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Web Results (43)



Rare 1941 World War II American poster...

Item #689756

January 01, 1941

Here is a huge and I'm assuming very rare World War II poster that measures 4 feet, 8 inches (56 in.) x 3 feet, 6 inches (42 in.) that shows a statue of a colonial minuteman holding a rifle with his hand on a plow titled: "FOR DEFENSE; BUY" in red lettering then: "UNITED STATES SAVINGS BONDS AND STAMPS" in green lettering within a lighter green background. We found this pos... See More  

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From this German-held island...

Item #636316

May 02, 1941

THE STAR, Guernsey, Channel Islands, May 2, 1941 

* Rare German occupation title

* World War II - WWII

Among the front page reports are: "The top of the ftpg. has (in both German & English) "NOTICE Re. Curfew Hour For Civil Population..." with details. Also on the ftpg: "Germany's Immense Military Strength - The Greatest Asset Is The Human Element" and:... See More  

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A Nazi newspaper from an English island...

Item #664395

May 10, 1941

THE STAR, Guernsey, Channel Islands, May 10, 1941 

* Rare German occupation title

* World War II - WWII

Among the front page reports are: "Rommel, The Gallant Swabian Commander of the German Troops In Africa" "German Submarine Commander Sinks 4 Enemy Merchant Ships..." "Bomb Hits of All Calibres on Industrial Works in England"  "The Bombardment o... See More  

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Rudolph Hess parachute mystery...

Item #592981

May 14, 1941

THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 14, 1941

* Rudolph Hess Scotland parachute jump mystery

* Adolph Hitler's right hand man

* World War II - WWII

This 44 page newspaper has five column headline on the front page: "FLIGHT SHOCKS THE GERMAN PEOPLEwith subheads. 

Other news, sport and advertisements of the day throughout with more on World War II. Rag edition in great ... See More  

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From a German-occupied island...

Item #613115

May 16, 1941

THE STAR, Guernsey, Channel Islands, May 16, 1941 

* Rare Nazi occupation title

This island was occupied by the Germans during World War II so all reporting is pro-Nazi propaganda, yet in English as residents were British. The front page has: "German Submarine in North Atlantic Sinks Auxiliary Cruiser of 20,000 Tons" "England Has Destroyed India - Gandhi's Reply to Am... See More  

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World War II before America's involvement...

Item #698158

May 19, 1941

NEW YORK JOURNAL AMERICAN, Oct. 18, 1940  The front page bold, banner headline announces: "NAZI ARMY ROUTED SAILING FOR BRITAIN" with a smaller headline: "Germans Claim Sea Triumph Off Bristol" and other war-related reports on the front page.

The complete first section with pages 1-18, good condition

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Nazis invade Crete w/ paratroopers.....

Item #663692

May 21, 1941


* Nazis invade Crete Greece (1st report)

* World War II - WWII gliders - paratroopers

The front page has a nice headline in bold lettering: "A NEW CRETE GLIDER BLITZ" with subheads, related illustration and small map. (see) First report coverage on the Battle of Crete.

Complete with all 28 pages, light toning at the margins, small library st... See More  

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British invasion of Syria & Lebanon in 1941...

Item #663072

June 08, 1941


* Syria-Lebanon Campaign

* Operation Exporter - WWII

* British invasion of Middle East

The top of the Front page, above the masthead, has a great banner headline: "BRITISH INVADE SYRIA!" with subheads. Nice for display.

Compete 1st section only with 24 pages, light toning at the margins, small library stamp within the masthead, small binding... See More  

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First day of Battle... Nazis vs. Russia...

Item #687046

June 23, 1941


* Germany vs. Russia - 1st Day

* World War II, WWII

The front page has a nice banner headline: "BOMBERS RAID RUSS CITIES; THREE BORDER TOWNS FALL" with subheads and 2 related photos. Nice for display.

Complete with 18 pages, light toning at the margins, some small binding holes along the spine, generally nice.

... See More  

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First day of Battle among WWII...

Item #585815

June 24, 1941

THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, Detroit, Michigan, June 24, 1941

* Germany vs. Russia - 1st Day

* World War II, WWII

This 24 page newspaper has a banner headline on the front page: "Reds Admit Fall of Brest-Litovsk to Nazis, but Claim Bag of 300 Tanks, 127 Planes" with subheads that include: "Foe Suffers Big Losses, Says Soviet" and more.

Other news, sports and advertisements... See More  

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First day of Battle... Nazis vs. Russia...

Item #596926

June 24, 1941

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, June 24, 1941

* Germany vs. Russia - 1st Day

* World War II, WWII

The front page has a nice banner headline: "RUSSIA SAYS BROAD GERMAN DRIVE FAILS, ADMITS BREST-LITOVSK LOST" with subheads.  Other news, sports and advertisements of the day throughout.

Complete in 18 pages, light browning, minor spine wear, otherwise in good con... See More  

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Nazi newspaper from occupied Poland...

Item #631631

July 17, 1941

DANZIGER VORPOSTEN (Danzig Outpost), 1944 "The Official Organ of the Nazi Party..." as translated from the masthead, from this occupied Polish city, present-day Gdansk. The masthead includes the eagle with a swastika. Offers an interesting view of WWII from the Nazi perspective.

Complete in four pages, folio size, some chipping & tears at the margins, rejoined at the spine, totally ... See More  

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FDR declares America will not enter war...

Item #701804

August 17, 1941

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Aug. 17, 1941

* President Franklin D. Roosevelt - FDR

* United States not close to entering WWII

* Tensions with Japan re. American hostages ?

The top of the front page has a five column headline: "ROOSEVELT DECLARES U. S. IS NO NEARER WAR; REVEALS FULL ACCORD ON WORLD CONFLICT" with subheads and related photo. Also a two column heading: "Japan Refuses to... See More  

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`941 Battle of Kiev... Encirclement of Soviet troops....

Item #665802

September 20, 1941

HERALD EXPRESS, Los Angeles, Sept. 20, 1941

* First Battle of Kiev (1941)

* Encirclement of Soviet troops

* Axis invasion of Soviet Union - Russia

The front page has a nice banner headline above the masthead in large lettering: "THOUSANDS PERISH IN KIEV" with subhead. (see) Great for display.

Complete 1st section only with 14 pages, a little margin wear, generally nice.... See More  

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Hideki Tojo becomes Prime Minister of Japan...

Item #663068

October 07, 1941


* Hideki Tojo becomes Prime Minister of Japan

* General of the Imperial Japanese Army

* Bombing of Pearl Harbor imminent ?

The front page has a nice headline: "JAPAN GETS AN ARMY PREMIER" with subheads and photo of the outgoing Prince Konoye. Nice for display. Japan would attack Pearl Harbor less than two months later.

Complete with all 30 p... See More  

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Operation Barbarossa... German invasion of Russia... Moscow...

Item #692616

October 09, 1941


* Operation Barbarossa - German invasion of Russia

* Battles for Moscow - Soviet Union 

The front page has a banner headline: "3 MILLION HURLED AT MOSCOW" with subheads. (see)

Complete with all 38 pages, archival mend along the right margin, light toning at the margins, small binding holes along the spine, generally nice.... See More  

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USS Reuben James sunk.... 1st U.S. warship...

Item #709740

October 31, 1941

NEW YORK WORLD-TELEGRAM, October 31, 1941 

* USS Reuben James sunk (Early 1st report) 

* 1st American warship casualty of WWII

The front page has a great banner headline in bold lettering: "U.S. DESTROYER SUNK; Torpedoed Ship Had 120 Aboard" with subhead and photo. (see images) Nice for display. First report coverage on the sinking of the USS Reuben James, the 1st ... See More  

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HMS Ark Royal sinks...

Item #672770

November 14, 1941

NEW YORK WORLD-TELEGRAM, November 14, 1941

* HMS Ark Royal sunk by torpedo

* Royal Navy aircraft carrier

* German U-81 boat submarine attack

The front page has a nice banner headline: "Ark Royal Sunk Near Gibraltar" with subheads and photo. (see) Nice for display. Another photo on page 9. First report coverage on the sinking of the HMS Ark Royal by a German U-boat during World Wa... See More  

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Fort Capuzzo, Libya captured...

Item #584453

November 23, 1941

THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, Detroit, Michigan, November 23, 1941

* Fort Capuzzo captured

* Operation Crusader

* World War II - WWII

This 40+ page newspaper has a three column headline on the front page: "British Sweep On in Libya; Full Nazi Fury Batters Reds" with subhead: "Claim Capture of Ft. Capuzzo and Mastery of Air; Hit from Tobruk". This is a 1st report coverage on ... See More  

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A Nazi newspaper from a British island...

Item #691278

November 25, 1941

THE STAR, Island of Guernsey (in the English Channel), Nov. 25, 1941  A very curious issue, as Guernsey, an English-speaking island, was occupied by the Germans during WWII so all the news was pro-Nazi.

Among the front page reports are: "Inconsistencies of The War" "Germans Capture Town Within 30 Miles of Moscow" "British Tanks Destroyed & Prisoners Lost Inc... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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A Nazi newspaper from a British island...

Item #691280

November 26, 1941

THE STAR, Island of Guernsey (in the English Channel), Nov. 26, 1941  A very curious issue, as Guernsey, an English-speaking island, was occupied by the Germans during WWII so all the news was pro-Nazi.

Among the front page reports are: " 'We Shall Win, With the People's Help' Says Dr. Goebbels" "Attempted British Landing In France Frustrated" "Germa... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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A Nazi newspaper from a British island...

Item #691283

November 27, 1941

THE STAR, Island of Guernsey (in the English Channel), Nov. 27, 1941  A very curious issue, as Guernsey, an English-speaking island, was occupied by the Germans during WWII so all the news was pro-Nazi.

Among the front page reports are: "Heavy Losses By the British Navy--Cruiser Sunk & Battleship and Warship Torpedoed" "President Roosevelt's Warmongering" &qu... See More  

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Tensions with Japan are increasing... Pre-Pearl Harbor...

Item #690521

November 28, 1941

LOS ANGELES TIMES, July 26, 1941.

* Pre Pearl Harbor attack on America

* Tensions with Japan increasing

The front page has a nice banner headline: "U. S. FREEZES ASSETS OF JAPANESE" with subheads.

Incomplete issue containing the front and back leafs of the first section only (4 pages total), a little wear along the margins and central fold, some tiny archival mends on page 2, nic... See More  

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A Nazi newspaper from a British island...

Item #691287

December 01, 1941

THE STAR, Island of Guernsey (in the English Channel), Dec. 1, 1941  

* Rare German occupation publication

* Jewish forced labor notice or face arrest

* World War II era Jews - Judaica

A very curious issue, as Guernsey, an English-speaking island, was occupied by the Germans during WWII so all the news was pro-Nazi.

Among the front page reports are: "Battle of the Atlantic... See More  

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A Nazi newspaper from a British island: 3 days before Pearl Harbor...

Item #691290

December 04, 1941

THE STAR, Island of Guernsey (in the English Channel), Dec. 4, 1941  

* German occupation publication

* Pre attack on Pearl Harbor

A very curious issue, as Guernsey, an English-speaking island, was occupied by the Germans during WWII so all the news was pro-Nazi.

Among the front page reports are: "Encircled British In North Africa Wiped Out or Captured" "This Was Gonda... See More  

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Terrific Honolulu newspaper, one day after Pearl Harbor...

Item #698121

December 08, 1941


* Attack on Pearl Harbor

* U.S. to enter World War II

* Best publication to be had

Fully one-third of the newspaper, above the masthead, is taken up with a dramatic three line banner headline: "SABOTEURS LAND HERE !  Britain, Australia Declare War ! " with various related subheads as well including: "Raiders Return In Dawn A... See More  

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The United States declares war...

Item #699327

December 08, 1941

THE WILLIAMSPORT SUN, Pennsylvania, Dec. 8, 1941  

* Attack on Pearl Harbor

* U.S. enters World War II

* Imperial Japanese Navy

Above the math dead is a banner: "VOTES WAR DECLARATION" and nice headlines below the masthead: "BATTLESHIP AND DESTROYER LOST IN JAPANESE ATTACKS" "Serious Damage to Other Ships Results From Surprise Blow" "Senate & Hou... See More  

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Pearl Harbor: United States declares war in Japan...

Item #699365

December 08, 1941

LEBANON DAILY NEWS, Pennsylvania, Dec. 8, 1941  The banner headline responds to the attack upon Pearl Harbor the day before: "U.S. DECLARES WAR ON JAPAN" with another red ink banner head: "Report 3,000 U.S. Casualties In Pacific" with many related subheads. 

Complete in 12 pages but this is a "2nd rate" issue with loss at some corners, various tears at marg... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Japanese newspaper reporting the bombing of Pearl Harbor...

Item #695783

December 09, 1941

Attack on Pearl Harbor in a Japanese publication

A newspaper from Kyushu, Japan, reporting on the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

The only information we have is the penciled notations at the top of one of the pages, noting "Kyushu Nipp_o  name of the paper  December 9th edition". We cannot verify any of the content as it is totally in Japanese. Unknown if complete in the two leav... See More  

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Report on Pearl Harbor, in a pro-Nazi newspaper...

Item #679446

December 10, 1941

EVENING PRESS, Island of Guernsey (in the English Channel), Dec. 10, 1941 

* Rare German occupation title

* Bombing of Pearl Harbor

* World War II - WWII

A very curious issue, as Guernsey, an English-speaking island, was occupied by the Germans during WWII so all the news was pro-Nazi.

The bottom half of the front page has two column heads on the bombing of Pearl Harbor: "Heavy ... See More  

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United States declare war againt Axis....

Item #705288

December 11, 1941


* United States declare war

* Germnay & Italy - Axis

* Post Pearl Harbor attack


The front page has a great banner headline above the masthead: "HONOLULU AIRMEN DOWN 20 JAPANESE PLANES" with subheads. (see) Great to have in the Honolulu publication just a few days after the infamous attack on Pear... See More  

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Financial aspect of U.S. entering WWII.......

Item #703722

December 15, 1941

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL--Pacific Coast Edition, San Francisco, Dec. 15, 1941

* Financial aspect of Pearl Harbor attack (4 days prior)

* United States is at war with the Axis

The banner headline across the top reads: "Huge Reserves, Big Crops Assure U.S. Abundant Wartime Food Supply" with various subheads and more. As might be expected from a finance newspaper, there is much conten... See More  

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Admiral Chester W. Nimitz takes over....

Item #691685

December 18, 1941


* Admiral Chester W. Nimitz promoted

* Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet

* Husband E. Kimmel loses position

* Post bombing of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

The front page has a banner headline: "HAWAII NAVAL, ARMY, AIR COMMANDERS OUSTED" with subheads and a few related photos. (see) First report coverage on Chester W. Nimitz taking over as flee... See More  

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Internment of the Aliens...

Item #656909

December 19, 1941

THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 19, 1941  Page 52 carries a report "Aliens to Be Held in Southwest" as well as an additional article "100 Aliens on Coast Sent to Montana" with subheads "Those Held as 'Dangerous' Go From San Francisco Area to Camp at Missoula", "One a Magnesium Expert", "Detention of Hansgirg May Shut Down Los Altos Plant - Ols... See More  

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A Nazi newspaper from a British island...

Item #691291

December 19, 1941

THE STAR, Island of Guernsey (in the English Channel), Dec. 19, 1941  

* Rare German occupation title

* World War II - WWII

A very curious issue, as Guernsey, an English-speaking island, was occupied by the Germans during WWII so all the news was pro-Nazi.

Among the front page reports are: "Roosevelt's Pessimistic Speech - 'Three Most Terrible Days in Our History' &qu... See More  

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A Nazi newspaper from a British island...

Item #691293

December 22, 1941

THE STAR, Island of Guernsey (in the English Channel), Dec. 22, 1941  

* Rare German occupation title

* World War II - WWII

A very curious issue, as Guernsey, an English-speaking island, was occupied by the Germans during WWII so all the news was pro-Nazi.

Among the front page reports are: "Russians Suffer Heavy Losses in Leningrad Encirclement" "Axis Forces in North Af... See More  

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A Nazi newspaper from a British island...

Item #691294

December 23, 1941

THE STAR, Island of Guernsey (in the English Channel), Dec. 23, 1941  

* From shortly after the Pearl Harbor attack

A very curious issue, as Guernsey, an English-speaking island, was occupied by the Germans during WWII so all the news was pro-Nazi.

Among the front page reports are: "Fuehrer In Supreme Command Of German Army - Better Weapons, Stronger Frontiers" "Japanese... See More  

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Philippines Campaign in 1941...

Item #661243

December 24, 1941

NEW YORK WORLD-TELEGRAM, December 24, 1941

* Philippines Campaign

* Japanese invasion

The front page has a nice banner headline: "MacARTHUR LEADS DRIVE TO REPEL 150,000 JAPS" with subheads. (see) Nice for display.

Complete with all 20 pages, light toning and minor wear at the margins, small library stamp within the masthead, small binding holes along the spine, generally nice.... See More  

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A Nazi newspaper from a British island...

Item #691295

December 24, 1941

THE STAR, Island of Guernsey (in the English Channel), Dec. 24, 1941  

* From shortly after the Pearl Harbor attack

A very curious issue, as Guernsey, an English-speaking island, was occupied by the Germans during WWII so all the news was pro-Nazi.

Among the front page reports are: "A Disastrous Week For the British Empire  - India Is Now Directly Threatened" "Heavy... See More  

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Winston Churchill address to U.S. Congress...

Item #658071

December 27, 1941

THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, December 27, 1941

* Prime Minister Winston Churchill address

* Joint session of the United States Congress

* "We Are The Masters Of Our Fate" speech

The front page has a one column heading: "Churchill Sees Lasting Anglo-US Tie" with subhead. (see) Complete text of Churchill's speech with photo.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the da... See More  

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A Nazi newspaper from a British island...

Item #691296

December 27, 1941

THE STAR, Island of Guernsey (in the English Channel), Dec. 27, 1941  

* re. Bombing of Pearl Harbor

* Rare German occupation title

* World War II - WWII

A very curious issue, as Guernsey, an English-speaking island, was occupied by the Germans during WWII so all the news was pro-Nazi.

Among the front page reports are:  "Heavy Fighting on Eastern Front--Strong Attacks Repul... See More  

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1941 Winston Churchill speech....

Item #671579

* Winston Churchill speech

* "Some chicken! Some neck!"

* Ottawa, Canada - World War II

The front page has a six column heading: "Japan In for Surprises At Luzon, Says Churchill" (see)

Much on World War II shortly after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Complete with all 20 pages, light toning with a few small mends at the margins, som... See More  

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A Nazi newspaper from a British island...

Item #691298

December 31, 1941

THE STAR, Island of Guernsey (in the English Channel), Dec. 31, 1941  

* From shortly after the Pearl Harbor attack

A very curious issue, as Guernsey, an English-speaking island, was occupied by the Germans during WWII so all the news was pro-Nazi.

Among the front page reports are: "The Perilous Position of the British Empire" "Royal Navy Unable to Do Battle in All Water... See More  

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