War of 1812
War of 1812
Breaking news on the Embargo...
Item #603019
April 04, 1812
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, April 4, 1812 The top of page 2 has a breaking news report headed: "EMBARGO. By Express from Washington in 76 hours...containing the Highly Alarming Information that an Embargo would be proposed to Congress on Wednesday last..." with further details (see). All set in larger-than-normal type.
Four pages, nice condition.
War of 1812 shipping embargo....
Item #686243
April 14, 1812
THE REPERTORY & GENERAL ADVERTISER, Boston, April 14, 1812 A very historic front page, as it includes a report headed: "EMBARGO" which reports on the voting for this historic measure which would lead to the War of 1812 with England.
The front page also has the: "Confidential Message" to the senate, in which the President states: "...expedient under existing
... See More
The front page also has the: "Confidential Message" to the senate, in which the President states: "...expedient under existing
Pushing for an embargo...
Item #686176
April 20, 1812
CONNECTICUT MIRROR, Hartford, April 20, 1812 The front page has a brief yet historically significant document signed by the President: James Madison, asking Congress to impose: "...a general Embargo be laid on all vessels now in port...for the period of 60 days..." with a bit more. Over half of the front page & much of page 2 have a discussion in Congress of an embargo. T... See More
Death of Vice-Presdent George Clinton... Statehood of Louisiana...
Item #680643
April 25, 1812
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, April 25, 1812 Inside has a report headed: "George Clinton -- Dead !" which includes: "... It is with feeling of unmixed veneration for the character of the revolutionary hero, the patriot and statesman, combined in one, that we announce that the venerable GEORGE CLINTON IS NO MORE. He expired about 9 o'clock yesterday morning, at his lodgin... See More
How Napoleon treats Americans...
Item #680733
May 01, 1812
THE WEEKLY MESSENGER, Boston, May 1, 1812 Page 2 has: "Buonaparte's Treatment to the American" taking most of a column & introduced with: "The following is a plain unvarnished narrative of the cruelties & sufferings experienced by one of our fellow citizens during his captivity with our 'dear friends'...".
Four pages, damp staining to the bottom half,... See More
Documents relating to the beginning of the War of 1812...
Item #686203
May 06, 1812
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, May 6, 1812
* James Madison Embargo Act
* Prelude to the War of 1812
The front page has nearly two columns taken up with a great letter headed: "Reflections on WAR!" being part of a sermon. This was from just two months before the War of 1812 would be formally declared.
Also on the front page is a notable: "Law of the United States" ti... See More
Military career of Henry Dearborn... Early on wine...
Item #654814
May 16, 1812
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 16, 1812 Inside has nearly 2 pages taken up with a quite detailed biography of the military history of: "Major-General Henry Dearborn, Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Army" with a great on his career in the Revolutionary War. Also: "Cultivation of the Vine" takes over half a page concerning vineyards.
Sixteen pages, 6 by 9 3/1/4 4 i... See More
Four Acts of Congress signed by Madison...
Item #682537
May 16, 1812
* James Madison 'type" signatures
A quite uncommon title. Page 3 has a full column taken up with four Acts of Congress and a Resolution, each signed in type by the President: James Madison. One Act concerns providing for persons disabled during the Revolutionary War.
Four pages, never bound nor trimm... See More
Military career of Henry Dearborn... Early on wine...
Item #679685
May 16, 1812
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 16, 1812 Inside has nearly 2 pages taken up with a quite detailed biography of the military history of: "Major-General Henry Dearborn, Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Army" with a great on his career in the Revolutionary War. Also: "Cultivation of the Vine" takes over half a page concerning vineyards.
Sixteen pages, 6 by 9 3/4 inche... See More
America is about to declare war...
Item #670877
June 03, 1812
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, June 3, 1812
* Declaration of war close
* War of 1812 to begin
Page 2 has a notable report headed: "War with England!" stating: "A letter has been received in town from a Senator of the United States, dated May 28th, which says, The Committee of the Senate on Foreign Affairs have agreed unanimously [Mr. Lloyd being absent] to recommend a Dec... See More
Diplomatic attempts to prevent war, but the printed presumption would prove true...
Item #677270
June 06, 1812
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 6, 1812 Inside has the beginning of what would become a continuing article on: 'Paul Jones", the famed John Paul Jones. Also several correspondences under: "Public Documents" signed in type by: J. Monroe to Augustus Foster and Jonathan Russell, British & American diplomats respectively, all relating to what would become the War of 1... See More
Our foreign policy from the War of 1812...
Item #595793
June 09, 1812
SUPPLEMENT TO THE CONNECTICUT HERALD, June 9, 1812 The entire four page issue is taken up with various "Correspondence" with an introductory note signed by the President: James Madison, which includes: "I communicate to Congress...correspondence of the Secretary of State & the Minister Plenipotentiary of the U.S. at Paris. These documents will place before Congress t... See More
On the eve of war with England...
Item #677787
June 11, 1812
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, June 11, 1812 On the eve of war with England, this issue has some reports relating to our relations with the British. Some articles include: "The Armies - Gov. Hull is to Command the Western Army" "Latest from England" "Indian Hostilities" and more.
Four pages, light foxing, good condition.
Making a case for war against England...
Item #677788
June 18, 1812
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, June 18, 1812 Much of the front page is taken up with a report which makes the case for war with England, which would be declared the date after this issue was printed. Some related content inside as well.
Four pages, good condition.
War is declared, beginning the War of 1812...
Item #682105
June 20, 1812
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 20, 1812
* War of 1812 declaration by United States
* James Madison proclamation
An inside page has a lengthy: "Declaration of War" which takes over 1 1/2 columns and is signed in type by the President: James Madison. This is followed by related reporting from the "Committee on foreign relations..." which takes over 2 page... See More
Making a case for war against England...
Item #677789
June 22, 1812
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, June 22, 1812 Most of the front page is taken up with various documents & letters which make the case for war with England, which was actually declared 3 days prior. Some related content inside as well.
Four pages, good condition.
Early from the War of 1812... A Proclamation for fasting, humiliation, and prayer...
Item #677794
July 09, 1812
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, July 9, 1812 The front page has a proclamation by the governor of Massachusetts: "PROCLAMATION, For A Day Of Public Fasting, Humiliation And Prayer, signed in block type: CALEB STRONG. Additional reports from the early weeks of the War of 1812 include: "War Or No War" "Commodore Rogers" "Privateers Look Out!!!" "General O... See More
Preparing for war...
Item #671563
July 11, 1812
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 11, 1812 Reports inside include: "Militia of Virginia" which mentions going to war against England. Also part of a continuing article on: "Paul Jones" being the famed John Paul Jones. Also: "Military Notices" and other tidbits which relate to early events on the War of 1812.
Sixteen pages, 6 by 9 3/4 inches, nice condition.
... See More
First of this title we have encountered...
Item #687407
July 13, 1812
* Very rare 19th century American publication
A very scarce title, in fact we believe this is the first we have encountered it. There are no issues of this date recorded in Brigham outside of the American Antiquarian Society.
The masthead features an engraving of George Washington.
Pages 1 and 4 are f... See More
War-related Acts of Congress on the front page...
Item #677796
July 16, 1812
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, July 16, 1812 The front page has a full column with 2 Acts of Congress: "To Prohibit American Vessels from Proceeding to or Trading with enemies of the United States..." and: "An Act Supplementary to the Act entitled 'An Act Respecting Alien Enemies' " each signed in type: James Madison.
Inside includes: "Privateering" &qu... See More
See the handsome masthead... On the Little Belt Affair...
Item #694987
July 20, 1812
THE WASHINGTONIAN, Windsor, Vermont, July 20, 1812
* Nice masthead for display
The dominant feature of this issue is the very displayable masthead, featuring a large engraving of a heraldic eagle with an 11-inch banner. Although we once had many of this title, this is one of our last.
Printed during the early months of the War of 1812, it is not surprising that pages 2, 3 & 4 hav... See More
Dealing with the British living in America...
Item #677797
July 20, 1812
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, July 20, 1812 Two columns of the front page are taken up with: "A Proclamation" for a day of Thanksgiving in support of the war, signed: James Madison. As well as four Acts of Congress each signed by Madison, one: "For the More Perfect Organization of the Army of the United States".
Also within: "Federal Recommendation of the War"... See More
Early items on the War of 1812...
Item #688866
July 23, 1812
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, July 23, 1812 The front page has some reports concerning celebrations for the 4th of July. Inside includes: "Naval Intelligence" "General Orders" signed in type: H. Dearborn, Major-General U.S. Army. Then "An Act" of Congress concerning the organizing of a volunteer military corps, signed by the President: James Madison. Also: &quo... See More
Several documents relating to the War of 1812...
Item #677799
July 30, 1812
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, July 30, 1812 Close to half of the front page is taken up with various documents relating to the War of 1812 including a: "Notice To British Subjects" living in America, followed by a: "Marshal's Notice" beginning: "The Department of State having directed that all British subjects within the United States, report themselves..."... See More
A very early Kentucky newspaper, with Hull's Proclamation to Canadians...
Item #682753
August 01, 1812
THE REPORTER, Lexington, Kentucky, Aug. 1, 1812
* Rare & early for Kentucky
This is one of the earlier Kentucky newspapers we have offered. Brigham notes that only 4 issues in the United States have this issue.
Not surprisingly there is much reporting on the War of 1812, with reports headed: "Privateering" "Flag of Truce!" and more.
Perhaps the most notable c... See More
From the early months of the War of 1812...
Item #677821
August 10, 1812
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Aug. 10, 1812 The front page has an Act of Congress for issuing Treasury notes, signed in type: James Madison. Also: "British Invasion" "Divide & Conquer" "Florida" "American Prize List" and more.
Four pages, nice condition.
War-related reports from Sandusky, Upper Canada...
Item #677822
August 13, 1812
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Aug. 13, 1812 The ftpg. has an interesting: "Moral & Physical Thermometer". Also two Acts of Congress, one for "...appropriation for the defense of the maritime frontier & for the support of the Navy of the U.S."
Page 2 has several reports from "Sandusky, Upper Canada" relating to the War of 1812 reports.
Four pages, nice... See More
Early war reports on the War of 1812...
Item #677823
August 17, 1812
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Aug. 17, 1812 The front page has a column taken up with 3 Acts of Congress, each signed in type by the President: James Madison.
Page 2 has a full column of reports on the early battles of the war, beginning with: "The War On Land" which includes several dispatches. Also: "The Savage Allies of England" and "British Accounts". Othe... See More
Surrender of Detroit in the War of 1812...
Item #677829
September 07, 1812
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Sept. 7, 1812
* President James Madison
* Siege of Detroit - surrender
* Battle of Fort Detroit
* General William Hull
The front page contains two Acts of Congress, each signed in type by the President: James Madison.
Page 2 has a number of War of 1812 reports including: "Latest from the Western Frontier" also: "General Orders" sig... See More
News from the War of 1812...
Item #677831
September 14, 1812
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Sept. 14, 1812 Page 2 has some nice reports on the War of 1812 with: "British Barbarity" "The Navy Destroyed by Federalists" "The War" "The North-Western Army" "Military Movements" and more.
Four pages, various foxing, good condition.
Much on the War of 1812...
Item #677833
September 21, 1812
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Sept. 21, 1812 The front page has a full column with the; "Letter From Commodore Rodgers to the Secretary of the Navy" from on board the U.S. frigate President, in which he gives a detailed account of his actions.
Inside has: "General Hull" "Letter of Col. Case of the Army later under the Command of Brig. Gen. Wm. Hull, to the Secretar... See More
1812 Battle of Detroit...
Item #677834
September 24, 1812
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Sept. 24, 1812
* Siege of Detroit - surrender
* Battle of Fort Detroit
* General William Hull
The front page has: "Com. Rodgers" and some "Copies of Letters...from Capt. Porter of the U.S. frigate Essex" which carries over to page 2 & includes 4 letters signed by him in type: D. Porter.
Page 2 has: "Surrender of Detroit&quo... See More
Louisiana becomes the 18th state of the Union...
Item #677931
October 01, 1812
* Territory of Orleans
* Louisiana statehood
The front page begins with: "An Act For the Admission of the State of Louisiana into the Union...", which formally happened on April 30, as noted at the end of the act: "Sec. 6. And be it further enacted that this act shall immense and be in force from and after the thirtieth day o... See More
The early months of the War of 1812...
Item #701496
October 03, 1812
NEW YORK HERALD, Oct. 3, 1812 This issue is from the early months of the War of 1812 with various war-related reports. Some include various naval reports on the front page; " Proclamation" signed by George Prevost; "Province of Lower Canada" "Admiral Warren's Squadron" and other items.
Four pages, nice condition.
The Articles of Confederation... The War of 1812...
Item #638637
October 03, 1812
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, October 3, 1812 The entire front page is taken up with a printing of the "Articles of Confederation & Perpetual Union" which were approved by Congress in 1777 and ratified in 1781. The text carries over to take most of page 2 as well, where it concludes with the signature of the various members of Congress.
Other items include: "An Act to Prohibi... See More
Acts of Congress... The War of 1812...
Item #677932
October 05, 1812
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Oct. 5, 1812 The front page has a full column taken up with five Acts of Congress, each signed in type by he President: James Madison.
Inside has several reports on the War of 1812 including: "Military Movements" "The Freedom of the Sea, or War!" "Americans In Canada" "Anglo-Savages" "Green Mountain Patriots&qu... See More
From the War of 1812...
Item #687500
October 17, 1812
BOSTON PATRIOT, Oct. 17, 1812 The front page has a lengthy article headed: "Presidential Election". Inside includes: "Presidential Election" "A Proclamation" relating to the War of 1812, signed in type: James Madison. Following this are several reports relating to the War of 1812 including: "Army Movements".
Page 3 has much under: "War Intelligen... See More
President Madison offers pardon to deserters from the Army...
Item #677936
October 22, 1812
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Oct. 22, 1812
* War of 1812 deserters
* James Madison pardon
The first column is taken up with 3 Acts of Congress as well as: "A Proclamation" headed with an engraving of a heraldic eagle, concerning the granting of a full pardon for those who have deserted from the Army. Each is signed in type by the President: James Madison.
Page 2 includes: "... See More
Latest from the War of 1812...
Item #647750
October 24, 1812
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 24, 1812 Among the articles are: "Distillation of Spirits" and a chart headed: "The War on the Ocean" "The British in the Peninsula".
Under the heading: "Events of the War" are several reports on the on-going War of 1812 including subheads: "Military" "Extract of a Letter from S. Dinsmore, Agent for ... See More
Battle at Queenston Heights during the War of 1812...
Item #677937
October 26, 1812
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Oct. 26, 1812
* Battle of Queenston Heights
* American War of 1812
The front page has: "An Act To authorise the granting of Patents for Land, according to the surveys... and to grant...rights to certain Claimants of Land in the District of Detroit..., signed in type: James Madison.
Inside page reports include: "Battles At Queens
... See More
* Battle of Queenston Heights
* American War of 1812
The front page has: "An Act To authorise the granting of Patents for Land, according to the surveys... and to grant...rights to certain Claimants of Land in the District of Detroit..., signed in type: James Madison.
Inside page reports include: "Battles At Queens
Battle at Queenston Heights during the War of 1812...
Item #687520
October 26, 1812
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Oct. 26, 1812
* Battle of Queenston Heights
* War of 1812 - 1st major battle
The front page has: "An Act To authorise the granting of Patents for Land, according to the surveys... and to grant...rights to certain Claimants of Land in the District of Detroit..., signed in type: James Madison.
Inside page reports include: "Battles
... See More
* Battle of Queenston Heights
* War of 1812 - 1st major battle
The front page has: "An Act To authorise the granting of Patents for Land, according to the surveys... and to grant...rights to certain Claimants of Land in the District of Detroit..., signed in type: James Madison.
Inside page reports include: "Battles
The "Wasp" is captured... Madison's state-of-the-union address...
Item #682591
November 07, 1812
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 7, 1812
* USS Wasp captured - War of 1812
* James Madison state of the Union Address
There are at least two notable reports in this issue, the first being the annual state-of-the-union address by the President, signed by him in type: James Madison. This was the first war-time annual message and much of this 2+ page "Message" deals with th... See More
President Monroe concerning the War of 1812... Two Monroe signatures...
Item #697222
November 16, 1812
CONNECTICUT MIRROR, Hartford, Nov. 16, 1812 Pages 1 and 2 have many "Documents Accompanying the President's Message to Congress" which include several to British official concerning the War of 1812. Two are signed in type: James Monroe.
Also inside: "Army In Ohio" "The President's Message".
Four pages, great condition.
John Rodgers reports on a naval encounter...
Item #672950
November 18, 1812
BOSTON PATRIOT, Nov. 18, 1812
* USS President - U.S. Navy frigate
Page 2 has two-thirds of a column taken up with: "Our Navy & It's Prospects", followed by a letter signed by John Rodgers of the U.S. frigate President. He reports on a naval encounter with British ships.
Page 3 has: "War Intelligence On The Ocean" followed by: "American Prizes".
F... See More
Much naval reporting from the War of 1812...
Item #672951
November 21, 1812
BOSTON PATRIOT, Nov. 21, 1812 Page 2 has a few reports on the War of 1812 one mentioning that Commodore Chauncey has sailed for Sacket's Harbor. Also on page 2: "Mr. Madison is an Enemy to Commerce & a Navy".
Page 3 has: "War Intelligence On the Ocean" which takes a full column.
Four pages, nice condition.
General Smyth's handbill on recruiting to invade Canada...
Item #692538
November 25, 1812
BOSTON PATRIOT, Nov. 25, 1812
* Invasion of Canada close
* Battle of Frenchman's Creek prelude
* General Alexander Smyth
Page 2 has: "Interesting Letters - from Maj. General Van Rensselaer...to Brig General Smyth of the troops of the United States. Also a letter from Henry Denison of the U.S. brig Argus concerning a naval encounter. Then a letter to the Secretary of the Navy... See More
Very beginning of the American Antiquarian Society...
Item #674435
November 25, 1812
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov. 25, 1812
* American Antiquarian Society (AAS) established
* Worcester, Massachusetts - American history
Page 2 has a very significant news report headed: "American Antiquarian Society" which begins: "This Society was incorporated by an Act of the Legislature of this Commonwealth, passed October 22d, 1812. It's object is to collect an... See More
Reporting on the War of 1812, with a "rallying call" for soldiers...
Item #682615
November 30, 1812
CONNECTICUT MIRROR, Hartford, Nov. 30, 1812
* General Alexander Smyth "rallying call"
The front page has a full column reporting on the War of 1812 in: "Our Southern Frontier" carrying over to page 2. Page 2 has a "rallying call" letter by General Alexander Smyth to the: "Men Of New York!" noting in part: "...You desire your share of fame. T... See More
War of 1812... Mississippi moves towards statehood...
Item #674439
December 02, 1812
* Mississippi statehood ?
* War of 1812 - Fort Harrison
The front page has a brief item headed: "Another New State" reading: "The bill to erect a new state out of the Mississippi Territory passed by a large majority...".
Page 2 has some nice items headed: "The Glorious War!!" and another: "An Indian Town Destroyed" wi... See More
The "contemptible braggart" General Smyth...
Item #673043
December 04, 1812
THE REPERTORY & GENERAL ADVERTISER, Boston, Dec. 4, 1812 The ftpg. has over a column taken up with the situation at Sacket's Harbor, including a lengthy letter from there signed in type by: Isaac Chauncey.
But the most interesting piece may be the brief report on page 2: "Of all the contemptible & ridiculous braggarts that ever disgraced the profession of a soldier, it is a... See More
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