War of 1812

War of 1812

Web Results (166)



Much naval reporting from the War of 1812...

Item #672951

November 21, 1812

BOSTON PATRIOT, Nov. 21, 1812  Page 2 has a few reports on the War of 1812 one mentioning that Commodore Chauncey has sailed for Sacket's Harbor. Also on page 2: "Mr. Madison is an Enemy to Commerce & a Navy".

Page 3 has: "War Intelligence On the Ocean" which takes a full column.

Four pages, nice condition.

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Very beginning of the American Antiquarian Society...

Item #674435

November 25, 1812

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov. 25, 1812 

* American Antiquarian Society (AAS) established

* Worcester, Massachusetts - American history

Page 2 has a very significant news report headed: "American Antiquarian Society" which begins: "This Society was incorporated by an Act of the Legislature of this Commonwealth, passed October 22d, 1812. It's object is to collect an... See More  

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General Smyth's handbill on recruiting to invade Canada...

Item #692538

November 25, 1812

BOSTON PATRIOT, Nov. 25, 1812 

* Invasion of Canada close

* Battle of Frenchman's Creek prelude

* General Alexander Smyth

Page 2 has: "Interesting Letters - from Maj. General Van Rensselaer...to Brig General Smyth of the troops of the United States. Also a letter from Henry Denison of the U.S. brig Argus concerning a naval encounter. Then a letter to the Secretary of the Navy... See More  

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Nice reports on the War of 1812...

Item #672952

November 28, 1812

BOSTON PATRIOT, Nov. 28, 1812  Page 2 has: "Copy of a; Letter form Com. Chauncey to the Sec'y of the Navy" datelined from Sacket's Harbor in which he notes his military exploits and ends with: "...The officers & men under my command are all extremely anxious to meet the enemy. We cannot command success, but we will endeavor to deserve it."

Most of a column is ... See More  

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Reporting on the War of 1812, with a "rallying call" for soldiers...

Item #682615

November 30, 1812

CONNECTICUT MIRROR, Hartford, Nov. 30, 1812 

* General Alexander Smyth "rallying call"

The front page has a full column reporting on the War of 1812 in: "Our Southern Frontier" carrying over to page 2. Page 2 has a "rallying call" letter by General Alexander Smyth to the: "Men Of New York!" noting in part: "...You desire your share of fame. T... See More  

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A terrific letter to rouse the troops in conquering Niagara...

Item #672953

December 02, 1812

BOSTON PATRIOT, Dec. 2, 1812 

* General Alexander Smyth

Page 2 has several reports with a Plattsburg, N.Y. dateline. Also a letter from S. T. Anderson with another from Commodore Chauncey datelines from Sacket's Harbor, taking two-thirds of a column & signed in type: Isaac Chauncey. This is a fine account of a naval encounter.

Also a nice & rousing letter headed: "Gene... See More  

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War of 1812... Mississippi moves towards statehood...

Item #674439

December 02, 1812


* Mississippi statehood ?

* War of 1812 - Fort Harrison

The front page has a brief item headed: "Another New State" reading: "The bill to erect a new state out of the Mississippi Territory passed by a large majority...".

Page 2 has some nice items headed: "The Glorious War!!" and another: "An Indian Town Destroyed" wi... See More  

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The "contemptible braggart" General Smyth...

Item #673043

December 04, 1812

THE REPERTORY & GENERAL ADVERTISER, Boston, Dec. 4, 1812  The ftpg. has over a column taken up with the situation at Sacket's Harbor, including a lengthy letter from there signed in type by: Isaac Chauncey.

But the most interesting piece may be the brief report on page 2: "Of all the contemptible & ridiculous braggarts that ever disgraced the profession of a soldier, it is a... See More  

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The War of 1812...

Item #693167

December 04, 1812

THE YANKEE, Boston, Dec. 4, 1812  Various reports from the early months of the War of 1812 including front page items: "The Navy - U.S. Ship Hornet" which takes over half a column; "War Movements" "A True Yankee Exploit".

Inside has: "General Smyth to the Soldiers in the Army of the Centre" "Sailors Rights" "Latest From Halifax"... See More  

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The U.S. Navy to build more ships of war...

Item #672954

December 05, 1812

BOSTON PATRIOT, Dec. 5, 1812  Page 2 reports from Washington: "A bill was yesterday introduced...for increasing the Navy of the U. States...propose recommending the building of four ships of 74 guns; four large frigates; and four vessels of 16 guns...". This is followed by: "Naval Establishment" beginning: "The frigate Constellation, now lying in the Eastern Branch, r... See More  

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Latest from the War of 1812...

Item #692539

December 05, 1812

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Dec. 5, 1812   Inside has: "From Halifax" with some War of 1812 reports: "The Northern Army" and "Army of the Centre" which also have war reports. Much of a column is taken up with election-related reports including a lengthy article "The Union of the States".

Four pages, minor foxing, good condition.

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Exploits of the U.S. Navy...

Item #672745

December 10, 1812

BOSTON GAZETTE, Dec. 10, 1812  Page 2 has: "United States and Macedonian Frigates" followed by: "The Navy" which is mostly editorial commentary on the naval battle between the Frolic and the Wasp.

Four pages, good condition.

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General Smyth's failed effort to invade Canada...

Item #674223

December 18, 1812

THE REPERTORY & GENERAL ADVERTISER, Boston, Dec. 18, 1812  Inside reports include: "Gen. Smyth's Expedition", a letter signed in type by: Stephen Decatur datelined from the "U.S. S. United States, at sea, Oct. 30, 1812"; "The Prize" concerning the British frigate Macedonian; "The Crew of the Macedonian"; nearly 1 1/2 columns on: "Highly Imp... See More  

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Capt. Decatur's report on his victory over the Macedonian...

Item #674444

December 19, 1812

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Dec. 19, 1812 

* USS United States vs. HMS Macedonian

The front page has: "Brilliant Naval Actions" which is concerning Stephen Decatur's victory over the British frigate Macedonian, in a letter signed: James Madison. this is followed by a nice, detailed letter of the battle datelined: "U..S. United States, at sea, Oct. 30, 1812" and s... See More  

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Hartford, Connecticut...

Item #605333

December 28, 1812

CONNECTICUT MIRROR, Hartford, Dec. 28, 1812  Page 2 has much reporting from Congress as well as the military situation in Europe. The back page has an early advertisement for the: "Hartford Fire Insurance Company" (see).

Four pages, great condition.

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Trial and conviction of a spy...

Item #673028

December 30, 1812

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Dec. 30, 1812  Page 2 has an interesting report, taking about half a column, beginning: "...proceedings at Buffaloe, of a Court Martial appointed to try Elijah Clark as a Spy. The facts which appeared at the trial are that the said Clark was born in New Jersey...he removed to Canada...must have become naturalized & a British subject. Clark, being found wit... See More  

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Item #151416
THE STAR , London, England, 1813  This newspaper is in nice condition due to the use of cotton and rags when making newsprint at that time.

This 4 page issue contains news of the day and various interesting advertisements which give a sense of what life was like during the War of 1812. This issue has a partial red-ink stamps on the upper right hand corner. See!

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The War of 1812...

Item #207496
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, dated during the War of 1812.   The issue you will receive is similar to the issues shown in the image - slight wear, minor staining and foxing, etc.. The issue will be dated from during the War of 1812 (between 6/18/1812 and 2/18/1815) and will have minor war related news and news of the day. A great issue to own at an incredible price. Although the image sho... See More  

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Latest from the War of 1812, and more...

Item #647760

January 02, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 2, 1813  Inside includes a lengthy address headed: "Legislature of Kentucky" signed; Isaac Shelby. Other content includes: "Privateers" "Distribution of Army" which includes a state-by-state chart; "Imprisonment of Seamen" which includes documents signed by James Monroe, James Madison & others.

Over 4 pages are ... See More  

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Impressment of seamen... On the Constitution vs. the Guerriere...

Item #673019

January 02, 1813

BOSTON PATRIOT, Jan. 2, 1813  Over two front page columns are taken up with: "Impressment Of Seamen". Inside includes: "Com. Rodgers' Squadron" being a lengthy naval report. Also: "Naval Dinner" "War Intelligence On the Ocean" "Civil Honors to Naval Heroism" which concerns the Constitution vs. the Guerriere.

Four pages, archival strengthe... See More  

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Has the collectable Carrier's Address...

Item #153566

January 04, 1813

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Jan. 4, 1813  Taking a full column on the front page is: The Carrier Of The Independent Chronicle To Its Patrons being the carriers address.

Four pages, a bit of stray writing in the margin above the masthead, two foxing spots in unrelated text, occasional foxing.

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Latest from the War of 1812, and more...

Item #619086

January 09, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 9, 1813  Content includes: "Medal & Premiums" "Law Case--Clark, the Spy" "Military Supplies" which includes a lengthy chart; "American Seamen" "Treaty of Peace" with Sweden; "Distribution of Prize Money" split evenly between the govt. and the captors of vessels; and more.

Taking over 2 pages ... See More  

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From the War of 1812...

Item #687499

January 13, 1813

BOSTON PATRIOT, Jan. 13, 1813  The front page has a lengthy article on: "Impressment of Seamen" which was a a major issue leading to the War of 1812. Also on the ftpg: "The Great Effects of the Non-Importation Law Against England".

Reports inside include: "Black Votes" "Additional Bounty" 'War Intelligence, On the Ocean" "Free Trade &... See More  

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Latest from the War of 1812, and more...

Item #619088

January 16, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 16, 1813  Among the articles are: "Legislature of South Carolina - An Act to Prevent Dueling" "East Florida" "Mint Establishment", and nearly 3 pages under the heading: "Our Naval Victories".

Over 3 1/2 pages are headed: "Events of the War" with various subheads including: "Military"; a letter si... See More  

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Existed for just one year... War of 1812 news...

Item #695018

January 25, 1813

DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN, Walpole, New Hampshire, Jan. 25, 1813  

* Very rare publication

* Cheshire County

* War of 1812 reporting

An extremely scarce newspaper existing only from July 4, 1812 thru July 5, 1813. This is the volume 1, number 30 issue. Not surprisingly, this is the first of this title we have offered in our 47 years, having come from the private collection.

Being from du... See More  

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News from the War of 1812, and more...

Item #619090

January 30, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 30, 1813  Inside has a full page chart; "A Statement of the Annual Expenditures of the United States"; an article: "Impressed Seamen" which contains 6 letters from James Madison, Jno. Rodgers & others; over two pages under the heading: "Events of the War" with various subheads including a letter signed in type by: Z. M. Pi... See More  

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Reports from the War of 1812...

Item #647752

February 06, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Feb. 6, 1813  Among the articles within are: "Naturalized Seamen" "Perpetual Motion", much reporting from "Proceedings of Congress", and there are 3 pages taken up with reports headed: "Events of the War".

Among the subheads are: "Military" "Army of the Centre" "Eastern Frontier" "Naval... See More  

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More reports from the War of 1812...

Item #619092

February 13, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Feb. 13, 1815  Inside has; "Law of Ohio - An Act for the Encouragement of Volunteers in the North-Western Army of the United States"; a lengthy piece headed: "Live the Constitution" and over two pages under the heading: "Events of the War".

Among the subheads is: "North-Western Army" which includes a letter from General ... See More  

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The Hornet vs. the Peacock... Nine Acts of Congress signed by Madison...

Item #686209

March 31, 1813

AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, March 31, 1813 

* USS Hornet vs. HMS Peacock

* War of 1812 original reporting

* President James Madison

Half of the front page is taken up with  5 Acts of Congress each signed in type by: James Madison. Five more on page 2 as well.

Page 3 has: "Fifth Naval Victory! Over the Enemy" which is the battle of the Hornet vs. the Peacock. Inclu... See More  

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The Hornet & the Peacock and so much more...

Item #657645

April 03, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, April 3, 1813  Inside has: "Captain Isaac Hull" which is a great & detailed biography of him taking 2 1/2 pages. "Events of the War" takes nearly 6 pages with a wealth of information on the War of 1812, perhaps the most significant being: "Fifth Naval Victory" noting the battle between the Hornet and the Peacock, which inc... See More  

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Unusual engraving in the masthead...

Item #614500

April 21, 1813

THE TICKLER, Philadelphia, April 21, 1813  The masthead features a very unusual engraving of a dog and an arm holding a switch, & notes: "by Toby Scratch'em". Complete as a single sheet issue, some foxing, generally good.

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Reports from the War of 1812...

Item #689811

April 21, 1813

THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, April 21, 1813  Among reports within on the War of 1812: "Blockading Squadron" "Madison & A Navy" "Trouble in the Camp" "British Watering Place" "Lewiston Safe" "Further Particulars"; a letter from "Urbanna" with military activities; other items.

Four pages, handsome... See More  

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Unusual engraving in the masthead...

Item #613310

April 28, 1813

THE TICKLER, Philadelphia, April 28, 1813  The masthead features a very unusual engraving of a dog and an arm holding a switch, & notes: "by Toby Scratch'em". Various literary & news items. Complete as a single sheet issue, generally good.

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The War of 1812, and more...

Item #694554

April 30, 1813

THE WEEKLY MESSENGER, Boston, April 30, 1813  The entire front page is taken up with: "American Papers" from the House of Commons in London, much relating to the on-going War of 1812.

Page 3 has; "The New Friends of the Navy" and: "Ought Massachusetts t Build a Ship for Those who Would not Build one for Themselves?" There is also a lengthy report of a parade by ... See More  

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Interesting Judaica content...

Item #648712
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1813  An inside page has an article which begins: "The following List of Jews is supposed to preserve the names of the first settlers here of that nation...Though the re-admission of the Jews was a matter largely discussed in the time of the Protector, their return did not take place until after the Restoration. In 1663 a Minister of the Po... See More  

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First of this title we have discovered...

Item #677316

May 16, 1813


* Rare publication

A quite rare title which lasted but 51 issues, this being issue no. 19, done by John Drakard, an English newspaper proprietor, publisher, and political radical, imprisoned for his journalism.

Eight pages, never-trimmed margins, 10 1/4 by 15 1/2 inches, full red tax stamp, very nice condition.... See More  

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Napoleon... The War of 1812...

Item #693166

July 10, 1813

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 10, 1813  The front page has: "Occasional Remarks On the Present Unjust War" meaning the War of 1812. 

Inside has a: "Proclamation - Of His Majesty the Emperor, to the Army" signed in type by: Napoleon, concerning his recent military conquests.

Also reports concerning the War of 1812 with "Rigorous Blockade" "From Virg... See More  

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Many reports from the War of 1812...

Item #664872

July 15, 1813

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, July 15, 1813  The ftpg. has a lengthy editorial on the War of 1812 headed: "Madison's War!" Also on the ftpg. is a letter from General Dearborn to the Secretary of War from Fort George, then another letter from Fort George, also: "From Fort Meigs", a letter Green Clay to General Harrison with his response signed in type: Wm. H. Harrison,... See More  

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Action on the Niagara frontier...

Item #599737

July 17, 1813

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 17, 1813  The front page has: "The News Of The Day - News From The Army" "Domestic--Frontier News" "Niagara Frontier" "Official Correspondence". Page 2 has: "Naval Action" "Niagara Frontier" "The Border War" "The War Near New London" and more.

Four pages, close-trimmed at the bott... See More  

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British advancing towards the nation's capital...

Item #673021

July 28, 1813

BOSTON PATRIOT, July 28, 1813  Although this issue has much on the war in Europe, page 2 has: "Enemy In the Potomac" datelined from Washington and noting in part: "...that the advanced squadron of the enemy had retired down the river...were not in sight at Point Yates, about 70 miles below this city..." and more on the British advance towards the capital.

Inside has: &quo... See More  

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Much from the War of 1812...

Item #674599

August 04, 1813

BOSTON PATRIOT, Aug. 4, 1813  A fine wealth of reporting from the War of 1812 including articles headed: "Cases of Impressment" "Blockading Squadrons" "Still Later" "From Fort George "Official Accounts" "Naval General Order" signed in type: W. Jones; "Secret Proceedings" has a document signed: James Madison; "Gen. Dearborn&... See More  

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British attack upon Plattsburg...

Item #674600

August 07, 1813

BOSTON PATRIOT, Aug. 7, 1813  Much reporting on the War of  1812 with articles headed: "More Cases of Impressment" "British Squadron" "The Enemy's Fleet" "The Brave Major Chapin" about whom several websites can be found; "From Fort George" "Torpedoes Again" "Enemy's Squadron" "British Attack on Plattsburg&... See More  

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Barbarities of the British upon the Americans...

Item #649442

August 14, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 14, 1813 

* War of 1812

* British barbarities

Over 1 1/2 pages are taken up with: "Barbarities of the Enemy" with some gruesome detail including a listing which has: "Compulsory service of impressed American seamen on board of British ships of war...Massacre and burning of American prisoners surrendered to officers of Great Britain b... See More  

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1813 Jaguar ad...

Item #575855

August 17, 1813

THE AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, Connecticut, August 17, 1813 

* Jaguar exhibition ad with woodcut print 

* Nice masthead engraving 


A handsome engraving of a heraldic eagle in the masthead (see) and with various news of the day and several advertisements including a illustrated ad on page 3 titled: "JAGUAR Or The American Tiger"

Complete in 4 pages, vario... See More  

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Bilingual newspaper in French and Dutch...

Item #690148

August 18, 1813


* Rare bilingual publication

* French & Dutch language

A fascinating bilingual newspaper, the left column in French, and the right column with the same content in Dutch. The title translates to: "Leaflet, Announcements & Miscellaneous Notices from Groningen". This is... See More  

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The Indians declare war...

Item #649443

August 21, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 21, 1813  Inside has: "Indian Declaration of War" which is a: "...literal translation of  he Declaration of War by the Six Nations Against the British in Canada". Also: Creek Indians" which takes a full page, then: "Events of the War" which takes about 6 pages & includes a letter from the Lower Sandusky, one from... See More  

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The Indians declare war...

Item #672095

August 21, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 21, 1813  Inside has: "Indian Declaration of War" which is a: "...literal translation of the Declaration of War by the Six Nations Against the British in Canada". Also: Creek Indians" which takes a full page, then: "Events of the War" which takes about 6 pages & includes a letter from the Lower Sandusky, one from &quo... See More  

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Sackett's Harbor & Milledgeville...

Item #614072

August 24, 1813

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington City, Aug. 24, 1813  The front page has: "Latest From Lake Ontario" which has an: "Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman at Sackett's Harbor..." "Indian News" datelined from Milledgeville; "Report of the Big Warrior to Colonel Hawkins" "Croghan's Gallant Feat - Further Particulars".

Inside has 3 Acts ... See More  

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Constitutions of Ohio and Louisiana...

Item #647690

August 28, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 28, 1813  Pages 1-4 contains five letters under the heading: "Further Executive Proceedings" signed in type by either James Monroe of  James Madison, concerning relations with Sweden. Also in the issue: "Events of the War" with much on the War of 1812 including letters signed in type by Henry Proctor, Isaac Chauncey and two by Wm. ... See More  

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Constitutions of Ohio and Louisiana...

Item #649444

August 28, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 28, 1813  Pages 1-4 contains five letters under the heading: "Further Executive Proceedings" signed in type by either James Monroe of  James Madison, concerning relations with Sweden. Also in the issue: "Events of the War" with much on the War of 1812 including letters signed in type by Henry Proctor, Isaac Chauncey and two by Wm. ... See More  

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