Newspapers from Moments in American History
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Web Results (5281)



1869 Gettysburg reunion... 6th anniversary...

Item #706076

August 25, 1869

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 25, 1869

* Battle of Gettysburg reunion

* 6th anniversary celebration

* Soldiers' National Monument dedicated

Page 5 has a small one column heading: "The Gettysburg Reunion" with subhead. (see images)

Complete with 12 pages, nice condition.

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Early British Columbia, Canada...

Item #705987

April 17, 1878

MAINLAND GUARDIAN, New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada, April 17, 1878  A quite uncommon title from this town in British Columbia, with various news and literary items of the day and a wealth of ads a well, several of which are illustrated.

Complete in four pages, typical folio size, never bound nor trimmed, a news agent's stamp in the upper right corner, nice condition.

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Post Abraham Lincoln assassination events...

Item #705625

May 13, 1865

CONCORD DAILY MONITOR, New Hampshire, May 13, 1865

* American Civil War ending events

Page 2 & 3 has some reporting soon after Robert E. Lee's surrender and Abraham Lincoln's assassination. (see images)

Complete with 4 pages, a little irregular along the spine, nice condition.

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Lafayette College...

Item #705030

* Lafayette College
* Illustrations of the College
Inside has a twelve page article about "Lafayette College" containing fifteen illustrations including larger illustrations of the "Reading Room" the "Assay Room" "Class Day Exercises" the "Entrance To Grounds of Lafayette College"
... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

(Added to Catalog #344 after the hardcopy was released - only available on-line.)

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Early Negro baseball team... Hampton University...

Item #705024
HARPER'S MONTHLY, New York, October, 1873  Inside has a fourteen page article about the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute. Has a total of eleven illustrations of the buildings and activities at the Institute, plus a nice print (see photos) of the Ball Club that measures about 2 3/4 by 3 inches. The Institute, founded as a co-educational school for negroes shortly after the Ci... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

(Added to Catalog #344 after the hardcopy was released - only available on-line.)

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The Forest Ridge disaster (Bussey Bridge train calamity)...

Item #704858

March 26, 1887

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, March 26, 1887  The front page has a dramatic illustration of the train wreck on the Bussey Bridge in the Roslindale section of Boston (near Forest Hills). The inside page (paginated #88) has several related illustrations. 

Additional prints within the issue include a full-page on the fire and resulting destruction of The Richmond Hotel and St. ... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

(Added to Catalog #344 after the hardcopy was released - only available on-line.)

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Death of Brigham Young, and three more Mormon reports...

Item #704856

September 06, 1877

AMERICAN SOCIALIST, Oneida, New York, Sept. 6, 1877  Page 7 under "Items Of News" has 4 Mormon items, one noting: "Brigham Young died on the 29th ult. after a brief attack of cholera morbus & inflammation of the bowels. He was buried on Sunday, the 2d."

Another has: "Brigham Young discouraged free schools, but he sent several of his children to the best educa
... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

(Added to Catalog #344 after the hardcopy was released - only available on-line.)

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Buffalo Soldier... "Saddle Up!" Frederic Remington on the front page... Polo at Newport...

Item #704810

September 04, 1886

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 4, 1886  The full front page is a very nice (and famous) Frederic Remington print: "Abandoned" which has a Western theme. There is a related article on an inside page: "Our Soldiers In the Southwest" which also has a Remington print titled: "Saddle Up", which includes two buffalo soldiers (black soldiers). Also within the ... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

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Electric Edison torpedo...

Item #704807

July 26, 1890

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, July 26, 1890  The front page has an illustrations "The Sims-Edison Electric Torpedo -- The Torpedo at Full Speed -- Sectional View of the Torpedo" with an accompanying article. Inside the issue is: "The Steel Cruiser Chicago, as She Appeared in the Mediterranean"; "Redwood Logging in California"; and more illustrations, articl... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Execution of a Negro in 1869...

Item #704714

May 29, 1869


* African American Execution - hanging

* Frederick County, Maryland

Page 3 has an article headed: "The Death Penalty" "Execution in Frederick, Md., of a Negro for the Murder of a White Man" and more. (see images) Lengthy text takes up almost 2 full columns.

Other news of the day. Complete with all 12 pages, good condition.... See More  

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Nice & detailed content on the Jack the Ripper case...

Item #704681

November 13, 1888

THE TIMES, London, Nov. 13, 1888 

* Jack the Ripper Whitechapel murders

* Killing of Mary Jane Kelly (last victim)

* Best title to be had (very rare as such)

"Jack the Ripper" reports were common in the latter half of 1888, capturing the interest of people on both sides of the Atlantic as evidenced by the reports in many newspapers in the United States. It was the internatio... See More  

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Emma Cunningham & the Burdell murder...

Item #704551

August 06, 1857


* Emma Cunningham

* Dr. Harvey Burdell

* Murder case

The front page has an article headed: "THE BOGUS BURDELL BABY" with subheads. (see images) Lengthy text takes up nearly the entire front page.

Complete in 8 pages, minor spine wear, otherwise nice.... See More  

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1874 Charley Ross kidnapping...

Item #704548

November 18, 1875


* 4 year old boy - Charley Ross kidnapping - FOUND ?

* 1st American for ransom in U.S. (media coverage)

Page 2 has an report headed: "Charley Ross" "He Is Probably Found At Last..." and more. (see images)

Complete with 4 pages, nice condition.

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Edgar Allan Poe Parents Theatre Ad In 1808...

Item #704532

November 10, 1806

BOSTON GAZETTE, Nov. 10, 1806

* Edgar Allan Poe's father theater ad

* David Poe Jr.

The top of page 3 under "Boston Theatre" is a  notice for the performance of "JANE SHORE", with Mr. Poe as "Bellmour" re. the father of Edgar Allan Poe.

Complete with 4 pages, minor margin wear, generally very nice.

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The very first official Memorial Day observance...

Item #704400

May 31, 1868

NEW YORK HERALD, May 31, 1868 

* Very 1st Memorial Day observance

Page 10 begins with: "THE UNION DEAD" "Decorat5ion of the Graves of Soldiers at the Cemeteries" "Muster of the Veterans of the War" "Patriotic Addresses & Affecting Ceremonies" "In Memoriam".

The first national celebration of Memorial Day took place May 30, 1868, at ... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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1875 Georgia Negroes insurrection...

Item #704377

September 02, 1875

THE NEW YORK HERALD, Sept. 2, 1875 

* Negroes uprising - insurrection 

* Sandersville & more, Georgia

The top of page 4 has a one column heading: "THE GEORGIA NEGROES" with subheads. (see images) Text takes up almost 2 full columns.

 Complete with 12 pages, nice condition.

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Eight-hour workday established in 1869...

Item #704342

May 22, 1869


* Eight-hour workday (government employees)

* President Ulysses S. Grant proclamation

Page 3 has an article headed: "WASHINGTON" "The Eight Hour Law Proclamation" "More Colored Office-Holders" and more signed in type: U.S. Grant (see images).

Other news of the day. Complete with all 12 pages, nice condition.... See More  

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1879 North Brookfield, Massachusetts...

Item #704340

May 07, 1886


* Worcester County

* 19th century original

A uncommon publication with news of the day and several interesting advertisements throughout.

Complete with 4 pages, light toning, minor wear at the folds, generally in good condition.

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1889 Mardi Gras carnival ad...

Item #704332

February 18, 1889

THE DAILY PICAYUNE, New Orleans, February 18, 1889

* Mardi Gras carnival advertisement

This uncommon title from the deep South has news of the day with many advertisements. Page 4 has a advertisement for the upcoming Mardi Gras celebration headed: "The Carnival (Mardi Gras), March 5, 1889" (see images) Probably only found in a New Orleans publication, rare as such.

Complete in 8 ... See More  

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The first full-fledged Broadway musical...

Item #704206

September 13, 1866

NEW YORK TIMES, September 11, 12 & 13, 1866 (3-issue set)

* "The Black Crook" opening premiere

* Very first musical theatre performance of the first ever modern day musical!

* Niblo's Garden - Broadway - New York City

A terrific and very historic trio of newspapers relating to the first theatrical musical, "The Black Crook".

As Wikipedia notes: "Its signif... See More  

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Edison invents the phonograph... Baseball science...

Item #704140

November 17, 1877

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Nov. 17, 1877 

* Historic Phonograph invention

* Thomas Edison - inventor

* Early baseball science

A page 2 article headed: "A Wonderful Invention--Speech Capable Of Indefinite Repetition From Automatic Records" reports this about Edison's latest invention: "...The possibility is simply startling...a strip of indented paper tr
... See More  

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1875 Osceola Mills, Pennsylvania fire disaster...

Item #703996

May 21, 1875


* Osceola Mills, Pennsylvania

* Fire conflagration disaster

The top of the page has a one column heading: "Fires In Pennsylvania" with subhead: "Osceola, Penn., Destroyed" See image for text here.

Other news of the day. Complete in 12 pages, nice condition.

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Incredible large color print (1867) - perfect for the beer connoisseur...

Item #703921

October 05, 1867

SUPPLEMENT TO THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, Oct. 5, 1867  This is a terrific and quite rare full color print captioned: "Hop Picking" - a woodblock print in multiple color pressings. This foldout has an image measuring 16 1/4 by 21 3/4 inches, with the entire print with borders measuring 20 1/2 by 26 3/4 inches. This print is rarely available as it was typically removed from... See More  

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Spiritualism, mediums exposed in 1884...

Item #703486

May 26, 1884

ST. LOUIS DAILY GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, May 26, 1884

* Spiritualists - mediums - seances

* Clairvoyant - seer exposed

This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many interesting advertisements. The top of page 7 has a one column heading: "A SHAM SEANCE" with subheads. (see images) Text takes up over a full column.

Complete in 10 pages, nice condition.... See More  

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Ku Klux Klan in 1871 South Carolina...

Item #703470

October 23, 1871

THE NEW YORK HERALD, Oct. 23, 1871

* Ku Klux Klan - KKK outrages

* Spartansburg County SC South Carolina

The top of page 7 has a one column heading: "Martial Law In South Carolina" with subheads. (see images) Another related article on the same page also has a one column heading: "National Colored Convention" with subheads.

Other news of the day. Complete in 12 pages, n... See More  

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The murder of Jennie Cramer... The arrest of Blanche Douglass...

Item #703402

August 13, 1881

THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 13, 1881

* The murder of Jennie E. Cramer

* "The Elm City Tragedy" - New Haven's "Beautiful Victim"

* Blanche Douglass arrested

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "JENNIE CRAMER'S DEATH" with subheads. (see images) This article provides coverage of the murder of Jennie E. Cramer (see background below).

... See More  

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A trip to the Lycoming Valley in Pennsylvania, with a coal mine experience...

Item #703147

June 05, 1874

THE EVENING POST, Semi-Weekly, New York, June 5, 1874  The front page has nearly a full column taken up with: "THE LYCOMING VALLEY" "Ralston and Mount McIntire" "A List To A Coal Mine".

The text describes a train trip from New York City to the mentioned region in Pennsylvania.

Four pages, large folio size, minor foxing, nice condition. Folder size noted is for ... See More  

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Johnny Appleseed - Swedenborgian missionary... West Indies...

Item #702926
HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE, New York, Nov., 1871  The issue has a 7-page article regarding the beloved Johnny Appleseed (John Chapman), the Swedenborgian missionary, headed: "Johnny Appleseed - A Pioneer Hero", which features multiple illustrations.

Also within the issue is: "A New England Village"; "Rambles in the West Indies"; and more.

Complete in 150... See More  

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America declares war against Spain...

Item #702885

April 23, 1898

THE GLOBE, South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, April 25, 1898 

* Spanish-America War begins

* United States declares war

A nice & unusual graphic in this issue with a front page illustration captioned: "Entrance To Havana Harbor" showing Morro Castle with the ship La Punta. The front have also has column heads with the historic: "DECLARATION OF WAR" "The Messag... See More  

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Ratifying "Seward's Folly"...

Item #702873

April 10, 1867

SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, April 10, 1867 

* Alaska purchase - Seward's Folly

* William H. Seward - Russia

* Votes for ratification - success

Page 4 has a somewhat inconspicuous yet very historic report headed: "Washington" "Special Dispatch to the Republican" "The Purchase of Russia-America". The report mentions there were votes aga... See More  

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Outlaw Sam Perris escapes from the local jail...

Item #702872

April 06, 1872

WORCESTER EVENING GAZETTE, Massachusetts, April 6, 1872 

* Samuel 'Worcester Sam' Perris

* burglar, safe cracker and bank robber

* Jail escape - best title to have

Page 2 has a half column article headed: "Local Matters" "A DARING ESCAPE" "Sam Perris at Liberty" "How He Broke Jail". This is the notorious bank robbery 'Worcester' ... See More  

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Mark Twain re: Bermuda... "Some Rambling Notes of an Idle Excursion"...

Item #702800
THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY, New York, Oct. 1877 - Jan. 1878


* Mark Twain's 4-part series

* "Some Rambling Notes of an Idle Excursion"

* 4-month (complete) set

By far the most notable content is the four-part series by Mark Twain written for The Atlantic Monthly: "Some Rambling Notes of an Idle Excursion". This serialized "story" is concerning a trip he too... See More  

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Huntsville, Texas penitentiary horrors...

Item #702627

March 27, 1875

ST. LOUIS DAILY GLOBE, Missouri, March 27, 1875

* Texas State Penitentiary "Walls Unit"

* Huntsville, Texas horrors

This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many interesting advertisements. Page 10 has an article headed: "HOPELESS HORROR", with subheads: "Crime Against Criminals in the Texas Penitentiary" & "A Terrible Tale of Tortu... See More  

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Written by Hans Christian Andersen...

Item #702614
SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY, (New York), April, 1873 

* "The Flea and the Professor" written by Hans Christian Andersen

Near the back of this monthly magazine is a printing of the short story by Hans Christian Anderson titled: "The Flea And The Professor" (see photos for the beginning). The story takes close to two full pages. From my research this printing is contemporar... See More  

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Inauguration of President Grover Cleveland...

Item #702582

March 05, 1893

THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE, Nebraska, March 5, 1893  The top of the first column has heads: "CLEVELAND GOES IN" "Thrice Nominated & Twice Inaugurated President of the United States" "Severe Storm Mars The Ceremonies" ""Policy of The New Administration". The ftpg. also has a nice graphic showing: "Cleveland And His Cabinet". The text takes o... See More  

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The formal end to the Spanish-American War...

Item #702555

March 18, 1899

THE ARIZONA GAZETTE, Phoenix, March 18, 1899 

* Treaty of Paris signed by Queen

* End of Spanish-American War

The top of one of the ftpg. columns reports the formal end of the Spanish-American War with the signing of the treaty of peace by the queen of Spain. "Treaty Of Peace Signed by Queen" "Official Closing of the Drama" "An Important Page" "The Po... See More  

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1882 Gunnison, Colorado original...

Item #702508

May 09, 1882

GUNNISON DAILY REVIEW, Colorado, May 9, 1882

* Rare Old West title

* Volume 1 issue

An uncommon title from this boom mining town in the southwestern quadrant of Colorado, tucked in a valley amidst the Rocky Mountains.

Gunnison boomed in the late 1870's and early 1880's and was once the home of Wyatt Earp and "Texas Jack". Today there are some 5500 residents of Gunnison.

... See More  

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A.B. Frost prints... Color Ivory Soap advertisment...

Item #702379

November 12, 1898

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 12, 1898  Full ftpg. by A.B. Frost shows a man having fallen off his bicycle. Doublepage centerfold: 'With our Troops in the Philippines--Before & After the Fall of Manila'. Halfpg: 'In & About Havana'. Displayable A.B. Frost hunting print: 'Rail Shooting' shows shooting a bird from a boat.  Also includes a full page... See More  

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1874 Red River War... Nelson A. Miles...

Item #702104

September 10, 1874

NEW YORK HERALD, September 10, 1874

* Red River War

* Nelson A. Miles

* Native Americans - Indians

The top of page 7 has a one column heading: "THE RED RIVER FIGHT" with subheads. (see images)

Other news of the day. Complete in 12 pages, nice condition.

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Details of a horrible crime... Thomas Edison & P. T. Barnum...

Item #702034

June 15, 1878

ST. LOUIS GLOBE DEMOCRAT, June 15, 1878  The top of the ftpg. has column heads: "SENT TO SEE SATAN" "The Revolting Alliance Formed by  Fiendish Quartet" "A Farmer & His Voluptuous Wife Their Victims" '"How the Latter Gave Battle to the Lecherous Brutes" "Three of Whom Expiated Their Crime on the Gallows". The article takes nearly ... See More  

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Thomas Edison invents the phonograph...

Item #701605

December 22, 1877

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Dec. 22, 1877 

* Inventor Thomas Edison

* The phonograph invented

* Best title to have this in ?

Page 2 has an extremely significant article headed: The Talking Phonograph" which begins: "Mr. Thomas Edison recently came into our office, placed a little machine on our desk, turned a crank, and the machine inquired as to our health, asked how we ... See More  

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Livingstone is found, reported in the newspaper which financed the search...

Item #701431

May 05, 1872

NEW YORK HERALD, May 5, 1872 

* David Livingstone found

* Henry Morton Stanley

James Gorden Bennett, this newspaper's publisher, capitalized on the 19th century fascination with Africa & the whereabouts of explorer Dr. David Livingstone by hiring journalist Henry Stanley to search for him. Livingstone had ventured to Africa in 1865 for a 2 year expedition with little heard from... See More  

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1883 Alfred Packer cannibalism trial...

Item #701362

April 14, 1883

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, April 14, 1883

* Alfred Packer trial

* Saguache, Colorado

* Cannibalism - murders

This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many advertisements. Page 3 has an brief article headed: "The Trial of Packer" See image for text here.

This issue is not fragile as newsprint back then was made of cotton and linen rags, allowing them to re... See More  

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Yellow Fever epidemic in 1873 Memphis...

Item #701204

November 01, 1873


* Yellow fever - jack outbreak

* Memphis, Tennessee epidemic

The top of page 4 has a one column heading: "AFFLICTED MEMPHIS" with subhead. (see images) Text takes up almost 2 full columns.

Other news of the day. Complete with all 12 pages, nice condition.

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Mormon state in New Mexico ?......

Item #701072

April 27, 1876

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, April 27, 1876

* Mormons - Mormonism

* Emigration to New Mexico

This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many advertisements. Page 4 has an editorial headed: "A Mormon State" See images for text here.

This issue is not fragile as newsprint back then was made of cotton and linen rags, allowing them to remain very pliable and easy... See More  

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Beginning of the Impressionist movement in France...

Item #701064

May 13, 1876

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 13, 1876 (at a special price)

* Impressionism - art movement begins (historic)

This is an exceedingly significant newspaper on the founding of the Impressionist movement in art.

Page 2 has an inconspicuous yet quite historic report which essentially reports on the beginning of the Impressionist movement in the art world in France.  Those artists now known as the &... See More  

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Masonic Hall dedication in NYC...

Item #701050

June 03, 1875

THE WORLD, New York City, June 3, 1875

* Original Masonic Hall (Manhattan) dedication ceremonies

* Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of New York

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "THE MASONIC TEMPLE" with subheads and illustration. (see images) Article takes up most of the front page and continues inside.

Other news of the day. Complete in 12 pages, a litt... See More  

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Bloody Benders murders discovery...

Item #700727

May 09, 1873


* Bloody Benders

* Cherry Vale, Kansas

* Corpses discovered

The bottom of page 5 has a brief and somewhat discrete article headed: "A Ghastly Mystery in Kansas-Eight Bodies Found Under a House" (see image)

Complete with 8 pages, nice condition.

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Edgar Allan Poe Parents Theatre Ad In 1806...

Item #700726

November 17, 1806

BOSTON GAZETTE, Nov. 17, 1806

* Edgar Allan Poe's father & mother theater ads

* Eliza Arnold Hopkins Poe & David Poe Jr.

The top of page 3 under "Boston Theatre" is a  notice for two performances of "VENICE PERSERVED" & "MAID OF THE OAKS", with Mr. Poe as "Bedemar" and Mrs. Poe as "Maria" re. the parents of Edgar Allan P... See More  

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Short-lived title from a Texas town with a rich history...

Item #700647

April 05, 1892

VELASCO DAILY TIMES, Texas, April 5, 1892 

* Rare Southwestern title

* Possibly the first time offered anywhere (see note)

A rare title as it existed for less than six months.

Velasco was a town in Texas that was later annexed by the city of Freeport. Founded in 1831, Velasco is situated on the east side of the Brazos River four miles from the Gulf of Mexico. The town's early hist... See More  

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