World War II Key Names
World War II Key Names
World War II ends in Europe...
Item #683883
May 08, 1945
THE DURHAM SUN, North Carolina, May 8, 1945
* Germany Surrenders
* V-E day - Nazis quit
The two-line banner headline announces: "ALLIES PROCLAIM V-E, HOSTILITIES END TODAY" with several related subheads including: "Truman Says War On Maps Will Continue.
Include is a 4 part map with the caption beginning: "A Map Roundup of Germany's Rise and Fall..."... See More
Adolf Hitler speech in Berlin, Germany....
Item #683503
September 27, 1938
CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, September 27, 1938
* Adolph Hitler speech on Czechoslovakia
* "Blessed Are The Peace-Makers"
* Sportpalast, Berlin, Germany
The front page has a banner headline: "DON'T MARCH ! HITLER TOLD" with subheads. (see) Complete text of this speech appears on page 6. Related photo and map are on the back page. First report coverage on Adolph Hitler'... See More
Dwight Eisenhower to lead D-Day attack....
Item #683489
December 25, 1943
CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, December 25, 1943
* General Dwight D. Eisenhower
* Chosen to lead D-Day by FDR
The front page has a one column heading: "ALLIED INVASION ARMY TO BE LED BY EISENHOWER" with subhead. (see) More inside with a few related photos.
Complete with all 26 pages, light toning at the margins, small library stamp within the masthead, small binding holes along the spine... See More
Adolf Hitler becomes Commander-in-Chief....
Item #683314
February 05, 1938
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 5, 1938
* Adolph Hitler - Nazi Party
* Assumes as Commander-in-Chief
* All German armed forces
The top of the front page has a four column headline: "HITLER ASSUMES CONTROL OF ARMY; RETIRES 15 GENERALS AND SHIFTS 25; RIBBENTROP MADE FOREIGN MINISTER" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on Adolph Hitler assuming the title of Commander-in-Chief, thu... See More
Mussolini kicked out...
Item #683251
July 26, 1943
DAILY NEWS, WAR EXTRA, Los Angeles, July 26, 1943
* Italy - Benito Mussolini ousted
* Pietro Badoglio takes over
* World War II - WWII
The bold banner headline above the masthead announces: "ITALY DECLARES MARTIAL LAW" with subhead and photo of Mussolini. Nice for display. More on pages 2 & 3.
Complete with 28 pages, larger tabloid size issue measuring 19 1/2 by 13 1/2... See More
Adolf Hitler becomes Commander-in-Chief....
Item #683242
February 06, 1938
SECTION 4 ONLY of the New York Times, Feb. 6, 1938
* Adolph Hitler - Nazi Party
* Assumes as Commander-in-Chief
* All German armed forces
The front page of this section has three related photos with small heading: "'All Power to The Fuhrer'" with various subheads. (see) Coverage on Adolph Hitler assuming the title of Commander-in-Chief, thus taking personal command of th... See More
Death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt...
Item #682398
April 13, 1945
BUFFALO COURIER EXPRESS, New York, April 13, 1945
* Franklin D. Roosevelt FDR
* Warm Springs, Georgia
* World War II - WWII
The front page two-line banner head: "PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT DIES; OATH IS TAKEN BY TRUMAN" with photos of both. One of the subheads: "Stroke Is Fatal While on Visit To Warm Springs".
Complete in 22 pages, toning at the central fold, a few mino... See More
Death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt...
Item #682397
April 13, 1945
BUFFALO COURIER EXPRESS, New York, April 13, 1945
* Franklin D. Roosevelt FDR
* Warm Springs, Georgia
* World War II - WWII
The front page two-line banner head: "PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT DIES; OATH IS TAKEN BY TRUMAN" with photos of both. One of the subheads: "Stroke Is Fatal While on Visit To Warm Springs".
Complete in 22 pages, a little right margin wear, generally ... See More
General George Patton dies in 1945...
Item #682331
December 21, 1945
BUFFALO EVENING NEWS, New York, December 21, 1945
* General George S. Patton death (1st report)
* Automobile accident or assassination ?
The front page has a banner headline: "GEN. PATTON SUCCUMBS TO CRASH INJURIES" with subheads. (see)
Forty-four pages, mostly loose along the spine, some wear along the central fold with archival mending on page 2 and a little text loss. A little... See More
Dramatic headline on the death of President Roosevelt...
Item #682045
April 12, 1945
THE DAILY SENTINEL, Grand Junction, Colorado, April 12, 1945
* Franklin D. Roosevelt FDR death
* Great issue for display
The screaming banner headline--in red ink--takes the top on-third of the front page: "ROOSEVELT DIES TODAY" with the subhead: "President Dies, Cerebral Hemorrhage This Afternoon at Warm Springs, Ga. Truman Notified; Cabinet Is Called" with photo... See More
Mussolini is ousted...
Item #681453
July 26, 1943
* Italy - Benito Mussolini ousted
* Pietro Badoglio takes over
* World War II era
The bold banner headline announces: "MUSSOLINI OUT" with: "King Takes Over Command of Army; Marshal Badoglio Appointed Premier" and various subheads. Great for display.
Complete with all 3 sections (32 pages), light toning along central fold a... See More
FDR nominated for 3rd term.... 1st & only time ever...
Item #681232
July 19, 1940
* President Franklin D. Roosevelt FDR
* Nominated for 3rd term (1st & only time in U.S. history)
The front page has a nice headline: "IT'S FDR, WALLACE; But It Came After a Revolt" with subheads and related photo. More on the following pages.
Complete with all 26 pages, light toning at the margins, small library stamp within the head... See More
Fantastic broadside on the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt...
Item #680012
April 12, 1945
THE SCIO TRIBUNE--EXTRA !, Linn County, Oregon, April 12, 1945
* Very unusual broadside extra
* Franklin D. Roosevelt FDR death
* Great for display
The photos tells it all. We have never seen a newspaper with such a dramatic presentation on the front page. The publisher wanted to use larger letters than the width of his newspaper would allow so he set all the type below the masthead ... See More
Allied propaganda newspaper dropped from planes...
Item #679980
June 10, 1944
* Very rare WWII air drop issue
A most fascinating single sheet newspaper, which translates to "News For The Troops", published by the Psychological Warfare Division of the Allied forces and dropped by Allied aircraft over Germany during the closing year of the war. This newspaper/leaflet was created to counter Goebbels' propaga... See More
Notable cartoon on the plight of Jewish refugees...
Item #679880
July 03, 1938
NEW YORK TIMES, July 3, 1938
* Jewish refugees political cartoon
* Escaping Adolph Hitler & Nazi Germany
The top of an inside page (E-3) has a very notable political cartoon concerning the plight of Jewish refugees trying to flee Nazi Germany, notable enough that it is a feature display in the National Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.
This cartoon was created in anticipation... See More
Nazi-occupied Belgium...
Item #679269
November 05, 1942
BRUYSSELER ZEITUNG (Brüssels Newspaper), Belgium, Nov. 5, 1942 From Nazi-occupied Belgium with a wealth of war-related reporting. The main headline notes: "Setback For Roosevelt's Party".
Presumed complete in 6 pages, good condition.
The surrender document is about to happen... An emaciated General Wainwright...
Item #678942
September 02, 1945
* Japan officially surrenders
* Douglass MacArthur
* USS Missouri signing
* World War II is over (V-J)
The 2-line banner headline reports the official end of World War II with the signing of the surrender document on board the battleship Missouri the following day: "TRUMAN, M'ARTHUR AND NIMITZ BROADCAST SURRENDER SIGNING" with var... See More
Japan says they will surrender...
Item #678939
August 14, 1945
LOS ANGELES TIMES, August 14, 1945
* Japan Surrenders (day of)
* Great issue for display
* World War II over
The 2-line banner headline announces: "SURRENDER NOTE ON WAY, TOKYO RADIO ANNOUNCES" with various related subheads. The ftpg. photo shows General Eisenhower & others.
The complete first section (of 2) with pages 1-12, various wear at the margins with some ... See More
Battle of Okinawa ending... General Buckner is killed...
Item #678817
June 19, 1945
NEW YORK TIMES, June 19, 1945
* Battle of Okinawa, Japan ending
* General Simon B. Buckner death
* Tenth United States Army commander
General Buckner was killed during the closing days of the Battle of Okinawa... See More
Hitler invades in Austria in 1938...
Item #678296
March 15, 1938
LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, March 15, 1938
* Germans capture Vienna, Austria
* Adolph Hitler
* Pre-World War II
This 6 page newspaper has a two column headline on the front page: "HITLER TELLS WORLD ABSORPTION OF AUSTRIA GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT," with subheads.
Other news of the day throughout. Lite browning with minor margin wear, otherwise in nice conditi... See More
Odell Waller final words... Battle of El Alamein...
Item #678283
July 03, 1942
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 3, 1942
* Odell Waller final words
* Battle of El Alamein
* World War II Egypt
Page 19 has the final words of Odell Waller, an African-American sharecropper from Gretna, Virginia, executed for the fatal shooting of his white landlord (source wiki). Additionally, the front page has a five column headline: "BRITISH SWEEP AROUND AXIS FLANK IN EGYPT, U. S. AND R... See More
World War II about to start in 1939...
Item #676869
August 19, 1939
ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, August 19, 1939
* World War II about to start
* Adolph Hitler defying World
* Poland about to be attacked
The top of the front page has a four column headline: "GERMANS TAKER MILITARY POSSESSION OF SLOVAKIA; TROOPS LINE POLISH BORDER" with subheads. (see)
Complete with all 14 pages, light toning and very minor wear at the margins, small binding holes al... See More
Nazis prepare for a D-Day invasion...
Item #676709
June 02, 1944
EVENING PRESS, Island of Guernsey (in the English Channel), June 2, 1944
* Rare German occupation publication
* Nazis prepare for D-Day invasion
* World War II - WWII - William Joyce
A very curious issue, as Guernsey, an English-speaking island, was occupied by the Germans during WWII so all the news was pro-Nazi.
Among the front page reports is: "Fortification on the European ... See More
Hitler Takes Czech Lands...
Item #676637
October 03, 1938
THE GREENSBORO PATRIOT, North Carolina, Oct. 3, 1938
* Current day Czechoslovakia
* Nazis - Adolph Hitler
The front page has a two column headline: "GENERAL PEACE PACT PROPOSED AS HITLER TAKES CZECH LANDS" with subhead: "Czechs Also Yield To Polish Ultimatum and Plan Cessions To Hungary; Premiers To Discuss Four-Power Pact Adjustments".
This is coverage on ... See More
General George S. Patton death burial..
Item #675549
December 25, 1945
CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, December 25, 1945
* General George S. Patton death burial
* Post World War II reports
The top of page 8 has a one column heading: "PATTON BURIED AT SIDE OF 3D ARMY PRIVATE" with subhead and related pictorial.
Complete with 32 pages, light toning at the margins, some small binding holes along the spine, generally nice.... See More
SS Athenia torpedoed... America stays out of World War II...
Item #675124
September 04, 1939
THE GREENSBORO PATRIOT, North Carolina, Sept. 4, 1939
* SS Athenia sinking (1st report)
* 1st British ship sunk by Germany
* World War II at the beginning
* Britain and France entering the war
The front page banner headline announces: "SHIP IS TORPEDOED" with subheads: "Declare War On Nazis" "Britain & France Put Mighty Forces Into Action When Hitler Spu... See More
Godesberg Memorandum... Adolph Hitler...
Item #674817
September 24, 1938
THE NEW YORK TIMES, September 24, 1938
* Adolph Hitler & Neville Chamberlain
* Bad Godesberg, Germany meeting
* re. Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia land
The front page has a five column headline: "CHAMBERLAIN SENDS HITLER TERMS TO CZECHS; PRAGUE COMPLETES MOBILIZATION IN 6 HOURS; PARIS CABINET ORDERS PARTIAL MOBILIZATION" with subheads. (see) Lengthy text with other related headi... See More
Tehran Conference in 1943 WWII...
Item #673881
December 04, 1943
* Tehran Conference in Iran
* Franklin D. Roosevelt - Winston Churchill - Joseph Stalin
The front page has a nice headline: "'REDS REVEAL 'BIG 3' PARLEY; New Plans Mapped by Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill" with subheads and small related map. First report coverage on the Tehran Conference meeting between the bi... See More
President Truman says the youth of America are too weak...
Item #673857
October 24, 1945
WILMINGTON MORNING STAR, North Carolina, Oct. 24, 1945
* Precursor to Presidential Fitness Test
* Truman Speech to Congress to establish Universal Military Training
The front page has a 3 column heading: "President Truman Recommends Year of Training for All American Youth". The program he was proposing would require "a year's military training for all young men when they... See More
Signed National Day of Thanksgiving by Roosevelt...
Item #673712
November 24, 1938
THE GREENSBOROUGH PATRIOT, (Greensboro), North Carolina, Nov. 21, 1938 Front page coverage has a two column heading: "Roosevelt Proclaims Day of Thanksgiving", and is signed "FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT". Quite displayable.
Other news of the day is found throughout.
This issue is complete in eight pages and is in nice condition.... See More
Roosevelt backs Jews...
Item #673711
November 17, 1938
THE GREENSBOROUGH PATRIOT, (Greensboro), North Carolina, Nov. 17, 1938 Front page coverage has a one column heading: "ROOSEVELT HAS SHARP REBUKE FOR JEW HATERS", with a subheading, "Says Public Opinion Deeply Shocked By German Atrocities; 50,000 Jews Held as Hostages". The article goes on to quote Roosevelt: "I myself could scarcely believe that such things coul... See More
Hitler backs Mussolini... The Jewish question...
Item #673516
February 02, 1939
THE GREENSBORO PATRIOT, North Carolina, Feb. 2, 1939 The banner headline declares: "HITLER PROMISES SUPPORT FOR MUSSOLINI" with subheads including: THE REICHSTAG HEARS DEMAND OF CHANCELLOR FOR LAND, TRADE", "Fuehrer Warns The United States Not To Interrupt Nazi Program in South America, Raps Ickes".
Included in the article is a list of Declarations including: "... See More
Allies storm Sicily, Italy in 1943...
Item #673150
July 12, 1943
* Invasion of Sicily Italy
* Operation Husky begins
The nice headline on the front page announces: "Invaders Overcome First Resistance--Move Ahead Under Powerful Aerial Umbrella" with subheads, related map and small photo of Dwight Eisenhower. (see)
Complete with 30 pages, light toning at the margins, some small binding holes and a lit... See More
Marian Anderson receives Spingarn Medal...
Item #672883
July 03, 1939
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 3, 1939
* Marian Anderson receives Spingarn Medal
* Celebrated African American singer
* First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt
The top of page 15 has a one column heading: "FIRST LADY HONORS MARTIAN ANDERSON" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on Eleanor Roosevelt presenting Marian Anderson with the 1939 Spingarn Medal. I suspect this is one of the few pu... See More
Tehran Conference in 1943 WWII...
Item #672315
December 05, 1943
* Tehran Conference in Iran
* Franklin D. Roosevelt - Winston Churchill - Joseph Stalin
The front page has a nice banner headline: "'BIG 3' AGREE ON ALL-OUT BLOW" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on the Tehran Conference meeting between the big three powers in Iran.
Complete with all 50+ pages, light... See More
General George S. Patton in 1943...
Item #672184
November 25, 1943
CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, November 25, 1943
* re. General George Patton slaps soldier
* World War II - WWII
The front page has a one column heading "See Promotion for Ike Periled by Patton Slap" (see) Coverage on General George S. Patton's possible removal from command for slapping and insulting a shell shocked soldier. Some stray pencil markings with this report.
Complete with ... See More
1941 Winston Churchill speech....
Item #671579
NEW YORK WORLD-TELEGRAM, Dec. 31, 1941* Winston Churchill speech
* "Some chicken! Some neck!"
* Ottawa, Canada - World War II
The front page has a six column heading: "Japan In for Surprises At Luzon, Says Churchill" (see)
Much on World War II shortly after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Complete with all 20 pages, light toning with a few small mends at the margins, som... See More
Franklin D. Roosevelt's state-of-the-union address...
Item #671100
January 04, 1938
NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 4, 1938
* President Franklin D. Roosevelt
* FDR State of the Union Address
This issue contains Roosevelt's state-of-the-union address with a front page headline: "Roosevelt Asks Capital and Labor To Cooperate in National Recovery; Denounces Abuses by Small Groups" and various subheads. The full text of the speech is found on pages 16 & 17 and whi... See More
A Nazi newspaper from an English island...
Item #669297
November 05, 1942
THE STAR, Guernsey, Channel Islands, Nov. 5, 1942
* Rare German occupation title
* World War II - WWII
Among the front page reports are: "480,000 Tons of Anglo-American Shipping Lost In Ten Days" "Roosevelt Has Forgotten His Past" "British Attack Incessantly--Superior Forces Repelled" and more.
Four pages, small binding holes at the blank spine, great conditio... See More
1944 Theodore Roosevelt Jr. death.... WWII Normandy...
Item #668512
July 14, 1944
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 14, 1944
* Theodore "Ted" Roosevelt Jr. death
* Utah Beach World War II Normandy
* World War II - WWII - Post D-Day
The front page has a two column heading: "Theodore Roosevelt, 56, Dies On Normandy Battlefield" with subhead and photo. (see) Lengthy first report coverage continues on page 8. (see) Always nice to have notable events in history re... See More
1945 President Harry Truman speech...
Item #668463
April 26, 1945
* President Harry Truman
* World Security Parley
* European war nears the end
The front page has a nice banner headline: "OPEN PARLEY TO END WARS" with subheads and complete text of Truman's speech on page 6. Much on World War II.
Complete with 36 pages, small binding holes along the spine, small address stamp wi... See More
Winston Churchill loses election... Near the end of the war with Japan...
Item #667764
July 27, 1945
* Winston Churchill's upset defeat
* 1945 United Kingdom general election
* Clement Attlee & the Labour Party
* War with Japan near the end
The front page has a two column photo showing Clement Attlee with heading: "New British Premier" Also a two column heading: "Clement Attlee To Form New British Governmen... See More
Winston Churchill "War Situation" speech... Eisenhower is Supreme Commander...
Item #666571
February 12, 1943
* Winston Churchill "War Situation" speech
* House of Commons of the United Kingdom
* Dwight Eisenhower becomes supreme commander
The front page has five column heading: "War: New Command, Plans for 1943" with subheads that include: "Prime Minister Tell Commons That Detailed Plans for Nine Months of Attack Are Laid&q... See More
Mount Rushmore completed... construction ends...
Item #666461
November 02, 1941
ROTOGRAVURE SECTION only of the New York Times, Nov. 2, 1941
* Mount Rushmore National Memorial
* Black Hills - Keystone, South Dakota
* Construction ends on mountainside
Page 5 of this section has a photo of Mount Rushmore with heading: "HEROIC HEADS" with text that begins with: "Complete at last, the gigantic heads of Washington, Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Lincoln.... See More
George S. Patton makes Lieutenant General...
Item #666091
March 12, 1943
THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 12, 1943
* General George S. Patton promoted
* World War II - WWII (1st report)
The top of page 4 has a small one column heading: "Patton and Spaatz Picked As Lieutenant General" 1st report coverage on famous World War II hero, George S. Patton, being promoted to Lieutenant General. Unfortunate for the small, inside page report here, but still a first rep... See More
Italy gives up!
Item #666086
September 08, 1943
DAILY NEWS--WAR EXTRA, Los Angeles, Sept. 8, 1943 A very displayable issue with this great front page: "Eisenhower announces---ALL ITALY IN SURRENDER ! " and: "Military Armistice In Effect". A very displayable issue.
A tabloid-size newspaper, present are 12 of the 40 pages, good condition.
Second Battle of El Alamein... Rommel....
Item #665573
October 24, 1942
HERALD EXPRESS, WAR EXTRA, Los Angeles, Oct. 24, 1942
* Second Battle of El Alamein begins
* World War II Egypt - Africa
* German General Erwin Rommel
The front page has a nice banner headline: "BIG EGYPT DRIVE" with subhead. (see) Nice for display.
Incomplete issue containing the 1st 2 loose leafs only (pages 1-4), nice for display as such.... See More
Roosevelt defines four freedoms...
Item #665440
January 07, 1941
* Franklin D. Roosevelt's Four Freedoms defined
* State of the Union Address
The front page has a nice headline: "CONGRESS TO RUSH 'STOP HITLER' DRIVE" with subheads. (see) Complete text of Roosevelt's message in located on page 15. In his message he defines what he considered the four essential freedoms: f
Hitler gaining power... Hitler Youth photo...
Item #664902
January 29, 1939
MAGAZINE SECTION of the New York Times, Jan. 29, 1939
* Adolph Hitler rules Germany
* Hitler Youth photo
The front page has a pro-Hitler illustration with banner heading: "Doubts Rise, But Hitler's Power Holds" which is a editorial by Harold Callender. Continues inside with a few related photos including one of the Hitler Youth. (see)
Complete magazine section only with all 2... See More
Battle of the Bulge prelude... Gen. Alexander Patch......
Item #664504
December 13, 1944
THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 13, 1944
* General Alexander Patch
* Gen. George S. Patton photo
* World War II - WWII
* Battle of the Bulge prelude
The top of the front page has a five column headline: "7TH ARMY GAINS NEAR KARLSRUHE; 1ST CLEARS 5 TOWNS ALONG ROER" with subheads that include: "Patch's Forces in Seltz in Drive for Reich Chemical District" and mor... See More
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