World War I Era
World War I Era
A set of five newspapers frm the early years of World War I...
Item #679889
January 01, 1916
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, California A lot of five issues dated Feb. 21, Jan. 25, Jan. 11, Dec. 29 of 1916 & Dec. 29, Dec. 21 of 1915
* World War I - WWI
* Nice headlines for display
Each has a nice front page banner headline from the early years of World War I (prior to U.S. involvement) with related front page coverage.
The photos show the entire front page of each issue. Eac... See More
Louis D. Brandeis... 1st Jewish Supreme Court Justice...
Item #655979
January 29, 1916
THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Georgia, January 29, 1916
* Louis D. Brandeis nomination
* 1st Jewish Supreme Court justice
The front page carries a single column headline "Brandeis Is Named To Succeed Lamar" with subhead "Nomination Causes Great Surprise, and It Seems Certain There Will Be Gift Against Confirmation". "...The senate received the nomi... See More
Louis Brandeis, first Jew nominated for the Supreme Court...
Item #653003
January 29, 1916
CHICAGO HERALD, January 29, 1916 The top of a middle column of the ftpg. is headed: "BRANDEIS, NAMED FOR HIGH COURT, FACES BIG FIGHT" "Many Senators Oppose Boston Lawyer, Chosen to Fill Vacancy on Supreme Bench" "First Jew For Post" "Wilson Will Lead Contest for Confirmation and is Confident His Candidate Will Be Approved". The ... See More
1916 Relations w/ Germany crumbling...
Item #679988
January 31, 1916
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Jan. 31, 1916
* Relations w/ Germany deteriorating
* Pre-United States involvement in WWI
The front page has a nice banner headline: "AMERICANS GIVEN WARNING TO LEAVE GERMANY" with subhead. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in... See More
Zeppelins raid Paris...
Item #555287
January 31, 1916
THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Georgia, January 31, 1916
* German zeppelins raid Paris France (1st time)
* World War I original
This 10 page newspaper has three column headline on the front page:
* Second Raid Made on Paris By Death-Dealing Zeppelin; Crowds Watch for Raider
with subheads that include: "24 Persons Killed And 25 Others Hurt By First Zeppelin" and more.
Other ne... See More
Dime builds battleship fund... Marjorie Sterett...
Item #657488
February 04, 1916
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, February 4, 1916 Front page carries an article entitled "Little Girl's Dime May Build A Warship to Guard America" with subtitle "Child, Tired of Funds for Foreigners, Starts One for Own Nation". This is about Marjorie Sterett who started the Marjorie Sterett Battleship Fund Award from her desire to help build the battleships for World War I. Her hand... See More
1916 Great Northern Railway avalanche...
Item #679985
February 07, 1916
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Feb. 7, 1916
* Sinking of the Lusitania case
* Compromise with Germany ?
* World War I tensions
The front page has a nice banner headline: "BERLIN OFFERS CONCESSION" with subhead: "LUSITANIA CASE NOW NEARING FINISH" (see) Nice for display. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to fin... See More
Louis D. Brandeis...
Item #177823
February 19, 1916
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, New York, February 19, 1916
Note: This issue does not have the original color cover, and the title page appears on the inside of the first leaf.
In this issue, there are several articles including "The Living Law" by Louis D. Brandeis; "A Submarine of Fifty Years Ago"; "Russia and a Separate Peace?" by Samuel N. Harper; ... See More
Battle of Verdun, France...
Item #678491
February 24, 1916
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass., February 24, 1916
* Battle of Verdun, France beginning
* World War I - WWI
* German vs. French armies
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "GERMANS IN HARD DRIVE ON VERDUN" with subhead. (see) Coverage at the beginning of the Battle of Verdun in France. Some consider this to be the greatest and lengthiest battle in World history.
C... See More
1916 Battle of Verdun, France begins....
Item #701202
February 26, 1916
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Feb. 26, 1916
* Battle of Verdun, France beginning
* World War I - WWI
* German vs. French armies
The front page has a nice banner headline: "GREAT GERMAN VICTORY" with subhead. (see images) Nice for display. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from... See More
Item #177828
March 25, 1916
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, New York, March 25, 1916 (without color wrapper)
In this issue, there are several articles including "A Great Artist in a New Field" which includes an illustration by Hassam; "Henry James" by Henry S. Canby; "Japan, China, and American Money" by Hollington K. Tong; "Plutarch Lights of History--No. 5: Charles Chaplin" by... See More
Mexican bandit Pancho Villa in 1916
Item #577831
March 28, 1916
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, March 28, 1916
* Pancho Villa expedition... pursued by U.S. soldiers
* Post Columbus, New Mexico raid
* General John J. Pershing
This 14 page newspaper has a two column headline on the front page: "TROOPS RACE AFTER VILLA 300 MILES BELOW BORDER", with subheads (see images).
Other news of the day throughout. Usual browning with a little margin wear and tear, o... See More
Item #177829
April 01, 1916
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, New York, April 1, 1916
This issue has a color cover page before the title page.
In this issue, there are several articles including "The Next Election" by Henry French Hollis, U. S. Senator from New Hampshire; "The Nation's Capital"; "Godmothers to the Trenches" by Henry G. Dodge; "A Columbian Idyl" by Joyce Kilmer; &q... See More
Mexican bandit Pancho Villa...
Item #584016
April 05, 1916
THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Georgia, April 5, 1916
* Pancho Villa expedition
* Post Columbus, New Mexico raid
* United States soldiers pursue Mexican bandit
This 14 page newspaper has a nice banner headline on the front page: "UNITED STATES TROOPS SMASH VILLA FORCE" with subheads. Nice headline for display.
Other news of the day. Light browning with a little margin wear... See More
Item #177830
April 08, 1916
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, New York, April 8, 1916 (no color cover)
In this issue, there are several articles including "A Reply to Mr. Wilson" by Lincoln Steffens; "Rumania's Man of Power" by Gerald Morgan; "The Humanness of Advertising" by Milton Goodman; "Trails of the Little Neutrals" which includes several photos; "Huerta and the Tw... See More
Christy Mathewson...
Item #177831
April 15, 1916
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, New York, April 15, 1916
Note: As is typical for the later issues of Harper's Weekly, the color cover is not present.
In this issue, there are several articles including "Two Poems by Richard Le Gallienne; "The Five Ages of the Bowery"; "The Wilson Administration and the Wage-Worker" by William B. Wilson, Secretary of Labor; &q... See More
Item #177832
April 22, 1916
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, New York, April 22, 1916
This issue has a color cover page before the title page.
In this issue, there are several articles including "A New War Secretary's Ideas" by Fred C. Kelly; "The U. S. S. Oklahoma" by Truman Smith; "the Seamen's Act" by William B. Wilson, Secretary of Labor; "Atmosphere of the Theatre" by Lee Wi... See More
Item #177833
April 29, 1916
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, New York, April 29, 1916
This issue has a color cover page before the title page.
In this issue, there are several articles including "The Coming Election" by Charles D. Hazen; "Plutarch Lights of History--No. 7: Bernard Shaw" by F. P. A.; "Movies Destroy Art" by Charles E. Whittaker; "Movies Create Art" by Maurice Tour... See More
Charlie Chaplin...
Item #177834
May 06, 1916
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, New York, May 6, 1916
This issue has a color cover page before the title page.
In this issue, there are several articles including "America Realizing Russia" by E. K. Reynolds; "The Cost of Land in France" by Morris Edwards; "Selections in the Closet"; "The Kansas" by Truman Smith which has a photo of the "Kansa... See More
HMS Hamspire (1903) explosion disaster....
Item #616511
June 07, 1916
* HMS Hampshire (1903) explosion disaster sinking
* Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener
* World War I - WWI - Royal Navy
The front page one column headings that include: "BRITAIN IS STUNNED BY DRAMATIC DEATH OF EARL KITCHENER" "Earl and Staff Went Down With Cruiser Hampshire When Vessel Was Hit Off Orkney Islands by Mine or To... See More
1916 Capture of Contalmaison... France...
Item #691516
July 11, 1916
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, July 11, 1916
* Capture of Contalmaison
* Battle of Albert - France
* World War I - WWI
* German vs. British armies
The front page has a nice banner headline: "GERMAN TRENCHES STORMED" with subhead. (see) Nice for display. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not total... See More
1916 submarine bombarment of Seaham, England...
Item #680871
July 12, 1916
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, July 12, 1916
* Seaham, County Durham, England
* German submarine bombardment
* World War I - WWI colliery village
The front page has a nice banner headline: "DIVER SHELLS BRITISH PORT" with subhead. (see) Nice for display. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not tota... See More
German U-Boat Deutschland...
Item #567316
July 12, 1916
FITCHBURG DAILY SENTINEL, Massachusetts, July 12, 1916
* Giant German U-Boat Deutschland
* re. Baltimore Maryland landing
* Preparing for trip home
This 12 page newspaper has a one column headline on the front page: "PREPARING FOR RETURN VOYAGE" and "U.S. Government May Keep Secret Details of Departure of German Submarine".
Other news of the day throughout. Light bro... See More
Item #547879
July 13, 1916
THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Georgia, July 13, 1916
* Giant German U-Boat Deutschland
* Baltimore Maryland landing
* Avoids British blockade
This 14 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page:
* Board Of Neutrality To Pass On Deutchland
and more.
Other news of the day throughout. Some browning around the margins with ... See More
Nice World War I reports and headlines...
Item #681517
July 18, 1916
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, California, July 18, 1916 Printed in red ink is a banner headline on World War I: "ALL GERMANY ALARMED BY SMASH OF ALLIES" with other heads including: "Teuton Armies On Eastern Front In Retreat" "Von Hindenburg Is Called To Berlin For Conference" "Situation In West Serious" "Slavs Pressing Foe On All Sides In Great Driv... See More
Front page headlines on World War I...
Item #682280
July 19, 1916
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, California, July 19, 1916 Several front page heads on World War I including: "RUSSIANS INVADE HUNGARY" "Germans Regain Ground From British" "Admission of Losses Made By London" "Assaults Violent In Riga Sector".
Complete in ten pages, nice condition.
Headlines on World War I...
Item #682443
July 29, 1916
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, California, July 29, 1916 The front page has a banner headline on World War I: "RUSSIANS BREAK GERMAN LINES" with subheads. A banner headline at the bottom of the ftpg: "End Of Second Year War Finds German Confidence Still Unshaken".
Complete in 16 pages, slightly close-trimmed at the right margin, great condition.... See More
1916 Preparedness Day Bombing arrests...
Item #680822
August 02, 1916
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Aug. 2, 1916
* Preparedness Day Bombing arrests
* re. American entry into World War I
The front page has a nice banner headline: "FIVE INDICTED IN BOMB PLOT" with subhead. (see) Nice for display. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in p... See More
Nice headline on World War I...
Item #682444
August 24, 1916
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, California, Aug. 24, 1916 Some nice front page headlines on World War I including--in red ink--a banner: "FURIOUS BATTLE IN BALKANS" with other related subheads.
Complete in 12 pages, minor flaw at the very top of the front leaf, very nice condition.
1916 German zeppelins air raid on England....
Item #691606
August 25, 1916
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Aug. 25, 1916
* German zeppelins - airships
* Aerial raid on London - England
* World War I - WWI bombing
The front page has a nice banner headline: "LONDON ATTACKED BY AIRSHIPS" with subhead. (see) Nice for display. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fra... See More
Paul von Hindenburg...
Item #584101
August 30, 1916
THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Georgia, August 30, 1916
* Paul von Hindenburg
* German Chief of Staff
This 14 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page: "SUPREME COMMAND TO VON HINDENBURG"
"Kaiser William Has Dismissed Gen. von Falkenhayn and Named Field Marshal von Hindenburg Chief of Staff". 1st report coverage of Paul von Hindenburg being named th... See More
1916 Battle of the River Somme... WWI...
Item #708567
September 05, 1916
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Sept. 5, 1916
* Battle of the River Somme offensive - France
* World War I - WWI - German & British Empires
* One of the deadliest battles in human history
The front page has a nice banner headline in bold lettering: "ALLIES IN BIG ATTACK" with subhead. (see images) Nice for display. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the &quo... See More
1916 Battle of Verdun, France....
Item #699632
September 07, 1916
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Sept. 7, 1916
* Battle of Verdun
* Western Front - France
* World War I - WWI
* German vs. French armies
The front page has a nice banner headline in red lettering: "GERMAN TRENCHES STORMED" with subhead. (see images) Nice for display. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that ... See More
Battle of Flers-Courcelette... 1st use of tanks...
Item #699627
September 15, 1916
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Sept. 15, 1916
* Battle of Flers-Courcelette
* Somme offensive - France
* Known for 1st use of tanks
* World War I - WWI
The front page has a banner headline: "GERMANS THIRD LINE IS BROKEN" with subhead. (see images) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally ... See More
Woodrow Wilson is re-elected President...
Item #705528
November 10, 1916
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Nov. 10, 1916
* Woodrow Wilson election
* Charles Evans Hughes
The front page has a banner headline: "REPUBLICANS DEMAND RECOUNT" with subhead. (see images) Nice for display. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper. Rare as such.
... See More
1916 Battle of the Somme River nearing the end...
Item #682323
November 11, 1916
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Nov. 11, 1916
* Battle of the Somme nearing the end
* World War I - WWI - German Empire
The front page has a nice banner headline: "BRITISH IN BIG GAIN" with subhead. (see) Nice for display. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper... See More
1916 Battle of Gorizia... Italy...
Item #682101
November 21, 1916
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Nov. 21, 1916
* Battle of Cambrai, France
* Hindenburg Line crossed
* 1st ever major tank battle
* World War I - WWI
* FRONT LEAF ONLY (Pages 1 & 2)
The front page has a nice banner headline in bold lettering: "BRITISH DRIVING AHEAD" with subhead. (see)
Front leaf only (pages 1 & 2), minor margin wear, nice for display as such.
... See More
Franz Joseph I death in 1916...
Item #582244
November 22, 1916
LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, November 22, 1916.
* Franz Francis Joseph I Death
* Austria - Romania
* Charles Joseph
This 6 page newspaper has two column headlines on the front page;
* Will Be Emperor of Austria.....
Other news of the day. Light browning with some margin wear and tear, should be handled wit
... See More
* Franz Francis Joseph I Death
* Austria - Romania
* Charles Joseph
This 6 page newspaper has two column headlines on the front page;
* Will Be Emperor of Austria.....
Other news of the day. Light browning with some margin wear and tear, should be handled wit
A miniature edition of a British tabloid...
Item #695797
January 01, 1917
DAILY SKETCH - MINIATURE COPY, Manchester, England. The "regular" edition of this title was a tabloid which considered itself "The Premier Picture Paper", having begun in 1908. This is the "Miniature Copy" which has no date. One can presume it was printed as a curiosity (can find nothing on the web concerning it) as the type is much too small to be read without ... See More
Munitions explosion at Silvertown...
Item #583747
January 21, 1917
SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, Springfield, Massachusetts, January 21, 1917
* Silvertown, West Ham, Essex, London
* Munitions factory explosion disaster
This 30+ page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page that include: "PLANT WIPED OUT", "BRITISH EXPLOSION", "Fifty Or Sixty Dead" and more (see photos). 1st report coverage on the Silvertown Explosion in ... See More
1917 German U-Boats Unleashed....
Item #583754
February 01, 1917
SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, Springfield, Massachusetts, February 1, 1917
* Germany announces unrestricted submarine warfare
* U-Boats - World War I - WWI - America tensions
This 16 page newspaper has four column headlines on the front page: "SUBMARINES UNLEASHED BY GERMANY", "Unrestricted War on Ships Will Begin To-Day" and "BERLIN SENDS A WARNING TO UNITED STAT
... See More
* Germany announces unrestricted submarine warfare
* U-Boats - World War I - WWI - America tensions
This 16 page newspaper has four column headlines on the front page: "SUBMARINES UNLEASHED BY GERMANY", "Unrestricted War on Ships Will Begin To-Day" and "BERLIN SENDS A WARNING TO UNITED STAT
U.S. breaks relations w/ Germany in 1917...
Item #681730
February 01, 1917
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Feb. 1, 1917
* United States close to World War I
* President Woodrow Wilson
The front page has a nice banner headline: "U. S. AND GERMANY IN BREAK" with subheads. (see) Nice for display. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper. Ra... See More
U.S. breaks relations with Germany in 1917...
Item #592777
February 04, 1917
THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 4, 1917
* United States close to World War I
* President Woodrow Wilson
This 20 page newspaper has a nice banner headline on the front page:
"RELATIONS WITH GERMANY ARE BROKEN OFF; AMERICAN SHIP HOUSATONIC SUNK, CREW SAFE; MILITIA CALLED OUT; GERMAN SHIPS SEIZED" with subheads. A nice issue for display here. 1st report coverage on the official break o... See More
U.S. breaking relations with Germany in 1917...
Item #712161
February 05, 1917
THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, North Carolina, February 5, 1917
* United States close to World War I
* President Woodrow Wilson
The front page has a nice banner headline: "BOLD STROKE BY WILSON..." with many subheads. (see) Coverage on the dwindling relations between United States and Germany.
Complete with 10 pages, light toning, minor margin wear, generally good. Should be handled with... See More
1917 Dan Shay murder case...
Item #681841
February 06, 1917
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Feb. 6, 1917
* United States & Germany tensions grow
* U-Boat submarine attacks - World War I
The front page has a banner headline in red lettering: "U. S. PLAYS OWN HAND" with subhead. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in p... See More
British liner California is torpedoed by a German sub...
Item #671960
February 08, 1917
SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, Feb. 8, 1917
* SS California sunk
* German submarine attack
* World War I tensions rise
The top of the front page has a report of the torpedoing of the British liner California: "LINER SUNK WITHOUT WARNING" "California Torpedoed Off Irish Coast" "WOMEN & CHILDREN ARE MISSING" "No Americans Killed" &quo... See More
SS California torpedoed... WWI German submarine...
Item #676922
February 08, 1917
THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, North Carolina, February 8, 1917
* SS California sunk
* German submarine attack
* World War I tensions rise
The front page has a nice banner headline: "CALIFORNIA SUNK WITHOUT WARNING; SENATE ENDORSES ACTION OF WILSON" with subheads. (see) Nice for display.
Twelve pages, light toning and minor wear art the margins, small library label within subheads (see)... See More
Color cover... German submarine "Deutschland"...
Item #645194
February 10, 1917
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, February 10, 1917 The colored cover is entitled "Aboard the Merchant Submarine 'Deutschland'" with an accompanying article. Inside the issue is: "Facts About the Panama Canal"; "Where Science Joins Hands with Art - The Modern Taxidermy as Revealed in San Francisco's Great New Museum"; and more articles, illustrati... See More
New York City Food Riot of 1917...
Item #681724
February 20, 1917
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Feb. 20, 1917
* New York City food riot of 1917
* World War I era shortages
The front page has a nice banner headline: "STARVING WOMEN STORM CITY HALL IN NEW YORK" with subheads. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper. Rare... See More
U.S. breaks relations with Germany in 1917...
Item #672498
February 28, 1917
THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, North Carolina, February 28, 1917
* United States close to World War I
* President Woodrow Wilson
The front page has a nice banner headline: "NOW UP TO CONGRESS" with many subheads. (see) Coverage on the official break of diplomatic relations between United States and Germany.
Other news day. Complete with 10 pages, light toning, tiny library label (see), g... See More
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