Discounted Issues (as priced) through Thursday, March 13, 2025!
The following issues have been discounted by 50% through Thursday, March 13, 2025.Discounted Issues (as priced) through Thursday, March 13, 2025!
The following issues have been <strong>discounted by 50%</strong> through Thursday, March 13, 2025.
Letters from Charleston, Jamaica, and Nova Scotia...
Item #677374
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1749 Over half a pg. has a: "Copy of a Letter from one of the Settlers in Nova Scotia dated Chebucto Harbour, July 28, 1749". Over half a pg. has: "Extracts of Some Letters from Carolina" datelined "Charles-Town" (Charleston) with news from that colony. There is also: "The Humble Address & Representati
... See More
Trouble with the Indians...
Item #677256
THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, (Philadelphia), October, 1786 The first article is: "Some Observations on the Structure of the Surface of the Earth in Pennsylvania and the Adjoining Countries..." which takes nearly 5 pages. Also within is the continued: "Sketch of the Life of the Late Nathaniel Greene, Major General of the Forces of the United States of America" which takes nearl... See More
A report on the Treasury...
Item #677131
August 25, 1788
THE DAILY ADVERTISER, New York, Aug. 25, 1788 All of page 2 is taken up with a report concerning the U.S. Treasury. Page 3 has some news of the day, but most of the issue is taken up with a wealth of advertisements including 11 illustrated ship ads.
Four pages, very nice condition.
Senate has problems with the Jay Treaty...
Item #677317
July 15, 1795
THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, July 15 1795 Page 3 has a report from "Pittsburgh" noting in part: "...accounts from General Wayne's head quarters any Greenville inform us that the Indians were coming in from all quarters to the Treaty...". This is followed by a report from Albany concerning the Indians.
The back page has: "More About the Treaty... See More
Much on the controversial Jay Treaty with England...
Item #677319
July 25, 1795
THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, July 25, 1795 The front page has nearly two columns taken up with article #4 on a: "Vindication of the Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation, with G. Britain" being the Jay Treaty.
Page 3 begins with a nearly full column report on a special meeting to consider the controversial Jay Treaty, printed in larger-than-normal type... See More
Situations with the Indians...
Item #677322
November 07, 1795
THE HERALD; A GAZTTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Nov. 7, 1795 Page 3 has a report from Augusta, Georgia, being a letter signed by Timothy Pickering concerning a treaty with the Creek Indians. This is followed by a report from the Knoxville which begins: "Notwithstanding the Creeks have solicited the mediation of the restore peace between them and the Chickasaws...that no p... See More
The 'Population Company'... Celebrating the 4th of July...
Item #677406
July 16, 1796
THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, July 16, 1796 The front page has an ad placed by the "Pennsylvania Population Company" concerning the sale of large acreage lots in the "Triangle Presque Isle". An "Aaron Burr" is listed as one of the managers of the company.
The back page has a reproof on the 4th of July celebration in Hudson, New York, in... See More
Thomas Paine's latest pamphlet...
Item #677408
July 23, 1796
THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, July 23, 1796 Page 3 has nearly half a column headed: "Thomas Paine" concerning a pamphlet he wrote on: "...the Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance...". A smaller article mentions Hamilton.
The front page has an ad placed by the "Pennsylvania Population Company" concerning the sale of large acreage ... See More
Pinckney's Treaty ratified...
Item #677412
August 06, 1796
* Pinckney's Treaty of San Lorenzo
Taking all of the front page is a detailed report from the province of Lower Canada, concerning trade with the United States.
Among the many notices is one concerning the purchase of land lying in the "Triangle" in the northwest corner of Pennsylvania by the Pennsylvania Po... See More
The death of Major John Mills...
Item #677413
August 10, 1796
THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Aug. 10, 1796 Page 2 has a report from Fort Washington of the death of Major John Mills, who during the Revolution fought at the siege of Boston, Battle of Saratoga, Battle of Monmouth and the Northwest Indian War.
Much reporting on the Napoleonic War in Europe.
Four pages, very nice condition.
Critical piece on Thomas Paine and his works...
Item #677414
August 17, 1796
THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Aug. 17, 1796 Page 3 has over half a column taken up with a critical report on Thomas Paine and his works. A few bits include; "Tom Paine treats every subject, government, religion, finance, with equal profoundness and knowledge...with absolute shallowness and ignorance. In his Common Sense (the real merit of which work was that it boldly... See More
A fight between elderly ladies...
Item #677415
August 27, 1796
THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Aug. 27, 1796 Page 2 has a curious report: "Amorous Fracas!" The report from Ireland begins: "The boxing match which lately happened between two elderly maiden ladies of fashion...having made some noise....we are happy to lay the cats and the consequences before our readers..." which is what follows.
Four pages, a few stra... See More
Signed by John Jay...
Item #677450
November 02, 1796
THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Nov. 2, 1796 Page 3 has over 1 1/2 columns taken up with the: "Governor's Speech" signed by him in type: John Jay.
The back page has five notices for the sale of land, most in the "West", two from the Northwest Territory.
Four pages, great condition.
Two replies signed by John Jay...
Item #677452
November 09, 1796
THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Nov. 9, 1796 Page 3 has the New York House Assembly's response to the governor's address, followed by the governor's "Reply" signed in type: John Jay. Then also the State Senate's response to Jay's address which is again acknowledged by him signed in type: John Jay.
Just prior to Jay becoming New York's secon... See More
Two letters from Thomas Jefferson...
Item #677453
November 12, 1796
THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Nov. 12, 1796 The front page contains two letters from Thomas Jefferson both concerning relations with France. Neither are signed in type by him.
The back page has 2 notices for the sale of western lands in the Northwest Territory.
Four pages, very nice condition.
President George Washington...
Item #677456
January 21, 1797
* President George Washington
Page 2 has a letter signed in type: Geo. Washington concerning erroneous information on the cause of the French seizing American vessels.
On the back page under "Legislature of S. Carolina" is a resolution passed by the legislature recognizing the virtues of President Washington,... See More
President George Washington...
Item #677457
January 25, 1797
* President George Washington
* Growing tensions with France
* re. Washington's farewell address
Page 2 has a letter signed in type: Go. Washington concerning the growing troubles with France.
Page 3 has an article from a British newspaper which begins: "The resignation of GENERAL WASHINGTON is doubtless a grea... See More
John Jay on building a prison in New York City...
Item #677458
February 08, 1797
THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Feb. 8, 1797 Page 3 has a letter signed in type: John Jay, as governor of New York, concerning building a state prison in the city of New York.
Just prior to Jay becoming New York's second governor he served as the very first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Four pages, light foxing, nice condition.
Four pages, light foxing, nice condition.
Frigate United States' launch is delayed... Buonaparte Proclamation...
Item #677511
April 29, 1797
THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, April 29, 1797 Page 2 has a report from Philadelphia noting; "The launch of the United States frigate, which was reported to be intended for tomorrow, will not take place till some future day..." with more detail.
The back page has a: "Proclamation" signed in type: Buonaparte concerning his victories in Italy.
Four pages,... See More
George Washington, John Adams, and a list of the House...
Item #677515
May 20, 1797
* President George Washington
Half of the front page is taken up with the "Speech" of the President to Congress on this special session he requested two deal with the troubling XYZ Affair. The speech carries over to page 2 where it is signed in type: John Adams.
Page 2 has an address of the General Assembly of Rh... See More
Thomas Jefferson and John Adams...
Item #677516
May 27, 1797
THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, May 27, 1797 Page 3 has 1 1/2 columns taken up with a speech prefaced with: "Yesterday...the senate...waited on the his house, when the Vice-President presented the following answer to his address to both houses, at the opening of the session:" The address begins: "Sir, The senate of the United States request you ... See More
Getting the Spanish to leave Natchez...
Item #677327
September 20, 1797
THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Sept. 20, 1797 Page 3 has a nice report prefaced with: "The Following State of the Negociation relative to the American and Spanish Limits..." which concerning the Spanish leaving Natchez.
Four pages, never-trimmed margins, nice condition.
Diplomatic attempts to prevent war, but the printed presumption would prove true...
Item #677270
June 06, 1812
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 6, 1812 Inside has the beginning of what would become a continuing article on: 'Paul Jones", the famed John Paul Jones. Also several correspondences under: "Public Documents" signed in type by: J. Monroe to Augustus Foster and Jonathan Russell, British & American diplomats respectively, all relating to what would become the War of 1... See More
Exploring the Yellowstone region... Red Jacket no longer chief...
Item #677268
October 06, 1827
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 6, 1827 Page 4 has: "Red Jacket Deposed", being an article on the end of the famous Seneca Indian chief reign. The article notes in part: "...that the long celebrated chief Red Jacket has been deposed by his brethren & associates...He has been for a long time extremely dissipated and in every respect morally worthless. He is abou... See More
Much on California, and the Gold Rush... Death of John C. Calhoun...
Item #677159
April 06, 1850
* John C. Calhoun Death
* California Gold Rush
Over half of the front page is taken up with a very detailed account of the life of: "John C. Calhoun" who died just 6 days prior. Page 5 has: "Death of John C. Calhoun" followed by: "Funeral Services of Mr. Calhoun".
Much of pages 6 & 7 are taken up with extensive ... See More
Much on the California Gold Rush...
Item #677158
August 24, 1850
NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, Aug. 24, 1850 Page 5 has nearly 1 1/2 columns taken up with reports from California, including much on the Gold Rush, headed: "Two Weeks Later From California".
Page 2 has: "Late From Texas--Indian Troubles--The Fredericksburg Outrage--Murders and Robberies..." taking most of a column.
Eight pages, various margin tears, a few small pieces missin... See More
Fort Laramie Treaty... Fugitive slave law & lynching law...
Item #677419
October 30, 1851
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, DC, Oct. 30, 1851 Page 3 has: "The Treaty with the Prairie Indians" noting: "The Treaty was concluded and signed by the Commissioners and Indians on the 17th September. It guaranties to the latter the payment of $50,000 annually, in money or goods, for fifty years, upon their faithful compliance during that time with the terms of the treaty.... See More
The Thirtieth Street Murder...
Item #677590
October 28, 1858
THE NEW YORK HERALD, Oct. 28, 1858
* The Thirtieth Street Murders
* Murderer Francis A. Gouldy, Jr.
The top of the 1st column of the front page has one column headings that include: "Terrible And Appalling Tragedy" "Murder most Foul and Unnatural" "A Night Of Horrors" "Assassination of a Whole Family by a Son" "The Murderer Blows his Brains Out&... See More
Fall of New Orleans confirmed... Battle of Shiloh...
Item #677495
May 01, 1862
* Fall of New Orleans, Louisiana
* Battle of Shiloh - Pittsburg Landing
* American Civil War
Front page one column headlines include: "Our Fleet Before The City" "The Troops Not Yet Landed" "All The Rebel Gunboats Burnt" "A Famine At Norfolk" "Death Of Mr. Lincoln's Brother-In-Law" "The War For ... See More
1869 Women's Suffrage...
Item #677550
August 02, 1869
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Aug. 2, 1869
* Early Women's suffrage talks
The top of page 3 has a once column heading: "Woman's Suffrage" and more. (see)
Complete with 8 pages, nice condition.
Very early from San Diego...
Item #677163
February 12, 1873
THE WORLD, San Diego, California, Feb. 12, 1873
* Rare Old West publication
A very early issue from this now-famous Southern California city, this issue published when the population was just 2,300.
Among the articles are: "The Murderer of Rodriguez--Another Shooting Affray--More of the Tin Mine..." "Our Julian Letter" and so much more.
Four pages, a small bit fr... See More
Fictionalized drama...
Item #677075
September 15, 1873
STREET & SMITH'S NEW YORK WEEKLY, Sept. 15, 1873 This newspaper but the publishers of dime novels & pulp fiction did much to romanticize the Wild West with stories of fictionalized drama.
This issue has a large & dramatic illustration on the front page which accompanies the story: "Moccasin Mose; or, the Trail of Death".
Page 3 has: "The Western Boy, by Horat... See More
The Wall Street panic of 1873...
Item #677527
October 02, 1873
* Panic of 1873 - financial crisis
* Wall Street - stock market
The front page has a one column headings: "Brighter Prospects" "The Coming End Of The Crisis" and more. (see) The top of page 2 has a one column heading: "The Wall Street Boys" and more. Lengthy text.
Complete with 8 pages, a little irregular along t... See More
The Woman's Congress of 1873... suffrage...
Item #677572
October 17, 1873
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Oct. 17, 1873
* Women's suffrage
* Woman's Congress
* Mary Livermore & more
The top of page 5 has a one column heading: "THE WOMAN'S CONGRESS" Text takes up almost a full column.
Complete with 8 pages, nice condition.... See More
Beecher-Tilton scandal...
Item #677587
March 26, 1875
ST. LOUIS DAILY GLOBE, Missouri, March 26, 1875
* Henry Ward Beecher
* Elizabeth Tilton
* Adultery trial
* Victoria Woodhull
This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many interesting advertisements. The front page has an article headed: "THEODORE AND VICTORIA" "Tilton's Oft-Repeated Visits to the Woodhull Mansion" and more.
Complete in 8 pages, nice... See More
Supreme Court ruling on women's right to vote...
Item #677595
March 30, 1875
THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 30, 1875
* Minor vs. Happersett
* Supreme Court does NOT back Women's Suffrage
Page 2 column 6 of this issue contains: "...A QUESTION INVOLVING A WOMEN'S RIGHT TO VOTE", followed by an article detailing the court's decision.
Complete with 12 pages, light toning at the margins, generally nice. Should be handled with care.
Note: &q... See More
Stanley, the African explorer, and Lake Victoria...
Item #677187
November 29, 1875
NEW YORK HERALD, Nov. 29, 1875 Page 3 has terrific reporting on the explorations of Henry Stanley in Africa, much of that continent being unknown to the Western world at that time. And keep in mind that the Herald sponsored Stanley on his journey, so not surprising they would devote extensive coverage to his travels.
First column heads include: "STANLEY" "Progress of the Comm... See More
Huge centerfold of Henry W. Longfellow...
Item #677125
December 06, 1875
THE DAILY GRAPHIC, New York, Dec. 6, 1875 Greater full front page political cartoon: "Miss Columbia's Washington School Again Open".
The doublepage centerfold is a huge print of: "Henry W. Longfellow" with a related article on another page.
Eight pages, tiny binding pinholes at the blank spine, nice condition.
St. Louis Southern Hotel fire disaster...
Item #677480
April 14, 1877
CLEVELAND DAILY HERALD, Cleveland, Ohio, April 14, 1877
* Southern Hotel fire disaster
* St. Louis, Missouri
The top of the front page has one column headings that include: "ST. LOUIS CALAMITY" "A Man Supposing His Wife Killed Shoots Himself" "Eleven Persons Known to Have Been Killed" and more.
Complete in 8 pages, nice condition.... See More
Very graphic on the hanging of Guiteau, and his final moments...
Item #677209
July 01, 1882
* Charles J. Guiteau hanging
* James A. Garfield assassin
The front page has one of the better graphics we have seen on the hanging of Charles Guiteau, the assassin of President Garfield.
Among the six prints are one of him, another of him with the noose around his neck, Guiteau's sister, a scene of Guiteau on the scaffold, one of... See More
Queen Victoria of England... The H.M.S. Victoria...
Item #677052
June 25, 1887
* Queen Victoria of England
... See More
* Queen Victoria of England
* The Apollo Belvedere
The front page has a full-page illustration captioned: "Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and Empress of India", with supporting text. The inside has: "H.M.S. Victoria", "The Great Mulhouse Universal Lathe", "Apparatus for Stu
Early for color newspaper pages...
Item #677243
August 08, 1891
LE PETIT JOURNAL [The Little Newspaper]--Supplement, Paris, France, August 8, 1891 This was a quite successful conservative, daily newspaper published from 1863 to 1944. Beginning in 1884 they did a weekly "Supplement" famous for their color lithograph front and back pages.
The front page is a color print captioned; "Execution de Dore et Berland - La Sortie De La Roquette&quo... See More
Beautiful & colorful front cover...
Item #677371
August 04, 1892
* Rare 19th century color cover
The front page of this issue is very colorful and shows men & women: "Viewing The Regatta of the Atlantic Yacht Club" called the 'Wasp'. Done in full color--unusual for front pages at this time--it makes a very nice display item.
Never bound nor trimmed, some l
... See More
* Rare 19th century color cover
The front page of this issue is very colorful and shows men & women: "Viewing The Regatta of the Atlantic Yacht Club" called the 'Wasp'. Done in full color--unusual for front pages at this time--it makes a very nice display item.
Never bound nor trimmed, some l
1896 Troy, New York clothing factory fire...
Item #677437
February 18, 1896
DAILY GLOBE, Bethlehem, Penn., February 18, 1896
* Troy, New York
* Clothing factory fire
* Sewing girls disaster
The top of page 3 has s one column heading: "A HOLOCAUST AT TROY" with subheads. (see)
Four pages, light toning, a little irregular along the spine, generally nice.
1904 Sasun uprising... Armenians...
Item #677529
July 04, 1904
THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, July 4, 1904
* 1904 Sasun uprising
* Massacre of Armenians
* Kurds & Ottoman Turks
The front page has a one column heading: "THE MASSACRE IS CONFIRMED" with subhead. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper.
Complete... See More
1904 Fossil & Mitchell, Oregon flood disaster...
Item #677530
July 12, 1904
THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, July 12, 1904
* Fossil & Mitchell, Oregon
* Wheeling co. Flooding disaster
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "VILLAGE SWEPT BY CLOUDBURST" with subhead. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper.
Com... See More
1904 Hole-In-The-Wall outlaws captured...
Item #677540
November 17, 1904
THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Nov. 17, 1904 Two weeks prior to this issue, two bandits presumed to be from the Hole-In-The-Wall country of Wyoming attempted to rob the First National Bank of Cody, Wyoming. Hearing of the news, the famed frontiersman and showman "Buffalo Bill" Cody reportedly got in into the chase. He is not mentioned in this report.
The top of page 2 has a one c... See More
Great Chelsea fire of 1908 - Massachusetts...
Item #677204
April 13, 1908
THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, April 13, 1908
* Great Chelsea fire of 1908- Massachusetts
The front page has a banner headline: "CHELSEA CITY IS DEVASTATED BY FIRE" with subheads. (see) Nice for display. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper.
Complete with... See More
1908 Fort Wayne, Indiana hotel fire...
Item #677179
May 04, 1908
THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, May 4, 1908
* New Aveline Hotel fire disaster
* Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana
The top of the front page has a two column heading: "Eleven Lives Lost In Hotel Fire At Fort Wayne, Ind." (see) Nice for display. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragi... See More
1908 USS Michigan battleship launching...
Item #677192
May 26, 1908
THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, May 26, 1908
* USS Michigan (BB-27) launching
* United States Navy battleship
* Camden, New Jersey shipyard
The top of the front page has a four column headline: "AMERICA'S DREADNAUGHT TAKES TO THE WATER THIS MORNING" with photo. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issu... See More
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