<img src="/images/cathead_civilwar.gif" alt="Newspapers from The Civil War - Yankee" />
1861 Civil War...
Item #588476
August 30, 1861
NEW YORK TIMES, Aug. 30, 1861 Among the first column heads on the Civil War are: "The Rebellion Record" "The Department Being Purified of Traitors" "Rebel Post-Routes Cut Off" "Further Details of the Skirmishes in Virginia" "Affairs In Missouri" "News From the Rebels at Manassas" "They are Sick & Badly Supplied, but Eager f... See More
1861 Philadelphia... Civil War....
Item #588465
August 02, 1861
PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Aug. 2, 1861 Among the front page first column heads on the Civil War are: "THE REBELLION" "General McClellan's Position" "The Death of Filibuster General Wheat" "From General Rosecranz's Division" "A 'Wise' Retreat of a Rebel Leader" "The Kanawha Valley Free From Rebels" & more.
Eight pag... See More
Slavery question... Civil War....
Item #588024
December 05, 1861
THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Dec. 5, 1861 Among the various first column heads on the Civil War are: "The War Against Rebellion!" "The Expurgated Report of the Secretary of War" "Interesting Debate on the Slavery Question" "What Shall Be Done With the Contrabands?" "The Governor's [Maryland] Message Takes Strong Union Grounds" "Latest ... See More
Pre battle of Bull Run....
Item #588017
June 27, 1861
THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 27, 1861 Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "THE GREAT REVOLT" "Conflicts With the Rebels" "The United States Forces Victorious" "General Scott's Plans for the Campaign" "Movements of the Rebels at Various Points" "Appropriations of the Confederates for Carrying on the Rebellion"... See More
Boonville, Missouri... Civil War...
Item #588011
September 19, 1861
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 19, 1861 Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "THE REBELLION" "Skirmish at Seneca Creek" "The Revels Driven Back" 'Our Army in Excellent Condition" "Rumored Advance of Gen. Johnston" "Efficiency of the Blockade of the Mississippi" "Gen. Fremont's Command" "From Gen. ... See More
Map of Pensacola, Florida...
Item #587536
February 01, 1861
NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 1, 1861 Among the front page first column heads are: "The National Troubles" "Proposition of South Carolina to Purchase the Charleston Fortifications" "No News From Pensacola" "The Conspiracy Against the Seat of Government" and more. The front page also features a nice map captioned: "The Defences Of Pensacola" showing Sa... See More
Map of 1861 Pensacola, Florida...
Item #587535
February 01, 1861
NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 1, 1861
* Pensacola, Florida map
* Pre war tensions high
* Secession rumors throughout the South
Among the front page first column heads are: "The National Troubles" "Proposition of South Carolina to Purchase the Charleston Fortifications" "No News From Pensacola" "The Conspiracy Against the Seat of Government" and more. Th... See More
Growing tensions just prior to the Civil War...
Item #587532
(5) NEW YORK TIMES, January - March, 1861 * Five newspaper lot prior to the outbreak of the Civil War
Few periods of American history were more unsettled than the months preceding the outbreak of the Civil War, which began with the bombardment of Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor on April 12, 1861. Since the election of Lincoln the preceding November the Southern states began seri... See More
Reconstruction after the Civil War...
Item #587064
June 21, 1865
THE NEW YORK HERALD, June 21, 1865
* Post Civil War South
* Freed slaves
The first column on the ftpg. has some nice heads on Reconstruction efforts in the South, including: "SOUTH CAROLINA" "The Views of the Members on Reconstruction" "The Status of the Negro as a Freedman" "Admiral Dahlgren's Farewell to His Squadron" "Mortality Among... See More
With a diagram of the battle of Blackburn's Ford...
Item #586706
August 11, 1861
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Aug. 11, 1861
* Battle of Blackburn's Ford
The front page includes a detailed one column illustration headed: "Plan of The Battle of Blackburn's Ford" with related text. Also nice ftpg. one column war heads: "THE WAR FOR THE UNION" "Gen. Wool Goes to Fortress Monroe" "Assassination of Pickets" "The Rebels Fortifying... See More
Rare Cleveland, Ohio Civil War...
Item #586692
March 18, 1864
* General Ulysses S. Grant
* Officially becomes commander
* Uncommon title
This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration. Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "Order of General Grant Assuming Command of the Armies", "The Exchang... See More
Pro-Yankee newspaper from Kentucky...
Item #586689
January 14, 1862
LOUISVILLE DAILY DEMOCRAT, Kentucky, January 14, 1862
* Uncommon Civil War title
Louisville is difficult to categorize as Union or Confederate during the Civil War as, depending on the time, there were factions within the city supporting both. To placate both sides the two leading newspapers took their stands: the "Courier" was very much pro-Confederate & the "... See More
Battle of Chaffin's Farm...
Item #586482
October 10, 1864
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, October 10, 1864
* Battle of Chaffin's Farm, Virginia
* General Benjamin F. Butler
Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "The Great Contest" "Rebel Attack On Butler" "The Enemy Repulsed" "They are Driven to Their Inner Lines" "Important From Missouri--The Enemy Before the Capital" and more.
... See More
Capture of Gen. John S. Marmaduke...
Item #586481
October 28, 1864
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Oct. 28, 1864
* Capture of John S. Marmaduke
* Battle of the Osage
Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "THE WAR IN MISSOURI" "Price Driven out of the State" "Capture of Mardaduke" "The Great Soldiers' Vote Fraud" "Arrest of Gov. Seymour's State Agent" "Other Parties Under Arrest&qu... See More
Battle of Spotsylvania...
Item #586477
May 17, 1864
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 17, 1864
* Battle of Spotsylvania, Virginia
* Battle of Resaca, Georgia
Among the first column headlines on the Civil War are: "THE GREAT CONTEST", "No Further Fighting", "Stuck In Virginia Mud", "The Armies Confront Each Other", "Their Position State", "More About Sheridan's Raid", "... See More
After the Second Battle of Petersburg, Va...
Item #586474
June 25, 1864
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 25, 1864
* Post Second Battle of Petersburg, Virginia
* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee
Among the front page first column heads on the Civil War are: "THE GREAT CONTEST", "Grant's New Movement", "He is Getting South of Petersburg", "Butler Cuts the Road Above Petersburg", "The Rebels Have Only the D... See More
1862 Civil War...
Item #586464
January 13, 1862
NEW YORK HERALD, Jan. 13, 1862
* The Southern Press
Among the front page column heads include: "News From the South" "Morbid Condition of the Southern Press" "Rebel View of the Burnside Expedition" "From Gen. Wool's Division" "General Banks' Division".
Eight pages, nice condition.
1862 Memphis TN Tennessee....
Item #586460
June 20, 1862
NEW YORK HERALD, June 20, 1862
* Post Battle of Memphis Tn
* Citizens taking the oath of Allegiance
Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "Interesting From Memphis" "Crowds of Memphians Taking the Oath of Allegiance" "Dealing In Confederate Notes Prohibited" "Heavy Firing in the Direction of James River" "Probable Gun... See More
1862 Memphis TN Tennessee....
Item #586459
June 20, 1862
NEW YORK HERALD, June 20, 1862
* Post Battle of Memphis Tn
* Citizens taking the oath of Allegiance
Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "Interesting From Memphis" "Crowds of Memphians Taking the Oath of Allegiance" "Dealing In Confederate Notes Prohibited" "Heavy Firing in the Direction of James River" "Probable Gun... See More
1862 Memphis TN Tennessee....
Item #586458
June 20, 1862
NEW YORK HERALD, June 20, 1862
* Post Battle of Memphis Tn
* Citizens taking the oath of Allegiance
Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "Interesting From Memphis" "Crowds of Memphians Taking the Oath of Allegiance" "Dealing In Confederate Notes Prohibited" "Heavy Firing in the Direction of James River" "Probable Gun... See More
The Battle of Williamsburg, Virginia...
Item #585809
May 08, 1862
THE NEW YORK HERALD, New York, May 8, 1862
* New Orleans, Louisiana
* Battle of Williamsburg, VA
This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration.
Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "The Capture Of New Orleans", "Progress of Operations to the 26th Ult.", "Fort Jackson In Flames&qu... See More
Richmond, VA... Evacuations of Pensacola...
Item #585806
May 21, 1862
THE NEW YORK HERALD, New York, May 21, 1862
* Richmond VA Virginia
* New Orleans LA
* Pensacola Fl
This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration.
Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "Important from the Peninsula", "Advance of the Union Army Towards the Rebel Capital", "Skirmish... See More
Fort Wright, Kentucky...
Item #585805
May 23, 1862
THE NEW YORK HERALD, New York City, May 23, 1862
* New Orleans Louisiana LA
* Fort Wright & Randolph
This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration. Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "Interesting From New Orleans", "Operations of the Department of the Gulf", "Military Occupation of ... See More
1864 Civil War....
Item #585772
March 14, 1864
NEW YORK HERALD, March 14, 1864 Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "Important From New Orleans" "Organization of the New State Government of Louisiana" "Inauguration of Governor Hahn" "Address of Gen. Banks" "News From the Department of the South" "The Sherman Expedition" "Grant's Army" & m... See More
1864 Civil War....
Item #585771
March 14, 1864
NEW YORK HERALD, March 14, 1864 Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "Important From New Orleans" "Organization of the New State Government of Louisiana" "Inauguration of Governor Hahn" "Address of Gen. Banks" "News From the Department of the South" "The Sherman Expedition" "Grant's Army" & m... See More
Item #585726
December 24, 1863
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 24, 1863 Among the ftpg. one column heads on the Civil War are: "From Gen. Thomas's Army" with various subheads including: "Particulars of Hood's Rout & flight..."; also: "Later From the South--Richmond Papers of Wednesday on the Situation--Gloomy News from Hood...".
Eight pages, some binding slits at the spine causing no loss... See More
1863 Civil War...
Item #585719
November 17, 1863
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Nov. 17, 1863
* Charleston SC South Carolina
Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are; "Important From The Mississippi" "Operations of the Marine Brigade" "Serious Steamboat Disaster" "Rumored Capture of Marmaduke" "The Bombardment at Charleston" "Operations Before Chattanooga" "The Def... See More
The pursuit of Gen. Longstreet...
Item #585714
December 16, 1863
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 16, 1863
* Charles City County, Virginia
* General James Longstreet
Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Important From Knoxville" "General Foster In Command" "Pursuit Of Longstreet" ""From Gen. Butler's Dept." "Expedition to Charles City Court House" "The Expedition A Complete S... See More
Battle of Chickamauga...
Item #585713
December 29, 1863
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, December 29, 1863
* Battle of Chickamauga - Tennessee
* General George H. Thomas official report
Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "The Battle of Chickamauga - Official Report of Major-Gen. Thomas" which is very detailed & takes nearly 2 columns; "Progress of the War In Florida", "Description of the C... See More
The Pemberton Mills tragedy...
Item #585584
January 23, 1860
THE NEW YORK HERALD, Jan. 23, 1860
* Pemberton Mill disaster
* Lawrence Massachusetts MA
* Roof Collapse
The first column on the front page has; "More Of The Lawrence Massacre" "Further Particulars as to the Pemberton Mills" "Graphic Descriptions of the Other Mills--Condition of the Operatives--Their Pay--Influx of Foreign Operatives, etc." with the... See More
Civil War map on the front page...
Item #585340
May 26, 1862
* Martinsburg,West Virginia map
* Raleigh, North Carolina
The front page features a nice Civil War headed: "THE REBEL ATTACK ON BANKS' COLUMN - Scene of the Operations of the Rebel Generals Jackson & Ewell on Front Royal and Winchester, May 24 and 25, 1863". Also front page column heads including: "The Attack of the ... See More
1864 Civil War...
Item #585195
May 07, 1864
THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 7, 1864 Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "THE GRAND MOVEMENT" "The Advance Into Virginia" "The Rebel Army Falling Back on Richmond" "Highly Important from the Peninsula" "Gen. Butler's Army Lands Successfully at City Point" "Cavalry Fighting at Thoroughfare Gap" "An Importa... See More
Remaining months of the Civil War...
Item #585184
January 25, 1865
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 25, 1865
* Last few months of the Civil War
* William T. Sherman
Among the front page first column heads on the Civil War are: "FROM WASHINGTON" "the True Aspect of the Peace Business" "Favorable Action of the Canadian Authorities" "General Sherman's Vies of His Present Campaign" "The Fall of Wilmington Assured... See More
Jeff Davis on appointing Robert E. Lee to head the troops...
Item #585183
January 28, 1865
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 28, 1865
* General Robert E. Lee
* Commander-in-Chief
* Jefferson Davis
Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "The Peace Bubble" "Result of Mr. Blair's Mission" "He Admits It To Be 'A Failure' " "The Terms of Jeff. Davis" which also includes a letter headed: "The Appointment of Gen... See More
Jeff Davis on naming Robert E. Lee as commander-in-chief...
Item #584977
January 28, 1865
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 28, 1865
* General Robert E. Lee
* Appointed commander-in-chief
* Jefferson Davis
Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "The Peace Bubble" "Result of Mr. Blair's Mission" "He Admits It To be 'A Failure' " "The Terms of Jeff. Davis" "The Rebel Iron-Clad Raid" & more.... See More
1861 Civil War...
Item #584970
August 07, 1861
NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 7, 1861 Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "THE REBELLION" "Additional List of Names of Army Officers Confirmed by the Senate" 'The Naval Appointments Confirmed" 'The Strength of the Rebels at Vienna & Fairfax" "Reported Contemplated Attack on Alexandria by the Rebels" & more.
Eight pages,... See More
Athens, Missouri...
Item #584969
August 09, 1861
* Battle of Athens MO Missouri
* Post Bull Run casualties
Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "THE REBELLION" "The Rebels Throwing Up Entrenchments at Fairfax Court House" "Movements of Troops in Gen. McClellan's Army" "Sharp Action & Defeat of the Rebels at Athens" "The Rebe... See More
1861 Civil War....
Item #584967
August 27, 1861
NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 27, 1861 "THE REBELLION" "Skirmish of the Pickets of the New York 27th Regiment with the Enemy" "Preparations for a Naval Expedition from Fortress Monroe" "Departure of the Lincoln Cavalry for Washington" "The Rebel Flag Torn to Pieces at Antigua, West Indies" & more.
Eight pages, nice condition.
Battle of Kessler's Cross Lanes...
Item #584966
August 28, 1861
THE NEW YORK HERALD, August 28, 1861
* Battle of Kessler's Cross Lanes
Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "THE REBELLION", "Important From the Upper Potomac", "Rumored Engagement Near Edwards' Ferry", "Reported Defeat of Gen. Tyler's Forces by the Rebels in Western Virginia", "Departure of a Formida... See More
Item #584599
March 30, 1864
THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, March 30 (wrong date of 29th printed), 1864 Among the front page column heads are: "VERY LATEST NEWS" "Army OF The Potomac" "The War On the Western Frontier!" "Interesting Rebel Intelligence" "A Railroad Train Captured by Guerrillas" "A Union Advance in North Carolina" & more.
Eight pages, never bound... See More
Battle of Cedar Creek...
Item #584598
October 24, 1864
THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Oct. 24, 1864
* Battle of Cedar Creek
* Gen. Philip H. Sheridan
Among the ftpg. first column heads are: "Army Of The James" "Success of Gen. Butler's Retaliatory Measures" "Rebels Brought To Terms" "Barbarity of the Rebels" "Gen. Butler Retaliates" "What Has Been Accomplis... See More
Gordonsville, Virginia...
Item #584422
August 02, 1862
THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 2, 1862
* Gordonsville, Virginia
* Grand Junction, Tennessee
Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "FROM THE JAMES RIVER", "Appearance of Two Rebel Iron-Clads in James River", "Preparations for a Great Naval Battle", "The Army of Virginia", "Advance of Gen. Pope Toward Gordo... See More
Huge eagle engraving in the masthead...
Item #583878
GLEASON'S LITERARY COMPANION, Boston, 1863 Obviously a literary publication from the Civil War era, the prime feature being the huge eagle engraving in the masthead, with a wingspan of 7 inches. There are a few illustrations within, mostly being text. Sixteen pages, 11 by 15 inches, great condition.
Slave soldiers...
Item #583867
March 08, 1865
THE WORLD, New York, March 8, 1865
* General William T. Sherman
* Columbia, South Carolina
* Last weeks of the Civil War
Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "SHERMAN'S ARMY", "News Direct From Columbia, S.C.", "Full Particulars of the Capture of the City", "GEORGIA", "Davis Handled Without Glov... See More
Near end of Civil War in 1865...
Item #583866
March 28, 1865
THE WORLD, New York, March 28, 1865
* General William T. Sherman
* Marching up the coast
* Last weeks of the Civil War
Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "NORTH CAROLINA", "Sherman, Schofield, & Terry Unite Their Forces near Goldsboro", "The Enemy Defeated & Driven Back at Every Point", "VIRGINIA&qu... See More
Great on the re-election of Abraham Lincoln...
Item #583644
November 12, 1864
ARMY & NAVY JOURNAL, New York, Nov. 12, 1864 As noted in the masthead this was the: "Gazette of The Regular & Volunteer Forces" and as such is replete with military news of all sorts. The ftpg. is entirely taken up with: "The Campaign In Georgia" and: "The Campaign In Virginia" giving the latest reports on battle events.
Other reports inside are headed:... See More
Item #583594
August 26, 1862
THE NEW YORK HERALD, August 26, 1862
* Rebel invasion (Washington D.C.)
* Culpepper VA Virginia
* John Morgan in Kentucky
A genuine Civil War newspaper from Abraham Lincoln's administration with one column headlines which include: "Movements In Front Of Washington", "Successful Withdrawal of Gen Pope's Army of the North Bank of Rappahannock", "Our Present L... See More
Commenting on the Battle of Cold Harbor...
Item #583454
June 18, 1864
ARMY & NAVY JOURNAL, New York, June 18, 1864 As noted in the masthead this was the: "Gazette of The Regular & Volunteer Forces" and as such is replete with military news of all sorts. The ftpg. is entirely taken up with: "The Campaign In Virginia" which has much concerning the battle of Cold Harbor.
Other reports inside area headed: "General Hunter's Ope... See More
Stonewall Jackson...
Item #583274
July 28, 1862
THE NEW YORK HERALD, July 28, 1862 One column headlines include: "News From North Carolina", "Visit of General Halleck to McClellan's Headquarters", "From Gen. Pope's Army", "Successful Reconnaissance Towards Gordonsville", "Skirmish With The Enemy", "Location of the Rebel Generals Jackson, Robertson and Ewell" and more.
... See More
Item #583247
May 22, 1864
NEW YORK TIMES, May 22, 1864 Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "THE GREAT CAMPAIGN" "The Situation In Virginia" "No Fighting Since Thursday" "Very Important Movements on Foot" "General Butler Fighting a Hard Battle" "Sherman Going Ahead Splendidly" "Gen. Butler's Army" and more.
Eight pages, ... See More
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