Web Results (215)



Short-lived campaign newspaper to elect Andrew Jackson...

Item #698008

July 19, 1828

UNITED STATES' TELEGRAPH--EXTRA, Washington, July 19, 1828  

* Rare campaign periodical

* General Andrew Jackson

This is the volume 1, number 19 issue. This was a campaign journal "...devoted exclusively to the Presidential election..." as stated in the masthead.

It was published by Duff Green, who had come to Washington to establish a newspaper to promote the candidacy ... See More  

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Short-lived campaign newspaper to electd Andrew Jackson...

Item #153124
UNITED STATES' TELEGRAPH--EXTRA, Washington,  1828  This was a campaign journal "...devoted exclusively to the Presidential election..." as stated in the masthead. It was published by Duff Green, who had come to Washington to establish a newspaper to promote the candidacy of Andrew Jackson. Mott says, "Green proved to be of the hard-hitting politician type of editor.&q... See More  

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Andrew Jackson is elected President...

Item #680056

January 01, 1825

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 1, 1825 

* General Andrew Jackson elected president

The first article at the top of page 1 has a small head: "Presidential Election" with the report noting: "It being ascertained that Louisiana has given three votes to gen. Jackson & two to Mr. Adams, as president--(and an undivided vote for Mr. Calhoun as vice president), w... See More  

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The Presidential election... American Indians: Choctaw, Osage, Creeks...

Item #672083

December 04, 1824

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 4, 1824  Among the articles are: "Presidential Election" which has a chart showing states and votes for each, plus another report of the Alabama votes for President by county.

Also inside: "LaFayette & the Sons of the Forest" being an emotional heart-felt meeting of Choctaw Indian chiefs and General LaFayette, which is ironi... See More  

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Latest results on the presidential election...

Item #689415

November 27, 1824

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 27, 1824  The front page features a chart headed: "Presidential Election - Returns so far as they are known" showing votes for Adams, Clay, Crawford, and Jackson, with Adams having a commanding lead. Much related text as well carrying over to pages 2, 3, 4 & 5 with additional charts.

Inside has a fine letter signed in type: Bolivar&nb... See More  

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Great account on counting the votes for President...

Item #687997

February 24, 1821

BOSTON RECORDER, Feb. 24, 1821  

* James Monroe elected president

Page 3 has a nice account of the proceedings in "Congress - Election of President and Vice-President" datelined February 14. It details the procedure, snd the opening of the packets: "...containing the certificates and votes...handing them to the tellers who read...In this manner the vortex of the several s... See More  

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Monroe wins the Presidential election...

Item #622032

February 19, 1817

NEW YORK SPECTATOR, Feb. 19, 1817  The top of the front page as an announcing: "According to the provisions of the constitution the votes...for President and Vice President were yesterday counted...was officially proclaimed by the President of the Senate that JAMES MONROE is elected President...and DANIEL D. TOMPKINS is elected Vice President..." (see).

Four pages, never-trimmed ma... See More  

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From the War of 1812...

Item #687500

October 17, 1812

BOSTON PATRIOT, Oct. 17, 1812  The front page has a lengthy article headed: "Presidential Election". Inside includes: "Presidential Election" "A Proclamation" relating to the War of 1812, signed in type: James Madison. Following this are several reports relating to the War of 1812 including: "Army Movements".

Page 3 has much under: "War Intelligen... See More  

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Jefferson's response upon being notified of being elected President...

Item #667545

March 11, 1801

THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, March 11, 1801  Page 3 has, under: "President Elect" a report: "The Committee instructed on the 18th instant to wait the President Elect and notify him of his election, REPORT--that they have, according to order performed that service, and addressed the President elect in the following words, to wit: 'The committee beg le... See More  

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Details on the Presidential election of 1796...

Item #677066

February 22, 1797


* John Adams presidential election

* Thomas Jefferson as vice president

Page 2 has a report from the "Proceedings of the Columbian Federal Congress" concerning the process for tallying votes for President & Vice President: "...that the two Houses shall assemble in the chamber of the House of Represen... See More  

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John Adams is elected President of the United States...

Item #676792

February 01, 1797


* John Adams presidential election

* Thomas Jefferson as vice president

The most notable report is the announcement that John Adams has been elected President of the United States.

A report near the back notes in part: "Yesterday, agreeable to a provision of the Constitution...the members...assembled...to count the votes ... See More  

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George Washington is elected President of the United States...

Item #677063

February 20, 1793

NATIONAL GAZETTE, Philadelphia, Feb. 20, 1793

* President George Washington

* Historic 2nd election victory

Nearly three-quarters of the front page is taken up with an address: "To ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Secretary of the Treasury of he United States". This is followed, on page 2, with a second analysis of America's financial situation.

But by far the most significant ite
... See More  

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Constitutional Convention begins & Washington is elected its President...

Item #686742

June 01, 1787


* Constitutional Convention begins

* George Washington elected president

 An exceedingly historic issue as this newspaper reports the formal beginning of the Constitutional Convention.

Page 2 has a report from Philadelphia datelined May 26 with the historic report: "Yesterday, at the State House in this city, seven states were ful... See More  

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Constitutional Convention begins & Washington is elected its President: a day after report...

Item #686699

May 26, 1787


* Constitutional Convention begins

* George Washington elected president

An exceedingly historic issue as this newspaper reports the formal beginning of the Constitutional Convention--terrific to have in a newspaper from the city where these notable proceedings were held.

As such, this is likely the ... See More  

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The Shays' Rebellion... Benjamin Franklin re-elected... Two plates...

Item #677333
THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, November, 1786  

* Benjamin Franklin

* Daniel Shay's Rebellion

The issue begins with: "A Description of Bones Found Near the River Ohio" which includes a foldout plate as well (repair to the reverse). 

Also within the issue: "A Short Description of the Crotalus Horridus, or Rattlesnake" "A Short Dissertation on Ec... See More  

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