<img src="/images/cathead_civilwar.gif" alt="Newspapers from The Civil War - Yankee" />
Capture of New Orleans, Louisiana...
Item #698330
April 30, 1862
NEW YORK HERALD, April 30, 1862
* Capture of New Orleans, Louisiana
* Mississippi River naval engagement
* Siege of Yorktown, Virginia
Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "THE CAPTURE OF NEW ORLEANS" "Desperate Naval Engagement on the Mississippi River" "THE UNION LOSS VERY HEAVY" "Evacuation of the City by the Rebel Forces" &... See More
Stirring words from the President of the Confederacy...
Item #698270
February 13, 1864
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, February 13, 1864
* Jefferson Davis rallies Confederates
* From the capital of the Confederacy
Among the front page items are: "A Victory Near Charleston" "The enemy Again Advancing on The Peninsula" "Important Movement In Mississippi", "The Courts", "City Intelligence" "A Picture of Charleston U... See More
1861 unique Civil War era set...
Item #698150
This is a unique three-issue set of authentic Civil War newspapers from the 1st year of the war. Included are one each of the following:* The New York Herald
* Harper's Weekly Illustrated
* The Circular
The New York Herald was known for excellent war reporting, the Harper's Weekly contains outstanding Civil War related prints (many suitable for framing), and The Circular (On... See More
Death of Commodore Uriah P. Levy... Large Civil War map...
Item #698135
March 24, 1862
NEW YORK HERALD, March 24, 1862
* Uriah P. Levy death (1st report)
* 1st Jewish commodore of U.S. Navy
* American Civil War - Jews
The most notable content within this issue is the very brief, but historic page 5 report of the death of Commodore (Admiral) Uriah P. Levy, the first U.S. Jewish Commodore, war of 1812 war hero, and credited as to having abolished the disciplinary procedu... See More
Huge front page map shows much of Texas...
Item #698117
November 30, 1861
NEW YORK HERALD, Nov. 30, 1861
* Gulf of Mexico coast map
* Texas - Mexico
An extremely decorative issue, as the entire front page is taken up with a huge map headed: "THE GREAT EUROPEAN ALLIANCE AGAINST THE MEXICAN REPUBLIC" with a subhead: "The Gulf Slope of Mexico--The Harbor of Vera Cruz and the National Road to the Capital--Scene of Operations of the English, Fren... See More
The Monitor vs. the Merrimac... Slavery at the Capital...
Item #698104
March 14, 1862
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, March 14, 1862
* Battle of Hampton Roads, Virginia
* Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack (CSSVirginia)
* Civil War ironclads clash
A significant issue reporting one of the most famous naval battles of the 19th century: the Monitor vs. the Merrimac. It ushered in "modern" naval engineering with the use of iron-clad vessels.
One column heads on the back pa... See More
Huge Civil War map of the war in the Southwest...
Item #698090
May 31, 1862
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 31, 1862
* Siege of Corinth, Mississippi
* Confederate states map
Most of the front page is taken up with a huge Civil War map titled: "THE SEAT OF WAR IN THE SOUTH-WEST" with some column heads including: "The Capture of Corinth" "Another Rebel 'Skedaddle' " "Gen. Nelson in the Enemy's Camp" "Retreat... See More
First issue of a rare title which lasted just 3 issues...
Item #698082
April 25, 1863
ALBANY ARMY LETTER, New York, April 10-25, 1863
* Extremely rare publication
* American Civil War era
This was the volume 1 number 1 issue of an exceedingly rare title which lasted for just 3 issues, the others dated May 15 and May 28.
Content includes various local news, information on the progress of war, engagements of various regiments, a report of the presentation of battle fla... See More
Black soldiers in the military... focus on Louisiana...
Item #697665
March 07, 1863
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, March 7, 1863 The front page has a large print showing Black soldiers captioned: "Pickets of the First Louisiana 'Native Guard' Guarding the New Orleans...Railroad" with a related article, plus: "The Old Slave Laws".
The back page has the illustration: "A Queer Rencontre", which shows a black soldier being ... See More
What Robert E. Lee's plans are...
Item #697466
March 29, 1865
NEW YORK TIMES, March 29, 1865
* Battle of Fort Stedman
* Nearing the end of Civil War
* Lee's surrender less than two weeks away
Among the ftpg. column heads on the Civil War are: "GEN. GRANT'S ARMY" "The Victory of Saturday" "Further & Interesting Particulars" "Extend & Importance of Lee's Designs" "Position of the Li... See More
A rare title from the Civil War, shortly after Lincoln's assassination...
Item #697404
April 26, 1865
* Very rare Civil War era publication
* William Gannaway "Parson" Brownlow
* re Abraham Lincoln assassination
W. G. Brownlow, or Parson Brownlow, was a fascinating personality to say the least. He regarded anyone who disagreed with him about religion or politics as an enemy. The circuit-... See More
Eight New York newspapers from the Civil War...
Item #697305
January 21, 1863
A lot of eight issues, a mix of the N.Y. Times (4), The World (2), and the Tribune (2 from the years 1861 and 1863. Each contains Civil War reports, each is folded into quarters and has wear at folds and/or foxing causing them to be a bit "2nd rate" in condition.
Portrait of the "demon" warden of Andersonville prison camp...
Item #697185
September 14, 1865
* Andersonville Prison - Camp Sumter
* Captain Henry Wirz trial - Georgia
The front page features a print headed: "Werze, The Andersonville Demon", being the infamous Henry Wirz, the warden of the Andersonville prison camp who supervised the horrible treatment of Yankee prisoners. He would be found guilty & was executed, one of ... See More
Rare print of a Confederate Treasury note...
Item #697136
March 04, 1862
THE WORLD, New York, March 4, 1862 The highlight of the issue is the back page print of: "A CONFEDERATE STATE TREASURY NOTE" for $5, with much detail.
Much Civil War reporting on the front page including: "The War In Tennessee" "Occupation of Nashville" "Accounts For Rebel Sources" "News From the South" "Jeff Davis's War Policy Cond... See More
Lincoln's Baltimore speech... Rare speech given outside of D.C.!
Item #697135
April 19, 1864
* President Abraham Lincoln - Lecture on Liberty
* Address at Sanitary Fair in Baltimore, Maryland
The most noteworthy content is found on page 4 under the heading, "The Baltimore Fair." which includes excerpts and commentary regarding President Lincoln's Speech in Baltimore, it being one of only three speeches he gave outside o... See More
Black soldiers in the military... focus on Louisiana...
Item #697029
March 07, 1863
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, March 7, 1863 The front page has a large print showing Black soldiers captioned: "Pickets of the First Louisiana 'Native Guard' Guarding the New Orleans...Railroad" with a related article, plus: "The Old Slave Laws".
The back page has the illustration: "A Queer Rencontre", which shows a black soldier being ... See More
One of the more fascinating publishers from the Civil War...
Item #696948
March 22, 1865
* Very rare Civil War title - closing events
* William Gannaway "Parson" Brownlow
W. G. Brownlow, or Parson Brownlow, was a fascinating personality, to say the least. He regarded anyone who disagreed with him about religion or politics as an enemy.
The circuit-riding Methodist parson turn... See More
Civil War map of Virginia... First Battle of Rappahannock Station...
Item #696936
August 28, 1862
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Aug. 28, 1862
* First Battle of Rappahannock Station
* General Stonewall Jackson
The front page features a large Civil War map headed: "The Field Of Operations In Virginia". Nice column heads on the war include: "The War In Virginia" 'The Intentions of Gen. Lee" "The Junction of the Armies" & more.
Eight pages, bit of foxi... See More
Capture of New Orleans!
Item #696933
April 28, 1862
NEW YORK TIMES, April 28, 1862
* Capture of New Orleans, Louisiana
* General Benjamin Butler takes over
This issue reports one of the more significant events of the Civil War: the capture of New Orleans, the Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi.
With this important event the northern forces were well on their way towards controlling the very strategic Mississippi River corridor... See More
Rare Lincoln's assassination report, in a Washington, D.C. newspaper...
Item #696929
April 15, 1865
EVENING STAR, Washington, D.C., April 15, 1865
* Abraham Lincoln assassination (historic 1st report)
* It is BEST to have reports from the city where it occurred
Terrific to have this first report of Lincoln's assassination in a newspaper from the city where it happened. This is the first of this issue we have offered.
The top of the front page has a column with heads: "ASS... See More
Yankees capture the Confederate capital... War nears its end...
Item #696928
April 04, 1865
* Fall of Richmond VA Virginia
* Civil War nearing the end
One of the middle columns of the front page announces one of the more significant events of the Civil War with: "VIRGINIA ! " "GLORIOUS NEWS ! " "Richmond Is Ours!" "Evacuation of Petersburg!" "Tremendous Fighting!" "Lee's E... See More
One of the best Lincoln assassination issues...
Item #696722
April 22, 1865
* Abraham Lincoln assassination (1st report)
* Ford's Theater - John Wilkes Booth
* From our nation's capital
Truly a terrific issue, for being a weekly newspaper this was the first report of this event in this title, and better yet it is from the city where the assassination happened. A notable--and very uncommon--graphic... See More
Wealth of front page Civil War reports...
Item #696680
November 19, 1862
NEW YORK HERALD, Nov. 19, 1862 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Army of the Potomac Moving to a; New Line of Operations" "Warrenton Evacuated" "Aquia Creek to be General Burnside's Base of Operations" "Col. Vandever's Expedition & Success" "The War in the Southwest" "Graphic Description of the Battle o... See More
Unique "Yankee" & "Confederate" pair of the same date...
Item #696643
July 22, 1861
Here is a unique opportunity for a pair of issues--one Yankee and the other Confederate--of the identical date of July 22, 1861 both reporting on the First Battle of Bull Run, one from the New York Tribune and the other from the Confederate capital of Richmond, titled the Daily Dispatch, providing a perspective of how the news was reported with all the "spin" & biases that ... See More
Sherman's work against Atlanta... Capture of Memphis...
Item #696636
August 25, 1864
NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 25, 1864
* Atlanta Georgia GA
* William T. Sherman
* 2nd Battle of Memphis
* Nathan Bedford Forrest
Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "GRANT" "Retirement of the Enemy from the Front on the Weldon Railroad' "Statements of Rebel Deserters" "SHERMAN" "Progress of the Siege of Atlanta" "The... See More
USS Indianola captured and destroyed......
Item #696020
April 13, 1863
NEW YORK TIMES, April 13, 1863
* USS Indianola blown up
* Casemate ironclad gunboat
Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Important Rebel News" "The Indianola Reported Blown Up by the Rebels" "An Attack Daily Expected on Port Hudson" and more.
Eight pages, minor irregularity along the spine, nice condition.
... See More
* USS Indianola blown up
* Casemate ironclad gunboat
Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Important Rebel News" "The Indianola Reported Blown Up by the Rebels" "An Attack Daily Expected on Port Hudson" and more.
Eight pages, minor irregularity along the spine, nice condition.
Battles at Culpepper, Virginia... Capture of Knoxville...
Item #695900
September 14, 1863
NEW YORK HERALD, Sept. 14, 1863
* Battle of Culpeper Court House - Virginia
* Knoxville campaign - Gen. Ambrose Burnside
Among the many front page one column heads reporting on the Civil War are: "Meade's Army" "Union Advance Beyond Culpepper" "Skirmishing With the Rebels" "Culpepper Occupied by the 2nd Army Corps" "Troops from Lee'... See More
Terrific & rare broadside "Extra" on the capture of Jefferson Davis...
Item #695818
May 14, 1865
STATE JOURNAL - EXTRA, Sunday, May 14, 1865
* Very rare miniature broadside
* Capture of Jefferson Davis
* President of the Confederacy
A terrific little broadside "Extra" with no mention of city or state of origin as was typical, given such releases were for local consumption only. The only hint that it may be from Michigan is in one of the headlines.
The three headlines ... See More
Williamsburg evacuated...
Item #695608
August 23, 1862
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Aug. 23, 1862 Among the ftpg. column heads on the Civil War: "Ovation to Gen. Corcoran", "General Corcoran's Response", "The Procession", "From Gen. McClellan's Army - Reported Evacuation of Williamsburg", "The Movement of Troops...Richmond Almost Bare of Rebel Troops...", and more.
Plus there is more on pages 4, 5 ... See More
Hampton Roads... Attack by the Merrimack... early Florida...
Item #695497
March 22, 1862
THE NEW SOUTH, Port Royal, South Carolina, March 22, 1862
* Rare Union occupation title
* Battle of Hampton Roads
* Monitor vs. Merrimac... Ironclads naval battle
Here is an interesting newspaper (see photo) established in March of 1862 at Port Royal after its capture by Union forces during the early part of the Civil War. Issued in a "military command", the newspaper sough... See More
Latest reports from the Civil War...
Item #695340
December 16, 1863
NEW YORK TIMES, Dec. 16, 1863
* Charles City Court House - Virginia
Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "A Dash In the Direction of Richmond" "The Rebel Force at Charles City Court House Captured" "Their Camp Broken Up, Provisions Destroyed & Horses Brought Off" "Splendid Marching of Our Troops" "The President's ... See More
Cartridge factory explosion... Civil War news...
Item #695331
March 31, 1862
PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, March 31, 1862 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "The Killed & Wounded at Winchester" "Beaufort, N.C. Occupied" "Fort Macon Not Yet Surrendered" "Bombardment of Island No. 10" "The War in Arkansas" "A Skirmish In Missouri" "Affairs In Tennessee" "The Latest From Key Wes... See More
Front page Civil War reports... Back page map...
Item #695329
June 26, 1862
THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, June 26, 1862 The back page features a very nice: "Map Showing the New Route to New York, and its Connections" showing the Phila. area plus New York City & the places between.
The front page has column heads on the Civil War including: "LATE WAR NEWS" "From General McCellan's Grand Army" "A Check to Jackson Raids"
... See More
The front page has column heads on the Civil War including: "LATE WAR NEWS" "From General McCellan's Grand Army" "A Check to Jackson Raids"
Two maps of Pamlico Sound & environs...
Item #695328
January 29, 1862
PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Jan. 29, 1862 The front page has two Civil War maps, one: "Showing the Position of Hatteras Inlet and Roanoke Island" and the other a: "Diagram Showing Hatteras Inlet & Where the Vessels Were Wrecked".
Many front page column heads on the Civil War including: "War Against Treason!" "Great Difficulty In Passing Hatteras Bar" &... See More
Front page print of industrialist Thomas A. Scott... Civil War reports...
Item #695318
November 19, 1861
THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Nov. 19, 1861 The front page features a print of "Thomas A. Scott", with a biographical sketch of him as well.
Scott was an American businessman, railroad executive, and industrialist. In 1861, President Lincoln appointed him to serve as U.S. Assistant Secretary of War, and during the American Civil War railroads under his leadership played a major role ... See More
Much on the Civil War... Civil War map of Acquia Creek...
Item #695307
June 01, 1861
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 1, 1861
* Battle of Aquia Creek Civil War map
* Union Navy gunboats vs. Confederate batteries
* One of the first battles of the war
The format of this title at this time was advertisements on the front page with the wealth of Civil War reporting on inside pages.
The back page includes a Civil War map headed: "Acquia Creek and Its Environs" wit... See More
Map of Port Royal, South Carolina... Slaver is convicted...
Item #695306
November 15, 1861
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Nov. 15, 1861 The format of this title at this time was advertisements on the front page with the wealth of Civil War reporting on inside pages.
The back page features a nice Civil War map headed: "PORT ROYAL" and captioned at the bottom of it: "Scene And Plan of The Battle" followed by descriptive text.
Much war reporting inside with column heads incl... See More
Huge map dominates the front page...
Item #695304
May 05, 1863
* Second Battle of Fredericksburg w/ map
* Chancellorsville campaign - Virginia
The front page is dominated by a huge Civil War map headed: "THE SITUATION IN VIRGINIA" which takes about half of the page.
Many front page column heads including: "Advance Of The Potomac Army" "The Enemy In Retreat" "Left Wing Behind Freder... See More
Railroad connections in the South...
Item #695277
March 25, 1862
* First Battle of Kernstown
* General James Shields
* Beaufort NC North Carolina
The front page features a nice map headed: "Map Showing the Position of Beaufort, Newbern, Goldsboro, and Their Railroad Connections".
Many column Civil War heads including: "THE REBELLION" "Latest From Winchester" "Stragglers Cap... See More
Two front page Civil War maps...
Item #695274
February 13, 1862
PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Feb. 13, 1862 A very graphic & displayable issue as the front page features not one but two Civil War maps, one captioned: "Albemarle Sound & the Point of Attack of the Federal Fleet", with related text, and the other headed: "Roanoke Island".
Both the first and last columns have nice stacks of Civil War headlines including: "VICTORY! ... See More
Huge Civil War map of the Richmond vicinity...
Item #695272
May 24, 1862
* Battle of Drewry's Bluff
* Fort Darling attack
* Huge map for display
As seen in the photos, this issue is dominated by the great & huge Civil War front page map headed: "APPROACH OF THE UNION ARMIES ON THE REBEL CAPITAL--Scene of General McClellan's Triumphal March up the Peninsula, & Commander Rodgers' Terr
... See More
* Battle of Drewry's Bluff
* Fort Darling attack
* Huge map for display
As seen in the photos, this issue is dominated by the great & huge Civil War front page map headed: "APPROACH OF THE UNION ARMIES ON THE REBEL CAPITAL--Scene of General McClellan's Triumphal March up the Peninsula, & Commander Rodgers' Terr
Map showing the approach to New Orleans...
Item #695266
October 16, 1861
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Oct. 16, 1861
* Lower Mississippi River map
The format of this title at this time was advertisements on the front page with the wealth of Civil War reporting on inside pages.
The back page features a very detailed Civil War map headed: "The Approaches To New Orleans---Scene Of The Alleged Naval Fight", with some war-related reports as well.
... See More
Civil War map of the Mississippi...
Item #695262
May 23, 1862
NEW YORK TIMES, May 23, 1862
* Vicksburg, Mississippi vicinity map
* Battle at Princetown Court House
The front page is dominated by a very nice Civil War map headed: "FARRAGUT'S NAVAL OPERATIONS ON THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER - Map Showing the Situation of Vicksburg, Miss., Indicating the Cotton Plantations in the Vicinity & Exhibiting the Topography of the Region.... See More
Fighting in Kentucky: map of Bowling Green...
Item #695255
February 16, 1862
NEW YORK HERALD, Feb . 16, 1862
* Bowling Green, Kentucky map
The front page is dominated by a very large Civil War map headed: "THE EVACUATION OF BOWLING GREEN".
Front paged column heads include: "Important From Kentucky" "The Evacuation of Bowling Green Confirmed" "Movements of the Rebel Troops" "Trouble Among the Rebel Generals" &qu... See More
Large, displayable Civil War map...
Item #695250
May 28, 1862
NEW YORK TIMES, May 28, 1862
* Battle of Hanover Court House
* Peninsula campaign - Virginia
The front page has a rather large Civil War map headed: "The Line Of Gen. McDowell's Advance Upon Richmond" which has considerable detail.
There are also one column heads including: 'From Gen. M'Clellan's Army" "Capture of Hanover Court House..." &quo... See More
Two front page Civil War maps...
Item #695248
June 12, 1862
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 12, 1862
* Battle of Port Republic - Stonewall Jackson victory
* Memphis TN Tennessee - Fort Pillow maps
The front page has not one but two front page maps, headed: "The Action Before Memphis" and: "The Situation At Fort Pillow".
There are also first column heads on the Civil War including: "Another Battle In The Shenandoah Valley"... See More
Eleven Civil War newspapers with front page maps...
Item #695198
March 24, 1862
This is a damaged lot of eleven Civil War issues of the famous titles: New York Herald, New York Tribune, and Philadelphia Inquirer. Each has a front page Civil War map but each issue is damaged by tears, stains, margin chipping with some loss, perhaps a missing leaf, loose at the spine, separation at the central fold, etc. Map issues are typically priced in the $40 - $55 range when in good condit... See More
Eleven Civil War newspapers with front page maps...
Item #695197
March 24, 1862
This is a damaged lot of eleven Civil War issues of the famous titles: New York Herald, New York Tribune, and Philadelphia Inquirer. Each has a front page Civil War map (one has a print of a general; no map) but each issue is damaged by tears, stains, margin chipping with some loss, loose at the spine, separation at the central fold, perhaps a missing leaf, etc. Map issues are typically priced in ... See More
Historic Battle of Spotsylvania...
Item #694598
May 13, 1864
* Battle of Spotsylvania Court House
There is much reporting on the Civil War on pages 2 and 4, column heads on the battle of Spotsylvania including in part: "Another Great Battle" "Brilliant Victory" "Splendid Attack by Gen. Hancock" "Lee's Right Wing Turned". Also: "Splendid Capture by General Hanc... See More
Great column heads announcing Lincoln's election...
Item #694593
November 09, 1864
* Abraham Lincoln elected president (2nd term)
* 1st report plus Civil War reporting
Certainly the most notable content would be the back page column heads on the election of Lincoln as President.
The second column has perhaps the nicest stack of heads on the election we have seen in any newspaper. They include: "PRESIDENTIAL And State ELECT... See More
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