

Web Results (369)



Protestants versus the Catholics...

Item #685421

January 03, 1682

THE IMPARTIAL PROTESTANT MERCURY, London, England, Jan. 3, 1681/2  

* Rare 17th century publication

* Protestants versus the Catholics

This single-sheet newspaper is a fascinating paper published during this time of struggle between Catholics and Protestants in government.

News is entirely from England & Scotland, with most of a column taken up with advertisements.

Complete as a ... See More  

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Pamphlet on King James' dissenters on his Declaration of Indulgence... Freedom of Religion...

Item #699577

January 01, 1687

AN ANSWER TO A LETTER TO A DESSENTER, Upon Occasion of His Majesties Late Gracious DECLARATION OF INDULGENCE, London, 1687

An interesting pamphlet concerning the 1687 Declaration of Indulgence by King James II of England, and James VII of Scotland. It was a step at establishing freedom of religion in the British Isles, although part of the king's intention was to promote his own minority reli... See More  

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The surrender of Edinburgh Castle...

Item #692836

June 20, 1689

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, June 20, 1689  

* Siege and surrender of Edinburgh Castle

* George Gordon, 1st Duke of Gordon

The back page has a report concerning the surrender of Edinburgh Castle noting: "...Yesterday in the evening the Duke of Gourdon finding the besiegers had advanced their trenches near to the ditch, after several parleys delivered up the Castle upon the followi... See More  

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A rare 17th century title...

Item #685423

July 09, 1689


* Very rare 18th century publication

The year is printed in the dateline of the first report at the top of page 1, as well as in the imprint at the bottom of the back page.

A very rare newspaper from England dealing primarily with Parliamentary affairs.

A single sheet issue with untrimmed... See More  

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First session of Parliament on the union of England and Scotland...

Item #704248

October 27, 1707

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, October 27, 1707  

* First Parliament of Great Britain 

A very historic issue as the front page reports on the very first session of Parliament of the newly-created Parliament of Great Britain which occurred on October 23. The union of England and Scotland was official several months previous by the ratification of the Acts of Union involving both Engl... See More  

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Rare Daniel DeFoe periodical... Only a few remain within our inventory...

Item #207535
A REVIEW OF THE STATE OF THE BRITISH NATION, London, 1708 From research done by the prestigious London rare book firm of Pickering & Chatto, this is one of Daniel Defoe's greatest, but least known works. The Review covered his many interests, both literary and historical and was published twice and later three times a week. The reason for the neglect of this work is due in part to the tiny... See More  

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Very displayable Edinburgh, Scotland newspaper...

Item #687308

August 11, 1726


* Very rare title from the early 18th century

* Nice masthead engravings

See the photos for one of the more beautiful, displayable mastheads of the 18th century featuring two woodblock engravings, one showing postboys on horseback trumpeting the news, and the other showing a winged angel trumpeting the news.

Additionally, the fir... See More  

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Reports from South Carolina, St. Augustine, and Georgia... slavery...

Item #642712
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, June, 1739  Near the back is the: "Historical Chronicle" with news from England & other parts of Europe. One of the reports is from Switzerland & notes: "...people who went from this country to inhabit the British colonies of Carolina and Georgia are returning from thence, the climate not agreeing with them." 
... See More  

Item from Catalog 349 (released for December, 2024)

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Death of Jonathan Swift... Early printing of "God Save the King"... Battle charts...

Item #667108
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1745  A highlight of this issue is the interesting and unusual full page engraving of: "A Plan of the City of Edinburgh" which has much detail, showing the castle as well, and includes a rather large key to various locations as well. Further on is a very detailed article: "Description of the City of Edinburgh".

Another si
... See More  

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Death of Jonathan Swift... Early printing of "God Save the King"... Battle charts...

Item #667109
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1745  A highlight of this issue is the interesting and unusual full page engraving of: "A Plan of the City of Edinburgh" which has much detail, showing the castle as well, and includes a rather large key to various locations as well. Further on is a very detailed article: "Description of the City of Edinburgh".

Another si
... See More  

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Sewall & the churches in New England... The Jacobite Rebellion...

Item #643046
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1746  Nine pages at the beginning of the issue are taken up with reports on events in Parliament under the guise of: "Proceedings & Debates in the Senate of Lilliput" as direct reporting on Parliamentary events was prohibited.

Three pages are taken up with a lengthy list of: "Ships Taken from the French & Spaniards&q
... See More  

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Title relates to the Jacobite Rebellion.,..

Item #700852

October 20, 1746

THE DAILY GAZETTEER: A Vigorous War; Glorious Peace, or LONDON ADVERTISER, England, Oct. 20, 1746  The title, with the military reference, likely relates to the Jacobite Rebellion which reached its climax at the Battle of Culloden on April 16. 

The front page is filled with various news reports from Europe, with the entire back page taken up with advertisements.

Complete as a single sh... See More  

Item from Catalog 349 (released for December, 2024)

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Siege of Louisbourgh, Nova Scotia...

Item #657558

October 27, 1746

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Oct. 27, 1746 

* Siege of Louisbourg - French Canada

* War of the Austrian Succession

* King George's War

Pages 1 & 2 are mostly taken up with reports of the War of Austrian Succession.

Page 3 has reports on King George's War in North America, focused on Cape Breton in Nova Scotia. One item mentions: "...landed some 1000 men with ... See More  

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Title relates to the Jacobite Rebellion.,..

Item #700858

November 01, 1746

THE DAILY GAZETTEER: A Vigorous War; Glorious Peace, or LONDON ADVERTISER,  England, Nov. 1, 1746  

* Era of the Jacobite Rebellion

* Rare 18th century publication

The title, with the military reference, likely relates to the Jacobite Rebellion which reached its climax at the Battle of Culloden on April 16. 

The front page is filled with various news reports from Europe, wit... See More  

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Reward offered for runaway seamen...

Item #657477

November 13, 1746

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Nov. 13, 1746  The back page has an interesting notice offering a reward for the return of runaway seamen, issued by "Thomas Smith, Commander in Chief of all His Majesty's Ships..." noting in part: "Whereas it is become frequent with seamen belonging to His Majesty's ships & vessels to run away from them...I do hereby assure all ... See More  

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Reward offered for runaway seamen... Trials for the rebels from the Jacobite Rebellion...

Item #657479

November 17, 1746

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Nov. 17, 1746 

* Jacobite Rebellion rebels - trial

The front page has a list of various "rebel prisoners" from the Jacobite Rebellion, noting their trial. And page 3 has a report of an escaped prisoner: 'That William Ashley, who had  been confined in Dunsermline Prison as a Rebel, having in the night betwixt Thursday and Friday la... See More  

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The King's speech...

Item #657481

November 24, 1746

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Nov. 24, 1746 

* War of the Austrian Succession

* King George's War - speech

Over half of the front page is taken up with the speech of the King of England, mostly relating to recent events in the War of the Austrian Succession.

Four pages, 8 by 10 inches, very nice condition.... See More  

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The King's proclamation for a day of fasting...

Item #657489

December 08, 1746

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Dec. 8, 1746  Nearly half of the front page is taken up with: "By the King, A PROCLAMATION For A General Fast", relating to the hardships of the on-going War of Austrian Succession.

Four pages, 8 by 10 inches, very nice condition.

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The King's Proclamation to encourage naval recruitment...

Item #704038

March 20, 1755

THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, arch 20, 1755  Half of the front page is taken up with: "By the King, A PROCLAMATION, For continuing the encouragements to seamen who shall enter themselves on Board His Majesty's ships of war; for increasing the bounty to all such seamen..." with more.

Four pages, 10 by 12 3/4 inches, repair at the blank spine, nice condition.

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18th century Scotland...

Item #649233
(5) THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, late 1750's  A very early lot of five newspapers from Scotland, with news of the day.  A great period set at a considerable discount from the regular per-issue price. Nice condition.  The images shown are representative of the look and condition of those you will receive.  Actual dates vary in the later 1750's.... See More  

Item from Catalog 349 (released for December, 2024)

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Reports relating to the French & Indian War...

Item #699646

January 26, 1758

THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Jan. 26, 1758  Page 2 has a brief item relating to the ongoing French & Indian War, noting: "Robert Monckton, Esq., is likewise appointed Lieutenant Colonel commandant of the Royal American regiment in the room of Lieutenant Colonel Desceaux, deceased."

Also a list of officers: "...promote(ed) the following gentlemen to the rank of ... See More  

Item from Catalog 348 (released for November, 2024)

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French & Indian War reports from America...

Item #700794

December 26, 1758

THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Dec. 26, 1758  From during the French & Indian War with page 2 having: "Plantation News" with datelines from Annapolis Albany, Boston, and New York, all with reports concerning the French & Indian War.

Four pages, 9 1/4 by 14 1/2 inches, partial red tax stamp on the front page, nice condition.

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From during the French & Indian War...

Item #208979
THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, 1759 A nice Scottish newspaper from this significant year during the French & Indian War, however this issues does not have any noteworthy content relating to the war. But much news of the day, mostly from Europe, and many ads as well. Relatively nice condition with some light browning or dirtiness, small folio-size measuring about 9 1/2 by 14 1/2 inche... See More  

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18th century Scotland...

Item #559414
(5) THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, late 1750's and/or early 1760's  A very early lot of five (5) newspapers from Scotland, with news of the day.  A great period set at a considerable discount from the regular per-issue price. Average condition.  The images shown are representative of the look and condition of those you will receive.  While actual dates va... See More  

If an image(s) is shown, it is only representative of the style and condition of what you will receive. Actual items will vary.

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Naval reports from the French & Indian War in America...

Item #681528

March 22, 1759

THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, March 22, 1759  Page 2 has naval reports from the French & Indian War: "The Phila, Capt. Farmer, from New York...was taken the 17th of February by the Sampson privateer of Bayonne..." with more reports mentioning New York and South Carolina.

Four pages, 9 1/2 by 14 1/2 inches, red tax stamp on the front page, great condition.... See More  

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Map of Guadeloupe...

Item #698234
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, June, 1759  Within this issue is a nice full page map titled: "A New and Accurate Map of the Isles of Guadloupe, Marie-Galante, etc. from the Best Authorities" which shows much detail & is in nice condition. This is a full page map measuring 5 by 8 1/4 inches and is accompanied by 2 related articles titled: "Articles of Capitulation bet... See More  

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Friendly address to the Jews... Capitulation of Guadalupe...

Item #676665
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, June, 1759  Among the articles are a continued: "Life of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland" "Friendly Address to the Jews" which takes a full page; "Articles of Capitulation between their Excellencies & the Inhabitants of Guadelupe, etc." and "Gazette Account of the Taking of Guadaloupe" which takes more than ... See More  

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Early Georgia... Map of the English Channel...

Item #682582

* Article on the weather in Georgia

* Map of Havre De Grace, the English Channel, Isle of Wight

The first article is: "A Description of Havre de Grace" which takes over a full page and is accompanied by a nice foldout map showing part of the English Channel including the Isle of Wight off the coast of Southampton and a
... See More  

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On the French & Indian War: French have to abandon Louisbourg...

Item #700798

November 23, 1759

THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Nov. 23, 1759  From during the French & Indian War with page 2 containing a related item noting: "...In consequence of the taking of Louisbourg, upwards of 20,000 French people, who were settled in different sorts of trade & business in the country round about have been sent away & several small towns...have been demolished...".

... See More  

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Five British newspapers from the 1760's - 1790's...

Item #708399
* Pre and post American Revolutionary War era

* Great, unique gift idea for that history buff

(5) An interesting & unique lot of five British newspapers, containing all different titles from the 18th century. They span the 1760's thru the 1790's and include at least one from each decade. Some have red ink stamps (partial or otherwise, see images). Certainly a one-of-a-kind grouping... See More  

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The British capture Belle Ile from the French...

Item #700922

June 20, 1761

THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, June 20, 1761  

* Capture of Belle Île - Brittany, France

* British amphibious expedition victory

* Seven Years' War - Studhome Hodgson

Most of page 2 and part of page 3 are taken up with great coverage of the Capture of Belle Ile during the Seven Years' War.

This event was a British expedition to capture the French island o... See More  

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On the end of the French & Indian War...

Item #700457

August 06, 1763

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 6, 1763  

* French and Indian War nearing the end

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 6, 1763  Most of the front page is taken up with reports under the heading: "America", with a Perth Amboy dateline, and includes: "The termination of a long & burthensome war, by the late Definitive Treaty, is an event as happy as it is g... See More  

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From the year of the Stamp Act...

Item #204516
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, 1765 A rather uncommon title from before the Revolutionary War and a nice opportunity for a British newspaper from during the year of the Stamp Act in the colonies. Contents include various news of the day with a wealth of ads as well.  Complete in 8 pages & measuring about 8 1/2  by 11 inches, never trimmed at the margin, some light rubbing a... See More  

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Coalition of the American and West Indies' colonists...

Item #657794
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1766  Articles within this issue include: "Description of an Artificial Swan" "Account of a Journey Into Scotland" "An Address to the Annotators of the Bible" "Coalition of the American and W. Indian Colonists" and more.

Near the back is the "Historical Chronicle" which has various news reports of th... See More  

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General Murray on retiring from Quebec...

Item #679163

September 01, 1766

THE SCOTS MAGAZINE, Edinburgh, Scotland, September, 1766  Although formatted much like the more common "Gentleman's Magazine" this is a much more scarce title.

News under: "British North America" includes an address from the Council in Quebec to Governor James Murray on his retirement from that position, with his response to the Council. Further on are more letters to... See More  

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Would reject independence if offered... Regarding representation in Parliament...

Item #688491

April 04, 1768

THE BOSTON CHRONICLE, Massachusetts, April 4, 1768  Inside has most of a page taken up with a letter from the Speaker of the Mass. Assembly to one of the King's Secretaries of State, which includes: " seems to be conclusive that as those acts were made with the sole & express purpose of raising a revenue out of America, the subjects here are in those instances unfortunately ... See More  

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With the "Supplement" issue as well. Fine content...

Item #687300

May 16, 1768


* Pro-British American publication

* Tensions build with England

The entire front page and most of pg. 2 are taken up with a continued report titled: "An Account of Corsica; & the Memoirs of the famous Pascal Paoli the commander in chief of the Corsicans."

Page 2 contains a nice & somewhat detailed ad for the famous series of... See More  

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Colonial Boston, with the Supplement issue attached...

Item #679116

June 06, 1768

THE BOSTON CHRONICLE, Massachusetts, June 6, 1768 

* Pre Revolutionary War tensions

Under reports from London is: "...Letters from Boston, New England, mention that the late public spirit for establishing new manufactures was greatly subsided, the adventurers having met with nothing but disappointments in procuring materials, scarcity of money, & high price of wages." Else... See More  

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John Wilkes, a supporter of the American cause...

Item #679721

August 29, 1768

THE BOSTON CHRONICLE, Massachusetts, Aug. 29, 1768 

* John Wilkes - radical

* Pre Revolutionary War

The first half of the newspaper is taken up with the continuation of the "Narrative of the Hon. Commodore Byron" on his expedition around the world in the 1740's.

Near the back are reports from London noting in part: "...that most of the readers of our paper are such ... See More  

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Boston newspaper with Loyalist leanings... Opinions on Massachusetts clergy re the Charter...

Item #688492

December 26, 1768

THE BOSTON CHRONICLE, December 26, 1768  The publisher of this newspaper had Loyalist leanings, causing its demise before the formal outbreak of the Revolutionary War.

All of pages 1 & 2 are taken up with a continued report on: "Voltaire on History". Page 3 has: "The Opinions of the Ministers of the colony of the Massachusetts...upon this question--Whether to Surrender the... See More  

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Joshua Reynolds is knighted...

Item #563196

May 01, 1769


* Sir Joshua Reynolds knighted

* 18th century English painter

Page 2 has a brief report noting: "Friday his Majesty was pleased to confer the honour of Knighthood on Joshua Reynolds, Esq., President of the Royal Academy of Paining, etc. He is the first Limner who has had that honour conferred on him since the reign of Charles II.&qu... See More  

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From before the outbreak of war in America...

Item #687403

October 01, 1769

THE SCOTS MAGAZINE, (Edinburgh, Scotland), October, 1769  A somewhat "generic" issue of this uncommon magazine title with a wide variety of articles from before the outbreak of war with the American colonies. 

Near the back is a half page of reports from "British North America".

The front page has the "Contents" listed. Complete in 56 pages, 5 by 8 inches,... See More  

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Virginia awaits Parliament's response on taxation...

Item #215539

June 08, 1770

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, June 8, 1770  An inside page has a letter from Virginia which includes: "The colonies wait silently for the determination of parliament concerning the revenue act. They have done all in their power to prohibit or retard the sale of British commodities but a view of our imports will show how ineffectual their efforts have been & how useless &
... See More  

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Holding to the non-importation agreement...

Item #581942

August 28, 1770

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Aug. 28, 1770  Inside under: "AMERICA, Philadelphia" is a report of: "...English goods arrived here...which were purchased by two shopkeepers...contrary to the non-importation agreement; upon which the committee of merchants sent for them & represented the impropriety of their conduct, which they readily acknowledged & the good were i... See More  

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From between the Boston Massacre & the Boston Tea Party...

Item #622343

August 03, 1772

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Aug. 3, 1772 

* Rare title

Pages 1 and 2 are almost entirely taken up with various European news, including military events, with pgs. 3 & 4 mostly taken up with ads.

Four pages, folio size, nice condition.

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News from Albany...

Item #587049

August 19, 1772

THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Aug. 19, 1772  Page 2 has a piece headed: "America" from Albany with a story of a brave rescue of a child from falling overboard from a ship (see).

Four pages, folio size, nice condition.

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Value of the Ohio River...

Item #582086

August 24, 1772

THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Edinburgh, Scotland, Aug. 24, 1772 

* Ohio River value ?

* Pre Rev. War era

Page 3 has a paragraph noting: "The Ohio, though a very extensive river of North cut off from all possible intercourse with a foreign commerce & has no connection whatever with the sea..." and a bit more (see photos). Four pages, folio size, red ink tax ... See More  

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Much on the Mississippi...

Item #583782

August 29, 1772


* Early Mississippi & Ohio Rivers

Page 2 has a report which includes: "...The public, in the various conversations which have arisen on the subject of the new settlement in North America, generally confound the Mississippi with the Ohio; whereas the two rivers are very distinct; the first is capable of admitting the larges... See More  

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1773 Edinburgh, Scotland....

Item #587050

March 31, 1773

THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, March 31, 1773  Page 2 has a section headed: "America" with a New York dateline, concerning a naval encounter with Indians (see).

Four pages, light dirtiness to the ftpg., folio size, nice condition.

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News from America...

Item #583755

September 13, 1773

THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Sept. 13, 1773 

* Native American Indians

Page 2 has a full column of reporting under "America" with reports from Charleston with much on the situation with the Cherokee & Creek Indians, and also bits noting: "...vessels belonging to Rhode Island...carried into New Providence are, we hear, both condemned. One of them had 18 ch... See More  

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