World War I Era
World War I Era
World War I reports...
Item #699127
May 03, 1918
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, California, May 3, 1918 The banner headline announces: "ALLIES GAIN GROUND" with much more on World War I including: "French Capture Hill and Wood; Successes Also Won by British" " "Expansion Program For American Army Already In Motion" and more.
Complete in 14 pages, address label on the front page, inked library stamp in the m... See More
Second Ostend Raid... 1918 Royal Navy...
Item #699688
May 10, 1918
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, May 10, 1918
* Second Ostend Raid - Belgium
* Royal Navy blockade attempt
* North Sea Operations - WWI
The front page has a banner headline: "BRITISH CLOSE PORT OF OSTEND" with subhead. (see images) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era... See More
Waiting to deal a death blow...
Item #655884
May 13, 1918
THE COURIER-JOURNAL Louisville, Kentucky, May 13, 1918 Ftpg. banner headline on World War I: "Sure of Power, Allies Not To Use U.S. Army Till It Is Complete Force" with subheads: "Would Wait To Deal Hun Death Blow" "French Make Another Gain In Flanders" and more.
Twelve pages, a bit irregular at the spine, nice condition.
1st airmail airplane service... 1918...
Item #701073
May 16, 1918
THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 16, 1918
* 1st regular airmail airplane U.S. service (historic)
* 1st airmail stamp delivery - Woodrow Wilson
* James C. Edgerton
This 24 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page that include: "FIRST AIR MAIL IN WASHINGTON IN 200 MINUTES", "Flight from New York to Capital with Letters and Parcels Made Without Mishap", "Time... See More
1918 Oakdale, Pennsylvania... Chemical plant TNT dynamite explosion...
Item #700365
May 18, 1918
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, May 18, 1918
* Oakdale PA Pennsylvania explosion
* Aetna Chemical Company disaster
* World War I - WWI reporting
The front page has a banner headline: "SCORES KILLED IN EXPLOSION" with subhead. (see images) Nice for display. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not to... See More
Bible saves soldier's life - to be given to the United States....
Item #673008
May 27, 1918
THE MORNING STAR, Wilmington, North Carolina, May 27, 1918 The front page has: "Bible Which Saved His Life to be Given U.S. by Soldier Wilson". There are many wartime stories concerning a soldier's life being saved by a Bible in his pocket, but this soldier gifted his Bible to the U.S. government. A wonderful wartime story!
Complete in 8 pages, fragile (typical for... See More
Nice front page reports on World War I...
Item #699355
May 27, 1918
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, California, May 27, 1918 Banner headline on World War I: "GERMANS RESUME GREAT DRIVE" and subheads including: "War Profits, Incomes & Luxuries Must Bear Added Burden" "Launch Tremendous Attacks At Two Points On West Front" "German Blow Struck At Surprising Point" with more.
Complete in 14 pages, address label in th... See More
3rd battle of Aisne.. WWI...
Item #642346
May 28, 1918
THE BETHLEHEM TIMES, Pennsylvania, May 28, 1918
* 3rd battle of the Ainse begins
* World War I
The front page has a three column headline: "VAST GERMAN FORCE EFFECTS CROSSING OF THE AINSE RIVER" with subheads. (see) Coverage during World War I including the beginning of the third battle of the Aisne.
Other news of the day. Complete in 16 pages, light toni... See More
Nice front page reports on World War I...
Item #699357
May 29, 1918
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, California, May 29, 1918 Banner headline on World War I: "RESERVES HALTING HUN DRIVE" and subheads including: "Americans Repulse German Counter Attacks" "Cantigny Captured In Brilliant Attack; Penetrate Deeply "Attack of American Troops May be Start of Allied Offensive" "Foch Has Situation Well In Hand; Losses Of Germans Hug... See More
Nice front page reports on World War I...
Item #699358
May 30, 1918
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, California, May 30, 1918 Banner headline on World War I: "GERMANS CHECKED AT SOISSONS" and subheads including: "Americans Hurl Back Heavy Assault By Huns" "Reserves At Front" "Germans; Fail To Regain Town" "Huns Fail In Effort To Raid Paris" and more.
Complete in 10 pages, address label in the headline, library st... See More
Nice front page reports on World War I...
Item #699359
May 31, 1918
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, California, May 31, 1918 Banner headline on World War I: "AMERICANS REPULSE ATTACKS" and subheads including: "Huns Bomb Hospitals Of Americans & British" "German Pressure Continues" "Barbarians Wipe Out Communities By Floods of Gas" "Four Big Assaults Bye Huns Are Beaten After Hot Fighting" and more.
Complete ... See More
Rose Pastor Stokes sentenced for espionage...
Item #699687
June 01, 1918
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, June 1, 1918
* Rose Pastor Stokes prison sentence
* Espionage Act of 1917 violation - WWI
* American socialist activist - writer
* Communist Party of America co-founder
The front page has a six column headline: "SENTENCE MRS. STOKES" with subhead. (see images) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very... See More
German U-Boats on American Coast campaign (1918)...
Item #699732
June 03, 1918
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, June 3, 1918
* German U-Boats - submarines
* North American coast campaign
The front page has a nice banner headline: "DIVERS AT WORK OFF U. S. COAST; Passenger Liner Radios Submarine Attack" with subhead. (see images) Nice for display. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that ... See More
Nice front page reports on World War I...
Item #699360
June 04, 1918
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, California, June 4, 1918 Banner headline on World War I: "AMERICANS HALT HUN ADVANCE" and subheads including: "Submarine Shells Life Boats Of American Ships" "Find 300 Of Ship Adrift At Sea" "Germans Thrown Back By Attack" and more.
Complete in 12 pages, address label in the headline, library stamp in the masthead, nice con... See More
1918 Capture of Vaux, France...
Item #700096
June 07, 1918
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, June 7, 1918
* Capture of Vaux - France
* Occupation of Chateau-Thierry
* American forces - River Marne
* World War I - WWI
The front page has a banner headline: "AMERICANS TAKE VAUX" with subheads. (see images) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile ... See More
1918 Battle of Belleau Wood... Marne River... France...
Item #704884
June 08, 1918
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, June 8, 1918
* Battle of Belleau Wood - France
* United States Marines Corps
* Marne River - German Spring Offensive
* World War I - WWI
The front page has a banner headline: "AMERICANS AND FRENCH GAIN" with subhead. (see images) Nice for display. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find... See More
1918 flying ace David Endicott Putnam killed...
Item #699643
June 15, 1918
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, June 15, 1918
* David Endicott Putnam - kills
* American flying ace "Ace of Aces"
* United States Air Service pilot
* World War I - WWI
The front page has a one column heading: "American Airman Downs Five Hun Airplanes In One Day" (see images) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard t... See More
Second Battle of the Piave River (1918)...
Item #699712
June 21, 1918
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, June 21, 1918
* Second Battle of the Piave River - Italy
* Kingdom of Italy vs. Austria-Hungary
* World War I - WWI Italian Front
The front page has a six column headline: "PIAVE FIGHTING IS VIOLENT" with subhead. (see images) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not t... See More
HMHS Llandovery Castle sinking... German U-boat...
Item #699731
July 01, 1918
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, July 1, 1918
* HMHS Llandovery Castle sinking
* Canadian hospital ship disaster
* SM U-86 German U-boat torpedo attack
* World War I - WWI submarine
The front page has a nice banner headline: "GERMANS SINK HOSPITAL SHIP" with subhead. (see images) Nice for display. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era.... See More
1918 Split Rock, New York expolsion disaster...
Item #699642
July 03, 1918
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, July 3, 1918
* Split Rock quarry disaster
* Munitions factory explosion
* Onondaga County, New York
The front page has a one column heading: "SIXTY-FIVE KILLED IN TERRIFIC BLAST" (see images) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in pa... See More
Nashville, Tennessee Train Collision in 1918.....
Item #629642
July 10, 1918
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE, Nebraska, July 10, 1918
* Nashville, TN Train No. 1
* Great train wreck of 1918
This 12 page newspaper has one column headlines the front page:
"RAIL WRECK DEATH TOLL AT LEAST 100" and "Most of Victims of Head-On Collision Near Nashville Negroes on Way yo Powder Plant" with smaller subheads.
Other news of the day with much on Wor
... See More
* Nashville, TN Train No. 1
* Great train wreck of 1918
This 12 page newspaper has one column headlines the front page:
"RAIL WRECK DEATH TOLL AT LEAST 100" and "Most of Victims of Head-On Collision Near Nashville Negroes on Way yo Powder Plant" with smaller subheads.
Other news of the day with much on Wor
2nd battle of the Marne begins... WWI...
Item #690502
July 17, 1918
* 2nd battle of the Marne begins
* World War I - WWI
The top of the front page has a four column headline: "GERMAN ATTACK HELD UP EVERYWHERE; Americans Gain By Powerful Counter-Attacks; Recapture Several Towns South Of MArne River" with subheads. (see)
Complete in 14 pages, light toning and some wear at the margins, small library label... See More
Quentin Roosevelt killed... WWI France...
Item #677897
July 21, 1918
* Quentin Roosevelt killed
* President Theodore Roosevelt's son
* United States Army Air Service
The front page has one column headings: "Theodore, Jr., Hurt" "Quentin Believed Dead" and more. (see) Quentin was President Theodore Roosevelt's youngest son.
Much on World War I. Sixteen pages, light toning and a little ... See More
Tyler MN tornado disaster...
Item #582854
August 22, 1918
THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 22, 1918
* Tyler MN Minnesota
* Tornado disaster (1st report)
This 20 page newspaper has small one column headings on page 7: "13 Killed In Tornado" and "Tyler, Minn., Is Wrecked by Windstorm" which is a 1st report on the tornado disaster at Tyler, Minnesota. Unfortunate for such a small inside page report, probably because the first few pages ... See More
Item #542752
August 24, 1918
Leslie's Weekly, from New York City, dated August 24, 1918.
The front page of this issue is an illustration entitled "A Canadian Woodsman in France".
This issue includes "Giving the Kaiser Karl a Trimming"; "When the Austrians Reswam the Piave"; "The Red Harvest on the Piave"; "Czecho-Slovaks Save Siberia"; "Treating Them Rough - The Hun... See More
Early flight... Military maneuvers... Color cover...
Item #631746
September 07, 1918
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, September 7, 1918 Interesting full ftpg. diagram-illustration about dogfighting: "Tricks used in aerial combat: First, the 'horizontal vrille'; second the 'retournment'; third, the change of direction; and fourth, the 'renversement', all as seen from the side."
Inside the issue are a variety of articles, illustrations, and advertise... See More
President Wilson backs suffrage movement...
Item #673626
October 01, 1918
THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, Boston, Mass., October 1, 1918
*President Wilson's Suffrage speech to the Senate
The front page of this issue has the heading: "PRESIDENT WILSON URGES SUFFRAGE IN SENATE SPEECH". , which reports on the historic speech he gave before the United States Senate. Additionally, the article includes the text of his speech and continues on pg. ... See More
Battle of Cambrai-St. Quentin... WWI...
Item #596878
October 02, 1918
THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 2, 1918
* Battle of Cambrai-Saint Quentin
* World War I - WWI
The front page has a banner headline: "FRENCH IN ST. QUENTIN; WHOLE LINE ADVANCED; WAR'S FIERCEST FIGHTING ON CAMBRAI FRONT; WHOLE GERMAN CABINET OUT; RIOTS IN BERLIN" with subheads. Coverage on the Battle of Cambrai-St. Quentin. Other World War I reports.
Complete in... See More
Battle of Cambrai 1918...
Item #567774
October 10, 1918
THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Georgia, October 10, 1918
* Battle of Cambrai
* World War I - WWI
This 16 page newspaper has a six column headline on the front page: "GERMAN ARMIES IN FULL FLIGHT ON CAMBRAI-ST. QUENTIN FRONT" with subheads. (see)
Other news of the day with much on World War I. Usual browning with minor margin wear and small library on the front p... See More
USS Ticonderoga sinking in 1918...
Item #698822
October 11, 1918
THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 11, 1918
* USS Ticonderoga steamer sunk
* German U-Boats submarines
* Battle with SM U-152
* World War I - WWI
The front page has a banner headline: "U-BOATS SINK 3 STEAMERS, 900 LIVES" with subheads that include: "Sinks The Ticonderoga" and more. (see images) This event took place over a week earlier but wasn't made public until now.
O... See More
Great "false" armistice report ending World War I...
Item #609996
November 07, 1918
* End of World War I ?
* Germans surrendering
* False Armistice
A very nice issue announcing the "false" armistice, ending World War I. The United Press report that the armistice had been signed was a bit premature--it would officially happen 4 days later (hence this report--found... See More
Volume one issue of the famous Stars & Stripes...
Item #698805
November 08, 1918
THE STARS AND STRIPES, France, Nov. 8, 1918 This was the official newspaper of the American Expeditionary Forces from World War I and is a volume 1 issue. Logically the content is focused on war events. This issue was published just 3 days before the war's end.
Eight pages, various light wear, generally good.
WWI about to end - terms given...
Item #655835
November 09, 1918
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, November 9, 1918
* Terms are given to end WWI
* WWI related cartoon on the front page
Page one has the full-banner, 3-line heading: "Kaiser and Reichstag Get Foch's Terms; Republic in Bavaria as Revolt Spreads; Wilhelm refuses to Quit His Throne," with multiple related subheads. Includes a great front-page cartoon related to the war. See images for details.
... See More
11th hour, 11th day, 11th month... End of World War I...
Item #685049
November 10, 1918
THE MARTIAN, France, Nov. 10, 1918
* Rare U.S. military camp publication
* World War I - WWI (day of armistice)
This is a little 4 page newspaper "Published by Organizations at Hospital Center, A.P.O. No. 780 American Expeditionary Forces" near Mars, France, hence the title.
This town became an American hospital complex near the end of WWI, meant to serve up to 40,
... See More
* Rare U.S. military camp publication
* World War I - WWI (day of armistice)
This is a little 4 page newspaper "Published by Organizations at Hospital Center, A.P.O. No. 780 American Expeditionary Forces" near Mars, France, hence the title.
This town became an American hospital complex near the end of WWI, meant to serve up to 40,
World War I has come to an end...
Item #707007
November 11, 1918
* First Armistice at Compeigne
* Forest of Compiegne, France
* World War I fighting ends
The bold banner headline says it all: "GREAT WAR ENDS" noting the end of World War I. The banner announcement from Washington notes: "Armistice terms have been signed by Germany, the State departments announced yet 2:45 o'clock this ... See More
An ominous headline that would give rise to World War II...
Item #700442
November 11, 1918
THE DAILY TIMES, Beaver, Pennsylvania, Nov. 11, 1918 A large banner headline announces: "PEACE CONDITIONS EXTREMELY SEVERE" which would be very prophetic, and would prove to be a motivation of Adolf Hitler to initiate efforts resulting in World War II.
One of the subheads: "Germany Pays Stiff Penalty For Misdeeds", plus photos of: "Allies' Leader, His Right Han... See More
"No Vengeance' to be inflicted on Germany... Post WWI activity...
Item #655838
November 14, 1918
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, November 14, 1918
* Prime Minister Lloyd George declares 'No Vengeance' against Germany
* WWI related cartoon on the front page
Page one has the full-banner, 3-line heading: "Lloyd George Declares for Just Peace; Wilson to Aid If Germans Keep Order; Bolshevism Spreads to Neutral States," with multiple related subheads. See images for details.
Other news ... See More
The end of World War I - Armistice...
Item #673341
November 14, 1918
(5) THE GREENSBOROUGH PATRIOT, North Carolina, Nov. 14, 1918 (with Oct. 7, 10, 14, 17) This 5 issue set covers the lead up to the end of WWI, and concludes with a report on the terms of Armistice being signed by German - bringing an end to the war.
The front page of the Nov. 14, 1918 issue contains: "THE GERMANS SIGN ALL THE ARMISTICE TERMS". Each additional issue has a fron... See More
Item #542737
November 16, 1918
Leslie's Weekly, from New York City, dated November 16, 1918.
The front page of this issue is an illustration of a town crier in a small French village "News of the War".
This issue includes "Glorious Days in Italy"; "Allied Arms Against Russian Chao"; "The Conquerors" which is a photo of General John J. Pershing,Field Marshal Douglas Haig and General ... See More
Woodrow Wilson's 1918 Thanksgiving proclamation...
Item #682579
November 21, 1918
THE GREENSBORO PATRIOT, North Carolina, Nov. 21, 1918
* President Woodrow Wilson
* Thanksgiving proclamation
* World War I Peace - WWI
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "President Bids Nation Return Thanks For Peace" with subheads and complete text of the proclamation which is signed in type: Woodrow Wilson.
Complete with 8 pages, light toning at the margins, a... See More
Post WWI activity... More German warships surrender...
Item #655832
November 22, 1918
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, November 22, 1918
* German War Ships Surrender
* WWI related cartoon on the front page
Page one has the 5-column, 3-line heading: "90 German Warships Surrender; One Strikes Mine and Goes Down; 'Wilson Peace' Assailed in Senate," with multiple related subheads. The front page also has a large WWI related cartoon. See images for details.
Other news of the ... See More
North Germany forms new Republic... Post WWI activity...
Item #655833
November 25, 1918
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, November 25, 1918
* North Germany forms new Republic
* Great Post WWI coverage
Page one has the 6-column, 3-line heading: "North Germany Forms New Republic; 28 More U-Boats Are Surrendered; Americans Enter Rhenish Prussia," with multiple related subheads. See images for details.
Other news of the day along with period advertising is found throughout.
Note: Alth... See More
Who doesn't want a newspaper from Mars?
Item #688588
December 01, 1918
THE MARTIAN, France, Dec. 1, 1918
* Rare U.S. military camp publication
* World War I - WWI
This is a little 6 page, tri-fold newspaper "Published by Organizations at Hospital Center, A.P.O. No. 780 American Expeditionary Forces" near Mars, France, hence the title.
This town became an American hospital complex near the end of WWI, meant to serve up to 40,000 peopl
... See More
* Rare U.S. military camp publication
* World War I - WWI
This is a little 6 page, tri-fold newspaper "Published by Organizations at Hospital Center, A.P.O. No. 780 American Expeditionary Forces" near Mars, France, hence the title.
This town became an American hospital complex near the end of WWI, meant to serve up to 40,000 peopl
Edmond Rostand dies... President Wilson becomes the 1st...
Item #656329
December 03, 1918
THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 3, 1918
* President Woodrow Wilson delivers State of the Union Address
* Prepares to become 1st President to set foot on European soil
* Edmond Rostand of Cyrano de Bergerac fame dies
The front page has a three-line, full-banner headline: "PRESIDENT SAYS IT IS HIS FIRST DUTY TO GO TO EUROPE...," with considerable text regarding his delivery of the an... See More
Who doesn't want a newspaper from Mars?
Item #692660
December 29, 1918
THE MARTIAN, France, Dec. 29, 1918
* Rare U.S. military camp publication
* World War I - WWI
This is a little 6 page, tri-fold newspaper "Published by Organizations at Hospital Center, A.P.O. No. 780 American Expeditionary Forces" near Mars, France, hence the title.
This town became an American hospital complex near the end of WWI, meant to serve up to 40,000 peop
... See More
* Rare U.S. military camp publication
* World War I - WWI
This is a little 6 page, tri-fold newspaper "Published by Organizations at Hospital Center, A.P.O. No. 780 American Expeditionary Forces" near Mars, France, hence the title.
This town became an American hospital complex near the end of WWI, meant to serve up to 40,000 peop
Item #161474
January 01, 1919
THE AMAROC NEWS, Coblenz, Germany, 1919. The masthead features an eagle and a scroll (see photos). This is an interesting newspaper published by the: "American Army Of Occupation" at "Coblenz on the Rhine" from just after the end of WWI. A quite rare title. Note that the photo is "generic" and the issue you get will not have these specific photos or be of this specific date-but wi... See More
Who doesn't want a newspaper from Mars?
Item #688367
January 05, 1919
THE MARTIAN, France, Jan. 5, 1919
* Rare U.S. military camp publication
* World War I - WWI
This is a little 4 page newspaper "Published by Organizations at Hospital Center, A.P.O. No. 780 American Expeditionary Forces" near Mars, France, hence the title.
This town became an American hospital complex near the end of WWI, meant to serve up to 40,000 people. Various
... See More
* Rare U.S. military camp publication
* World War I - WWI
This is a little 4 page newspaper "Published by Organizations at Hospital Center, A.P.O. No. 780 American Expeditionary Forces" near Mars, France, hence the title.
This town became an American hospital complex near the end of WWI, meant to serve up to 40,000 people. Various
From the World War I era, a military paper...
Item #678842
January 25, 1919
PLANE NEWS, On Active Service, French, January 25, 1919 This is noted as the: "Air Service Paper of the A.E.F." from World War I. This is also noted as the "Souvenir Edition dedicated to Maj. Gen. Mason M. Patrick." Noted at the top of page 2 is: "Published every Saturday a Third Aviation Instruction Center, American Expeditionary Forces, France.
Filled with militar... See More
Creating the League of Nations...
Item #647206
January 26, 1919
THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 26, 1919
* League of Nation adopted
* International Organization
* Treaty of Versailles
The front page features a three line banner headline: "LEAGUE OF NATIONS PLAN IS ADOPTED; PEACE CONFERENCE ACTS ON WILSON PLEA, STRONGLY SUPPORTED BY LLOYD GEORGE" with various related subheads. Also on the ftpg. is: "Text of Wilson's Speech to Peace ... See More
League of Nations is created....
Item #697656
February 04, 1919
NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 4, 1919
* League of Nations 1st meeting
* Paris Peace Conference
The top of the front page has a four column headline: "WILSON TELLS CHEERING DEPUTIES FRANCE IS YET FRONTIER OF FREEDOM; COMMITTEE GETS FULL LEAGUE PLAN" with many subheads. This is reporting on the Paris Peace Conference which would create the League Of Nations.
Complete in 24 page... See More
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