Ratification of the Prohibition amendment...
Item #684949
January 18, 1919
THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 18, 1919
* re. Prohibition (no beer, liquor) wins
* 18th Amendment ratification
* 3/4 of the states needed is met
The front page has a one column heading: PROHIBITION ISSUE UNDER LEGAL FIRE" with subheads. (see) Second report coverage on the ratification of the 18th amendment to the Constitution & causing Prohibition to take effect the next ... See More
1930 Chicago gangland war in full swing...
Item #684942
December 27, 1930
* Chicago gangland wars
* Al 'Scarface' Capone era
* Prohibition & great depression
* Best title to be had - rare as such
The front page has a great banner headline concerning the gangland wars in Chicago that reads: "NORTH SIDE SHAKEN; 2 BOMBS" with subheads. Nice for display. Two related photos are on the back page.
When it com... See More
A newspaper fighting against the Prohibition amendment...
Item #683898
May 01, 1930
THE CALIFORNIA MINUTE MAN, San Francisco, May, 1930 The masthead notes: "A Liberal Paper For Liberal People" and also notes that is is: "Published by the California Division of the Association Against the Prohibition Amendment".
As might be imagined, all the content relates to repealing the Prohibition amendment, which would happen in 1933.
Four pages, "sample copy... See More
Dillinger's fellow gangster is executed...
Item #682349
October 17, 1934
THE EL PASO TIMES, Texas, Oct. 17, 1934
* Harry Pierpont execution
* Prohibition era gangster
* John Dillinger's mentor
The front page has a report of the Harry Pierpont execution, he a member of the John Dillinger gang.
The heading notes: "Harry Pierpont Executed; Dillinger Gangster Weeps While Awaiting His Death" 'Bad Man' Has Crying Sells In His Cell, Offic... See More
Roger Touhy: Irish-American mob boss... John Dillinger gang captured...
Item #682348
January 26, 1931
ST. PAUL DISPATCVH, Minnesota, Jan. 26, 1931 The headline: "FACTOR NAMES TOUHY AS KIDNAPER" with related subheads on Roger Touhy, an Irish American mob boss & Prohibition-era bootlegger form Chicago. This reports his having been framed for the 1933 faked kidnapping of gangster John 'Jake the Barber' Factor (brother of Max Factor). Touhy would spend 26 years in prison, m... See More
1918 Cardinal James Gibbons against prohibition...
Item #682070
February 06, 1918
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Feb. 6, 1918
* Cardinal James Gibbons
* Catholic Church prelate
* Against prohibition
* Pro beer - liquor
The front page has a two column heading: "Cardinal Gibbons Announces Prohibition Amendment; Says Adoption Will Be Calamity". (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that... See More
1934 William Jack "Three Fingers" White assassination...
Item #681955
January 24, 1934
* William Jack "Three Fingers" White assassination
* Chicago prohibition era gangster - Chicago Outfit
The front page has a one column heading: "White's Name Erased From List By Death". (see)
Twelve pages, light toning and wear with a few small tears at the margins, should be handled with care.... See More
Al Capone tax evasion case, in a Chicago newspaper...
Item #679608
June 08, 1931
* Gangster Al 'Scarface' Capone
* Income tax evasion case
* Best title to be had (rare)
The front page has a one column heading: "HUNT CAPONE'S HIDDEN RICHES FOR U. S. DEBT" with subhead. (see)
Related photo is on the back page. Capone would plead guilty about a week later.
Terrific to have this report in a Chicago newspaper... See More
1930 Chicago gangland war in full swing...
Item #679086
January 30, 1930
* Chicago gangland wars
* Al 'Scarface' Capone era
* Prohibition & great depression
* Best title to be had - rare as such
The front page has a great banner headline concerning the gangland wars in Chicago that reads: "13 HURT BY NORTH SIDE BOMB" with subheads. Nice for display. A few related photos are on the back page.
Whe... See More
Prohibition ending in NYC....
Item #678582
March 26, 1933
THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 26, 1933
* U.S. Prohibition ends in NYC
* Beer - liquor returns
The front page has one column headings: "CITY BEER SHORTAGE FEARED BY BREWERS" "New Jobs Put At 50,000" and more. (see) Much more on pages 2 & 3 with related photo. (see)
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day throughout. Complete 1st section only with 32 pages, rag e... See More
1929 Detroit Study nightclub fire...
Item #678085
September 21, 1929
THE NEW YORK TIMES, September 21, 1929
* The Study club fire
* Detroit, Michigan disaster
* Illegal prohibition era nightclub
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "18 DIE, 47 INJURED IN FIRE AND PANIC IN DETROIT CABARET" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on the prohibition era Detroit, Michigan nightclub fire disaster shortly before the great stock market... See More
Early Al Capone... Cigarettes don't cause cancer ?....
Item #677842
July 10, 1928
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 10, 1928
* Early Al Capone report
* Chicago gangster war
* Alcohol - beer - prohibition era
* re. Frankie Yale Uale murder
Page 25 has one column headings that include: "CAPONE PUTS 5 HERE DAY UALE WAS SLAIN" "Politicians See Gangster" "Track Capone Gangsters" and more. Coverage on Capone this early are somewhat rare, prior... See More
John Dillinger captured in 1934 Tucson...
Item #677538
January 28, 1934
* John Dillinger & gang captured
* Harry Pierpont & Charles Makely
* Tucson AZ Arizona - Mary Kinder
The top of page 3 has a one column heading: "SPEED PLANS TO SEND DILLINGER AND 3 TO CHAIR" with subhead. (see) Dillinger would be sent to Crown Point Jail in Indiana where he would make his famous "wooden" gun escape... See More
Diamond Joe Esposito assassination...
Item #677166
March 24, 1928
THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 24, 1928
* Diamond Joe Esposito assassination
* Prohibition-era Chicago gangster - mobster
Page 19 has a one column heading: "FIND ALIBIS FALSE IN CHICAGO KILLING" with subheads. (see) Coverage of the assassination of Diamond Joe Esposito, prohibition-era Chicago gangster & Republican ward boss.
Complete with 36 pages, light toning and minor wear at ... See More
Jack 'Legs' Diamond shot 5 times...
Item #677043
October 14, 1930
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Mass. October 14, 1930
* Jack 'Legs' Diamond shot 5 times
* New York City Gangster
The top of the front page has a three column headline: "DIAMOND FIGHTING FOR LIFE WHILE POLICE SEEK GUNMAN; SECOND WOMAN ENTERS CASE" with subheads and related photo. (see)
Complete with 22 pages, light toning and a little wear at the margins, generally good.
sou... See More
Best Al 'Scarface' Capone released from prison....
Item #675196
March 19, 1930
* Al 'Scarface' Capone released from prison
* Chicago beer baron - gangster boss
* Best title to be had (very rare as such)
The front page has a one column heading: "CAPONE CALLS GANG TO MEET HIM IN INDIANA" with subhead. Related photo with heading on the back page. (see) Coverage on Al Capone's release from prison after ser... See More
Working towards ending Prohibition...
Item #674560
February 17, 1933
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Massachusetts, February 17, 20, and the "Extra" of the 20th, 1933
* 18th Amendment - prohibition end imminent
* House votes to repeal - 21st Amendment - Blaine Act
This trio of issues reports on the Blaine Act, a resolution adopted by the U.S. Congress on February 20, 1933, initiating repeal of the 18th Amendment which established Prohibition. Repeal was ... See More
re. Jack Zuta assasssination in Chicago......
Item #674397
August 19, 1930
* Chicago gangland war
* George 'Bugs' Moran
* Al 'Scarface' Capone
* re. Jack Zuta's assassination
The front page has a nice banner headline: "EVANSTON CHIEF IN ZUTA BOX" with subheads. Nice for display. A few related photos are on the back page. (see) When it comes to gangsters, organized crime, and the nefarious activ... See More
"Beer Parade" in 1932 NYC...
Item #674170
May 15, 1932
* Anti prohibition parade
* In New York City
* Beer - Liquor
The front page has a one column heading: "'Give Us Beer,' New York City Paraders Cry" (see)
Complete 1st section only with20 pages, rag edition in nice condition. A few small binding holes along the spine.... See More
Progressing towards Prohibition...
Item #674035
July 03, 1919
THE GREENSBORO PATRIOT, North Carolina, July 3, 1919
* Headed towards prohibition
* Liquor - beer to be abolished
The top of the first column reports on the progress towards Prohibition: "PLAN TO STOP SALE OF STRONG BEER" "Congress And Department Of Justice After 2 3/4 Per Cent Article" with the details taking over half a column. Nationwide Prohibition would formal... See More
Thomas Edison supports Prohibition law....
Item #673875
December 18, 1930
THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 18, 1930
* Inventor Thomas Edison
* U.S. Prohibition support
* Anti beer - liquor law
Page 17 has a one column heading: "EDISON SEES BOON IN PROHIBITION LAW" with subheads. (see) See images for a question/answer article showing Thomas Edison's support for the Eighteenth Amendment. I suspect this is one of the few publications to report this parti... See More
Prohibition ending ?... 1930 Buick ad...
Item #673602
May 14, 1930
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Mass., May 14, 1930
* Prohibition ending in America "
* Francis Scott McBride
* Homemade beer legal ?
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "LIQUOR CAN BE MADE IN HOME, M'BRIDE SAYS" with subheads. (see)
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 30 pages, light toning and minor wear at the margins, generally nice... See More
Prohibition upheld by the Supreme Court...
Item #673001
February 24, 1931
LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, February 24, 1931
* The 19th Amendment deemed valid
* Supreme Courts upholds Prohibition
The front page has a 4-column, 2-line heading: "SUPREME COURT HOLDS 18TH AMENDMENT VALID", with considerable supporting text. Yet again the Supreme Court fended off another challenge to the validity of Prohibition. The 19th Amendment would eventually... See More
George "Dutch" Anderson shot dead....
Item #672403
November 03, 1925
THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 3, 1925
* George "Dutch" Anderson killed
* Prohibition era criminal
* Gerald Chapman comrade
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "'DUTCH' ANDERSON SLAIN BY OFFICER HE SHOT FATALLY" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on the gunfight between police and Anderson at Muskegon, Michigan.
Other news, sports and adve... See More
Al Capone... pre-Stock Market Crash...
Item #671204
October 19, 1929
* Al 'Scarface' Capone
* Prohibition era gangster
* Beer baron
The front page has one column headings: "CAPONE CHECK IS SOUGHT AS RUM RAID EVIDENCE" with subheads. (see) The great stock market crash of 1929 would occur just a few days later.
Complete with all 20 pages, light toning, minor margin wear, some small binding slits ... See More
U.S. Senate approves Blaine Act ending prohibition...
Item #670835
February 21, 1933
* 18th Amendment - prohibition end imminent
* House votes to repeal - 21st Amendment - Blaine Act
The top of page 5 has a one column heading: "REPEAL BILL GOES TO STATES" with subhead. (see) First report coverage on the United States House of Representatives approving the repeal of prohibition.
Other news, sports and advertise... See More
Prohibition ends in Arizona....
Item #669999
September 20, 1933
THE NEW YORK TIMES, September 20, 1933
* End of Prohibition - repeal
* Beer - liquor returns
* New Mexico - Idaho
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "IDAHO, NEW MEXICO JOIN REPEAL RANKS; 31 STATES IN LINE" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on the states of New Mexico and Idaho ratifying the repeal of prohibition. Always nice to have notable events ... See More
Gangster Waxey Gordon arrested...
Item #667276
May 22, 1933
THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 22, 1933
* Waxey Gordon arrested on tax evasion charges
* Prohibition era gangster - bootlegging - gambling
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "'WAXEY' GORDON IS SEIZED IN HIDING WITH AIDES" with subheads. (see) Lengthy text continues inside. First report coverage on the arrest of American gangster, Waxey Gordon, for tax evasion. A... See More
Frank McErlane death.... Chicago gangster...
Item #665323
October 09, 1932
* Frank McErlane death
* Irish-American gangster
* Thompson submachine gun
* Best title to be had ? very rare
The top of page 5 has a one column heading: "M'ERLANE, GANG KILLER, IS DEAD OF PNEUMONIA" with subhead and two related photos. (see) First report coverage on the death of Frank McErlane. When it comes to gangsters, organi... See More
Gangster Ralph Capone charged w/ vagrancy...
Item #665183
October 09, 1930
* Ralph Capone charged with vagrancy
* Chicago gangland gangster - mobster
* Best title to be had - very rare as such
The front page has a one column heading: "RALPH CAPONE GIVES UP; FREED IN TEN MINUTES" with subhead. (see) When it comes to gangsters, organized crime, and the nefarious activities born out of the Prohibition and Great Depressio... See More
Chicago's crooked gangland mayor defeated....
Item #664958
April 08, 1931
THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 8, 1931
* William Hale "Big Bill" Thompson defeated
* Anton Cermak becomes Chicago mayor
* Gangland - gangsters - prohibition era
The top of the front page has a two column heading: "CHICAGO OUSTS THOMPSON; CERMAK IS ELECTED MAYOR BY A MAJORITY OF 191,916" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on Anton Cermak defeating William Hale Thompso... See More
1st steps to end prohibition ?....
Item #662890
January 19, 1930
THE DETROIT NEWS, January 19, 1930
* Prohibition - 18th Eighteenth Amendment
* Wets vs. Drys in Washington D.C.
* Beginning of the end ?
The front page has a one column heading: "DRYS' STEAM ROLLER WORKS" with subheads. (see) Was this the beginning of the fight to repeal prohibition ?
Complete 1st section only with all 18 pages, rag edition in nice condition.... See More
John Dillinger hunted in Chicago ?...
Item #659202
May 05, 1934
* Outlaw John Dillinger now in Chicago ?
* The city where he would be killed
* Post Little Bohemia Lodge shootout
* Best title to be had (rare as such)
The front page has a one column heading: "Dillinger Hunt Takes a Turn on High Seas" Related photo on the back page. (see) When it comes to gangsters, organized crime, and the nefarious activiti... See More
After John Dillinger's infamous jail escape...
Item #658986
March 15, 1934
* Gangster John Dillinger
* Post famous wooden gun escape
* Hunted in the Midwest
The top of page 3 has a one column heading: "JOHN DILLINGER PAROLE UNDER FIRE OF JURORS" with subhead. Three related photos are on the back page. This was probably the most famous escapes from a high security jail in United States history. When it comes to... See More
Al Capone's trial would result in eight years in the federal penitentiary...
Item #657857
October 12, 1931
* Al 'Scarface' Capone - gangster - mob boss
* Famous tax evasion trial w/ much testimony
* Best title to be had - very rare as such
The front page has a one column heading regarding the two-week long trial of notorious gangster Al "Scarface" Capone: "U. S. TO TRACE CAPONE'S RISE IN TRIAL TODAY" with subhead. (se... See More
Al Capone's trial would result in eight years in the federal penitentiary...
Item #657407
October 14, 1931
* Al 'Scarface' Capone - gangster - mob boss
* Famous tax evasion trial w/ much testimony
* Best title to be had - very rare as such
The front page has a one column heading regarding the two-week long trial of notorious gangster Al "Scarface" Capone: "DRAMA IN COURT AS U. S. CLOSES CASE ON CAPONE" with subhead. (see)... See More
Chicago gangland war in full swing...
Item #657027
May 19, 1930
* Chicago gangland wars
* Al 'Scarface' Capone era
* Prohibition & great depression
* Best title to be had - rare as such
The front page has a great banner headline concerning the gangland wars in Chicago that reads: "TRAPPED AS HE SETS BOMB" with subheads. Nice for display. Two related photos are on the back page. (see)
When it c... See More
The assassination of Louis 'Two Gun' Alterie...
Item #656979
July 19, 1935
* Louis 'Two Gun' Alterie death (1st report)
* Chicago gangland war -gangsters
* Best title to be had - rare as such
The front page has a great banner headline: "KILL ALTERIE IN LABOR FEUD" with subheads. Nice for display. More on the following page with related photos and diagram. More related photos are on the back page. When i... See More
Jake Lingle assassination...
Item #656950
June 10, 1930
* Jake Lingle assassination (1st report)
* Chicago Tribune reporter
* Al 'Scarface Capone - Gangsters
* Best title to be had (very rare as such)
The front page has a great banner headline: "OFFER $30,000 FOR ASSASSIN" with subheads that include: "GUNMAN SLAYS ALFRED LINGLE IN I. C. SUBWAY" Nice for display. Lengthy first report ... See More
Item #656947
June 08, 1930
* Eugene "Red" McLaughlin's last swim
* Gangster - mobster - "Slaughter Week"
The front page has a five column headline: "'Red' McLaughlin Found Murdered" with subheads. (see) First report coverage continues on page 4 with 3 related photos. When it comes to gangsters, organized crime, and the nefarious activities... See More
Terry "Machine Gun" Druggan jailed...
Item #656858
February 27, 1932
* Terry "Machine Gun" Druggan jailed
* Irish-American mobster - gangster
* Valley Gang leader - Chicago gangland
* Best title to be had - very rare as such
The front page has a great banner headline: "DRUGGAN TAKEN TO U. S. CELL" with subheads and small related photo. Nice for display. Photo of Druggan covering face is on the back p... See More
James Belcastro "King of the Bombers" convicted....
Item #656823
September 10, 1933
* James "Mad Bomber" Belcastro convicted
* "King of the Bombers" - Pineapple Primary fame
* Chicago Outfit gangster - best title to be had
The front page has a five column heading: "Jury Convicts 'King of the Bomber'" with subheads. (see) Photo of Belcastro is on page 17. When it comes to gangsters, organized crim... See More
James 'Fur" Sammons found guilty...
Item #656549
November 25, 1930
* James "Fur" Sammons sentencing
* Chicago gangland psychopath
* Al 'Scarface' Capone madman
The front page has a great banner headline: "PLAN LIFE TERM FOR 'ENEMY'" with subheads. (see) Nice for display. When it comes to gangsters, organized crime, and the nefarious activities born out of the Prohibition and Great De... See More
Bugs Moran gang rounded up....
Item #656509
July 01, 1930
* re. Jake Lingle's assassination
* Chicago Tribune reporter
* George "Bugs" Moran gang
The front page has a great banner headline: "TRAP 15 IN LINGLE RAIDS" with subheads. (see) Nice for display. Two related photos are on the back page. When it comes to gangsters, organized crime, and the nefarious activities born out of the Proh... See More
re. 1929 St. Valentine's Day massacre probe...
Item #656435
January 18, 1930
* re. St. Valentine's Day massacre
* Investigation hits New York City
The top of page 3 has a one column heading: "NEW YORK GANG BULLETS LINKED WITH MASSACRE" with subhead. (see) When it comes to gangsters, organized crime, and the nefarious activities born out of the Prohibition and Great Depression eras, no city is more in the forefront o... See More
Jack 'Machine Gun' McGurn assassinated...
Item #656277
February 17, 1936
CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, February 17, 1936
* Jack 'Machine Gun' McGurn assassination
* St. Valentine's Day Massacre fame
* Al 'Scarface' Capone hit man
* Best title to be had - very rare as such
The top of page 3 has a one column heading: "AUTO OF M'GURN, SOUGHT SINCE, IS FOUND" with subhead. (see) When it comes to gangsters, organized crime, and the nefar... See More
Gangster Ralph Capone goes to prison in 1931...
Item #656200
November 07, 1931
* Ralph Capone starts 3 year term
* Chicago gangland gangster - mobster
* Best title to be had - very rare as such
The ftpg. has a one column heading: "RALPH CAPONE GOES TO PRISON FOR TAX TERM" with subhead. (see) Related photo on the back page.
After his sentence for income tax evasion the previous year, Al Capone was sent to a federal pr... See More
George 'Bugs' Moran's trial for vagrancy begins...
Item #655850
December 10, 1930
* George 'Bugs' Moran trial begins
* Chicago Prohibition Gangster
The top of page 3 has a one column heading: "MORAN'S CRIMES TOLD TO JURY S TRIAL BEGINS" with subhead. (see) First report coverage on the beginning of George 'Bugs' Moran's trial for vagrancy. Probably only found in a Chicago publication. Rar
... See More
* George 'Bugs' Moran trial begins
* Chicago Prohibition Gangster
The top of page 3 has a one column heading: "MORAN'S CRIMES TOLD TO JURY S TRIAL BEGINS" with subhead. (see) First report coverage on the beginning of George 'Bugs' Moran's trial for vagrancy. Probably only found in a Chicago publication. Rar
1931 Leo Vincent Brothers found guilty of murder....
Item #655641
April 04, 1931
* Leo Vincent Brothers found guilty
* Chicago Tribune reporter Jake Lingle murder
* Best title to be had - very rare as such
* Exploited by Al 'Scarface' Capone ?
The front page has a nice banner headline: "FIND LEO BROTHERS GUILTY" with subheads. (see) Lengthy 1st report coverage continues inside with a few related photos on the back... See More
Infamous Dachau concentration camp is created... Adolph Hitler becomes dictator...
Item #654747
March 21, 1933
THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 21, 1933
* Beginning of Dachau concentration camp
* Adolph Hitler becoming dictator
* Prohibition ending
The front page has a three column healdine: "REICHSTAG MEETING TODAY IS PREPARED TO GIVE HITLER FULL CONTROL AS DICTATOR" with subheads.This was when Hitler officially became the dictator of Germany. 1933 was a very tumultuous time in Germany with th... See More
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