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Apprehending those guilty of high treason in America...

Item #596747

February 12, 1777

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Feb. 12, 1777 

* Revolutionary War

The front page has half a column taken up with: "An Account of the Spanish Settlements in South America", continued in a future issue. Page 2 has some talk in the House of Lords concerning a bill: "...to enable his Majesty to apprehend & secure all persons guilty of or suspected to be guilty of hi... See More  

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Commenting on Washington's Proclamation...

Item #596949

March 29, 1777

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, March 29, 1777  Page 2 has some Revolutionary War content including: "By a gentleman...from New York...informed...the first act of Mr. Washington's administration has proved rather an extraordinary one in consequence of his late proclamation as Lord Protector, one Mr. Brown wrote to him for leave to withdraw to New York; though such liberty had be... See More  

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New Yorkers pledge allegiance to the King...

Item #677643
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1777  Near the back are several letters from the seat of the Revolutionary War in America, including: "Extract of a Letter from the Gen. Wm. Howe to Lord G. Germaine dated New York, Apr. 1, 1777" which talks of plans to destroy provisions & stores at Peekskill.

Another letter details what was destroyed, with subheads: "Destroyed &... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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New Yorkers pledge allegiance to the King... Why America will fail in the war...

Item #701958
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1777 

* New Yorkers pledge allegiance to the King

* General William Howe proclamation

* Revolutionary War from the enemy

Several pages are taken up with the: "Proceedings in the Present Session of Parliament" which includes talk of the Revolutionary War, including: "...Among other melancholy effects of the present impolitic civil w... See More  

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News from the Revolutionary War...

Item #597077

May 24, 1777

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, May 24, 1777  Page 2 has a few reports concerning the Revolutionary War including: "From Connecticut that the jail in that colony are filled with loyal Americans who are treated in the most barbarous manner. Some are chained on their backs to the floor & others so loaded with irons that they can hardly walk...General Lee has a good room in New Yor... See More  

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Samuel Webster's 1777 sermon...

Great and notable sermon on chasing the British out of America...

Item #706755

May 28, 1777

Pamphlet: "A SERMON Preached before the Honorable COUNCIL, and the Honorable House of Representatives, of the state of Massachusetts-Bay, in New-England. At BOSTON, May 28, 1777. Being the anniversary for the election of the Honorable Council. By Samuel Webster, A.M. Pastor of a church in Salisbury." 

Printed at Boston, by Edes and Gill, M,DCC,LXXVII [1777].

Complete in 44 pa
... See More  

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The King receives a threatening letter...

Item #583332

June 17, 1777

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, June 17, 1777  The front page carries an article in which the King received an anonymous threatening letter which was found near the house of Colonel Crawfurd. The letter was published (which contained the actual spelling) and a reward was established to be paid upon the conviction of any one or more of the offenders.

This is complete in four pages, contains a ... See More  

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News from Lake Ontario...

Item #659905

July 03, 1777

THE LONDON EVENING POST, England, July 3, 1777 

* Revolutionary War Era

* 18th century original

* From The Enemy

* Unique gift idea

Page 3 has a few items concerning America: "...that General Burgoyne, to the great joy of all the Province, arrived safe the 6th of May; that an expedition over the Lake Ontario under the command of Sir Wm. Johnson, with a great number of Indians, C... See More  

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British soldiers retreat at Princeton due to hunger...

Item #659907

July 08, 1777

THE LONDON EVENING POST, England, July 8, 1777 

* American Revolutionary War era

* 18th century - from The Enemy

* Cornwallis at Princeton, New Jersey

The front page has a report noting: "General Putnam... with near 5000 Provincial troops...was attacked near Prince Town by Lord Cornwallis with between four and five thousand English troops when a general action commenced...when t... See More  

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Cornwallis attacked 10,000 provincials...

Item #597522

July 14, 1777

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, July 14, 1777  Page 2 has: "...advice was received of a very considerable body of the rebel army commanded by Arnold and Sullivan having stole a march and got in the rear of our reserve, had obliged Lord Cornwallis to alter his front & post picquet guards all around him, by which the battalions are greatly weakened." Also: "General Lee, ... See More  

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Rumors about the war...

Item #597528

August 02, 1777

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Aug. 2, 1777  Page 2 includes: "The last advices received from Gen. Howe...mention that he was then in motion with the main body of the army in the Jerseys to attack Philadelphia...consequently that the various reports of the defeat of Gen. Howe and Lord Cornwallis are without foundation....Notwithstanding all that has appeared in the papers about Gen... See More  

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Plight of prisoners... Events at Skenesboro & St. Augustine, Florida...

Item #587975

September 02, 1777

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 2, 1777  Page 2 has various content on the Revolutionary War including: "In America matters bear the aspect of being speedily brought to an issue. Ticonderoga is already in our possession, which is the key of all internal communication through the revolted colonies." and another item tells of the plight of prisoners with: "Sir, hard as my
... See More  

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Great account of the siege of Fort Schuyler...

Item #697860

September 04, 1777


* Siege of Fort Stanwix - Schuyler

* American Revolutionary War

Page 3 has Revolutionary War content including an item reading: "We hear Sir William Howe has requested his Majesty, for very essential reasons, to allow him to exchange General Lee for some British officers; but that such a measure has been stro... See More  

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Latest war reports...

Item #597737

October 20, 1777

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Oct. 20, 1777 

* Rare Revolutionary War title

Page 2 has a report noting: "....from New  York but by which there were many private letters confirming the repulse at Staten Island. A letter from Rhode Island...says that Gen. Pigott was arrived there to take the command of the troops...were in no fear of the provincials, whose number...was sa... See More  

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General Howe proclamations in a 1777 Tory newspaper... The latest war news...

Item #692829

November 26, 1777


* Revolutionary War Tory original

* Rare Pro British issue from America

* General William Howe proclamations

This was a strongly Tory newspaper published in Philadelphia when the British were in occupation. It began in 1775 and ended when the British evacuated the city in May of 1778. Not surprisingly, the ... See More  

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Burgoyne surrenders Saratoga to Horatio Gates...

Item #703554

December 11, 1777

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Dec. 11, 1777  A page 2 report begins: "The account of the capitulation of General Burgoyne's army was brought to Quebec by some deserters from the Provincials who had entered into the King's service, & whom Gen. Burgoyne, when he found he must surrender, advised to quit his army...". Another page has reports from the Irish House of Commons... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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