Colonial - British Included

Colonial - British Included

Web Results (485)



Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown, in an American newspaper...

Item #687288

December 20, 1781

THE SALEM GAZETTE, Massachusetts, December 20, 1781  

* Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown

* American Revolutionary War ending

This issue contains one of the most historically significant letters from the Revolutionary War, being Cornwallis' official announcement of his surrender to Washington at the Battle of Yorktown.

The report begins on the front page no less, prefaced wit... See More  

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Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown, in an American newspaper... Masthead modeled after one of Paul Revere's...

Item #680790

December 14, 1781

THE INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, December 14, 1781  

* Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown

* American Revolutionary War ending

This issue contains one of the most historically significant letters from the Revolutionary War, being Cornwallis' official announcement of his surrender to Washington at the Battle of Yorktown.

The report consumes all of page 3, prefaced with: "... See More  

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Reflecting upon the war in America...

Item #706379

December 13, 1781

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Dec. 13, 1781 

* Revolutionary War Era

* 18th century

* From The Enemy

The front page has 2 columns taken up with a letter: "To the People of Great Britain" much of which comments on the situation in America and the Revolutionary War.

Nearly 4 pages of reports from the "House of Commons" also include some discussion of the American ... See More  

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References to Cornwallis' surrender... A plea to Congress by Loyalist James Rivington...

Item #687139

December 06, 1781


* American Revolutionary War

* Post Surrender of Cornwallis

* Loyalist James Rivington

The masthead features an engraving taken from one done by Paul Revere, showing a soldier holding a sword and a document inscribed "Independence" while standing beneath a banner inscribed "Appeal To Heaven&q... See More  

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Reflecting on the highlights of the Revolutionary War... Map of a naval battle...

Item #686469
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE SUPPLEMENT, London, For the Year 1781  A very nice "Supplement" issue published at the end of the year, and from the Revolutionary War with a wide range of varied content including war reports, news of the day, political reports, literary items, and other tidbits.

A lengthy article: "Interesting Debate in the House of Peers" includes some reflecti... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Reflecting on the highlights of the Revolutionary War... Map of a naval battle...

Item #686464
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE SUPPLEMENT, London, For the Year 1781  A very nice "Supplement" issue published at the end of the year, and from the Revolutionary War with a wide range of varied content including war reports, news of the day, political reports, literary items, and other tidbits.

A lengthy article: "Interesting Debate in the House of Peers" includes some reflecti... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Reflecting on the highlights of the Revolutionary War... Map of a naval battle...

Item #686467

* Summary of the current Revolutionary War

* Battle of Porto Praya - naval encounter

A very nice "Supplement" issue published at the end of the year, and from the Revolutionary War with a wide range of varied content including war reports, news of the day, political reports, literary items, and other tidbits.

A... See More  

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Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown...

Item #697208
THE LONDON MAGAZINE, London, December and the Appendix issue for the year 1781

* Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess Cornwallis

* Surrender at Yorktown VA Virginia

* Revolutionary War from the enemy

Certainly the most historic report in this issue--and perhaps in any issue from the Revolutionary War--is that near the back of the issue under "American Affairs". It is an "Extract... See More  

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Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown: a first report...

Item #698085

November 27, 1781

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 27, 1781  

* Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown

* Revolutionary War ending

* Historic item - 1st report

This is one of the more noteworthy issues of the Chronicle for the entire Revolutionary War, as it is the first issue in this title to announce the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, essentially ending the Revolutionary War.

Although the fo... See More  

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Perhaps the best Cornwallis surrender issue we have offered...

Item #687093

November 13, 1781


* Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown

* American Revolutionary War ending

A terrific issue as not only does it contain a fine account of the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown, but it consumes the entire front page, carries over to take most of page 2, with additional information on page 3 as well.

The front p... See More  

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News of Cornwallis' surrender... Benedict Arnold & the Battle of Groton Heights...

Item #686426
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November, 1781

* Revolutionary War

* Cornwallis' surrender

* Gen. Benedict Arnold

* Battle of Groton Heights

Near the back is a section headed: "American News" which has a "Copy of a Letter from Brig. Gen. Arnold to his Excellency the Commander in Chief, dated Sound off Plumb Island, Sept. 8, 1781" which takes over an entire pa... See More  

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Naval content from the Revolutionary War....

Item #587189

October 11, 1781

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 11, 1781  Inside has a letter from New York which gives details of a naval battle, noting in part: "....the 29th of June we fell in with a rebel privateer of 22 guns...who engaged us for 3 hours and 20 minutes...The engagement was so excessively hot that for three quarters of an hour the muzzles of her guns & ours rubbed one another. We received so... See More  

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Execution of Col. Isaac Hayne, and much more...

Item #687094

October 11, 1781

THE CONNECTICUT JOURNAL, New Haven, October 11, 1781 

* American Revolutionary War original

* American Issac Hayne's execution - hanging

Most of the front page is taken up with various correspondences from and to C. Fraser, Isaac Hayne, Lord Rawdon & John Collock, with a prefacing note: "The following are authentic copies of sundry papers which  Col. Isaac Hayne, two ... See More  

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Preparing for the final events at Yorktown... Tragic case of Col. Isaac Haynes...

Item #698643

October 02, 1781


* Rare American Revolutionary War publication

Most of the front page is taken up with reports and correspondence concerning the case of Col. Isaac Haynes, the American officer hanged by the British for a controversial charge. One series of letters is prefaced with: "The following are authentic copies of su... See More  

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War in the South... Chart of killed & disabled...

Item #686374
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE London, September, 1781 

* American Revolutionary War

* Camden, South Carolina

Near the beginning is the "List of the Men Killed or Disabled in the War" which includes various columns, with mentions of Howe, Carleton, Gage, Saratoga, and more. Also: "Summary of Proceedings in the last Session of the Last Parliament" which includes some ... See More  

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Review of a book on the Revolutionary War...

Item #660208

September 01, 1781

LONDON MAGAZINE, England, September, 1781  Under Review Of Books" is one  for: "The Revolution of America", which begins: "A narrative of the origin and progress of the rupture between Great Britain and her colonies, written with extreme partiality to the colonists, condemning in every point of view the conduct of the British government & justifying France and Spa... See More  

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War in the South... Chart of killed & disabled...

Item #594757
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE London, September, 1781  Near the beginning is the "List of the Men Killed or Disabled in the War" which includes various columns (see), with mentions of Howe, Carleton, Gage, Saratoga, and more (see). Also: "Summary of Proceedings in the last Session of the Last Parliament" includes some discussion of the Revolutionary War.

Also: "Concer... See More  

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The Siege of Ninety-Six and more military events in South Carolina...

Item #696741

August 28, 1781


* Siege of Nintey Six - South Carolina

* General Nathanael Greene defeat

* American Revolutionary War

 Half of page 2 is taken up with a letter from Major General Greene in which he officers much on the Siege of Ninety-Six.

Additional reports carry over to page 3 with much more detail on the military event... See More  

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Proclamations by British officers...

Item #587016

August 21, 1781

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 21, 1781  Much of the front page is taken up with naval reports from the Caribbean. Page 4 has a nice document from Charleston signed in type by both: Rawdon and N. Balfour, in which they note: "...attention to the general security of the province has obliged his Majesty's relinquish some of the upper parts of it...unnecessary for us to... See More  

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Revolutionary War pay document...

Item #700668

August 21, 1781

A partially hand-written Revolutionary War pay document headed: "State of Connecticut. Pay Table Office".  It notes in part: "Sir: Pay Mr. Abraham Shepard Two Pounds fifteen shillings ...and charge the state..." dated at the top: October 24th, 1782, with two signatures.

Measures 6 1/2 by 5 3/4 inches, very nice condition. A nice item for display,

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Battle of Green Spring... Great reports on the Revolutionary War...

Item #698072

August 14, 1781


* Battle of Green Spring

* James County, Virginia

* American Revolutionary War

The front page has news from captured correspondence including: "The revolt of the Pennsylvania line & Jersey brigade...are certainly events of very great importance, & must have very extensive effects both in reduc... See More  

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Benedict Arnold... Victory at Camden...

Item #586957

August 04, 1781

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 4, 1781  Page 2 has a report which includes: "...that since some of Washington's letters were intercepted, discovering the intention of his army in conjunction with the French troops on Long Island to attack Gen. Clinton, a misunderstanding has taken place between Washington and the French General Rochambeau, which is expected will be of more good ... See More  

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Revolutionary War in the South... Ninety-Six, South Carolina....

Item #686406
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1781 

* Revolutionary War in the South

* Ninety-Six SC South Carolina

The "Historical Chronicle" includes a short bit about: "Two gentlemen...charged with carrying on a treasonable correspondence with the American agent Adams at Amsterdam & with supplying the Colonists with arms & ammunition...".

This is followe... See More  

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Much on the exchange of prisoners in prison ships... British have evacuated the South...

Item #698404

July 17, 1781


* American Revolutionary War

* Ship prisoners exchanged

* Southern colonies evacuation (British)

The front page has several letters from British Lt. Col. Balfour, most dealing with discussion for an exchange of prisoners with General Greene.

This discussion carries over to page 2 where is found a letter dat... See More  

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Movements of British troops in America...

Item #569062

July 14, 1781

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 14, 1781 

* Movements of British troops in America 

* Revolutionary War from the enemy

The back page has some news from America including : "...letters from Earl Cornwallis to Sir Henry Clinton with an account of his Lordship having effected a junction with the troops under the command of Brigadier General Arnold, in consequence of wh... See More  

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Articles of Confederation are working... Traitor Arnold...

Item #687290

July 05, 1781


* Articles of Confederation are now in force

* American Revolutionary War - Benedict Arnold

A very handsome issue as the masthead features an engraving taken from one done by Paul Revere for colonial currency at the time. It is a very patriotic device showing a soldier with a sword in one hand an a scroll with '... See More  

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Washington and Cornwallis in Virginia...

Item #657751
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE London, July, 1781  The "Historical Chronicle" begins with: "Plan for Putting an End to the American War & for Laying the Foundation of a Permanent Peace with the Thirteen Colonies". Another report has some good talk on military affairs in America including: "...Lord Cornwallis has entered Virginia; that a reinforcement has entered Chesape... See More  

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Cornwallis, the Marquis de la Fayette, & others...

Item #698851

June 19, 1781


* Rare American Revolutionary War publication

Inside has a few items  relating to the Revolutionary War, including a bit noting: "...recommend unanimity, firmness and perseverance to the people of  the American states as the British ministry are straining every nerve to enable Generals Clinton a... See More  

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Latest news from the Revolutionary War...

Item #658578

May 15, 1781


* Rare American Revolutionary War publication

The front page has a brief item: "The American spy, mentioned a few days since, is taken at Harwich and will be examined before the Privy-Council. Many papers were found upon his person, touching a treasonable correspondence."

The front page also has some ... See More  

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Chasing after Benedict Arnold...

Item #578738

April 24, 1781

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 24, 1781 

* North Carolina volunteers

* Benedict Arnold chased

* Revolutionary War original

Page 2 has: "...letters from North Carolina bring advice that the majority of the inhabitants in that province have lately risen voluntarily on the side of loyalty & have seized upwards of 200 of the principal men who were known to be the most dist... See More  

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On the Battle of Guilford Court House...

Item #696922

April 24, 1781


* Battle of Guilford Courthouse

* Greensboro, North Carolina

* General Charles Cornwallis loss

Page 2 has some nice war content. The 2nd column begins with: "By accounts from General Greene's army as late as the 24th ultimo, we learn that Lord Cornwallis is retreating towards Cross Creek and that o... See More  

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Responding to General Clinton's offer for a reconciliation...

Item #697636

April 03, 1781


* General Henry Clinton

* Peace with Americans ?

* Revolutionary War

Pages 1 and 2 contain an excellent response to the controversial "Declaration" of General Clinton in which he offers a proposal for peace to the Americans. A few bits include: "The first thing which is offered is a pardon to ... See More  

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Reference to John Paul Jones... Reference to Benedict Arnold's defection...

Item #567395

March 27, 1781

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, March 27, 1781 Page 2 has an item referencing the famous naval battle involving John Paul Jones, with: "...Displeasures of his B.M. in regard to what has been done for Paul  Jones is equally groundless...". Another item on pg. 2 extending to pg. 3 includes: "...negociation intended to lay the plan of a treaty of commerce to be concluded between th... See More  

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Much on events in the South: General Greene & others...

Item #697888

March 13, 1781


* Rare Revolutionary War title

* General Nathanael Greene

* Battle of Cowpens - SC

* Events in the South

Most of the front page is taken up with reports concerning the: "Account of the Examination& Commitment of John Trumbull, for High Treason", some of the "rebel governor" of Conne... See More  

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Nice reporting on the war in the South...

Item #687291

January 25, 1781


* Rare Revolutionary War title from America

A very handsome issue as the masthead features an engraving taken from one done by Paul Revere for colonial currency at the time. It is a very patriotic device showing a soldier with a sword in one hand and a scroll with 'Independence' in the other, with... See More  

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If England would agree to the independence of America...

Item #591619

November 16, 1780

THE GLASGOW MERCURY, Scotland, Nov. 16, 1780 

* Independence of America question

* Revolutionary War

A quote from the House of Commons report notes: "...He had said that if Parliament would agree to acknowledge the independence of America, we might begin a treaty to-morrow...Lord George Germaine said...that if we were inclined to acknowledge the independence of America, we might b... See More  

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A fine & decorative issue from the Revolutionary War...

Item #689458

November 11, 1780

THE PENNSYLVANIA PACKET, Philadelphia, Nov. 11, 1780

* Revolutionary War

* Great masthead

 Over half of the front page is a: "Message from the President & Supreme Executive Council to the Representatives of...Pennsylvania" in which are addressed many issues.

A few bits include: "...when our enemies, forsaking in no small degree the efforts of open and manly force, b... See More  

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On Washington's attempt to drive out Sir Henry Clinton...

Item #701156

November 03, 1780

CALEDONIAN MERCURY, Edinburgh, Scotland, Nov. 3, 1779  Inside has several items on the Revolutionary War including: "...that the Congress, after every effort to put a sufficient force under General Washington's command to drive Sir Henry Clinton from that continent, came to the violent measure off issue an edict for pressing certain descriptions of men, which upon the neck of some se... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Early on Japan... Washington honored by the French...

Item #650618

September 01, 1780

THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, September, 1780  A early article on Japan with: "Curious Account of the Inhabitants of the Empire of Japan, Their Government, Manners, & Customers..." which takes 3 1/2 pages.

Near the back is: "American Affairs"  taking nearly a full page, mostly on naval events in the Caribbean, but it also includes a report from Hartford noting Wa... See More  

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Letter from Washington to Hancock, and more...

Item #700618

August 16, 1780

RUDDIMAN'S WEEKLY MERCURY, Edinburgh, Scotland, Aug. 16, 1780 

* American Revolutionary War era

* From the enemy original

* George Washington letter to John Hancock

Most of the front page and all of page 2 are taken up with a report headed: "America" including a lengthy "Speech of...the Gov. of Georgia to the General Assembly..." with a pro-British theme.

Port... See More  

(Added to Catalog #349 after the hardcopy was released - only available on-line.)

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Concerns of the Virginians...

Item #595081

August 09, 1780


* American Revolutionary War

Page 2 has a report: "A gentleman just arrived from Virginia, by the way of New York, says the distresses of the inhabitants of that province are hardly to be described; that many of the first families had not tasted a morsel of fresh meat for near two months...This intelligence seems to account suf... See More  

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From the Revolutionary War era...

Item #581373
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1780  One report notes: "The assembly of Pennsylvania have fallen upon a new mode of distressing the friends of this country resident among them by obliging persons to take the oaths of allegiance or affirmation of fidelity to the state, & to take a certificate of the same, which certificate they are to produce or be liable to such f... See More  

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From the Revolutionary War era...

Item #678246
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1780 

* Revolutionary War Era

* 18th century

* From The Enemy

One report notes: "The assembly of Pennsylvania have fallen upon a new mode of distressing the friends of this country resident among them by obliging persons to take the oaths of allegiance or affirmation of fidelity to the state, & to take a certificate of the s... See More  

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Pennsylvania Assembly distresses their residents...

Item #685789
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1780  One report notes: "The assembly of Pennsylvania have fallen upon a new mode of distressing the friends of this country resident among them by obliging persons to take the oaths of allegiance or affirmation of fidelity to the state, & to take a certificate of the same, which certificate they are to produce or be liable to such fines ... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Surrender of Charleston... Battle of Waxhaws...

Item #693129
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1780 

* Surrender of Charleston SC

* Waxhaw South Carolina massacre

* Revolutionary War from the enemy

Inside has a letter from Gen. Clinton providing additional details about the situation in South Carolina following the surrender of "Charles-Town" [Charleston].

In his letter he describes the results of the various missions in this c... See More  

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Surrender of Charleston... Battle of Waxhaws...

Item #685818
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1780 

* Surrender of Charleston SC

* Waxhaw South Carolina massacre

* Revolutionary War from the enemy

Inside has a letter from Gen. Clinton providing additional details about the situation in South Carolina following the surrender of "Charles-Town" [Charleston].

In his letter he describes the results of the various missions in this c... See More  

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Relations with America...

Item #606551

June 09, 1780

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, June 9, 1780  The bottom of the front page begins a letter which takes two-thirds of pg. 2 concerning relations with America, beginning; "I shall wave mentioning any thing with regard to the American war; so much has been said pro and con by men of superior abilities...this is not my design, but I shall confine myself to a few of the most notorious rec... See More  

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Critical of action in the war... Fall of Charleston...

Item #587837

May 23, 1780

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, May 23, 1780  Page 2 includes a report that: "...certainly various accounts in tow from very respectable quarters, all of which confirm Sir Henry Clinton's taking Charlestown [Charleston] by storm on the 7th of April after a great slaughter on both sides..." (see).

Fully 1 1/3 pages are taken up with "Letter V to the Right Hon. Lord Viscount ... See More  

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Early reports on the fall of Charleston to the British...

Item #585440

May 23, 1780

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, May 23, 1780  Page 2 has: "...from the force carried out with Sir Henry Clinton to South Carolina, there is room to entertain the most favourable hopes of the success of his enterprise. With Sir Henry Clinton, from New York, went 7500 men..." with more (see photos). Elsewhere is: "...a letter from an Officer on board the brig Hawke off Staten... See More  

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England discusses the issue of independence for America... War accounts...

Item #686694

May 12, 1780

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, May 12, 1780

* American Revolutionary War era newspaper

* Independence for America ?

 Pages 2 and 3 have much discussion in the House of Commons concerning the Revolutionary War. A few bits include: "...introduced his motion for a reconciliation between Great Britain & her colonies. Peace, he said, was a desirable object to every man...The p... See More  

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