fleet left Charlestown [Charleston] bar on the 18th...part of which having on board Loyalists & their negroes, was conducted to St. Augustine by the convoy...part went to New York with his Majesty's ships...having on board troops and inhabitants, many families of ... See More
Celebrating General Greene & the recapture of the Southern colonies...
Item #673961
April 24, 1783
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 24, 1783 Close to half of the front page is: "On the American Trade" being a letter signed "a merchant" as how to make it happen after the independence of America. Another ftpg. item mentions: "That Sir Guy Carleton had issued a Proclamation inviting those American who had quitted their houses at New York to return & repossess... See More
Closing events of the Revolutionary War...
Item #690374
April 29, 1783
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, April 29, 1783
* American Revolutionary War - closing events
The front page has some reports concerning the negotiations for a treaty of peace to end the Revolutionary War. Also reports headed: "America" which carry over to page 2 concerning various events in America, one bit noting: "...In January last, Col. Willet, with about 600 men... See More
London life, at the end of the Revolutionary War...
Item #683252
May 06, 1783
THE GENERAL EVENING POST, London, May 6, 1783 As might be expected the news reports are almost entirely European, just the end of the Revolutionary War. No war-related reports are within.
Four pages, good condition.
Washington proclaims an end to hostilities in the Revolutionary War...
Item #689607
June 09, 1783
* General George Washington letter
* Announcing the end of hostilities
* American Revolutionary War ending
Certainly the most significant content takes almost an entire column of page 3, which has George Washington's letter announcing a cessation of hostilities in the Revolutionary War.
It is prefaced with a note stat... See More
Warning to Loyalists who remain...
Item #700875
June 27, 1783
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, June 27, 1783 Pages 2 & 3 have some content related to the end of the Revolutionary War, one bit noting: "...find themselves standing alone in a dispute with this country, neither France, Spain, or America, having now any longer cause for quarrel with Great Britain...".
Also, a little chart noting the number of tons imported by various... See More
News from America...
Item #642836
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1783 Key articles include: "American Votes Respecting the Loyalists" (a report from Worcester, Massachusetts) and "American News", the latter giving some reports of a treaty between the United States and the chiefs of the Six Nations (see image for details).Among additional articles noted in the table of contents are: "Pa... See More
Dealing with Loyalists...
Item #700818
July 01, 1783
THE GENERAL EVENING POST, London, July 1, 1783 The front page has several items relating to the closing moments of the Revolutionary War, a few bits including: "...Every thing is settled between Sir G. Carlton & the Congress in respect to the claims for money due on account of prisoners, and the other matters in dispute; and the evacuation of New York was finally settled to take pla... See More
Does America have the intetrity & honesty to repay its war debts?
Item #687147
July 09, 1783
* Rare publication w/ great masthead
* Post Revolutionary War debt
Page 2 is mostly taken up with a very lengthy letter concerning the situation in America at the time. It begins: "It now remains to be proved whether the people of America are an honest people or not..." and a few other bits include... See More
Reports on closing events of the Revolutionary War...
Item #690373
July 25, 1783
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, July 25, 1783
* American Revolutionary War - closing events
This issue has a wealth of reporting on the closing events of the Revolutionary War and the negotiations for peace.
The front page has reports concerning the Spanish at St. Augustine, and mention that: "...returned from New York & brings information that every preparation is making... See More
Details on the British retaking the Bahama Islands...
Item #700816
July 31, 1783
THE GENERAL EVENING POST, London, July 31, 1783
* Revolutionary War ending events
The front page has a brief letter of introduction written by General Guy Carleton dated at New York: "I transmit...a copy of Col. Derveaux's letter conveying an account of the recapture of the Bahama Islands, together with a copy of the capitulation." signed in type: Guy Carleton.
The... See More
Ben Franklin celebrates the 7th anniversary of the 4th of July...
Item #700871
August 01, 1783
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Aug. 1, 1783
* Declaration of Independence anniversary
* Benjamin Franklin celebrates - celebration
Page 2 has a few bits concerning the tobacco trade in Virginia. Page 3 has: "...Advices from Paris...mention that it being...seven years since Congress declared the independence of the United States of America, Dr. Franklin celebrated that anniv... See More
John Hancock signs an Act of the Mass. legislature...
Item #703218
August 07, 1783
THE SALEM GAZETTE, Massachusetts, Aug. 7, 1783 Almost the entire issue is taken up with a lengthy Act of the state of Massachusetts, titled: "AN ACT, Laying Duties of Impost and Excise on Certain Goods, Wares and Merchandise therein described...". It is signed at its conclusion on page 4: John Hancock.
Included as well is the "Supplement" single sheet which includes a ne... See More
Reports from America...
Item #700870
September 05, 1783
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Sept. 5, 1783
* Post Revolutionary War America
Page 2 has some items relating to America including: "... duty obliges every importer of tobacco in Great Britain...It is surely bad policy to throw the Americans into new tracks..." and also: "...appears an act of the Commonwealth of Mass. whereby...that from & after the last day of... See More
Washington agrees to help establish a military force... Much on the end of the war...
Item #687373
September 18, 1783
* General George Washington
* United States military force
* Revolutionary War ending events
A nice feature of the masthead is a great engraving taken from (modeled after) one done earlier by Paul Revere, showing a patriot soldier with a sword in one hand and a scroll reading "Independence" in ... See More
Independent spirit of those from Vermont...
Item #651190
September 20, 1783
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 20, 1783 The bkpg. has a report: "Private letters from New York mention that the inhabitants of the new State of Vermont are determined to encounter every danger, and even to form alliances with the Indian nations, rather than be incorporated with, or, as they conceive, subjected to the control of any of the United American States...".
Earlier ... See More
Guy Carleton on leaving America... The need to determine a permanent site for Congress...
Item #687368
September 27, 1783
THE PROVIDENCE GAZETTE & COUNTRY JOURNAL, Rhode Island, September 27, 1783
* General Guy Carleton
* Evacuation of New York
* Site for United States Congress ?
The entire front page and part of page 2 are taken up with a great letter on the need to determine a site for the federal government.
A few bits include: "Several writers have lately addressed the public shewing the n... See More
Treaty of Peace ending the Revolutionary War: abridged version...
Item #700633
THE POLITICAL MAGAZINE, London, October, 1783 * Historic Treaty of Paris (peace)
* End of the Revolutionary War
Near the back is the full text of: "The Definitive Treaty between Great Britain & the United States of America, signed at Paris, the 3rd day of Sept. 1783" which consumes over two pages, and includes the signatures of John Adams, B. Franklin, and John Jay... See More
George Washington and the Newburgh Conspiracy...
Item #694966
October 07, 1783
THE CONNECTICUT COURANT, Hartford, October 7, 1783
* Newburgh Conspiracy plan
* General George Washington
* Revolutionary War ending events
Both the front page and page 2 have nice, lengthy letters concerning the Newburgh Conspiracy of that time.
The Newburgh Conspiracy was a plan by Continental Army officers to challenge the authority of the Confederation Congress, arising from
... See More
America in a bad condition... The duty on imported slaves...
Item #674303
November 04, 1783
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 4, 1783 Page 2 has a letter from Charleston: "You will please to observe, that this place is no longer called Charlestown, but Charleston, it being incorporated under that name by an act of Assembly..." then a list of various duties imposed by the S.C. legislature including: "Negroes imported directly from Africa, four feet and upwards, 3 po... See More
Washington's Farewell Address to the army...
Item #701133
November 08, 1783
* General George Washington
* Farewell address to Continental Army
Taking over a full column on page 1 and a bit of page 2 is the historic document headed: "General Washington's Farewell Orders to the Armies of the United States" and datelined "Rocky Hill, near Princeton, Nov. 2, 1783&q... See More
1783 Washington's farewell orders to his Army... The treaty that ended the Revolutionary War...
Item #701554
December 01, 1783
* General George Washington
* Farewell address to Continental Army
* Post American Revolutionary War
Eighteenth century American magazines are increasingly difficult to find, let alone an issue from the Revolutionary War era.
This issue begins by printing the complete text of: "General Washington's Farewell Orders to the Armies of the Un... See More
Decorative masthead... late 1700's...
Item #216092
THE NEWCASTLE CHRONICLE, England, 1784-1788 See the photo for the very nice & ornate lettering in the masthead, making this a displayable issue. This is a folio size newspaper of 4 pages which was never bound nor trimmed--difficult to find as such.
Various news of the day & a wealth of ads, and a red-inked tax stamp at the bottom of the front page. Minor wear to the edges and lig
... See More
Various news of the day & a wealth of ads, and a red-inked tax stamp at the bottom of the front page. Minor wear to the edges and lig
Decorative masthead... late 1700's...
Item #649227
THE NEWCASTLE CHRONICLE, England, 1784-1788 See the photo for the very nice & ornate lettering in the masthead, making this a displayable issue. This is a folio size newspaper of 4 pages which was never bound nor trimmed--difficult to find as such.
Various news of the day & a wealth of ads, and a red-inked tax stamp at the bottom of the front page. Minor wear to the edges a
... See More
Various news of the day & a wealth of ads, and a red-inked tax stamp at the bottom of the front page. Minor wear to the edges a
Early, colonial America almanac...
Item #702541
January 01, 1784
"An Astronomical Diary Or Almanack..." for the year 1784, by Nathanael Low, printed in Boston by T. & J. Fleet. An early almanac complete in 24 pages.
Never bound nor trimmed, 4 1/4 by 7 inches, with original string binding, minor wear at the margins, in surprisingly good condition for an 18th century almanac.
Officers respond to Washington's Farewell Address... British evacuate New York City....
Item #704735
January 02, 1784
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Jan. 2, 1784 The front page has a report from New York noting: "General Thomas Mifflin is chosen resident of Congress for the ensuing year, in the room of Elias Boudinot...His Excellency General Washington, by proclamation bearing the date the 4th instant, and in compliance with a resolve of Congress...has discharged all the troops in the service of t... See More
Washington's historic farewell orders to the military...
Item #704612
January 06, 1784
THE EDINBURGH ADVRTISER, Scotland, Jan. 6, 1784 Certainly the most notable & historic content is the full text printing of: "General Washington's Farewell Orders to the Armies of the United States", a very historic & notable document datelined: "Rocky Hill, near Princetown, Nov. 2, 1783." It takes portions of both pages 2 and 3.
It reads in part: "...A c... See More
Concerns for political troubles in creating a new government...
Item #650328
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1784 Among the articles are: "Ancient Customs Elucidated--The Feast of Yule" "History of the Race of Gypsies Further Illustrated" which takes nearly 3 pages; "An Account of the Experiments Made by the Aerostatic Machine of M.M. Montgolfier" the famous balloonist (see); and more.
There is over half a page on the Q... See More
Mention of "The Pretender"...
The Count of Albany's death report... woodcut ad...
Item #591473
March 09, 1784
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Edinburgh, March 9, 1784 Within this issue is a report of the death of the Count of Albany, which makes reference to The Pretender. Also included is a decorative woodcut ad for "Improved Milk of Roses". News of the day with period advertising are present throughout. Measures approximately 8 1/2 by 11 1/2 inches, complete in 8 pages, in good con... See More
Newly formed America flexing its trade muscles with England...
Item #671779
March 23, 1784
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, March 23, 1784 Page 3 has a report headed: "America - From the New York Royal Gazette" which was loyal to the British during the Revolutionary War. It notes in part: "...Assembly of New Jersey...Resolved unanimously, that the United States in Congress assembled, ought to be vested with the exclusive power of regulating trade & commerce t... See More
18th century York, England...
Item #596775
April 02, 1784
THE YORK CHRONICLE & GENERAL ADVERTISER, England, April 2, 1784 There are far more advertisements than news reports, but all the news is European, and mostly British.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, lightly inked tax stamp on the front page., very nice condition.
The ship United States...
Item #594338
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1784 Near the back under "American News" is an extract from the Journals of Congress concerning papers provided to the ship United States, owned by James Moore & commanded by capt. Thomas Bell, that it: "...is of the United States of America...where the said James Moore shall arrive with his vessel and cargo, that they may please ... See More
With both the die number and plate number...
Item #570570
May 24, 1784
THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, May 24, 1784 As seen in the photo the front page includes a nice red-inked tax stamp which not only has the restrike die number but the full plate number (99% of it) as well: "No. 6" in the lower right corner. This four page newspaper has considerable news from Europe throughout, with the entire front page taken up with ads, including several acco... See More
Much on General Greene in the Revolutionary War... A Hawaiian canoe...
Item #647204
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1784 The issue begins with a description of a medal created in honor of the late Capt. Cook and which is accompanied by a plate of it (see). The front page also has an article: "Canoe of the Sandwich Islands Described (which is Hawaii), which is also accompanied by a geat foldout plate, more typically lacking.Another article of interest is: ... See More
The will and funeral of Samuel Johnson...
Item #647237
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1784 Among the articles are: "Abstract of the Will of the late Justice Russell" which includes a full page plate of him (see photos). Also: "A Biographical Sketch of Dr. Samuel Johnson" which takes 12 pages; and "Antiquities in London Described", "Dr. Johnson's Will & the Ceremonial of his funeral... See More
Cook's voyage to the Northwest coast, with the rare plate of natives from Oonalashka...
Item #682586
THE UNIVERSAL MAGAZINE, (London), December, 1784.* HMS Resolution - Royal Navy
* Captain James Cook
* Third Voyage - Gulf of Alaska
Included also is the "Supplement" issue.
This magazine--much more scarce than the Gentleman's Magazine--published in serial form the account of: "Captain Cook's Voyage to the Northern Hemisphere...", this issue containing reports ... See More
Item #208447
THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, 1785 A nice 18th century Scottish newspaper with the entire front page taken up with ads, with various news of the day on the inside pages. Some of the ads have illustrations as well. Complete in 4 pages, partial red-inked tax stamp on the front page folio size, some light browning or dirtiness, generally nice condition. The photo shown below is "... See More
Edinburgh Scotland in 1785....
Item #538188
THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, 1784-1786 A nice 18th century Scottish newspaper with the entire front page taken up with ads, with various news of the day on the inside pages. Some of the ads have illustrations as well.Complete in 4 pages, partial red-inked tax stamp on the front page folio size, some light browning or dirtiness, generally nice condition.
News from "Carolina" and Nova Scotia...
Item #692527
January 03, 1785
THE MORNING POST, & DAILY ADVERTISER, London, Jan. 3, 1785 Page 2 has an: "Extract of a Letter from New Brunswick, in [North] Carolina" which is a case of brutality. Then: "American News" which is actually a report of a speech by the governor of Nova Scotia at Halifax, with the response from the Assembly.
Four pages, partial red tax stamp on the front page, good cond... See More
On one of the major pioneers in manned balloon flights...
Item #699738
January 06, 1785
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 6, 1785
* Early ballooning - aviation pioneer
* Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier
Page 5 has a paragraph on one of the pioneers of manned flight, noting: "The famous M. Pilastre de Rozier, after having in vain waited...for a favourable wind to waft him & his balloon to the British shore, has given up all thoughts of such an aeri... See More
On the American Indians in news headed "America"...
Item #699740
January 15, 1785
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 15, 1785 Almost one-third of page 2 is taken up with news reports headed: "America". From Hartford is a report beginning: "See are informed that a treaty between the United States and the six Indian nations have been confirmed at Fort Stanwix...". Most of the balance of the report concerning relations with Indians.
Eight pages, never b... See More
First image of a balloon flight in any periodical? "Peter the Wild Boy"...
Item #683345
February 01, 1785
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1785
* Jean-Pierre Blanchard
* 1st English Channel crossing print
* "Peter the Wild Boy"
Perhaps the most notable content is the foldout plate with various images, the largest of which is a terrific engraving of: "The Flight of M. Blanchard and Dr. Jeffries from Dover Castle" to France, as noted at the bottom of the ... See More
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