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Decorative and displayable title page...
Item #120120
THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, 1760's This title has always been one of my favorites with the very nice and intricately engraved woodcut on the title/index page, showing the skyline of London as it appeared before the Revolutionary War. The issue contains 50 pages with various news of the day with political & literary content as well. Nice condition & measures about 5 by 8 inches.... See More
Colonial era perspective from England...
Item #180023
THE LONDON GAZETTE, a lot of 10 issues of this famous newspaper from the 1760's, all in good condition but a bit irregular at the spine. Great to have a colonial era perspective from England.Note: The photo shown is only representative of the style and "look" of the issues you will receive. Actual issues/dates vary.
This item is not eligible for free shipping.
Five British newspapers from the 1760's - 1790's...
Item #559420
(5) An interesting lot of five British newspapers, containing at least three different titles. They span the 1760's thru the 1790's and include at least one from each decade. In average or better condition. Some may have red ink stamps (partial or otherwise). Certainly a one-of-a-kind grouping. The photos are representative of the look and condition of what you will receive.
Pre-Revolutionary War era lot...
Item #559421
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, 1760's A lot of 10 issues of this famous & popular newspaper at a bargain price. A good set to show the state of affairs in England and the world shortly before the American Revolution. All are complete in 8 pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, & are in nice condition.
Pre-Revolutionary War era lot...
Item #649258
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, London, 1760's A lot of 10 issues of this famous & popular newspaper at a bargain price. A good set to show the state of affairs in England and the world shortly before the American Revolution. All are complete in 8 pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, & are in nice condition.
Five British newspapers from the 1760's - 1790's...
Item #649294
(5) An interesting lot of five British newspapers, containing at least three different titles. They span the 1760's thru the 1790's and include at least one from each decade. In average or better condition. Some may have red ink stamps (partial or otherwise). Certainly a one-of-a-kind grouping. The photos are representative of the look and condition of what you will receive.
Safe to return to their homes...
Item #693593
January 03, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 3, 1760 The front page has half a column headed: "America" with New York and Boston datelines.
The reports relate to the ongoing French & Indian War, noting in part: "...Proclamation...by...Lieut. Governor...recommending it to the inhabitants to return to their settlements along Hudson's river, above Albany, as they may now abide th... See More
Chase after a French ship on Lake Champlain...
Item #693604
January 24, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 24, 1760 The back page includes a letter from Halifax, Nova Scotia, followed by an: "Extract of a Letter from Crown Point" which includes: "Capt. Boring...been down Lake Champlain as far as...Nut Island...fell in with a top sail schooner which he gave chase to, but the Frenchman ...by this means escaped..." with a bit more on a naval is... See More
Chasing after a French ship on Lake Champlain...
Item #693605
January 24, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 24, 1760 The back page includes a letter from Halifax, Nova Scotia, followed by an: "Extract of a Letter from Crown Point" which includes: "Capt. Boring...been down Lake Champlain as far as...Nut Island...fell in with a top sail schooner which he gave chase to, but the Frenchman ...by this means escaped..." with a bit more on a naval is... See More
Negotiations with the Cherokee Indian Nation...
Item #676680
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1760 Inside has: "A Brief Account of the Negotiation between Governor Lyttelton and Artakullakulla (or the "Little Carpenter"), Deputee of the Whole Cherokee Nation & other Headmen and Warriors of that Nation". This text takes close to 3 pages and includes the full printing of the: "Treaty of Peace and Friendship Concl... See More
Nice report from the French & Indian War...
Item #693565
June 03, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 3, 1760 Page 6 has reports headed: "America" with a Philadelphia dateline. Bits include: "...all the usual preparations of war going on...Necessity has obliged the General to send 1800 men to Charles Town in South Carolina where the Cherokees are doing all possible mischief, & have made irruptions into the heart of the province...General... See More
Nice report from the French & Indian War...
Item #693566
June 03, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 3, 1760 Page 6 has reports headed: "America" with a Philadelphia dateline. Bits include: "...all the usual preparations of war going on...Necessity has obliged the General to send 1800 men to Charles Town in South Carolina where the Cherokees are doing all possible mischief, & have made irruptions into the heart of the province...General... See More
Great account of the Siege of Quebec...
Item #692193
June 28, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 28, 1760
* Siege or Second Battle of Quebec
* British commander James Murray
Pages 4 and 5 contains the report from 'The London Gazette Extraordinary' on the historic Siege of Quebec, or Second Battle of Quebec. This was a French attempt to retake Quebec City, Canada, which had been captured by Britain the previous year. The siege lasted for... See More
Front page reports on the French & Indian War...
Item #693422
July 05, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 5, 1760 The front page begins with a report headed: "America" with a New York dateline noting news from the French & Indian War including: "...Sixteen 24 pounders with mortars...are gone to Oswego. Col. Williamson commands this train...The enemy sends out constant parties towards Crown Point & Ticonderoga..." and more.
Eight pa... See More
Mass. governor speaks on the French & Indian War...
Item #693423
July 15, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 15, 1760
* Governor Thomas Pownall speech
* Province of Massachusetts Bay
* French and Indian War
One-third of page 5 is taken up with news reports headed: "America" with Boston datelines.
Most of the report is a speech by the governor concerning the ongoing French & Indian War, one bit noting: "...his Majesty having nothing so ... See More
Indian troubles in South Carolina...
Item #693425
July 26, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 26, 1760 Most of the first column of the front page is taken up with: "America - Extract of a Letter from South Carolina" concerning troubles with the Indians, including: "...You have heard of the Cherokees breaking out in war against us...the Creek Indians have broke out also..." with more.
Eight pages, 8 by 10 3/4 inches, nice condit... See More
Map of Germany... French & Indian War...
Item #585531
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1760 * Battle of Quebec
* Map of the war in Germany
* French and Indian War
A feature of this issue is the "French Account of the Raising the Siege of Quebec" which takes over half a page (see for portions). There is also: "A Description of a Water Mill of a New Construction..." for grinding sugar cane in Jamaica, which in... See More
The British fight the Cherokee Indians...
Item #693504
August 30, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 30, 1760
* Battle of Echocee - South Carolina
* Cherokees - Indians - Native Americans
* British General Archibald Montgomerie
The front page has a report noting: "By letters from Charles Town [Charleston], South Carolina, we learn...Col. Montgomery...was surrounded in the middle of the Cherokee country by a vast body of Indians. The British t... See More
Great map of Montreal... Death of the King of England...
Item #676720
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1760 * Great foldout map of Montreal & more
* George II of Great Britain death
* French and Indian War
Perhaps the prime item is the very nice foldout map headed: "A Particular Map to Illustrated Gen. Amherst's Expedition to Montreal with a Plan of the Town & Draught of the Island".
The map has a very nice inset of the... See More
The importance of Canada...
Item #638423
October 18, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 18, 1760 Two-thirds of page 2 is taken up with: "A Succinct View Of The Importance of Canada" being a lengthy chart which provides details on the navigation of the various rivers, and other information. Also most of a page taken up with: "...account is given of the French Ecclesiastical Government at Louisbourg in the Island of Cape Breton&q... See More
Rare same-day report on the death of King George II...
Item #698260
October 25, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 25, 1760
* George II of Great Britain death
* Early, same day report (rare)
Only to be had in a London newspaper is this very rare, same-day report of the death of the king.
At the top of the back page is a heading: "Postscript" with news recently received, the text noting: "This morning about seven o'clock, departed this life, a... See More
On the death of King George II...
Item #605020
October 30, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, October 30, 1760 Page 2 has: "The Lord Marshal's Order for a General Mourning for his late Majesty King George the Second.' (see) Also a report from the "London Gazette Extraordinary" headed: "A Proclamation Requiring all persons being in Office of Authority of Government at the Decease of the late King, to proceed in the Execu... See More
Fort Loudoun slaughter... Methodism... German War...
Item #617594
LONDON MAGAZINE, London, November, 1760 This is a considerably more rare title than the more common "Gentleman's Magazine" after which it is modeled, as the format is extremely similar. The title/contents page features a very nice engraving of the skyline of London. The issue has coverage on the "Extracts from Considerations on the present German War" and "... See More
On the conquest of Montreal & sending the French home...
Item #700467
November 29, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 29, 1760 The back page has a letter from Philadelphia which mention in part: "From Montreal we learn that M. Vaudruiel, late Governor & Commander in Chief of Canada, with all the regular troops...were to be sent home immediately, and t5hat the peasants born in Canada & having possession of lands are to remain on their taking the oath of fideli... See More
News from America...
Item #645467
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1760 Among the articles in this issue are: "A Treatise on Canine Madness" "On The High Price of Candles" "Reflections by M. Maubert on the Importance of Canada" "A Description of Montreal & the Adjacent Country" "Some Account of Carisbrook Castle in the Isle of Wight..." which is accompanied by ... See More
A hostile ship encounter off Long Island...
Item #645898
December 09, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Dec. 9, 1760 Page 5 has over half a column headed: "America" with a New York dateline. The report details a hostile naval encounter off Long Island between the ships Sampson and the Winchester.
Eight pages, 8 by 11 inches, very nice condition.
Early Boston newspaper with nice front page references to the French & Indian War...
Item #694151
December 29, 1760
* Original colonial America publication
* French and Indian War coverage
A quite early issue of this famous title, from near the end of the French & Indian War.
Just a few months earlier the governor of Canada surrendered the province of Quebec (New France) to the British, and the French outpost of Detroit surrendered t... See More
18th century from Dublin...
Item #208482
PUE'S OCCURRENCES, Dublin, Ireland, 1761 A quite uncommon Irish title with a wide variety of news of the day plus some ads as well. The focus is on news from the British Isles but there is other European news as well. Folio size and 4 pages, the issue is irregular at the spine margin with some loss, perhaps causing minor text loss on the back leaf. Wear on the other margins with various browni... See More
Print of a new brewing machine...
Item #615626
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1761 Among the many articles within this issue are: "An Account of the War in India" "Case of an Ancient Physician" "History of the Republick of Geneva" "Proposal for Improving Botany" "Some Proceedings in Last Sessions of Parliament" and more.There is a full page plate of an: "Impression of... See More
Plate of a very strange animal...
Item #667429
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, June, 1761 This issue includes two full page plates, one a print of a very curious animal: "The Siyah-ghuth, an Animal now in the Tower of London" with an accompanying article as well. The other plate includes two prints, one "A Portable Smelting furnace" and the other a view of: "The Valley of Menat" with descriptive articl... See More
The British capture Belle Ile from the French...
Item #700922
June 20, 1761
* Capture of Belle Île - Brittany, France
* British amphibious expedition victory
* Seven Years' War - Studhome Hodgson
Most of page 2 and part of page 3 are taken up with great coverage of the Capture of Belle Ile during the Seven Years' War.
This event was a British expedition to capture the French island o... See More
The coronation of King George III...
Item #689557
September 29, 1761
* George III of the United Kingdom
The front page begins the report on the coronation of King George III. "This day his Majesty King George the Third, and Queen Charlotte, were crowned in the abbey church of Westminster, with the ceremonies accustomed upon that great and glorious solemnity...". The artic... See More
News from the French & Indian War...
Item #695145
December 31, 1761
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Dec. 31, 1761 The front page has over a full column of reports headed: "America" with datelines from Charleston, Boston, and Halifax in Nova Scotia. A few bits include: "...A gang of the Point Indians were returned from war against the Spaniards; they lost four men...and killed one Spaniard and a negro...The great bustle that was some time ago in... See More
One of the more popular & successful newspapers of the day...
Item #120029
LONDON CHRONICLE, England, 1762 We will select a nice issue from this early year. This genuine newspaper has 8 pages and measures about 8 by 11 inches. It is filled with various news of the day, mostly European, with various ads as well. A few years earlier it was one of the best sources for reporting the French & Indian War, and in another dozen years it would provide extensive co... See More
Great map of the West Indies & America...
Item #680044
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1762 * Very early Southern America map w/ West Indies
Certainly the prime feature of this early magazine is the terrific & very displayable foldout map titled: "An Accurate Map of the West Indies with the Adjacent Coast" as noted in the ornate cartouche. This map shows much of present-day Georgia & Florida to present-day... See More
American news from 1762...
Item #676596
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1762 This issue begins with a: "Scheme for Supplying the Cities of London and Westminster with Fish...".Other articles within include: "The Importance of Martinico [Dominican Republic] & the Islands in the West Indies yet Unsubdued" "Some Particulars of the Life of the late Empress of Russia" "Proceedings of th... See More
Nice map of Jamaica...
Item #666213
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1762 This magazine still has the full page plate of "A Map Of the Island of Jamaica" which shows much detail. This map measures 5 by 8 inches and has tiny binding holes above the top margin, not touching the map. There is also a report which relates to it titled: "Weak State of the Island of Jamaica".There is also another art... See More
Map of Havana, Cuba...
Item #667199
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1762 Although typically missing from most issues, this magazine still contains the full page plate titled: "Plan of the City and Harbour of Havanna" which also includes a key as to the various points of interest.An article: "Weak State of the Island of Jamaica" but the map of Jamaica is lacking.
Near the back of the issue is... See More
Jamaica, Cuba & the Caribbean... Early electricity...
Item #689162
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1762 This magazine is missing the plates of "A Map Of the Island of Jamaica" and "Plan of the City and Harbour of the Havanna", Cuba, but there is a report near the back which relates to it, beginning: "Porto Rico is a large Spanish island, well fortified; and Hispaniola belonging to both France & Spain is much larger ... See More
Maps of Jamaica and Havana, Cuba...
Item #689163
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1762 Although typically missing from most issues, this magazine still contains the full page plate titled: "A Map Of the Island of Jamaica" which shows much detail. Accompanying this map is a nice and detailed article on Jamaica which describes it geographically, gives a bit of history on how it was settled, and some text on its economy.... See More
Early American title from the French & Indian War...
Item #702912
May 13, 1762
* Rare Colonial Massachusetts
* St. Augustine, Florida
This is a much later issue of America's first successful newspaper, founded in 1704.
The top of the ftpg. has a nice recruiting advertisements to enlist soldiers to fight in the on-going French & Indian War: "For Recruiting His Majesty's Regular Forc... See More
Powers of a Cherokee Chief, now visiting England...
Item #695155
July 06, 1762
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 6, 1762 Page 2 has a report from London noting: "The Cherokee Chief who is now here is the second person in point of consideration of his people. The Cherokees are the most considerable Indian nation with which we are acquainted, and are absolutely free...It is courage and ability that constitutes a Chief amongst the Cherokees, who are led by him inde... See More
Cherokee Chiefs in London... Handel's monument in Westminster Abbey...
Item #695156
July 15, 1762
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 15, 1762
* Cherokees Indians - Native Americans
* George Frederic Handel monument dedication
Page 2 has two interesting, yet brief, items: "The Cherokee Chiefs have been invited by the Lord Mayor to the Mansion house, and are soon to go there."
In 1762, a delegation of Cherokee leaders arrived in Lon
... See More
Some notes from the French & Indian War...
Item #695161
August 03, 1762
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 3, 1762 Page 7 has an: "Extract of a Letter From Philadelphia", bits including: "Gen. Mockton is returned...to his government of New York...Seven British ships of war were cruising of Cape Francis, blocking up the French men of war...The Indians to the north and west are very quiet...".
Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 10 3/4 inches, partial red ... See More
British want peace with the Cherokees, but will remain on their guard...
Item #695163
August 26, 1762
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 26, 1762 The front page has half a column headed: "America" with a Charleston dateline, concerning the Indians. A portion notes: "The serious attention that has been given to Indian affairs, the scrupulous adherence to the most material and preliminary article of the treaty with the Cherokees...have, in all probability, convinced this Indian... See More
Siege of Havana, Cuba... Plate of a new prison...
Item #642788
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1762 The prime content is the lengthy text concerning the taking of Havana, Cuba. The Battle of Havana was a military action in the spring & summer of 1762 which was part of the Seven Years' War, or the French & Indian War for that portion fought in the Americas, during which British forces besieged & captured the city of Havana wh... See More
Full page engraving of the King's heart... Much on the situation in America...
Item #704166
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November, 1762 Perhaps the most intriguing item in this issue is a nice, detailed engraving of the heart of George II, the late king of England who recently died. As the magazine describes it as: "...an anatomical representation of the Heart of his late Majesty, as it appeared upon opening his Body, in the presence of his Majesty's Physicians, e... See More
William Amherst..
Item #595019
December 30, 1762
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Dec. 30, 1762 An inside page has a very brief item headed: "America" and datelined from New York noting: "On Tuesday last Col. Amherst, Commander of the expedition to Newfoundland, arrived here on board the Enterprize, Capt. Houlton." (see).
Eight pages, nice condition.
Pre-Stamp Act to just prior to the Revolutionary War...
Item #562418
(10) THE LONDON CHRONICLE. A collection of ten issues, one from each year 1763 thru 1772, crossing the critical period from the just prior to the Stamp Act to just before the outbreak of the pre-Revolutionary War tensions. Each is 4-8 pages, may have slight imperfections, but in overall nice condition.
Pre-Stamp Act to just prior to the Revolutionary War...
Item #649252
(10) THE LONDON CHRONICLE. A collection of ten issues, one from each year 1763 thru 1772, crossing the critical period from the just prior to the Stamp Act to just before the outbreak of the pre-Revolutionary War tensions. Each is 4-8 pages, may have slight imperfections, but in overall nice condition.
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