Newspapers From The 1600s and 1700s
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Web Results (1677)



Events in Charlestown, SC - pre-Battle of Alamance...

Lead-up to the Revolutionary War...

Item #567722
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, June, 1771  Near the back is a full page headed "American Affairs" which includes: "Charles-Town, May 8. The General Assembly of the province of Georgia, met at Savannah on the 23d past. On the 24th the new elected Commons House of Assembly unanimously re-chose the Hon. Noble Wimberly Jones, Esq; for their Speaker; but he being disapproved ... See More  

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Trade with American Colonies...

Item #567709

October 21, 1773

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, October 21, 1773  

* Trade with American Colonies 

An inside page has some discussion on the value of trade with the colonies and elsewhere (see), taking most of a column (see).

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, nice condition.

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The king shuts down the land office...

Item #567665

November 02, 1773

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 2, 1773 

* Early North Carolina 

* The king shuts down the land office

A small item on pg. 2 headed "America" has news from Baltimore noting that in North Carolina: "...his Excellency Governor Martin hath received instructions from his Majesty for shutting up the Land office in that province, & that similar orders are s... See More  

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Dueling... King's Proclamation...

Item #567652

November 20, 1773

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, November 20, 1773  The entire front page is an article concerning dueling (see for beginning). An inside page has a few brief reports headed: "America".

The back page has "By the King, A Proclamation" for rescheduling a session of Parliament (see).

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, nice condition.... See More  

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Brief Judaica item...

Item #567600

October 30, 1773

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, October 30, 1773 

* Judaica Jewish Jews

A brief pg. 2 item notes: "A great number of Jews who have lately been driven from the Prussian dominions, have settled at Gotenburg, where they are going to form a trading company under the auspice of his Swedish Majesty." (see photos).

Other news of the day, mostly from  England. Complete in eigh... See More  

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Trade with American Colonies

Item #567596

October 21, 1773

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, October 21, 1773 

* Trade with American Colonies 

An inside page has some discussion on the value of trade with the colonies and elsewhere (see photos), taking most of a column (see photos).

Eight pages, about 8 1/2 by 11 inches, and in nice condition.

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The trouble with trade with the colonies...

Item #567595

October 19, 1773

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, October 19, 1773   The entire ftpg. it taken up with a very early article on the benefits of eating whole grains, titled: "The Great Advantage of Eating Pure and Genuine Bread".

An inside page has a letter: "Encouraging the Consumption of British & India goods, by Luxury in the Colonies..." which includes: "...But our trade wit... See More  

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Early animal conservation... On counterfeit bank notes...

Item #567524

July 22, 1773

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 22, 1773  Pg. 3 has a fascinating letter from New York concerning a woman challenging a man to a duel to protect her own honor (see).

Half of an inside pg. is taken up with: "Abstract of the Act for the more effectual Preventing the Forging of the Notes or Bills of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England...". The same page has an item whi... See More  

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Reference to John Paul Jones... Reference to Benedict Arnold's defection...

Item #567395

March 27, 1781

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, March 27, 1781 Page 2 has an item referencing the famous naval battle involving John Paul Jones, with: "...Displeasures of his B.M. in regard to what has been done for Paul  Jones is equally groundless...". Another item on pg. 2 extending to pg. 3 includes: "...negociation intended to lay the plan of a treaty of commerce to be concluded between th... See More  

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Exploring interior Africa in the 1700's...

Item #566778

November 06, 1790

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, November 6, 1790  Pg. 2 article: "Interiour Africa" offers nice particulars about the continent particularly the region from the Niger River to the coast of Guinea with talk about camels, the large rivers, Pagans and Mahometans, articles of export like gold-dust, goat-skins, and a species of nut called "gooroo", with mention that: "Fire arm... See More  

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Death of the Governor Increase Sumner...

Item #565310

June 08, 1799

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Massachusetts, June 8, 1799  All of pages 2 & 3 are black bordered in mourning rules because of the death of Massachusetts governor Increase Sumner, with some related text (see). Otherwise complete in 4 pages, never bound nor trimmed, great condition.

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Displayable newspaper very early in the 18th century...

Item #565303
THE POST BOY, London, England, 1711-1719  This newspaper ranks among the more displayable titles from the eighteenth century, and is very early as well. The masthead features two engravings in the corners, one of a mounted newsboy trumpeting the news, and the other of an angelic figure doing the same.

A single sheet newspaper containing various news reports from Europe with part of the back ... See More  

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British daily news...

Item #565263
THE MORNING CHRONICLE, London, England, May 29, 1797  A nice folio size newspaper of four pages, and one of the more popular & successful newspapers in London from the 18th century.

Various news of the day, primarily British but European items as well, with many ads also. Nice condition save for a little close cut along the bottom margin.

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Signed by President John Adams...

Item #564866

May 02, 1798

THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, May 2, 1798  The back page has an: "Address to the President" from the merchants & traders of Philadelphia, with his response signed in type: John Adams.

Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, some foxing near folds and margins, generally nice.

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Signed by President John Adams...

Item #564865

May 02, 1798

THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, May 2, 1798  The back page has an: "Address to the President" from the merchants & traders of Philadelphia, with his response signed in type: John Adams.

Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, some foxing near folds and margins, generally nice.

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L'Enfant creates Washington, D.C...

Item #564633

August 10, 1793

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 10, 1793  Page 2 has a report noting: "The new city of Washington in America was planned by Mr. L'Enfant, the celebrated engineer. the situation is fine, and in a great degree central; the river Potomack washes three parts of it, and flows by the President's house, at which place it is 35 feet in depth; the length of the city is seven miles..." wi... See More  

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Joshua Reynolds is knighted...

Item #563196

May 01, 1769


* Sir Joshua Reynolds knighted

* 18th century English painter

Page 2 has a brief report noting: "Friday his Majesty was pleased to confer the honour of Knighthood on Joshua Reynolds, Esq., President of the Royal Academy of Paining, etc. He is the first Limner who has had that honour conferred on him since the reign of Charles II.&qu... See More  

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Pre-Stamp Act to just prior to the Revolutionary War...

Item #562418
(10) THE LONDON CHRONICLE. A collection of ten issues, one from each year 1763 thru 1772, crossing the critical period from the just prior to the Stamp Act to just before the outbreak of the pre-Revolutionary War tensions. Each is 4-8 pages, may have slight imperfections, but in overall nice condition.   

Wholesale Lot: typically more than one item/set available!

If an image(s) is shown, it is only representative of the style and condition of what you will receive. Actual items will vary.

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Radical newspaper printed while the publisher was in jail...

Item #561607
THE NORTH BRITON, London, 1769-70 (with imprint at the bottom of the back page: "Printed for W. Bingley, a prisoner in the King's Bench...")

This was a radical newspaper from the 18th century, very much associated with the name John Wilkes. Wilkes published the issues #1 thru 46.

Issue number 45 (April 23, 1763) is the most famous issue of the paper. It criticized a royal speech in... See More  

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America At War...

The Great War Collection (Eleven issues)...

Item #561531
THE GREAT WAR COLLECTION (11 issues) - A great opportunity for an instant collection encompassing every major "American" war from The French and Indian War through The Gulf War. You get eleven original/authentic publications (at least 9 being American newspapers), one each for:

French & Indian War, Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Mexican War, Civil War, Spanish-American ... See More  

Wholesale Lot: typically more than one item/set available!

This item is not eligible for free shipping.

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Eighteenth century perspective from England...

Item #559498
THE LONDON GAZETTE, a lot of ten issues of this famous newspaper covering at least 5 decades from the 1700's.  All are in good condition.  A nice way to gain Britain's perspective of world affairs from the 18th century. The image shown is representative of the "look" of what you will receive. Actual issues/dates will vary.

If an image(s) is shown, it is only representative of the style and condition of what you will receive. Actual items will vary.

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Post-Revolutionary War Boston, with John Adams signatures...

Item #559488
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, lot of 5 issues dating from 1797-1801, each containing at least one John Adams signature. Somewhat 2nd-rate but not damaged.  Issues with his signature are increasingly hard to find, and these are priced at a significant discount.

If an image(s) is shown, it is only representative of the style and condition of what you will receive. Actual items will vary.

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The oldest continuously published English language newspaper...

Item #559480
(5) THE LONDON GAZETTE (2nd-rate/dmg.)  A  lot of five issues of the world's oldest continually published English language newspaper, all from the early 1700's (1712-1739), priced at a bargain due to  being a blend of 2nd rate and slightly damaged issues. A great opportunity for authentic issues from the early 18th century at a fraction of their typical cost. The image shown... See More  

If an image(s) is shown, it is only representative of the style and condition of what you will receive. Actual items will vary.

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Pre-Revolutionary War era lot...

Item #559421
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, 1760's  A lot of 10 issues of this famous & popular newspaper at a bargain price.  A good set to show the state of affairs in England and the world shortly before the American Revolution.  All are complete in 8 pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, & are in nice condition.

If an image(s) is shown, it is only representative of the style and condition of what you will receive. Actual items will vary.

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Five British newspapers from the 1760's - 1790's...

Item #559420
(5) An interesting lot of five British newspapers, containing at least three different titles. They span the 1760's thru the 1790's and include at least one from each decade. In average or better condition. Some may have red ink stamps (partial or otherwise). Certainly a one-of-a-kind grouping. The photos are representative of the look and condition of what you will receive.

If an image(s) is shown, it is only representative of the style and condition of what you will receive. Actual items will vary.

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18th century Scotland...

Item #559414
(5) THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, late 1750's and/or early 1760's  A very early lot of five (5) newspapers from Scotland, with news of the day.  A great period set at a considerable discount from the regular per-issue price. Average condition.  The images shown are representative of the look and condition of those you will receive.  While actual dates va... See More  

If an image(s) is shown, it is only representative of the style and condition of what you will receive. Actual items will vary.

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From the 1600's... World's oldest continuously published English language newspaper...

Item #559390
(5) THE LONDON GAZETTE, 1600's (2nd rate)  An opportunity to purchase a lot of 5 issues of the oldest continually published English language newspaper, having started in 1665 and is still publishing today. All are from the late 1600's, priced due to minor imperfections causing them to be 2nd rate. A great opportunity for authentic 17th century newspapers at a fraction of their typical... See More  

If an image(s) is shown, it is only representative of the style and condition of what you will receive. Actual items will vary.

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Item #542869

June 20, 1792

THE MORNING POST AND DAILY ADVERTISER, London, June 20, 1792  The front page of this issue features an article entitled:  "Sailing Match", which discusses the particulars of an upcoming contest.  "The Annual Silver Cup and Cover, given by the Proprietors of Vauxhall Gardens, will be sailed for on Wednesday next...".

This is a complete issue of four pages. A part... See More  

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Item #542868

June 23, 1792

THE MORNING POST AND DAILY ADVERTISER, London, June 23, 1792  The front page of this issue features an article entitled:  "Sailing Match", which discusses the particulars of an upcoming contest.  "The Annual Silver Cup and Cover, given by the Proprietors of Vauxhall Gardens, will be sailed for on Wednesday next...".

This is a complete issue in four pages and is ... See More  

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Edinburgh Scotland in 1785....

Item #538188
THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, 1784-1786  A nice 18th century Scottish newspaper with the entire front page taken up with ads, with various news of the day on the inside pages. Some of the ads have illustrations as well.

  Complete in 4 pages, partial red-inked tax stamp on the front page folio size, some light browning or dirtiness, generally nice condition.

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Item #537802
THE MORNING HERALD, London, 1788  An uncommon title with a partial red-ink stamp. A nice, folio-size newspaper of 4 page with the front page taken up with ads and various news of the day on the inside page, including Parliamentary reports.

Includes a partial red-inked tax stamp on the front page or page 3. Some minor ink staining, generally quite nice. The photo below is "generic" ... See More  

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Print of Malling Abbey...

Item #221088
Gentleman's Magazine, London,  June 1792.  (print only)  This is a single-page engraving of: "Malling Abbey" originally inserted in the June, 1792 issue of this popular magazine. Measures is 5 by 7 1/4 inches and the overall matted size is 9 1/4 x 11 1/4 inches. The matt color is a medium shade of green/grey.

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Ad for the shortest woman in the world....

Item #217610

March 13, 1794

CALEDONIAN MERCURY, Edinburgh, Scotland, March 13, 1794  The front page has a notice announcing an exhibition of Anna Fontaine, The Wonderful Italian Lady described as the: "...shortest women in the world....She is only 28 inches high, 42 years of age, born without hands, arms, or legs, except stumps from her shoulders... Says she can walk unassisted, has three children", plus
... See More  

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Ben Franklin on learning to swim... Holt Castle print...

Item #217171
THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, January, 1779  Inside has nearly two pages on: "Useful Hints For Learning To Swim, In a Letter to a Friend, by Benj. Franklin, L.L.D. F.R.S."

Also within: "On the Fatal Effects of Revenge" and: "On Female Conduct" & so much more. Near the back are news reports of the day but I see no war-related content.

This issue does feature... See More  

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Decorative masthead... late 1700's...

Item #216092
THE NEWCASTLE CHRONICLE, England, 1784-1788 See the photo for the very nice & ornate lettering in the masthead, making this a displayable issue. This is a folio size newspaper of 4 pages which was never bound nor trimmed--difficult to find as such.

Various news of the day & a wealth of ads, and a red-inked tax stamp at the bottom of the front page. Minor wear to the edges and lig
... See More  

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From London, just after the Great London Fire and plague...

Item #215833
THE LONDON GAZETTE, dated in 1667-1669, from London, England.   This is the world's oldest continuously published English language newspaper.  Founded in 1665, this issue is from the earliest years of its existence and from the decade of the Great London Fire and Plague.  The issue shown in the photo is an example of the look and condition of the issue you will receive.&nbs... See More  

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Virginia awaits Parliament's response on taxation...

Item #215539

June 08, 1770

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, June 8, 1770  An inside page has a letter from Virginia which includes: "The colonies wait silently for the determination of parliament concerning the revenue act. They have done all in their power to prohibit or retard the sale of British commodities but a view of our imports will show how ineffectual their efforts have been & how useless &
... See More  

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A nice 1700's American newspaper for display...

Item #213907
THE INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE & UNIVERSAL ADVERTISER, Boston, 1797  News of the day, with most of pages 3 & 4 taken up with various advertisements, several of which are illustrated.

The masthead is very decorative and ornate making it a nice newspaper for display.  Complete in 4 pages and in nice condition.

The image shown is representative of the look and condition of the issue yo... See More  

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Foldout plate of Rheims Cathedral...

Item #212736
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1773  A feature of this issue is the very nice foldout print (in reddish ink) titled: "Elevation and Geometrical Profile of the Abbe Church of St. Nicaise at Rheims". For more on the Rheims Cathedral see the web. The plate measures 8 by 10 1/2 inches and has a related article.

Also a full page plate titled: "Curiosities found in the... See More  

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Item #209152
THE OBSERVER, London, 1797-98 A fine, folio size newspaper of 4 page with various news & ads from the late 18th century, during the time of the Napoleonic war and the action in Egypt & elsewhere. Most of the news is from the United Kingdom but some other European reports as well. Never-trimmed margins and with a red-inked tax stamp on the inside. Some edge wear, generally nice. The photo b... See More  

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From during the French & Indian War...

Item #208979
THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, 1759 A nice Scottish newspaper from this significant year during the French & Indian War, however this issues does not have any noteworthy content relating to the war. But much news of the day, mostly from Europe, and many ads as well. Relatively nice condition with some light browning or dirtiness, small folio-size measuring about 9 1/2 by 14 1/2 inche... See More  

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The first time this title entered our inventory...

Item #208972
THE OLD WHIG OR THE CONSISTENT PROTESTANT, London, 1737 This is a very rare title, and early as well for a folio-size newspaper (measures about 10 by 15 in.) which we have never had the pleasure to offer before in our 30+ years in the rare newspaper business. This title only published for 4 years. There is much news of the day with a few ads near the back of the issue. A red-inked tax stamp appear... See More  

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Item #208968
THE GENERAL EVENING POST, London, 1792  A nice "typical" folio-size newspaper of 4 pages from the 18th century. There is a wealth of news of the day on the front page and inside pages with some ads scattered throughout as well. Some wear at the margins, various light browning & mild wear, generally good. The photo below is "generic" however the issue you receive will h... See More  

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Item #208967
THE GENERAL EVENING POST, London, 1783 A nice "typical" folio-size newspaper of 4 pages from the concluding year of the Revolutionary War, the year in  which the Treaty of Peace was signed. There is a wealth of news of the day on the front page and inside pages with some ads scattered throughout as well. Some wear at the margins, various light browning & mild wear, generally good. The pho... See More  

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From Northampton, England, before the Revolutionary War...

Item #208963
THE NORTHAMPTON MERCURY, England, 1772 This is a very nice, folio-size newspaper of four pages which was never bound nor trimmed with uncommonly wide margins. This is also the first 18th century newspaper we have been able to offer from this part of England. The issue contains various news from throughout Europe with an emphasis on British events with the back page mostly taken up with ads. We do ... See More  

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From Canterbury during the Revolutionary War...

Item #208954
THE KENTISH GAZETTE, Canterbury, England, 1780  This is one of the more decorative & displayable mastheads from the Revolutionary War era to be had. Note the ornate lettering and the engravings on either side of the masthead. The issue is complete in 4 pages, is folio size, has mostly ads on the front page with various news on the inside pages. There are some very minor references to the ... See More  

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Item #208937
THE WORLD, London, 1791 A nice folio-size newspaper of 4 pages with a wealth of ads on the front page and much news of the day on the inside, obviously most focusing on British concerns & politics but other European items as well. Some wear at the margins otherwise rather nice, with an intricate star-shaped engraving in the masthead. The photo below is "generic" but the issue you rec... See More  

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Item #208925
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, London, 1799 I only have a couple of issues of this title from 1798-1799. Complete in 8 pages, measuring about 9 by 12 1/2 inches. Various news both local & throughout Europe with some advertisements as well. Some edge wear, some light dirtiness, generally in good condition. The photo below is "generic" however the issue you receive will have a similar look and w... See More  

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From just prior to the Revolutionary War...

Item #208917
ARIS'S BIRMINGHAM GAZETTE, England, 1772 A nice newspaper of folio-size, four pages, filled with various news & ads of the day. The front page has a partial red-inked tax stamp near the bottom. The first letter in the first column is ornately decorated (see photo).  Soem browning and margin wear but generally nice.  The photo below is "generic" as the actual issue you r... See More  

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Early from Birmingham...

Item #208911
ARIS'S BIRMINGHAM GAZETTE OR THE GENERAL CORRESPONDENT, England, 1747  It is rare to find British newspapers outside of London with such an early date. This is a nice four page newspaper with much news of the day both from England and the rest of Europe. The bottom of the front page has at least a partial red-inked tax stamp. The first letter in the first column is ornately engraved (may ... See More  

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