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Web Results (38)



From Canterbury during the Revolutionary War...

Item #208954
THE KENTISH GAZETTE, Canterbury, England, 1780  This is one of the more decorative & displayable mastheads from the Revolutionary War era to be had. Note the ornate lettering and the engravings on either side of the masthead. The issue is complete in 4 pages, is folio size, has mostly ads on the front page with various news on the inside pages. There are some very minor references to the ... See More  

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Dislayable newspaper from the Revolutionary War...

Item #121043
THE LONDON COURANT AND WESTMINSTER CHRONICLE, London, 1780  Two engravings in the masthead make this a decorative newspaper. Various news of the day and a wealth of ads. From the Revolutionary War era, but I don't notice any America-related content.

Folio-size, 4 pages, red-inked tax stamp, irregular & partially loose at the spine, otherwise in rather nice condition. Note that the ph... See More  

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Boston almanac for 1780...

Item #701104

January 01, 1780

* 18th century American almanac

* Revolutionary War era

A Pocket Almanac for the Year ofd our Lord 1780...fourth of American Independence, Calculated for trhe Use of the State of Massachusetts Bay in New-England, Boston, printed by T. & J. Fleet.

A wonderful almanac for during the Revolutionary War, complete in apprise. 40 pages. Each month has a blank leaf upon which notes were penned b... See More  

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Uncommon American title from the Revolutionary War...

Item #701521

January 19, 1780

THE CONNECTICUT JOURNAL, New Haven, Jan. 19, 1780 

* American Revolutionary War

* Rare single sheet issue

Most of the front page is taken up with a document concerning relations between Holland and England. The back page has a document from D. Diego Joseph Navarro, governor of Cuba., regarding declaring war against Great Britain (see). The back page also has an item from Congress conce... See More  

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Battle of Savannah... Captain Cook...

Item #653341
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1780 

* Siege of Savannah - Georgia

* Benjamin Lincoln letter

* Captain James Cook - South Seas

Near the back is a section headed: "Advices Received from America" which includes: "Gen. Lincoln's Letter to Congress on the defeat of the combined Army before Georgia" with a dateline of Charleston, Oct. 22, 1779. This... See More  

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Comfort with the conquered Carolinas...

Item #594939

February 12, 1780


* Revolutionary War

Page 2 has: "So secure do government suppose themselves in th3e entire conquest & reduction of Carolina, that they have written letters to most of the principal gentlemen in England...who possess the most considerable property there, requesting them to return to the enjoyment of their estates & prom... See More  

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From the Revolutionary War...

Item #685805
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1780  A fine opportunity to purchase a magazine from during the Revolutionary War at a reasonable price, as there is very little American content in this issue.

Just one report in the "Historical Chronicle" with two items: "There have been no material advices from America that can be rely'd on. A vague report...that two French s... See More  

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Disgust with proceedings in America...

Item #594924

March 01, 1780


* Revolutionary War

Page 3 has an item which includes: "North America continues in its usual unknown state, or rather incomprehensible state. We are fed with ideal exploits to be performed in the midst of winter by an army which did nothing all the summer!...it be destruction to our fleet & army embarked, & the leaving... See More  

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From the Revolutionary War...

Item #605483
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1780 

* American Revolutionary War

* From the enemy

A fine opportunity to purchase a magazine from during the Revolutionary War at a reasonable price, as there is very little American content in this issue. Just one report in the "Historical Chronicle" with two items: "There have been no material advices from America that can ... See More  

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From the Revolutionary War...

Item #605484
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1780  A fine opportunity to purchase a magazine from during the Revolutionary War at a reasonable price, as there is very little American content in this issue. Just one report in the "Historical Chronicle" with two items: "There have been no material advices from America that can be rely'd on. A vague report...that two French sh... See More  

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Analyzing the work of General Howe in America...

Item #581960

March 09, 1780

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, March 9, 1780 

* General William Howe

* Revolutionary War from the enemy

Most of a page is taken up with a letter signed: "Americanus" which is critical in the efforts of General Howe during his leadership in war effort in America, headed: "To the Right Hon. Lord H--e" (brother of the general), which has near the beginning: "In th... See More  

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Handsome, patriotic newspaper with war-related reports...

Item #687350

March 13, 1780


* One of the more patriotic mastheads from the Revolutionary War

The masthead includes one of the more patriotic engravings of the Revolutionary War, described by the motto just under the dateline: "All Hands With One Inflamed, Enlightened Heart" showing 13 arms--one for each colony--joined by holding a... See More  

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On General Fraser's work in Canada...

Item #611545

March 17, 1780

EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, March 17, 1780 

* Revolutionary War

Over one-third of the front page is taken up with a: "Eulogium on General Fraser--From General Burgoyne's State of the Expedition from Canada, just published" (see for portions).

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/4 inches, nice condition.

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Georgia has left the American cause? John Paul Jones...

Item #594930

March 18, 1780

THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, March 18, 1780 

* American Revolutionary War

* Georgia to leave the cause ?

* John Paul Jones

Page 2 has a report which includes: "...but New York is to be the grand point that is to be essayed. There is not a single line of battle ship now lying there & but one frigate; all the regulars & foreigners were drafted off for the expedi... See More  

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Sad state of affairs in Virginia...

Item #594932

March 22, 1780

THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, March 22, 1780 

* American Revolutionary War

Page 3 has a small item: "It is a matter of surprize that no accounts have yet arrived from America respecting the progress of the war there, or the real destination of the troops that have been embarked since December last from New  York; two expeditions were certainly intended; one to Carol... See More  

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The American colonies and England... Gradual Abolition Act... Early naval battle...

Item #687146

March 25, 1780

THE PENNSYLVANIA PACKET, Philadelphia, March 25, 1780  

* American Revolutionary War

* Great masthead engraving

The front page has a fine account of a furious naval engagement between Britain and France in the Revolutionary War, involving the frigate HMS Quebec and the frigate Surveillante of the French Navy. The battle ended in a French victory when Quebec was destroyed by an exp... See More  

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On the resignation of General Burgoyne...

Item #689187

April 18, 1780


* General John Burgoyne resignation

* re. Surrender at Saratoga - New York

* American Revolutionary War

The entire front page, two-thirds of page 2, and half of page 3 are taken up with: "...the various letters that passed between the late and present secretary at War and Lieutenant General Burgoyne... See More  

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Fate of those who evacuated Virginia...

Item #594946

April 22, 1780

THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, April 22, 1780  Page 3  has: "...An Act of the General Assembly of Virginia" concerning the fate of those who left Virginia to reside in England or elsewhere: "...bona fide inhabitants there for at least one year at any time within four years next before the commencement of hostilities on the 19th of April, 1775 [Lexington & Con... See More  

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News on the Revolutionary War...

Item #587827

April 27, 1780

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 27, 1780 

* Revolutionary War Era

* 18th century America

* From The Enemy

Near the back is a column headed "America" with news taking over half the page & which includes: "Last Tues. night a party of the British troops embarked...they landed on the east side & surprised a body of the rebel troops, 34 of which were made priso... See More  

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Washington at Morristown... Action in the South...

Item #657753
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1780  The first article has "Summary of Proceedings in the Present Parliament" which includes discussion of the situation in America.

Near the back the "Historical Chronicle" has several items from America concerning the Revolutionary War, including a letter from New York which has: "...since Gen. Clinton's departure fr... See More  

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England discusses the issue of independence for America... War accounts...

Item #686694

May 12, 1780

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, May 12, 1780

* American Revolutionary War era newspaper

* Independence for America ?

 Pages 2 and 3 have much discussion in the House of Commons concerning the Revolutionary War. A few bits include: "...introduced his motion for a reconciliation between Great Britain & her colonies. Peace, he said, was a desirable object to every man...The p... See More  

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Early reports on the fall of Charleston to the British...

Item #585440

May 23, 1780

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, May 23, 1780  Page 2 has: "...from the force carried out with Sir Henry Clinton to South Carolina, there is room to entertain the most favourable hopes of the success of his enterprise. With Sir Henry Clinton, from New York, went 7500 men..." with more (see photos). Elsewhere is: "...a letter from an Officer on board the brig Hawke off Staten... See More  

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Critical of action in the war... Fall of Charleston...

Item #587837

May 23, 1780

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, May 23, 1780  Page 2 includes a report that: "...certainly various accounts in tow from very respectable quarters, all of which confirm Sir Henry Clinton's taking Charlestown [Charleston] by storm on the 7th of April after a great slaughter on both sides..." (see).

Fully 1 1/3 pages are taken up with "Letter V to the Right Hon. Lord Viscount ... See More  

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Relations with America...

Item #606551

June 09, 1780

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, June 9, 1780  The bottom of the front page begins a letter which takes two-thirds of pg. 2 concerning relations with America, beginning; "I shall wave mentioning any thing with regard to the American war; so much has been said pro and con by men of superior abilities...this is not my design, but I shall confine myself to a few of the most notorious rec... See More  

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Talk of John Paul Jones...

Item #587845

June 10, 1780

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 10, 1780  Inside has a brief item concerning John Paul Jones, with a dateline of Paris and mentioning: "The celebrated Paul Jones is to sail from L'Orient with one frigate and three large privateers. He will carry back the Bostonians who have arrived here from Denmark within these eight or ten days. This intrepid Mariner must be highly gratified wi... See More  

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A Proclamation by the King...

Item #620582

June 13, 1780

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, June 13, 1780  Although from the midst of the Revolutionary War I cannot find any reference to it, this issue filled primarily with reports from Europe, including a front page "Proclamation" by the King.

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, nice condition.

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A Proclamation by the King concerning riots and treason...

Item #620581

June 16, 1780

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, June 16, 1780 Although from the midst of the Revolutionary War I cannot find any reference to it, this issue filled primarily with reports from Europe, including a front page "Proclamation" by the King concerning treasonous activity.

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, light wear to folds, generally nice condition.

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Surrender of Charleston... Battle of Waxhaws...

Item #693129
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1780 

* Surrender of Charleston SC

* Waxhaw South Carolina massacre

* Revolutionary War from the enemy

Inside has a letter from Gen. Clinton providing additional details about the situation in South Carolina following the surrender of "Charles-Town" [Charleston].

In his letter he describes the results of the various missions in this c... See More  

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Surrender of Charleston... Battle of Waxhaws...

Item #685818
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1780 

* Surrender of Charleston SC

* Waxhaw South Carolina massacre

* Revolutionary War from the enemy

Inside has a letter from Gen. Clinton providing additional details about the situation in South Carolina following the surrender of "Charles-Town" [Charleston].

In his letter he describes the results of the various missions in this c... See More  

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From the Revolutionary War era...

Item #581373
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1780  One report notes: "The assembly of Pennsylvania have fallen upon a new mode of distressing the friends of this country resident among them by obliging persons to take the oaths of allegiance or affirmation of fidelity to the state, & to take a certificate of the same, which certificate they are to produce or be liable to such f... See More  

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Pennsylvania Assembly distresses their residents...

Item #685789
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1780  One report notes: "The assembly of Pennsylvania have fallen upon a new mode of distressing the friends of this country resident among them by obliging persons to take the oaths of allegiance or affirmation of fidelity to the state, & to take a certificate of the same, which certificate they are to produce or be liable to such fines ... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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From the Revolutionary War era...

Item #678246
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1780 

* Revolutionary War Era

* 18th century

* From The Enemy

One report notes: "The assembly of Pennsylvania have fallen upon a new mode of distressing the friends of this country resident among them by obliging persons to take the oaths of allegiance or affirmation of fidelity to the state, & to take a certificate of the s... See More  

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Concerns of the Virginians...

Item #595081

August 09, 1780


* American Revolutionary War

Page 2 has a report: "A gentleman just arrived from Virginia, by the way of New York, says the distresses of the inhabitants of that province are hardly to be described; that many of the first families had not tasted a morsel of fresh meat for near two months...This intelligence seems to account suf... See More  

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Letter from Washington to Hancock, and more...

Item #700618

August 16, 1780

RUDDIMAN'S WEEKLY MERCURY, Edinburgh, Scotland, Aug. 16, 1780 

* American Revolutionary War era

* From the enemy original

* George Washington letter to John Hancock

Most of the front page and all of page 2 are taken up with a report headed: "America" including a lengthy "Speech of...the Gov. of Georgia to the General Assembly..." with a pro-British theme.

Port... See More  

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Early on Japan... Washington honored by the French...

Item #650618

September 01, 1780

THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, September, 1780  A early article on Japan with: "Curious Account of the Inhabitants of the Empire of Japan, Their Government, Manners, & Customers..." which takes 3 1/2 pages.

Near the back is: "American Affairs"  taking nearly a full page, mostly on naval events in the Caribbean, but it also includes a report from Hartford noting Wa... See More  

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On Washington's attempt to drive out Sir Henry Clinton...

Item #701156

November 03, 1780

CALEDONIAN MERCURY, Edinburgh, Scotland, Nov. 3, 1779  Inside has several items on the Revolutionary War including: "...that the Congress, after every effort to put a sufficient force under General Washington's command to drive Sir Henry Clinton from that continent, came to the violent measure off issue an edict for pressing certain descriptions of men, which upon the neck of some se... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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A fine & decorative issue from the Revolutionary War...

Item #689458

November 11, 1780

THE PENNSYLVANIA PACKET, Philadelphia, Nov. 11, 1780

* Revolutionary War

* Great masthead

 Over half of the front page is a: "Message from the President & Supreme Executive Council to the Representatives of...Pennsylvania" in which are addressed many issues.

A few bits include: "...when our enemies, forsaking in no small degree the efforts of open and manly force, b... See More  

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If England would agree to the independence of America...

Item #591619

November 16, 1780

THE GLASGOW MERCURY, Scotland, Nov. 16, 1780 

* Independence of America question

* Revolutionary War

A quote from the House of Commons report notes: "...He had said that if Parliament would agree to acknowledge the independence of America, we might begin a treaty to-morrow...Lord George Germaine said...that if we were inclined to acknowledge the independence of America, we might b... See More  

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