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America At War...
The Great War Collection (Eleven issues)...
Item #561531
THE GREAT WAR COLLECTION (11 issues) - A great opportunity for an instant collection encompassing every major "American" war from The French and Indian War through The Gulf War. You get eleven original/authentic publications (at least 9 being American newspapers), one each for:French & Indian War, Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Mexican War, Civil War, Spanish-American ... See More
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From Germany, in the 1770's...
Item #121041
INTLLIGENZ-BLATT, Germany, 1778 An interesting title from Leipzig from during the American Revolutionary, although I suspect no such reports within these pages.In the German language, 8 pages, measuring 9 by 7 inches, generally very nice condition.
Note that the photo is "generic" and the issue you get will not have these specific photos or be of this specific date but will have... See More
Map of the Hudson River region... Franklin on the exchange of prisoners...
Item #701099
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1778 * Rare Revolutionary War New York map
* Benjamin Franklin letter - Ethan Allen
Of great significance is the very nice foldout map headed: "Map of Hudson's River with the Adjacent Country", which shows from Crown Point & Ticonderoga, south to Philadelphia, & also from Long Island to Lake Ontario with consi... See More
Detailing how supportive England has been to the colonies...
Item #698043
January 28, 1778
* Revolutionary War Tory original
* Rare Pro British issue from America
This was a Tory newspaper published in Philadelphia when the British occupied the city. It began in 1775 and ended when the British evacuated the city in May of 1778. Not surprisingly, the masthead features an engraving of the Royal coa... See More
British soldiers are deserting to Washington's camp...
Item #701135
January 29, 1778
THE INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE & UNIVERSAL ADVERTISER, Boston, Jan. 29, 1778 A nice issue for display, as the masthead features an engraving taken from one done by Paul Revere for colonial currency at the time. It is a very patriotic device showing a soldier with a sword in one hand and a scroll with 'Independence' in the other, with the words 'Appeal To Heaven" above him.&nb... See More
Terrific political cartoon from the Revolutionary War...
Item #701553
February 01, 1778
THE WESTMINSTER MAGAZINE, London, England, February, 1778
* American Revolutionary War era
* Very rare political cartoon illustration
The prime feature of this issue is a great full page plate which is a political cartoon concerning England as it relates to the American colonies (click here to see a high-resolution photo of the cartoon).
A page has an: "Explanation of the... See More
Great content on the Revolutionary War... Brandywine Creek... Chesapeake Bay....
Item #687422
February 14, 1778
* American Revolutionary War
* Battle of Brandywine & more
Almost the entire front page is taken up with a report on the treatment of American captures by the British, with considerable detail.
It begins: "The following is an account of the treatment that the Continental officers, taken in the... See More
A Loyalist states why America is at war...
Item #689079
February 28, 1778
* Revolutionary War Tory original
* Rare Pro British issue from America
This was a strongly Tory (supportive of the British cause) newspaper which began in 1775 and closed shop in May of 1778 when the British evacuated Philadelphia.
Half of the front page first column is a: "Proclamation" signe... See More
A Tory newspaper from the Revolutionary War... On Burgoyne's surrender at Saratoga...
Item #680364
March 07, 1778
* Surrender of general Burgoyne
* Battles of Saratoga - New York
This was a strongly Tory (supportive of the British cause) newspaper which began in 1775 and closed shop in May of 1778 when the British evacuated Philadelphia.
Most of the ftpg. is taken up with a: "...letter from Vice Admiral Lord Vi... See More
Is the pursuit of independence worth the effort?
Item #689081
April 22, 1778
* Revolutionary War Tory original
* Rare Pro British issue from America
This was a strongly Tory (supportive of the British cause) newspaper which began in 1775 and closed shop in May of 1778 when the British evacuated Philadelphia.
Over two-thirds of the front page is taken up with the text of two Bill... See More
The Articles of Confederation...
Item #703335
April 29, 1778
THE NEW JERSEY GAZETTE, Trenton, April 29, 1778
* The Articles of Confederation (historic)
* American Revolutionary War
This was the very first newspaper in New Jersey, having begun in December, 1777. This is issue number 22.
There are only a handful of documents in American history which can be considered cornerstones in the creation of our national government, which would include ... See More
Significant & rare Judaica print... Burgoyne in Parliament to answer for Saratoga...
Item #680658
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE London, May, 1778 Certainly the most significant item in this issue is the very nice foldout engraving which is described on the contents page as: "An Inside View of the Jews Synagogue at Amsterdam, and of the Ceremony of sounding the Horn on New Year's Day".This plate folds out to 8 1/4 by 8 3/4 inches, has minor foxing, and a library stamp in a ... See More
First naval battle of the Revolutionary War between the British & French...
Item #678013
June 27, 1778
THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, June 23-27, 1778
* Naval conflict between the Belle Poule vs. the Arethusa
* British and French frigates - 1st naval battle
* Action of 17 June 1778
A very notable issue reporting a significant naval event in the Revolutionary War. The front page & nearly half of pg. 2 are taken up with letters headed: "Victory, at Sea" which give deta... See More
Nice on the Battle of Rhode Island...
Item #701316
September 10, 1778
* Battle of Rhode Island
* General Nathanael Greene
* In a American publication
The front page has a few small bits relating to the Revolutionary War in America. Page 2 begins with a lengthy account of a battle between a British & a French ship.
Page 3 has a listing of: "...the Killed, Wounded a... See More
America is not about to compromise with England...
Item #678064
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1778 * No compromise w/ England
* American Revolutionary War
Among the articles within are: "The Theory of Insulating Bodies Examined, & some of the Supposed Properties which Electricians have ascribed to Glass, proved by Experiments not to Exist" which includes reference to Ben Franklin. Also: "On the Worshiping o... See More
America is not about to compromise with England...
Item #615582
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1778 Among the articles within are: "The Theory of Insulating Bodies Examined, & some of the Supposed Properties which Electricians have ascribed to Glass, proved by Experiments not to Exist" includes reference to Ben Franklin; "On the Worshiping of the Primitive Christians to the East" , and more.The most significant c... See More
England's last ditch effort to reconcile with America...
Item #701400
October 31, 1778
* British last attempt - peace with America
The entire front page and a portion of page 2 are taken up with an historic document headed: "MANIFESTO and PROCLAMATION" by General Henry Clinton.
Once France entered the war on the side of the colonists, Lord North became alarmed & sent commissioners t... See More
Concerning the surrender of Burgoyne at Saratoga...
Item #685906
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE London, December, 1778* General John Burgoyne
* Revolutionary War - Saratoga
The first article, taking fully six pages, is debate on the: "...motion for the Instructions to Gen. Burgoyne..." , obviously relating to his defeat at Saratoga, with some reports including: "...convinced that the gallant Burgoyne had done all that man could do...Many of... See More
Concerning the surrender of Burgoyne at Saratoga...
Item #667773
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE London, December, 1778 The first article, taking fully six pages, is debate on the: "...motion for the Instructions to Gen. Burgoyne..." , obviously relating to his defeat at Saratoga, with some reports including: "...convinced that the gallant Burgoyne had done all that man could do...Many of the Provincials whom Gen. Burgoyne thought well-affecte... See More
Map of the Caribbean island of Tobago...
Item #682559
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE SUPPLEMENT, London, For the Year 1778 * Map of the Caribbean island of Tobago
* American Revolutionary War era
A very nice "Supplement" issue published at the end of the year, & from the Revolutionary War.
Perhaps the best item in this issue is the very nice foldout map titled: "A Map of the Island of TOBAGO, Drawn from an Actual Survey by ... See More
Latest war news from the middle of the Revolutionary War...
Item #677118
December 26, 1778
THE PROVIDENCE GAZETTE & COUNTRY JOURNAL, Rhode Island, Dec. 26, 1778 The entire front page and half of page 2 are taken up with the second half of the: "Treaty of Amity and Commerce Between the Most Christian King and the United Starters of North America", this being the treaty of assistance between French and the colonies, which did much to support the American cause ag... See More
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